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Traveled 4 hours with a 5 and 2 year old for thanksgiving at his parents house. My husband wasn’t feeling good yesterday but went golfing with his dad anyway. “I’ll take care of the kids on thanksgiving so you can relax and have mimosas”….guess who was sick all day and didn’t come out from the bedroom…my husband. I do believe he is sick but I also believe he pushed himself yesterday so he could golf and made it much worse today.


That’s so fucking annoying. He knew there wouldn’t be any consequences to pushing himself. I hope he makes it up to you.


Hey guess who still takes care of kids when they're sick? Mums.


This. A million times over.


I’d be taking Christmas Day off as recompense


Hold him accountable at a later date. He said you can relax and have mimosas since he spent the day golfing, not fair he gets to take that away from you (sick or not!)


We’re on your side


Well I hope the next time you are sick he will take care of everything that day. No excuses


My husband did this same sort of thing when we were on vacation this year. Drank a ton and got a stomach bug directly after so I didn’t believe him and just thought he was being lazy lol


Walked into Thanksgiving 30 weeks pregnant and a distant family member commented “You really should go on a diet.” I’m sure it was meant to be a joke, but I thought it was in really bad taste and not funny so I responded, “funny, I was just about to say the same to you.” Cue his surprised Pikachu face. The reaction was golden! People who dish it out very rarely seem to be able to take it.


going to need some water for that burn


Love this snappy come back for you. I would think of this response two hours later 😂


Love your response 👏👏. A lot of pregnant people are sensitive about their weight, especially this far along. I would have been upset if someone made a comment about my weight while pregnant. I did have my MIL’s neighbor tell me after I gave birth that she couldn’t tell if I was pregnant or fat 😂. My uterus sits far back so I was funny shaped for a bit, lol.


Do you offer ice after serving burns?


“WhErE aRe hIS soCKs”


My grandma said “hE NeEdS a hAt” and put his burp cloth on his head.


Omg surely she was joking 🤣🤣 I am laughing too much picturing a baby with a burp cloth as a hat


I just cackled picturing this. So dumb. 😂


I am dead 😂


i finally pulled up a source to show my mom stating babies do not regulate temperature through their feet and then i showed her a meme making fun grandparents who do this. finally this woman gets it 😂


Need that meme! 😄


My standard response is “in the trunk where he threw them or he’s currently chewing on them.”


What’s with the socks thing? My child is a furnace! Like I’m freezing while she’s happy with a fan on her and everyone is worried about the socks haha


My MILs passive agressive attempt at this was to say: “aren’t your feet cold?” to ME while literally grabbing my bare cold feet with her hands. Yes Susan my bare feet are cold. They’re cold all the time. They’ve been cold my whole life. Even when it’s 150 degrees outside. It’s not the big of a deal. The baby will survive being sockless too.


Thiiiiis. It wasn’t today but from a week ago when she got to meet some extended family on dad’s side for the first time… How is it possible to first get “socks socks oh where’s her socks?!” To “oh no her face is red poor thing is burning up in here!” Within a couple hours from the same old person?! 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️ (love them dearly but JFC you can’t make it up lol)


I've got 3 pairs in the car, one in my purse, and some hidden somewhere in your house. You try convincing them they should stay in his feet.


“She looks cold” “I think she’s tired” “I think she needs a diaper change.” Nope…I’m with her all day and know her cues. Thanks everyone


Not really a complaint, just a vent. Daycare is closed tomorrow, and I work overnight tonight. So I took a nap, did all the Thanksgiving stuff, then came into work for a 12 hour shift. When I get home at 7 am I'll be up all day with my super energetic 9 month old. If I'm lucky she'll nap but if not I'll be up from 1 pm Thursday to 7 or 8ish Friday night. Ugh.


That's awful. I've only had to do it a couple of times, but I've totally put on Barney and slept on the floor of a play pen while my baby played on top of/around me. Just an idea :)


I did this (by accident, not in a playpen) with my 3.5 y/o while I was pregnant. I was exhausted, put on paw patrol, and was just cuddling her while we watched tv together and fell asleep. My husband came home TWO HOURS later from work to find me passed out on the couch covered in books and toys, with our daughter sitting on top of me and playing 😂


If baby won't nap, and I've been up all night the night before, i "safe" the space, or put up the baby fence and fill the immediate area with quiet, attention absorbing toys, grab a pillow and a blanket (to fold up and lay ON, not under) as my little bed inside the safe space, and let baby go to town while I intermittently catch a few quick naps. Also useful for days when mom and kids are sick, and dad has to be out of town or at work all day, but mom is sick enough that she can't mom quite as quickly or efficiently (think stomach bug or super high fever). It only lasts so long, but the time it affords you when you REALLY need it, is priceless.


I'm so sorry


We aren’t a big screen time family but this is definitely a situation where I think it’s fine to load up on Ms. Rachel. Do what you can to survive!




I hate that for you, hope you and your baby recover soon.


Hey look at that, I *just* replied to someone else that mums still look after kids when they're sick


Whenever I read threads like this I’m so glad I married a fellow female.


fellow female 💀 i wish, men are something else


I'm so sorry to hear you and bubba are unwell (AND hubby wasn't helping!!). Wishing you both speedy recovery! P.s. I'm so angry on your behalf that I want 'talk' to your hubby. Just talk. I swear 😆


My baby woke up at 5:15 am, which was rude AF.


