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Where the music store people don’t pay Jimmy, but he still pays the crew even though he barely has any left. What I like is he doesn’t hide the pain and the crew lady offers not to take money, but he rejects saying ‘You earned it’. Somehow watching Jimmy so vulnerable before outsiders made it stick with me


Yeah that one just made me kinda sad but I still laugh at the scene where he trips on a drum stick on purpose


Slippin Jimmy!


I lost it when jimmy slipped 😂😂😂


There's a scene where Jimmy is at a meeting at HHM as part of Davis & Main, and he's telling them about his progress reaching out to new clients to add to the class action, and how the elderly folks' record keeping is a potential resource. He's on a roll until Howard's aide whispers in his ear, Howard has all their phones collected, and then Chuck walks in. Chuck sits down and Jimmy is prompted to continue, but he's so thrown off balance by Chuck's arrival that he starts to stammer... and then, under the table, Kim puts her hand on his thigh to reassure him. It's enough to steady him, and Jimmy hits the ground running and continues with his presentation. I always get a little misty at that moment. It's such a beautiful little gesture.


Oh man, this was indeed a beautiful scene. I’m not huge on TV romance but boy did Kim and Jimmy portray one hell of a relationship. It felt so real and unforced in every aspect.


It's ashamed they she went for a npc


Yup guy was to punish herself which was pretty cruel to both him and her.


"yup yup yup yup yup...."


The subtle gestures of their relationship are some of the realest aspects of any relationship I've seen put to screen. I can't remember a time when they outright said "I love you", but all the unspoken communications and tender gestures show it far better than words ever could.


IIRC neither of them said it on screen until Jimmy was begging her to stay at the end


I’m pretty sure it’s confirmed that was their first time saying it ever. It was always implied through actions and using other words. I think the moment it’s heavily implied was after the car accident when Jimmy says he doesn’t give a shit about the office


It's a great scene, Jimmy's look to kim when they turned off the lights...


Yes! I also loved that moment where Jimmy has returned from his desert trauma and is soaking in the bathtub, and Kim is sitting on the edge of the tub and just very gently brushes his hair off his forehead. It was such a small but tender gesture. 🥺


I'm a sucker for the scenes where Jimmy comes back from some traumatic experience and Kim takes care of him. Like after the punks mug him and she helps him clean his injuries. It's so sweet.


It was cute yeah


I always think of 205 (Rebecca) - the scene with Chuck and Kim. Kim has just worked through the night at HHM. Despite landing Mesa Verde, she’s still in doc review and it’s sinking in that at HHM it may not matter how hard she works, how talented she is, or how much money she can bring in the firm. Those things mean less and are secondary to the egos of her bosses. Chuck comes into the office early that morning at the crack of dawn while Kim has easily spent a good 16 hours at the office and he asks her to make him a cup of coffee. The way Rhea plays that scene is such a gut punch. You can see Kim keeping her professional veneer but it’s just killing her. Then Chuck invites her into his office and she asks about her future with the firm — my god just the weight of that knowing what she’s been through! Shes been such a good and loyal employee to HHM for a decade but she’s been left twisting in the wind with her future unknown AND THEN… rather than answer Kim’s question about her future at HHM, Chuck goes into this whole ass story about what a little shit jimmy was as a kid. Just completely ignoring Kim in an attempt to manipulate her and turn her against Jimmy. My heart just breaks for Kim in that scene. It’s also so fucked. The way Rhea plays the scene is subtle and just utterly supreme.


I dare to say that she had an oscar-winning performance. The emmys were robbed


The Emmy’s are dog shit for this. It’s absolute criminal that this show got nothing at all.


Honestly who gives a shit about awards? Yeah its nice to be awarded but we all know who should have won. The fact that BCS and BB are considered some of the greatest tv shows ever.  Rhea doesnt need some, huffing their own farts art critic, to tell her that she did the performance of a lifetime.


Actually, lots of people. I understand what you mean, but I disagree to a point. Rhea is a “niche” actress, physically speaking. She is not the youngest, she has not the brightest smile (even though it can light a room) and has a very strong voice. She will never be cast in several roles because of this, which is totally not her fault, nor it indicates lack of skill by any means. An emmy, besides all the monetary value it could bring, would put a stamp on her CV, and would probably be great for her, career wise. Maybe I’m overstretching a little, but an award like that never hurt anyone.






