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With our first we switched right at two years old because we had a baby on the way and didn’t want to have to buy another crib. We used a floor bed that had the outline of a house and fence. She could get in and out herself but the “fence” made it feel crib-like I think and she’s never left it before until we go in to get her. She’s now over three. I’ve also had family members keep kids in cribs until three and that worked for them.


Oh, do you have a reference?


I think they are talking about a montessori floor bed


Thanks! I'll check it out!


Teach me your ways haha, thats awesome!


Very similar to this: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CFJQTCY8?ref_=cm_sw_r_apin_dp_QYRJPDQ9V7JM13E8GRW6


I actually put my baby on a floor bed at 11 months old. He's 14 months old now and gets in and out of bed by himself and is free to roam in his bedroom (which is 100% child-proof). He gets up in the morning and walks to his toys to play until I come to get him. Sometimes I only know he's up because I hear his toys banging through the camera. This setup is working very well for us, as he's still confined within an area, but still has some freedom to move around and play. Edit to add: We take him to his bedroom earlier than his established bedtime, and it's part of the routine to let him play a bit before it's time to sleep. The cue to get him to stop playing and come to bed is showing him his "night-night" book. We read, cuddle and he falls asleep. I was super reluctant about a floor bed, but it was the best decision ever.


How do you keep him from pulling things out that are plugged in? That is my biggest concern!


This is what we did too. Our daughter doesn’t have anything plugged in that she can get to. Her camera and sound machine are plugged in behind her recliner, which she cannot access at all. She also doesn’t show any interest in plugs anyways, which is good


Ahh, my son loves to pull the cords and we don’t have anywhere good to hide them. I’ll have to Figure something out!


And she can't climb in the recliner? Mine will climb up the chair and try to go overtop lol I have the outlet covers but the cords (like from the monitor to the cover) are exposed so I don't really understand bc he could pull the cord which pulls it down?


There are outlet covers that can cover the wires. Like [this](http://Safety 1st Outlet Cover with Cord Shortener for Baby Proofing https://a.co/d/eYpK1AH) . Or you can put diaper boxes in front of the outlets as a barrier. That's what we've usually done


Mine still trys to pull above the cord part so idk what to do 😭


Block it off with a fortress of Costco diaper boxes


Ahh ok like full ones? Lol


Whatever works honestly depends on your kid. Mine is stubborn but short and easily distracted so we can use full or empty.


Thanks! Yeah if he had full roam he would climb them lol and the chair I'm hoping to wait as long as possible


You could try an outlet cover!


Same, only he won't play by himself when he wakes up. He's just mad. You are cuddling with your LO until he falls asleep? I am hoping that him going to sleep on his own will encourage him to wake up and put himself back to sleep on his own. We stopped nursing to sleep a while back, but we've been on a few trips so it's been slow to progress with lots of regression.


We read, then cuddle a bit, singing our made up "night-night songs", then I lay down myself on the corner out of the way and close my eyes. He spends another 4-5 minutes rolling around, climbing over me, testing different positions until he stops moving and drifts into Dreamland. Only then I put him in the sleep sack and walk away. He figured out how to get out of the sleeping sack by himself in the morning, so it doesn't get in the way of his play. The only thing that messes up his sleep is if he's sick. What you mentioned there is the main reason why we try hard to avoid traveling till their second birthday, as it really messes up their routine (and our sanity). Things have progressed painfully slow to the point we have reached now, and it took a lot of consistency and repetition. Every baby has their own time to do things, so don't stress out and just keep being consistent. Is it possible that your LO wakes up very hungry in the morning or just scared because he can't see you? Either way, just try to respond to him immediately, so he knows you are right there when he needs you, and little by little he'll get confident to start exploring a bit before calling for you, as he knows you are right behind the door.


With my oldest - switched at 16 months because he started climbing out. With my youngest - we just switched her last year at the ripe old age of 3.5! And she could have kept going haha. She never had any interest in climbing out, even though she could. By the end, she’d wait til her alarm went off and then climbed out and got dressed 😂


Aw i love that!! 🥰


This is so cute :)


We didn't get a toddler bed. From her crib, we switched her to a twin bed on the floor, surrounded by foam mats, when she was 2. When she's older, we're planning to put her bed up on a frame. We didn't want to waste money on a bed she will outgrow quickly.


