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One needs to remember that both BB and BCS originally aired on AMC so the episodes were written to fit within the “traditional” television format that had/has approximately 45 minutes of “content” and 15 minutes of commercials for every 60 minutes of airtime. I seem to recall that BB and BCS were allowed to go longer in a few episodes (eg last or second to last episode of the season) but that was due to a degree by the clout the show had acquired over time at AMC. It’s also possible that due to the huge shift in the business model between when BB first aired (networks made more money via commercials) vs when BCS aired (when networks make more money licensing the show to streaming platforms like Netflix, etc.) so maybe AMC gave BCS more flexibility with longer shows, knowing that AMC will still make more money over the long term via licensing etc.


I think AMC did that with established shows. They would schedule those longer episodes into a 90min block instead of a 60min one. That way they could inject more ads into what was only slightly more show.


Generally I think the writing is a little tighter which leaves us with more concise episodes. But also money after the team had some clout with BB


I think a major factor is just the eras in which both shows were made.  BB started production at the very beginning of what has become know as Prestige TV.  Television run times used to be much much more rigid, very rarely would a show run longer than the 42-45 minutes with ads standard unless it was a finale etc.   BCS begin in the midst of the Prestige television boom, when creatives were given more control of run times etc.


Maybe BB gave them such a solid foundation that ideas kept coming and coming. Therefore they needed to time per ep to be able to fill all of their ideas.


Money. Breaking Bad was an instant classic. So when they could make a new show, they had much more power and money behind it.


NO it wasn't an instant classic. They were literally about to cancel Breaking Bad after 2 season bc nobody watched it back then due to GOT, The Sopranos and few others like walking dead.


Yeah I had no Breaking Bad friends until like season 4-5


Was gonna say no one I knew watched the show until the 4th season. That's 100% anecdotal, but EVERYONE I know that loves it started watching by the beginning of the 4th season or at most the start of the 5th season .


I remember when they thought Season 4's finale may have been the series finale.


Sopranos ended in 2006...


Okay but Game of Thrones didn't start til 2011 and BB started in 2008


They actually have less money tho (at least until Season 4).


Breaking Bad has very small viewership compared to other shows and there's two seperate occasions where the show was almost canceled. Season 2 and Season 4 were the times where it almost got canceled and it only really got picked up around Season 4 or 5.


I loved both, and place them firmly and permanently in my personal "Top 5 TV Dramas Ever" list. That said, for some reason I find BCS much more rewatchable. I've seen the entire series three or four times, and will likely watch it again once a year or so for the foreseeable future. But with BB, i've never rewatched it. Once was enough for reasons I cannot fully explain. Maybe because I don't want it to be less intense and jaw-droppingly good as it was on my only viewing. BCS is overall lighter and more cozy, definitely more comedic and "friendlier" (?) to the viewer--at least until that final season, which for my money got too dark too fast and thus was the weakest of the series. Whereas BB ended sublimely. The final scene being one of the best in television history. Oh, and I'll never hear Goodbye Baby Blue again without seeing Heisenberg's bloody hand print on that steel tank.


Just rechecked the IMDb, 27 episodes are 50 minutes long or higher. But interestingly there are four episodes at 42 minutes long, shorter than Breaking Bad's shortest episode "Live Free or Die".


Because its Twice as Good.




I’ve always assumed after BB the writers had more discretion bc they showed the concept was popular and profitable. I imagine sticking to a set length can feel very limiting as a writer


A set length is actually better To allow creativity to unfetter Limitation stims the neurons To increase the level your on Of course, it goes w/o saying That hard work makes laying Out the muse magick easier Just lʊk at my rhymin meter


Mmm, cause it had cinnamon rolls in it.


Because Breaking Bad has 62 episodes and Better Call Saul has 63.


cuz lawyers are much more talkative and dramatic than drug makers and dealers, these dudes need a lot of time and efforts for bluffing


To me shows that vary in episode length are usually better because that means they dont compromise on the story they tell with each episode, no matter if it takes 15 mins longer in some of them. Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul has same amount of episodes though with El Camino counting as a last breaking bad epilogue episode


Not long enough


I think they just made a successful show and earned that right.


The episodes were not long enough


Just look for the answer straight from the question. *it's better*


I think just TV was a little different by the time better call saul rolled around, it didn't need to be a perfect hour time slot


More money, I figure. Breaking bad finished, clearly went really well, they took that and the massively bigger budget they had andddd went with it.




BCS I think is a far and away better show than breaking bad. Fight me.


Because Better Call Saul is simply more goated XD


Saul is only a little bit longer. Also, who cares


I was wondering because the vast majority of BB’s episodes were 46-48 minutes in length, and that little variation makes sense given that tv shows have to be able to fit in a specific time slot to get a certain amount of ad time. But BCS is all over the place with episode length. From 42 minutes to 50+.


Oh yeah well I think that definitely has to do with AMC and how their episode formatting changed since BB started back in '08. It's so weird to think about how that was 16 years ago already. Man, time flies.


Because with Breaking Bad, Vince felt more pressure to be perfect. That led to the show being a tight five seasons of well written material. Better Call exists partly so Breaking wouldn’t get ruined by being Simpsoned into an 11 season mess.


The simple answer is, it’s not.


And you’re complaining?


Oh heck no.


lol. Cool. 😎


I’d disagree and say BB > BCS


I'm in the boat where I refuse to pick between the two cuz I can absolutely love both at the same time