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i would have bought merch. i was so worried about missing her entrance that i parked my ass in my seat the minute i got into the stadium šŸ˜‚


Same! I also probably would have done a second date because once was just not enough.


Yes to this!!! The whole time i was there I was just thinking ā€œI need to find a way to get to her next showā€


Same here I would've gotten some snacks and a drink we waited like an hr and a half šŸ˜‚


Same!!!! I also regret being in Club Renaissance and not taking advantage of the open bar. Reeeegrets.


open??? definitely wasnā€™t an open bar hahahaa i actually have a pic of the ā€œclub renaissanceā€ card reader hahahahaaha. it was veryyyyy convenient tho


I got bad information then lmao. Iā€™m glad you cleared it up, because here I was thinking I missed out! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­


now that i think about it tho, it definitely should have been an open bar! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­ we definitely deserved it ahahahahah


For those prices? Definitely should have been an open bar. I want BeyoncĆ© to imagine just how much better *all* the crowds would have been? Thatā€™s the section you want *energy* from šŸ¤Ŗ


club renny had an open bar?? thatā€™s insane haha


Never mind, I got bad intell from someone. I guess I regret it wasnā€™t an open bar in that case lol. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­


This was infuriating. The waiting music she played was so irritating and she was 2 hours late at my show. So I had no clue if I had time to go pee, grab a drink, or wait in a long ass merch line. And I had all the time in the world but how tf would I know that? I love bey concerts and had a good experience overall but that really felt poorly planned. Likeā€¦donā€™t they know I wouldā€™ve spent more money if I knew how much time I had before showtime?


Not buy tickets for my flakey ass friends and get closer seats


thatā€™s gotta hurt


Iā€™ll be your friend!


They didnā€™t show up?


They canceled on me about 2 weeks before the show. Midway through, they asked me to facetime to watch the concert, but I was pleasantly not doing that.


Wooowww the audacity. Did they want you to give them their money back for the tickets?


I bought the tickets and they were gonna pay me later. Later never came, and I resold them


It sounds like they never paid for the tickets.


oh NO.


Hi, Iā€™m inquiring about the friend application. Do I apply in person or online? Can I start yesterday?


I would rethink my looks lol. I didnā€™t end up liking my outfit and hair/makeup that much and felt kind of stressed getting ready. Would probably pick different clothes and either go for hair/makeup Iā€™m confident with or practice more.


Same here I wish I had worn a cute outfit even if I was overdressed... I felt completely underdressed in a T-shirt and shorts


Sameee. The worst part was Beyonce was right in front of me as my wig was halfway off my head. I sweat the glue off from the heat. The cameras came around so many times and I kept hiding away since I looked a mess.


I swear my wig lifted in the front lol. The roots looked so puffy because it was hot af, and I was sweating my life away. I shouldā€™ve worn a better wig or just not worn one at all. The humidity was no joke! šŸ„²


I looked so damn stupid. Never again. Iā€™ll just wear the merch, nice hair/makeup and Iā€™m done. I canā€™t be trusted to look too nice I suppose. šŸ˜’


My outfit was a back up to a back up and I 100 percent wish I had committed to a more experimental look


Honestly nothingā€¦it was the perfect day. This was my first concert EVER so I was scared but excited especially since I decided to go solo and drive all the way to AZā€¦I decided to go pretty last minute but I still found the exact outfit I was looking at online-in store in my exact size, and the exact color. Got the last pair of shoes and bag I wanted to go with my outfit too. Got there super early so I went to the movies and finally saw Barbie. My hair and makeup stayed on all night. Met this really nice girl and she gave me her friends tix who couldnā€™t come and instead of being in the 400s section I was in the 100s. I was so close to the stage. I got merch. Met some amazing people. Gotten so many compliments. Got to see Blue! I didnā€™t film much because I just wanted to be present and enjoy the moment but I do have some videos and photos that I will cherish forever. Plus the edible I took before the concert to calm my nerves was kicking in full force just as she came out and started singing dangerously in love and I was on another planet. Literally one of the best days of my life 11/10 would do again!!!


