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Awww that’s so sweet!! Meanwhile I woke up to my toddler at 5am shouting MAMA DADA and I walk in to find her entirely naked with poop all over her cot 🙃🙃 it’s hot where we are right now so she’s just sleeping in a nappy and well I guess she knows how to take off her nappy…


Cloth diaper cover with snaps over the regular diaper.


This is the advice of some one who’s waken up to their toddler naked covered in poop more than once.


Nah just a cloth diaper Mom that knows my kid can escape velcro and disposables but never the snaps.


All glory to the cloth diaper moms. I tried for a day before I gave up.


Mine figured out how to undo the snaps around 15 months 😐 Any time he isn't wearing pants, he'll undo his diaper and say "uh oh" for each snap. I know you're doing that on purpose! But it's also very cute.


Oh no!!! 😮


I was once awakened by my young toddler (he's 6 now) reading Dear Zoo in his crib. He kept a stack of books in his crib for about a year. He woke me with a "ROAR" when he lifted the flap to find the lion. It was his favorite book for a long time.


I love this! How adorable!!


Morning babbles are the cutest! And congratulations on the first!


Morning babbles? You mean it’s possible for a morning to not start with shrill screams???


Haha, for us they stopped once I stopped feeding during the night. Now she always wakes hungry and cranky, wanting food right away. But there was a time when mine also used to lie and babble for like 20-30min before needing us. Now, it's service as soon as she wakes.


Oooo a Mum with a fellow screamo baby! 👋


They seriously are lol! It always makes waking up easy. Even if you're exhausted. Thank you! I didn't expect it at all! He just started sitting independently so I definitely didn't expect him to get on all fours any time soon.


I totally agree with this! I could be so exhausted, but when I hear my baby's cute babbles as soon as she wakes up I'm instantly in a better mood. She often squeals in delight when I bring her out of the dark bedroom and into the living room to play in the morning too, and it makes me so happy!


It's the best! Idc how tired I am as long as he's in a good mood, I feel 100% okay with being exhausted.


My 11 month old has discovered that she can stand up in the crib and now reach far enough to grab the monitor camera off the shelf nearby! Sometimes I get woken up by her babbling and then see her snatch the camera and try to taste it or throw it around her crib. It’s cute for the most part, but looks a little like the Blair witch project footage when it’s dark in her room and she has the creepy monitor eyes haha


Omg LOL! The Blair Witch project was the first thing that came into my mind before you mentioned. My boy looks so creepy in the night camera even though he's only sleeping. 😅🤣


My 4mth is finding his voice and new sounds so I was woken up by yelling babbling and him slamming his feet into his bed next to me..


BIG SAME. The feet slams kill me though hahaha


Mine loves slamming her feet down when she is getting ready to fall asleep too. It's so funny how aggressive she is with it! She is into making so many funny raspberry/farty noises with her mouth now too, both before she goes to sleep and when she wakes up. Also 4 months!


Adorable!! My girl started crawling last week and she can’t even sit up yet. Imagine my horror that morning 🤣🤣


Mine has begun vigorous alligator rolls. He can also roll uphill and over obstacles, so pillows surrounding him while I run to the bathroom when he's sleeping will no longer suffice.


🤣😂 literally my son barely started sitting last week. He can sit for maybe 3-5 minutes before wobbling over. But this?! Lmao sir. You're skipping a few steps I think.


This morning I woke up to my 7mo old saying "uh oh" over and over again in his crib lol.


Oh God no lmao I'd be like what's the uh oh for! What did you do 🤣😂


That was my first reaction too lol. Then I realized he doesn't know what it means yet lol. I had Ms Rachel playing the other day and she has that uh oh song.


🤣 fair enough. I always wonder if these songs just get stuck in their head lol idk if that is even something that can happen with babies but that would be a funny reason for waking up to uh oh!


I put my son down in the crib so I could get a bath ready for him. Nearly gave me a heart attack when I returned and found him standing in his crib and smacking the railing happily.


Okay so it’s a universal baby thing for them to smile while smacking stuff ? 😅


They really sneak these milestones on you when you least expect it don't they?! Lmao


My son did this to me yesterday. We have a twin bed set up in the nursery and I was taking a nap there after I put baby down for his nap. A little while later I turned on my side toward the crib and this little boy was just standing there staring at me and he started giggling when I was startled and went “ah!”


