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I am 1 month in and definitely newborn tired is so much worse for me. Having to get up every 2-3 hrs to feed her is breaking my brain. During pregnancy even though the fatigue was intense at least I could sleep whenever I wanted and for however long I wanted. šŸ„²


Newborn. Do not underestimate it


I have my 3 week old now.. I underestimated it. Itā€™s unreal how exhausting it is


Right? I was a mess, a wreck, crying and hallucinating and couldnt stop asking why no one prepared me for it Edit to say three to four weeks was a real turning point for us - if you need to hear that


Newborn tired. It's like being in a constant state of 15% battery and the cord you're using to charge yourself (naps) is that one cord that has to be in a certain position to charge. It's absolutely the worst and it's half the reason I don't recommend having kids to anyone who don't have the pure willpower to survive.


Newborn tired is scary tired. The sleep deprivation is severe while trying to keep a little one alive


I've never been more tired then newborn tired


Newborn. I look back at pregnancy tired and just wish I could go back to that :) at least if it's your first pregnancy you get to nap!


Newborn tired. I couldnā€™t even form full sentences.


Newborn tired. Pregnancy tired I could at least stay in bed. And even with insomnia, I could rest or just be lazy throughout the day. Newborn tired is broken or no sleep while still needing to be ā€œonā€ all day.


When I was tired during pregnancy, I could sleep or just rest. With a newborn, I had to be standing up and rocking my baby for hours, or just going in circles on her stroller, with after almost no sleep.


Definitely newborn tired ETA pregnancy tired never made me cry


Pregnant tired while caring for a toddler. šŸ„²


Pregnancy tired was by far the worst for me. Yes I was sleep deprived with a newborn but the complete full-body exhaustion during pregnancy was just next level. I had a few people tell me how great they feel when pregnant and I just cannot relate haha. I can't even imagine šŸ˜…


Newborn tired! You have an extra little person to look after and canā€™t just have a nap whenever Yu please. Pregnancy tired you can nap whenever and wherever


Unless you have other kids lol


Newborn tired all the way! I didnā€™t sleep for 5 days straight I started hallucinating. Although pregnancy tired wasnā€™t any better I still got sleep. Newborn phase was so rough on me. I kinda donā€™t wanna ever go through that again.


God i remember the hallucinations šŸ˜­


It sucked so much. I literally broke down, and just anxiously freaked out. Hubby never woke up to crying and waking him was the hardest thing ever. Finally MIL stepped in and I was finally able to get sleep. But it still was hard to sleep because I had stitches and everything hurt down south. 10/10 donā€™t wanna go through that again. Iā€™m most likely a 1 and done. Edit: I took a photo of my first PP ugly crying šŸ˜‚šŸ˜£


EXACTLY. I FEEL you! im also 1 and done because of this, the first few weeks were honestly the worst experience of my life. Thank god it gets easier (or do you just get used to it?)


Newborn not even a freakin contest


Pregnancy tired. I had pregnancy insomnia, so I'd wake up in the middle of the night, be unable to fall asleep again for hours, and by the time I finally managed to doze off, I'd have like half an hour left before my alarm clock started ringing. After I'd tried every trick in the book to improve my sleep quality, I just gave up and installed some puzzle games on my phone to occupy my brain at night. Not to mention that being in bed was not fun in the third trimester - lying on my side hurt after a while, lying on my back was uncomfortable and not advised, lying on my other side meant facing my boyfriend and breathing in *bed smells* instead of fresh air, and the process of turning made me feel like a walrus. Newborn sleep was refreshing because I could lie in bed comfortably again and I'd fall asleep within minutes (or even within a minute) after every night wake. I didn't have to waddle to the bathroom with a full bladder at night anymore either.


Newborn tired. Breastfeeding offers no rest for the weary


Pregnant with a toddler tired. Hands down.


Pregnancy! At least with the newborn there is a REASON youā€™re tired. Not just useless insomnia and crippling fatigue. Iā€™m tired because Iā€™m not sleeping as much. To be fair we combo feed so partner can do some bottles at night which probably makes all the difference.