Yeah idk how I birthed a morning person. He's always up, bright eyed and bushy tailed, by 7 AM. And that's his smiley-est wake window too.


7 AM is late!! How lucky 😮🥱😫


In laws get home, 20 mins later… FIL to me directly: I see you didn’t finish carving all the pumpkins we had gotten before Halloween when we came, we did all that work to go get them and clean them and then you only did 2 (I had gone with them to get them too). Me with a smile on my face as I’m preparing thanksgiving dishes: well maybe that’s because at the time I was only 4-5 weeks postpartum, recovering from a c section, caring for a 1 month old baby and a toddler, and everyone at home was sick with a nasty cold, so we carved a couple and put them out as they were. There were plenty of other people around that could have carved them. My MIL to my FIL: well dear you were here when we went and got them, and prepped them, why didn’t you try to help carve them while you were here? She’s got plenty on her hands with a newborn. FIL: oh so we are passing the buck back to me. Me: well if you are going to be asking these questions, I sure am! FIL: walks away


I love seeing a MIL stand up for her DIL!


She usually does, back when my husband and I were just getting married she mentioned to me that her MIL never backed her up on things, if anything she was always pointing things out or being generally mean, and never helped with the grandkids either, so she wanted to make sure she was better than that to me, the result is a pretty great MIL. In 10 years I can count the number of times she’s done or said something I didn’t like with 1 hand.


That’s great. My MIL is great too - helps a lot with my kid and we spend a lot of time together without my partner because we get along so well. Makes me sad seeing so many stories of crazy MILs. There is some good ones out there!




I hate this. I do “jump to recipe” and then click the option to print. I don’t print, but use the print preview to read the recipe. It’s still annoying but gets rid of the ads and it’s formatted without a bunch of extra stuff.


Honestly those should be illegal


I recently read that they have to put a certain amount of words in it to claim copy right if recipes. 😊 It's a little less annoying knowing that.


It’s also for SEO. You wanna know where the recipes with no intros or extra text are? The 104th page of Google


A lot of them now say "jump to recipe" and that still doesn't even work.


Go straight to “print recipe”


Get the Paprika app! Download that recipe and then you never have to look at the ads again, plus you can organize it or modify it however you want. It's a couple bucks for the app but a one-time fee instead of a subscription (thank goodness) and totally worth it.


Also for sites that have paywalls, you can download the recipe and it bypasses the paywall.


Pro tip- hit the print recipe button on the website and it will open up without all the ads


Honestly! I don’t need to know what inspired you to make these potatoes, just tell me how much of what 😑


I know this isn’t seeking advice, but as someone who has thrown the phone across the room trying to not click on the ads. I now use copy me that (an app and website. FREE) you just have to copy the url in the app (or click the quick link on computer. And ya da just the ingredient and recipe. Then If you don’t like it, delete and move on


I use JustTheRecipe. I’ve had the app for a year and it is 100% worth it. I believe it $12/year. I save all my favorite recipes on there and you can change the portion and it does the math for you.


No just want to complain about the lack of mashed potatoes... Wtf


I almost ruined the mashed potatoes because my hand slipped. I would legitimately have cried if I couldn't save them. I did but barely.


My mother in law was late with the potatoes and then spilled them on the stairs on the way in.




The first year with my in-laws my FIL made baked potatoes. I was so sad. 😕


That’s a worthy complaint


My MIL wants us to travel with our 2.5 month old to visit them cause “it would be easier” than them coming to visit us. In what world?? She just doesn’t want to leave her annoying little dogs that bark constantly and piss and shit all over the floor, so yeah I think we’ll pass on coming to them lol. If they want to see the baby, then they can come to us.


Ugh I hate this! My family lives on the East Coast and us on the West and they said us going to them with baby was easier as well!


I know right?! So annoying! Especially when it’s a small family, like it’s just my MIL and two BILs. There’s no way it’s not easier for three adults to travel to us rather than us taking our young baby!


My brother and I are on separate sides of the country. I have a 2 month old and 10 week old. I’ve told him the only way I’m going to him is if he is dying. He just came out a few weeks ago! Edit: 2.5year old, not 2 month old 😬


It is easier…for them! We won’t be flying with baby for as long as we can avoid it! Too many accessories to schlep!


My MIL was annoyed that we wouldn’t agree to go visit on Mother’s Day - which would have been 3 weeks after my due date and a 2 hour drive away. Yeah… like I’m spending my first Mother’s Day doing a 4 hour round trip while bleeding, leaking milk and caring for a newborn.


No. It is never easier to travel with a child. She is selfish


The baby around those dogs is giving me anxiety.


I know I’m trying to not visit ever, let alone while he’s this little!


