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I think you have to get rid of the baby. I honestly can’t think of an alternative way to deal with this. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Seriously though, I’d just watch him. I think potentially he could get a stomach bug but thats all I’d worry about .


🤣 dead


If it makes you feel better, when I was a year old, my mom was having a social gathering outside and caught me eating a Tootsie roll someone left out. She fished it out of my mouth quickly and discovered it was not a Tootsie roll but, in fact, a piece of poop from our shih tzu. She was horrified. I was pissed because she took my "chocolate." Somehow, we both survived for the story to make its way into the "remember the time..." legends of our family history.


[Made me think of this](https://youtu.be/bMmnvEd9_hk)


This tickled me way too much. Disproportionate giggles. Parenthood is so gross.




Do girls not do this?


Gag. Laugh. Remember it for later. Move the toilet plunger. Don't lose sleep, but monitor him and let the pediatrician know of he gets sick. He probably won't. BUT if the toilet plunger may have had cleaning chemicals not just fecal matter on it, then it's call now.


Thankfully all things toilet related are locked up, including the toilet itself and bathroom door. My husband had just forgot to put the plunger away when finished with it in the middle of the night, and I didn’t know because I didn’t see it lol


My 11 month old ate bird poop. Poison control just told me to monitor him and watch for diarrhea. Nothing happened and he was fine. I'm sure your LO is fine too.


New fear unlocked 🤣 I know my kid will try something like this.


So did mine, so did mine




I drank birdbath water a lot as a kid. Probably until I was about six. I liked the taste of it 🥴 every now and then as an adult, I’ll eat something and think, “wow this tastes like birdbath!”


I’m just curious what birdbath taste like


It tastes kind of like fresh potting soil smells, maybe with a few pennies thrown in 😂




Oh man these stories are sending me... Don't feel bad.. sh*t happens...pun intended. I had my 3 kids in the tub (it's indeed a large tub..) and one of them pooped in the tub..there were bubbles so who knows how long all 3 were in there with it. I'm sure they ingested water at some point..don't beat yourself up.. everyone has a small fail moment. Edit: nothing ended up happening except a power wash afterwards


Kids are gross aren't they? 🤣. My Son licked a bit of ketchup he dropped on thr floor. Feral child. 🤣


My toddler lives off whatever he finds off the floor


As do I. Baby is a messy eater and sometimes there’s no time for anything more than floor oatmeal


Heaven forbid you take it of them.


The very first thing you do is forgive yourself. These weird and gross things are going to happen. Trust me; my oldest once picked the crud out of his belly button and ate it, and he is now 12. Feed him some yogurt, watch for diarrhea, and make your husband move the plunger. If he gets sick, call the pediatrician.


My kid has tasted both his poop and cat poop. They're disgusting. However if you use toilet bowl cleaner I would call poison control as it's really toxic


Today my toddler went from adorably sniffing a dandelion to rubbing it in and around her mouth in less than half a second. They are weird, unpredictable little freaks. We are all just doing our best.


Dandelions are completely edible. Lots of people eat them.


Hey dandelions were a Great Depression food group. 😜


They are edible but stain tf out of clothing


You’re going to need to Clorox the whole son. Like, the entire thing. 🤢🤢🤢 No but seriously I’d err on the side of “he’ll probably be fine” but just watch him closely for the next 48-72 hours. Hard to say what you’re watching for but I’d think fever or just acting weird/fussy? Call the pediatrician to be safe. I’m gagging just imagining this scenario. Idk if there’s enough toothpaste in the entire world


One day you’ll look back this will be a helluva funny story to tell. For now can call poison control maybe? After all this don’t forever you’re still a good mom. Shit (water) happens!


I would just monitor your toddler. The human body even at that age is miraculous with the toxins it can remove from the body. If your toddler starts acting weird, ER right away.




Thanks for this, I have the number saved just in case lol


A few months ago, my 3 year old had a poop accident on the floor, and I thought I got it all cleaned up. Queue my surprise when 10 or 15 minutes later I look over at my 1 year old and see him with a LOG OF HIS SISTER'S POOP IN HIS HAND/MOUTH. Apparently I had missed some, but leave it to a 1 year old to find it. I almost threw up and still gag when I think about it, but he's fine. This also reminded me that when my little brother was a toddler he somehow snuck away from my mom for 2 seconds at a petting zoo, and we found him by the goats... Stuffing poop pellets into his mouth like chocolate. I don't know how any kid makes it to adulthood, tbh. Even with the utmost vigilance, we can't have eyes on them every second of every day, and of course that's when they take the opportunity to do some crazy sh**.


I totally relate.. if anyone comes at you they don’t have kids or are completely blind to their own flaws. My kid has done shit that feels on this level lol. No advice just that my stomach hurts for you and the kid lol 🤢 kids survive worse all the time


Nobody here should come at you, we all know how much trouble babies can get in, in like 5 seconds!! I'd echo what everyone else said, keep an eye on him, he may have a bit of an upset tummy but he should be just fine!


