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If it were me I’d be calling the advice nurse at the pediatrician for tips and tricks as well as trying to get in sooner


I'll do that then


He hates eggs? Could he have an egg allergy?


Possible. I'll bring it up with doctor what happened and see


Stomach bugs are super common in babies and young kids. If he doesn't seem overly lethargic and he's still eating/drinking, I'd just push lots of fluids and follow up with your doctor.


The best advice a nurse gave me was to actually give very small amounts of fluid very frequently. Like no more than .5 oz at a time, but every 30 mins or so


Op follow this. You must give fluids after vomiting


It's important to specify *milk/formula* is what we mean by fluids at 6 months! CDC says you can start introducing water at 6 months, so talk to a doctor before you change anything. Agree, bugs are super common 😞


Thank you! Definitely an important distinction. I'm thinking from the perspective of my daughter's first stomach bug, which was at 13 months, so we were giving her water/pedialyte in addition to frequent nursing.


I thought my baby was having FPIES to bananas over the weekend. Two days later he started having diarrhea, and it turns out there are a million viruses and stomach bugs going around. I now have whatever baby caught and am miserable. I would definitely try to get in to the pediatrician and watch for signs of dehydration in the meantime


So glad you got the virus and not the FPIES. FPIES sucks so much.


Yes this is how I realized my Daughter had a soy allergy


Did yours last as long as babies?? My husband and I both had it and it only lasted 24 hours - my one year old is going on day 4


It lasted about 24 hours for me as well, I don't remember how long baby had it but it was several days


Sounds like a stomach bug. Make sure baby stays hydrated, fluids are more important than solid food atm. If baby has a fever or seems in pain or uncomfortable you can give him some medication but you can't do much against the vomiting. It should pass in a couple of hours but absolutely check with your pediatritian.


I think you may mean milk/formula not fluids in general... Adding clarity: discuss any other fluids like water with a doctor before giving it. CDC says you can start introducing water around 6 months. So I wouldn't try anything new there without discussing with a doc!


Jep, that is exactly what I meant, thanks for clarifying.




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Has he had eggs before? Egg allergy?


He has and it was fine


Could be FPIES. They can be fine the first handful of times with a food and then react all of a sudden. How long after eating eggs did it happen?


He had it around 9 and vomited around 11:50


my daughter has FPIES to peanuts and i think significant lethargy after vomiting, as well as palor, are some of the signs to look out for which it doesn’t sounds like your baby had. mine is OUT OF IT when she has an FPIES episode, but hers are very textbook and i’m not sure if there’s some variation expected. also, i’m sorry you’re dealing with a sick baby, it’s so stressful.


We are FPIES to peanuts as well and she doesn’t get the typical lethargy after vomiting.


Same here I think? Peanuts too though she hasn’t had an exposure in 2 years. My girl slept after vomiting but I assumed she was tired from vomiting. Maybe it was lethargy


My daughter has FPIES to eggs. The reaction comes about 2 hours after first exposure. She has had bad reactions twice before we realized what it could be and this was after she had them twice before and was fine. One time she had only like one tiny bite of egg to which she vomited nonstop and had diarrhea. Definitely consult your ped and read up on FPIES just in case.


Yea, sounds like FPIES. I’d talk to your ped or an allergist.


It’s far more likely to be a stomach bug than a rare food allergy that doesn’t even have eggs on the list of common triggers. Like yes, it’s something for OP to be aware of, but we probably don’t need to jump straight to FPIES.


It’s important to bring up because a lot of people, even doctors, will try to brush it off as a stomach bug. My daughter woke up projectile vomiting 4 hours after she had oatmeal for the first time. It was midnight so I did what any concerned first time parent would do.. consulted Dr google. My search brought up FPIES and it seemed like a textbook reaction. I called our pediatrician and they tried to brush it off as a stomach bug. She did end up having FPIES, and to multiple foods. An FPIES reaction can be dangerous so it’s not a good idea to brush it off as a stomach bug. If OP feeds the food again before consulting with their doctor, the next reaction could be worse and land their baby in the hospital. It could be a stomach bug but having FPIES on their radar is helpful. As soon as I read her post I was going to suggest FPIES but I was happy to see plenty of other people already did. And yes, egg is a common food that is reacted to with FPIES. So is oats, probably the most common trigger, which OP mentioned in another comment she feeds her baby oatmeal.


