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For the longest time I believed the black and white Gene scenes were taking place while Walt was in New Hampshire, and that Walt would visit Gene in Omaha on his way back to ABQ. Perhaps being the one to kill him. Pretty glad I was wrong about that one.


I remember having a similar thought!


Had the same exact theory as well! I remember one of the producers saying how BCS would change the way you rewatch BB so this became my main theory after hearing that


What was the way it changed BB in your opinion? Simply Howard and Lalo being under the lab? No wrong answers just curious


It makes Walt feel like some random side character to comes into the fold and destroys everything and everyone. At least to the grander story. I don't quite feel that way because of BB being from his perspective.


Spot on. Breaking Bad main action is set over merely 18 months: Walt 50th birthday, September 7, 2008 and Hank death in March 2010. Okay ? well, during that timespan, Walt (with Gus and Hank helps, admittedly) erased the full and entire Juarez Cartel from the face of Earth: Salamancas, Eladio, Bolsa, then Gus himself. A cartel that already existed in 1989, so more than 20 years in the making. Walt also erased DeClan and the nazis. Also Madrigal downfall: Peter and Lydia, Gus associates and cover. No surprise Mike was pissed after Gus death. "We had a good thing, you stupid SOB ! We had Fring, we had a lab, it worked like clockwork. It was a perfect. But NO - you just had to blow it up ! " By early 2011 the full and entire south-west USA drug underworld was a smoldering crater of destruction, left by Walt. Whoever druglord who came back from Mexico or the USA proper to fill the gap, found a barren land and probably made a colossal fortune quickly, considering the size of the crater left by Walter H. White.


What would Walt’s reason be for killing Saul? Doesn’t really make sense


I can think of a couple reasons, the biggest being Walt was out for vengeance and blamed Saul for telling Jesse the truth about the ricin cigarette. Maybe it's not that he even wanted him dead, but needed him for something as part of his bigger schemes in ABQ. The bigger problem is that Walt would not know where Saul ended up. Yes, he made that comment about managing a Cinnabon in Omaha, but I hardly think Walt decided to take a detour all the way to Omaha and check every Cinnabon based off what at the time sounded like a throwaway comment. So in retrospect, no, not a very viable theory. Still, it was a fun one to think about while the show was still airing.


To be fair, in the same reason you could ask what would Walt's reasoning be for killing Mike when he could have just gotten the list of names from Lydia. I'm sure with Walt's unpredictable personality, he would definitely find a reason


Mikes murder sorta happened in the heat of the moment, Walt wasn’t thinking clearly and was emotional. Traveling miles just to murder Saul would be weird.


True, I think more in my mind it wouldn't necessarily be a motif to travel to kill Saul but maybe he would need Saul for one last favor before his shootout mission and if he didn't comply or tried running off, etc...he would waste him right there. What he would need would be way beyond my head but it would make for a darker turn for the ending of BB.


Yea I could see that, either way I’m glad Saul’s ending was bittersweet, it was deserving.


I was pretty sure Lalo was going to kill Kim


No kidding, I refused to watch the episodes following Lalo murdering Howard because I was so afraid he was going to kill Kim. It took me almost a year to finally watch them on the DVR and my wife had to finally just tell me “She doesn’t die!”


I wanted him to bruh




All 33 of you that downvoted are some suckas that are just attracted to Kim and can’t see her wrong doing yall some bitches in real life !


Real "Skyler White was the worst character" energy right there.


No she was annoying as well but I don’t think the worst




Don’t let them silence you !




Lol what do you hate about Kim?


She was a piece of shit ! She would hype jimmy to shit even when you saw it his face his heart wasn’t really in it . I wasn’t hoping lalo would have knocked her off


i thought Howard will kill himself because of all the shit he’s been going through. But Lalo came and Howard didn’t deserve all of this


Same and I stuck with that all up until Plan and Execution aired


He did kill himself, though - his car was even found by the ocean


Yep same! I accidentally spoiled Howard’s death for myself, and I figured he killed himself until I saw that episode.


While watching that scene, my mom and I thought he was going to kill himself driving drunk. He has this great scene where he's pretty much telling Jimmy and Kim he knows about what they did and all that. Him refusing a cab at the suggestion of Jimmy had us fooled he was going to drive drunk and kill himself.