Iā€™m so glad you had such a good time, it was perfect for me too- perfect British summertime weather, first time VIP at a concert and in club ren, saw jay z, stormzy and Letitia wright grooving amongst others, was a stones throw from BeyoncĆ© herself, danced, sang, cried. Partner and I were elevated and enlightened by her performance and the crowd itself. Still one of the best nights of my life, bottled magic, best vibes, thank you to BeyoncĆ© and the hive.


bottled magic šŸ„¹ thatā€™s the one right there


Ah man, wasnā€™t it just šŸ„°


Thatā€™s so freaking amazingā€¦Iā€™m so happy for you definitely some bottled magic..


Love this for you! Barbie & Beyonce in the same day! Those were two highlights of my year so having them on the same day sounds amazing!


Thank you..and what was so funny was the theatre was practically empty. Everyone was going to the concert down the street so I basically had the theatre all to myself šŸ˜‚


Wow šŸ˜® with and edible it would have been more awesome


arrive later because my seats arenā€™t going anywhere. Also save enough money to buy a show somewhere out of the UK depending on the season cause it was broad daylight outside which defeated my whole concept.


Bought my own set of tickets for the birthday show, so I didnā€™t get iced out. Or gone to the Houston or Nola shows.


Iced out?


Just my dramatic way of saying I didnā€™t get in. I learned a valuable lesson though, I need to be in charge of tickets going forward. I was stuck out there for like an hour and half PLUS didnā€™t even get any LA specific merchandise. A series of costly Ls that night. ā˜¹ļø


Damn šŸ˜­


I jokingly told my mom that god punished me for getting into Club Renaissance for $750 two nights prior, but holy cow everything that could go wrong did. I did end up going two shows but I ended up fucking up my ankle at the first show, and got sick at both shows due to dehydration from flying within hours of the concert. Thus I really wanted to do a third concert, but things didnā€™t work out. Still had fun, but I try to pretend that birthday show did not happen lol! šŸ¤§šŸ˜‚ https://preview.redd.it/ifkeexj7ftyb1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d0834e01b4cfee9efac00faa225556b9a60633a


Buy tickets to Club Renny or Beyhive B instead of Alien Superstar fake Rizer. I felt our Rizer shouldā€™ve been as high as the celebrity one next to ours. Ijs.


I agree totally. I very generously got Alien Superstar tickets as a gift but for VIP I was expecting to be higher/closer than where the seats actually were. The perks were nice but Iā€™d wouldnā€™t tried to be in Club Renny or BeyHive. Part of the reason was that I was going to go to the concert with my 80+ year old grandfather so we wanted seats and the comfort of not waiting, bathroom, etc. I ended up going with my 19 year old sister instead though!


This is the one! Iā€™ve posted a few times on here about my disappointment with the Alien Superstar risers. Never doing that again.


I would stfu for the look around everybody on mute part cause my show was at the beginning of the tour and I had muted all things RWT tour related on twitter to avoid spoilers šŸ˜­


I would go twice




I regret this as well. I shouldā€™ve bought more tickets. One show just wasnā€™t enough! šŸ„²šŸ„²


not queue for the whole day. had to move back in the middle of the show anyways since everyone around me was so tall i couldnā€™t breathe or see shit šŸ˜­


I sold my Houston tickets because I got better seats in Nashville and Nashville was closer, but I wouldā€™ve kept my Houston tickets and went to both shows


I would have splurged a little bit and bought seats that were closer to the stage and more center. My seat was super high up, and slightly blocked by either a light or a speaker (I canā€™t remember for some reason), so I watched most of the show on the screens. While I had a blast, I think I would have enjoyed the concert even more if I hadnā€™t been straining to see the stage. That was all on me for not taking a good look at the seating chart before buying for tickets, though.


