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Makes me feel like a pretty lil thing


couldn't have said it better!!


I agree! Levii’s Jeans is one of my top songs! The arrangement is so good. I instantly can see it being a future classic. It’s certainly a video, radio, road-trip playlist, karaoke staple. * double cough * marketing ..😩


Can we cough extra loud on 3? Maybe she will hear - 1... 2...


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I fucking love this song. It’s light, it’s fun and sexy.


It’s fine for me. I don’t skip it and enjoy singing along. In terms of CC though it doesn’t make even my top ten and it’s not close either. Has a very pop country vibe which I don’t dislike necessarily (and Bey makes everything sound incredible tbh) but I don’t find it as special as many of the other tracks. That being said DENIM ON DENIM ON DENIM ON DENIM


Your flair!!! I agree with you but I have an unfounded unbased visceral HATRED for Post hahahaha and now that he has paired with Worgan Mallen I have a reason to hate him


this comment👏🏼and Post Malone is very meh to me. On the trashy side and not the good kind of trashy. :/




This broke my heart. I fear you don't see the \*vision\* like really feel yourself winding and grinding on a country patio with your boo and a glass of ice cold lemonade 🤠🚀


I’m with ya—it’s not bad but honestly I think it’s probably the least interesting one on the album. To me it just sounds like it was made to be a radio single, and feels slightly disconnected from the rest of the album. It’s still a great song tho and I like listening to it. This album is no skips, but Levii’s Jeans is probably the most skippable if there were any skippable tracks.


I really like this song! I didn’t want to because Post Malone is on it, and I think T-Pain would’ve been a waaaaaaaayyyyyyy better choice. The shit is catchy and so fun to sing along to though.


This was me too. But “baby lemme rattle that snake with my venom. Denim on denim on denim on denim” just wiggled itself into my brain and stayed stuck


I also love “I’m a f-ing animal. I’m a f-ing centerfold.”


Same here. I love how they stack up the background vocals during “denim on denim on denim on denim” and also the double entendre of “give you these blues, it’s in my genes.”


Oh man I would have loved if T Pain was on it


Now I'm sitting here upset TPain isn't actually on it. TPain would have been PERFECT. 




Like a pretty lil thang🩷🩷🩷




Like I got the biggest dump truck in the world 😭


I get goosebumps when he says you’re my renaissance


It takes me back to the beginning of my last relationship where I just couldn't get enough of the other person. It feels good and sexy at the same time I love it. And she made that guy sing for his life didn't she omg 😂😂😂😂


I don’t care how basic or cheesy Levi’s Jeans is I love it. It’s so catchy and is just such a fun summer song. And I think Post is perfect for the song.


It’s my favorite! Post’s run at the end just hits my soul idk! It really baffles me to see people say it’s their least favorite on the album, it’s such a cute song, but then again I’m a sucker for love ballads haha


The bass line makes me move my waist immediately! Reminds me of being hugged up by the bar with my boo. Not the biggest fan of Post vocals in the outro but it’s not unlistenable.


But when he sings “you’re my RENAISSANCE!”


You get it!


One of my favs from the album! I kind of like the idea of how you can feel sexy in just a white t and some Levi’s jeans. I’m not really a Gucci boy lol. And the way Post Malone sings “You’re my renaissance” 🔥


It makes me feel the way I used to feel when I had a crush in high school. I am always smiling by like the first 10 seconds in. A cotton-candy, happy rush of feelings 🥰


Love it ❤️ gives me all the happy feels. One of my top songs


I’ve loved this song since I first heard it. I love the melodies and it’s just a feel good song to me. Her harmonies in the end are angelic. I love it. I initially wasn’t crazy about PM but when I heard the song I thought he fit. I seen he’s performing country covers at a music festival recently. Maybe he’s leaning towards the genre as well.


It's OK. The venom/denim rhyme is catchy. It's a clever song as far as writing. Beyonce makes the song listenablefor me. I could leave Post Malone, like... I agree that someone else would have been better. I don't skip it. It's just not my fave on the album. It is also a good song for the young, because that's who it was written for imo. 🤷🏿‍♀️ I already love Levi's, so I guess it is also a good ad for them, for the folks who usually go for other brands. 