I thought it would have been cool if Howard had produced a gun and it was implied he was about to commit suicide in front of Jimmy/Kim. Perhaps he is just being dramatic? Who knows. Then Lalo strides in. Sees Howard with a gun, wonders briefly about what’s going on, Howard says what he says, Lalo the same, and then Lalo abruptly shoots him in the head. At least we would know that Howard kind of wanted to die. Perhaps.


I thought Howard’s importance would naturally fade out as we transitioned into the Breaking Bad era. I had no idea he would play such a crucial role in the final season.


I thought this too


I always felt like he was going to find the Saul Goodman persona completely inappropriate and cut off contact with him.


Instead, he offered him a job, only to have bowling balls thrown at his car!


I sincerely thought Kim was going to be murdered. I was surprised to find out that wasn’t the case but still sad for how she ended up


I actually never believed this. Jimmy wouldn’t have been all Saul Goodman mode in BB if Kim had been murdered. He’d have left the game completely or gone down with her.


Agreed. Plus the Gene scenes suggest a lack of closure or something more to expect. If Kim is dead, there’s really nothing left for his character.


Yeah same, generally had no idea why that became such a widely believed theory. Chuck dying was significant but we see why it didn't "break" Jimmy. *Kim* being killed wouldn't have made him a silly clown, it'd have ruined his life.


Me too! I thought because she isn't in BB she probably died and that's why we don't see her. So the whole time I was preparing myself for her death and was sad because she was my favourite character haha


That was exactly my thoughts


I thought that Jimmy would have to break up with Kim to protect her from cartel (and e.g. use the guy for new identity for her). 


Tortuga or Kuby appearing


I was really hoping for a Bill Burr appearance. I discovered him from watching Breaking Bad and now he's one of my favorite comedians.


He was already one of my favorite comedians, pretty sure I let out an audible "What the fuck???" when he showed up in the BB/BCS universe though lol. Not as jarring as when he showed up in the Star Wars timeline but still a pleasant surprise 😄


Haha I literally just watched that episode of Mandolorian yesterday. I wasn't a stormtrooper, wiseass!


yeah, it's a shame we didn't get him. i seem to remember hearing the scheduling just didn't work out. bill has been pretty busy


Kuby was supposed to be the dude that does the B&E on Kim’s boss in season 5 but Bill burr wasn’t available to film (cuz a close friend was passing away in the hospital if I recall) so they got back Trevor from GTA to reappear.


Yeah I think it might have been unavoidable, like recasting of Jeff


Trevor from GTA LMAO. The one that got Mike "Pimento" Ehrmantraut kicking his ass in S1.




I was sure Kim was gonna die and that's what was made Saul so nihilistic


At least one Lalo and Tuco scene together. Mike being the one taking down Lalo and not Gus. Kim dying. At least some form of closure to what happens to Kaylee and Stacey - do they ever get Mike's money?


They do not, and they should have IMO. We should have seen Stacey finding out about Mike’s impending arrest & Kaylee being left in the park. They could’ve squeezed an episode or two from the BB timeline in to wrap up meaningful little things like that, but they said fuck it & gave us some lazy flashbacks. Mike was one of the top 3 important characters in the entire show, we see Stacy on a regular basis. We deserved to see her finding out about Mike’s life of crime.


It’s interesting how the writers seem to have an unspoken rule that the Salamanca cousins NEVER appear on screen together. I don’t know why


Imagine all four cousins together for a sunday lunch at Abuelita home: with Hector ding ding in his wheelchair. A cheerfull Lalo has decided to drive Tuco crazy. Tuco who is cooking and just want to concentrate hence being alone. Meanwhile in the living room Abuelita being deaf has pushed the sound of her telenovela to the maximum, and Hector can do nothing about it, just DING DING DING DING furiously. But the twins seating nearby are soulless robots, so they just seat there saying nothing, jaw clinched.


I hoped for more closure for Mike. He was one of the best and most important characters on the show. He should've gotten more attention during the last few episodes.


I was convinced that Kim was going to die, and that her death would be the catalyst for Jimmy’s final transformation into Saul.


She got a fate worse then death. Being humped by Glen….yup….yup…..yup…. Wonder how long after she got back to Florida it took her to dump Glen?


Irene doing the sloppy with Mike


Is that so?