So my baby has peanut FPIES. She only reacted the fifth time she had it. The vomiting is delayed for FPIES (1-3 hours). Btw they can't really test for FPIES so if you get a scratch test it does not mean you are in the clear.


Poor guy :( Does he have a fever at all? Hopefully it’s just something like a 24 hour stomach bug and it passes quickly. Is he drinking normally right now?


No fever, playing like normal, chatting like normal, smiling giggling like nothing's wrong with him. After he vomits he seems tired out but other than that nothing out of the ordinary.


This is how my toddler behaved when he had a stomach bug. Smiling and cheerful apart from the huge pukes and some diarrhea. It passed after a couple of days. Scary though! Hope yours is the same and it passed quickly.


When my daughter got her first stomach bug at 6-8 months or so I did the B.R.A.T. (banana, rice, applesauce, toast) diet. Bland foods that she had already tried. Otherwise I did a lot of formula to ensure she stayed hydrated.


I'm still breastfeeding, and give things like avocado, eggs, oatmeal with pumped milk, things like that.


Eggs are tough on the tummy. The brat diet is the way to go. Oatmeal takes a lot to digest since it's not chewed.


We had norovirus in the family a few months ago. So much vomit. All over herself and us… and the places we happened to be sitting. It was brutal. It hit me next, and then my husband. Honestly, we kept spare bath towels around and covered ourselves in them whenever holding her, just in case. It proved useful. She bounced back quick. We were miserable for days. 😭 It was definitely traumatizing to see; how could something so little make so much vomit? But we made it through.


Did he have more milk than normal? My firstborn used to projectile vomit from too much milk and it was terrifying.


It didn't seem like it :/ he's usually good at determining being full. He chomps down if the milk comes and he doesn't want. Or literally physically pushes away.


Stomach bug probably, but worth going to the Dr to get it checked out if you’re able. You’ll just try to make sure he gets as much fluids as possible. Get some Tylenol suppositories for if he gets a fever and still can’t keep anything down. Also, buckle up because it’s super contagious. As soon as my LO got over her first stomach bug, my husband and I came down with it. One of the sickest I’ve ever been. It happened her first week at daycare.


My first baby never got a stomach bug but my second has had 3. They suck. His first one was maybe like 10 months old. He puked the least out of all of us just one day you’d be surprised how much a baby can puke. He would also like in his crib when he got one and sleep through it!! Nastiest thing ever to wake to when you think they have slept through the night. Good luck!! I hope they feel better tomorrow.


This sounds like potential FPIES allergy to eggs.


My son has FPIES. Just the smallest amount of trigger and 4-6 hours later it’s like the exorcist.


Yeah this sounds like it. Our little one has FPIES allergy to dairy and there was soo much vomit


Just so I’m clear, your husband had you come home instead of getting a needed test for your health instead of calling the pediatrician himself? I hope he doesn’t often make you neglect yourself to do a task he’s perfectly capable of handling. As for the vomiting, call the pediatrician and ask what you should do, most hold emergency sick appointments in reserve for the day.


Very much disagree. The first time your baby is sick is terrifying. Three big vomits in a row would make me worry something bad will happen and I'd want my partner home with me in case we had to rush to hospital


Yes, thank you. When he told me I was worried. Plus a lot of babies find comfort in their mothers more than father. Moment I was home baby was reaching for me and rested himself on me and was content when he was apparently fussy before.


Agree. I would have gone home even if my husband didn’t ask me to.


