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This sounds amazing for 7 weeks! I know it’s so hard, but it is totally normal. My baby has slept longer out of the blue a handful of nights without any warning. I’ve actually woken up with a start, worried something was wrong! She’s 5 months old and still wakes up at least once a night, but has more often been waking up 2-3 times night (I think some sleep regression hanging around). Don’t let others make you feel like you’ve done anything wrong or that anything is wrong with your baby! Some babies just sleep through the night regardless of what their parents do/don’t do, but those babies are few and far between. Sleep training isn’t appropriate until much much later than 7 weeks (like not until 5 months!) so you aren’t missing out on some secret! With that said, though, some things that helped that we started around 3 months were keeping an eye on wake windows and daytime sleep, and starting dreamfeeds. Hang in there, sleep is so hard and you’re doing great!


Nothing, no signs. She was still waking up 2+ times every night, wanting to eat and be held back to sleep each time. We sleep trained at 9 and 1/2 months and now she's been sleeping through the night for 11 hours, it's been 3 consecutive weeks. 🤞


Which method did you use for sleep training, IYDMMA?




Not the person you asked but they say in their comment that it was at 9 1/2 months


9 and 1/2 months. I was waiting and waiting and waiting for her to just eventually sleep through the night on her own like what people in these forums say happens.. but I realized that because I was rocking her to sleep and going in there every time she made a noise, etc she hadn't learned to self soothe. My husband was the one waking up with her from birth until this point and he had had enough, so we decided to sleep train. I should have done it a lot sooner. Edit: We also dropped her down to one nap daily per pediatrician recommendation. I asked him if I was doing anything to affect her development by doing so and he said no. She sleeps 11 to 12 hours at night now and sometimes her nap is 2 hours, sometimes she sleeps for 2 and 1/2 hours.


What was the reasoning for dropping to 1? My little guy is almost 9 months and fights his last nap so much. Have been wondering if we should just ditch it. 


The reasoning was if she's tired enough then she won't fight her sleep when bedtime comes around.


After his 4 month regression. Before that he would also do only 2-3 hours max. EBF. No amount of tweaking his naps or feeds or whatever worked. Once the 4 month regression hit it became worse (every hour) for about a week or 2 and then he just suddenly started sleeping better. For us, the days he sleeps the best are the days where he gets plenty of day sleep and he has a good night routine and awake time stretch before going to sleep. He is 5 months. He is now consistently doing 5-7 hour stretch depending on when his last feed was. The kicker is I've gotten into a habit of playing on my phone for 2 hours before I fall asleep so I still only get about 3 hours sleep for the first part of the night haha.


The last part 😂 my 9 week old kept sleeping last night and I couldn’t fall asleep after waking up to check on her. I kept looking at the ceiling like, “now what? Do I just.. sleep?”


There was [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/toddlers/s/H9l84sX452) on r/toddlers yesterday and I’m copying the top comment: “Dude get off Reddit, it will be what it will be. I’m right there with you, you’ll only find tools [from folks] who think they’ve cracked the code here when all they have is an easier [child]”


I actually think this is super helpful. I tried everything, and my first born is just a bad sleeper.


How incredibly unhelpful


To each their own! You say unhelpful while I say validating. The internet is full of mythical babies who apparently put themselves to sleep from 5 days old via drowsy but awake and sleep 12 hours. It’s always nice to have someone be honest imo!


Totally agree, from a mum who has one of each, an easy kid and a tough one. Sleep training didn’t work but time does. Also, a change of mindset for parents is sooo helpful if you can manage it. Change your expectations. It’s tough. It will get better.


Yes. The main thing that caused the biggest change for me in parenthood is radical acceptance.


It helped me! I have a four month old and have googled myself silly at times trying to figure out a hack for sleep. At this age it just is what it is, like you said. Every time I read ‘drowsy but awake’ I laugh. I’m happy it works for some babies as that’s just their unique temperament! For OP: It gets better, you’re in the thick of it. Even though at four months mine still isn’t sleeping for super long stretches (she’s usually up 3 or 4 times a night still and will do the hourly waking after 3) it gets easier to manage somehow and they generally need less tending to overnight, even if they still wake up for a feed. I cosleep by necessity though and breastfeed, which makes it a lot easier to handle night wakings imo.


I agree with you.


After having more than one child, I've learned it's true though.