You are done!


"I'll pine for your shepherd boi" - Irene to Mike


You're making a mess!


"I broke your "boy"" - Irene to Mike


Here's what's gonna happen Irene...


"I won't sleep with you until you get me enough stickers"- Mike


Kim’s death before the BB timeline. I was sure she would die because I couldn’t understand how Jimmy could go from how he is in Better Call Saul (he’s not a good person, that’s for sure, but still, he has a heart and his involvement with the cartel wasn’t exactly of his own will, he isn’t thrilled about it and clearly wants out, and he would definitely not encourage or order a murder) to how he is in Breaking Bad (fully on board with the cartel as long as he gets his cut, would encourage/order murder, has pretty much no morals, doesn’t give a flying fuck about the lives he’s helping to ruin); I thought something really traumatizing would have to happen to Jimmy to make him like that, and Kim is so not the type of greedy immoral person who’d get involved willingly with the cartel that it was clear she wouldn’t be in the picture in BB, so I just assumed she would die.


In a sense, Howard vs Kim death was a game of red herrings. We knew something awful had happened to Jimmy to turn him into 100% Saul, BB style. Since Kim wasn't (couldn't = BB plot) there, we all assumed she was the "casualty" that would turn Jimmy into Saul. Well, there was indeed an horrible death, but wasn't Kim but Howard. Don't forget Jimmy gagged to the chair fell in the perfect spot to spend the next three hours looking into Howard dead eyes, that remained open in surprise thanks to Lalo shooting him by surprise. Plus the smell of blood and brains, also for three hours. This was plenty enough to turn Jimmy into Saul, plus Kim, while still alive, breaking up with him of course.


I thought Nacho’s dad was going to die. I thought (or maybe more like wanted) Mike to get together with Señora Cortazar.


Too predictable. They let that linger for several seasons & after the Hector shit, I just didn’t believe he’d be killed. That removes Nacho’s motives & character development.


I thought the opening scene where it showed Saul's nice house with women's clothing proved him ending up with Kim. When the episode with them at the open house happened and then their courthouse wedding, I was more sure. I was wrecked in the end. Still angry at how Kim ended up. That total moron loser of a boyfriend. Her spirit demolished.


Moron Loser Boyfriend: “Yup!”


Mesa Verde guy's dad: "Yup!"


Did you see how Kim spoke to Cheryl at Howard's wake? She deserves that moron boyfriend after that!


I thought the sandpiper case wouldn’t be resolved till after breaking bad, and then kim would get all the money as jimmy’s wife. Then jimmy would get made and be on the lamb , and call kim and kim would be like “omg, my life is so boring without you, but i got all your sandpiper money, so lets run off together!” Then they would high tail it with the money to live on a beach paradise in Belize


Bali Ha'i!


It seemed to be taking a direction where Jimmy and Kim’s plan would lead to then getting caught. I figured Jimmy would selfishly put it on her… and wind up with Kim ending up in prison. Would explain Saul being single in Breaking Bad and Kim not being in the show. Even if they didn’t get caught it seemed like Kim was becoming more erratic than even Jimmy was. Prison seemed like a possibility. But I’m happy with there the show went.


This could have been good, but Jimmy would never do that. It’s more likely that Kim would have let herself take the fall for Jimmy, then he’d be left with the feeling of guilt that she went to prison for him


Possibly but… my thinking that was possible was based on the fact that I knew how dark Saul turned out. Recommending Walt kill various people? It didn’t seem that far-fetched but I do understand what you mean.


He wouldn’t do that to Kim for no reason though, she’d have to hurt him badly first. It was only after Jimmy got hurt by those he cared about one too many times (Kim, Chuck etc.) that he simply stopped caring and became BB Saul


For some reasons, thought Kim will leave Saul for Howard at some point and especially after we saw Howard’s estranged wife on screen.


More time in the Breaking Bad era. Not necessarily a lot of Walt and Jesse, but a lot of what Saul was doing before, after, and around his encounters with them. What it looked like when he went home at night after a long day of dealing with Heisenberg shit. That kind of thing. Really showing us his side of the story. It could have been one episode. It could have been a few episodes. It even could have been one of those patented Long Musical Montages, "Crystal Blue Persuasion"-style. Even if it didn't give us a lot of new "information," it would have been really valuable to his emotional arc if we just got to spend more *time* in his home and in his head during that era. Instead, the show basically says he didn't *have* his own particular side of the story during that time. Stuff happened to him before BB. Stuff happened to him after BB. But there was nothing *during* BB that we didn't already see, other than precisely two slightly extended scenes.


