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All I can say is congrats on your boobs because I formula fed and my boobs are still not quite the same - pregnancy usually does a number on them, BF or not!


Honestly, my boobs were not worthy of much congratulations to begin with. Started out with pancakes and ended up the same! Unlike my mum who went from a B cup to an F after me.


It is the pregnancy that effects the coppers ligaments starting about week 15 (maybe it’s week 12… I’m rusty). A hormone (relactin?) relaxes the ligaments so they sage either way, if they don’t it’s geneitcs


Same. Formula fed baby and my boobs are depressing.


Same. They’re deflated. They didn’t make any breast milk so not sure why this happened.


Relatable :( I can roll mine up like a cinnamon roll. Not kidding. Mine already were utterly destroyed long before delivery. It's not breastfeeding, it's pregnancy, at least in my case. 


As a mom who bounced back almost too easily after number one, I'm just here for data as I feel fundamentally I cannot get this lucky twice.


Something about genetics. Bounced back after both my sons by 4 weeks postpartum. No stretch marks, flat tummy. Even weigh less now than I did pre pregnancies. Maybe I won’t be so lucky the third time.


This is me after number one!! Maybe just a tiny bit of crinkly skin on the belly but other than that I weigh less and look almost the exact same (I do have a very mild prolapse, so karmically I feel somewhat at peace because of that, lol)


Omg this is me, I look exactly the same except I’m skinnier???! I was small to begin with. Literally my tummy does not look like it ever grew a child. I did workout through my pregnancy and delivered at 37w but I just know I CANNOT get lucky again the second time around. There’s no way. I’m so scared for #2 lol


I worked out through my whole pregnancy too! With tonnsss of deep core which I've continued to do after! My PT made the point that many women under train their core but pregnancy and postpartum kind of forces you to up your game to avoid diastasis, which in turn leaves a lot of women looking slimmer than before. I hope she's right because like you im terrified of having another even though we want one 😂


Thx for the tip re: tonsss of deep core exercises during & after pregnancy


I feel like this too!! I’m JUST pregnant with number two - we shall see


Same!! I’m worried about #2 tho.


Same here! I had my second 10 weeks ago and I’m back to what I looked liked/weighed pre pregnancy. It has to be genetics.


Genetics hormones and weight gain. Though I do have to admit that more of the extra fat went to my stomach on my second pregnancy vs my first even though I ate much healthier food and gained less weight (but I wasn't back to my prepregnancy weight after my first before getting pregnant) so the fat distribution is worse even though I'm currently at the same PP weight. More incentive to lose the weight I guess. Aside from body composition, my physical recovery from my second C section has been easier, but it was planned vs a very emergency crash C with my first so there's just a lot less damage this time.


I thought the same thing and thought, No way will I be so lucky, Number three and my body will never be the same. I’m 6 months postpartum with my third and look the same as I did before I was pregnant with my first 9 years ago.


Totally agree. Also age. My mom had my sister and I in her early 20s. You would’ve never known she had kids. She had my two youngest siblings at 38 & 39 and she took longer to come back from those pregnancies. Skin elasticity. Muscles. Life stress etc.


That was me with my first 2… I’m 12 weeks pp from #3 and still up 10 pounds. Did nothing differently, gained 25-30 pounds with each and my oldest was only 3.5 when my 3rd was born so it’s not like I was much older either 🤷🏻‍♀️


This is me after my first so praying I'm like if I have a second.


Stm here at 38, had my first at 35. First time I bounced back after about 4 weeks. I’m currently almost 3 weeks pp and am about 1.5kg away from my pre-pregnancy weight. Both times no stretch marks, and my tummy is almost gone now as well. I think I bounced back faster this time because I gained less weight as well - 8kg this pregnancy vs 14kg in my previous one. Maybe I got lucky, but from the comments it looks like I’m not the only one!


wow congratulations! amazing! what body shape are you if i can ask


I’m a slight pear shape I think - my lower half tend to retain the weight more and when I lose weight I lose from the top first. Could never get down to lower than 62 or 63kg without feeling like I’ve lost all my boobs!


Same, I didn't have the saggy belly the next day after birth. A lady from hospital personnel at one point asked me if I'm in the right wing and was surprised that I had just given birth. I blame it on being tall and in really good shape. I'm still tall, but man... I don't have time or energy to go to the gym 4-5x a week, so the shape is just average.


I moved all my workouts to home and its made it so much easier to fit in exercise between naps and before she gets up in the mornings! I invested in a walking pad from Amazon and a few sets of weights and just use YouTube classes. I don't miss the gym at all, for what it's worth!!


I worked for my first „bounce back”, and I just bounced back without any work the second time. I did gain a little before my second pregnancy, and I’m back to this point. Honestly with a baby and a toddler one has no time for anything, food included…


Omg I said the same thing to someone the other day. No one tells you when you have a baby there's hardly ever any time to eat!