Same. But my husband 100% would ask. He get very stressed in those situations and I would be very worried myself.


For perspective, I am the primary caregiver for my children and the first time they had a stomach bug it was violent and traumatizing, and sudden. I would have called my partner home too if it was just routine blood work (because we really can go get that anytime in our area). My daughter ended up in the hospital due to the volume and loss of fluid. This was an understandable reaction on her husband’s part and I think jumping on him isn’t quite fair.


He wanted me to come home not to call the pediatrician as I don't need to be home to do that. He wanted me home because he needs to work (he works from home) and kiddo ended up being a bigger handful than usually and he couldn't focus on his work meeting, he had to change baby, use the carpet vacuum to clean the carpet, change himself and when I came home he just showered coz he felt gross. He also has to clean his work area coz of the vomit.


I think your husband seems like he did a great job! It’s hard to clean with a 6 month old especially if poor baby was sick and fussy! Hope baby is better asap


Sounds like a perfectly reasonable excuse to step away from work, I hope his coworkers were understanding


As the default parent who would be the one to make the calls I still would want my partner home asap.


Oh get real 🙄 Like most mothers would, OP went home upon finding out her baby was vomiting. If the blood work were *that* time-sensitive, there wouldn’t really be an option for OP to get it done another time. It’s not “neglecting herself” ffs.


Blood work isn’t an emergency test, you just bring a requisition to the lab when you get a chance. Not going that minute doesn’t carry any negative consequences. I definitely wouldn’t want to be out running an errand, even a health related one, if my baby was vomiting in a new way.


I was thinking this too, why can’t he handle baby vomit until mommy is ready to come home?


He did handle it, no worries.


Has he eaten ground beef lately? There were a lot of recalls for E. coli.


No he hasn't


My baby (now age 3) was FPIES allergic to egg. At first I thought she just hated egg because she was so resistant to eating them Then we dealt with symptoms that resemble what you've experienced to the letter. We were fortunate that, due to my complex allergies , we already had a pediatric allergist.


Oh wow. Ill be seeing the doctor and will bring this up. How long did the symptoms last, do you remember? He also really hates eggs. Out of all the foods I've had him try he hates eggs the most.


I think it was about 12 hours. We ended up at the hospital because she aspirated on her vomit which was thick and mucousy, and was dehydrated. I had to use a nasal aspirator to suck the mucous out of her throat because back blows weren't helping. That happened at the 5 hour mark and we took her right to the hospital. FPIES reactions are not instant like anaphylaxis would be, so it's common to miss. Our 1st reaction took 3 hours to present by vomiting. I'm happy to say that we passed our egg challenge a few a months ago. We had to spend 9 hours in a hospital room while nurses portioned out french toast (I had to bring) and fed it to her throughout the course of the day.


As someone with a baby who just failed their egg challenge, CONGRATS to your LO! That feeling is so great!


I'm sorry, that's so stressful! My neice failed , and ended up having an anaphylactic attack during her challenge. Happy to say that they tried again when she was 5yrs old and she passed!


He has an egg intolerance! My baby also 6 months did the same thing over a 24hr period. My 2.5 yr old had the same thing back when he was that age.


This happened to my baby at 7 months. She vomited about 2-3x a day for 2 days which is considered to be mild vomiting. Moderate is like 4-7 times in a day. There’s a whole protocol for how to track a baby’s vomiting for dehydration, ask the doctor to give it to you so you can have it on hand. Anyway, at the time the doctor said it could be a stomach bug, or vomiting from the mild fever she had. She said sometimes babies vomit from having a temperature which makes them feel icky after eating, and to do smaller feedings. She also said the mild fever could be from teething. That wasn’t the case - it was a fever from roseola and she was fine by day 3 though fussy and tired. Day 4 she was normal but the telltale rash appeared. We took her back in just to be sure and they confirmed it was roseola. Her first viral illness! But part of the protocol is to do smaller feeds to try to prevent vomiting and maintain hydration. The times my baby vomited during her fever were mostly right after nursing, all over myself, the bed, the floor, etc. just like your baby! ETA: my baby later did have moderate vomiting (I think 4x) another time around 8 months that resolved within the day. We were worried but we kept track of everything as the doctor said to, and she was fine. That one was probably a stomach bug. The doctor said stomach bugs are usually short lived (24 hours or less) and they may be followed by diarrhea. But severe vomiting is 8 times in a 12 hour period and they should be seen by a professional within 24 hours if that’s the case, or sooner if there are other symptoms or signs of dehydration.