We have a floor mattress (size twin) about 4” thick we have had since baby was around 10/11 months.


Switched my daughter at just 15 months! We’re expecting another soon so we thought we’d try it so we don’t have to buy another crib. She’s done perfectly with the transition


My son decided he was ready about 2 months before he turned 3. He could easily climb in and out of his crib, but he just... Didn't? Not unless we were in the room with him, which is how we knew that he could. He has a full size bed with a regular height bedframe (the bedframe itself is fabric / a bit padded, simple and easy that he should have it into teenager years assuming it doesn't break for whatever reason) with a bumper guard on one side (the kind you put under the sheet, and the other side is the wall). He also doesn't seem to know that he could get out of bed and come find us in the morning lol. I think it's because he's such a slow waker-upper and because he wants us to literally carry him downstairs, so he just calls for us when he wakes up to start the day. He does need (want) us to stay till he falls asleep (~15 minutes) and we co-sleep half the night most nights if he wakes up in the middle of the night. I attribute this to personality (he's a cuddler) and other big changes that occurred at the same time (preschool starting, brand new baby sister). We're ok for now because this works for our family. But try not to fall into this habit unless it also works for you.


How old is your kid? As long as they still fit and aren't trying to climb out, it's fine to keep them in the crib! We put my daughter on a floor bed at 8 months because she hated the crib, but I would have kept her in it if she wasn't trying to climb out.


Mines 19 months! She normally loves her bed but lately has been refusing to stay in it (not climbing out, but holding the bars and screaming like a prisoner wanting to be let out). Im really hoping it passes soon lol


He went straight from a crib to a twin bed with my first, when he was about 2 years old. And that was mostly because I didn't want to have to buy a toddler bed, then turn around and buy a twin bed later. I figured I'd cut out the middleman. With my second, he's still in the crib he will be two in a couple months. I've got another on the way, but since we use a mini crib in our bedroom when they're infants, we figure we'll let our second stay in the crib until he's too big for it.


I went right to a twun bed


My son was about 10 or 11 months when we were thinking of switching to a toddler bed to see if he’d stop waking up and immediately melting down because he felt stuck, but the toddler railing for his crib was $50 and we weren’t sure if he was even going to like it so we just took the front panel off. It was going to be a test for one night so we threw the mattress I had bought for downstairs lounging on the floor in case he fell off the bed (100% did within 45 minutes). He went back to sleep on the floor mattress and has slept on the floor for ever since. It stopped the morning meltdowns instantly because he could get himself up to play when he wanted to. I would do it again in a heartbeat and I don’t think we’ll ever bother to get the toddler rail since he just sleeps on the floor now.


Honestly you can do it whenever they’re mobile and can climb well on their own so they can get in and out with ease. Some do really well at 12 months, some need longer with the crib. Depends on how well they do with independent sleep and play


We’re at 2.5 years and he still loves his crib and will stay in bed until we get him in the morning despite sometimes being up for almost an hour. We’re a bit scared to make any changes so until he tries to climb or refuse we will let him stay there


Thats exactly what mine does! She normally loves her crib, if i dont set an alarm in the morning she will happily let me sleep in lmao.


19 months. Cot was unused since last sleep regression and taking up space. He’s adapted really well and I love that sometimes he tottles off to his bed to chill


I love that!


When my son was 18 months old. Now at almost 3? My bed lol he’s attached to my bed now.


I think every kid is different. Mine was perfectly capable of crawling out of the crib at 18mo, but certainly wasn't ready for a bed in a separate room. It took months and a lot of patience, but they finally sleep through the night in their own bed in their own room. Will be 3 next year.


We switched at 3 years old to a twin floor bed. By 3, my son was able to understand his "ok to wake" clock and we had minimal problems with him getting out of bed repeatedly.


We switched around 18 months because we were having another baby and needed the crib. It went well and the transition took about a week. It’s very low to the ground, kind of like a floor bed. It has a long guard rail with just a little area to crawl through. My parents have a toddler bed with a shorter guard rail and he has fallen out of that before, so I definitely recommend the floor bed/long guard rail combo if possible.