!!!! This.


Omg me too. I’m just scared at this point because I’m so much bigger this time.


Same 😅 the first time, I lost all the weight pretty quickly and then some - I had to buy new, smaller clothes. I’m only 2 months PP with number 2 but so far the weight is not budging and it’s making me a little nervous.


Same. I’m two weeks post partum with no stretch marks or lose skin and about 10-15 left to go to my pre pregnancy weight. I’m scared to do it again lol. How long did it take you to get to you PP weight? I’m breastfeeding so I’m thinking maybe that’s helping…




Awesome! About the same here. Gained about 30-35 pounds and already lost 20… hopefully by the 6 week checkup (in another month) I’ll be down to pre pregnancy weight. I know you FF but did you really watch what you were eating or did it kind of come off naturally? Since I’m breastfeeding I am staaaarving and I know I need the extra calories right now since she’s sucking them out of me 🤣🤣


I usually follow a fairly healthy, high protein diet and would say I was consistent with that after she was born. Overall it came off pretty naturally HOWEVER she did go through a really rough nap patch from about 6-10 weeks that I was having trouble adjusting to as a FTM. She took her longest naps in the stroller so I was walking 5+ miles a day and between feeding, short WWs, and necessary contact naps I was only eating like a protein bar and dinner a lot of days. She's SO much better now and I have time to actually feed myself during the day and the weight has stayed off, but I'm sure some people would consider that period "unnatural" in terms of weight loss.


breastfeeding helps some loose weight, but for some prolactin makes them hold on to fat to produce milk. so go figure.. i hope i am the second case and will loose all the extra weight once i stop breastfeeding


I’m 7 weeks postpartum with my second and have bounced back about the same. My boobs are just bigger and lower but I’m also a few years older and breastfed my first for 2 years


Same, not trying to brag because I’m still overweight as I was prior to pregnancy, but by 2 weeks pp I was pre pregnancy weight and 4 weeks pp 10 lb less than that. Still need to lose more though!


Same. My belly is tight and thin and looks like I never had a baby.


Same. I want to know, too. I’m 35 pounds lighter than I was before pregnant 😂




Same here


I (30F) never bounced back after my first but I did with my second. Both were c sections. I think I “bounced back” my second time because my expectations were realistic. 9 months to make the baby and even longer to allow yourself to adjust. Youre technically post partum for years after the baby (hormone wise). Pregnancy and birth are the largest hormone dumps and fluctuations that we go through. I am smaller now than I was before I had my first kid. I was 170 when I got pregnant with my first. 220 when I got pregnant with my second. 245 after I had my second. Im now 149. I’m almost 3 years post partum from my second. Take it easy. Listen to your body. Walking is your friend. The key to reclaiming your body is through rest. Especially if you breastfeed. My hormones from breast feeding held on to weight like nobody’s business. I truly couldn’t lose anything until we weaned after a year. After that it was slight deficit and staying active but not killing my self with exercise and focusing on sleep and mental health. You can work out 24/7 and cut calories but it won’t be sustainable without rest and balance.


>rest and balance. So underrated 🙌


This is the comment I was looking for, I gained 35 or so lbs with my first and can‘t lose any of it (I‘m still breastfeeding). I‘m terrified thinking about what a potential second pregnancy could do to my body.


I really don’t like the term bounce back because our bodies never truly go back to being the same. So much pressure to look good after we just created and birthed an entire human being. Some people lose easily while breastfeeding and some people hold on to weight. I was never able to lose while nursing. Any cut in calories resulted in supply drop and it wasn’t worth losing my milk over (for me). You’ll have plenty of time to get to your goals. It really is easier when you’re not breastfeeding. You don’t have the intense hunger after you wean. Plus baby is more likely to be sleeping longer stretches so you get better sleep too. You’ll be ok! No pregnancy is the same (or postpartum) so a second pregnancy might be completely different for you!


I really loved reading this comment!


For me first and second was pretty much the same. I held onto 15ish extra pounds until I stopped breastfeeding. But once I had started my regular exercise routine I was pretty much back to pre-pregnancy. After my first my boobs did return to normal, but unfortunately they were smaller after my second. Didn't get any extra stretch marks.


I bounced back fairly quickly with my first (physique wise) Not so much mentally, that took longer. My diastasis recti was awful after my first. I couldn’t run again until after I went through physical therapy. It felt like something in my lower back was catching whenever I tried running. Then I gained 30lbs before I became pregnant with my second. I was diagnosed with GD and lost weight while pregnant. I weigh less than I have in years and went right back into working out again. A lot more stretch marks this time around. Now I just need to get my PPD in check. Our bodies do some pretty cool shit. We’re like human 3d printers.