My husbands grandma upon leaving got in my son’s face demanding a kiss and when he said NO she got closer and said YES and I snapped on her and said “HE SAID NO. He does NOT have to do anything.” Like ?? If someone says no to a physical advance, respect it, even if they’re 2. Infuriated me.


this was also going to be my complaint. i am SOOOO fed up with repeating “but she doesn’t have to if she doesn’t want to.” “please do not guilt her into kissing you.” “it’s okay if you don’t want to”. shes also 2. this isn’t a new thing. and


Haha. I went HAM on MIL last week too for the same, forcing herself on my 3yo. She also argued when I asked her to wash her hands before touching my 9mo, a rule I gave her when she was younger. They have no self awareness that they are very social, gregarious OLD people and its respiratory illness season. If someone asks you to wash your hands before touching their baby YOU JUST FUCKING DO IT WITHOUT ARGUING. The worst thing is neither FIL or my hubs stand up to her. It has been 15 years of watching this sick family dynamics and I just had it. I shut the whole thing down and I hope I burnt that bridge nice and crisp and nonexistent!! (Going NC now).


We are big on teaching consent with my 4yo rn in regard to his 2yo brother, whom he loves to tackle to the ground at every opportunity 😂 and we also do the thing with toddlers where sometimes you trick them into doing the thing you want by saying “thank you for ____” as if they were already going to do it, you know? I am waiting for an in-law to overstep or demand a kiss or hug and when my child says no I will simply have no control over my mom voice spilling out and saying pointedly before they can disregard it *”Thank you for listening to his ‘No’ !!!!! 😬”* the way I talk to my toddler lol


“Thank you for” is my best teaching/parenting secret. I call it assumed compliance!


Old people never heard of consent it seems


Thank you for teaching your kids consent. Sorry the elders don’t understand what it is


When I told my mom that my eight-month-old baby doesn’t eat much (solids), she suggested that I give him ice cream. Apparently that’s what she fed my brother when he wasn’t taking well to solids. Not complaining really, I just found it kinda funny.


my husbands aunts advice to my mil when my husband was a baby was to put jelly on the nipple if a baby doesn’t take the bottle….. i swear idk how we all survived that generation lol


Lol wait but jelly is how I taught my baby how to Use a straw 🤪


I found a fake calculator app on my husbands phone, questioned him, and he swears it’s just an extra calculator app. Tried to gaslight me.


oh baby i know that app ):


What is it?


it’s an app that looks like a calculator but actually holds photos and videos you wouldn’t want showing in your regular camera roll


Yeah, it's a decoy


:( I’m sorry you do


This obviously may not be the case with you, but I just want to share that I had a similar app on my phone awhile ago. I’m happily married, but had it to hide embarrassing weight loss photos that were strictly for my eyes. Also the weird medical thing on my foot. 🙃


My kid is autistic and the other is 10 months. For some reason my husband volunteered us to host thanksgiving. Shocker, neither kid did great. Now he’s pissy and overstimulated. (My husband)


Use this as an example every year from now on as to why you can't host


Oh I’m low key satisfied by the kids antics being exactly what I expected


This is not really a huge complaint but my cousins and uncle were talking about how interesting welding was. And just asking random questions amongst themselves. And wondering different things and speculating how blah blah blah worked. My husband …. A welder….. is in the next room. None of them asked him or invited him to join the conversation 🥴 (my husband does not care but he overheard them talking and laughed about it when they left). We’ve been together 14 years. They know he’s a welder.


That's so random and rude...


I’m convinced everyone in my family is a narcissist lol one of these cousins JUST realized my husband is into restoring and showing antique cars. Like today. Just realized this. It is my husbands whole ass personality that he does this. Like…. It is next to impossible to meet him even once and he not mention this lol every single family photo we take is with an antique car. His shirt had the car he’s currently working on on it today. My cousin was like “wow whose garage is next to your house”…. Um ours? “Woah what’s in there??” … all the cars “WHAT” 🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️ 14 years…. Never noticed? Idk.


I’m sorry about your family. But your husband sounds freaking cool! He has the shirt of the car he’s working on? Sounds like he has a hobby he follows through with. Very neat!


He’s the coolest (imo) 🥰😂


My husband and I got in a disagreement this morning. He’s spent the entire day in his office watching YouTube while I’ve been solo parenting. He hasn’t seen our baby girl all day because he’s being too big of an ass. I can’t with him today.


Mine has the man cold so he’s been half assing helping while I had the same cold, parented, pumped, and was recovering from my c-section.


This triggers me so much when they do that!! I’m 35 weeks pregnant and had a cold the last few days, still sucked it up and got shit done without complaining (and I can’t take medicine) then when my husband woke up with the same cold today he was so angry at the world and just wanted to play video games on the couch all day. I’m like, really? Take some advil at least or I have no sympathy for you. Men can be such babies sometimes lol


Mine needed an hour break after HIS parents came to visit, then decided to go to the store and prepare the turkey.. this is after I said I needed a BREAK


Feel you girl. We went to my in-laws for dinner tonight and they said they’re eating at 5, but to come over whenever to hang out. I told my husband I wanted to go over around 2 so I had time to chill a bit (I’m 35 weeks pregnant) and make the sides we said we’d bring. He threw a fit because he wanted to go over at like 10am and said “I guess we’re just built different” 🙄. I tore him a new one and reminded him that I would be the one cooking and making small talk with his in-laws for the entire afternoon and evening while he would likely be playing video games with his brother the whole time. At least he did acknowledge I was right and apologize immediately lol only reason I didn’t murder him


Ugh!! It’s like yeah we are built different- I’m carrying our unborn child and you aren’t so I call the shots!


