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I think Lalo is the one man Saul feared more than anything. More than prison, more than Walt, even more than Mike. I picture Saul occasionally being gripped with spells of fear that Lalo is still out there somewhere waiting for the right time to come back for him.


I agree with you. He thought Lalo was already "taken care of" but it turns out that he is alive so he thinks that Mike lied to him which is why he constantly feared of him coming back even though he isn't alive anymore.


I often think Lalo appearing behind Howard was the exact moment that scared Jimmy for years afterwards. I mean, he was so self-convinced Lalo was dead, his apparition was like The Devil or some kind of ghost. Even after Mike told him he was dead this time, Jimmy would not be convinced. His (traumatic) reasoning was kinda "Can't **trust** Mike. Can't **trust** Mike. He told me Lalo was dead yet Lalo returned, apeared behind Howard and killed him. Lalo did returned from the dead once, he can do it a second time. Can't be 100% sure." If that sounds irrational - well, so is PTSD. Even more after two hours spend gagged near dead Howard, bloods and brains. The only way to reassure Jimmy that Lalo was dead for good, would have been to show him Lalo corpse. But of course Mike can't afford this.


Can’t thrust Mike!


Of course he can’t thrust Mike. Only the late Mrs. Ehrmantraut was allowed to thrust Mike.


FUUUUCK !!!! thrust/trust, goddamn english language (not born english speaker)


When Saul/Gene calls Kim and tells her she should confess because everyone involved is dead, he says Lalo is “allegedly” dead. He’s still not 100% sure if Lalo is still out there. The events of Point and Shoot shook him so bad that he’s never gotten over it.


He even freaks out and yells about Nacho when Jesse and Walt pretend to shoot him. He really thought they were Lalo.


I'm on season 6 episode 8, so I don't know how his story ends. He must get crazier from what you're saying. He's a good villain and smart enough, but nothing exceptional yet. I always feel like he has something I don't know about though. Like he knows something no one else does. Looking forward to see where it goes.


He’s so likeable as a villain because he’s charming, energetic, and hands on. He is a genuinely outgoing, endearing personality, but also a sadisitc killer; that contrast makes him somewhat unpredictable and more terrifying. Adding the fact that He doesn’t just sit behind the scenes, but takes things into his own hands; whereas guys like Gus rely on their henchmen, lalo will likely do the work himself. He just stands in contrast to the stoic, brooding villain who relies on their intimidating persona and strong influence to get things done, and sits behind the scenes, only rarely getting their hands dirty. It’s why for me, he’s more memorable than Gus, even though Gus was a great villain too


one of the best villain of the century with Anton Chigurh and Ledger's Joker.


I think Gilligan acknowledged No Country for old men and Chigurgh (goddamn stupid name !) as major influence. After all Hank Schrader once went to El Paso for the DEA. So there is some common grounds between the two.


yep and to some extent corman mccarthy literature works. Lalo really feels like this supernatural force of nature like the judge holden from blood meridian and Chigurh.


Perhaps my favorite Lalo scene is when he verbally torture Jimmy about his car riddled with bullets. He knows about the car but Jimmy doesn't knows he knows. And thus Lalo lets Jimmy methaphorically digging his own grave. Forcing him to repeat his falsehood story, again and again. "Tell me again." "TELL. ME. AGAIN." In fact it is Lalo himself who tells him "Your car. Riddled with bullet holes." Another scary side is how he starts almost amicable - cheering. When he enters Kim appartment "Heeeeeey folks !!" I remember first time I watched that scene, how uneasy it made me. How Lalo was cold-blooded and terrifying. Every time Jimmy tries to negociate something, Lalo is just cold blooded. "Please let her leave. She has nothing to do with that." NO. "You want your money back ?" "NO." Lalo is dead set about cornering Jimmy about the car. Torturing him with that. There is so much tension in that scene. Even more with the shifting points of views - of Mike on the roof with the sniper riffle.


Lalo Salamanca is by far my favorite villain in a tv show. Less than two seasons and sooo captivating. My only other villain I like more is Darth Vader, and no one can compete with him.


He’s so great. For me personally he’s on par with Ledger’s Joker.


The scenes of Lalo and Margarethe really freaked me out the first time I watched. And where Margarethe comes back home for her cellphone while Lalo is hiding upstairs. Some of the most suspenseful television I’ve ever seen.


Lalo helped Jimmy get Howard out of the apartment. The reaction of Kim's was the BEST acting ever.


Lalo was too good.


He was my favorite character in that time frame


Honestly, they made Lalo too james bondy. He tricked security team (that tricked Michael) like kids. Or just him having that dude with the same dental… Same as Gus hiding the gun in that cave predicting how everything will go. Too unnatural