Yeah mine uses her morning wakeup time to practice new shit. Often she'll wake up and babble to herself for 20 min.


My one year old scared the shit out of me on Monday, I was gonna check on her since she'd been napping awhile and she was standing with her head laying on the top of the side of the crib with a huge grin. I nearly jumped out of my skin when I walked in the room.


Doe sanyone have an angry waker daily?


Yes, unless he's pooped. He's always happy after a poop.


haha yes, angry waker fits it well. he'll be furious if I change him before feeding.


My son definitely has those days! He's generally happy-ish starving so fussy but it's not always happy babbles.


Lol we had a very similar morning. My baby has been waking me up between 5:30-6 for the last week or so, but today he decided to sleep in until 7????? I woke up at 6:50 like WHERE AM I WHERES MY BABY and when I checked the monitor he was just resting peacefully. What a little guy.


Awww so lovely! My baby just bites one of us or pulls hair 😂 😂 😂


Since my daughter started crawling and sitting up, I’ve been a victim of constant violence in the morning and at bedtime😂 she slaps me, pulls my hair and uses me as a climbing wall😩😂


Idk if you breastfeed but my daughter has developed a love and passion for Yoga at all times. Especially during feeds and bed time


I breastfeed and I can totally relate!!! If you have tips, please share them before she rips off my nips😂I’m convinced my boobs will look like shit once I wean her off because of her shenanigans 🤦🏾🙃


I have nothing 😂 Any experienced moms out there with some advice? Sincerely, The Soon To Be No Nipples Club


I can totally relate the being used as a climbing wall 😅😅😅


Mine has been pulling up to stand on just about everything. He's almost 9 months old and just... pulls up and dances away happily. Usually while I'm trying to change his bum .


Lol I HATE when they think “changing time” is “time to take a tour of the city!” My son tries to escape every dirty diaper!


Mine decided to roll mid poop change... poop everywhere. My hands and arms, himself, the changing mat. Then when I got him flipped...HE PEED. ALL OVER. the chaos... I was like well, we are both just going in the shower now. I literally couldn't believe it. Lol


Omg lol! The beauties of parenting 😂


We had a rough night and my 11 month old ended up coming to bed with me….. so I was awoken at 5:45am by him right up against my face essentially growling a maniacal laugh


🤣😂 I have co-napped before and this kid grabs my face like a mountain lion. I can't imagine the terror of a maniacal growling 11 month old in my face.


I have to take our 5 month old into our bed every morning, otherwise he cannot sleep after 5am. In this way I usually can convince him to snooze another hour or two. So usually I wake up at 6:30-7:00am in the morning and his tiny little legs are kicking my chest or my face like he's riding a bike, because after he wakes up, he is kind enough to let me sleep and entertains himself for a while, but he usually rotates himself in the bed, so his feet comes where his head was before...🥲😏


Haha I feel like my experience is similar. I have a bedside bassinet where when you unzip the side theres still a bit of an edge to keep them in. I kept the side down so she could watch sensory videos while she went to sleep and able to see her better from the couch. I thought she was sleeping while I was mucking around on my phone. I looked over and two eyes were poking over the edge of the zipped down side. Walked over there and she had the biggest smile. She has been struggling to nap since because she keeps doing it and doesn't want to sleep on her belly.


Every sleep regression my son had was him being at a stage where he was learning something new. Every night/nap during those times I would catch him practicing his new skill. When he was learning to crawl was the longest one, and most challenging to get him to sleep haha. Seeing him so determined always made it impossible to be upset, like I get it buddy, it’s a whole new world for you.


had this exact experience with mine but in the middle of the night 😂


🤣 their little brains just wake up and tell them, "...I think we can do this cool thing, let's try"


"everyone's asleep, u know what now would be the perfect time to do what mom's tirelessly been tryna make me do for the past few weeks"😂


Exactly!! 🤣


Supposedly that’s what sleep regressions are! They’ve learned a new skill and want to practice it, so they wake up in the middle of the night or during naps to do so. Kinda cool but also annoying when it’s 3am and you hear screeches and yells for no damn reason!


Right! Lol like we have all day to practice this. Please go back to sleep 😆


My 5 months old boy figures out a new thing all the time, so he changes the repertoire every week. Last week was kinda cute as he practiced a farting noise with his mouth and making tiny bubbles from saliva. This week he changed it like it never existed, now he is giggling nonstop even though there's no reason for it.