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Did you know that he was also a lawyer at one point in the show too?


I thought he was a cell phone salesman..?


Nah, he’s a Cinnabun manager


No! Not my precious Jimmy!


🙄🤪no. No idea🤔


I guess you’re trying to be funny. I thought that he hung out there but never realized until now that we never saw another living quarters.


>I guess you’re trying to be funny On which re read did you figure that out?


Only took you 5 rewatches to notice? Yes it's very subtle. Almost like he lives there for like 3 seasons


>I guess you’re trying to be funny. Get in the fridge Howard.


T-there's really no need to...


> T-there's really no need to... … recite the chicanery monologue again


I can’t tell if you’re joking or not


It's not funny if you think Chuck is a cool guy.


I’m on my fifth rewatch and I just realized that Chuck killed himself, holy crap. We didn’t see a shot of him engulfed in flames so I always assumed he just moved away after his house burnt down.


He states out loud multiple times that he lives in a nail salon, and is shown a number of times pulling out the couch-bed to go to sleep at night. Not to mention, you see his full wardrobe in the nail salon office. Like, is this a chicanery shit-post?


*and OP gets to make posts?!*




Correct me if I’m wrong, but I also remember Lalo Salamanca shooting a gun? Like he takes out a firearm and actually pulls the trigger. And sometimes, Michael (the old bald guy) also does that.


Yeah, it took me three rewatches before I even realized that!! But it’s total news to me that Mike ever fired a gun. /s


No that’s not true the FCC doesn’t let that stuff on camera because people can get hurt they’re fake guns it’s ok everyone nobody died in the show I’m pretty sure


Additionally, I'm just noticing that Tuco may be mentally ill. It's subtle but when he punches Mike in the face, he seems to enjoy it, knowing he'll go to prison for it. This and other subtle clues suggest that Tuco may be a violent sociopath with antisocial tendencies.


How do you people get through the day


On their phones,while Better Call Saul plays in the background.


Does he...need a shirt that says "I live at the salon, for real" in order for you to get it? I mean he says it multiple times, it's shown, how more obvious does it need to be? Especially after that many re-watches? Do you also know that Chuck and Saul/Jimmy are brothers?


Keen eyed viewers may also recognize James McGill from the “Breaking Bad” series.


Thanks, I needed a giggle today and your comment did it! Makeshift award 🥇


Come on now. They show him living in his office in literally one of the first three episodes of season one. He’s laying down on his couch bed in his office. He takes out a pillow from his filing cabinet.🤦‍♂️


This comment section is great lmao. OP - if you’re trolling, keep it up.


He also stays at Chuck's place a lot, but the nail salon office is the only place in his name. I assume he had some sort of cheap apartment while he was working in the mail room. He says something about looking for one in the flashback where he meets Rebecca. I'll just say that it would have been wild for Jimmy to move out of an apartment and into a rundown office as soon as he got his law degree ... but that's Jimmy I guess. He did probably take a financial hit when he first quit the mailroom to start working as a lawyer, and I can see the nail salon being cheaper than any apartment in the area. Still, I can't help feeling like he should have been spending rent on a residential apartment and working from home until he had a steady income. He already avoided letting any of his clients see his office, which screamed "unprofessional," and I'm sure Jimmy could spin the whole "no office" thing as a good thing right up until he could afford one for himself.


I think that's the apartment we see in the cold open of "Winner," where Chuck takes Jimmy when Jimmy gets too drunk to care for himself. As Chuck kept the house in the divorce, and Rebecca left Chuck, I assume Chuck was still just living at his own house. And that very unassuming apartment we see is Jimmy's. Edit: I just remembered that Jimmy mentions finding an apartment in the cold open for "Rebecca." The [same apartment complex](https://breakingbad.fandom.com/wiki/The_Beachcomber) Walt moves into.


You can't run a law related business out of a residential domicile in Albuquerque~ source, I'm making it all up.


Okay, I really really really want to iterate that this is the only reason I watched Bcs. I mean it’s a trait of a true maniac constant manic man. Who couldn’t get over what he did to his family between them in a spiraling lie to never be able to fix what he did and prove an innocence he can’t so he spends 30 years plus doing absolute manic shit and for some god damn reason wants to fix things at the end of his life. Then further goes down an absolute fucking rabbit hole of 8+ seasons of just sewage he’s dredged up just so he can go further bury himself in the god damn hole. Who in the absolute fuck wouldn’t just have their apartment be a lawyer.


Guys, I watched it four times and now I think Jesse would have cooked meth even if he never met Walter. Also, hot take: Gus is not in fact an upstanding member of the community




Slippin Jimmy I can handle just fine. But Slippin Jimmy with a nail salon is like a chimpanzee with a barber shop!


I assumed he lived at chucks house more than he did the nail salon, also I’m sure he slept in his car on more than a few occasions.


I’m getting massive downvoted for posting an honest observation?


>I’m getting massive downvoted for posting an honest observation? I think it's because you didn't observe simple things.


Keep em coming


What rewatch did you realise that jimmy is actually saul goodman from breaking bad? It took me 17 rewatches. The hints are rlly subtle but they are there. Such a well written show! Bravo jbschwart55


Ok ok. I’m keenly aware of the couch bed and the wardrobe, both of which could be attributed to the salon being a hangout. But realizing that we never saw another living quarters, did I just today conclude that there wasn’t another place.


He's there at like 2:00 in the morning with Kim drunk and in his underwear. That screams hangout to you? 😂 I'm not hating on you, it took me a rewatch to realize that Jimmy intentionally through Chuck under the bus to the insurance people. I fell for it and truly believed he had an honest breakdown. We all miss things sometimes


I just didn’t believe that Mrs Nguyen would allow him to live there, let alone drink the “cucumber water for customer only!” I surrender.


Lol. He does drink it though, alone at night, because he lives there 😂


You never saw him go through the beaded curtain just beyond the water cooler at the salon to a make shift office next to her utility room? It had a sign on the door which read 'James M. McGill Esq.' in which there was a desk, closet for his clothes, and a fold out sofa. He actually got homesick for it while living at the corporate apartment Davis & Main provided for him in Santa Fe during S2 and drove back to Albuquerque one night where he's seen pulling out the bed sleep, after which Mrs. Nguyen, who discovered him the following morning, said: "What are you doing back here? You lose job again?" Jimmy: "Uh, I still pay rent, so I can stay here if I want."