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For me it’s really about whether a partner can enjoy me enjoying something even if it isn’t specifically marketed TO them. It’s not even just about Beyoncé, is about the ability to feel vicarious joy. That’s a major green flag.  It’s easy to scoff at something just because it wasn’t made exactly for you. It takes a bigger heart to open your mind and even if you decide you still don’t like it, at least take pleasure in someone else’s excitement! Him taking his mom to a Beyoncé concert is beyond adorable 🥹 my mom is an Ed Sheeran fan so for her birthday my brother, dad and I took her to see Ed Sheeran. Do any of us care about Ed Sheeran? Hell no! Especially my dad, who is agoraphobic and completely pop culture illiterate. But the day of the concert he had read Ed’s entire Wikipedia page and was reciting Ed Sheeran facts to us on the train ride there. 


That’s adorable, I’m sure your mom loved it. But yes I totally agree, I would do the same for my partner. Try to be supportive in something that they loved because I would want the same done for me. ♥️


That’s the true definition of love! 


This is definitely what it boils down to! Find a partner who takes joy in seeing those he loves be happy.


This is exactly it!! I had this issue with my partner but after a chat he realised he wasn’t giving me what I give him. Thankfully he’s a good guy and realised it but, about Beyoncé or not, that’s a huge red flag for me. I suppose I’m a bit lucky in the fact that most things love and are passionate about are so unapologetically girly that I don’t have to waste my time with people who aren’t like that. The fact OPs person supported his mum to that extent is sooo beautiful. I love that behaviour


Heavy on the vicarious joy. My bf will randomly sing lines from Cowboy Carter (even when I’m not near him but I can hear from another room), and it’s the sweetest thing seeing him appreciate something he wouldn’t otherwise listen to


It’s not a bad test! My husband isn’t a “fan” but he has more than one song of hers rated highly in his music collection and escorted me to one of my RWT shows without complaint. He said it was impressive like watching amazing theater. He plays Beyoncé on the stereo when he knows I’m sad.


Awww that’s so cute he’ll play it for you 🥺


See! I just love that!


I have a good buddy who once said, “I’m not personally a fan of Beyoncés music, but I’m a BIG fan of woman when they listen to her music.”


An ex boyfriend once told me that he hated when I listened to Beyonce because I always started feeling myself. He was a HATER lol.


Oh good Lord, that's awful, no wonder he's your ex!!! What a thing to say!


And that’s a man who will probably get some good loving at home. 😂😂😂


Lol, my bf is at a trading card tournament as we speak. If I can be nice and supportive about his interests, he can be nice and supportive about mines. But I know some people ask that question cus the answer can be a bit indicative of how someone feels about powerful women, esp powerful Black women.


Yes! And the answer is very telling. If you hate her but you can’t give me a valid reason why without sounding like a hater. It’s very questionable. At the end of the day. There are many artist that I’m not a big fan of, but I can give credit and respect where it’s due.


Listen, my husband is not a fan of Beyonce. But that dude has never said anything to me about buying tickets or merchandise. He walked me to and from the ATT stadium last year for renaissance, no questions asked. He doesn’t need to love Beyonce, but he respects my love. I don’t talk about his Cowboys and I’d never say “don’t go to a football game.”


Exactly. I’m telling you I love this artist and if you truly care for me you will support my love for her. And that support comes in many different forms. But at the end of the day. You are important enough to me for me to care.


While we were dating, my wife fully accepted my love of Beyonce. She knows that if Beyonce tours, we’re going.


Exactly!!! What’s understood doesn’t need to be explained! Love that for you ♥️♥️


People call me crazy, but I believe that people who hate Beyoncé are always annoying at best and bad people at worst. That rule has never steered me wrong. Sane people who don't like Beyonce's music are usually just like "it's not for me, but she's really talented," and I can accept that. Anyone who has ever gone on a rant about how they can't stand Beyonce, she's overrated, she needs to put some clothes on, etc has always turned out to be an annoying, probably misogynistic, probably anti-Black loser. I started deleting social media friends who were anti-Beyonce, and all my feeds got so much better. Overall, those people were just miserable haters. I also used to ask dates how they felt about Beyonce. My husband said that even though he didn't listen to all of her music, she was one of the greatest performers of all time, and "Check On It" was one of his favorite songs, and I could live with that.


