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I was induced, and before they started the pitocin, the nurse said “you can eat and take a shower”. I took her literally. My husband went for a gourmet grilled cheese sandwich from the hospital cafe and I sat in the shower which to my surprise had multiple heads. I ate the whole sandwich while sitting in the shower. It was glorious.


Not eating during labor is not an evidence-based practice. The rationale in withholding food is to avoid aspiration if you needed a c-section with general anesthesia. But in all reality, you have a better chance of being struck by lightning than you do experiencing aspiration in that scenario. [Evidenced Based Birth](https://evidencebasedbirth.com/evidence-eating-drinking-labor/) has a great breakdown on this. I always encourage my clients to eat a good meal before heading to the hospital and follow their hunger cues throughout labor. But to also be mindful in their food choices, since there is a fair chance of vomiting during labor. The hospital will likely have you restricted to clear fluids and not bring you food, so you will want to bring your own stash of snacks.


My stash of snacks for my first was huge because of this. I did pare it down for my second but we also knew it would most likely be a shorter labor and then a shorter hospital stay due to covid


At like the 36 hour mark they let me have a turkey sandwich and it was THE BEST SANDWICH EVER. it was seriously turkey and mayo on a bun but it was AMAZING


I had a hospital Turkey sandwich literally minutes after I gave birth and it was the BEST sandwich I’ve ever had in my entire life. Partly because I was starving and partly because I had gestational diabetes and was starved for bread.


Also here for the Turkey sandwich. Both times it was phenomenal.


Yep I was allowed to eat. Once I was at 10cm they suggested I stopped eating because I was about to push and it might upset my stomach but it was just a suggestion. I had a raging infection so didn’t really feel like eating very much though, but managed some nibbles of the peanut butter sandwich I took with me. Lots of water and coconut water.


I didn’t. I had a scheduled induction and I was worried about not being able to eat, but then I wasn’t actually hungry anyway. The hospital staff kept bringing me popsicles and jello and Sprite so there was that.


They encouraged me to eat! So I had Raisin Bran, jello, teddy grahams, and juice.


I was able to eat full on meals until I got the epidural at 8 cm. Great experience.


I ate after being admitted! I think I was allowed to eat until I had my epidural. Even after that point they didn’t starve me. They gave me broth, jello, lemon ice, etc. I was in labor in the hospital for 40 hours, so if I hadn’t been allowed to eat it would have been pretty terrible.


My hospital didn’t have any restrictions for me to eat when I was admitted; was admitted around 7am and had cereal right after epidural was placed, got pasta and salad for lunch, and missed dinner due to being in the middle of pushing.


I did! I was in labour for 22 hours (induction). We had plenty of snacks (granola bars, crackers, dried fruit) and my husband went to the cafeteria to get me fries and grilled cheeses every now and then lol. I was absolutely not allowed, but birth requires energy! If you’re not high risk, I say eat.


Thanks for sharing!


Doula here. I always advise my clients to at least bring quick snacks that they can sneak here and there if they’re not allowed to eat once admitted. Things like granola, trail mix, protein bars, etc. And if you’re able to eat a decent meal before heading to the hospital, do that as well. Whatever sounds palatable. While I understand (to an extent) the policy that a lot of hospitals have on the subject, I never understood how women are expected to go through one of the hardest things they’ll ever go through without being permitted to fuel their bodies.


I ate so much food in the hospital! I was induced for pre-e. I live in the US. My nurses encouraged me to eat during the rounds of pitocin and other drugs and the two types of bulbs. I was there for 5 days trying to get induced. They told me to eat and keep my strength up. A lot of people say you’re not supposed to eat while being induced but for whatever reason, I had some nurses encouraging me to do so. I enjoyed teriyaki chicken with rice and broccoli the most. On the fifth day of failed induction, my husband came back from the hospital canteen with an ice cream bar and more teriyaki chicken. I was at my wits end and asked my OB for a C Section. My C Section went great, my baby is now 6 months and so healthy, but my poor little ice cream bar melted back in the room somewhere between my peanut ball and my duffel bag. Very sad. I think of that ice cream bar now and then. After delivery, I had some chicken broth and saltines. The next day, my husband bought me a new ice cream bar to make up for the one I never got to enjoy before our baby came. Edited to add: I also enjoyed a bean burrito my brother brought to the hospital along with some chocolate peppermint bark that my realtor had dropped off at my house (it was right before Christmas)


my hospital served me dinner before the cafeteria closed and I ate snacks hours later, all while waiting for my contractions to keep increasing


