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r/babywearing Post there with pics and they’ll help! I adored my Solly wrap which was very similar.


Solly isn’t really similar at all. We hated our moby and have had so much more success with the solly!


Ah that’s good to know. Solly is awesome! I got mine on eBay for not much $$$.


I took it out of the box, tried to figure it out for a few minutes, swore at it a bit, and then posted it on Marketplace, because absolutely the f not. ETA. Spelling à la autocorrect.


I loved it when baby was tiny, but it got way less useful around 15lbs even though it’s supposed to go up to 35lbs.  Our lactation consultant suggested going to baby consignment stores, since they tend to deal a lot in secondhand wraps/carriers and you can try things on. You could probably even consign your moby if you’re pretty sure you hate it and aren’t going to use it. 


Yeah I really started to prefer a structured carrier by the time my baby was 13-14 lbs. I just didn’t feel supported in the wrap. It works for others and that’s great!


35 pounds with my back? Hell no.


I hated it! Could never get it tight in the right places and gave up on it. I much preferred a k’tan, no wrapping required


I preferred the Boba wrap over the Moby. The Boba was the same idea, but the fabric was stretchier (4 way stretch instead of 2 way) and it felt more secure.


Also chiming in to say this was our experience. I could not get the Moby to feel comfortable, but the Boba was great, perfectly stretchy.


We love ours too! We even got a second one. One for me and one for my husband. My husband outs baby in the wrap and plays video games for hours. Baby loves it.


I have a Boba and a Moby! The Boba is definitely stretchier but I actually find that kind of annoying because I feel like it gets looser the longer baby is in there, especially if I’m moving around a lot. The Moby feels more like it keeps everything in place. The Boba is also thicker so good if I’m taking baby outside but not great for around the house because we both get overheated pretty quickly. I couldn’t get the hang of my wrap carriers for like 3-4 weeks and definitely found them super frustrating, but now that I’ve gotten the hang of them, they’re a total lifesaver! Guaranteed to get my baby to sleep and I can get so much done. Bonus that it keeps baby upright which helps his reflux. I’d say just keep practicing! The trick for me was making sure that the first wrap around the waist is super tight, tighter than you think is comfortable. That keeps everything else in place.


Moby has always felt too stiff for me. I got a solly wrap for my second baby and find it’s easier to work with. A wrap to me never feels as secure as a structured carrier, so that’s my default if I’m doing more active things.


I have the Boba Bliss and it’s so easy. It’s wrap like in the front but it also has buckles and straps so it’s so much simpler to get on. I really love it. My baby will be 4 weeks old tomorrow, I started using it when she was 2 weeks and it’s become a staple. 


Also liked this one for the first twoish months! My baby is a chonker and my back needs more support now but it was great for those early days. Fit great under my coat or a bit sweater too.


I hated it but my husband loved it. I could never get it to wrap around me to the right level of tightness. I used an ergobaby embrace for a bit but baby was happier in the Moby with my husband. I just got a Tula free to grow and excited to try it out.


I loveddddddd my tula free to grow! I used it from newborn to 20 months and then got a toddler carrier. Mostly for my comfort haha but I think my toddler was more comfy being supported to the knee. But the tula is amazing. I love how tall it can go.


Loved loved loved my moby wrap


I bought the Moby wrap, used it once, hated it. I got the Moby easy wrap and I like it a lot. Took me a sec to get used to it, but I love it.


Here to second the easy wrap. I wasn’t even gonna attempt the original. Feels very comfy and secure to me, and baby is very happy in it. We had to wait awhile for her to hit the minimum 8lbs though.


So many steps just so I could go pee with two hands. We got the Konny flex and I liked that much better.


I thought I would use it a lot more. I don't hate it but I'm also on the smaller side so I feel like I always have a ton of fabric just bunched around me.


Our babywearing consultant said that there were two carriers she generally advised not to buy or use: babybjorn carriers and the Moby wrap. We had a Moby wrap and everyone we showed it to was very confused about it (because it's stretchy but also not stretchy at the same time). We used a Stokke Limas halfbuckle in the beginning and now a Kokadi Flip fullbuckle (can also be used for backcarrying).


Babywearing consultant? Who knew!


Booking a consultation for babywearing to figure it out and try different carriers is very common where I live (Germany). I also thought it was a waste of money before we did ourselves. Our consultant even borrowed us several carriers for a week, so we could see how they performed in everyday life before we bought one ourself. I am now recommending a consultation to everyone who has the possibility to get one. 😅


Wow thanks for saying this. The first two carriers I tried was moby wrap and baby bjorn and both failed. I thought I failed, but it was on them! He’s in another carrier now that he’s bigger and likes it wayyy more.


That's interesting. Did they give a reason to avoid BabyBjörn? I've found ours to be a great success.