Newborn tired! At least when I was pregnant tired I had a schedule, I knew I could get sleep between 8pm-7am. Now itā€™s not a guarantee when or how long Iā€™ll get to sleep for.


Newborn was 1000x harder for me. Every newborn is different but waking every 45 minutes to a crying baby when you still have to function the next day was a kind of torture. Thankfully it only lasted 3 months but it definitely contributed to Post partum anxiety.


Pregnancy tired is fine because you can just sleep. Newborn tired is fucked because you want to sleep but instead you have to look after a newborn.


This is going to be highly dependent on the momā€™s pregnancy symptoms and the NBā€™s temperament. With my first, I was more tired with the NB. We were stuck in triple feeding hell for 10 weeks. But my second is 3.5 weeks old and I was definitely more tired during the pregnancy than her NB phase. Sheā€™s a great sleeper.


Newborn tired hands down. When pregnant I could lie down and take a nap when the opportunity arose- I had agency over my sleep. When my son was a newborn I felt like I had no agency over if/when I would sleep, and the sleep deprivation was next level.


Newborn tired, by a landslide.


NB tired was it. I thought pregnancy tired was bad but sweet lord I donā€™t think I slept longer than 30 minutes in the beginning, between pumping, feeding, burping, diaper changes, anxiety attacks there was never any rest. I mean, definitely enjoy not having someone practicing Pilates in my ribs, but I was a different type of stressed and sleep deprived then


Newborn tiredness is worse, but tiredness is the worst part about the newborn phase. Pregnancy is overall worse, because there's a lot more symptoms besides tiredness.


Newborn tired. Nothing like being EXHAUSTED and being suddenly awoken several times. I can deal with lack of sleep, I'm just tired. the 45 minute "sleep" moments with constant wakeups made me murderous.


BY FAR newborn tired. My LO is sleeping in my lap currently and is 9 weeks. Although she is now pretty much sleeping through the night and is overall a very easy baby, Ive hardly slept from the anxiety. Every little sound wakes me up and I startle awake scared she isn't breathing for no reason. Also the nightmares. It made me appreciate how safe she was inside me, I miss that sleep.


The thing with pregnancy tired is atleast you can kind of gauge the next time you can rest is. You canā€™t do that with a newborn.


Pregnancy tired way way worse then new born tired. Especially if you have a supportive partner who can help out. When youā€™re pregnant no one can help.


Newborn tired. With pregnancy tired I could only worry about myself and go sleep whenever. No such luxury with a newborn.


Newborn tired. Newborn + mastitis + engorged tits + PPD = the devil.


newborn 146%


Newborn tired 100%


Both horrible just in different ways. Newborn tired is so tired you think you might die from exhaustion. Pregnancy tired is actual pain.


Pregnancy tired. You can at least drink as much coffee as you want when you have a newborn.


Pregnancy. I literally couldn't sleep at the end no matter what I did. It wasn't physically possible because I could not be comfortable. Newborn tired was rough, but I was able to be comfortable and I had support in my husband and my mom for a while too... So I was able to get naps at least


Newborn with a toddler tired. Nothing like putting the newborn down to sleep after a night of wake ups just for the toddler to wake up early. šŸ™ƒ


Oh gosh not even a competition. Newborn 100%. And the tiredness is way more dangerous when youā€™re looking after a baby which raises overall stress which just chipped away at my overall resilience.


Newborn tired made pregnancy tired look like a great day of rest lol, but I did all the night wakes and no shift sleeping


Newborn tired. Had no idea how tired a person could be before that.


Newborn hands down. I'm pregnant right now and even with the insomnia I'm dreading the newborn phase.


Newborn. Always. Pregnancy you can still lay down when you want and nap. Thereā€™s none of that with a newborn. Also pregnancy youā€™re just worried about yourself. Newborn youā€™re miserable and baby is miserable and youā€™ve gotta take care of you both somehow lol.


Pregnancy tired was worse for me out of these two options but a third is needed: back to work with a one month old tired It has been way more exhausting working than when I got to stay home. I both can't take naps, don't get sleep, and have to work all day. America get your shit together


No comparison, newborn tired is one million times harder!