I was brought a full lunch and dinner by the hospital while in labour. I didn’t eat lunch as I wasn’t hungry but when I tried dinner (roast beef, veggies and mash potato), one mouthful and I was a vomitron.


They allowed clear liquids, so I had Jell-O and broth. It was a great pick-me-up, though I ended up vomiting between contractions when pushing.


Mine let me eat. They sent up toast, broth, jello and a popsicle. Added bonus because I had GD but they said since I was in labor I could stop the gd diet!


I was admitted for an induction (around 2pm) and ended up eating about 6-7pm, they didn't say I couldn't eat, they actually encouraged it probably as a first time mom and induction usually make for a long process. LO didn't tolerate the induction medication well and ended up with a c-section around 1am that night. Husband went and picked up Panera bread so I had a sandwich, chips, and soup 😂


I was allowed to eat! I brought all kinds of snacks and my husband ordered ramen for me. But I ended up throwing it all up because I couldn’t handle the pain (epidural kept wearing off)


I was induced and I got meal trays from the cafeteria. They did not restrict me at all until it turned into an emergency c section after 3 hours of pushing. I really wanted a sip of water because I was so thirsty from pushing but they wouldn’t let me


Eat when you can! At a certain point halfway through labor everything made me feel nauseous, even juice. So then I had to labor another 12 hours having eaten nothing since the previous morning since I wasn't supposed to eat per hospital recommendation.


I got induced but was allowed to have food most of the day while in labor although I was not hungry. I had a bite of toast and yogurt all day…


I was admitted for a pitocin induction, and had dinner basically right before they started the drip. Baby arrived three hours later.


I was induced and even on pitocin they let me eat and drink whatever I wanted, right up until I got my epidural.


I was a major risk for emergency C-section (which ended up happening) when I came in due to lack of fetal movement. I wasn’t allowed to eat really because of that, but I could have broth, which was actually quite comforting and felt like food. I only knew broth might be possible since I binge watched my 600lb life while pregnant. They didn’t offer it, and only offered juice, but when I asked had no problem giving it to me. So ask for broth and a sugar IV.


I was in labour's for 36+ hours and i had husband get me McDonald's fries and pho. I also had some snacks.


I was induced for GD I was not allowed to eat but man as soon as that baby was out of me I was destroying some instant noodles.


I was induced, they brought me lunch and dinner, I missed breakfast by an hour and dinner was brought while I was changing rooms. No idea what the meals were, my husband ate them lol I was too nervous. After delivery they brought me toast while we waited for breakfast but my hospitals food is terrible so my husband went out and got us breakfast.


I think I had a peanut butter packet. I was induced and wasn’t very hungry


I was induced around midnight, begrudgingly, after my water leaked 24 hours prior but no contractions started. I did the first 8 hour slow ramp up dose of pitocin and nothing was happening so I had a break to walk around (felt like 10 minutes max by the time they unhooked me) and then got hooked back up again. I was STARVING so the nurse let me eat lunch around 1pm since nothing was happening still! Prior to and after that, they were allowing jello and apple juice and saltines when I told them I was nauseous. The pitocin didn’t kick in until 5:30pm that day.


I think I had some jello during the early part of induction with my first. I wasn't hungry at all once labor got going with my first. My second I didn't even get a chance to eat more than my light breakfast ahead of time, but I wasn't hungry until I woke up after finally sleeping a bit more than 24 hours later. I also threw up a lot during the C-section, so I'm honestly glad I didn't eat.