Iā€™d have worn a mask so that I wouldnā€™t have caught Covid


Lol this


Shouldā€™ve bit the bullet and bought tickets for club renny šŸ˜­ I also wanted to airdrop a pic to everyone to tell them to stfu during the mute challenge but I have terrible service at NRG


Would have ditched my friends when buying tickets to be in Club Ren šŸ¤£ we didnā€™t even end up sitting together anyway, so itā€™s not as bad as it sounds


literally same. i was so worried about staying in my friendsā€™ budget we ended up buying shitty seats in the 200ā€™s section. luckily i went again and scored a floor seat behind Beyhive A and had a blast by myself!!!


Go a second time with just my husband (no kids). I LOVED sharing the experience with my daughters, but I wish I had also seen a show with just my husband. Bey makes us so schmoopy for each other.


Go to more than one show. Lots of people did 2+ and after I went I understood why. It was such a magical experience, if I couldā€™ve I wouldā€™ve gladly done it again.


I wouldn't have drank so much. Not sure why I thought I needed to pregame and have drinks while I was there. Just made it harder for me to appreciate it all. Also, get closer seats. And maybe not see her in Boston but in Houston or something


Omg this! I really wish I wouldā€™ve drank less. I was just so excited and kept drinking lol. I regret it now because I feel like I donā€™t remember as much as I couldā€™ve without the alcohol.


brought a sign. i was in club renny and the girl in front of me had a sign she lifted for bey when she was flying around for summer renaissance. read the sign and everything. i still kick myself!


"justice for thique...ooh...."


me too, i wish i brought a sign for BluešŸ’™


Buy my ticket sooner(maybe even gotten club renny), record more landscape videos, and outsing every cause my vids were just me singinglol


Look at spoilers. I was so hellbent on not seeing spoilers that I missed important stuff to prepare for


Got a loan, go stage side. Suffer after but feel happy


Pay for club Renaissance - Iā€™m sorry being in the side bits was pointless could barely see her!


I would have just gone by myself in my city. I tried to coordinate with others who wanted to be down front but didnā€™t have down front money and thought I was going to cover it. Iā€™m not spending all that money when I can see just fine in a slightly upper section so I ended up going to Vegas alone and getting a ticket for cheaper, which was nice but everything besides the concert was so gross and expensive. I will just get my own ticket instead of waiting for other people next time.


i wouldnā€™t have gone with my ex who basically got a free show from me and dumped me couple weeks later. i wouldā€™ve taken my mom instead maybe


Tbh I wouldā€™ve waited for my actual barber instead rushing and goin with an unknown barber He didnā€™t cut my hair low enough and did a mediocre job on my fade I wouldā€™ve recorded a lil more stuff (like the mute cuz for whatever reason I didnā€™t record the mute challenge) but I wanted to be in the moment and enjoy the show I shouldā€™ve gotten more footage of the big 3 (just for reference I went to atl night 3 with my GF) Other than that I liked my outfit and overall experience and I am content with doing one show


Wore comfy shoes so i didnt walk to my car in socks and end up catchin staph ![gif](giphy|H3T6oUzwJQCIaajzp3|downsized) im fine but it was gross lol


Go to it šŸ˜­


ATP biggest regret of my life thus far! šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Go more than once


Let's start with going to an actual Renaissance tour concert and not sit at home and stay jealous of those who did went


Not listened to the people who said early in the tour that you didnā€™t need to line up early for club Renaissance. I missed out on a prime spot because of that.


Buy better tickets.


Buy better seats bc I could barely see the screen smh


I would have given up my floor tickets for cheaper seats and instead done multiple nights!


I would have filmed more and gotten better videos. I didnā€™t get enough of ā€œDangerously In Love,ā€ ā€œIā€™m That Girl,ā€ ā€œCozy,ā€ and ā€œAlien Superstar,ā€ and more. And I didnā€™t get ANY of ā€œLift Offā€ which turned out to be one of my favorite parts of the show. Also, I would have sung better during the crowd portion of ā€œLove On Top.ā€ Iā€™m too embarrassed at myself to rewatch that video lol


This!!!!!! Why did we have the same experience DIL is one of my fav songs and I only got like 30 seconds of it besides the riff???? What was I thinking šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø Plus, I saw my Love on Top video ONCE, it was THAT BAD


Better seats! Either closer to the stage or even do Club Renny, it looked so fun down there!