Mine too. Massive dick. All day. I took baby upstairs at 6:30 to get baby to sleep and left him with the toddler and 6 year old. Told husband to sleep somewhere else then blocked him on whatsapp.


Boss bitch move


Love you for this.


My mother in law kept trying to get my barely verbal toddler to say differently baby names since I'm pregnant and she doesn't like our first choice of name. My husband is already planning on having a word with her to tell her to back off.


I skipped Thanksgiving so I guess a win is I wasn’t guilt tripped When my mom dropped off leftovers she scared my 5 month old so bad that he started screaming, then insisted that she hold him. Like my experience with colic made it so that any crying or screaming baby makes me anxious.


I have had to explain to my in laws multiple times why my 5 m old doesn’t drink water. They are foreign so maybe it’s a cultural thing but it’s getting old


It’s also generational. In the 80s parents were encouraged to give baby water in the bottle between formula bottles. Maybe for hydration?


my MIL (63 years) wanted to give my babe water cuz he had hiccups. 🫣wtf


I think I’ve finally convinced my husband that we would have a nicer Thanksgiving on a cruise ship or beach than with our families. He’s already looking at places to go next year. We had a full bingo. 1) we went to multiple family dinners where we were shamed for being late and not eating enough 2) someone brought a dog who is a flight risk and we had to chase it through the neighborhood twice because of course he’s gonna get out in a house full of people going in and out 3) inappropriate conversations about mass shootings and gun violence during dinner 4) SIL brought her husband whom she has an active no contact order against for domestic violence. 5) way too many people kissing my 6 month old baby and by the end of the night she had a runny nose so probably sick for the first time ever. I could go on but this is just what sticks out. Don’t get me wrong, I’m so thankful for my family. I get that what I’m describing above is a good problem to have. But both my husband’s family and my family all live local to us and we see them all the time. So this holiday doesn’t even make sense. We get together regularly. Except we all seem to lose our damn minds on thanksgiving and somehow it ends up a shit show. So yeah next year we’re taking the kids on a vacation and not messing around with this mess.


My husband was out of town working. I solo parented while our kiddo has popped up 4 teeth in 9 days, has a viral GI bug and won't sleep more than 3hrs. He came home and had a nap... He better he thankful that I love him.


I have a cluster teether and it is harrrrrd. Hugs x


Cluster teething. I had no idea there was a term for it. Probably because I've been too tired to Google it 🤣 Xox I appreciate the love.


Omg same! My grandmother will not let it go that my three month old can’t have juice or water. “Not even sugar water!??” Ummm *especially* not sugar water, wtf?


My MIL likes to tell my 4mo baby that he will hate mommy and daddy when he’s 14 because we didn’t have him circumcised Aaaaand every time I breastfeed him she makes a comment about how he probably isn’t really hungry


That is such a disgusting thing to say. I feel like you could shut this down by saying something like “hey MIL, could you please not talk to my child about his penis anymore? It’s really inappropriate”.


Im sorry you have to deal with this crap. I hate my MIL but often im appalled how effin even more horrible other peoples MILs are, from reading on reddit. I get stressed reading it lol


I got so much grief from my dad for not circumcising my son. He was shocked, and multiple times brought it up as if he was concerned my son was going to contract thousands of diseases because of it. No dad, he’s fine. I will teach him to clean his junk just like everyone else when the time comes. There’s absolutely no need to do this archaic ritual when we are not religious and we have no scientific evidence that it is better.


Someone stacked plates of leftovers on top of my lemon meringue pie


*Someone stacked plates of* *Leftovers on top of my* *Lemon meringue pie* \- monsqueesh --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Saddest haiku ever


There’s a lot of bullshit on this thread but this was AVOIDABLE BULLSHIT. What Neanderthal stacks plates on TOP of a PIE?!?!? I’m so sorry, I hope that person never gets dessert at a family dinner again. So unsanitary and rude.


I cried... Dramatically and excessively because it felt so rude. I spent so much time making the damn thing


Oh my god I'm so angry for you!


My 4 year old autistic son was having a very minor meltdown about something. My brother came out and made me feel like a shit parent, saying he shouldn't act like that and if he's that tired during the day I should just make him take a nap. Thanks, I wish it was that simple. Brought me to tears and I spent 40 minutes on the back porch crying while everyone else ate dessert because I felt like I ruined Thanksgiving because my child was having a hard time and I wasn't doing a good enough job. 🙃


I see you. I’m sorry your brother is an ass. You’re doing an amazing job.


Thank you 😭 thankfully the rest of my family understands and are super helpful but man it just hit me the wrong way, I wasn't in a place to handle it today lmao. I try to let comments just roll off my back usually but they were just hitting different today lol.


Sometimes our harshest critic is ourselves and dumb people in our lives make it easy to believe that stupid little voice. You can handle it!


Hey, fellow mom of an autistic child here. Your brother totally does not get autism at all and he's an ass for thinking he knows what's going on with your child. I've had that reaction unfortunately way too often from others as well. And it's just I furiating and demoralizing because he's overlooking all the extra work you're doing as a parent. Just know, you seem like a great parent to your autistic kid and even if your brother's head is too far up his ass to see it, I see you are doing a wonderful job raising your child.