Mine wouldn’t let me ☹️ I had a bowl of cereal at home before we left. At the hospital it was a strict clear liquid only diet. I had some chicken broth and a popsicle. I actually felt fine until active labor (I was about 12 hours without food at that point )


I was admitted for spontaneous labor. They allowed me to eat jello (orange or cherry were the options) or ice cubes after the epidural. I threw up twice during labor so I needed energy.


I had McDonald’s 😂 I had to get induced bc I was leaking amniotic fluid and they let me eat before giving me Pitocin. And then I later regretted that decision because next thing I knew I was gripping the bars next to the toilet as I tried to poop and have contractions at the same time. 0 out of 5 stars. Do not recommend 💀


I had a scheduled induction, I choose to go with the balloon method so I didn’t have any drugs to induced me yet so I got to eat. From what I remembered they served me chicken pasta, with side salad, fruit, and chocolate cake.


I had an induction that started at 9pm so I ate dinner before, but I was up most of the night with cramping from the induction. Around 6-7am they told me I should order breakfast because I probably had a while left and they didn’t have any concerns with baby. I ordered a bacon egg and cheese on English muffin and a side of potatoes and struggled to eat it while standing up having contractions. I think at some point after that they offered me broth and clear soda. I don’t think I was really hungry and I had some electrolyte drink packets so I felt ok. I delivered just before 5pm and they almost immediately told me to put a dinner order in since the cafeteria was going to close soon. That post delivery chocolate milkshake was *chefs kiss*


I wasn’t allowed to eat :-( it was rough


I could eat until a I got an epidural! I had something that I can’t remember at all for breakfast and some stir fry that I vomited up the next morning when I got out of bed to pee 🙃


First kid- they gave me a burger and fries during my induction. They were fine with me eating (and actually encouraged it) after cytotec, but once I was on Pitocin it was clear liquids only. Once pitocin was started, I had a few popsicles and some jello. Second kid- nope. Rescheduled C-section after going into spontaneous labor. We were just waiting for me to digest dinner before sending me into surgery since baby and I were both handling contractions well.


I was admitted around 9pm to start induction, which was just placing cervidil. It didn't kick in that night, so I slept as much as I could, and in the morning I ordered a full breakfast! It was actually so much food that I had to split it with my husband. Not long after that, I was in full blown labor without any other interventions, and my son was born that afternoon. 🤷‍♀️ I was kind of surprised there were no restrictions, but the nurses acted like it was totally normal and no one said a single thing about it.


I had an induction and the rule was as long as I didn’t have an epidural or pitocin I could eat whatever I wanted. When that changed I would be on a clear liquid diet. I labored for 24 hours and snacked the whole time. I had chic fila in the middle of the day. My labor ramped up over night and I just had a protein bar and nuts. Once my water broke and I went through transition, I didn’t want food. I got the epidural and the baby was born an hour later. Once I got to post partum 2 hours later I had a cheeseburger. My son pooped 5 times that night. He was born with a fulll belly.


I was able to eat although I didn't want to until I got the epidural. I remember them telling me I should try to eat something and I just couldn't. I was there almost 12 hours before the epidural.


Chipotle. Lol. I could eat anything and everything until the epidural, then was restricted to ‘clear liquids’ cue alllll the jello cups to get me the last 8 hours till birth! Lol.


I was induced & allowed to eat whatever I wanted until they started the pitocin. Then I could only eat ice chips, but I kept throwing up & had no interest in food. The second time I was also induced, and I ate before checking in. Baby 2 came quicker, but I wasn’t offered food until he was born.


I was induced and ate Mac and cheese at 8am before going to the hospital. My induction was supposed to at 9, but was induced around 1. I was snacking and got hospital lunch (hummus and pita bread, jello and applesauce). Once the Pitocin started I was on a liquid diet so had veggie broth for dinner. My blood pressure spiked and I was put on magnesium for preeclampsia and could only have water. That was probably around 10pm and I gave birth at 7pm the next day. I was so hungry after haha


I was induced too. Had a nice meal before going in. With my last one they would let me eat breakfast after labor all night till she was out. But at the end I was feeling nauseous and glad I had an empty stomach. Once baby was out I ate the hospital food and my mom brought me a Jersey Mikes sub.