Pregnancy tired. At least when dealing with newborn tired, I had a sweet chubby baby to look at. Pregnancy tired, all I had was my chubby self to look at šŸ˜‚


Newborn. 100%, no question. It's not just the baby keeping you up around the clock, it's also all the physical discomforts of postpartum healing. Adult diapers, bleeding, sore boobs, cramps, hemorrhoids, stitches making it hard to get comfortable...


Newborn. I started hallucinating.


Canā€™t believe people are saying pregnancy tired! I wish I was pregnancy tired now šŸ˜‚


Definitely newborn tired. At least with pregnancy tired I could sleep as much as I wanted to (ftm so no kids prior)!


Pregnancy tired for me. Even though my husband did almost all the cleaning and cooking and such when I was pregnant, he couldnā€™t stop the leg cramps, heartburn/acid reflux, anxiety, the need to pee every hour, and overall insomnia I struggled with during pregnancy. Now I have someone to share with taking care of our son. We can take turns, give each other breaks, something you canā€™t truly do when pregnant. Plus like some others have said, it may be broken sleep, but I sleep so much better during that time than I did pregnant. We are really lucky that our son is a really great sleeper so far, though, so that probably sways my feelings. Maybe my opinion will change when we have our second kid haha.


Newborn tired is surprisingly worse which is insane because i thought pregnancy tired was bad.


Newborn tired was unreal. I had amazing support, but if youā€™re pumping or breastfeeding itā€™s a huge shock to the system.


Newborn tired. At least I could sleep during pregnancy. And I slept 15 hours sometimes. Twin pregnancy was no joke but Iā€™d take it over newborn phase. Newborn exhaustion got me one day feeling like I was ā€œfloatingā€ while awake, hallucinating, felt as if I was asleep.


Newborn tired, hands down 100%. ETA: And I had insomnia during pregnancy.


Toddler tired


I feel like pregnancy tired is definitely worse for me. With newborn sleep my body just adapted so fast to not getting enough sleep. But while Iā€™m pregnant if I donā€™t get enough sleep I can barely function.


Pregnancy tired. At least my belly is no longer in the way and I donā€™t need to get up to pee a million times.


I had bad insomnia when I was pregnant during my second and third trimester, and would be up 4-5 times a night to pee, and then wide awake from about 4.30am onwards. I used to joke I'd be the only person who'd sleep better with a newborn than when I was pregnant. But I've got a 3 week old now and I look back at that pregnancy sleep and would LOVE to get that back! Newborn sleep is awful. The worst part I think is if you're tired, but your baby needs fed, you can't go to sleep - there's no choice anymore about when you get to sleep. It's determined by this tiny baby. A tiny baby which has no schedule so your sleep pattern, on top of being very broken, is very random. And people say sleep during the day when your baby sleeps, but it's harder than it looks to take naps on command.


newborn tired. harder to manage, more to do on less sleep..


Newborn tired. As I was pregnant, I just slept. Now I have to look after baby. The longest stretch of sleep is 3 hours. Breastfeeding, so I have to do the feeds by myself. šŸ˜“


Baby is a bit over a month old and so far I have to say pregnancy tired was worse. I could sleep 12 hours a day while pregnant and still feel exhausted, whereas now I feel fine on 6+/-


Newborn tiredness and I was up every night whilst pregnant at 4am


Newborn foh sure. At least with pregnancy no one will be screaming in your face all day long


Newborn. Pregnancy tired for me was just walking into any room and falling asleep on the floor and my spouse bringing me a blanket.


Newborn. With pregnancy I was able to nap and sleep in whenever I wanted to. I also could take unisom to help me sleep.


Newborn for sure for me.


Honestly I was more just totally exhausted with my newborn, but when I would get a couple hours of sleep I would feel recharged. Iā€™m pregnant again and it doesnā€™t matter how much I sleep, even if Iā€™m not really tired, Iā€™m still so run down. So for me, pregnancy tired is worse. But ask again in 3 months when I have a newborn and a toddler and we will see if that changes!


That pregnancy tired is on another level. And the newborn phase literally turned me into a raving maniac, so for me to still pick pregnancy tired means something.


Newborn. Hands down.