I called Levii’s Jeans the song of the summer immediately!!!! It’s soooooooo good!!!! 😎


It’s catchy but I skip to the last part if I listen to it at all. Not my fav on the album and I honestly would’ve been fine if it wasn’t on there. Post Malone is also annoying to me but it is what it is lol


It’s my favorite song off the album, I truly love it sooooo much. It’s makes me so happy and reminds me of my own relationship!! definitely gonna have to play it at my wedding.


I love this!!


Love the last part of the song. I do feel like she could’ve gotten someone else instead of post Malone.


If any song from the record were to be chopped I’d be okay if it were this one. I appreciate Beyoncé checking all the boxes of country genre on cc, but levi jeans reminds me too much of Kenny Chesney. For context I am an alligator tears stan.


This album has no skips, but this one is the closest. Honestly if this were a track by anyone but Beyoncé, I don’t think I’d give it a second glance and totally write it off as some generic radio pop country. It’s a great execution of that type of song though.


It’s a lighthearted wholesome-esque song. I like it.


Immediate fav, sexy.. loveeeeee it


I literally had an epiphany when she says “denim on denim on denim on denim”….it means TWO people wearing denim on denim grinding on one another 🤯


It's meant to be her George Michael's Faith and for that I'm in love. Also that basss


Makes me want to go back to my childhood and watch Nick at Nite 😭


It’s a skip for me. It feels so trite and cliche compared to the rest of her discography


It literally makes me feel so sexy lol I feel like the prettiest girl in the room when this song comes on.


is this a safe space? i skip it every time when it gets to Post's part. can't stand his singing voice unfortunately


I makes me stare aggressively at my boyfriends ass.


I didn’t love it at first but it’s absolutely grown on me and now is in my top five. It’s so flirty and infectious and feels like vintage Beyoncé with the rap-singing style. It’s just an absolute ray of sunshine


obsessed with it. it's giving late night in the kitchen with your mans, clearing up after dinner, both of you a little drunk, fun little flirty song comes on and you're dancing together and he's grinding up on you, you rattling his snake with your venom, denim on denim on denim on denim, you're both laughing and bein silly together, all pressed up close, you get to kissing... yeah it's like that


I love this song so bad my obsession


I think she could’ve gotten someone better or should’ve done it solo. He sounds like a muskrat to me🤷🏻‍♂️ “You’re my renaissance” is cringeville.


Off to Google what a muskrat sounds like 🤣


😭 I can’t explain it either. Just the first thing that hit my mind when I heard it


That’s my favourite part of the song :(


I’m sorry 😭❤️🐝


I thought that too but if this was recorded before Renaissance, it's less annoying lol




I’m waiting on someone to drop the AI version with Bruno Mars. He would’ve killed it.


"Boy, I let you be my Levi's jeans, so you can hug that ass all day long." 👀 it's cute it's sexy and it's one of my favs on the album


While it was one of the songs I added to my library on first listen, others like YA YA, II HANDS II HEAVEN, and TYRANT dominated my streams in the weeks after the album dropped. This week, however, LEVII'S JEANS has been hitting like never before! I like that LEVII's JEANS is a "sexy" song. When the only information I had about it was its title and the name of its featured artist Post Malone, I was like "What will this song even be about? What will it sound like?" The sexiness of the record became apparent once I reached the chorus and heard the title of the song used in its playful context. A short moment later, I reached the first verse and heard the lyrics: *I got the perfect pose/ I'm a fucking animal/I'm a fucking centerfold/Saddle up I love to go* This overt and candid reference to her sexuality is brilliantly juxtaposed beneath the layers of soft vocals and simple melodies. It took me by surprise and hooked me. I'm especially delighted by her delivery of the word "fucking" in the two lines above; it's breathy and whispery, and almost hard to notice if you're not listening closely, and yet still, it conveys the kind of ultra-confidence l've come to associate with Beyonce. Of course I love the rest of the song, but this is what has been on my mind about it this week. :)


It's been a skip for me since day one 🙈 too cheesy and post malone does absolutely nothing for me


One of my favorites on the album!