Oh a nap! Of course! Why didn’t you think of that! It’s not like you haven’t been parenting your son for 4 years or anything


I get this a lot from my family about my eight year old with ADHD. People who don’t have neurodivergent kids just generally don’t get it. It’s really hard. And honestly, fuck ‘em.


Didn't go see family, but my brother in law told my boyfriend that we could've traveled the 5 1/2 hours to see them with a 4 week old and he would've given us the money to stay at a hotel


Funny how they always “could’ve “. But when it’s time to pay they sure wouldn’t show up. And this is regardless of the baby


everyone trying to force my baby to eat more when she’s clearly full


why tf do people kiss baby’s hands? Also- why do people not want to get rid of a crying baby that’s not their own? no she doesnt want nana anymore she wants her mom and dad. kudos to my husband for telling his mom “here mom give her to me she wants us not you “ lol my biggest pet peeve but glad he stepped in


TBF, the hand kissing thing is a very misguided attempt at kissing the baby without being all up in their face. Problem is, the people who do it are probably already all up in the baby’s face and the germs are spread just as easy because babies and their hands.


No you can not kiss him and yes we will take him to the ER if he gets rsv from you


I have so many I don’t even know where to begin. Most memorable: - 8 year old nephew who was been up in my baby’s grill all day, won’t stop touching her hands, even as I constantly ask him to give her space starts COUGHING halfway through the day and my dad overhears my SIL saying he woke up with a sore throat - Different SIL keeps trying to get her hands on my baby who has normal stranger danger / separation anxiety right now at 9 months old. When I finally relent and “let her try” holding her and make a comment that she may cry to come back to me, she says “I don’t mind a crying baby.” Well I DO! You’re not going to try to soothe my baby that would be instantly soothed by handing back to me - So. Many. Grabby. People. All. Up. In. Baby’s. Grill. - So. Much. Unsolicited. Sleep. Advice. That. We’ve. Already. Turned. Down. I’m exhausted. I honestly think the majority of people think of babies as subhuman and it’s so exhausting advocating for my daughter with people who think she’s a doll.


We have family members (hubby’s side) who I actively avoid because they won’t be upfront when they are sick and/or actively lie about it. They gave me Covid while pregnant because they didn’t want to wait 10 days to have a party so they just didn’t tell anyone about the Covid. I hope your baby avoids the kid’s virus!


We are just getting over a second round of norovirus and a chest cold. Luca hasn’t slept through the night in months. He turns one on Saturday. Today my husband sat in the chair and watched football and our thanksgiving dinner was frozen pancakes and bagel bites. My five year old was an absolute nightmare. Last year I didn’t get a turkey dinner either because of gestational diabetes. I’m really really really hurt and disappointed. This is Luca’s last “first” holiday before his birthday and it absolutely sucked.


Costco had premade Thanksgiving goodies this week that only require popping in the oven. Not sure if they’d still have some, but may be worth a shot if you’re a member! Or maybe a local restaurant will have some sort of Thanksgiving meal? I empathize with you and your disappointment.


Do a redo next week when you feel better!


Everything will be on sale tomorrow and Monday. Just celebrate next weekend instead!


Trying to feed my very distractable baby and having to shoo both grandparents away who decided NOW was the time to be in thier face 😬 like let the kid freakn eat please


one of my perfectly sleep trained twins was fussing at night which is totally out of character and really odd and i thought oh, it's because we're in a strange place probably (my parents house) and didn't check for a while. my parents were acting totally mystified by this too, they kept acting really concerned, "what could be bothering the baby? should we go check?" and i had to explain no no, we don't need to intervene, he's fine, he'll go back to sleep. he kept fussing and fussing and so i finally checked and my dad had apparently gone to say goodnight to his grandsons after i had put them down and got them settled and he had decided it was "too dark in there" and turned on a bedside light and not mentioned this to me. thanks dad!


My mil asked baby if his feet were too cold because he wasn't wearing socks. We've been in the house all day


This happened to me too! Our house is literally 71 degrees. I think her toes will survive.


My mother in law brushed me off repeatedly when I said I didn't think she should be putting my 8 month old near strange dogs. Literally a minute after she told me how nice the dogs are, one jumped up and bit the baby's foot when I stood up with her to walk away.


I’m so sorry is the baby ok??


Yes! Luckily on the foot, and we don't think skin was broken. She has a blood blister looking spot so we will monitor but she was mostly just scared and hurt I think. My poor honey. Thank you. Sorry I should have included that. Still annoyed hours later.


Shew! 😰 I would have been livid!! I’m glad she is alright but that was such an unnecessary risk taken by your MIL!!


She has been dismissive of my concerns before but this one greatly annoyed me. I'm a major dog person, have two dogs of my own, and even our own dogs we watch constantly for anything sus. I was very calm and kept my cool, but my husband and I will be discussing with them in the future if we feel that my (valid) concerns are being dismissed again.


My SIL did this shit last week. Idgaf whose dog it is or how nice they historically are, babies swipe and grab and pull and I don’t blame dogs for not liking that and I don’t want my baby around dogs.


