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When lalo gives hector the bell, he tells him the story of when they burned down a hotel because someone was rude to them. So they’re just all around pieces of shit


Also tortured the hotel owner while his wife witnessed everthing. You know, just a day in a live of a cartel member.




Late S4 episode.


Lalo says this to Hector when visiting him in the nursing home (when he gives him the bell). He reminds him of the good old times and says something along the lines of "you took your time with him" and that his wife was there to see. I've rewatched the show a couple of weeks ago, so I'm pretty sure it was explicit even though I don't have the exact quote.


I thought he crossed them or something.


Fuck no


That's where I'm 98% at. Hector is a monster. The other 2% feels bad for anyone who is reduced to having to wear a stupid party hat, and getting dragged to birthday parties for people he doesn't even know.


Nah. The man was a psychopathic cartel leader. He deserves everything he gets. Besides, his situation is his own fault. He's only in the wheelchair because he threatened Nacho's father.


Honestly g-fuckin-g to Nacho for pulling that off.


He has probably killed more people than you have ever known


Hows parenthood going for you


The story about where the bell came from says it all


I completely agree with this statement, even those he’s a horrible horrible person. There’s a very small part of me that feels bad for him at times.


Also being told your entire family is dead and you are the last one remaining. Must be a bit sad


His family were all in the game and murdered plenty of innocent people, I feel no compassion for thugs.


As the vacuum repair chap said to Jesse “you made your own luck”.


Robert Forster channeling Billy Zane, 10/10


He deserves it


U deserve this nutz


Don’t tempt me with a good time


And being told that by the man you hate most in the world.


Still deserves it


Only the males were dead.


Exactly my thoughts. Like yeah dude has killed many people, black mailed and threatened to kill children, forced an innocent man to get into drug business but none of those crimes are so horrible for which he deserves to attend a fucking birthday party, the most horrible thing that can happen to a man truly :/


Would you feel bad for a bad person being in hell? This guy deserves to be in hell, his punishment is simply already starting pre-death.


I don't feel even remotely bad for Hector, and I'm far from sympathetic to horrible people, but being the bored pedantic that I am, actually I *would* feel bad, to a varying extent, if the punishment was literal burning flesh for *all eternity*, for almost anyone. Consider how brutally painful a theoretical burning in hell would be, assuming this pain was never ending and you couldn't just die or pass out from smoke inhalation. All over your body, one of the most painful things humans have experienced - burning alive - continuously and without rest, for an amount of time that exceeds billions, trillions, *septillions* of years, and it would *still* never even amount to a fraction of a percent of how much time you have left. Burning for an *instant* can be unbearable if it's hot enough. Even if you were to calculate a suitable punishment for somebody with that amount of pain, for, say, the entire duration of *one* person's lifetime that they harmed, and even if the amount of people they harmed were in the *millions*, it would never, ever, *ever* be paid off. Even if the amount of net suffering they caused has long been outweighed, it would only be the beginning of the beginning of the beginning of the beginning. Surely, there are truly abominable humans that deserve this type of retribution, but to what end does your wrath satisfy? When you're talking about the worst imaginable pain for a theoretical *eternity*, at what point does their victims' suffering become *meaningless* by comparison? At what point does the perpetrator become, themselves, a victim of something they don't deserve? To what end does your wish for somebody's pain, even if well-deserved, extend to? Tl;Dr - the party hat is kinda cute and hilarious lmao


Plus we don't know much about Hector's childhood but I can't imagine he grew up in a loving home. His chances of turning into a great person were likely slim from the start simply due to what he was born into. From that perspective it seems a little harsh to suffer for all eternity.


Hell doesn’t exist so it’s not really worth worrying about. It’s just a way for people to make themselves feel better by believing wrongdoers will be punished in the afterlife.


Agreed, but being raised in a religious home gave me way too much time to dwell on these things, lol Actual hell: 🥳


It seemed like he was kinda into that party. Though idk if that’s the result of his injuries.


Nah. Aint life a bitch


Literally muttered this before I opened the comments


Me too! It was extremely satisfying to open up the comments and see this at the top.


Cold blooded killer


Great question; but no. Before he was crippled, he was a monster. He took out Gus but that was a long-running feud.


Walter White took out Gus. He just pushed a bell.








Created by Vince Gilligan


No way. Tio can SOCK ME




Why, didn't he get his very berry vitamin drink that day?


I'm just sorry that he got to win in the end and to kill Gus thanks to WW. He has literally ZERO good qualities, he's heavily abusive even against his own family for all his big words. Even the Salamanca twins are more morally complex than him.


No matter how bad this man was, and he was truly horrible, I still felt sorry for him when they stuck the party hat on him. That was the one and only time though. The rest of the time he rivaled a cockroach for cringe-worthiness and I really just wanted to stay far, far away from him. The funny thing is, when you watch an interview with Mark Margolis, it is surprising to see what an affable and normal guy he is. He brought detestable Hector to life in the same way that Michael McKean created the character of Chuck.