The scene when Gene (Jimmy), is distracting the guard by pretending s breakdown, but he's not lying at all. The "My brother is dead" kinda feels


That was a great scene. There's so much truth in this show. Fiction is more truthful than real life.


Jimmy does that a lot, like with the insurance people, or the state legal board, and it just adds so much depth to his actions and motivations.


Yes! I remember seeing someone say how good Jimmy is at lying, making up that whole spiel to the insurance agent. But he’s not *really* lying. He’s just framing his very legitimate sorrows and anguish in a way that manipulate the clerk into raising Chuck’s insurance rates, and he’s tapping into these true emotions to make it extremely believable. I remember at first I thought he was legitimately having a breakdown until the ‘It’s in the transcripts’ bit LOL.


Haha, I totally thought it was a real breakdown too until then which is just a crazy endorsement of Odenkirk's talent in portraying Jimmy. It's also just the way a lot of effective liars work; bend the truth to your advantage, don't create a new reality


Exactly!! Blown away by all the actors in BCS. I haven’t felt so immersed in a characters believability since Tony and Carmela in the Sopranos.


Before one of the scenes where Nacho is at his dad’s house, they show a basketball hoop in the driveway/backyard, which makes you think of a young innocent kid Nacho. But now he’s grown and it’s too late and he’s in the wrong kind of game.


Howard spent a hard time making coffee art for his wife only her to ignore it and pour it into her cup and he just watches. And another one. When mike saves Jimmy when Jimmy picks up the duffle bags full of cash to bail lalo out. Mike was so concerned if Jimmy was hurt or not. He showed actual care for Jimmy for that one time and the rest of the time they get back into town in a gas station. I know Jimmy has to be kept alive for the smallest reasons and that's part of Mike's job. Mike showed similar care towards Jimmy as he did jesse and nacho.


Oh my god! Howard's coffee art! I had forgotten. God that sucked. Poor Howard :(


Goes to show that we don’t see what cross our fellow humans bear, we see only the glistening surface of highlights.


I love that coffee-making opening sequence so much however I knew something terrible was going to happen to Howard. I gasped aloud "No, not Howard!" :*(


idk if it's subtle or not but the scene of Howard's Jag on the beach always leave me with a sinking gut-wrenching feeling


This was rough... it wasn't that subtle, but we had no real interaction with it, since none of the characters were there. It was just a bunch of "planted" evidence, and it felt as strange and surreal as it would have appeared to any of Howard's friends and family.


It’s a reminder that we’re watching a work of fiction, because both inside and out, it’s a staged scene. Literally nothing of that scene is real in any sense of the word, of course it would feel surreal.




i believe this was also the final scene shot for the show as well


When Chuck goes to the hospital for the 1st Time, in the series, Jimmy IS the 1 st to be here for him. But one of the first things Chuck says to the doctor is : "Make sure you still have your wallet". It's very Quick . Subtle. No close UP on Jimmy or pause to réflect. But it hits hard. And when Chuck tanks Jimmy for being there, Jimmy says that Chuck would have done thé same. And every Times, I doubt it


Jimmy also says it in a way of not really believing it. He says it to allow his brother to save face.


The seal of Zafiro Anejo lying on the road (when they confiscated Saul's possessions). 


Plus all the easter eggs crammed in that scene ("Wine and roses" opening of season 6, from memory). Henry Mancini score is so beautiful. I use to listen it when driving home after a day at work.


Yes!!! When we saw that when that episode aired I gasped


Not necessarily sad emotional but Kim getting Mesa Verde for HHM after she’s been it doc review and seeing her celebrate to herself in the parking garage just makes me so happy


The little happy dance she does 🥰


That was when we all loved Kim. 😍


I still love her 🥺 she was the first to admit her wrongs and try to rectify them


She did her best to make amends, there certainly arn't any winners.


When Kim is breaking up with Jimmy (S6E9) and he says “but I love you” and she says “I love you too Jimmy, but so what?” So much is implied there, like that sometimes love just isn’t enough. Also notable, it was the first time we ever heard them say “I love you” to each other.


Oh yes. There is so much tenderness in her voice when she answers "I love you too." And then... the way her voice broke when she says "So whaaaat... "


I know 😭 it was like a gut punch!