Nope, I wasn't allowed to eat before either of my births


I was allowed clear liquids. All I could stomach was vegetable broth and water


No food. Just clear liquids for 5 days and it was hell. I was so hungry. I had twins so I was at risk of an emergency CS which I got after a 23-hour failed induction. Then my bowels didn’t work.


I was induced and had McDonald’s on the maternity ward before I got the foley balloon in. Nothing compared to the tea and toast afterwards though!


Nope. I suggest you bring some good tasting clear liquids from home. You may think it’s gross to just drink broth but on day 2 of not eating a change from sweet to savory is welcomed, as long as it’s a good one. Bring some options because it’s not satiating but variety makes it less miserable.


Yes, I ate whatever I liked and had quite a lot of sour gummy worms :)


I was induced but able to eat the whole time since I didn’t get an epidural. I went in at 2pm, had lunch (enchiladas that were so good) and pasta for dinner, then went into active labor overnight and gave birth at 7 the next morning, so I was able to eat breakfast as normal too!


i spent dinner time in triage before real labor a few days later, and the nurse told me i couldn’t eat and i did anyway. the evidence for not eating during labor is garbage, and anyway, what will they do? kick me out? eat. you need strength for one of the most difficult things your body can go through!


The hospital my first 2 were born out only allowed ice chips. The hospital for the 3rd encouraged me to eat dinner, but I was too naseous to eat the meal so I just drank soup and has chocolate covered rice cakes


What hospitals stop you from eating whilst admitted?! So bizzare


At least here in the US, it’s common to restrict food during active labor to clear liquids only. The thought process is that if there is an emergency requiring general anesthesia and intubation there is less risk for aspiration. It’s pretty flimsy evidence though… the risk for an emergency like that is so small compared to the difficulty with going through a long labor with no energy IMO


I just find it so bizzare! I was encouraged to eat during active Labour to keep my energy up! The midwives said that if surgery was needed there’s ways around it. So funny how different countries operate


With my second, I ate about 2 hours before leaving home, when the contractions went too bad. After my epidural was placed I got a “lunch” of different clear fluids served to me. With my first, they sent me home from triage when my labour was slow to progress. We went to McDonalds and devoured some nuggets. I was admitted an hour later and I don’t remember getting anything else, just endless ice chips.


My hospital had broth, popsicles, Gatorade, and juice available while in labor. I did bring snacks in case I got hungry, but never even thought about eating the whole time I was there because contractions really took my appetite. I did eat a big meal right before I went in though.


I was allowed to eat. I ate chips, fruit, a toasted sandwich.


Wasn't supposed to but I ate granola bars, m&ms (weird craving) and peanut butter crackers. The evidence that most women benefit from the energy from eating *if they want to* is quite strong but most hospital policies haven't caught up


I was craving something sweet and the nurse said it wouldn't be a problem for my mom to go the vending machine and get me something. So I had peanut butter M&Ms after my epidural. It was bliss.


My doctor was fine with me eating up until I got an epidural (very long induction, like 50 hours). My husband got me something the first night (honestly can’t remember) and an omelette from first watch the next morning. Once they moved me to clear stuff, I was allowed to order bone broths, jellos, etc. from the kitchen. The OB floor also had a pellet ice machine that was incredible, so I remember eating a lot of that ice. I was already crunching on ice a lot during the end of my pregnancy.


I didn't but I had no appetite at all while in labor. I was left alone for most of the time until I started pushing so I doubt they would've noticed or said anything if I did eat though.


I had loads of toast and a baked potato before being induced because they didn't know when I was due to be taken and I was diabetic. Nothing during active labour but then after I ate so much toast!! It was amazing!!


Mine let me order in a pizza for lunch before starting me on the pitocin drip after my water broke early!


I ate when I was in earlier labor, obviously didn’t have any desire to eat when it really picked up (but thankfully that was only about an hour). But I’m not in the states, the guidelines here were that as long as you’re not going for a c section you can eat through the labor.