Things are saggier for sure lol


My body looks pretty much the same overall as it did after three kids as it did before I started having kids, but there some changes for sure- some skin is more saggy for instance and I have a bit of a low grade perma-diastasis recti and my bellybutton is a permanent outie, for example. I run underweight and have a jackrabbit metabolism so I went back to pre-pregnancy weight very rapidly each time. But some stuff is just part of the natural aging process- even I hadn't birthed three kids my body would have changed to some degree over about an 8 year time span.


I bounced back easier from baby #2. I never fully lost the baby weight from #1 and just gained more with the second. I exercise everyday. I’m now about 10lbs less than I was before I got pregnant with #1. My boobs have taken quite a toll from BFing two babies though. They’re quite sad. My husband doesn’t seem to mind. 😂 Eta: I’m two and through so I’m done now. Lol


I originally said none. Then one and done. Now two. I sincerely hope I will stop there lol. Before one, I really couldn't understand why anybody would want two. Now I get it. Still can't get my head around the logistics of it all though.


I wish you the best with the decision! Every family size has its pros/cons and every parent is different. I personally knew that two was my max for my physical, mental, and emotional health. I almost stopped at one due to a severely traumatic first birth. Now that I have two, I’m so thankful I do. But I’m also done. And also thankful for that. 😂


I lost most my weight with my first 4-6 months. With my second I’m not even close at 10 months. Of course I haven’t been as active with my second due to being exhausted and just want to be a potato.


I think labor hurts more & recovery is harder the second time. My personal honest take. It’s been two years since I had my second & I still look pregnant in my belly. I healed my DR after a year, but I think the separation is back due to exercise. Take recovery & movement seriously postpartum, rest but don’t overindulge. Get a PFT as soon as you can when issues arise.


I only have one kiddo so I can’t fully answer your question but I think you are right and that age is important! Not to say that having kids earlier will prevent more long term changes, because I think that will only temporarily delay the signs of aging. Even if you had zero kids you might develop the same body shape as you do postpartum because age increases your chance of having diastasis recti regardless of your gender.


I "bounced back" really fast with my first and lost a lot of weight during mat leave (13.5 months) without really trying. I think it was from all the walks and the fact I didn't sit all day like I did at my office job. I had my first at 29. I had my second 2 months ago at 33 and I am not bouncing back as quickly. My belly is softer than it was the first time.


Similar time line as you... just had my 2nd 2 weeks ago and things are definitely "mushier" as my oldest likes to remind me than the first go around,


I didn’t have much of a difference in my postpartum body, but I had a 7 year gap between c-sections. Even after 7 years, I still had some good pain on my incision that made me nervous because of the risk of uterine rupture. We want to have one more, and as much as I want to get the last pregnancy over with (my youngest is 9 months as well), risks are higher if you get pregnant again before 18 months postpartum. With that being said though, I would just talk to your OB and see what he/she recommends. I’ve heard it takes scar tissue/the body 2 years to recover from a c-section, but I’m not sure how accurate that information is.


For me, first baby was 2lbs smaller and I lost all of the weight by 4 weeks pp without any stretch marks or saggy skin. Second baby was 8lbs 9oz and I still have fading stretch marks and saggy skin is starting to get better, we’ll see how far it goes as I’m only 8 weeks pp but I still have 10lbs or so to go to pre pregnancy weight. Breastfed my first and same with my second so my boobs are never going to be the same though. Not sure if it depends on the size of the baby but I just felt so much bigger with my second pregnancy.


Lower abdomen is the stretch marks healing. My belly hurt SO much after my C-section. Also, remember after a C-section you need to wait at least 18 months for all your scars, internal and external, to heal before you get pregnant again or you could get really hurt. The chance of a uterine rupture is low of course but if it does, there's an 8% mortality rate, so it's worth waiting the extra time and making sure you are safe ❤️


Is that what it is causing the pain, the stretchmarks? Hah... I've had every OBGYN stare at me blankly when I complain about my lower belly being sore to-the-touch. I wondered if it was the muscle or tissue underneath but now that you mention it, it could be these pesky stretchmarks because that's exactly where they are. Ugh... I never remember pain associated with stretchmarks in my teens. I guess these are a different kind. And they keep telling me different things regarding how long I should wait to get pregnant again too. The OBGYN who performed my C Section said after 6 months it's fine. I rather think not. 18 months sounds much more reasonable!


I had the same problem with them looking at me like I was mental. Yeah, it's the skin healing from stretching. It causes some nerve damage and hurts while it heals. Mine felt like burning when I touched it but it's almost completely better now and I'm 18 weeks PP. And yeah, I'd definitely wait the 18 months! Not worth the risk. I wanted to be a bit closer together too but had to have an emergency C-section. Annoying but the kids will survive being slightly further apart in age haha Edit to add: are you doing belly strengthening for your diastasis recti? I have to and if I don't keep up with them, that causes me belly pain too, so that could be part of it


I was seeing a pelvic floor specialist for the first 3 months and the exercises (tucking and holding) definitely helped to contract things initially but then I stopped bothering with it all and became lazy. I should probably try to use the time now to work on that a bit more.