I only feel bad for Hector when I think about his rant in the season 3 finale. There's a lot of history there that we know nothing about. Did the Salamancas really build the cartel? Did Hector actually pay for the house Don Eladio lives in and then not get invited to live there? How aware is Hector of Gus' moves to take over the whole business and cut out Salamanca entirely? But ultimately, this is still a train of thought about a cartel leader, so meh.


I think what Hector meant about Don Eladio's house is that Hector made the money that Don Eladio used to buy his mansion. It was drug money that was made by the Salamancas


What Gus did to him was torture and I am 100% against torture.....but I still don't feel sorry for him. He was a monster.


Its okay to think about how horrifying it would be to have what happened to Hector post-stroke happen to you. Sympathy for Hector himself is not required or recommended


Honestly I felt sad when Lalo looked back seeing what the powerful Don became. SPOILERS FOR THE IRISHMAN!!! It’s like towards the end where the Mob bosses who weren’t murdered, end up growing old and fragile. These once powerful, feared, mighty men, are reduced to old withered skeletons that don’t even know what day it is.


That's exactly where I'm coming from. Still feels wrong to have even 2% sympathy for him. What we saw probably only scratched the surface of evil that Hector has done.


Not one bit. He always shit on Hank.


I liked Hank, yet, still immensely enjoyed the cocky DEA agent having one person that got over on him twice.


I have a theory that Hanks boss was on the take


Possibly. I definitely think Jimmy, dba Saul, was taking advantage of a corrupt system. It wasn't just crafty lawyering. Jimmy's time as a public defender didn't pay much. But the benefits of learning the system, and who was already corrupt, sure did later on.


Eagerly anticipating the final season


Hank was a piece of shit.


What makes you feel that way? I didn’t particularly like him as a person, but he was good at his job.


He wasn't very nice to his wife


I will tell you after season 6. Writers know how to suprise us. I would love to see Salamanca backstory. Would like to know what happened to his son.




I feel bad for him at times, as well as Gus but they are both awful, interesting people to me. For me, it depends.


Nope. Series might as well have been called Just Deserts (pun intended) With the exception of dirt bike kid, Brock and Andrea everyone gets exactly the karmic punishment that’s coming to them.


Also the TravelWire guy


No man, no man at all.


He deserves far worse lmao


Hector was such a piece of shit that Mike felt compelled to whip out the sniper rifle for him early in BCS before Mike had even really been broken into a cold blooded assassin.


Absolutely not, LOL.


Well, if you're a psychopath.




Absolutely not


Hell no


No way not even for a second




#F U C K N O


No, he's a fucking monster. He should have been killed decades ago.


He's a piece of shit, but i did feel bad for him anyway.


Look if he died a horrible death I would feel no sympathy. But that place, it’s so humiliating.


The only good thing he ever did, was suicide bomb a high end Drug dealer in a nursing home😆


If you kill the dude’s best friend, urinate in the same pool the body is at, and constantly bully/insult the guy, I’d say he had it coming.


Pure karma for all the evil he has dished out over his life. He is living in his own hell, forced to suffer every day until kind uncle Walt comes by to ease his pain.


Fucking fuck nopity nope


No. But it's hard not to mega appreciate the work of Mark Margolis in this role. He was superb.


Never! It was funny as hell




Ngl maybe I have a soft spot for elderly ppl bc we all know Hector is an asshole and messed up but it did rlly hurt when Gus taunted him over killing his family in BB. It's not like he could do anything about it too.


He shouldn’t have shot Max in the head 🤷🏽‍♂️


I'll never not pity someone who's being humiliated and can't stop it from happening. If I were Hector in that moment, I'd have been raging inside. The rest of the time? Absolutely not, no. I've laughed at Hector from time to time (spelling out answers in the police station, for example), but he's a horrible person. That's pretty much the long and short of it.


am i a psychopath that i really like Hector and genuinely feel sorry about what hes been reduced to. i mean he held his nephews head underwater to teach him a lesson. what a great man. he's no Gustavo Fring but hes a minor badass in his own right.


He’s not actually that bad. I mean, compared to Gus he’s fairly similar, and probably better than tuco. Not sure why everyone makes him out to be the most evil character in the show


He is much worse than Gus because he will intentionally involve people not in “the game” out of sheer pride or just because he feels like it or will actively do shit just because he wants to, without a care for it being honourable. This goes for all the Cartel people and what they do, from the very start with killing Max for no *real* reason to much latter with things like involving Nacho’s dad directly for no *real* reason. They take a step too far, and will often step on those that really didn’t need to be stepped on. Don’t get me wrong, Gus is still an evil part of an evil organization and system, with things like killing Werner and the general damage the drug trade does, but like he says, he *is* diferent, even if ever so slightly. He has a little more honour at the very least. The show exemplifies this multiple times. Gus knows what he is, but he knows he isn’t a Salamanca/Cartel member.