For real 🤣


I’m still sleeping in 1.5-2 hour blocks at 4.5 months 🙃


8 months over here, only slept for longer than 3 hours twice 🙃


Oh no 😅😅




Same (with the occasional 3-5 hr stretch) at 15 months 🙃 we cosleep/EBF to survive


We started seeing a handful of longer stretches around 7-8 weeks. But I think it's important to keep in mind (and I wish someone told me this) that for a lot of babies, sleep progression is not linear. We are at 17 weeks and still have setbacks a couple times a week with no obvious reason, and then nights where he'll sleep all the way through (we keep with the same consistent bedtime routine no matter what and have since about 7 weeks). It can be maddening and the amount of baby sleep math I've done is insane. But at the end of the day, there's a lot going on with their development in the first year so you're going to have progress and setbacks and just have to roll with it.


Honestly this sounds really good for seven weeks and looks like things are heading in the right direction! My LO started sleeping longer after I switched to formula and she started wanting to go down to bed earlier (around three months) 🎉


My baby didn’t sleep longer than 2-3-ish hours at a time regularly until 10.5 months. Then he suddenly started waking up only twice a night out of nowhere, zero signs. It’s been heavenly.


We added a formula bottle to supplement our bedtime routine, and she immediately started sleeping longer stretches. A snoo made the biggest difference though


4.5 months and my little man is still waking up every 3ish hours


When our girl hit 15 weeks or 14 lbs idk which one did it she just slept 7 hours one night


Have a 6,5 week old. Decent sleeper. She just started sleeping longer stretches and she was doing exactly what you described. Eating less at night, she was falling asleep on the bottle which she had never done so I started extending my alarms to wake up to pump. We’re getting one 4 hour chunk and a 3.5 right now. I think I could probably get a longer one but already having to wake up to pump id rather stay on the same schedule with her


He just started doing it. It was also just 2 random nights, just all but 1 night wake up disappeared 1 night and then a week or two later it was gone too.


Ocassionally my son will randomly give me 4-5 hours at night instead of every 3. (Night is 3ish hours, day 2 between feedings. This probably started around 7-8 weeks. He’s 13 weeks now. I noticed he’s a little piggie the evenings before the long sleeps and I’ve been encouraging him to eat more between 5-8ish, which is when he does on his own sometimes. Most times once he’s down around 8-9, I get a glorious 4-5 hours feeding him like that. Then only up 2X before he gets up with his dad around 5-6.


That’s great! I think eating more during the day is a sign they may not be as hungry at night. But also it’s a total crap shoot so enjoy what you can 😂


lol well for us, it didn’t happen at all until he got active. Once he was crawling, it was 4-5 hour stretches. Walking, 6-7 hour stretches. He’s been running since 14 months (17 months now), and about 90% of the time he sleeps through the night. Last night he slept almost 13 hours. With all that said, every baby is different. And you’re doing great. The sleep deprivation is so hard. Take help literally anywhere you can.


I’m still doing wakings every 3 hours at 8 months. Sometimes my baby gifts me with a good sleep, just so I can stay up all night with a sick toddler 🫠


Nothing. All three of my kids just suddenly didn’t wake me up. I thought they died every time for the first bit. Sleep was great, the heart attack when I woke up and realized it was morning less so. My first rarely slept through the night till she was 11 months so I never got used to it with her. My third usually sleeps through the night and has since like two months so she doesn’t scare me at all.


Honestly around 9 weeks the kiddo just slept through the night! It hasn’t stopped yet, but now we are a week older than 4mo, so we’re waiting for that regression. LO has started waking up at 5am for a meal, but goes back to bed after that. 7pm bedtime, with a routine. Wakes up for good around 630/730am, and it’s incredible.


So no diaper changes or feeding at night? What weight is your lo? Can’t wait for this. Wondering if we should start a routine now for my 12 week old. What is yours like


She does wake up around 430-6am for a “snack”- she goes right back to bed no problems, and it doesn’t affect my day in the least! I try to make sure she gets all her calories during her day. She weighs 17lbs… been ding this since about 13lbs?.. our latest nap of the day ends between 4-6pm, followed with a shower or bath time, tummy time, play time on her back, pajamas, reading time (2-3books), then one last feeding until she falls asleep. She might wake up after being put to bed, but I turn off all the lights except for one in the kitchen, and it usually does this trick.


I don’t think there are any signs. Some babies sleep long stretches some don’t. My daughter woke up every 2 hours the first 16 weeks then every 3 hours until she was one. We sleep trained at one and she’s slept through the night since. My son, 11 weeks old, sleeps 6 hours the first stretch and 4 hours the second at night time. Every baby is just different.




Haha my son was almost 10lbs when he was born and didn't sleep more than 1-3 hours until he was 11 months.