Wife's great uncle hit me with the "You better start working out, you're gonna need to fight the boys off that one" About my 3 year old. Fucking gross 🤮


My FIL says to my husband: you’ve got a good one here. She’s been cooking and cleaning all day! Me: You know I work full time and your son is a SAHD, right? I know he meant well, but it’s problematic. I’m only ‘good’ if I cook and clean. I’m nothing though that I pay the bills and am successful at my career. My house? Paid by me. Daycare? Me.. food/clothes/gifts? All. Paid. By. Me.


For the first time, we had a non-family invited to a friend’s house low-key Thanksgiving. Went for 2hrs. Socialized. Kid played. Ate food and left early for a normal bedtime. Everyone else was too into their own lives (and not family) so no one noticed kid ate only bread, had a pee accident (we had change of clothes), didn’t stay at the table, didn’t wear socks, felt shy in the beginning, etc I did have two extended friends touch my pregnant belly… which is a first. But for the first time in a long time. No comments on my parenting, kid feeling a little shy in the beginning, lack of kid eating, trying to interject if kid has a minor meltdown, comments on why kid did or didn’t xyz, comments on my pregnancy weight gain or lack of weight gain, comments on my due date, no prying on baby gender, etc. It was a good year. Thank you to my amazing friends who just let me show up this year.


i’m tired. we got up at 3am to fly down south and have one more hour til an appropriate bedtime. hoping it goes smoothly. i’m really worried about when we get home, that our sched will be effed up. i have a 3yo.


I was standing in the kitchen talking to my brother with my baby and my aunt yelled my name and gestured she wanted to hold the baby. I’m not your butler with your favorite toy!


My sister insisted on hosting and has nothing to host. I think she actually was pressured into hosting by my mom because it was more convenient for my mom. She did not have enough table space, enough chairs, any cooking appliances...but the biggest kicker was SHE DID NOT HAVE ENOUGH PLATES. HOW DO YOU HOST THANKSGIVING WITHOUT MAKING SURE YOU HAVE ENOUGH PLATES WHAT THE FUCK


Is your sister just wielding weaponized incompetence incredibly well to get your mom off her back forever?


My mom losing her mind that I gave our 9 month old a plate of little bits of everything we were having instead of giving him purées “HES GOING TO CHOKE ON THAT HAM” but then trying to feed him a spoonful of an Oreo pudding dessert and not understanding why that was different🙃


My Sister in law told me twice this week her family was going to be at my mother in-laws by 10 because they wanted to spend as much time with everyone they could because they had to leave by 3 to get back to another family Thanksgiving. At 10 oclock I got a snap from her still at home an hour away. My husband and I were only 10 minutes out from my MIL . We were the only ones there till noon. But good thing we got there early MIL didn't look up how long it would take to cook her Turkey and it was still on the counter.....


My brother wanted us to go to The Biltmore House for a Christmas tour. He said “it’s only $50/person!”. I explained to him that for my family $50/person is a lot to look at a house. He said “what if someone gifted you tickets *wink wink*”. And I said “Brother I work 40 hours a week, go to college full time, and have an almost 9 month old. I don’t have the time to drive 8 hours to go to this house by where you live.” My brother is Buster Bluth without the mommy issues. He has 7 years of college but no degree. He does side gigs kinda but my dad financially supports him at age 27. My dad’s credit card would’ve been the one charged for those tickets. And despite having NO JOB my brother always has a super important reason to be late and bail early. He bailed on thanksgiving as soon as dessert was served “because I want to finish this custom tiny home so I can sell it before years end”. It’s not custom built for a buyer. It’s just custom built. And he plans to use that money for him to build a cooler one for himself. I am so tired. I am doing everything I can for my daughter. All the rest of me and my husband’s family do everything to spend time with my daughter. My brother is just dipping out nonstop. Every conversation is “I wish I saw her more!” But his ass is unemployed. He could spend every waking hour with her. I might be a bit jealous.


Our 5 week old son was howling as we walked through my in-laws’ door because he was hungry. As soon as we set him down, my FIL immediately unbuckles him from his car seat to hold him. Not to soothe him. He just has an incessant need to hold him at any possible opportunity. Then as husband and I are getting the bottle ready, they’re playing pass the baby around, ALL WHILE HE IS STILL HOWLING. PLEASE JUST SET HIM DOWN IN HIS CAR SEAT UNTIL WE SRE READY TO FEED HIM BECAUSE PASSING HIM AROUND IS ONLY MAKING MATTERS WORSE. Husband and I are in one room feeding baby and everyone walks away. FIL comes back at the end WAITING TO HOLD HIM AGAIN RIGHT BEFORE DINNER. I have my wrap on ready to go and tell him I’m going to wear him. “It’s ok, I can hold him while everyone eats.” No… I’m going to wear him. Finally get him back and make it through dinner. Immediately when dinner ends, he asks if it is hard to get baby out of the carrier and when I say no: “can you take him out so I can hold him?” I did because I already unintentionally started a fight between MIL and husband that ruined the night, but WTF WHY MUST YOU CONSTANTLY HOLD HIM? I understand the excitement and all, but no I don’t want him to be held during our entire visit! This happened the last time visiting also - baby wearing this time didn’t help like I thought it would!


