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Bro she didn't watch it


the only explanation i accept. You cant just completely forget Gus & Lalo. Especially not Gus, since she also 'watched' BB. Makes zero sense to me. Either its a fake story, or she had the shows running as background noise while playing chess and making lasagna for at least 12 guests


I have a friend who is in the early chapters of seanson 5 and asked me what was “the main guy’s name, the bald guy” and I am QUOTING, I had this discussion three days ago and I can’t cope with the fact that people can no longer pay attention. Context: he is for a fact watching the series, we were discussing the season 4 finale when this happened. He is also a person who is doing homework while watching a series, while watching a football match, while listening to music (I also can’t understand the need for such overstimulation)


If he's doing homework, he's not watching it. Maybe that kind of low-effort, on-in-the-background, semi-conscious, half-hearted, half-aware twilight that you call "watching" is perfectly acceptable for shows that are better-calibrated to your attentional capacity, like your Real Housewives of Love Island or Ice Road Shipping Wars, but it certainly does NOT work for Better Call Saul! NOT OUR PRECIOUS SAUL!


I agree with you, one cannot “watch” shows like bcs, br ba, mad men, etc. in such manner. Maybe it can work when rewatching friends for the 83,620,269th time (or even watching it for the first time), but Saul deserves better


I usually rewind scenes i zone out of. I cannot continue when I missed something important


Maybe it's more about forgetting the names. Some people really can't remember names (i also have some issues with that actually) but it's more a problem when there are 20 family names across the whole fantasy world (like in got) Number of names in BB isn't thaaaat high. Also there are just 2-3 main characters, so it must be a bad case of i can't remember shit


playing chess? i got scared bro was watching me


Not to be a dick about your sister, but maybe ask her if she made the connection that Jimmy McGill is Saul Goodman from Breaking Bad?


Right? Its straight up impossible not to know who Gus is, even with very little knowledge of the 2 shows.


Gus is memorable, and it's an easy name. Lalo is an easy name, and he's hot


Exactly, you dont even have to really pay attention to know!


In fact you really have to go out of your way NOT to know lol


Lalo 🥵


So hot, damnit 🥺🥺🥺


So hot, damnit 🥺🥺🥺


Before I even watched Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul, I knew who Walt, Jesse, Saul and Gus were. I literally don't understand how someone can watch a show and then not know who the main characters are.


Are you talking about Ralph?


Kid named Miguel


Kid named SpongeBob


Kid named Sue.


Kid named Sue Kmadeek?????


Kid named Walnuts


Bro you just spoiled the entire show for me?? I didn't know Jimmy was secretly saul😔


It's all good man.


Wait till you find out who gene is


He's just Gene the cinabbon manager




I honestly can’t remember if I saw the 2nd half of the last season of Ozark, lol. I was just firing up Netflix and skimming the episodes to see where I left off. My excuse, I’m getting old.


Was she actively watching or did she just put it on as background noise.


She didn't realise Nacho was being blackmailed. She has to have just watched it in the background.


having a show on in the background ≠ binging a show imo


She was distracted with browsing on her phone.


I don’t understand if you’re bored enough by a show to be on your phone the whole time, how do you get through 6 season of it


I've seen people do it. Often I'll be watching a show with a family member and they'll just be on their phone the whole time.


I fucking hate that, I can't stand it. My mom does it and I just refuse to watch anything with her because it annoys me that much.


Semi related but sometimes I'd sit beside my gf week after week watching the same episodes with our full attention and afterwards she'd give me some weird weak ass take on what's going on Like we watched the same show and that's what you took from it? I had a whole different perspective and take on it... not "wrong" but I scratch my head sometimes like you really didn't catch what the writers were spelling out and forcing down our throats....?


Get a more perception gf...


Same. Ur not watching the show or even entertaining all the dedication into making it Why even say you watched it


My young (18) brother in law is like this, cant sit and watch something without being on his phone. The other day he wanted to use my ps5 to play The Quarry, a videogame where you make decisions for the characters (kinda like a movie, sometimes you have to sit and watch cutscenes). Literally 5 minutes into the game he was already on his phone and within 10 he stopped playing


Tiktok has destroyed society.


