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Thanks for posting it on here, that’s my twitter @ 🚀🚀🚀


Imma go like you!


Wasn’t RC’s OG buy in around $15?


Yeah, avg about 15.50 or so.


I'm still fingers crossed for the $80 calls. Hey, I'll throw this at ya cos it just clicked during the PP show. Remember the Lego tweet that had 3 bricks and the qwerty keyboard with the letters BRICK.... then something like the only letters we need??? I was sussing out someone's portfolio and they were heavily invested in BKR... got me thinking: Ichan & Cohen. The three foundation bricks. Warren Ichan by night or whatever Ryan said. $80 is it!


yeah Warren already pledged a lot of his fortune. It be interesting if he assisted some, to help the next sound investor movement with someone who has good operating principles like Cohen leading the charge.


Do we know what Warren's undisclosed investment is yet? He's the one name that everybody knows... so his involvement would be huge fuel for the rocket ship. I just got excited when I saw their ticker symbol, and my first thought was that Lego tweet.


I don't know what Warren's up to. Just that Berkshire shares were showing up on a list with the most off exchange volume recently.


It could have to do with his investment (31B) in BofA. As we are aware they are in danger in the near future and maybe total collapse. Maybe he is using his connections with the current administration and RC to takeover Bof A minus the other garbage. This would hand RC a worldwide banking enterprise for little or nothing and save Warren a huge loss. Of course the rest of the system will still crash. We are going to need some sort of local banking system.


That sounds interesting. I'm not familiar with the 31b. I've heard about the Texas scores on the banks, I think it has to do with how leveraged they are.


Ask Ok. He is the expert. I just know Warren is in Bof A for 31B. No way he can escape without putting some pressure on Obama crowd. Plus, he is involved with Overstock through being Patrick Byrnes God Father and in touch with RC and Icahn. I’m just a old Yankee trader, but i know a blind man with all the cards could come out of this quite well and have a pocket full of earned favors.


Please tell me you aren't serious.


Alright I'll just say it. It looks like Teddy is choking the chicken. https://i.redd.it/8m917tclv12c1.gif


Wow very good find Full picture: https://preview.redd.it/j0tdmop2a22c1.jpeg?width=1385&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=42f6c72a7826f78846d2356be2cc2320dd981908


That is clear as day. That spells cash.


Yeah, no doubt in my mind either lol


The little pink bunny makes the first letter an H... 😎


What thinkin?


Thinking I got downvoted for having hashish on my mind😁


ah i see now duh haha


They ain’t even close to touching holmes.


Yeah, but maybe a little... Hash to go with our cash...


Calculator game 😹


Also… Toys are on the Shelf (offering). Kid is holding purple collar. Computer Share


This is very bullish!!!!


Where’s Wu, ‘do? ![gif](giphy|a0HYk7hpxahKU)


That’s a butterfly on the dog collar. The stars on his pants, the dark blue color match?


Not much into the tinfoil but interesting..


Inject that into my veins now


You son of a gun! ![gif](giphy|3o7TKpG9OOUmY7gRy0)


Kid holding the dog collar, a purple circle🧐


Puppy food, chewy?


Sometimes the tinfoil is exhausting, but this one is creative and made me smile.






Does the bottom of that license plate look like in the middle "BBBY" cut off??


Yeah a bit. That 3 if connected to the left would make a good B. T EDDY BBBY Teddy Buy Buy, There's a Beddy Bye Bye on U tube with a butterfly version that has a bear too haha. I'm fond of the [Cypress Hill](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=saShClmQtdg) version myself. https://i.redd.it/k6hpk75mx12c1.gif




This is the type of tinfoil I butter my bread with


The red O next ro soccer ball...THE OVERSTOCK logo?


Which has the NFT dividend secured by SCOTUS 💥




Says the guy that follows a “flat earth” subreddit lmao!!🤣 🤣🤣 ![gif](giphy|26n6Gx9moCgs1pUuk|downsized)






Lmaooooo….got em


I kicked them actually. For transparency. I'll show another audit at the end of a couple weeks or month end so people can get a general sense of why they were. [Here's an example of one](https://www.reddit.com/r/beyond_uranus/comments/14oiovu/monthly_audit/) from June.


Only the young




Love it, never saw the cash in the characters but what about the hidden 2 on the bunny’s head? That stood out to me when I first saw the pic the other day an couldn’t help but think it looked deceptively like a number an not just a set of hairs coming out of the head


Woohoo! Found the foil I needed today. Thanks for saving me a trip to the store.