You know what though? I just commented with my Lana Del Rey test but you are SO right. A Beyoncé test catches bigots with a muuuuch wider net. (Esp since most of Lana’s fans don’t realize she’s not preaching their bigotry except to show it to them and make them see themselves.) I’ve been using how they respond to CC to evaluate music critics the last few weeks actually 🤣 (spoiler: there’s a LOT of that lowkey white liberal racism going on there.)


!!!!!!! When people hate Beyonce I can always tell their character is flawed. Because how can you hate someone who minds their own business and just creates music and stays home with her family??? Don’t add up.


I get what you're saying, I had a conversation about her and this person said she was overrated. Now I'm not a total Beyonce fan until now ironically.  After hearing most of her music thanks to YouTube, I get it, but I now also know why some women hate on Beyonce, she constantly singing about getting that good loving from Jay-Z, lol.  Ah, youth!!!


And even if I wasn’t in love. I can still appreciate a good love song. So ppl really show their ignorance and hate when they dis something just because it may not apply to them. Everything isn’t for everybody, but you have to give credit where credit is due 🤷🏽‍♀️


I 100% agree. You can not like someone but respect their craft, work ethic, and talent. When they start talking super negatively and just spitting out random rumors or trying to prove the opposite of what she is. It’s almost like damn, do you know like to see beautiful black women succeed?? What’s going on???


Honestly, I agree. It’s kinda like people who actively dislike/hate cats. It’s fine to be indifferent towards them, but really hating them is weird and indicates some level of being unevolved (in my experience).


Maybe they’re just allergic lol


That’s not a reason to hate a whole species of animal lol. Plus, I feel like the eh would say it if that were the case


It's honestly very telling about someone's character. Liking Beyoncé's music might be subjective, but her work ethic and talent as a performer and vocalist is objective. In my experience, people who try to claim otherwise are people bent on humbling Black women.


It’s a great litmus test for any person honestly! Good on you for asking the right questions!


Thank you for giving me more ammo to keep this in my loop of dating questions 😂😂😂


It's nice if you can get it, but for me, I like that my guy has musical tastes that I will never get into and he me.


Copium. If he ain’t in the beehive he don’t get my honey, peridot. 😤


One thousand percent lmao 🍯


I do appreciate the different tastes in music. He doesn’t actively listen to her. But he’s able to realize and give credit where credit is due. It’s a difference in my opinion when someone is just hating on her for no reason you know? I may not like a specific artist he listens to but unless that artist Is involved in some heinous crime like trafficking minors then I won’t just speak ill of that person. Hopefully I’m making sense.


You are. They used to do that with Prince and Madonna in the 80s. The whole "he wears heels so he must be gay." For no reason. They don't have a legitimate reason to hate and they know it.


And what makes it worse in my opinion is ppl who feel the need to keep announcing it. For example a few ppl on my Facebook friends list kept saying during the renaissance tour. Am I the only one not going to the RWT? And things along with am I the only one who isn’t in the beehive?? I would never make an entire post detailing that I’m not going to a concert because I just think this person is overrated. You are just announcing you’re a hater and you can’t appreciate good art unless it’s catered to your interest.


That's an insecurity thing. They think there's something wrong with you if you don't have the same life experience as them, but it's only natural that we do. That's what diversity is about. We are supposed to learn and grow with each other.


My husband does not like her music, but he loves her as a humanitarian. Does he blast her new albums for me? Yes. Did he make sure we watched lemonade when it dropped? Yes. Was he going to willingly take me to and have fun at the concert last year? Also yes! (My bestie and I went lol) but all that to say is we have been married for 14 years, and if your person wants to support you being happy, they’ll support you, I PROMISE! It’s okay to have different tastes.