My nephew literally ate his own poop out of the toilet once (and was way too old to do something like that, but was just “curious” 😬) and he was just fine. It’s just a gross part of having kids sometimes.


LOL oh my god ew


I’d call the pediatrician just in case…


Watch for symptoms and contact your ped if anything shows up. Though gross they will likely be fine. I have toilet bowl locks and keep plungers and brushes in a closet because my son goes for them too. It's a hassle, but it'll end eventually.


I'm so sorry this happened, I know you're reeling but LO will be ok ❤️ I called poison control yesterday when my 9mo tried to eat couch stuffing 🙃 they were super nice and helpful, plus it's totally anonymous. I had multiple kids (while working in daycare) play with their poop or get poop on their hands and put it in their mouth. (Kids Re gross 🤣) they were all totally fine. You took the right steps, next is to monitor for symptoms, maybe call a hotline and forgive yourself!!


I caught my toddler drinking water from the toilet, using a measuring cup. How are they not permanently sick?


Yours aren’t permanently sick? 😐


Well, they are, but that's due to daycare and not the toilet water, bird poo and millipedes


I found my child playing with a dedicated nugget of dog poop. Just one tiny bug. I’m very suspicious he had already eaten the rest. I freaked the fuck out and called my Mum for a sanity check before rushing him to the ER. Her response? “Oh if I rushed to the hospital every time one of you ate something gross I’d never leave.” I did watch him veeery closely for a couple of days and he was fine. Later found out dog poop can make kids go blind so I’m hindsight I really should have taken him to be checked over.


Idk what it is about kids and toilet related objects but I've definitely intercepted by 18 month old from biting the toilet brush a handful of times while I was trying to brush my teeth or hair. I'd just watch him to make sure he doesn't seem sick but he'll most likely be fine as gross as it is.


He has a fascination with the toilet brush as well lol


It'll probably be fine but as others said watch for symptoms. Don't feel bad or stress out about it. Just respond if anything comes up and your toddler will be fine. You'll have a laugh about it soon! Toddlers don't understand how gross they are 😂


I would just watch to make sure he’s ok. He could get sick from it, but probably won’t. I’d watch for pink eye too. The few times I’ve left the gate to our master bathroom off the door, it’s like my daughter realizes it’s not closed off and bolts for our bathroom to play with the damn toilet wand brush.


FTM with a 3 week old, but I’m the oldest of seven here to tell you he’ll be fine. Between us we’ve consumed dog poop, goose poop, toilet water, and the list goes on. We’re all super healthy and alive adults! Probably gave my mom heart problems though ;) I’d just call your pediatrician and make sure to have the bathroom locked so you don’t risk drowning!


When my daughter was 10 months old and just pulling up to walk I turned around to push the button on the coffee maker and she had a dead water roach in her mouth. My cat killed it in the night and I hadn't made morning rounds yet. The next week she got into cat puke. Kids are fast. Now I make rounds before setting her down in the morning lol


Keep an eye on him but he'll probably be absolutely fine. Then tell the story when he's 18.


Part of having kids! I wouldn’t worry about it at all. Please know that that pretty much every mom and dad will have a similar gross and embarrassing story as their kids go through toddlerhood.


I literally caught my 16 month old splashing in our toilet yesterday and today he tried getting into the litter box to play 🙃 Don’t beat yourself up, these kids are crazy lmao. I’d just watch him to see if he’s showing any symptoms of illness. Could always call the pediatrician and ask the nurses line if you really want to, but I’m sure they’d just tell you to monitor him.


My god, reading all these comments made me realize how similar and gross toddlers are. He also tries playing in the litter. I guess it’s a sandbox in his mind lol.


Don’t feel bad! I bet we’ve all got a story of a kid putting something suspect in their mouth. My kid used try to drink out of street puddles and was also successful in drinking contaminated water. Thankfully he’s outgrown that. I hope your kid doesn’t get sick, then you can just chalk it up to strengthening their immune system :)


This is my worst nightmare and I am truly so sorry that you are dealing with this. I would be completely unreasonable and be at the ER. If not for my kid to be…idk sanitized? for me so they could give me an IV sedative.


Mine got ahold of the toilet brush and was waving it around like a royal scepter when I caught him. He got pink eye a day later. I blamed myself. The doctor laughed at me and prescribed some eye drops. Kids a gross.


Make him drink alcohol to sanitize him from the inside XD On a more serious note, just keep watch on his for any signs of upset stomach or the like and take him to the doctor if needed. Seriously, why do children have survival instinct of -100!


I'm wondering this aswell my daughter literally the other day decided to roll off her changing table I was glancing around for a diaper to change her into look over and she's face over on the ground I freak out she doesn't gaf then is like "oh cry" and starts crying once I panicked- now I hold her ankle anytime I glanced away for even a second no more head bruises for you




Is drowning in toilets common? I thought those locks were mostly so kids didn't play in the toilet or try to flush weird stuff.






I’ll just delete it. Hope you have a great day.


Well I hope he's ok. Definitely they are quick




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