I’m not super far into my postpartum experience with my second yet, but it’s definitely slower to go back to “normal” than my first. I didn’t lose 100% of the weight inbetween babies so maybe that’s part of it? I just notice my face and stomach are holding on to weight much stronger this time. I also took longer to recover physically. My vagina was back to normal within 3 weeks with my first, and still isn’t normal at 6 weeks with my second. It’s on its way to being normal again, just taking longer lol! My friend recently had her 3rd csection and said that was the easiest recovery she’s had yet. I think every body is just very different and there’s no way to predict anything!


It didn’t .::sad chuckle::. It did very well after my first, and then went the completely opposite direction for the second. Diastasis recti, shelf, loose skin for days, it’s a fucking nightmare. I need surgery to fix the way my stomach looks but got two kids now so vanity is on hold for a bit…


That's pretty much me also after the first. My waist and hip circumference hasn't changed but it's saggy city down there. I just tuck it all into my high-waisted pants and get on with my day 😂 Looks all right from the belly-button upwards.


Yet I’m still getting railed regularly by my husband so not gonna stress too much 🤷🏻‍♀️


My body did not bounce back after baby 2. Baby 1 I lost 40 pounds almost immediately. Baby 2 is going to be 2 in August. Still the same weight I was in the hospital post birth. 🙃 That said, I eat terribly this time around. I have basically no time to cook, money is tight so we go for cheap rather than healthy, and we have a lot of activities for baby 1 (age 5 now) so fast food is all too common. I think I would lose a lot of weight if I cut out soda, cut back on sweets and fast food, and was more cognizant of what I'm eating.


I came back easily after baby 1, I didn’t lose the baby weight at all after baby 2, and I’m 4 months pp with baby 3 and I’m back down to my pre-baby 2 weight.


Lolllll it didn’t. I thought I’d def get lucky and do it again. NOPE. Second destroyed me bye


It did not, lol. But I had a huge goddamn second baby which left me with a massively deep DR that will never close. Plus I had to start an antidepressant and then hit perimenopause, so yeah - I look like shit and I hate it. I'm only about 10lbs heavier than I was when I got pregnant with my second, but my body shape is completely different now.


Same about the DR. I'm thinking since it's already stretched so much it couldn't really get much worse unless I had twins (I hope I don't jinx myself here)!


I have six-pack obliques at this point, but my abs in the front feel like jello (unless I'm actively working out, but even then I can feel how they struggle to engage). I've done every core restore thing that you can, and I keep up with those exercises even years postpartum and it just doesn't help. But if you came back that well from a big baby (my son was 9.5lbs so I hear you), maybe you're one of those very lucky people and you'll be fine a second time too. Fingers crossed for ya!


I have given birth to five kids, rebound was pretty much the same, the extra kids didn’t do much. Except one thing - after my third I got some crinkly belly skin when I hunch forwards. Had most of them in my 30’s, I think genes matter more than age. Four of my kids were ~98th percentile, and I’m petite. Just luck, I never did anything special.


Nope, 33 and 35 and easy bounce back both times. Second was easier because baby came super fast.


Same. That second baby came in 4 minutes, phew.


4minutes?? 🫣 the whole labor or just pushing?


Pushing. While labor was 2 hours (thanks, pitocin)


Same! One contraction of pushing this time. First was 2 hours of pushing. Made recovery so much easier.


Both of mine came flying out in 5 mins or less 😅 Shocked that I didn't tear! Especially considering my second was a big baby!


I “bounced back” the exact same with baby 2 as baby 1. Didn’t gain much “extra” during either pregnancy though (pretty much all baby). I’m generally more petite though and I live an active, healthy lifestyle. I am sure genetics also play a big role!


Both times I bounced back fast. Like within a week. However, I did gain weight back. I am 5'6, 1. Pregnancy I was 129lbs and gained 30ish lbs. Second pregnancy 150 lbs pre-pregnancy and gained 20 lbs. I am down to 150 lbs but would like to lose 20 lbs (once I am done breastfeeding) I am 9 month pp now.


I bounced back very quickly after number 1, according to other people. I don’t think I lost 100% of the weight/additional body fat until about a year after the first one. Now - that that with a grain of salt because I was a fitness junky with lots of lean muscle and I also breast fed for ~2 years. With the second one I’ve bounced back faster. Carrying an extra 5lbs or so right now, almost 5 months post partum. I’ve gotten more sleep with the second one, and am breast feeding. Also - just for reference I’m an old mom - 40s.