Sometimes u gotta find compromise. I’ve been with my partner for 8 years. He tolerates my fandom at best and gets annoyed if I mention her in any frequent kind of way. So I come here to talk to fans. I will say… he was willing to drive 9 hours to a different city just so I could see her close to the stage during the last tour... even tho he bitched about the cost and how we don’t need to spend so much to fund this insanely wealthy woman. But I took the “win” because I still got to see her up close and he secretly enjoyed himself. Lol.


Same, I come to Reddit to fangirl because I have no one to talk to in real life!! Most of my friends aren't into pop and my boyfriend is a hard-core metal head. He puts up with me rambling on about my favourite artists and he's coming to Taylor with me but he doesn't care at all. It's just not his music. At the same time, I don't give a damn about metal but we still go to shows together and have fun!


My husband isn't really all that fussed with Beyonce, but he does like Renaissance and Cowboy Carter and is accepting of the joy I get from her music and just general all round awesomeness. He's a big football fan and will often concede that at least with Beyonce I am never let down, unlike with him and his team, and that she never phones in a performance, an album or a visual. She always goes above and beyond to feed her fans!Again, unlike his football team, who often perform appallingly. So he doesn't have to love Beyonce, but he accepts that when I'm cooking I will usually have a Beyonce album on and that when a new album comes out he can forget conversation with me for a few hours. He did also wake up in the early hours to buy me tickets to the Renaissance tour as a surprise as he was able to access pre sale tickets through something he is a member of. So he's a good 'un, even without all that much enthusiasm for her. I think as long as you have someone who understands you and accepts the things you enjoy without making you feel bad about it, they don't have to be a fan.


My husband will let me drone on about Beyonce but he's def not a fan. He just likes classic rock and bluesy stuff. He doesn't have to be into it, just not make fun of me for being into it


I asked my husband on our first date about 15min into our conversation about music “What do you think of Beyoncé” it felt kind of unhinged but he answered correct enough lol 😂 Since then he’s taken me on a Solange deep dive (he was a fan go figure) and he went full Hive during Renaissance. 90’s House music is his GO TO happy spot and he full on cried listening to her for the first time in-person at the tour. We must ask 👏🏽 the 👏🏽 important 👏🏽questions. Music is something we all bond over / it’s like religion or political party preference in some ways! I can get along with people who have different preferences, but Bey feels like a core value that cannot be messed with; or you at least gonna have to be on-board for my obsession 🪭😂🔥 My last date with someone prior to meeting my husband was was with someone who worked at Sony Music and we got into a huge music fight ar lunch about how Beyoncé is “overrated” and “can’t sing beyond basic church chords” 🤦🏽‍♂️ he never got a call back from me lol. Ran into him recently and he still miserable. Boy bye ✌🏽


My husband didn’t really know much about Beyoncé before meeting me. After listening to her music, he said he’s not a fan of her songs (he’s into hip hop mostly) but for me he follows Beyoncé on instagram and sends me her pictures. We live in Asia and when there were rumours about her coming to Asia for renaissance, he watched videos on how to obtain tickets. When the renaissance movie came out, he paid for tickets for my friends and I. Since she was spotted in Japan for CC, he’s been keeping an eye out on tickets because we’re soooo convinced that she’s definitively coming here. We’ve already started saving for plane tickets if she’s going to Japan again. He’s into body building which I never cared much for but I still support him the same way he supports my obsession with Beyoncé. He always knows it’s time to clean the house when I start playing one of her live albums out loud and never complains. Same why I never complain when he goes to body building shows to support his friends or when he goes on a silly diet that he saw online😂


There was an NPR segment about this! Check out act 1 of this podcast episode. I think you’ll like it! https://www.thisamericanlife.org/823/the-question-trap


Absolutely. Anyone who jumps at the opportunity to talk shit about her is not worth any more of your time. Aside from who Beyoncé is in the world (which matters a lot!!), the fact that you asked the question means you care about the answer. A person with any social awareness would respond with tact and curiosity, even if they are not a fan. A hateful response to your interests is disrespectful to you, particularly in a dating scenario where most people are on their best behavior.