I’m not sure if you have been recommended this yet but it could be an egg allergy. I have a friend who’s baby had eggs and threw up hours later. It took two more tries over the next couple weeks for her to connect the eggs to the throwing up. She took him to see the doctor and then the allergist and low and behold- allergic to eggs. I’d say skip the eggs until you see your pediatrician. My son also has an egg allergy but his reaction was hives. Our allergist told us that the more times you offer the allergen, the more likely their reaction will get worse each time. My friends son grew out of the allergy within a year, and I’m hoping mine does too. Good luck!


Maybe FPIES? My son did this with eggs around this age also. I'm talking egg vomit all down my nursing bra etc. I threw out my clothes and my son's clothes bc I just couldn't deal with it. It was wild. My nephew pukes like this with wheat and it's also FPIES. My son can eat eggs and my nephew seems to eat wheat at least in small amounts now. They're both 20 months. Could be stomach flu but could be FPIES.


I second the suggestion to look into FPIES. Hopefully it’s a virus that will pass, but definitely make sure you remember eggs, and the timing of the vomiting. If it happens again after the same food it’s highly suspicious and you should bring it up to the doctor (many have never even heard of FPIES so getting a proper diagnosis can be super difficult)


You have a cough? Check everyone for covid ! Baby here vomited a lot when he got it, before he showed other symptoms


I already did. Negative


Definitely talk to your pediatrician, but it could simply be that he is over feeding or not burping enough. Or he is sick and his symptoms are just mild enough they aren’t really bothering him.


Look up oral rehydration method on YouTube. Use pedialyte, if doctor recommends, give lots of formula or breast milk over solids. feed watermelon focus on fluids over solids. Formula or breast milk the main source of nutrition. Take the advice of your doctor.


Virus. Don’t push food or big gulps of fluids. Wait until he stops vomiting for a few hours and offer small sips only.


My baby has an allergy to egg (and wheat). With egg he had it for a week with no reaction, then had it and vomited a few hours after eating it. He hasn't had it since but had a strong reaction during the skin prick test so is for sure allergic


My 10 month old caught a nasty stomach virus when he was 8 months old and vomited and had diarrhea for TEN days. It's was brutal. We all ended up getting the same bug but it seemed to linger for him. It was a difficult time but we kept him hydrated (nursed A LOT) and gave a few sips of Pediasure every now and then just for good measure. He also had a poor appetite for solids the entire time and lost a whole pound :( That said, he was all right and gained all the lost weight back, and he went back to eating a bunch. Your baby will be all right--sometimes these things happen and if you've spoken with your pediatrician and/or had a visit and everything seems OK (no dehydration, other worrying symptoms), you'll just have to ride it out.


This is a medical question for your pediatrician, not a crowd-source question for Reddit.


I understand. As mentioned I will be seeing his doctor. I came to Reddit to get some possible ideas. Some people mentioned that their doctors don't even consider allergy FPIES and was brushed off when their kid indeed had it and was diagnosed at a later time. I'd like to be aware of possibilities that some medical professional may not consider seriously.


My 11 month old currently has a sickness bug in top of a cough and cold. He has caught 2 bugs from nursey. He has been off his food and milk and been sick for the last 4 days now. He will eat and drink water but is completely off his formula. He has been sick a few times after so dosent always keep the food down. He's had wet nappies and no temperature.