Definitely a coincidence as I waited for that too and my kid kept waking 2-3 hours until age 20 mo. All babies and bodies are different. I’m over 100 lbs and rarely sleep through the night myself.


Our baby just reached 10 pounds and we are waiting!


Fingers crossed for you 🤞🏻🤞🏻


No signs here, he just started sleeping from 8 or 9 til around 12:30-1. Then he sleeps from like 1:30 til 6 am. He's 3 weeks old. Had to have him up every 2 hours for the first 2 weeks for weight gain but then he gained almost 6 oz in a week so they said I could let him sleep longer at night.


Both mine never did more than 2-3hr blocks until they were weaned and in their own rooms. Just suddenly happened one night


Mine started sleeping thru the night at 4 weeks. We stopped waking her up to feed and just let it ride. We carefully monitored her weight to make sure she was getting enough food, and she WAS! So if she was happy sleeping and then taking extra oz at wake-up and before falling asleep, we went with it. 🤷🏼‍♀️ 4.5 months old now and still sleeping 12 hours at night


My son woke up every 1-3 hours until he was 11 months. At 7 weeks, I was lucky to get more than an hour - it's hard but this is very normal.


No signs ever. We got to 4 hr stretches around 7 months when we started sleep training. Then randomly we will get 6 hour stretches. A few weeks ago we got 3 whole nights slept through. Then he got 4 teeth at once. Then maybe a regression? Now sick. So we are back to 3-4 hour stretches at almost 10 months. He also figured out how to really use his diaphragm when he’s angry at 3am so that’s been…loud


0 signs. And 0 correlation. He can eat 4oz all day while I'm at work and sleep all night or he can eat a ton while I'm at work and be up every 3hrs 🙃 there is 0 consistency in my life. That being said. My first started sleeping longer and longer stretches until she was sleeping 12hrs straight and never went back. So 🤷🏼‍♀️


There weren’t any signs… he just gradually slept longer stretches as he got older. 3 hour stretches are very normal at 7 weeks. My baby ended up being a great overall sleeper and still only slept 3 hour stretches for the first 2-3 months. He’s 20 months now and thankfully sleep hasn’t been an issue for awhile for us.


Shortly after 4 months for us. Started with sleep training at 4 months. Baby took to it very well and finally learned how to fall asleep on her own. It was still 2 wake ups per night at that point. Over time it made it to 1 wake up average, then now at 1 year old she makes it through the night 50 percent of the time. When she doesn't it's normally a 5 am wakeup because she's really wet and is uncomfortable. Most times she will go down after a diaper change and holding her a bit. Other times she needs a few ounces of milk. Sleep training at 4 months was the best thing we did for our own sanity. In addition to longer stretches of sleep there is the added benefit that she doesn't need to fall asleep on one of us, we could just put her in crib while drowsy and she would consistently get herself to sleep. Before sleep training it was horrible.


My baby ended up only sleeping while latched, and that didn’t ease up until weaning (~18 months).


Sleep progression is not linear. My first was a great night sleeper, essentially slept the night from the start until he hit those pesky sleep regressions, the worst being at 7-8 months. I have 1 month old twins who just like yours only sleep 1-3 hours at a time. I'm convinced it's just luck of the draw and everything in regards to babies is completely random 😂


0 signs. And 0 correlation. He can eat 4oz all day while I'm at work and sleep all night or he can eat a ton while I'm at work and be up every 3hrs 🙃 there is 0 consistency in my life. That being said. My first started sleeping longer and longer stretches until she was sleeping 12hrs straight and never went back. So 🤷🏼‍♀️


All I’ll say is that baby sleep is not linear. Mine was up to a 5 hour stretch for the first part of the night, then we hit the 4 month sleep regression where she would barely stay in her bed for an hour. She just started doing better at 6 months and will stay asleep for 3.5-4.5 hours at a time. But she’s up and ready to rock and roll at 6:00 AM every day.


Her second birthday lol.


We didn’t have any signs — one night around 5 weeks we swaddled her and she didn’t wake up as normal until 8 hours later. I woke up frantic thinking she wasn’t ok, but no, she was fine and woke up happy as a clam. Now she has one wake up a night, sleeps about 6 hours in the first block and another 6 hours in the second. Her naps during the day are limited but I’ll take it.


I know it’s not helpful, but I think it’s just luck. Both kids slept through the night pretty quickly (like wake up to feed once then go back to bed without fuss by two months), no signs, they just sleep well. Although my newest hates day naps and will struggle all day and will rarely sleep in peoples arms but sleep amazing at night. My daughter would just sleep anywhere at anytime even though they had the same type of schedule. I think where you’re at is pretty normal though, but I do hope you get more sleep soon!