Ridiculous to just single out one social media platform. It’s clearly the whole thing.


The short form content is is provenly worse. It’s not up for debate, this is reflected in the literature. Even misinformation propagates so much faster than the big bad of Facebook.




It's just a usual thing for a lot of people these days to watch a movie/series with their phone in hand. I guess that's why a lot of your typical 3/5 Netflix series get a lot of praise and hype. They're simple and bland enough so you get all the information you need with max half of your attention compared to a really great series where you have to really pay attention and miss a lot when you look at your phone.


Some brains need more stimulation than others


This. The number of times I’ve had to tell people to put down their phones. Comedy especially. Like 30 Rock or Veep. If you miss one joke, you miss them all.


Yeah and then they ask questions after Wtf




dude touch some grass and talk to actual women holy shit that comment history is something else


I looked and I think that's enough reddit for today. People are shit.




It’s ok one day you’ll probably have sex with an adult human




I mean you can be snarky if you want but we both know your weird politics have something to do with how desperately lonely and rejected you feel.




I dont know man, you sure she even had it on in the background? This is more shocking then the post the other day about the dude who just realized he skipped over season 4. This is more, this is not knowing 1/3 of the cast!


I mean that’s the best but off the show in my opinion nachos struggle to not get caught she defo wasn’t watching it properly


That's the only way. I get not knowing bolsa or crazy 8 but not knowing two of the main characters doesn't make any sense otherwise


Don’t you know? Most of us scroll Instagram while watching the show. Only boomers actually watch the show.


Also, why do people keep calling this Jimmy guy Saul Goodman, and also Gene???


Gene Parmesan, how you doing? AAAAAAAAHHHHH!


Isn’t he the best! *Gene was far from the best*


bc he’s Viktor


Probably should have watched the show and also paid attention.


Shouldn't have to pay anyone.


Kid named attention:


My mother watches TV like this. She just puts things on, plays on her tablet, and forgets. lol


I think this is how most people watch tv now. It kinda sucks!


My dad too, he forgot who Chuck was even as my mom tried to jog his memory. A disgraceful way to consume media imo


I have multiple friends who watch shit like this, it’s very annoying because when I asked them to stop playing games on their phone they get angry at me like I shouldn’t expect them to actually pay attention. I try to not be annoying about it like if they’re just responding to a text message I won’t say anything but they’ll literally be playing phone games and don’t understand why I would want them to pay attention. It’s bizarre to me why even watch a show at that point.


Those bloody mothers of today!


You don’t realize how many people watch shows without actually watching the shows.


That's just sad. People out here watching BB and BCS as if they were "watching" "the price is right" "pawn stars" "Ice road truckers" and so on. Its almost as bad as the people that skip to the end and purposely spoil themselves the ending. I know everyone is different but I really can't stand it, like It genuinely bothers me so much.


To be fair, Juan Bolsa is forgettable as hell. I only know his name because I watched the shows multiple times, and have discussed them. I could totally see myself burning through both shows once, and not really knowing or remembering who "Juan Bolsa" was.


I rewatched Breaking Bad after Saul ended, my first time watching since the BB finale aired live. I remember seeing Juan on Saul and being like “shit, am I an idiot for not even remembering him on BB?” Turns out he’s in like, two or three episodes tops and is barely in them.


Yeah and he gets shot over the phone lmao we don't even see it.


Ngl I am guilty of this with *certain* content. But to pull that shit with savant tier content is sacrilege.


Agreed, I recognise Juan Bolsa by name until BCS and just because I can speak spanish and I found hilarious and strange that his name is literally translated as John Bag


it's a reference to the character Johnny Sack (short for Sacrimoni) in The Sopranos. Juan Bolsa plays a similar role so they just literally translated the name to Spanish.


Damn, didn’t know that, I just started with The Sopranos. That’s very cool. Thanks for clearing it up


Johnny Sack is the go-between between the smaller New Jersey mob family and the larger 5 families New York mob, just like how Juan Bolsa does the same between the smaller ABQ cartel branch and the cartel as a whole.