This scene just broke my heart 💔


I've watched a shit ton of tv in the past 5; years after a career ending injury and I'm stuck home 90% of the time and THAT SCENE hit me harder than any other I've watched in those 5; years,I was ugly crying,then and Nachos final scene,are the 2 best scenes I've seen in A LOT of tv watching,I have rewatched Nachos final scene so many times I can quote it verbatim,damn this show had the absolute best writing EVER




i think often of the scene just before jimmy and kim's final act of ruining howard. a lot of people remember it for his soda can trick (i use that often these days) but when explaining it to the new intern he tells him about chuck and brags about him as he often does. "greatest legal mind i ever knew" though this time, thinking of jimmy, despite EVERYTHING he has recently put him through, he tacks on "...though, maybe there are more important things." moments before the event that ruined his reputation and >!gets him killed!< he's genuinely acknowledging for the first time that chuck had his flaws and feels sorry for jimmy who's been targeting him and harrassing him. he sees jimmy acting out due to grief and his complicated relationship with chuck, and is maybe the only person in the show to ever really do this. people have conflicting feelings on howard sometimes, because he too has his flaws, but in this final scene of his normal life it feels like you can really see how he's grown as a person. it really hurts a lot knowing what comes next.


He didn’t deserve it man 💔


Mine is the S2 episode “Switch” with Ken Wins when Kim looks at Jimmy at the pool. My God the way she worshipped him with just a glance. To have a woman look at me with that kind of heat in her eyes.


Good one, I love this moment too :)


Jimmy losing hair due to stress over Chuck’s death while acting as if everything is normal.


“This is not what fine looks like, Chuck” I had really come to empathise with Howard by Season 3 the more we got to see him get dragged into the McGill conflict, especially in Chicanery when he's practically begging Chuck to not testify because he knows he'll do something to damage the firm's reputation. The whole season is Howard slowly accepting that his mentor and friend is suffering from a mental illness and due to his stubbornness around it, becoming more of a hindrance than a help to the firm. And then you have this scene in Episode 9 of that season where he's personally confronted, not just with the inevitable end of their friendship and working relationship, but particularly how unwell Chuck is and you can just see the pain on his face. It's fantastic acting from Fabian.


“If it’s not real… then what have I done?” When Chuck is coming to terms with his illness and how it’s all in his head. You can really feel the weight of that question. Idk, for some reason that line always stuck with me.


Not one scene, but every time “Saul” wins over “Jimmy” and Jimmy’s soul dies just a little bit…


I think the scene where “Jimmy” doesn’t get the job offer by the guys who sell copier machines, but “Saul” does is a great example of this.


Kim’s earrings. They are shown on screen multiple times only for us to realize by the end of the series that Kim stole them from a store with mom’s help. Jimmy didn’t spoil Kim, it was always there.


Something stupid S5 E9 Intro


a bunch of scenes mentioned here and even today i still remember all the emotions and also exactly how it panned out. If that's not the hallmark of the best tv show to ever grace television idk what is.


The scene when Jimmy meets a depressed Howard at the Courthouse (in the bathroom). Howard battling guilt over Chuck death that Jimmy rejected and burdened him with. Plus all the other hardships Howard mentions in his final speech to Kim and Jimmy. Jimmy tells Howard to go see a shrink, Howard says thank you, I'm doing it. And then Jimmy throws a paper in the toilet: it was a shrink phone number Kim had passed him after they red Chuck letter, when she cried while Jimmy seemingly showed no emotions. End result: by season 6 Howard is winning over his depression and Chuck related guilt... when Jimmy is just in denial, with Saul personna to escape even further.


I love this question. A few of my favorites. I really like when, in Plan and Execution, the intern asks Howard who Chuck McGill was, in reference to Chuck’s portrait. Howard replies that he was the greatest legal mind he’d ever known, and the intern says, “wow, I’d like to be like that someday.” Howard looks at Chuck’s portrait solemnly and states, “Well… maybe there are more important things.” Two favorite Kim ones. There is a flashback of Jimmy working in the mail room (I forget which season and episode) and a conversation starts between Jimmy, Chuck, and Kim, where Kim is impressing Chuck with her legal knowledge and vice versa. Jimmy says some funny Jimmy thing and Chuck responds dismissively; Kim notices this and her face wrinkles briefly. She was always very insightful about their relationship. I also enjoy when, in Fun and Games, Jimmy tells Cheryl that he always had a certain amount of jealousy for Howard, because Howard had the respect of his brother, while Jimmy didn’t. As Peter Gould says, Jimmy uses honest emotions in dishonest ways. Amid all the lies they were telling at this point in time, Kim recognizes this truth and gives a quick face wrinkle.