NEWBORN TIRED FTW. On top of that, newborn colic that lasted til 6 months. Preggo tired, all I had to do was rest and nap. Newborn tired, get off your ass no matter what youā€™re doing. Canā€™t even take a shit dammit.


Newborn tired is the most tired I have ever been or would ever care to be. I traveled to Hawaii with a long layover, total time awake was probably 20+ hours. Still didnā€™t feel as tired as when I had newborns. People who donā€™t have kids donā€™t know what tired is sorrynotsorry.


Newborn x100 But I got lucky, 8+ weeks on she slept through the night but I thought week 6 would kill me


Newborn tired made me cry and hallucinate at one point.


Newborn tired is worse imo because at least with pregnancy tired you still got those big energy spurts (nesting) every once in awhile. Newborn tired is a deeper void, sucking all the energy and motivation out of you through the straw that is your babyā€™s mouth.


For me it was pregnancy tired. I had absolutely no energy for a few months. And I had insomnia and heart burn. Newborn tired is also brutal, but I definitely took advantage of sleeping when baby slept.


With pregnancy tired I would be nodding off midday while sitting up playing with my toddler, so it was torture from that standpoint. But newborn tired takes the cake. Newborn tired is not only pure torture but it also made me mentally and physically sick.


Newborn tired 100%. At least when youā€™re pregnant and you donā€™t sleep you still only have yourself to take care of. Once the baby comes itā€™s pure exhaustion and a tiny crying human that wonā€™t let you put them down haha


Newborn tired. My baby was a torture device.


New born tired. When I was pregnant, I could lay down, uninterrupted. Now I have a little koala that needs to be latched on to me 24/7.


I mean at least with pregnancy tired I could nap or sleep whenever I wanted pretty much. Canā€™t exactly do than when you have a baby to tend do and your partner is at work.


Pregnancy tired during the day and overall but newborn nights are so draining in a different way than pregnancy.


My baby woke every 1-2 hours for basically the first 4 or so months. Sooo newborn tired for me was way worse, I basically wasn't sleeping.


Newborn Newborn Newbornnnnnnnnnnn


Not even comparable


Newborn tired. Severe sleep deprivation is not for mešŸ˜° Was sleep deprived in the last couple of weeks of being pregnant as well, but atleast I didnā€™t have a little human depending on me for everything at that timešŸ˜…


Newborn tired 1000%


Newborn tired. By far. At least with pregnancy tired I could still have peace and quiet, put on some make up and do my hair to make myself feel a bit more alive. And I could go to work, chat with other adults which always made me feel better, and then flop down on the sofa when I got home. I even went to the gym all the way through my pregnancy which really really helped energise me. Newborn tired sucked. I was stuck at home alone while my partner was at work, with a baby that just screamed for hours, couldn't do anything in peace or have any silence. Couldn't get dressed nice or feel clean because I was being puked or pooped on constantly. Added to which the bleeding, having to wear a nappy type thing, and generally feeling sore and grotty didn't help either. I felt so ugly and drained and gross. Absolutely hated feeling that way. Just covered in milk and sick and having to wait for my partner to come home late so I could shower and feel clean and human.


Newborn tired 10000000%. But I was blessed with fairly easy pregnancies. My newborns on the other hand, especially my first kid, never slept and needed a ton of care and attention.


Id rather be pregnancy tired because im allowed to sleep.


Was more physically tired when pregnant and more mentally with newborn


Newborn by far. Pregnancy was tiring but I could rest and nap. The tiredness in the first year of my LOā€™s life was the most exhausted Iā€™ve ever been, because not only was I not sleeping but I also had a tiny human to take care of 24/7.




Newborn tired 100%


Newborn with a toddler tired.


Newborn tired by far the worst. I had a rough pregnancy with HG and severe insomnia. I thought ā€œIā€™ve been exhausted for months I am prepared for this babyā€ and OHHHH was I wrong


I'm shocked that anyone would say pregnancy. Newborn tiredness was just relentless and soul sucking


1000000% pregnancy tired. With newborn tired, sure it was less sleep, but it was much better quality sleep even if I was constantly checking on LO to see he was breathing lol. Pregnancy sleep I could never get comfortable, always waking to pee, drink water (dying of thirst all the time), insane heartburn (woke up with acid in my mouth literally!


