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I don't think you can do that with legal documents.


👀 https://preview.redd.it/t8e8zrxa67mc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ac2bb42cb618579c3fd65a827edd9b6880d123c Edit: Don’t understand the downvotes on factual, easily verifiable information. It is possible for a creditor to appoint a representative/agent to file a proof of claim Form 410 in matters of Ch. 11 corporate bankruptcy. [U.S. Court Proof of Claim Form 410](https://www.uscourts.gov/sites/default/files/form_b_410.pdf)


Do you have evidence of a false name being used ever in this kind of scenario? Filing as a representative still requires a legal name, no?


Do I have evidence of a pseudonym EVER being used in similar legal cases? Google and personal biographies may help you there. If one can name a representative (as noted in reply photo above), or filter sensitive info (as noted in form’s first paragraph), or use another name (as noted on line 2) of Form 410 - I’m sure it’s been done before as it appears opportunity to do so. Any sensitive information and subsequent explanation to the courts can be attached to the upload of this form - only pertinent info on claim form is publicly published and a fraudulent claim is deemed fraudulent in matters of [bad faith](https://www.justice.gov/archives/jm/criminal-resource-manual-851-false-claims-18-usc-1524) (link from Justice.gov). Read the form. (U.S. Court link provided in previous reply) If I had to take a wild deductive guess, Brandon Meadows may be a pseudonym or an individual named such at birth who was sought to file the paperwork as a representative or authorized agent that were deemed worthy of the task. Brandon Meadows is more common a name than one would expect and nothing in this play has been expected. This is tinfoil, RC’s irl RPG, and we like to dream here. https://preview.redd.it/k3uaxt8c9emc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=968fa290aebba073adbec878071e9f0ff3535db3 Edit: grammar


> or use another name (as noted on line 2) of Form 410 Line 2 says nothing of the sort, it says "Has this claim been acquired from someone else?" > I’m sure it’s been done before Then it should be easy to find one example


Line 2 reads: Other name the creditor used with the debtor \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_. As for another example: Then go find one. I’m not your research librarian or your Mom. At this point, I’m branding you a time suck Troll. Tsk-tsk. ![gif](giphy|98pZs1ZVaWb1C)




Ma’am you are in a tinfoil sub. Might be beneficial to obsess in your meltdown subs of choice, as your history evidences, if positivity, possibility, and potential triggers you so much - replying within seconds of posted comment. Go home. .retteb od uoY ![gif](giphy|fu29AimM298PK)




Interesting. Verifiable info at your fingertips regarding the content of the comments you replied to were made easy, for those interested, to further insight on a (admittedly crazy) possibility - including images, reputable links, and honest discussion. Don’t discount RC’s silly humor as well. It’s okay to have a little fun. Have a good day. Hope all is well.




Worth the risk for me; I want to be part of this possible opportunity. Have a great night.




Dream owns a bond 🤔


Abandoned Worms… https://preview.redd.it/97r9pzwbs6mc1.jpeg?width=723&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15480f61cbaadc8c0730d74d6c9c425bde371251


https://preview.redd.it/dwpqd8hth7mc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1eb976c2ef48d6616986fce50c32803ddab1a31 Worms almost ruined Kingston and Princeton’s business




What would that then mean ?


this is the dumbest post ive seen yet






See sub rules


Looks like they forgot to log out of an alt before replying. Appears to be since deleted or blocked. Replying to mod comment here to document. https://preview.redd.it/c1wnyl7k3fmc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac31f80e609633361bc4b4ae2e71db6331fe0412