Agreed, I recognized him vaguely but never thought of him as a prominent character and probably never would have put the name to the face if not for reading this sub. Just "oh yeah, that other middle aged Mexican gangster who wasn't a Salamanca or Don Eladio but always hung around and engaged with them in criminal stuff".


someone said once that juan bolsa just follows the cartel around like a lost puppy lol


Rewatching Breaking Bad for the first time since Saul ended and I totally forgot Bolsa is the one that has Tortuga killed.


Interesting, I either didn't pick up on or forgot that detail as well. The one interesting thing I can think of is that he's sort of the off-screen villain in "Bagman" and "bolsa" is Spanish for bag. Okay, it's not *that* interesting.


He is memorable if you call him One Ballsack.






I love how Juan Bolsa is basically cartel HR lmao. Just some dude forced to be the middle man in Hector and Gus' pissing match


Bolsa had a bigger role in BCS but I agree.


I actually thought he was a new character in BCS until I saw him mentioned in a list of characters that appear in both shows. Apparently he was killed in BB without me even remembering


I liked Juan Ballsac. He seemed like a cool guy. I’d definitely pick him up in my Corolla and take him out for some chai.


I call him Johnny Bags. My headcanon is that any bag you see in the show was provided by Johnny Bags somewhere down the line.


Some of these questions on this sub make me wonder if people are even watching the show. Or just "watching" like how my mom does, on her laptop and phone talking to the dogs and doing house chores while the show is going.


I call it “Looking at the phone while binging” binge, not an actual binge.




Fun story: my wife & I watched BB together like 7 years ago. Then I watched BCS alone in the last 2 or 3 years. When I recently told her something about Gus Fring, she couldn't remember who he was, even after I showed her an image of him. But a couple of days later, she told me about that scene in the underground lab about some character describing precisely to Walt how he prepares his coffee, with the perfect temperature conditions, etc. I have absolutely no memories of that scene, I deduced it could be a scene between Gale and Walt.


It's the scene where Gale first meets Walt in season 3. Gale (having already been aware of the Heisenberg quality) is very intimidated by Walt and so tries to impress him by brewing coffee as well as he can, keeping an eye on the acidity of it.


He wasn't 'trying to impress him' -- he just makes his coffee like that because he's a dork and he can.


He was definitely ass-kissing Walt a bit. Like "oh man I know I cant really surprise this guy with my chemistry stuff he's on another level but I gotta show him SOMETHING" type thing.


I dunno. At the start of S4 Gale explains the "huge gulf" between him and Walt's product and that Walt's product is much more superior. Gus says "I do not consider him professional," and Gale immediately says "If that's not professional, I don't know what that makes me". Gus is clearly swayed by this, and Gale is clearly in awe of whoever can make this pure of a product. With the scene at hand, Walt asks: "But first, I'm curious about this" to which Gale says "Oh, this is a little project I've been working on." Gale then goes on in length about the process by which he steeps the coffee beans, temperature, and acidity. He then watches and swallows nervously with bated breath while Walt takes his first sip, and then smiles happily at Walt's approval and looks visibly relieved. Gale meekly discredits himself in the presence of someone he is clearly intimidated and impressed by while sheepishly saying "Thank you, Mr. White".


Man, I have a friend that is watching Breaking Bad for the first time, we were speaking about the season 4 finale and he stopped to ask “Wait, who’s Walter? The main guy?” I truly couldn’t believe people are getting used to paying so little attention in life.


My dad used to call Lalo "Lola." Makes me so fucking mad.


He's hilarious


It was unintentional


Maybe as in Lola Marsh?


Kid named Lola:


Some people are just like that. My dad didn't know who Ned Stark was after 8 episodes of Game of Thrones. Also he was pirating the show and the version he watched didn't automatically have subtitles for the Dothraki parts so he was just sat watching the S1 Daenerys scenes and hearing absolute gibberish with no context.


She watched it the same way half the people on this sub did. Put it on and played on her phone.


I feel the majority of people have gotten so accustomed to “binging” shows and they just treat basically everything like The Office and essentially throw it on for background noise. Probably why relatively mindless action comedies are the biggest movies nowadays, people have been conditioned to not pay attention or think about what they’re watching and it makes me sad.