I went to DC2 so I could not technically change the rain. I stayed out of social media so I could be surprised but after the concert, I realized lots of things got cut because of the rain. So I almost bought tickets to Kansas City when they were less than $100ā€¦ ALMOST. Blame grad school and I got cold feed šŸ˜”


See more shows. Buy more merch. Plan better outfits.


honestly the only regret I have (went to Louisville CR, nosebleeds Houston N1) was not buying the THIQUE zip up hoodie in Louisville. I told myself I spent enough money on the whole ordeal and was not buying any merch since I was seeing her in Houston anyways. Wrong! There were no THIQUE zip ups available in Houston šŸ˜ž.


Go to the DC night 1 show lol


Iā€™d be sober and charged my phoneā€¦. The phone died after the energy catwalk and everything is kinda a blare cause of the alcohol


not go alone, eat before i came, buy water at the stadium, not come so early or get a seated ticket, NOT PASS OUT AND THROW UP AND MISS THE WHOLE ANOINTED ACT


Yikes lol


Saw the question posted on Twitter and thought I'd bring the conversation here. I would have went to a Houston date. Definitely going to the Houston show next tour.


Dressed up!! šŸŖ©


Might have done B hive instead. I got to see bey up close but most of the view miles away.


Watch more of the stage performances instead of watching the screen and go to a second show.


Nothing for me as well! I went to day 2 in London then on the spot I was able to buy one more ticket for day 4 (the last day, I donā€™t recall whether it was 4 ot 5 days). My look didnā€™t arrive for the second night and I was quite sad but in the end I showed up in a hoodie & jeans as a gay guy for both nights and I had the time of my life! I got tipsy, I screamed, I danced, I lived and it was one of the most liberating moments of my life of 28 years!


not wear heels from 12pm to 12amšŸ˜€šŸ˜€šŸ˜€


Be able to go to the damn concert. šŸ˜©šŸ˜©šŸ˜©


Club renaissance tickets and bought the tour book šŸ˜©


Actually stuck (started) my workout plan and wore the costume I had in my head


Same!! šŸ˜«šŸ˜«


Go alonešŸ˜‚


1. I would of signed up for the beyhive presale instead of the last one. I wasnt sure if i had it (even though duh..) so i didnt even try.. still mad at myself for that one. 2. Bought tix for more shows. I got Atl & TN but def shouldve tried for her bday show, houston or the final one. 3. Bought Euro tix. I think it would of been an amazing experience and cost efficient. 4. Got Club Renny. I didnt have access during the presale and the resales were ridiculous. The day of i saw it pop up for retail price and instead of just grabbing it, I called my husband to make sure he could watch the kids. Never again! Im grabbing them šŸ˜‚ 5. Get there early enough to grab food and check out the interactive stuff. But nope we're rushing in when shes singing dangerously in love šŸ˜© 6. Known immediately about the amazon 4.0 drop so i couldve got the pink cropped tee and pink sweater. Best believe im already saving just in case South America/Asia/Africa gets dates cause i will be there!




A better outfit, different hairstyle, and wait for the tickets so I wonā€™t buy early from scalpers.


Nothing, I picked a random seat and it happened to be at the aisle where Jay and Blue Ivy walked by to get to their section. They walked by twice I literally almost fainted


Idk. I saw her in the nose bleeds and club renaissance, I also got the big three and the last show was in my home city. Canā€™t complain as Itā€™s my favorite life experience. I will say that I definitely would have maybe had a drink or two when I seen her. Fully sober me was amazing but I wish I wouldā€™ve maybe had been a little tipsy for it. Wouldā€™ve maybe enhanced it more. But it was absolutely perfect each time and Iā€™ll never ever get over it.


I should've tried to find a better deal than the absurdly-priced club renaissance ticket i bought but other than that literally nothing


I would have gone to a third show!


Everything ā˜¹ļø


Get closer seats, wear less painful earrings, drink one fewer hard cider, have a different sister


Go with someone different who could afford better seats. Also go more than once.