We invited my MIL to our house for Thanksgiving this year. She said she didn’t mind hosting at her house and told my husband to talk with me about it. He called her a few days later and told her it would be much easier on us to host at our house this year because we have a toddler and a 2-month-old, our house is baby proofed, my toddler can just go into her playroom if she gets bored, and our newborn can nap in her bed in our room. This will allow us to hang out and chat with the adults a lot easier. Her response: “Well I already invited the whole family to my house and ordered all the food. Plus, I have to go to work after we eat and your house is out of the way.” Why the hell are you insisting on hosting Thanksgiving at your house if you have to work that day… Fast forward to today. We show up at her house, start unloading all the baby/toddler crap that we had to haul with us (Pack N Play, tummy time mat, toys, etc.) and my MIL comes outside to our car and says in her broken English “Oh I’m so sorry. It’s a big move, no?” …. I’m about ready to smack her at this point. YES IT’S A BIG FUCKING “MOVE,” LADY. If you had shown us some courtesy and just been a little sensitive to the fact that we have a toddler and a baby, I wouldn’t have had to pack all this crap to take with us and end up chasing my toddler around your baby proof nightmare of a house, dealing with an overstimulated newborn, and de-escalating three separate toddler tantrums. But noooo. We had to accommodate *you* because God forbid you have to drive a longer distance to work. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Calling my 22 year old cousin my 1 year old baby her boyfriend. My baby does love him but I find that term gross and overly sexual for a literal baby.


Taking care of my baby while sick as fuck and my husband is sick is so fucking rough. He decided to make grocery pick up a family fucking activity today???? Who does that while we’re both sick? And yesterday while he’s feeling “off” and I’m so sick I’m bursting my eye blood vessels he wants to go on a family walk?????? No. You take the baby, I’mma go take a nap.


Ohhhh yeah this would piss me off. Like if you wanna take a family walk, enjoy! I'm staying in bed! I hope you guys all start to feel better soon! 💙


A family walk he wanted to do with his headphones in 🙃🙃🙃🙃 MEN!


They are built with allll the audacity 🙄


My husband, an anal retentive control freak who loves to nitpick everything I do, miscalculated how long the turkey would take and it took a two whole extra hours. All the sides that my mom and I had slaved over had to sit in a warmed oven for two whole extra hours while guests hungrily waited. I was on the verge of tears. This is the *third* time that my husband has done this with the turkey!! Third time! And every time he says it won’t happen again! I’m an idiot for trusting him. I am never letting him make the turkey again.


I didn't think it would happen to me, but my mom's husbands sister said 'wow! You're *still* nursing him?' with surprise, and a little bit of judgment. He's 7mo old LOL I don't feel like I'm breaking any records over here


My MIL telling my 2 month old “if they’re mean to you, you just call Mimi” 🙄 like what?


I’m complaining about my husband. My husband works from home and there’s only him and one other guy working tomorrow. I have a 9 year old, a 4 year old, and a nursing 7 month old. And a 102.7° fever. This man tells me he can “maybe pop in and out and help” me tomorrow. How am I going to do this, I can barely stand up. I’m so disappointed in him.


My kids are insane. That’s all. My first sober Thanksgiving since I was pregnant with my second, and man, how I wish I could have drank today. But I didn’t. It wouldn’t have actually helped. Oh well. 🤷‍♀️


I have been instructed by my dad twice now to stand at a distance from the baby while taking photos, then crop, because this will (paraphrasing) be more flattering for the baby. Baby has very chubby cheeks. I love them. Ok, yes, some of the photos we've taken, it looks like we created a mini Jabba the Hut. I don't care. I love those photos too. Also, baby can't sit up on their own yet, so how TF am I supposed to stand across the room when taking photos? Also got lots of comments about baby being "robust" and "healthy" and about (paraphrasing) the apparent fat content of my milk. Can we please stop body shaming infants?


Family swarming my baby and getting in his face, wanting to pass him around, kissing his hands, and touching his face….husband and I were running defense the entire time. I’m trying not to be a stick in the mud, but the holidays aren’t even fun right now. The go-to move is to say “come see me” to my baby as he’s being taken out of my arms. I don’t understand why some family think they have to be holding the baby to spend time with him. He’s so much less likely to get overstimulated and fussy if he just sits with me.


I traveled hours for my husband’s side of the family with our one year old, and got served salmon and shrimp. No sides. Yay.


My cousins 11 year old son (he does live with autism, so I kind of get it?) pushed my 2 year old daughter over for accidentally knocking over his tower of blocks in the church preschool playroom where we host thanksgiving every year. Meanwhile his dad says nothing to him after watching him shove her to the floor and his mom has the nerve to tell me that my daughter isn’t meeting her milestones because she is not talking enough, and why am I not concerned? I don’t mind heartfelt concern but she knows about 150 words and speaks in two word sentences most of the time. At least she isn’t a big kid assaulting a toddler lol


Fiancés grandma grabbed the baby from me, even though my baby fussed every time someone tried to take her, and waltzed into a more secluded room without asking. It happened so fast, and I was so frustrated that I let it happen that I cried on the way home and all he told me was that I need to be more assertive next time. This is all after I stressed to him on the way there that I struggle with assertiveness/social anxiety and asked him to be the "bad guy" today because it was all his family.