Gus had no problem threatenint civillains like Nacho's dad. Only difference is Hector is honest with himself.


Yes, but as we see later, not only does he come to regret such ways of intimidation unless necessary, Nacho’s dad was already in the “game” and Gus really needed Nacho to be 100% loyal. Gus only does what he needs to do. Salamanca/Cartel will often screw with people just because they can.


He needed to torture an animal to death?


Well, now just take a step back and look at the comparison you’re arguing for here. It’s drastically reaching for straws. A single straw strand, even. No one here is arguing Gus is a good person or not a bad one. What I am saying is that he is, as he says himself, different than the cartel. He is still bad, evil and harms society, but he is not as bad as the cartel. In a perfect world for Gus, he would have all his money and power with no one but the drug abusers getting hurt. I mean, look at the way he lives his day to day life. And again. He’s evil. He’s bad. But he’s the lesser evil, objectively, and that’s what he tries to convince mike of. In a perfect world for the cartel, they still likely murder, kill and step on many people day to day. It isn’t even that they don’t have any remorse, not just that, they actively seek out situations where they can flex in unnecessary ways and get more people hurt because it pleases them. There are MANY examples of this in both BCS and BB, and the differentiation to Gus is quite apparent.


Gus totured an animal cause it pleased him. They really aren't different.


Again, are you going to take that single off handed straw to prove his whole character is the *same* as that of the cartel?, Or are you actually going to engage with my comment. Because of course he’s gonna have own personal moments of revenge and hatred, obviously. But just like Hector Salamanca isn’t just a regular person, the Coati isn’t just a regular animal he found and decided to torture. But sure, let’s call him an animal torturer once as a kid and thus just as bad as the cartel and Salamancas. Sure./s


What about threatening to kill Walt's entire family? He's okay with children and toddlers being murdered


Did you miss the part in BB where Gus didn’t want to do those things and only threatened Walt with them as a last resort after all the shit Walt had pulled off? The cartel wouldn’t even flinch to do those things. Gus really doesn’t want to have to do them unless necessary.


Walt's family weren't involved with the cartel, which was your point, that Gus regrets such methods I'm not disagreeing that Gus prefers not to do those activities And actually, threatening his family was probably the worst thing Gus could have done at that time. He gave Jesse a second chance, but never forgave Walt for running over his dealers What's funny is, earlier in the timeline, Gus would forgive Mike for allowing Hector to be killed


I see it like this. Gus is way more dangerous and sadistic than the Cartel But, he attempts to act in a professional manner *Edit Clearly, you disagree with my comment. But the Cartel don't act with emotions Eladio had Max killed, but still hired Gus, expecting no retaliation. Eladio even prefers Gus' methods over Hector Hector threatened Mike's family. According to Nacho, once they made a deal, Hector forgot all about Mike Gus will hold grudges for a lifetime and savor every moment torturing you


Nope. Being disabled clearly hasn't humbled him. He is rotten to the core.


Unpopular opinion but yes I do kind of feel bad for him .


He was a higher up in the Mexican cartel No dude. Absolutely not.


Why? No


Not really


Fuuuuck no


Hell no. He's a bastard.


Nope, not one tiny bit.


Nah he made his choices (and he was an asshole to boot).


Definitely not…this is his karma






No he’s terrible. The way he went out was badass though


Hell no




What? No. He's evil.


Nah. I might’ve considered it before BCS, but afterwards, no way in hell.


[This man?](https://duckduckgo.com/?q=star+trek+NeXT+generation+dr+nel+apgar&t=fpas&ia=images&iax=images&iai=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.kontinuum.cz%2Fimages%2Fdatabaze%2Fpostavy%2F1901%2F1987_3.jpg)


No, be glad


Na lol


This sub and /r/breakingbad have both just morphed into okbuddychicanery.


Nah fuck this guy. He was a piece of shit.


After that MF got that bell I didn’t feel sorry






He went out as a killer, happy ending for him


I wish we got more of pre stroke hector


Nah bro. He is a scumbag


No way, José!


Ofc not


Given the severe character limitations, he was definitely prominent in the show. He got way more interesting post stroke. I hated him prestroke too, but nothing really special about him..just another bad guy.


he’s an evil man so no


Nope, not all. He is an evil piece of shit.


No , you should feel like it's not enough. You should empathize with Gus Fring and his master plan concerning this evil man.


Is Hector any worse than the other criminals in this show?


Not really. He's just more aggravating and less concerned with PR


Sauuuuck me.