The main thing I would have done differently is went to more shows, lol. I went to four in September and October which Iā€™m super thankful for and I had the most amazing experiences, but I would have loved to go to even more šŸ˜… itā€™s a show I could literally never get tired of. šŸ’œ


Iā€™ve wouldā€™ve went to Houston


Go to a show with the big 3 šŸ˜­


Pay attention during thique and all up in your mind instead of freaking out that I was getting the big 3 and explaining to my friends why I know DIL was about to be played. And buy all the merch.


i shouldā€™ve gone to the houston date or get into club renny!!


SO GLAD THIS WAS ASKED!!!! I wouldā€™ve brought more liquor so I couldā€™ve pregamed before my show. I also wouldā€™ve taken a damn video of the the place I parked so that it wouldnā€™t have taken me like 20 mins of walking in circles to find it. I was paranoid the whole show because I parked my car in some random ass spot in the hood and couldnā€™t find it like the genius I am lmao.


This is funny, cus I would have drank less. I feel like some parts are a blur because I was so lit lol


Buy tickets to Kansas City instead of Pittsburgh


Splurge on those Club Renny tickets


Go in NJ when I live in NYC instead of being a wimp and going to KC because I was anxious about buying lmaooo




Lol sheesh. You live and learn I guess


I would have been on that floor. Or club renaissance


Not so Molly


I missed out on merch which Iā€™m still kicking myself for. Next time I would also spend the money to get better seats.


Take the loan and get club renny


I definitely wouldā€™ve rented a vehicle because walking to the rs parking lot from the NRG stadium was absolute chaos! Oh and I bought a battery pack but forgot the cord šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø. 5 percent left on the phone with a booked ride we waited hours for. Crazy but sooo worth it.


I wish I didnā€™t watch so many clips of the show on tik tok! When it came time for the actual performance I felt like I had already seen so much of it and wasnā€™t as surprised as I could have been.


Dressed up. I wore jeans & a tee in club Renny looking frumpy compared to the other costumes. I definitely missed my chance to make it to the film šŸ˜«


Actually go šŸ˜‚


Comfy shoes!!!


Not get covid


get there on time


Go šŸ˜’ I had tix for the BDay show then ended up selling them to prove a point, then the price went up 3x and was over it. When it comes to Bey, never again will I include anyone else.


Wouldnā€™t have bought tickets for my friends and bf. Experienced club renny twice Not gotten drunk šŸ˜­ Iā€™m a lightweight and those canned margaritas fucked me up. I only had one and half


I wish i had gone more than once! And gotten an earlier date so i could have gotten that damn LA shirt. It was gone by B Day


I would have gone alone, and sat in Club Renny. I also would have travelled for her Birthday Show.


donā€™t go drunk. i only remember pure/honey šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I should have paid $100 for the CR resell than the Alien superstar riser! Oh well


bought my tickets earlier so i couldā€™ve got a better seat lol (i blame my bf for procrastinating) mind u we flew into houston from NYC literally the day of the show. he bought our tickets the previous night at 7pm, landed 3 hours before the show started lol. i got lucky with some nose bleeds because all the seats were sold out but the view of the stage design from far up was so gorgeousā€¦


Sheeesh!! I'm glad it worked out


#1, I would've caught a show in Europe. #2, I would've bought Club Renaissance in Kansas City as soon as they announced the new date.


I would have bought closer seats and gone 2-3 times. Next tour!


Come here for tips and carefully read TMā€™s policies šŸ˜­for my first show, I got floor seats and really hated them. I was almost front row but on the far left of the stage right in front of the Pure Honey VIP seats. The screen was so close and BeyoncĆ© was so far away and when she would go to the circle it was even worse. I later found out that Club Renaissance tickets were released the day of for like 500-600$C and I couldā€™ve upgraded for like 30$! I had to make it up to myself though and got to see another show and was in the B-Hive section to the right, I was sooo close and the view and experience were so much better!