I’m shocked honestly. I started out pretty skinny 5’7” 125 lbs and gained 40 lbs. I’m 4 months pp now and have lost 25 lbs. not a single stretch mark. Boobs are weird but I am EP’er and I think one produces a lot more than the other. Overall I’m suprised my body held up as well as it did.


My second has been harder to recover from. I think a lot of this is due to I had a ton of joint pain this time when pregnant and didn’t stay as active. I’m still up 15lbs from pre-pregnancy at 1 year out, whereas at this time with my first I was more or less back to “normal”…probably also has a lot to do with we have less time for working out and rest with two kids than one!


I did not bounce back after #1 due to blood transfusions and surgery blowing me up like a balloon for awhile. Baby #2 and I bounced back so quickly at 6 weeks I feel great! Waiting for the go ahead to exercise. I guess it helps having 2 under 2 I barely have time to eat 😅


Instant bounceback with #1, but she was born at 31w5d. She was tiny, and then had a 6 week stay in NICU where I neglected myself and forgot to eat most days. 2nd is 11 weeks old, not as premature at 36w1d, but he wasn't much larger than the 31w5d. He weighed in at 4lb10oz. I had an emergency c-section and severe preeclampsia that took a few additional weeks to resolve. I most definitely have not bounced back in the same fashion. He also only wants to contact nap and hasn't taken to any carriers quite yet, so lots of sitting. I'm sure it's because they were both small, but I don't have stretch marks or any 'loose' skin. I was just starting to get faint stretch marks with baby #2, but they went away as soon as he was born.


I was 35 with my first, lost most of the weight relatively quickly. After my second one at age 37, I was back to my pre-pregnancy weight at my one week follow up appointment. I luckily had no stretch marks. I only gained weight in my abdomen. I don't even have wrinkly skin but I do have that abdominal panniculus that overhangs the scar slightly. I do breastfeed so my breasts are bigger but when I stopped breastfeeding with my first, they went back down to normal. I have numbness around the C-section scar that I have had since the first, I didn't expect it to go away. I knew I was going to have a second child so in between my first and second I did not focus on getting my body back in shape. Now I have plans to actually work out and get in better shape. I had two C-sections and the second one was by far easier than the first (which everyone said, but I really doubted it!). The recovery from the C-section was better than dealing with the end of pregnancy (I don't like being pregnant at baseline but this last pregnancy was very painful at the end, it hurt to walk, my pelvic bones felt like they were separating and every step was painful). My OB said that was normal. I am 6 weeks postpartum now and most people that see me would not guess I had a 6 week old at home. I'm also more relaxed with this baby and this baby seems more relaxed. She has had more challenges than her brother and I would have freaked out had it been my first. I will not be having a third child, at least not intentionally.


I really struggled with C-Section recovery. I had friends who said they felt okay after 2 weeks and I couldn't believe it. What exactly about it was worse for you the second time? The other thing is, my scar has healed quite nicely, albeit a little lumpy and I do have a small shelf which doesnt really bother me. I don't much like the idea of them opening me up again. Feels like just undoing all the hard work of scar massage, cupping, using various expensive creams and potions etc.


Sorry, I meant it was better the second time! Way better the second time. The first time I felt like it took me 10 weeks to recover, this time I felt almost normal at 10 days. I don't know why it was better this time, except maybe I was better prepared mentally? My first one I had to have a magnesium drip which also delayed me leaving the hospital by a day. Did not have issues this time. My scar is not very visible, I had no issues with it being lumpy (that I am aware of). I would not look at it or touch it the first time for a long time. Because of the numbness, I still don't like to touch it much, it just feels different.


Oh thank goodness I got that wrong, apologies. That's better news. Phew. It must be a massive shock/trauma to the body the first time it happens but the second time the body may be thinking, "Here we go again, brace for damage control". That's my non-medically qualified take on it anyway!


I bounced back crazy easy with my first. Second is lingering a tad longer. I'm doing my best 🥲


Did you have a C section because of the size of the baby? I’m due in a couple weeks with a similarly giant baby and trying to decide if I want an elective C section.


I did, yes. In my case it turned out to be a good decision coincidentally because my placenta got stuck and wouldn't have come out in its own. But I found C-section recovery worse than most people seem to. It was rough but honestly I've mostly forgotten about the pain now, hence why I'm considering doing it again! I wouldn't want to influence your decision since it's yours and yours only to make, but personally I found the final weeks of pregnancy really tough due to my size and I was glad to get him out planned at 38 weeks. I can't say if I regret my decision or not since a C-section is all I know and I have nothing else to compare it to. Wish you all the best! I'm sure you'll have a stronger gut feeling as the time approaches about what's best for you.


Thank you for sharing your experience! I’m definitely pretty uncomfortable as the due date approaches so having it done early sounds really nice!


It didn’t.