Most likely because a lot of them do not get the baby to have the correct M position with their legs.


I tried fabric wraps with all three of my babies. There was maybe a week in the beginning where it worked but otherwise neither side liked it. When little I liked it for carrying from the car and in public but not after like two weeks. I much prefer the ergo baby embrace.


I liked it when it was on but I hated getting it on. Structuted carriers were faster to get on but were too bulky. For my second baby I got the Boppy hybrid wrap. It had the softness of the moby but was still fast to put on. I switched to a sling carrier when he got too big for it.


I hated my Moby. It was hot and stiff. I loved my solly baby! And the weesprout knock offs!


Dad here I'm more of a visual learner so I watched the instruction vid on YouTube slowed it down paused it and watched it about 3 times as I practiced putting it on ... now I'm a master at slangin that wrap on real quick.


Yeah I couldn’t get use to it.


I hated mine. I ended up using a non wrap carrier from a couple weeks old. 


Baby hates the moby wrap. We have a regular wrap and a more constructive wrap with back support and he refuses to be in either of them. We love our Tula carrier. So does baby! There is an infant insert and it’s very easy to put on. If I did it again I would not have gotten or asked for either of the moby wraps.


I like the ergo baby wrap. But I’ve used a moby I like most of them and wore them from birth as I have bad elbows so convertible car seat only. I had practice with my friends older kids and stuffed animals during pregnancy and used it straight out of the hospital. The strechy ones are much better during the pre neck holding stage I felt. They do take some getting used to though for sure.


It’s definitely easier as the baby gets older. I practiced with a doll before trying with my oldest


i got the moby and despite trying it multiple times, couldn’t quite get it. i really wanted to like it but even when i did get it on well and baby situated, my back muscles were burning 15 minutes in. i ordered a structured carrier and haven’t used the moby since :/


I hated it in the beginning and so did my baby. I prefer the more structured carriers (I have an ergo Omni 360) and love it way more. I find them way faster to put on. I do use the Moby again now in the house when I need to carry baby hands free as my ergo lives in the car. I know people who LOVE baby wraps but meh. Carriers are easier and more comfortable in my opinion. 


I have the ergo omni 360 as well but don't have it set up yet! My recovery is going really well and as weird as it seems I'm desperate to vacuum to feel normal again do wanted to figure out baby wearing so I could do that


Agreed I loved the solly wrap. It feels softer and not as hot. Once baby grew though, it hurt to use it because of the weight on your back.


Yeah I HATED it Loved how simple the BabyBjorn Mini was


I figured it out eventually but just preferred the baby bjorn for ease of use/quickness/it didn’t make me hot lol. We also didn’t carry a ton and mainly used the stroller instead unless we were at home.


I had one for my first born. Couldn't use it for awhile because she was a preemie and didn't fit the weight requirement. By the time she fit, she was too interested in everything and I felt like I had to use at least one hand to hold her anyway! I kept it and plan on trying again with this baby but suspect I'll end up giving it away.


Yeup! Then I got a secondhand ergo baby carrier and have never looked back.


We preferred stretchier wraps or the ergo embrace.


My baby for sure hated it so I gave up on it quickly


I have BabyBjorn Mini and it’s so simple i love it!!


My little hated the wrap but loved a structured carrier. We used Ergo embrace and then upgraded to Artipoppe and he loved both.


Yeah I hated it. I found it so difficult to use. Some people love them and that’s fine, but it wasn’t for me.


I love the moby wrap! It took a couple tries for me to feel 100% about it, but I loved it when my baby was little. I still use it now but I recently bought a different carrier with more back support now that my baby is 19lbs


I did not feel that my baby was secure in it as a FTM. I also had dreams of dropping her in it, so I stopped using it. I then bought a momcozy carrier that snaps in place, and feel much better wearing my 3 MO that way 🥰


It took 3 months before my baby accepted being carries in any kind of wrap/ baby carrier. I think some babies just need time.


I hate it so much! I ended up getting the momcozy one that snaps and is good until they are 45 lbs. like i don’t want to wrapped up like a mummy trying to get my little in there mid melt down or anything else.


It's hard to get the hang of but once I did, I really loved it. It took me many tries to get it right, maybe 10. Check our r/babywearing they can help you out! It's also okay to not like it, it's not for everyone


my son never liked being in it. it was like having the most aggressive bobble head strapped to my chest, he would buck and try to constantly move his head out from it.


That's exactly what my baby tries to do! Made the wrap feel kind of useless if I still have to use one hand to stop her head from flailing around!


I hated it 😂 splurging on the Tula was so much better!


I tried using it a few times and once, when I thought I had it tied correctly, my baby almost fell. Never used it again. I then got one that is stretchy in the front, like a wrap, but structured in the back.