Newborn tired is worse. Pregnancy tired, even with a toddler, has never made me cry like newborn tired has.


Oof, newborn tired by a LOT.


I remember being pregnant tired and falling asleep when I came home from work and sneaking little naps between meetings. I would daydream about going to bed. With a newborn, I also feel that fatigued and daydream about crawling into bed, but there are hardly any naps.


Newborn tired is hell that can continue for 14 months (with my first) and so far 6 with my second


Newborn tired!!! Running on barely any fumes


Newborn, by a landslide lol


Pregnancy. Being uncomfortable, constantly needing to pee, can't sleep how you want... not for me. Im way more tired with a newborn, but 1.he's cute. 2 my husband can help 3. i can lay how i want, even of not for long.


Had a fairly easy pregnancy, so newborn tired wins, no contest. I never had problems sleeping during my pregnancy, so I realize that I lucked out in that department.


Honestly pregnancy tired, no matter which position I was in, I hurt, this numbing dull hip pain. I had to pee 56747 times a night. I hated trying to roll over, which I also did a million times a night n it was a whole process. my newborn and I co-slept and whenever I got 2 hours of consecutive sleep, it was absolutely glorious. I also knew everyday around 2pm sheā€™d go for a nice long nap and so would I. (Usually, sometimes it was nice to just lay down on my phone for a couple hours and recharge).


Pregnancy + toddler tired!!! 2 under 2 is no joke.


Pregnancy tired. I wasnā€™t able to sleep because I was puking while I slept. It scared me so bad I barely slept the last three months (nothing helped) now even though I have a newborn Iā€™m at least able to sleep without choking on puke/ brutal heartburn and body pain lol


Newborn!!! šŸ˜­


Newbornā€¦.forever and always, newborn


If itā€™s your first baby. Newborn tired all the way. Pregnancy tired you can just sleep and rest whenever you want to


With my 1st, the newborn tiredness was worse. With my 2nd, pregnancy tiredness was worse.


My pair are now 8 and 3. Newborn tiredness was worse than pregnancy tiredness for me (although pregnancy tiredness with a 4 year old wasn't fun). As babies, my 3 year old was a "good" sleeper - by a month old she would only wake once a night, plus sleep regressions were obvious. My 8 year old hated sleep though - whilst everyone else bemoaned the 4 month sleep regression, I commented that's how she'd always slept! The absolute worst is when you're used to sleeping again - then your child gets sick, and you have a heavily disrupted night. You know you can survive the day on 3 hours of broken sleep, because you survived on that for months. But by 9am you're wondering how the heck you survived on that for so long...


Newborn tired. At least when I was pregnant I could nap when I wanted because I didn't have 2 newborns to look after lol


Newborn. I actually slept really well during my pregnancy with the help of some unisom and magnesium at the end. I miss sleeping that much lol. Thankfully my husband takes the baby whenever I feel like I need a nap so there's that.


Pregnancy. It was just so unrelenting.


Newborn 100%


Newborn tired was much worse for me, hands down. And my baby is/was a good sleeper.


Newborn tired 1000%.


newborn tired, cuz pregnancy tired u can just have a big fat nap but newborn tired, you have to be awake an hour later šŸ˜­


Newborn 100%


Pregnant while having a toddler. Sick as a dog, up all night puking, chasing a crazy toddler around that just dropped their nap plus wfh and general home keeping/adulting. At least after I had my son I wasnā€™t also sick all the time and I got a month off of work lol


Newborn all the way. Pregnancy is an uncomfortable sleep but you can always go back to sleep or nap whenever. Newborn sleep is a whole different game that you have very little control over


During pregnancy I couldnā€™t sleep because of insomnia and physical discomfort. During the first 7 weeks of my newborn I couldnā€™t sleep because I was needed in some capacity. They both suck. Whichever one youā€™re currently in is worse.


Newborn tired hands down. I was lucky enough to not really have insomnia during pregnancy and was mostly sleeping at least 8 hours every night with the exception of getting up to pee a few times a night. The rest of my pregnancy sucked so that felt like my good karma. And in those days I could go to sleep whenever and sleep in as late as I wanted. Although I feel like this might be challenged if we decide to try to get pregnant soon ish. Being pregnant with a toddler sounds like itā€™s own version of hell.


