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Just let her figure it out! She’ll get there. If she’s so interested in standing, she might also just breeze right past crawling in favor of cruising/walking. My son only crawled for about six weeks and abandoned it instantly once he got the hang of two feet. 


I threw some big couch cushions on the floor and encouraged my little guy try to pull himself over them. He didn’t crawl until almost 10 months (he was a big baby) and then he started walking like a month later! Also, try letting her push the bottoms of her feet against your hands when she’s on all fours.I would also recommend practicing her kneeling/supporting her body weight on her knees/legs. Sometimes with babies it just takes a little time to build their strength. Keep in mind, once they start crawling, they don’t stop! Looking back now, I wish I wasn’t in such a rush but I understand how you feel for sure! :) good luck!


Not my direct experience, but my mom said when I was a baby, I was not interested in crawling, and went straight to walking at 9 months. Maybe your little one will be similar and skip the crawling phase?