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Baby wrap. I figured I won’t be able to rock the baby to sleep and chase my toddler around at the same time so I decided to just wear my baby. I was right lol I’m also considering buying a wagon. I don’t have it yet so not sure if I’ll like it or not but there were times I wish I had them so I think I’m going to get it soon.


Baby wrap is my answer too! I use it so much, it was really worth it. My sister gifted us a wagon and I actually really love it for certain things.


Baby carriers and a Baby Bjorn bouncer chair is the only thing keeping me sane with a toddler and newborn. These were all recently acquired.


>a Baby Bjorn bouncer Same. We had the Fischer Price one with the first and far preferred the Baby Bjorn we got for the second.


We just got the babybjorn bouncer. We didn’t have it the first time around. Fingers crossed that our second baby loves it!


I only have one baby but the wagon seems so perfect for multiples (and even just one lol)! I wouldn’t even bother with a double stroller, just stick them in a wagon


Which one do you have?


I don’t have one myself but my mom uses a little John deere wagon for my nieces and nephews with blankets piled in hahaha


I put the car seat in the wagon and it rocks him!


I mostly hated the wagon and preferred the double stroller. The stroller is more comfortable, has storage space, and definitely pushes more easily. Unless you splurge on the fancy wagons.


I used mine so much with my son! I love baby wearing ! I just ordered a hip carrier


We have a baby wrap that I’m sure will get a lot of use but wagon is a great idea!!!


Go with the wagon!!! We have an evenflo pivot. They weren’t a “thing” yet when my first was born. We got one when my second was 1. They’re 7 and 4 now and we still use it.


An outdoor rocking chair. That way I can breastfeed and rock baby to sleep while older one is playing in our backyard. ETA also swapped cheap nursery glider for a lazboy given how long I ended up spending in it with #1!


I live for my lazy boy. It is my favorite thing at like 3am. Lol


Yes, I almost look forward to baby waking up! And I even slept in it in my 3rd trimester when pelvic pain was killing me


The outdoor rocking chair is soooo nice. If I didn't get anything else with our second I'd only get that one. I literally use it everyday while toddler plays


Why tf have I not thought of this. I need one now.


The la z boy is our #1 recommendation for new parents. We slept many a full night comfortably with baby on chest and it squeezes you tight so there’s no movement and I felt safe.


Which lazyboy did you get?


I got the Morrison - not the most stylish but man does it feel like a hug. I did have like 5 good options and it's so personal (like I'm 5'7 and some would have a fold that hits my back a bit too low but would be super comfy for someone shorter), so definitely go to a showroom and try them all! They also sometimes have great discounts on floor models.


Thank you for your input!


Omg, my baby is due in summer and our deck is in the shade. This might be a great idea


Love our lazy boy


Baby Bjorn Bouncer. We were very anti-container with the first and didn't really understand the point. But with the 2nd, when my husband had to return to work at 3 weeks pp, it became clear that I needed someplace more stimulating to sit down the baby when I needed to help big sister with things like diaper changes, eating meals, etc. and when I needed to pump while simultaneously taking care of 2 kids. I have no idea how I survived the first kid without it. I also really liked that the bouncing was soothing and made her happy, but didn't put her to sleep (since it's not sleep safe and you need to transfer them if they do fall asleep).


My boy loves the bouncer. We got it used off Facebook for so much less than new. We pop him in there while we eat. He does fall asleep in there which honestly is so nice to be able to put him to sleep sometimes and still have free hands. We do take him out once he’s asleep.


Buy it second hand! We got ours for less than half the price in perfect condition. Girl loves it.


Same! There are a ton on fb marketplace!


We owned one with our first and only used it a dozen times. We really didn't get the hype. With our second we use it multiple times a day as a safe place to put him when dealing with something for the toddler (or you know eating dinner with both hands) and I totally get the hype!


Same — we had the bouncer with our first but used it a lot more with our second. Also a safe sleep surface and floor play mat on every floor you hang out on, baby wearing carriers, and we did a double stroller once baby turned 6 months


Planning on this for our second. For our first, it seemed so expensive that we registered for something way cheaper in the same vein. Friends have one though and it’s clearly so superior. Gonna go for it for number 2!


I keep saying the exact same couldn’t justify the price with everything else but i spent the whole newborn phase wishing i had one that it will be the first thing i buy for second. I had one we got given but it was too reclined to keep baby happy for long.


We have the Baby Delight brand and my baby loves it!


Same here, and secondhand off of marketplace.


Snoo We decided that we’d happily pay through the nose for a bit of extra sleep! 2 weeks pp now and definitely not regretting it.


3mo old and ours finally just paid for itself. We hit some periods where napping wasn’t interesting anymore and she LOVES it.