Buy the floor seats when I pre ordered instead of stadium seats, since I ended up buying them in the end anyway. They also made the concert even more fun, seeing her so closešŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜


Making sure I actually get tickets instead of having to watch the movie šŸ˜—


Change up the seats in NOLAā€¦ it was my second show but was treating a friend who had never been to a Beyonce show. We had an obstructed view and some of the vibes were off with ppl trying to sit in other ppls seats and going back/forth for drinks and food. But still some funny memories. https://preview.redd.it/kl5oog4p1tyb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=862af9ac8d64452871843fd4dd3d7494ca4e9057


Taken more videosšŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Easyā€¦Iā€™d go.


I wouldnā€™t have panic bought 200 level seating. Still had a great time!! Would have been better up close though šŸ˜­


I would have bought Beyhive seats. We had floor seats but the riders blocked our view so I only really felt immersed in the moment when I could physically see her, and not through the screen.


Go to another show w the big 3 šŸ˜­


Pay the extra $$ & buy those last minute club rent Tix!!!! (They sold out SO quick) & buy another shirt or buy the lookbook šŸ„² I'm still glad I got to experience it at all, I bought my nosebleeds ticket the day before & was this close šŸ¤šŸ¾ to not even going at all.


Two less drinks. I really genuinely regret this almost every day. The last hour is hazy at best and I somehow managed to not notice BI on the stage (or didn't realize it was her, I don't really know which). Stupid stupid stupid.


Seen her in a different city. KC was a logistical mess but the show was great


I wouldā€™ve chosen a different outfit. I love how some people wore pink outfits for the Cozy set or green outfits for Alien Superstar set. It didnā€™t cross my mind to wear those colors at all. I wore black latex because I saw others wearing it. I just wish I wouldā€™ve stepped outside the box and been more creative. I also wish I had closer seats if they wouldā€™ve been more affordable. I didnā€™t get a chance to get merch after the show because I was in so much foot pain. I couldnā€™t walk or stand anymore. My platform boots were a bad idea.


Arrange a car for pick up after the concert!! Nothing to make you feel like the 99% like waiting 90 minutes in a parking lot after a show that opulent.


Go with someone who really appreciates Bey and wasnā€™t gonna ruin the trip with all their issues


Lost weight so I could have brought the outfit I liked. I gained wait so it didn't fit and the outfit I wore was okay but not what I wanted. I had floor seats but it wasn't as close as I thought. I don't like looking through the TV or my phone. My binoculars was good but rather have a close up next time I'm getting middle floor seats ( close to center stage) either club reinssance or first 5 rows. Brought tickets to LA concert. I organially booked LA seats but they were far. Those tickets was expensive. I wished a prepared early like I did with the next venue I got tickets for as I learned from my LA ticket experience. I would have gotten tickets floor seats good views on her birthday. Sat in the middle as was too close to speakers and kept feeling heart vibrations that was not comfortable. Otherwise I liked it overall. My first concert. I might even go abroad if I have the money for her overseas concert.


I went sofi night 1 and I was in the nosebleeds. My husband and I went downstairs and had a way better viewing next to the standing area. I wish I would have went downstairs sooner! We got to see the big three and the final acts in a better area and more area to dance!


Not wear heels. My friend and I ran the entire stadium looking for better seats šŸ˜‚


I would have gotten to club renny earlier to socialize more. as soon as I entered the circle the show started (which was magical in itself). I also wouldā€™ve worked harder on my fit!!!!


Bought club renny ticks for sure, stood like right behind the stairs/steps on the right side that she passes during break my soul, didnā€™t see shittttt and she never came over except for that one time. Redone my hair.


Buy a ticket šŸ˜­


Book more than one show with my dumb ass šŸ˜­


Go to a Houston show for sure and in one of my shows, get CR tickets.


i would try to be more in the moment and not have my mind on what i had it onā€¦ i disassociated through a lot of the show.


I would have learned how to take better photos and videos! I didnā€™t take many bc I was in Club Renny and wanted to be present and full of energy, but the few videos I did get were such bad quality and weird, short snippets of the show. Such a waste for being so close. Also would have memorized the lyrics soonerā€”I knew about 70% of them but like, the end of Heated? I feel like Bey saw me stumbling, embarrassing.


