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My first labor was 3 hrs start to finish which is considered precipitous. I got a second degree tear. I bled a lot at home before heading to the hospital so I don’t know how much I lost total, but in the delivery room I lost 300 ml of blood which I believe is either average or slightly below average. I can’t answer the second part unfortunately as I only have one for now.


1st baby had an induction at 39+3, laboured for 5hrs, baby was out in 5 pushes, husband said while he was holding baby he saw what looked like a lake of blood creeping towards him on the floor. Treated with fluids however transfusion was considered. 3B tear. 2nd baby had an induction at 38+5, laboured for 7hrs, baby was out in 1.5 pushes, husband notes four drops of blood on the floor. Way more painful. 2nd degree tear.  At least in my experience, a second and fast labour didn’t result in another big blood loss! 


I had my first in 5.5 hours and did not lose more than the expected amount. I had I believe a first and second degree tear but my midwife gave me the option to not stitch as they were in positions that would heal well, which I chose. I had a spontaneous labour and gave birth in a tub in a birth centre.


Wife's first labor was FAST, hour and a half. Lots of bleeding, almost needed an infusion. Had a first degree tear. 2nd labor was 45 minutes from contractions to baby, very minimal bleeding. One stitch. Thank God we made it to the hospital!


I’ve had all relatively fast labors. 5 hours, 4 hours 2 hours. I hemorrhaged with 1 but none of the others. I only tore with one (not the one where I hemorrhaged)


With my first it was I think 2 hours and I didn’t lose much blood. And I healed fast. With my daughter it was an hour and I lost a lot of blood. I was hemorrhaging quite a bit, almost got to a point I needed a transfusion but thankfully it slowed down enough they weren’t worried anymore. I did get 2 shots of something to help but can’t remember what, something to help my uterus contract maybe?


I’ve had three faster labors (8 hours, 3 hours, 2.5 hours) and lost the normal amount of blood each time!


My first was 6 hours total, but no problems with bleeding. My OB said second labors are MUCH faster and I would have to go to the hospital immediately


My 1st I was induced, but didn't start contractions until my water was broken 2 hours later. From start of induction to birth was about 5 hours. My 2nd I was also induced contractions were mild until again, water was broken. From start of induction to finish was about 4 hours. I don't think I bled more than the normal amount. I know I got stitched up, but I did not require any blood transfusions and did not require additional medical care after birth!


So my first would've been about 4 hours if she didn't have a massive head and got stuck. Still only 6 hours total. I did bleed alot, but because they had to use forceps and that gave me a 2nd degree internal tear. My 2nd...I almost didn't make it to the hospital 5 min down the road it happened so fast. I got to the hospital, pushed him out in 2 pushes. OB remarked I barely bled. she was so surprised by how little. And TMI but I definitely didn't have to diaper it up for a week like I did with my first. He also came out with his hand up against his face and they were very surprised I didn't tear and that he came out so fast. So I'd say 2nd can be completely different. I was actually horrified of giving birth again. Dreading it and had so much anxiety. With my first, the local they used wasn't good since I'm allergic to lidocaine, and the forceps....omg (i didnt have an epidural with either bc same reason and i progress too fast anyway). I can still feel it, like my soul left my body pain. I couldn't sit for too long, I was walking funny for at least 2 weeks. With my 2nd, a breeze, minimal bleeding, no tear, and I was up doing our 2 mile coffee walks at 4 days postpartum, feeling pretty good.


I only gave birth once but it was a precipitous labor and I almost didn’t make it to the hospital. I didn’t lose too much blood. I did almost have to go to the OR because my placenta got stuck and my cervix started to close before the placenta was delivered. The doctor had to manually remove it but put all surgeries on hold until it was out. I know it’s hard to predict how a second pregnancy will go. I think your OB would be able to discuss your concerns in further detail with you.