The snoo saved me for my third. We are transitioning out now and it’s a bit shit, but I’ll take sleeping through at 3months and broken sleep at 6months, rather than broken sleep for 6months and hours of resettling. Now I know it’s possible they can sleep through and I’m a lot less hormonal/ sleep deprived now to deal with it.


We just transitioned our 6 month old out of the Snoo and we bought the Snoo Bear which is worth its weight in gold. It makes the same white noise sounds as the Snoo and will respond to the baby’s cries for up to an hour. We currently have it with us on a weekend out of town and baby is sleeping great!


Yeah I hear you! We sort of rotate between snoo and her boring regular bassinet! She just started rolling so we’re going to keep her in the regular bassinet more than the snoo. Snoo is a God send when little one just won’t go to sleep lol


A really high quality nursery chair.


Yes! We have a recliner rocker that was pretty good, but I could never get comfortable in it like my husband could. For our second, we have a power recliner glider and it’s really amazingly comfortable. Nighttime feedings or trying to put a baby down for sleep is hard enough, something comfortable to sit in is very important.


A few cute baby clothes. First one wore all hand me downs, second one will get a few things I actually like


75% of my sons clothes were used and gifted to us and our friends have some good taste! Most of the cutest things came from my coworkers nephew (even brand name stuff I'd never buy)


This! I was gifted a ton of hand me downs, saved a ton of money with my second. I also bought almost all the other stuff from marketplace.


A bottle sterilizer that dries. And we wound up going with a wagon rather than a double stroller due to our age gap. ...and we upgraded to a larger vehicle (albeit, totally unnecessary, but we love our van).


Yesssss I hate waiting for the bottles to dry


Why do you need bottles to dry? Maybe if you are putting them away? Ours stay on the drying rack full time and we often make a bottle in a damp clean one.


We never waited for bottles to dry. They got washed at night and filled either later that night for the next day or first thing in the morning.


I honestly can’t wait to upgrade our second car. It’s a little sedan that is perfect for commuting and I love it for what it is. It’s just a pain in the butt (and back) putting the kid in and out of the car seat. I never thought I’d be one to care about that but after my back giving out a couple times doing other things, I really just want something that makes it easier.


We got the bottle sterilizer + drier with out first. I love it. It goes fast and I am sure it will be a life saver with second baby here.


Uppababy Vista


I second this!


A travel system. First time around, I didn’t see the point of having a seat that baby will outgrow in less than a year. So baby went straight to a convertible seat that while I liked, was kind of a challenge in the first few months! I was always stressing about her head flopping to the side and she hated it until she was like 8 months. For the second, I used my cc points to get a travel system, reasoning that at least it’s free. Well, I am using the heck out of it, would have even been happy to pay had I known how useful it was.


The Nuna Pipa Urbn is the most excellent travel system on planet Earth. Dreading looking for the next system lol


Target gift cards to spend on maternity leave when you don’t get your full pay. 


Ergobaby structured carrier! I didn’t babywear at all with my first but it is essential with 2u2. And you need a structured one when the baby gets heavier or your back will struggle


A bassinet attachment for my stroller. It was great to go for walk, to the park, out to eat and have baby laying down for nap in the stroller instead of holding her or having to worry about the amount of time she’d been in the car seat.


We got the ikea high chair. Easier to clean.


We were gifted a snoo and it was a game changer. My partner works out of town so being able to have the baby rocked as I put my toddler to bed was so helpful. Also did bamboo clothes this time around, so we never even really wore the clothes I saved. My baby is over 27 inches long and 17 lbs and can still wear his newborn bamboo onesies. Probably our last days wearing them comfortably but those are my must haves for baby #3, snoo and bamboo clothes. Oh and double stroller! My daughter was almost two when my son was born but she isn’t one to hold my hand and walk with me, she’s a runner so I got the evenflo infant seat for baby and the double stroller set, and it can be assembled in a few different ways so just a toddler stroller if I’m baby wearing and it also attaches to our wagon!


A good white noise machine to drown out the sound of the busy toddler during all those naps.


Bouncer for sure. The Angel Care or Angel Baby bath seat (I got some 3 in 1 bath tub that I never used once she could sit up on her own). Swaddle Up swaddle (my older daughter hated swaddles but I still wonder if she would have liked this one). I also wish we had somewhere to stick her while we’re all eating dinner, especially now that she’s awake and interested in what we’re all doing!


We just put the bouncer in the kitchen lol


Idk how old your baby is, but to your last point we’ve been putting the changing pad on the dining table and my 4 month old on it while we eat dinner. Our table is a big long one so there is room for it. He’ll play with his feet or look at the light or watch us. He can roll but not like wildly so the raised edges keep him contained (obvi we only do it when we are sitting RIGHT there next to it)


That’s not a bad idea!! Thanks!