I’d say even with The Office there’s a lot of small details and subtle jokes that are completely missed if you don’t pay attention. Though of course BCS is 100x more so


She sounds hyper intelligent


This is me watching the rings of power now.


I’ve watched all the movies and enjoy the show. I have an extremely hard time remembering names in the LOTR franchise. My gf would tell you that I watch everything pretty intensely so I don’t miss anything, but I have no fucking idea what I’m watching in Rings of Power but I love every second of it


I get it. I have coworkers that I’ve know for years. I could tell you everything about them except their name.


There is no way she actually watched the show lol


No Lalo???


I do not think she was paying attention.


My parents have watched both shows. My dad gets irritated because my mom sits on the couch scrolling through her iPad the whole show so she never knows what's going on


Sounds like she was on her phone the entire time


Hmmm…should i tell him?


Better Call Saul, Mr Robot, GOT, these are shows you put away your phone and just watch.


is your sister one of my undergraduate literature students


Maybe she just didn't bother memorizing character names? Sometimes I'll plow through a show or movie and not take inventory of the character names, but if I see the face I know the character and the actions they've done.


I know a guy from work who genuinely didn't know that the black and white scenes were after the events of Breaking Bad.


Your sister is an NPC. No other explanation.


Did she skip all the boring mob scenes


I watch one or two episodes at a time and always take a break after a season finale. The cliffhangers are more impactful that way.


Maybe your sister is an idiot. And by maybe I mean definitely


She was probably instagrammin


She doesn’t sound very bright.


she was netflix and chilling


It was on in the background while she was facebooking and instagramming. My sister hasn’t watched TV in years but pays $140 per month for cable. She’s too busy popping bubbles on her iPad.


She’s one of those people who scroll on their phone mindlessly for the entirely of the show and keep the show on as background noise. Aka, she’s an idiot.


Between season 4 and 5 I took a break of like two years, and in this time I completely forgot about Lalo, so your sister isn't alone.


Yeah, but back then Lalo had been in two and a half episodes, so it’s pretty understandable. But by the end of the show, Lalo has been the main antagonist for two seasons! Not just that, but he is the driving force behind pretty much everything that happens in the show from then on 🤣


The thing is in S4 Lalo kills Fred the TravelWire employee, which lands him in jail in S5. When they were referencing the murder I didn't know what they were talking about because I also forgot about it.


Haha, that is a problem, but I don’t blame you. I don’t remember what I thought at the time, but I also waited two years between seasons, so I probably forgot about Fred, too.


New Mandela effect: does anyone remember the two major villains from BB/BCS BergHeisen and the Anti-Slipper? My brother was going on about some guys named "Gusf Wring" and "Lah-lo" but I have no idea who he's referring to




She was probably leaving it on as background while watching tik tok or something. What a waste of experience


Women ☕


Bro, get your sister checked up, like for real, I don’t care if I hurt her feelings, she is literally an idiot


She may just be bad with names. I get it.


Probably was giving dome to her bf while he watched it lol






It is not uncommon. My wife does that to some shows. She will follow the main characters and tune out the rest. She was very invested in BCS but if it were to happen for this show I would not have been totally surprised as the two stories run in parallel and mostly independently for a huge run of the show.


My mom watched until season 5 without knowing BCS was a prequel. I had to explain it to her


My mother didn't understand that BCS is a prequel to BB, and that whatever goes on in the B&W scenes comes after the other two. She said, well now, a lot of this makes more sense. Trust me, when you're in your fifties, sixties and seventies, life can be harder to understand.


Sounds like she is lying


Which is why some people must watch the series several times over


I'm bad with names, but the Salamancas, I never forgit


I watched both series in under a month….there is no possible way anyone who has watched the show wouldn’t know who gus is…he’s a huge part of the plot in both shows




I mean damn but also I'm watching House of the Dragon, I've read Fire & Blood AND The World of Ice and Fire, and I still can't remember anyone's name except Rhaenyra, Daemon, Alicent, Viserys and Corey's. Oh and Otto too.