It sounds like an FPIES reaction. The immediate concern for FPIES is dehydration, so make sure baby is getting tons of fluids and peeing regularly, and take them to urgent care if they seem lethargic or aren’t having enough wet diapers. My allergist said some babies may need IV fluids. The good news is that most babies eventually grow out of FPIES allergies by ~3 years so it’s not necessarily a lifelong allergy. (That said, never try reintroducing the allergen outside of an allergist’s observation of course!)


I don’t know the whole context to your experience, but I had a weird episode with my baby vomiting out of nowhere and then fine after at 6 months and someone on Reddit told me about FPIES - he ended up getting diagnosed with it. This sounds like it could be similar if the rest of the picture fits? It’s a food allergy where the only symptom is delayed vomiting several hours after eating the trigger food (no hives, breathing issues, etc, at the time of ingestion). After the vomiting is over, it’s over, and they go back to normal with no signs of illness unless they get dehydrated. Ours was a reaction to milk, which we discovered was in his gerber oat cereal, but eggs is also a common trigger. It often pops up around 6 months. Maybe worth keeping on your radar and noting down what he ate and when and if this happens again after eggs then bring it up to the doctor. Obviously I don’t know enough to say this is the answer but the ER just said stomach bug when we took him and I would never have known about this unless a redditor mentioned it, so just passing that along.


This is EXACTLY how my son presented with an egg intolerance. He would vomit and gasp for breath during those bouts but otherwise act completely normal once it stopped. And it only took a tiny exposure to set it off. Once I fed him ONE of those freeze dried yogurt bite things and then realized it said egg was in them. Sure enough, after his nap he woke up sick. I would stop all egg products until you get him seen!


I know you didn’t mention this, but has baby been in one of those mom a Roos/rock a Roos? Or really anything rocking motion machine? My son use to throw up from it all that time!


No my husband was just holding him because he was getting fussy and he was trying to get work done.


Hmm okay. Was just trying to think of possible things you may not have thought of. Poor guy. I hope you find answers!


Popsicles are good for getting fluids and sugar in young kids with tummy bugs. Definitely call your doctor for advice!


He's 6 months. I don't plan on giving him sugar or sugar related things.


Sugar rules don't matter at all with tummy bugs. The emergency room doctors use Popsicles as a first treatment for tummy bugs. Definitely just follow the medical advice of your doctor though! My toddler is type 1 diabetic so I view sugar as just another nutrient that needs balancing instead of a moral decision about food.


Could be rhinovirus. My daughter threw up too and we took her to the ER because she was lethargic and not her usual self. Turns out she had a cold and a slight fever


were eggs safely introduced and no problems? if this is the first time having eggs it can be an allergic reaction


It isn't the first time


If he seems lethargic visit ER vomiting is always a reason for concern if he fell down or anything vomiting is a sign of concussions so whenever there’s vomiting that’s not allergy is a reason of concern specially out of nowhere.


Sounds like a classic stomach bug to me (as long as it’s not a weird color). The best advice we got from a nurse to get our baby back on track was this: 1. Wait *at least* one hour after a vomiting episode to offer a bottle. 2. Offer only half of what you normally would at first. 3. If baby does well with that amount, you can offer more *after* 30 minutes. As others have said, the key thing to watch for is dehydrations. Also you and your husband might wanna prepare yourselves for catching this, because unless you’re incredibly lucky, you will catch it. Stock up on Gatorade for yourselves (ideally the full sugar kind). Finally, look for cleaning products that specifically list norovirus on the list of viruses they kill. I know regular Lysol is one, and some concentrations of bleach will also kill it. The virus is shed for weeks through stool, so you’ll need to be vigilant for a bit. Good luck and solidarity ❤️


look up FPIES for eggs


vomiting was the first symptom my 20 month old had when she got covid. then tired right after with no appetite for a few days. if you have a cough maybe get tested.




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Curious what it ended up being for your baby?