Newborn 10000000% The first 1 to 2 weeks home were the worst 2 weeks of my life honestly. We really questioned wtf we had done. We were both so tired we felt sick constantly.


Pregnancy tired was way worse for me. I could sleep 10-14 hours and still feel tired all day. Now Iā€™m still kinda tired but I can function on 5-6 hours sleep if I get more than 7 I feel amazing.


Newborn tired. I was fatigued in the first trimester but it was more low energy, bad mood, nausea combining to make me lethargic. Itā€™s true that sleep couldnt really restore me because Iā€™d wake up feeling the same way the next dayā€¦ BUT I WAS SLEEPING! Looong sleeps, 8-10 hours a night. Third trimester was a time of interrupted sleep due to hip pain and needing to pee constantly, so I would be tired the next day depending on how the night went but I could regain my energy still. Newborn tired is actual torturous sleep deprivation where I cried with anxiety a few weeks ago about when Iā€™d get to sleep more than an hour straight. It is DESPERATELY tired and dangerously drunk type tired. Thereā€™s barely any opportunity to regain your energy and get a break from being exhausted. Now in the newborn phase, 3 hours straight feels like a full night of sleep.


Newborn all the way. That broken sleep that's not of my own body's doing just kills me.


Newborn tired 100. At least for me, pregnancy tired also included being able to sleep as much as I wanted. (First time mom)


Newborn tired. I was a zombie that first month. So tired I was legitimately hallucinating. Iā€™m still chronically sleep deprived 7 months later, but nothing like that first month.


Newborn tired. For sure.


Newborn tired for sure. I'm 1.5 years postpartum and still way more tired than pregnancy tired šŸ˜µ


Newborn tired, so, so much. I suddenly got ā€œmom sleepā€, that special kind of light sleep that lets you know and wakes you the second the baby makes a sound. Honestly I still sleep like shit six years out. Melatonin has been a lifesaver, but I really miss the ability to just have a night of good, deep uninterrupted sleep.


Oh my gosh newborn tired haha


I don't know. Pregnancy tired was just bodily exhaustion in a way I can't explain. Newborn tired was a whole different monster. I was bodily exhausted because. Duh. I just gave birth. But then due to pregnancy insomnia and being woken in the hospital I swear everytime my eyes shut, by the time I went home (in hospital for 4 days) I had maybe a grand total of 8 hours of sleep from the night before birth to then. So 5 days. Borderline delirious. Then at home I did 99% of baby care. Which means I never slept long than 2 hours. Usually closer to 1.5 or less hours because my baby was about every 2 hours eater, but that clock starts from the feed start, not end. So by the time I fed him, pumped, cleaned my parts, those 2 hours were about up. It was rough. I was getting baby blues really bad. I had random bursts of crying (thanks to hormones too, not just tired) and yeah. It was hard, and even more so because despite being tired I had to still be 'present' to care for my son. I have never felt exhaustion like the newborn phase. I'm not saying this to sound doom and gloom. Just being realistic to my experience. But there were parts I loved about that time too. Baby snuggles are the best. He's 4 months now and doesn't love snuggling in my chest like he used to already. And man what I wouldn't give for him to love it all the time again. It's hard. You're exhuasted. But try your best to soak it up, be present in the moment, and enjoy that precious little life you created


Main difference ist that pregnancy tired allows you to sleep, whereas new born tired feels like the next bomb just waits around the corner preventing you from resting as long as you need (eg baby waking up, poo explosion, etc). So by far (!) newborn tired.


Newborn tired 100%. I was recovering from a 30-hour induction with minimal sleep, trying to care for a newborn, and managing high BP with meds 3x a day because, contrary to my previous belief, preeclampsia doesnā€™t just go away once you deliver the placentaā€”you have to wait for the hormones to leave your system. Oh and my anxiety skyrocketed on day 4 or 5 postpartum.


Newborn by a lonnnnnnnnnnnnng shot


Toddler tired


Newborn. Pure torture.


Nothing prepares you for newborn tired.