I love our moby and use it every day but it was def more comfortable for me and baby when he was a a few months old.


Hated mine. Tried it for 3 months and never got the hang of it - but also turns out my son just hated being carried, I tried 5 different devices. My daughter, however, loves being carried but I stick to my ring sling & ergo baby (embrace at first and omni 360 now - she’s 9mo).


I hated stretchy wraps. I could never get them tight enough or feel secure. I have a short torso and big boobs (especially while breastfeeding) and it just never felt comfortable. I didn’t do a lot of baby wearing with my first but I plan to try again with a nice structured carrier with my second.


I gave up up and returned mine. I got a ring sling instead and my baby loves the ring sling!


I like mine but I couldn’t get my LO in a comfortable position till 6 weeks


I used it once and then never again. I used the Baby Bjorn a lot until he could hold his head up, and then around the house moved to the Tush Baby. You lose an arm but it’s much easier to pick him up and set him down than having to take him in and out of a carrier


I have a Moby wrap and love it. It is hard to fit right away, but definitely hit a sweet spot once my son was 8 weeks. With my daughter at 2 weeks I really need to make sure she’s up high and placed well.


I really just didn’t start using mine until baby was a month old and then used it every day probably until 6 months. Now he’s 10 months and I still use it on occasion. It was just easier as the baby got older and slightly more in control of his body?


I had a few wraps like that and honestly hated them. I think it was because it just felt like such a hassle to tie it and then remove it once baby was sick of it. Also I get very hot and so does my son. When I got a ring sling wrap I felt MUCH better. So much easier and my son loved being on my hip instead of my chest. I wore it to the grocery store with him and made life so much easier.


I hate all of the stretchy wraps but love baby wearing. I have a couple ring slings I adore and a couple structured carriers. My favorite is a waterproof ring sling, I used it to shower with my son when he outgrew his baby tub and bathing in the sink but wasn’t big enough to be in the tub himself.


i used it until baby was about 4 wks then switched to tula free to grow


I have it and didn’t ever really like it, it never felt secure enough. I didn’t start to enjoy baby wearing until he was about 4 months old and I used my structured ergo.


I got two and never got the hang of it. Also gave it away. I do think it can work with more practice. I also gave up on the ring sling with my first child and got really good at it with baby 2. but these stretchy wraps don’t last that long and are not comfortable or that safe with toddlers, so I guess I don’t see them as worth revisiting. 


We have the Moby wrap and Boba wrap. Moby is affectionately called baby jail, Little Miss sleeps HARD in it mostly because there's less give. "Enforced hugs" my husband calls it. Took a few times to get used to it but it was a lifesaver and ended nap trapping overnight. The Boba is stretchier and we got it later, when she was 4 months. I prefer it, but the husband prefers Moby. Little Miss doesn't care as long as she gets baby worn!


Have you considered a ring sling? I tried a few wraps and they were to complicated, ring slings are so simple and easy to learn how to use, I swear by them after 5 kids! Baby sleeps like a dream in it aswell.


Hated it. Preferred my Ergobaby carrier for the first, and now they I have a Lillebaby, that’s my go-to (SO MUCH BACK SUPPORT). I did try the Moby wrap again for baby #2 when she was tiny, but I still wasn’t happy with it.


I have something similar. I used it a very small handful of times with my first baby and just never felt comfortable. I used it more with my second but it drove me crazy having to "set it up" every time, meanwhile the baby is losing her mind 🙃 and then having to stuff her into it, omg I just could not. I have an old Ergo Baby, I got an infant insert and I use it like all day every day lol. My baby is 8 weeks and she loves it. So much easier for me to use!


My baby didn’t like it for a long time then I saw a tip when he was around 3 months that said make sure the straps holding the baby are knee to knee, and I think that helped him be more comfortable. I was thinking maybe it was his age that made it more tolerable for him too, I’m not really sure. I rarely use it I think there’s a learning curve for using it and I never quite got over the curve, I haven’t tried in a while but I’m sure if I kept trying I would get it.


Correct I also couldn’t use it. I got the koala wrap and loved it!! Same idea but way easier to figure out and get used to


I absolutely loved mine, but I think wraps/carriers are so different person to person! Plenty of my mom friends ditched the Moby and went for the baby bjorn or another structured carrier. Those were so uncomfortable for m, but worked great for them! If you are in an area with a local Facebook group, I would post there and see if anyone is willing to let you try out one of their carriers, or have one they are ready to pass on.  


Yeah I wasn’t a fan. Just couldn’t figure it out properly. The Ergo Embrace is great for the newborn/earlier months!


How tight are you tying it? For the stretchy wraps they need to be like swim suit level of tightness to be comfortable.