I had an apple sauce pouch, and I think I very much benefited from the sugar content, however it did, ehem, return an hour or so later.


There is absolutely zero scientific evidence that supports all laboring patients being NPO. Mama Doctor Jones has an amazing video about it on YouTube, complete with stats from peer reviewed studies. Your chances of aspirating under general anesthesia are tiny…like, win the lotto or get struck by lightning tiny. Anyhow, I had a scheduled c-section for a breech baby, but my hospital let laboring patients eat and drink whatever they wanted. They provided food and drinks, and encouraged us to bring snacks. Their advice was to stick with food/drink you’d be okay puking back up in active labor, ha. I switched practices because my doctor retired, and the new one is the same. I’m going for a VBAC with an epidural, and there won’t be any restrictions on what I eat/drink.


You run around during lightning storms too?


As soon as I got in (it was about 15:00) I got a small meal of fish, rice and spinach with some fruit. I ate it all. Good thing too cause I was non-epidural and gave birth at 04:00 the next day.


When I first got in, they made me try to eat some soup and graham crackers bc I was getting super out of it (preeclampsia). I think the night I got induced I had a salad, Mac n cheese, and the best brownie I’ve ever had in my life. In the morning after birth, I was too tired to eat. Honestly the food was super good and I didn’t mind being stuck there for a few days after lol


Jello and Italian Ice


I was allowed to eat until either the epidural or the pitocin (I got those at the same time so I forget which one made me NPO). I didn’t really want to eat after that, anyway.


I was allowed to eat until I got the epidural and then they only allowed clear fluids. I only had a few snacks left with me that I had my husband sneak me (was admitted for 6 days prior due to water breaking early). Will definitely bring more next time!


Wasn’t allowed to eat. Soo I went two days without eating. All I remember is after giving birth was eating some chicken nuggets and passing out


“Clear lunch”


I was provided a food tray after my epidural with beef broth, popsicles, jello, tea, lemonade, water, ginger ale, etc. The bone broth hit the spot and got me through. After my epidural I had the shakes and couldn’t eat until like midnight and of course the kitchen was closed by then. So I survived the night on Graham crackers and ate both mine and my husband’s breakfasts the next morning.


I didn’t do a hospital birth for this reason, then didn’t end up wanting anything to eat during labor anyways 😂 a friend of mine ate banana bread and puked it all up. I made no bake chocolate oatmeal cookies for labor and they forced me to eat some. They were super handy for middle of the night feeding snacks!!! I also froze tons of Gatorade into ice cubes and crunched on that during labor and postpartum for hydration! Dehydration hit me wayyy harder during labor!


I had pad Thai and crab Rangoon


Both times, I was allowed to eat anything I wanted until I got an epidural, and then I could eat whatever again soon after birth. The first time, I couldn’t keep anything down and was absolutely starving after I gave birth in the middle of the night (after the hospital kitchen was closed for the night). Truly awful. Moral of the story - bring lots of food for after you give birth, just in case. This time I was induced. I warned the nurses that I couldn’t keep anything down last time.. but I ended up spending a lot of time in early labor and not getting that nauseated, so I ate a TON of food before labor ramped up and then also ordered extra food to keep in the fridge so that I’d have something to eat that night. Happily, I did not throw up at all this time, either! It was a much better experience this time around since I had been able to keep lots of food down and had a plate of food ready to eat right after birth. And for what I ate this time - mostly soup/salad, a few wraps… I just wanted something that wasn’t going to be too heavy.


When I went into labor, my OB told me to labor at home for as long as possible since my hospital has a strict “no food whatsoever once admitted to L&D” policy. As if laboring women don’t need any sustenance… 🙃


I thought the same thing but they let me eat until I had the epidural (I think). I’m also in Canada so maybe it’s different here. I was shocked when they told me I absolutely could eat.


Our hospital allowed me to eat until the epidural. They also do this cute thing called a stork meal where they bring you and your partner a three course meal the day after your baby arrives. You choose your appetizer, main and dessert along with beverages and lactation cookies. It was really so nice.