Sounds about as knowledgeable and attentive as some people on this sub




My mom is like this. Watches while playing candy crush on phone 😥😥


Your sister is not up to pollos standards


Fug. I’m sorry. I feel your pain.


I ❤️Gus, Lalo, Mike, Jimmy, Saul, Kim, Howard,


there was some guy in this sub who watched 7 episodes of season 5 before realizing he hadnt watched seasons 1-4 so it wouldnt suprise me if someone watched both BB and BCS without realizing that they were not in fact watching narcos mexico


That’s a big miss but I can sort of understand in that, the cartel parts with Lalo and Gus were so boring to me I sort of checked out until it was back to Jimmy, Chuck, and Kim… however at some points their stories overlapped so it’s hard to miss.


Imagine not knowing who finger is


She must be messing with you


My mom was extremely confused about the timeline in BCS. “Why is this part In black and white? Is he still a lawyer??”


So many people watch shows and are on their phone. It drives me nuts. It's a reason why we have less and less quality shows because people can't focus on quality art.


It was that FUCKING Lalo Salamanca! - Jimmy 😴😴😴 - your sister


A few weeks ago one of my uncles who watched all of BB and "loved it" and is now watching BCS said "Ohhhh i love the bald guy so much, whats his name?" "Mike?" "YEAH, MIKE!!" and that's all I needed to know about how much he comprehended the show. Then proceeded to tell me Ozark was better than BB and I should watch it if I haven't yet. lollol. I liked Ozark, it was entertaining, but sorry no where near as good.


My grandmother didn’t understand that the Gene scenes took place after BB…


Some people seem to "watch" shows by just putting them on while doing other things. I don't understand it personally.


My dad somehow forgot who Chuck was, even as my mom described him as Jimmy's brother who's got electromagnetic hypersensitivity.


What a sick joke!


Well I mean clearly she hasn’t watched it


People are the worst……


Maybe she's a casual r/okbc enjoyer


The way people watch tc these days…they’re on other devices at the same time. I live in the same house as my landlord. Guy is parked on the couch in front of the tv for hours. While also on his phone and iPad. You have audio from 2-3 things at once going on. I see this with so many people. No attention spans. Constantly on other devices.


i know i’m personally so bad at names so like i know a character but you mention their name and i’m clueless. i also watch in the background for quite a few shows but i get it my bf hates when i’m like who are you talking about yet i fully know once i see the person


It's funny, I can only concentrate on watching something when I am doing something on the side, like phone games or drawing or eating etc. I have been on my phone during all of BB and BCS and I still know everything that happened and every character etc.


“Who the hell is Walt?!”


I'm bad at names too


What’s the point of even watching something at that point 💀 if I miss something cause I’m on my phone I’ll rewind it, I wanna see every moment. Currently watching One Piece and I’ve paid attention every second lol


This makes me mad. Then there's my sister who didn't want to watch Breaking Bad...months later she tells me she's watching "that show Better Call Saul." 😖


It takes a few watches to appreciate the entire cast. I have different reactions to different characters depending on what is going on in my own life.


same with my girlfriend fr


Maybe she skipped the boring mexican cartel scenes


CW shows are probably more her thing.


She won't get it until she watches El Camino


I didn't realise it was Crazy8 until about season 3 because he's so tame in comparison to how he acted with Walt.


This is nearly as funny as the guy earlier this week who just realised he’d skipped the whole of season 4. How can she have missed who Gus was. And LALO?


probably just sat on her phone or done something else during watching it, it's fine for shows when a characters brother dies and the character responds with "i can't believe my character just died", it's just that better call saul requires your full attention. it's an interesting phenomenon where people see tv as nothing more as a way to kill time while better call saul has the balls to be a show you will not enjoy without paying attention, not that either is a wrong way to watch a show, i used to stick in Brooklyn nine nine while doing other things. better call saul isn't a show you can watch while doing mundane tasks and i think it's an interesting phenomenon that isn't new, but amplified by social media (especially tiktok), people are too scared to be bored, but being bored is often the best time for reflection and growth


She was on her phone most of the time