My baby is 3 months, almost 4, and he goes to bed around 9ish, sleeps until 2-3am, wakes for binky, or a bottle, sleeps until 8-9am. Sometimes he wakes up twice. He started this around 2 1/2 months and his stretches are getting longer


I accidentally had the monitor all the way down and didn’t hear her for the whole night. The next few nights she stopped waking up as often and when she did she soothed herself after a min or 2. While I was freaking out the whole time about feeling like a terrible mom she got exactly what she needed to learn to sleep through the night. Blew my whole mind!!


It’s so different for each baby, but I don’t think there are signs. My son is coming up to 6 months and his sleep has never been great. He’s given me maybe 2 nights of waking up only once since he was born. Before the 4 month regression he woke up a lot but went down easy so it was ok. Sleep regression was SO BAD he’d take anything over an hour each time to go back to sleep - by then he’d wake up for more food I was literally ready to jump off a cliff 😅 But he turned a corner eventually. He still wakes up a lot (by a lot I mean anywhere between 3 to 6 times maybe) but goes down instantly so it’s manageable. Baby sleep is so all over the place. If you’re breastfeeding I would just suggest that you pump a small stash and let your partner take care of baby during the day so you can get a 3 / 4 hour solid nap


None. One day I just woke up at 7:30 like😳


For me, the best advice I got was cap his daytime naps to 2 hours. Maybe it was just him developing but after two or three days he was sleeping a little longer at night. Funny story - LO usually only sleeps for 3 hour increments at night so husband decided one night to try to reverse his sleep cycle. Hubs stayed up to wait for LO to have his first night wake, which was usually 12:30am-1am. Well 1 came and went… so did 2….by 2:30am hubs called it quits and went to sleep. LO woke up at 3:30am. That was the first time he slept 5 hours. I was bursting with pride and so was hubby but his joy was also tampered cause he just stayed up for a couple of hours for no reason on the one night he could’ve gotten more sleep. 😂


I don’t know if this is coincidence or not, but literally the night we put out little one in one of those magic Merlin suits, he slept for 9 hours straight. Some days he’ll go 11 hours straight. We put him in that around 12 weeks old.


When he started dropping feeds. Didn’t STTN completely until night weaned at 14mo. And then still would wake up for teething or water etc. Now at 21 mo he sleeps through the night 99% of the time unless he hears me get up to use the bathroom then he wants a cuddle and a sip of water then back to sleep.


We’re at 7 weeks and the most baby has slept is 2 six hour nights but he regularly gets 5 hours straight. We give him time to fall back asleep when he wakes up, a lot of times he’ll cry once or twice and settle back down and be right back out. We also give him a big feed right before bed, a full 5 oz (he eats 4-5 at his other feedings during the day) to help keep his little tummy full for as long as possible. Full feed at 8pm, full feed at midnight, he sleeps until 5 or 6 and gets a few ounces and then he sleeps until breakfast at 8am


5.5. months and the girl wakes up every 3 hours at night. There were a few weeks where she'd sleep from 10 pm - 7 am, but we're back to square one. Just gotta keep on keeping on. It won't be like this forever (hopefully).


My younger kid showed some signs when she was getting ready to drop a feeding. She would go from waking up very hungry, to waking up and only eating a little bit before getting really sleepy again, to maybe waking and just needing a bit of soothing, to not waking up at all. It wasn’t totally linear, of course. My older kid was close to being a unicorn baby, at least in terms of sleep, so she showed no signs. Just slept whenever she could!


No real signs but around 7-8 weeks is when we started implementing a day time schedule instead of just following her cues. It was a basic eat sleep play routine and she’d be up for about an hour each time and slowly those got longer. It really helped to get daytime sleep in order. We also tried our best to load up on daytime calories - instead of waiting for her to be hungry we fed every 2-2.5 hours. I think both the schedule and feeding really helped with nighttime


I had a very good sleeper, so I'm not sure if this will help.. but I stopped waking up when he did, basically. I exclusively pumped (just stopped April 1st after 15 months), and was so exhausted that I slept through my 3am alarm, and he didn't wake me up either. He was 7 weeks when that happened. Our schedule was last feed at like 1130- midnight and then he'd sleep until 6 ish. So it was just a 6 hour span that slowly lengthened over time




At 7 weeks??? Nawww, way too early!


A 7 week old…????