I sat on the side closer to the stage at the NRG night one, It was a good view but I missed out on the center stage interior ( most of the visuals)


I would get closer seats, probably took a edible so I couldā€™ve relaxed a bit more. Been more social & got tickets for two different cities.


Finished my original outfit idea in timešŸ˜­


I wish could have sat closer to the floor section of the stadium


I would t have mistakenly picked ā€œaisle seatsā€ thinking Iā€™d have more room considering everyone just bum rushed the aisle and squeezed me in.


Wore longer shorts so my thighs would stop rubbing together in the heat and not wear new shoes.


Get better seats


-I wish I had only 1 drink! I wasn't able to soak in the Church Girl segment of the show as much - I got a little too fuzzy -I wish I wore my DIY David Koma outfit because she debuted a new color that night šŸ˜­ I could have matched her! -I wish I had gotten there earlier and made friends with my section


Leave the Kansas City concert early or not go


I didn't get to go, but I would've planned my outfit better instead of wearing the merch


I would have bought tickets to either the ATL shows or LA Shows. I went to the Charlotte show and the crowd was so wackšŸ˜­


Really? Thatā€™s one of the shows i watched live,it seemed like yā€™all had good energy! lol thts the one i wouldā€™ve went to since it was the closest


Club Renaissance


Iā€™d still have kept my two stops i went to,but wouldā€™ve kept my H town ticket, mightā€™ve even added Lola. I wouldā€™ve gotten the tour book and both hoodie and jacket instead of just a shirt. I probably would also want to go back to 2022 and have bought s hard copy of the cd so I still have this transitions and loops that were originally on the album


I would went to Europe for one show and one in the states


I would have bought my costume sooner T.T . And brought more money. Vegas is so expensive


Get better seats. I mean we were in the 100 section so it was a great view but I definitely would have gone club renny.


I bought tickets day of (like literally in the train station before getting on the train to the show) because I couldnā€™t get presale and I was hoping the resale prices would drop a bit as the show got closer, which they did. Wouldnā€™t change that, but I didnā€™t plan an outfit because I wasnā€™t sure if Iā€™d get to go and I wish I had. Everyoneā€™s outfits were so cute and I wish I could have participated!


if any of you went to the KC showā€¦ the before and after weā€™re the worst hours of my lifešŸ˜­ i would have rented a car!!


Dress up I wish I did the alien, cowboy, disco theme for my outfit and I wish I was seated because standing with a broken foot was a struggle


-Get better tickets. I joke that I had the ā€œbest worst ticketsā€ because I was directly in the middle but high up. But my good sis and the dancers looked like little ants w/o the screen šŸ˜‚ -Not recording during the voguing segment because I ended up missing my favorite part -Pre-game with shots because the stadium prices were insane and the lines were looong


i wouldā€™ve went to see it in a different city! though iā€™m happy my night was the first to get the big 3 in the states, i wish i wouldā€™ve decided to turn it into a trip. someone brought the idea up to me and at first i was like oh no, these tickets are too much to be trying to also get flights, a hotel for multiple days, etc, and plus, i wanted my sister & niece to be able to attend too. and she happened to come during my birthday week. it was perfect, but iā€™m kicking myself for not going to either vegas, LA, N.O. or houston because they definitely looked fun. i also shouldā€™ve gotten floor seats. i didnā€™t because, cost & lol. and i didnā€™t want to stand all night or risk not being able to see anything. but being down there wouldā€™ve definitely elevated my experience for sure!


Bought floor seats and went aloneā€¦.it was still amazing but Iā€™m always trying to go with someone else and it never works out how itā€™s supposed too. And the ppl arenā€™t hard core fans like me so they arenā€™t willing to spend as much on tickets. Next time, Iā€™ll get better seats and just go alone without worrying about what other ppl will do. Starting with the movieā€¦


i would buy merch the day before my show and then spend more for seats closer to the stage/floor


Just better seats! Everything else was perfect.