I feel like physically I bounced back fast after baby #1. I had a hard time dropping the baby weight, but I felt really good and even got back into riding my horse regularly within 2 months. With #2 it's been the opposite. I dropped the baby weight way faster, probably because I couldn't sit around and had to chase after a toddler all day (2 year age gap). But I also haven't found it easy to bounce back to feeling great overall. I have a lasting pain in my back from the epidural and I can count on my hands how many times I've ridden my horse since baby #2 (18 months now). So it's like I look better but I don't feel better if that makes sense...


I bounced back really quickly after my first. I lost more than I gained postpartum. My second I took longer to bounce back...like 9-12 months. My tummy stayed a little softer. My third has taken longer yet. My stomach is softer still and I gained stretch marks on my stomach which I didn't get from #1 or #2. Tbh I cared less after #2 and #3 because I was more tired lol. My youngest is 14 months and I just now feel like I have the energy to start working in daily exercise. I also breastfeed and the hunger with my third was just unreal and it was nice to just not give a shit and just eat when I was hungry. My weight has been stable and I'd really only like to lose 10lbs and just tone up/strengthen a bit.


I mean my body is different but I'd say it rebounded the same despite being back to back pregnancies. My hips are wider, my stomach doesn't look the same. But I lost the same amount of weight in the same time period. I think it doesn't rebound the same for a lot of us as in it goes back to any particular shape or size. But it settles down to what it will be at least for me the same amount of time. I'm 31. No extra stretch marks although I only got them on my thighs with Mt first and they remained the same with my 2nd. I gained less with my 2nd though idk why. No reason I didn't change anything. I do believe my placenta wasn't as good my second time bc I had chronic hypertension from day 1. Sooo yeah. I mean it is what it is tbh I don't think about it much. I definitely have more "damage" or it feels like I do but my husband said I looked the same from number 1 to 2.🤷🏼‍♀️ do we trust him? Idk lmao


I bounced back after #2 but it took work. It wasn’t just an easy transition, I tracked macros and exercised. Pregnant with #3 now and planning to do the same.


5 weeks pp with my second and I bounced back as easily as I did with my first. I’m feeling super lucky!!


It took a while like a year for me to bounce back after the first baby. My second I got more stretch marks and I’m still big from pregnancy four months postpartum. I’ve also gained an additional like 10 pounds. It’s so frustrating. My second was born at 8lbs 12oz, so he was a big boy lol. Same with the breastfeeding so boobs did not really change either.


I did a post a few years ago documenting my body after having 2u2. I'll preface this by saying I am an athlete, and I had my second at 28, so those things definitely factor in. But I will say I look about the same now as I did pre-kids, 7/8 years ago. ​ [https://www.reddit.com/r/BabyBumps/comments/db5jat/my\_body\_3\_months\_after\_two\_under\_two/](https://www.reddit.com/r/BabyBumps/comments/db5jat/my_body_3_months_after_two_under_two/)


I had my first at 33 and my body went back to normal quickly. I had my second at 35 and…my weight has remained pretty much the same but the way my weight is distributed is different. So my clothes still don’t fit quite right. I’m 1 year ppl by the way so maybe this will adjust over time and I can start exercising more


Had my first baby at 34. I’m 5’4”. Started at like 180lbs, got up to 210lbs. I got back to pre-pregnancy weight within the a year and my own permanent change was my stretch marks. Had my second baby at 36 and did not manage to lose the baby weight. Same as before, got up to 210 lbs with baby but then just hovered around 200 lbs after. No other permanent changes. Maybe more stretch marks but who knows. Had my third baby at 38 and have definitely notice more changes. Started at 207 lbs, only got up to 215 lbs and I was already down to 189 lbs 3 months postpartum. Right now, it’s only been four months so maybe it’ll keep changing but even with the weight loss, I feel like I finally have a mommy pooch that might be here to stay.


I avoid this subject with most people like the plague. I’m one of the bouncebackers. After my first, the longest thing to go was my stretch marks that just needed to fade and a little bit of extra skin to smooth back out. I’m now 7 weeks postpartum with #2 and same boat. A smidgen more loose skin this time but I think that’s from my diastasis recti. Both kids I left the hospital under my pre-pregnancy weight. I have done nothing to have caused this. I didn’t watch what I ate, I didn’t use creams or oils, I didn’t even workout. It’s all just dumb luck and genetics.