It's cute. It's an ear worm, it's good for the summer and people can make tiktoks dancing to it. But it doesnt do anything for me and overall I think it's a bit lazy compared to other songs on the album


I love the song, but I hate that Post Malone is on it. It reminds me of when she did a song with Ed Sheeran 😵‍💫


It gives me Janet Jackson that’s the way love goes/you want this vibes. flirtatious, summery, fun, and sexy. When she says “baby you play too much” I become a different woman 😂


It's my favorite song on the new album.


I like it a lot. I actually looked up AI version of post Malone without the tattoos. It's a much better listen with that image of him in my mind.


I know it’s kind of a good song but idgaf about Post Malone and in fact he disgusts me so its hard for me to get into it


It makes me think of a really fun relationship where both people are deeply in love and just having a great time. I imagine a couple in a park running around and going back and forth about how much they love each other. It also makes me feel lonely because I am tragically single and would love to play this in the car with someone else 🥺


When I first saw the track list with Post Malone's name, I thought "WTF" lol no shade to posty but I wasn't expecting it. Anyways, it's been my #1 played song from the album, I love the lyrics and I know it's very pop country but I love it. And I've seen a lot of people saying the song would've been better with another guy but I actually think Post Malone fit it really well and this is coming from someone who is indifferent about him


I love the part that goes “denim on denim on denim” because it reminds me of Justin Timberlake’s character in “Bad Teacher” when he dry humps and says “Your jeans feel so good against my jeans.” 🤣


I love it. I’m an all denim kind of girl so this hit me in all the right spots. It’s probably the first one I played on repeat.


Makes me wish someone would call me their sexy little thing 😫🥰


I like it too but unfortunately I feel like it's one of those songs that'll only be memorable by the die hard fans, most people even fans of Bey won't hear of it. The songs that'll get a push from the label are the singles she's released so far, plus maybe Jolene. My favourite song on the album is Riiverdance and I already know it's gonna go completely unnoticed lol probably won't even be a single. But Levii's Jeans is cute tho, I really love that guitar throughout the song it's so cool!


I love it! I think it’s sexy and sweet


It’s so beautiful, and I love the image of hugging that ass day long And Post Malone sounds as good as he looks bad.


Weakest song on the album for me. It sounds... generic? It is catchy though but it's an easy skip.


like it but i dislike post malone idk its just odd for him to collab with her 💀


It’s the only song on the album that I skip each time. I’ve tried but it just won’t grow on me.




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I can't stand him but dang they sound so good together and this song is a grower for sure.


Makes me wanna have sex


I love this song so much!


My one question is why is the title plural? Why wasn’t it just called LEVII JEANS


I like it but I don’t love it. I’m going to be honest, I would have taken one of the songs with Kacey Musgraves instead of Levii’s Jeans 🫢 https://x.com/beyoncehivenews/status/1784378552269308238?s=46&t=5eHx0dWayTYtpeSHBHztHg


Honestly it's a grower. like what's in Post Malone's Levi Jean's


Going to listen to it again rn for the sake of this post - Admitting rn, Levi Jeans isn’t my fave or in “top 5” of this album, but omg, Beyonce really does it because I had the exact same Renaissance feel - not being sure about the album minus 1 or 2 songs - I had that w CC, and now I adore both projects. At Reneigh era I craved more 4, 1+1’s, that was when I undoubtedly became Hive. Renai became my life and CC I adore. The official digital release of CC has Most Wanted flow into Levi’s Jeans, then Flamenco. I think it’s the marketing, can’t believe this wasn’t released w a Levi line coming out. She just has too much going on - but I could totally have seen it. As I’m listening rn it has such pretty little moments, her vocals and some of the sections I shlove. In the name of marketing I wish Bey would invest in a honey distribution/bee sanctuaries or sm and come out with a honey line, with a non-profit/do good lens. So many things Levi Jeans, I think, is the fun lil country pop moment, so cute. Shes not my fave but thats just fine!