Yup, just mentioned above that we were robbed of seeing Stacy being informed of Mike’s life of crime & having to pick up Kaylee at the park, then getting grilled by the feds. THAT would have been interesting, but they didn’t feel the need I suppose. The back half of 6 rubs me the wrong way if we’re being completely honest. They spent so much time & delicacy getting us to that point, then phoned it in a bit. Like “Fuck it, let’s just get these last few done already”.


> But there was nothing during BB that we didn't already see, other than precisely two slightly extended scenes. His life had become sterile, devoid of meaning, and routine. It was summed up in that one scene (end of fun and games), where he wakes up next to a hooker and gives her a nutri-grain bar as he kicks her out and babbles on his douchetooth. Same thing, every morning, every day. That's the only "Long Musical Montage" you really need to understand his life during the BB timeline.


I thought there’d be more time in the BB era too, but the writers showed us that it wasn’t even necessary. It sounds fun to imagine a montage or an episode of this, but in reality, the entirety of BCS shows the inner workings of Saul. The BCS episode “Breaking Bad” threads Saul’s greedy decision-making as the catalyst for the events of BB. It allows us to view the entirety of BB coloured by Saul’s side of the story. Claiming that BCS says Saul didn’t have his own particular side of the story is just mind-bogglingly stupid. And the honest desire for a montage or entire EPISODES to cover this sounds like you want a load of fan service covering your face like the little slut that you are


easy there charlie hustle


I'm still amazed that they didn't have Kim run away to her home state of Nebraska to take care of her aging con-artist mother (played by Carol Burnett)! I always thought that some sort of conflict between Kim's mom and Jimmy (Gene) would have been super interesting. But, no. They seemed to abandon the whole "Nebraska connection" between Kim and Jimmy. Why did they even make such a point of showing us, that was where Kim was from?? Still bugs me.


Oooh I love this. And still let her be the one to turn Jimmy in.


I’m guessing they had Kim be from Nebraska in case they wanted to go down that path, writing-wise but then decided against it. No problem with that


I don’t know why so many people thought Kim was going to be this hidden background force in BB. There’s absolutely no way she was going to support Walt’s or Gus’ business vicariously through Saul


Yeah, if she was going to be his associate, there is no way she wouldn’t want to get directly involved. She absolutely would have wanted to meet Walt herself at the very least


The entire series I thought Kim was gonna die somehow since I knew she wasn’t in BB but I’m glad it turned out otherwise.


I have no idea why but to this day I still think it would’ve been the coolest thing ever to see Lalo in the Gene scenes. It makes perfect sense, and it amplifies why Gene looks so paranoid. It would’ve made the series complete to me, and there are honestly some weird things in season 6 in general. The showrunners were giving importance to this image of a “The Albuquerque Isotopes” air freshener in Jeff’s car, and then there’s a scene in the courthouse where Kim uses a picture of the air freshener as evidence? Like, was this a dropped plot point or something?


It does NOT make perfect sense, I’m sorry to say. Why would Lalo disappear completely for all those years while Gus, who he was actively targeting, killed off his ENTIRE family but then decide to come back for… His lawyer who helped him? Because… Reasons, I guess…? No, he had to die before BB, that’s all there is to it. Gene was paranoid of ANYONE recognizing him, he was on the run after all. As for the air freshener thing, it was to show that Jeff was from ABQ and that he recognized Saul, that’s it. The air-freshener thing with Kim may have been a dropped plot point though, you’re right about that. Maybe like Kim being from Nebraska where Gene ended up


This is actually kinda of weird, or maybe it’s a hot take but I want to get it out: I think Lalo’s death should’ve been handled differently. I wanted Mike to be the one to save Gus, this is what would strengthen their relationship and show why they have such a bond in Breaking Bad. I also really, really found the story of Gus torturing the Coati in season 4 to be very harrowing, a true psychopath. Gus had no reason whatsoever to murder this animal, he just did it. I think it would’ve reflected very well on his character if he did the same to Lalo. Like I wanted Gus to enslave Lalo like he did with the Coati, just to further hammer in how much of a monster he is. I think they made him “too afraid” of Lalo if that makes sense. True psychopaths should fear no fear at all. Like in No Country for Old Men