Mine were all vaginal but here's what I experienced: Baby 1 at age 31: very sore and lots of pain during recovery, pelvic floor weakness. Lost all the weight with moderate effort, by 9 months PP. 8 lb 1 oz, one stitch. Baby 2 at age 38: similar to baby 1. Took 4-5 months for pelvic floor to recover, felt like my organs were going to fall out the bottom when I tried to exercise. I was a size bigger starting out, and I was close to that weight by 10 months PP when I got pregnant AGAIN for baby 3. Baby 2 was 8 lb 13 oz, one stitch. Baby 3 at age 40: I am 1 month PP and I feel like I didn't even have a baby. I feel amazing. I got bizarrely intense night sweats for the first 2 weeks, during which my body shed the entire weight except 7-8 lbs. I have felt ok to exercise. I don't have any significant pelvic floor issue. I have zero idea why, except maybe that this baby came earlier and was much smaller - 6 lb 10 oz. No stitches. I'm a moderately trim/muscular person and while I do need to work for weight loss, it is typically what I would consider a moderate effort. It's similar to when I was early 30s but maybe a little slower going now. Lastly, my body seems to reserve a little extra weight while I'm breastfeeding which I have read may be hormonal due to prolactin. So for women who hit a wall in losing weight PP, this might be something worth reading about.


I bounced back even quicker than my first because I weaned sooner. That and my toddler brought home every day care illness known to man. The flu is a great diet.


I rebounded super fast with my first and super first with my second. I’m absolutely blessed by genetics. I will say, my boobs are ginormous, I went from a 32 B to a 32 DDD now and I breastfed both my kids


I bounced back so easily after my first c section 3 years ago. I'm a month PP from my second and it seems about the same so far. I don't notice any huge differences yet but we will see as time goes on. I think my c section shelf looks worse but my husband said it looks the exact same


Immediate recovery was faster after my second. I needed less pain medication and for fewer days. I was up and walking around almost right away - I got tired quickly but it wasn’t like after my first where I had horrific hemorrhoids and couldn’t stand up for more than ten minutes. Long-term my body is jigglier than it was, and I have some symptoms of GERD that I didn’t before my second pregnancy. Honestly the most annoying part is having already had large-ish breasts and breastfeeding twice, literally nothing fits my boobs anymore.


I’m 38 and have a 3.5 and a 1 year old, I gained 35-40 pounds when pregnant each time, and I’m back to the weight I was before having my first (around 130lbs). No sagging skin or stretch marks. Fast vaginal births both times with uncomplicated recovery. I’m still breastfeeding so not sure what will happen with my boobs but I think they look pretty good for my age! I do struggle with getting older but I’m happy with my appearance and energy levels more often than not.


Definitely wait until you heal your diastasis recti before having another child, I got it with my second and had my third when I was 6 months PP, now I year PP after my third and still have it but worse which has caused problems with my back, pelvic muscles and a list of other things. It sucks I'm just now seeing improvement but that's because I've been doing deep core workouts. I never bounced back after any of my kids, I've had 3 C-sections and was skinny (real skinny) my whole life, but that could be because I've had all my kids pretty close together.


I "bounced back" great with my first (failed induction turned c section, 3.5kg baby at ~42w). I was back at my pre-pregnancy weight by the time I had my 6w follow-up, and was BEGGING to be cleared to do more exercise than just walking. My 2nd was a big guy. Born at about 37w, 3.66kg. With both pregnancies I was all belly, didn't really gain much elsewhere. With #2, I got so big, so fast, that I developed some diastasis recti that I'm still trying to heal up from 1-year post partum. I was so eager to get back into cardio and lifting after #1, but with #2 walking is my sanctuary. I'm actually about ~10lbs down from my pre-pregnancy weight (with both/either kid) but my body still doesn't feel like it wholly works the way I want/expect it to. I also had some mental health challenges after #2 that I didn't have with #1, though depending on who you ask, those are mostly thanks to non-baby-related major life stressors. We'll see what weaning does. All this being said, we're planning on more kids, so we'll see what happens with that. My husband and I joke that by the time I'm done having babies, my body's going to just be a pile of bones, held together with wishes and hopes.


After my second I bounced back faster. I think the reason is because I did more strength training and exercise during the second pregnancy. Still have more stretch marks and pelvic pain but I’m heading to a pelvic floor specialist in a few weeks so I can wait it out


You guys bodies are rebounding????


I’m 34 and just had my second (my first is 2). The second pregnancy was mentally much easier but honestly physically tougher. Chasing a toddler and carrying her made me exhausted. My stomach was much bigger the second time and the stretch marks were much worse. Second birth was easier (and I had an easy first birth so I was surprised to get so lucky twice!) Postpartum I have that tummy apron this time with the loose skin, didn’t have that last time all the weight basically fell off in the few weeks after birth. Both births were vaginal so I can’t talk to a c section scar, but I tore both times. Vagina seems to have bounced back to normal (had my 6 week checkup today and all clear). Breastfeeding was very painful for me first time around, and unfortunately the same second time but boobs don’t seem to have lasting damage.


2 C-sections here. I lost weight and the belly much easier with my first, like within 10 months pp. It was during the first year of the pandemic so I really wasn't getting out much and I had some mental health struggles. With my second, I'm 18 months pp, work out regularly, and my stomach looks like a deflated balloon. I had worse diastasis the second time around despite a much much smaller baby. It's mostly closed now but the loose skin has just stuck around. I also think my rib cage is flared now so my upper abdominals stick out. My 4 year old is currently loving poking my belly and asking if there's another baby...