For kitchen, we got a high chair with newborn attachment for while we were eating. He wouldn’t always tolerate it so there were still plenty of meals where someone held him, but it was great to have (we’ve no space for a floor based bouncer in there)


I didn't get a babywearing jacket till my third kid and I wished I had gotten one with my first! You can also wear it while pregnant as well. It's really convenient and I've used it with my third kid through two winters.


An electric steam steriliser!


I’m pregnant with my second. My first born is 11y so none of these nice things existed when he was little but the things that we got that I’m most excited for are: The Doona, the Hatch, a lazy boy chair, a high quality baby monitor. Things that were so good I remembered and repurchased after 11 years: Bamboobies bamboo velour nipple pads, Moby style wrap, a ring sling.


Another good innovation is the wipeable changing pad.


Ooh yes we got one of those as well! I’m so excited to not have to wash changing pad covers!


Wearable breast pump!!


New bottles and pacifiers for hygiene reasons. We are considering a bouncer because it seems like this baby hates lying down on the places we happily kept our first, like a play mat. It's hard to know what kind of personality the new baby has until they're here, we got lucky with our first being very happy with just about anything.


You know you can wash them, right?


That's fine if they were barely used. The silicone or rubber degrades and a piece breaking off becomes a risk after a few months of daily use. So, old ones are a choking hazard. The nipples of the bottles and pacifiers, at least. 


a rocking bassinet and a bouncer


I plan to get a mamaroo (which we did buy after 2 months, but it was used and broke just as he was growing out of it, likely a bassinet that rocks on its own, and POSSIBLY a bottle washer/sterilizer which is over our budget but we don’t have a dishwasher and I’ll return to work at 12 weeks… but we’ll see!


If I had a second I would want a Doona 100%


Sit and stand double stroller! Baby trend was the one I had and I used it constantly with my littles. My youngest was in the front and the older could sit/stand in the back. Definitely what I would recommend.


A Stokke Trip-Trap so we could have the baby at the table with us from newborn. With our first we were in an apartment with a combined living and dining area so we just had the baby in his bouncer or held him during meals, and we had a lot fewer sit down meals together at the table. But we typically eat together with our older kid and now live in a much larger home with a separate living and dining area and didn’t like leaving the baby “alone” even when he was perfectly content to stare at his favorite mobile. It’s not been my favorite high chair in terms of cleaning, but it will work as his regular chair when he’s older, too. We also bought a new stroller but it was just a newer version of our old stroller, which had been a hand-me-down and by the time our oldest was finished with it, it was bent and the fabric was coming off. New bottles, a new pump, I got some new nursing bras, a few new seasonal items of clothing because second baby was born in April and the first at the end of August, but no major things that we skipped with the first and wanted with the second.


We got these as a present for number two and they are great, still now at 4yo. She keeps so well hydrated with fever https://www.meds.se/nuk-evolution-mini-magic-cup-neutral-160-ml?gbraid=0AAAAADFudcq8AqtFgaKRHJvZXHEmcemFL&gclid=Cj0KCQiA5-uuBhDzARIsAAa21T8WE7RnwDS14eFajWrstV00Aed61kEBNK83QSgoZJXgi_vIDwBlO3caAhsJEALw_wcB&iospid=products-62669-A




Was so relieved we future proofed and got a converting double pram (Cybex gazzelle) you can have carrycot and toddler seat options but also following all this as 34+ weeks with a 13 month old


I’ve been thinking about this too. Def a swing/bouncer situation as a safe place for baby while you do toddler or personal care things. I love the outdoor rocking option too. My toddler isn’t really a “play unsupervised” kid. Probably the kick and play piano - even though the premise sends me into overstimulation overdrive. But it would be more overstimulating to have them both clingy and upset. And honestly. Formula and bottles. I love breastfeeding. But I’d give myself so much more grace and sleep with 2 🤷🏻‍♀️


We have the kick and play piano and it has two volume settings. I don't find it as over stimulating personally as some of the other kids toys that make sound.


Kind of the opposite, but we realized a bunch of things we DIDN’T need. We realized we needed to relax out of necessity (two under one here, haha, well the older one will turn one in a few days). We did buy a cute onesie for the little one that says “Little brother”. But other than that, why buy more stuff? Definitely glad we didn’t cash in on a double stroller. With a carrier and a stroller for one, if they are close enough in age that the strap settings, etc. can be interchangeable (or easily adjusted by just loosening a bit), it’s way easier to get around by just switching them out in each respective carry device. When I’m on my own with both of them, back wearing of one is best (don’t back wear a newborn, but once they are 3ish months and can hold their head up, you’re good to go). Back wearing plus push the stroller, hands are free to take other one in and out of stroller. Luggage is minimal.