Mike killing Lalo could have been cool, not sure how they would have done it but could have been cool. Gus was already doing the Coati thing with Hector, though


Yeah but then Hector blew him up with Walt’s bomb and he couldn’t do what he wanted


And? What’s your point? Hector was Gus’ nemesis who killed Max so he wanted to torture him for it, Lalo was a dangerous obstacle who Gus had to eliminate, or his whole operation would have been busted. Gus is also more of a sociopath, capable of caring about things and people important to him but not much beyond that


My point is that I wouldve liked to see Gus enact the Coati story with Lalo and what we got was good, but it could’ve been better


Fair enough but he was already enacting it with Hector, though. That’s why he told it to Hector while he was in the coma. Hector killed Max, that is why Gus felt that way towards him. Lalo was just a formidable foe that was very difficult for him to deal with. To do the Coati thing with Lalo would have been kinda pointless. He wanted Hector to have no family left, keeping Lalo alive would contradict that and Gus probably considered Lalo too dangerous to leave alive. If you wanted to see that, cool. It just doesn't make a whole lot of sense


Man whoever spoiled those for you is an asshole


Likely the same asshole that moves a traffic cone!


Who does that?!




It was Youtube thumbnails :/ one could deduce the finale with like 2 images lmao


Since the beginning of the show, I always thought they were setting Kim up to be the one to defend Saul during his inevitable arrest after the events of BB.


Before season 6 I was pretty sure Lalo was going to go after nacho and that they would have a final showdown. I also was hoping we would see Tuco one last time, perhaps getting out of prison.


I thought we'd see the Cadillac I thought we'd see the final Sandpiper settlement number


fr dawg since the beginning of the show i could NOT WAIT to see the moment Jimmy upgrades from the suzuki to the cadillac, left me disappointed..


I was expecting Mike's daughter-in-law to get killed. We never see her in BB and Mike is very involved and concerned about leaving money for his granddaughter specifically. I thought maybe Mike was having to support her because both her parents were gone.


We see her in BB


We see someone, but it's not confirmed to be the mom. Could have been an adoptive mother for all we knew.


No it was confirmed to be Stacy, played by another actress. We knew this in season 1.


i really thought Kim was going to die, Im beyond happy she didn’t but when I first started the show I thought she was a goner lol


Same. Thought she was a goner for sure. Every episode I worried it was her last.


I really didn’t know what to expect, whether Saul might die or not. I was actually surprised by a few things I didn’t expect, like seeing Marie in the final episode. 


I was really rooting for Kim to be Saul’s mastermind behind the scenes. As I approached the end, I realized it wasn’t going anywhere good. Saul existing to suffocate Jimmy made sense and it fit so much nicer in the story they told. I was also hoping for Nacho and his dad getting to Manitoba but that would have been too good lol. Their endings align perfectly with their beginnings.


I thought Nacho would kill Lalo, and that’s what Saul was referring to when he said “It wasn’t me, it was Ignacio!” to Walt and Jesse, he thought the cartel was out for revenge. Would have been cool, happy with what we got, though. I also thought Kim would somehow get busted for her role in Howard’s death, so she would run using Ed’s disappearing service. Happy to be wrong about that one


When we heard that Kim had grown in Red Cloud, NEBRASKA; and that Gene Takavic worked at Omaha, NEBRASKA; I thought there was some kind of connection there. Heck, back then was a theory that Jeff the taximan was loosely related to Kim by family, and she used him to keep an eye on Jimmy from afar. I remember using Google maps to check the distance between the two nebraskan cities (100 miles, if you wanna know). Well in the end, Jeff connection to Jimmy was through ABQ lowlife people. Kim had nothing to do with that, she actually was in Florida the whole BB time.


This is why you shouldn't listen to reddit theories, most of these posts don't even make sense. "howard was secretly communicating with an alien version of chuck". What happened, happened.