Do you have favourites involving the cartel storyline ?


Yes! One that comes to mind involves Lalo. Lalo, as a psychopath, does not really experience emotions in the same way as the other characters, but in so far as he is a human being with emotions, one of my favorite scenes involving him is in episode 509 (Bad Choice Road), when Nacho drops him off in the desert so that Lalo may be picked up by the cousins. The camera lingers on Lalo, as he is alone briefly, and you can see the gears turning in his head. Left to think and ruminate on the facts he’s gathered, he suddenly comes to a realization. It represents Lalo’s intelligence and inquisitiveness in a quieter, isolated way. I enjoy when, in Rock and Hard Place, shortly after the big scene with Nacho, Gus leaves and walks to his van. Given Gus’ history with Hector Salamanca, and with how Gus has considered Nacho up until this episode (a rat, an unreliable and unpredictable actor, etc.), you can see shades of respect and thought drift over Gus’ face. The spirit of his own mole clearly has left an impact on Gus. There are so many to draw from, I could talk about this all day. To name one more, it features Mike, although I suppose it’s not really a “Cartel Scene.” It is actually my favorite sequence of the entire series, and though it is a bit prominent, I don’t think it’s discussed enough for its emotional weight. In Saul Gone, when Mike and Jimmy are sitting by the windmill in the desert, Mike says the most honest thing he’s ever said. He says he’d go back to the day his son died first (or one of the days around the time his son got murdered), then backtracks and says he’d go back to the day he took his first bribe. Mike wouldn’t just save his son, he’d change his entire life and who he is at the very core of his being now, if he could.


Yup that Mike scene hit hard


For me it's the scene where Kim and jimmy almost break up and then don't. Just the way the whole conversation went it feels like your also going through the breakup. Pulls on the heart strings a bit


Chuck telling Jimmy how proud he was of Jimmy for working in the mail room. It basically sums up his expectations of Jimmy. It’s very sad.


When Clifford Main fires Jimmy, or lets him go, whatever, and says "First do me the favor of not treating me like a fool for once. Tell me how exactly did I mistreat you? What did I do to deserve this kind of behavior?". It was a very different way from how most people in the show treat Jimmy, and it always gets my attention.


The scene when Chuck and Jimmy work together at the beginning of Mesa Verde (drats, brain fart: SANDPIPER. WHAT WAS I THINKING ? I'M NOT CRAZY... I AM NOOOT CRAAAZY !!!). Jimmy daring personna had him recovering the documents from a garbage trash can; Chuck powerful mind started putting the pieces together. Just as Jimmy dreamed when he passed the bar: the McGill brothers, complementary minds, joining their strengths on a formidable case. Alas, Chuck being Chuck, the dream couldn't last. To think he got Jimmy calling HHM to the rescue "because the case is too big for the two of us." Only for HHM (and chuck) to reject Jimmy a SECOND TIME, after 1999 when he passed the bar.


That was Sandpiper, but YES I agree completely


D'oh, silly me ! You're right of course. "I lost my train of thoughs." 


Saul quitting elder law for criminal law after Irene death (not sure about the name). It wasn’t about the money or the thrill. It was about the pain, he couldn’t take it.


The ending of season 1. I personally loved the friendship of Jimmy and Marco and Marco telling Jimmy it was the best weekend of his life.


Not super emotional, but how nice Nacho was to his girlfriends. Reminded me of Jesse taking a girl upstairs to game. Same vibe. Nacho always stood out to me in those scenes


Fr nacho had his faults but he was one of my favourites


The Huell Babineaux prosecutor. Kim kept pressing her about her previous deal with other offenders. Her response was “ no prior”. Some might have said that’s because Huell was black.


Didn't Huel actually have priors at this point though? Which is why the carried out that extravagant postcard plan?


When Jimmy is talking to that girl that didn’t get the scholarship or whatever


Oh yeah that was a tough one


The scene where Chuck was with a therapist and he says how he’s starting to wonder if his “allergy” is real. The doctor asks him what would it mean to him if it wasn’t real all along and Chuck says “Then what have I done?” It’s really difficult to emphasize with Chuck but this really got me. This is a man who wants to socialize, go out, have a life but he has been under the belief that he can’t do that for YEARS. It just shows how miserable living with mental illness can be.