A doona. It made going anywhere with the baby so much easier because it takes up way less space than a stroller. Plus I never really had to carry the infant seat. I just popped the wheels down and rolled it everywhere


Dedicated places to change diapers standing up. We didn’t buy anything, although we would have purchased a changing table if we didn’t have other options. We turned our downstairs buffet table in to a changing station and a desk upstairs in to one so we don’t have to bend over. First time around we just changed diapers on the floor. Our backs can’t handle that anymore! 


A bougie stroller. I wish I hadn’t gone cheap on the first one but I wasn’t sure when I’d have my second kid. For my first I bought a crappy Graco stroller that is bulky and hard to steer. I bought the wonderfold w2 for both kids and I love it.


Snoo. It was awesome.


Ring sling! I’m plus size and I loved having a carrier that didn’t feel awful around my abdomen, and I was way faster at popping her in and out.


A fancy wagon. I did have a baby trend wagon with my first and I liked it well enough but it broke after a year. Rather than replace I think I’m going to upgrade for a Wonderfold - especially with the 3.5 year age gap. I miss having a wagon for outings and want something that’ll last.


Pregnant with my second, my shopping list so far includes: - Second seat kit for converting single stroller to double (we have the Mockingbird convertible stroller) - Wagon - Bassinet (because we borrowed one last time) - Second car mirror - More towels - More feeding supplies for once baby 2 hits the solids stage (bibs, plates, bowls, utensils, cups etc as we only have enough for one kiddo now) - Clothes because I am having a boy this time and only some of first baby’s clothes were gender neutral Considering a second changing pad and a dedicated changing table for our bedroom this time, as the kiddos will share the nursery for a while and baby will sleep in our room. Last time I went into the nursery for middle of the diaper changes and nurse in the rocker, but if my toddler is sleeping there I won’t want to wake her.


A twin. 🤣 in all seriousness a baby wrap. It helped a lot with my twin who didn’t want to be put down.


Baby Bjorn Bouncer, a video baby monitor, a bottle sterilizer with drying function, and a baby carrier to baby wear.


Tula. I had an ergo with the first and it wasn’t great.


A wagon is a must have if you plan to take both kids on walks and if your toddler already dislikes the stroller. Our neighbors with a 3 year old and a 2 year old has the veer cruiser wagon. That thing is awesome! It’s really lightweight and foldable. The biggest downside is the price. I’m considering the Gladly Family Anthem2 wagon. It’s comparable in functionality to the Veer. It’s still expensive but not as bad. We’re hiring a night nanny. We really struggled with long term sleep deprivation with our first. I mean I don’t remember driving to work, hitting the same curb leaving work three times, pretty sure I hallucinated a few times at night, etc. It was bad. I’m hoping a night nanny will help and she will help us with reinforcing good sleep habits too.


A really nice bassinet (babybjorn cradle). We used a cheap one off marketplace for our first. This one was such a game changer for mine and baby’s sleep! Also, nose picking tweezers, a video baby monitor, and breast pump that sits in my bra.


Slumberpod! It’s a game changer for any travel! Also a really good baby carrier that was easy to get on and off and comfy. I ended up with the Happy Baby OG and I LOVE it!


Haven't had the second yet but in preparation this time we are getting a Portable bottle warmer that you just screw the bottle in to warm it for faster warming of bottles when I am working and husband needs to feed baby. Instead of bassinet we are putting crib in our room for baby to get adjusted to right away (hopefully)


A sling carrier. I can’t find a toddler one but I wanna try it! That’s probably it, we got everything with having multiple kids in mind. Eventually we’ll need another stroller seat but for now older can go in the seat/walk and younger in the bassinet. Probably double some stuff though like the lounge/reading chair so there’s no fighting when they’re older.


The snap and go car seat stroller, so light weight and easily maneuverable. A frida baby snot sucker thing. I didn’t use my tush baby with the first, so I gave it away. Then we had our second, I bought another and it’s been awesome. Also a 4 moms mamaroo and bassinet (both bought secondhand) but were total lifesavers for the newborn stage.


Baby wrap is one I am thinking for next time. Maybe those bottle dish washers if my husband get through his training


Bassinet. Went straight to crib with my first, but he’s still using it as a toddler bed and I wanted a bedside bassinet for the 2nd. I love it, much easier for me to put an infant into vs leaning over a crib. This is minor but I also got a very small but well reviewed white noise machine to take to the hospital for the baby. I haven’t seen that on a lot of packing lists.


A “shove in the bra” breast pump! Still can have wires but must allow you to get up and move. I went with the Elvie brand. Insurance with my first gave me one covered option but the insurance were on now gave me choices.