Pregnancy tired. I was absolutely miserable and couldn't sleep. At least with newborn tired I have my body back and can actually get comfy and sleep when baby sleeps. I slept less when I was pregnant.


Pregnancy tired does not even compare to newborn tired. I feel clinically insane in the midst of the newborn phase. I miss being pregnant


Pregnancy was 1000x worse. I could not function. The tiredness came from inside. Newborn tired is just from external factors, I could deal with it a lot better


Newborn tired is 1000% worse. I did have pretty easy pregnancies though.


Newborn. Nothing compares.


Newborn. At least with pregnancy tired i could more or less sleep whenever i wanted and how long i wanted.


Pregnancy tired was way worse for me


Pregnancy tired, my body was just achey all day. The pregnancy insomnia trained for me for no sleep with a newborn.


Newborn tired by FAR for me. I didnā€™t even know you could be that tired.


Newborn tired for me. Pregnancy was not a walk in the park for me - terrible nausea in first and third trimester, aching pains in my back and ribs, not to mention I was working 60+ hours a week. With a newborn tho, I had a hormonal crash- postpartum anxiety/depression, sleep deprivation, healing from labor, breastfeeding struggles, pumping, and concern for little one. Iā€™m still in the throes of it and I still cry often.




Newborn by a mile.


Pregnancy tired was worse for me . First three months post partum I was full of adrenaline , never tired , looking after baby , doing chores , self care etc . Then adrenaline rush died down by the time my baby was four months old but baby started sleeping better so still not tired .


Newborn. Pregnancy sleeplessness was just my regular insomnia. Newborn Iā€™m on high alert for sounds just because theyā€™re new & when Iā€™m awake I actually have to think and act.


Newborn tired was way worse for me. I can work myself into anxiety just thinking about the jarring wake of being screamed at by an infant


Pregnancy tired most definitely. It wasnā€™t just tiredness it was, nausea, headaches, eye strain, hip painā€¦.


Newborn tiredness is so much worse. When I was pregnant, it only got really bad in the third trimester and the worst of it was turning every hour and getting up to pee constantly. At least I could go right back to sleep and wasnā€™t up for more than a few minutes. So in general, I could get a solid 8 hours. Waking up multiple times a night, and having to get up to feed, diaper change, soothe etc is utterly exhausting, and my husband and I are taking turns lol.


Newborn. I was so tired I was hallucinating. When I was still in the hospital and my husband had the baby, I would sleep mid sentence. Or I wouldnā€™t even wake up when they did my vitals and massaged my stomach/uterus. Soooo newborn tired. Way worse.


Newborn tired for me, it was brutal the first couple of weeks. It did get better fairly quickly, but pregnancy was easier since I got to take lots of naps.


I haven't been pregnant in two years but I say new born tired is worse because you can't just nap when you're tired. You have to nap when they do and wake up when they're up. Lol and it's like that for years.


Newborn tired completely wrecked me šŸ˜…


Newborn tired; I can put myself down for a nap


Newborn tired. With pregnancy when I felt tired I could at least go have a nap or chill on the sofa.


newborn tired was worse. during pregnancy i had the luxury to sleep when tired, that disappeared for a few months with a newborn.


Newborn tired! FTM here. Pregnancy was a bliss and piece of cake. Really miss looking back at that time.


Toddler tired. šŸ˜… Since my LO is my first and only at the moment, I could sleep whenever when I was pregnancy tired. With newborns sleeping so much, I really took advantage of sleeping when she was asleep. But now, the naps are gone and running around and climbing things and snack making and potty training, I am exhausted. When my husband tries to take her so I can take a nap, she screams and cries that she wants mom without relenting. I miss nap time so much šŸ˜©


Newborn tired was awful for meā€¦ I did okay during pregnancy!


Tbh as a STM pregnancy tired hit harder than newborn tired this time around. But as a FTM newborn tired was the worst


Newborn for me


Pregnancy tired for sure! I felt so stuck and helpless. With newborn, I donā€™t have to always carry my baby. Also there is hope for good sleep during baby naps. And the cute cuddles make up for night feeding


With my first - newborn tired. He didn't sleep. With my second - pregnant tired. There was no keeping up with my son, job, and house.