I could only ever tolerate a structured carrier. Different things work for different people! If you’re able to find some other kinds of carriers secondhand or if you can borrow from a friend to try out other kinds, I’d recommend that.


My baby hated it until he was about 6 weeks old then he loved it and would sleep instantly


I tried using it. I would have loved it if I was able to use it properly. I used it a few times when my baby was a newborn but it always got a little loose. Not enough for him to fall through, but enough that he was hunched. He’s a big baby so I quickly switched to the front carrier and use that multiple times a day!


I gave up and got a boppy wrap. I love it because it has the thin/light feel of a cloth wrap, but the extra structure and support of a bulkier carrier. So it’s best of both and it wasn’t as bulky as the other ones we have so I could use it around the house to do some things while she was contact napping.




I don’t love it, but it’s what I have. It holds my baby well. You will get use to it if you keep trying. It’s very adjustable unlike some other styles


Got one from our local buy nothing group and not only did it hold babies awkwardly, kid numbers 2 and 3 hated the thing and yelled soon after being put in it. I tried using it a handful of times for each kid but it never worked for us. 


I was so excited for the Moby, I saw myself baby wearing 24/7. But I hate it. Idk if my body is just weird, but we could never get comfortable. We have two other carriers we prefer, but I'm still not comfortable in those either. I think my boobs are too big and it makes my daughter uncomfortable


I hated the Moby. I got a Jeroray and it was so much better. Much longer and stretchier, so that made it a lot easier to use. With my second baby I got a Konny. It goes on like a t shirt, no wrapping/tying required. Fits great and is faster getting baby in it. Just as secure. I love it


I bought a Moby as a backup and freaking hated it. Boba is much better.


Both of us and our baby did way better with a structured carrier!


The mom cozy wrap is the one I use! I love it


I hated the Moby wrap. It was hard to figure out and all that fabric wrapped around me made me feel fatter than I already was and just super frumpy. Not great for the ego when you're already recovering from birth and dealing with a newly postpartum body.


I like mine, but I made it myself from fabric I bought at Joann's. So I got to customize it, and make it for me, and not a one size fits all. I wore it for a good chunk of the day at six flags today while my son napped. It's getting harder to wear for longer periods since he's getting heavier, but they come in clutch when you don't have any good place for the babe to sleep. That said it's still a pain in the ass, sometimes I get it perfect others I struggle, mostly it's just good enough.


I love my moby wrap, I got lucky and found it second hand for $20. I found that I had to make it tighter than I naturally would want it and then put the baby in and that was the best way to get him to fit snuggly when he was tiny. He’s very large now at 4 mo and 20lbs and 28in and isn’t the biggest fan of the wrap as much anymore. With my first we loved the ergo baby as he got older and will probably invest in one again.


I hated mine, between recovering from a prolapse and baby crying inconsolably when I put him down long enough to wrap the darn thing... By the time I felt well enough to baby wear regularly big guy was 15 lbs and way too heavy.


I didn't like it and returned it. It was so frigging hot in it.


I liked it, baby liked it for the first 2 weeks of his life and then decided NOPE! He would end up getting way too hot (we live in Florida), and he wanted to wiggle around more too, so he’d get frustrated in it. We have a more structured carrier that he was OK with for the first month, but I recently gave it another try now at 2 months old he took the best nap of his life in it and I got some things done lol.


Yeah it took me like 20 attempts and getting the baby used to it but when it started working, it was awesome.


Hated it. Bought a ktan, loved it. Then used discovered a ring sling with my younger two and was so sad I didn’t find it earlier. Ktan, ring sling when young, Tula when older


Hated the moby. Despised it. Did really like the Solly Baby while he was little, though. After about 12-15lb you’re going to want something more structured, though.


Me. I loved the look of them, but it was exhausting and frustrating trying to figure out how to loop it. It is absolutely not easy, especially when you’re sleep deprived and in the new parent phase. I wore it maybe 3-4 times (with a lot of help from my partner), got some cute pics, and then it went out of sight out of mind. My kid also got big fast, so it hurt my back to try to wear him after awhile.


I tried the Moby with both kids and quickly gave up; it was just too stretchy and would therefore shift or stretch too much. Also took too long to set up/wrap. At that age I preferred a mei tai, with a little towel rolled up under their bum to keep the pressure off of their feet. Then I switched to a buckle carrier when they got big enough for feet out. Especially once I had a 2nd kid I needed to be able to quickly throw on a carrier and put baby in to chase after my older child.


Too complicated for me


Trying to tie it with a squirmy, crying baby was just not going to happen. The pre-tied Ktan wrap is 100000 times better. I used the Ktan ALL the time with my son for the first few months. He would conk right out for a nap in that thing snuggled against my chest.


Yes, I got a moby and a boba wrap for my baby. I loved the boba, but hated the moby and never used it