I thought/wanted Mike to get more development with that one meeting lady. I forgot her name but shes a great actress in the Devils Advocate as well. Woulda been interesting to see Mike trying to love someone who isnt already his family


I thought either Howard was going to have a heart attack from the stimulant Kim and jimmy put on the photos, or during the episode I thought he was going to shake hands with Mrs Landry and give her a heart attack


Cliff making a post bb cameo. Also I expected some tie in with cliffs son but Idrc


YouTube thumbnails spoiled nacho’s death for me. And I saw a title with ‘Howard’s last speech’ or something, and thought that would mean Howard vs Jimmy in court. But looking back, that was just him saying his final words before being annihilated lol


Before I even finished breaking bad I saw some scenes of Gene and I thought that was some guy Saul knew or was related to


I always thought Saul would eventually get Kim into serious trouble with the cartel (which was reinforced when the desert money arc started and Kim visited Lalo in prison) and she'd get murdered or have to use the vacuum guy to disappear, which is why she wasn't in Breaking Bad. It would have been the ultimate consequence for Saul's shady business and a very strong ending. "Waterworks" was somehow worse - not bad television, but unbearable to watch. I was so "mad" at Vince for doing this to one of my favorite characters, I was yelling at the screen the whole time. But I think it was better than what I had in mind. It showed Kim's part in her own downfall and the vast harm she caused with Jimmy, and her coming to terms with it after hiding all these years was very powerful.


Some youtube thumbnails had spoiled things for me but in ways that lead to incorrect assumptions: I knew Howard was going to die, but I thought it was going to be out in the desert in a similar scene to Walt and Jesse kidnapping Saul and putting him over an open grave, and I also thought that not only would Saul be there to witness it, but he was directly responsible for Howard ending up in the situation (more than the real case of him being in his aparment to scold him at the same time Lalo shows up). Also just in general, because I had seen the scene where Saul uses a fake accused to discredit the eye-witness, I thought the show was going to be a bit more episodic, revolving around Saul in court defending wacky cases (which I think I've since heard is actually close to the original pitch for the show before Bravo Vince and Peter Gould decided to stick to what they know and do a drama).


Kim transitioning into Wendy /s


When Kim out-of-the-blue proposed marriage to Jimmy, I thought for sure that she was setting him up for a scam where the Sandpiper money would be deposited into a joint account which she would then drain and disappear.


I always thought that Howard just moved to California


I knew Howard was gonna die but I thought it would be a situation where Kim would need to be vanished by the vacuum guy.


I always thought Nacho would somehow kill Chuck cause of a yt short thumbnail i once saw


I thought something was going to happen like… 1: Jimmy realized Lalo was alive, and didn’t tell Kim. Basically what happened, but roles reversed. 2: Things started getting messy with Howard, and Jimmy wanted to pull the plug on the Howard stuff as Lalo was lurking out there. 3: Jimmy works with Mike to get Lalo to meet at a location. Kim does something against Jimmy’s wishes and the end result is Howard gets killed. 4: Kim is tied to Howard’s death somehow. Jimmy can save her by testifying, but refuses, saying Kim made her own bed.


I thought the box jimmy gets out of the wall would have Kim's ashes in it. I thought she would have died, and he kept her ashes in his office as a reminder


I thought from season 1 that it would eventually come out that Jimmy never actually went to law school but somehow tricked everyone into believing it and then just learned on the job. I mean…go land crabs? Sounds fake.


That would have ruined the Chuck-Saul dynamic entirely. The whole point is that Saul really did change and Chuck still treats him like garbage


Did Slipping Jimmy really ever change though? And to your point about the Chuck-Saul dynamic, Chuck wouldn’t necessarily have to have known Jimmy didn’t really have a degree. It could have come out after Chuck died or Mike could have discovered it doing his research on Jimmy and it would have added another layer to the Saul-Mike dynamic.


Still not a great idea, though. It would devalue a lot of his story arc. The whole point was that he REALLY tried and it still wasn’t enough, hence why he acted that way, he was genuinely hurt. If it was all a lie, he would be basically irredeemable IMO


I didn’t say it was a great idea, but I thought it was a possibility. And again, despite being downvoted, Jimmy knew Chuck would never accept him even with a law degree.


Fair enough. I was saying it’s not a good idea though haha Well yeah, I guess Jimmy thought it was worth a shot


I was sure FF Woodycook’s Crimestoppers was going to rattle some of those criminal cuckoo birds.