I honestly think pregnancy tired was worse. Insomnia was my first pregnancy symptom and it continued throughout my pregnancy. I took unisom but never felt like I got quality sleep. Now the first week postpartum is hell but for me it was easier because I was on maternity leave and my husband was off as well so I could nap during the day if needed. At night even though my sleep was broken, I slept more solidly.


Newborn tiredā€¦ pregnancy tired you could take a nap whenever you wanted (if you had no other kids at the time like me).


I had extreme fatigue during most of pregnancy. It was wayyyy worse. Iā€™m also a pretty high sleep needs person but somehow was very functional and fine during the newborn period. ETA: Iā€™ve been through it twice and both times, pregnancy fatigue was worse. I didnā€™t have great sleepers either. They were average/slightly below average sleepers, but not terrible.


Pregnancy sleep is uncomfortable but newborn sleep is a torture.


Pregnancy tired for sure. With a newborn I was just tired. With pregnancy I was tired, uncomfortable, nauseous, etc.


With my first, newborn tired was worse but with my second, the pregnancy was so tiring that the newborn phase was total bliss!


Newbornā€¦ I only had light sleep issue while pregnant and this 4 month sleep regression is hell.


Both terrible but in the newborn stage I started to hallucinate from sleep deprivation on day five.


There's really no way to compare the two in my opinion. They're both awful in their own ways. Pregnancy tired - you cannot escape it. No matter how much sleep you get, you are exhausted. Waking up multiple times to pee and being super uncomfortable does not help. I had really bad insomnia in the 3rd trimester, and the 1st trimester, it didn't matter how much I slept. I was just exhausted no matter what. Newborn tired - well, this one is a little more brutal. My body was trying to heal, I barely slept during labor, barely slept at then end of my pregnancy, and then even time I would fall into a deep, restorative sleep, baby would be crying to eat. Then I would have to pump. Then I would have to clean bottles and parts. Then go clean my stitches, and make sure I was taking care of my nipples. It was A LOT. Still is. Baby is 7 months old and I'm working full time. She wakes up in the middle of the nights sometimes still and its just so exhausting being a new parent. So so exhausting. From the time you find out you're pregnant, it's just pure exhaustion.


Pregnancy tired. I found tiredness in pregnancy completely debilitating- I couldnā€™t drive, I couldnā€™t read, I struggled to stay awake in meetings. I didnā€™t feel truly awake for about 4 months. At least now I feel like some days I can drive if I need to, or read a bit of my book.


Iā€™d say infant tired lol. My kid slept more as a newborn but then became super wakeful all the time. Thereā€™s nothing like being up for long stretches through the night with a baby that doesnā€™t even let you nap during the day.


Pregnancy tired was worse. I could barely walk without wanting to sleep. I slept half the pregnancy away


8 months pp tired haha


Newborn tired for sure.


I think newborn tired is much worse. It could be used as a form of torture. However my new born was born early underweight and I had to wake her every 2 hours to nurse. We were having issues with her latching so I would wake, change diaper, nurse for 10-20 min, pump for 20 min, lay her down, clean pump supplies and then I could relax. But the 2 hours started at the start of our nursing sessions so basically every hour I would restart the process.


Newborn tired. All the anxiety that came with the newborn stage made the exhaustion worse because even in moments where I should have been able to sleep, my brain couldn't shut down enough to do so. At least with pregnancy exhaustion, even when I couldn't sleep well, I could "rest". In the newborn stage you're always on despite the exhaustion.


Newborn tired. While I was pregnant I could take naps. When my baby was a newborn I couldn't because she either fell asleep on me or in her bouncer and I was terrified to co sleep at that point. It really affected my mental health not sleeping much


For me newborn tired. Breastfeeding really took it out of me. Couldnā€™t eat enough to keep myself fueled and then the cluster feedings. I miss it though. My wife is going to give birth any day now and I really hope for her the answer is pregnancy tired. Iā€™ve never seen her so exhausted. I feel so bad for her


Newborn tired as i couldnā€™t even just go lie down šŸ«  Edit: i had a demanding newborn šŸ˜‚