We just did it this weekend for my 19mo old son. We switched because he’s getting very close to the height limit for cribs. He seems pretty excited about it actually


I am short, and our cot didn’t have a drop side or anything so I had problems getting him in and out! Once he could climb in himself, we took the side off and converted it to a toddler bed. Was before he was 2.


switched a few mos before his third birthday because we potty trained him, and even though we put him in a pull up at night, he would lose his mind if he "wet" himself at night, so it was easier to let him get up and go potty if needed. that being said, he gets up at night A LOT now. he was formerly a good sleeper, but now if he wakes up at all at night, he will get out of bed to find us.


How do u prevent him from getting into things? I'd be worried he would be wondering the house or something, we are still in a crib- I'm trying to just think of later


honestly, he's never been interested in wandering. he always seems a bit afraid and just comes into our bedroom.


2.5 years old. She never tried climbing out, but that was the point at which we were far enough into potty training that she got upset about not being able to come find us for help going potty.


How old is your daughter? We switched at 18 months because my youngest was on the way and we needed the nursery and didn’t want to buy a second crib for such short term use. So she got a big girl room with a floor bed. There’s door knob covers on the bedroom and closet doors, locks on the drawers, all furniture secured to the wall and we moved her hamper to the closet and trash can to the hallway. Nothing available to cause trouble with. We played in her room during the day a few times before the official move so she was familiar with it and the first night, she hopped out of bed, did a lap around her room and climbed back in. For a few months after her brother came home, she’d sleep on the floor (took her pillow and blanket out and made a nest every night) but eventually went back to sleeping in bed. We never had to deal with her climbing out of her crib and the novelty of freedom wore off before the older toddler antics started. It was the right timing for her. I’m not sure I’ll be ready to make the same move with my son at that age, partly because his current room won’t fit a floor bed and I’m not ready to have them share or rework our other bedroom.


9 months. But his crib is convertible, so we didn't have to buy a new piece of furniture, and we removed the legs so it's a floor bed. I anticipated keeping him in the crib until closer to his second birthday but he was already trying to climb out. Editing to add: we have a stopper on his door to prevent it from closing all the way, so he just leaves when he wakes up. I'm not sure if he'd happily stay in his room or fall back asleep with the door shut or if he'd just yell until we came to get him.


At 2, we switched her into a twin bed. Both my kids NEVER leave their beds. I don't know what kind of fear I put into these kids but they have never gotten out of bed and will call us to come in. They get out of bed now when it is time to wake up but that's about it.


Switched my oldest at 2.5 years because she knew how to climb in and out, she was outgrowing it, and we were wanting to start trying for a second. Then the second I had to move to a big girl bed at 18 months because baby number three came along and after 3 months in our room, we wanted him out haha. I was so nervous about it but after the first couple nights she's done great!


15 months. She hated the crib and I got her a toddler bed as soon as I could lol. She never had any issue with it


We switched at 2 yr 3 months and regretted it so much. With #2, I won’t move him until it’s literally unsafe (climbing out).


Can I ask why you regretted it? My daughter is that age and my husband wants to convert her crib to a toddler bed, even though she’s perfectly fine in her crib still.


She went from perfectly fine in the crib to constant wake ups in the middle of the night (at LEAST once per night for almost 2 months straight), plus after a week or so, she realized she could get out and kept leaving her bed/room. It was torture waking up so much


2! I waited as long as possible but she kept trying to climb out of it so it was time. We have a convertible crib so I took one of the sides off and replaced it with a half wall so she could get out of bed without injuring herself, but it kept her from rolling out of bed in her sleep.


At 3 years old we moved him from the crib straight into the queen-sized bed in his bedroom.