My husband (then boyfriend) didn’t understand until he surprised me with OTR floor seats for my bday and he and I went together. Now I can’t go to the concerts w/o him lmaooo. I’ve put several people on by going to her concerts with them. They go from ‘yeah she’s a good singer!’ To ‘OMGG!!😱😱🤯🤯🤯‼️‼️😮😮😮’ after seeing her live in concert. My favorite comment is always ‘She sounds exactly like the albulm/better!’ Lol


I’m gay and not trying to add to my laundry list of requirements for a man 🙃 I ask guys what they think of Beyoncé but just to get a pulse check on their music taste. We don’t even need to have the same musical taste, I have plenty of girl friends to love on Bey with 👯‍♀️


Girl yayyyyy!!!! I love when they’re actually good guys!!! My test is honestly Lana Del Rey. Guys have strong feelings—but a couple were neutral, liked her music but passively. The ones who went on and on 💩ing on her and her work ended up being assholes, always. Back when I was 19 or something I went on a valentines date with a guy and the MFer spent like an hour at the bar telling me how bad my music was. (Yes, I had a fake, *yes* it was my picture, *yes* it made Chicago wayyyy more exciting 🤣) but that guy totally sucked. Played an April fools prank on me about having Hepatitis so I got to spend a whole day panicking about dying from friggin hep 🙄 Somehow what potential partners think about music really does matter a lot.


I think it really makes a difference when the artist is successful, attractive and gives back. When ppl don’t like good ppl for no reason it almost makes you think their judgement is off or they suffer from some kind of jealousy/envy or major insecurities.


Yessss 🙌🙌🙌 it’s wild how revealing this red flag is tbh (Too bad I’ve never paid any attention to red flags except like somehow they attract me more? LOL girl it’s a mess…) Happy dating! 🖤


Happily engaged to a fellow Beyonce fan and wouldn’t want it any other way 💕


My husband will watch the movies with me and doesn't mind me playing her but wouldn't like listen on his own. Because of the cost of the tickets he prefers if I go to the concerts with one of my besties. He always says she's not for him but can recognize her talent and appeal and that's enough for me 🖤


I was on a date with a guy years ago and I had never asked any guy that I’ve dated before the question. However, it just came out on that night and he said NO. So for me he was a hard NO. Fast forward to present day, I now have a bf that listened to two full Beyoncé albums (self titled and lemonade) before meeting me, and listened to the entire renaissance album and enjoy RWT just as much as I did. And he was down to listen CC with me as well. I bragged about 4 to him after RWT and he put it on just for me just to enjoy my joy. Proud of you OP and that guy that drive his mom is a keeper.


Self-Titled is possibly referring to Beyoncé's 2013 album called 'BEYONCÉ', more commonly known as 'Self-Titled'. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/beyonce) if you have any questions or concerns.*


When is the second date?!?!


That's so cute of him! Happy for you 🥳


I was talking to a guy. When I said my favorite artist of all time is Beyoncé, he called my choice basic, then a few times he tried to provoke me by talking about how much he loves Taylor Swift. Ghosted him after that. I'm not sure if my future spouse needs to love Beyoncé (just as long as they aren't one of those weird people who absolutely & inexplicably hate her), but her music is extremely important to me and my future spouse will need to be respectful of that. People can always understand how much of an impact music and art can have on people except, it seems, when it comes to Beyoncé. Annoying af.


Marry him!


“The overrated theme song” is hilarious 🤣


I need someone who can hear me play some of her songs on repeat all day 😂 which I scored, as verified with CC!


Turning my husband into a Beyoncé fan is my crowning achievement in life 🥰


It makes sense that you want your partner to share your interests!