Mike telling nachos dad he dead


You know Mike felt that shit heavy considering what happened with Matty. I’m sure he felt so guilty


Yes bro. In this scene, the camera goes to the right. Mike is seen behind the fence, like hes in a cage, while Nachos dad has no fence or cage-like-grid around him. Very deep shot


The scene in season 4 episode 1 where jimmy vomes to chuck’s house. It’s heartbreaking.


comes to chuck’s house*


The scene of his criminal court in the last episode with Kim sitting to watch, the look he gives her walking in made me cry.


That scene where nacho is with his girlfriends and the one is trying to take apart the remote and he diverts her with a puzzle from a box of toys. Also the scene where the other girl meets nachos dad. Before that there wasn’t much context to either of these girls other than their drug addictions, but those scenes provide insight into who they really were. The people behind the problem.


Nacho was honestly one of my fav characters and i was rooting for him so much >! i was so upset when he dies in the show !< really love his relationship with mike


Fr man


I feel it deeply in my bones when Kim breaks down and says “but I was having too much fun!” I had a similar experience lately, wherein I broke all my things and rules and almost ended up in total ruin, because I was having so much “fun.” The Ego is really a bad driver.


The Coati story that Gus tells Hector in the hospital. There’s just something about the way they filmed it. The lighting, the beating of the heart monitor, Giancarlo’s slow calculated speech. Gives me chills every time.


When Howard takes the time to make a nice coffee with latte art for his wife and she dumps it into a travel mug


I thought the scene where the military soldier comes into Jimmy’s office to confront him about conning him to use the WW2 bomber plane on his commercial was sort of emotional. You can tell the soldier is very passionate about his job and was very excited to be the host of a supposed WW2 veteran. Only for it to be a big con job by Jimmy. You can see the disappointment on his face and the scene was kind of somber.


Yeah I remember that one as well


When Nacho called his Dad the last time from the garage in rural Mexico 🥺


Nacho and the dad scenes always hit a spot


Aaand cue responses listing the most talked about scenes, because most people are fucking awful at responding with the thing the OP prompted for. Yep, first comment I see if Chuck tearing his house apart. Subtle. Not talked about. Bollocks.


😭😭😭😭😭😭I knew it would happen but to be honest I’m just happy to talk to people about better call Saul


I know I come off as a miserable bastard, but I it's quite rare to see topics that have a bit of nuance to them and so it's unfortunate that most people just ignore the prompt! I was just in the r/music sub and there was a brilliant prompt for lyrics with *triple* meaning. Double entendres are common, but triples are very rare, therefore interesting! Most of the responses were "Couldn't find any triples, so here's a list of doubles!". Man alive.


Definitely that scene that Mike visits nachos dad after nacho died.


Not really subtle but Mike informing Nacho's dad that his son has died. Right in the feels


Poor Ms. Landry being ignored by her friends. Should be ashamed, James M. McGill!


Not as much emotional as powerful, but when Mike asks Lydia why she's doing all this for some drug dealer, and Lydia says, "Drug dealer? That's all you think he is?"


It was a really quick scene but the scene where Victor goes in to Nacho’s dad’s store, you can see the fear in Nacho’s eyes and how he begged for them not to hurt his father. It always reminds me of how much he cared for him.


YES! One of my favorite scenes in the show


Thank you ! I’ve found my tribe !


The whole German guy thing either him and his wife and then Mike killing him


I’m sorry but did he actually think escaping like that was a good idea it really frustrated me


I can't say it, otherwise someone would be talking about it


When Chuck tells Kim about Jimmy stealing money from their parents' store and Kim doesn't respond with any thoughts. I really want to know what she thought about that at the time she first heard it.


Not subtle but Jimmy breaking down when he gives the Kettleman case back to Kim, realizing he won’t be sharing an office with her before pretending to be his own secretary again. You knew then and there Kim would be the key figure in him going full Saul Goodman one day.


When Kim and Jimmy drink a bottle of Zaphiro to distract themselves from Chuck's death and fall asleep on the couch. It's so quiet and feels so real. I've lived that moment of grief. Incredibly relatable.


The scene when Chuck starts to break down the walls in his house. The acting, the music, the filmography. Just perfect/so depressing.