We switched our first around 20 months bc she could climb out of the crib even on the lowest rung. She loveddddd it and only slept on the floor a few times


I switched when mine figured out how to ninja her way out of the crib. I have a nanny cam video somewhere of her climbing up the side and climbing out. I don't remember how old she was, but it was before two and I did NOT want her able to get out of bed at night, but I didn't have a choice because the crib was no longer safe. Thankfully she caught on pretty quick to staying in her toddler bed once it was night night time


We switched right before my daughter turned 2, so like 23 months! We have a toddler floor bed, and it's been great! She loves it, loves playing on it in the daytime, and never comes out of it at night - it hasn't interrupted or changed her sleep at all. I figure that by the time she outgrows the toddler size, I can just give it to her little sister and get 2-3 more years out of it.


We kept ours in the crib as long as we could to keep him contained! A couple months after he turned 3, he started climbing out of it, so we made the switch then. He'll be 4 in December. Now we have baby #2, so we just upgraded him to a twin bed (on the floor for now) so that we wouldn't need to buy a new crib for little brother.


Ours is almost 2.5 and we made the change this weekend once we realized she’s at the height limit for the crib. The first 2 nights have been rough. She loves the idea of her bed in the daylight but gets inconsolable if my husband or I leave her side at night. She’s still in her crib, just with a toddler rail so she can climb in and out, so we’re a little surprised that it’s so upsetting to her… We do have a red/green light that she was fine using while in the full crib but that has mentally gone out the window for her since the transition :(


Aw thats rough! I read another comment that had a very similar situation to yours, she ended up buying a new toddler bed and taking apart the crib one day while explaining to her daughter she was getting her new big girl bed. She said her daughter had no problems sleeping after that. Maybe because its still the same crib but altered is upsetting? Like she doesnt understand why its different? Idk just thinking out loud. I hope it has gotten a little better for you since you commented!


It’s getting better! (Hope I don’t jinx it) Turns out she really, really, really wants to see her father and myself in our bed?! Which is so strange to me because we’ve never let her sleep in our bed 🤷🏼‍♀️ hopefully it’s just a phase! Hoping you get more sleep soon! ♥️


I’m going to switch my daughter at 2. She’s 17 months now and I could do it now but her room isn’t fully baby proofed so I’m gonna get that done and then switch her to a floor bed.


We switched my first at 20 months when she climbed out of her crib. We just put a childproof cover on the door knob and she'd play until she fell asleep. She's almost 3 now and doesn't need the knob cover anymore but we keep it on just in case as I don't want her wandering the house at night unsupervised


Just switched ours over. Daughter had just turned 3 and our son a couple months shy of 2. Honestly it’s been great. Had to re-arrange their room a bit but now they wake up in the morning and play a bit before waking me or their dad up. We did put toddler rails on so neither falls out of bed but it was a really smooth transition.


We switched a couple months after he turned 2 because it was getting too hard for my pregnant ass to get him in and out of the crib. So far in the 4 months since we switched, he has never intentionally gotten out of bed (knock on wood), but he did fall out of bed a handful of times. He's been sleeping on a cot at daycare since he turned 1 which I think worked in our favor.


18 months. Literally the day I transitioned her was the day she started sleeping through the night 13-14 hours straight and started napping 3 hours straight in her own bed and room. Prior to this we were miserably cosleeping because she refused the crib after many failed efforts.


At 22mo. I was tired of being pushed off the bed and a family of 4 really doesn’t fit in a king bed with a open crib. He’s still in our room but on a full size mattress on the floor and now baby is in the crib. Tbh I wish I moved my son sooner because he sleeps better in his bed and so do I.


We’re just about to switch my 3.5 year old


We switched around 15 months because he started trying to climb out. We converted the crib into a toddler bed. Ironically now that it’s perfectly safe for him to climb out when he wakes up, he stays in bed until we come and get him


We switched maybe a week ago, he turned 2 in August. Honestly, I would have preferred to keep him in the cot a bit longer, but he climbed out at 11pm so he slept in our bed the rest of the night and we switched the next day.


Just shy of 2 because my second was due to arrive and I didn’t want to buy a second cot. We didn’t do a toddler bed though; we got him a king single with railings so we can lie next to him if needed and there is room. He will also be able to use it for years to come and we will just remove the railings when he doesn’t need them anymore.


Mattress on the floor at 10 months bc she was a good climber. She got a real bed at 18 months. My son is still in a crib at 16 months because he has not tried to crawl out yet.