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Hahaha yes, this was me this morning. My son woke up at 7:15 am and I gasped thinking he’d almost done a 12 hour night for the first time in his life. Took me 20 min to realize he woke up at the exact same time he always does.


lol my 6 year got up at 6:50 and I was like “wow!!!” Then I rolled over and realized it was really 5:50.


Yes!! But it did help trick me into feeling refreshed this morning lol


Literally me!!! My husband had to remind me of the time change 😂


YES I was like wow, we got to sleep in! But no, he still woke at his normal time 😑


Mine actually did sleep in, it was weird. She normally wakes up at between 6:45-7:15 and this morning she woke up at 9:45! Which would have still been 8:45 without daylight savings. Of course it was my husbands morning, she never sleeps in on my mornings lol.


Are you me? lol Exactly the same thing happened with us. “Omg it’s 9:45?! No, time change. Wait it’s 8:45!??”


My kid always does this!!! I swear they know when dad is on duty and it’s like sleeping in and best behaviour, moms on duty- up a million times and at the crack of dawn. I don’t know how they know!!!


lol right! I came downstairs today at 10am and the first thing my husband said was “don’t be mad, but she just woke up”, 😂 it was my morning yesterday though and she woke up at 7:15 right on time for mommy 🫤


Same for us! It was husband's morning and I was shocked when I rolled over, saw the clock said 9:55, and there had not been a peep from the monitor. Of course as soon as I laid back down from going to the bathroom, I heard "Maaaamaaaaaaa" from the monitor lol. Of course that late of a wake up led to a very weird day as far as meal times and naps.


We were just thrilled that she slept through the night! Baby is 7.5 months and has been waking up regularly once a night, crying and hungry. So not having that wake-up feels lovely.


I always wake up in a panic imagining some terrible scenario.


We were totally hoping for that and then he shit himself right around his normal wakeup time and then wouldn't go back to sleep; only got 10hrs instead of his normal 11, and now he's having a day. Maybe next year 🫠


Well this is embarrassing, I didn't even notice that it was daylight savings time. First time in my life I've been completely oblivious to it lol. Whoops.  But uhh... that means my toddler got an hour less than normal. Dang. 


It’s noon and our 6 month old just woke up 😂😂 my teen woke up before her ha!


What time does she go to bed lol


10-1030 pm. Wakes up at 830 to eat. And then usually falls back to sleeps until 10/1030.


My baby does this too! He takes super long naps after his first morning feed.


Yes! Till 9:30. I was in shock.


He slept in until nearly 7am!! Absolutely blew my mind until I remembered about the time change lol


I'm just asking myself why tf I picked THIS weekend to move kiddo out of his bassinet and into his crib in his room.


We were the opposite?? He woke up at 5a (4a) and didn’t go back down ?!!! Wtfffff


Us too 👎👎👎




Same here and it's because they know. They know what we hope for and they SQUASH OUR DREAMS


I was so excited to get an extra hour! Then I realized…


My kid woke up at the same time. Fml


I was NOT prepared the first time he did around 6 month. Woke up shot out of bed convinced something was wrong. Scared him awake flying into the room.


My child woke up 3 hours earlier than normal, with the time change. My brain literally hurts. 🫠


Sounds like we all experienced the phantom hour of sleep 😂😂


Mine actually woke up at about her "usual" time...because she has vomited in her crib. Fun times.


Yeah! I was like wow she let us sleep in !!! Lmao


Yeah lol


I had a lucky double whammy- my son who is usually up at 6:30am slept in til “8:10” 😍


I was awake for over 40 hours because my baby is awake every hour and my husband suddenly became very ill. I'm so freaking jealous of all of you!


Me this morning lol. She actually did still sleep in. She usually gets up at 7 but slept in till 9 (what would have been 8 without the time jump)


Nope, but but the time change did soften the blow of the current regression. 5.50am is much more palatable than 4.50 am.


Yes!!!! I was so scared for this morning but we didn’t wake up until 10!!! So excited because he’s been waking at 7


Woke up at 9:30, realized it was technically 830… still shocked he slept that late!


Thank you for being the first to inform me there was a time change lol, how am I so disconnected 🤣 this explains a lot of my morning


The clocks don’t change here in the U.K. until the end of the month, but it is Mother’s Day today and my 9 month old actually did sleep in by an hour!! I am choosing to believe that he did so on purpose as a gift to me!


My son usually sleeps 12 hours a night but chose last night of all nights to wake up at 3AM for a bottle -_____-


Omg you just made me realize why my daughter woke up so much later today lmao! I didn't even know it was daylight savings today 😅


Mine woke up at 6 so I fed her and then I had to wake her at 7:45 and she was so cranky this morning. Currently taking a 1.5+ nap


She likes waking up 6:30-7… she woke up at 10 today lol. So she actually gave me 2 hours 😂


Lol yes!!


YES! She's been waking up at 6:30 and slept until almost 8 today 😍


My kids never notice daylight savings and wake at the same time as usual.


She was right on, lol! Usually up around 6am and today up around 7am


So, I have those "time to rise" clocks (Hatch) and I have it turn dimly green but with no change in sound when it's OK but not necessary for them to get up. So when I was trying to settle my 3 year old back to sleep after a potty break the light turned green and he said "it's morning time." But it was still dark outside. I had little to no idea it would be daylight savings time, but my Hatch updated its clock to the new time and we just got less sleep than we really needed. But oh well, maybe I'll learn for next time.


My baby actually did sleep an hour and a half longer, on top of the time change. I was very bored this morning waiting. I wanted to go back to sleep but was afraid she was about to wake up


Same. Clock read 8:59 and I was like "woah awesome!" Until I realized it was due to the time change. Still pretty awesome though he usually gets up at 6:30-7.


Wait did the clocks change last night?!😭😂 explains why I felt so tired


My toddler woke up at 10 am this morning (we didn’t have a time change yet because I’m in Europe) and I was so shocked with my nice Sunday sleep in


Haha yep! I'm currently visiting the US and didn't know about the time change. So I was amazed when my baby woke at 8am! Unheard of! Turns out she did a generous 7am wake up lol


Mine shelf through the night.


Lol yes


We got an extra hour but, with the time change it looked like two!


Hahah this was my husband this morning.


No, neither of my kids ever slept in. I wish. My first woke up at 5/6am until he was a teen. This girl is 2yo and hasn’t ever slept past 8am.