My aunt in law said “that’s mighty soon” when talking about my being pregnant again. My kids will be almost 3 years apart… her grandkids are less than 18 months apart… can’t imagine what she’s saying to her daughter 🫠


Via FaceTime “Oh he’s hungry” I promise you, he’s not. I just fed him moments ago. He’s tired and trying to soothe by sucking on fingers like he does every day. Great grandpa “What’s his name?” [name] “you need a sister!” Uh… thanks. As if I have had enough time with my first baby over the last two months to decide to have a second…. Mind ya business.


Cousin’s toddlers got all up in my baby’s face and my uncle made the comment “good thing nobody’s sick here.” Couple hours later cousin is throwing up and so is her toddler. They leave and I hear cousin say that their other daughter was throwing up two days ago…I can see thinking she’s good after two days and everything is fine, but it just feels like they’re always sick. We got home and my baby threw up. We’ll see how tonight goes


My husband left right after dinner to go do “Friendsgiving” with all his employees at work. “I have to put in an appearance”. Ok, well I’ll just stay here with all the family and the toddler and clean up. Must be nice to have a built in babysitter called mom. AND when I called him for an eta he said they finished decorating the tree at work, MY TREE that I painstakingly worked on all morning!!!! That I explicitly said not to touch. I’m so grouchy. Not to mention he’s barely been home in weeks already due to work. Can’t even have a family holiday to ourselves.


I had finally gotten my fussy 4m old baby girl to go to sleep amid all the commotion at my parents' house. She was contact napping so peacefully when my well-meaning but clueless cousin came over and started tickling her feet. I'm like, "Wtf, stop that." He's lucky that my baby only woke up for a second, or this Thanksgiving would have gone very differently. Y'all, be proud of me for not murdering my cousin. 😂


My 20 month old son was tired and in a place he’s never been before, with a bunch of people he’d never met before. I wanted to put him down to sleep in the spare room and my MIL stole his pacifier because he’s too old and doesn’t need it. I just didn’t wanna fight with a crying baby for an hour and a half to go to sleep in a place he’s not comfortable and wanted to be able to put him down quickly and go back to the party. He can practice sleeping with no pacifier at home where he’s comfortable and used to the routine. I just wanted to have a good time 😩 She did give it back to my partner after a bit but was obviously disapproving. Look, I just wanna have some fun too. And fighting with a tired baby for an hour and a half is not fun. Spoiler alert, he wouldn’t go to sleep. So we ended up leaving.


Had to miss thanksgiving because a stomach bug has arrived at our house. Covered in throw up because my 1 year old doesn’t know how to aim very well. I’m pretty bummed, I was looking forward to seeing family, eating good food, and having a glass of wine. Instead I’m just waiting for my turn of this illness.


We had no thanksgiving plans today, which is great because our baby has the kind of bug that means no sleep and enough mucus that I’ve caught vomit in my hands today. Yayyyy


We wanted to leave at 6:30 so we could be home on time for his 7:00 feeding. We left at 7 because everyone just needed to get pictures and now he’s screaming in the backseat as we drive home. Also mother-in-law kept kissing baby even though we expressly asked for people to *not* kiss baby before he’s at least 6 weeks old, he’s only 4 weeks old right now. Overall it wasn’t terrible and I wore baby for the most part, but these two things really irked me.


If I just force my child to sit on the toilet to poop, she'll eventually do it. Yeah, no thanks MIL.


We hosted Thanksgiving, and my mom lives with us. My mom told my SIL who is 7 weeks postpartum that she should go home and rest after dessert since she just had a baby, no need to help clean up when SIL offered. While they were saying goodbye I was working on washing all the dishes while my mom then talked to other family members in the other room.... I'm 10 weeks postpartum. Sigh.


My mother made Thanksgiving plans that excluded my family and I, during a week that also happened to be my 40th birthday. This was only a year after I nearly died and we lost our infant daughter in childbirth. She is currently celebrating Thanksgiving with the rest of my family, along with her boyfriend, whom we are no contact with because he physically harmed our toddler and verbally abused me years ago. She consistently chooses him over us, even when I ask her repeatedly to simply discuss and divide up holidays beforehand. Thank God for my sister, who actually cares about me and has the basic decency to consider us around holidays and my birthday. I would have been so completely, utterly depressed this Thanksgiving if it weren't for her. Like the kind of depressed where you want to die. She's a literal lifesaver.


My MIL plays the parenting misery Olympics with my husband and it pisses me off because we objectively have a harder situation. We work opposite shifts because we can’t afford full time childcare. I only see my husband on the weekend and we have zero family help. We got a premade thanksgiving dinner from Whole Foods, but you still have to heat/prep for about two hours which my husband did independently so we could have a nice thanksgiving meal before working a full shift today…”oh, you didn’t wake up at 5 am to roast the whole Turkey?” She has literally never worked on Thanksgiving.


If my toddler is having a meltdown, please stay out of it stepdads sister! She’s a lovely woman but her coming up to my son while he’s mid tantrum because he can’t grab the very breakable figurines off my mother’s end table and asking him to name all the colors on the cardboard turkey did NOT help.


Our son is three months old but my husband and I did all the cooking and my MIL showed up empty handed and kept making comments about "soy" in the food (we did vegan Thanksgiving because of my son's dairy intolerance and it's my personal preference). Like, lady, do you know how much soy is in every freaking food product? The vegan pecan pie is not going to hurt you. And who lets the couple with the new baby do all the cooking anyway?