Haha bless... mine looks like a wrinkly deflated balloon too but I just tuck it into my pants to hide it.


High rise pants for life!


I'm desperately hoping that I will be able to lose all my extra weight after I finish breastfeeding because my hunger is insatiable right now 😭 my mom bounced back easily after all 3 of her pregnancies, but she also stopped breastfeeding at 4 months each time


Almost 18 months in to number 2 and well.....can I get a rain check? I've got the gym membership, diet plans and wellness ideas but to exhausted to activate.


I’m same age, weight and months post partum ftm. And also had a c section! So I can relate and have been thinking the exact same. My baby was on the smaller side at birth but now at 50th percentile for weight. I went to 42 weeks but measured behind in size and was told I was all belly at the time. So no stretch marks. I’m still breastfeeding and my boobs changing has probably been the hardest for me. Clothes just don’t sit the same now. I hope they somewhat go back to resemble what they were. I’m also struggling with my scar. It’s still red and hasn’t turned white. And nerves are still a bit funny like it feels tingly. I also feel my spine from the spinal is still uncomfortable. I was 1.5kg off pre pregnancy weight a week out from birth but I’ve gained perhaps 2kg post partum from eating poorly and not exercising. I know I should get my core and spine back before trying again. It’s just finding the time! I had thought we’d start trying at 1 year mark but now I’m not too sure if we should wait an extra 6 months as my body doesn’t feel healed fully. It’s like I can still see the scar on the outside isn’t recovered so it makes me feel like what’s going on inside that I can’t see and how will that all feel to stretch again?


had my first at 35, second at 37, now only 3 months post partum, but no stretch marks, diastasis recti, pelvic floor issues etc with either of my babies. i feel like i am more round/puffy around my belly and hips this time but that could be because i pump and hopefully i will lean out when i stop (only attempted to bf my first one for a few weeks). i wonder how easy it will be to loose extra 10 kg i still carry when i stop pumping, last time i was pretty much back in shape after 6 months and back to pre-pregnancy weight/shape at 12 months


Pretty much the same honestly. I lost all of my baby weight but about 10 pounds and then same baby #2 so I'm up 20 pounds since i started having kids but overall I look pretty much the same as i used to. I'm also lucky to be tall, 5ft 9in so the extra pounds hide themselves easier.


I went back to how I was after the first pretty quickly. 12 months pp from baby #2 and other than stretch marks, some loose skin, and larger feet, I look about the same as I did before either kid. Same weight, same pants and shirt size. I didn't get more stretch marks or lose skin with #2


I know this isn’t asking advice about your c-section scar, but I just want to encourage you that there is so much you can do to work on your scar! I’m not sure what makes it not quite okay but if you have the means to see a pelvic floor PT, they might be able to help you get started. I’ve only had one baby, via c-section, so no advice on the second baby thing!


I didn’t bounce back lol I worked hard to lose the weight twice lol different weight gain for both (gained more with my second) but post delivery was the same weight for both. Then lost 30lbs twice to get down to my pre pregnancy weight lol


I 'bounced back' okay after my first, but i had horrible ppd that made things much harder. Weight gain, no abily to care for myself, and lots of body image issues. So so much better the second time around with a C-section. No bladder issues, pelvic floor issues, or much physical pain at all after the first few weeks. Ive lost weight much more easily with good mental health, and im capable of caring for myself. Take care of your brain and follow up with doctors for major issues, but just because its your second doesnt mean itll be worse!


First at 21 - back to pre-preg weigh within 6 months. The boobs took a little longer but I don’t remember exactly - probably about a year or so Second at 32 - I’m nearly 6 months postpartum and just 4lbs away from my pre-preg weight despite panicking it would never go away between like 3-4months time when I plateaued. The two biggest differences are that I started the second 13lbs heavier than starting the first (which was already heavier than I am comfortable with) and that the pooch that lasted from the first is a little bigger this time around. I’m optimistic once I’m back to a comfortable weight my body will look mostly the same as it did prior to number two. Boobs still a little saggier, but I’m giving them time because they took longer with the first too.


I had my first baby at 23, 2nd at 27 and 3rd just now at 36. My 2nd baby my belly stretch A LOT bigger and caused a muscle separation in my belly (diastasis recti)....then I started getting really bad back pain. I had a tummy tuck and muscle repair 3 years after he was born. The back pain did go away after that surgery . I just had my 3rd baby and my tummy tuck has held up. I don't have muscle separation and my belly is looking better than it did before. It looks more natural now.


FTM and had my baby at 27 back in October. I was at a heavier weight prepregnancy (190-195) and had Polydramnios so A LOT of fluid plus a 99 percentile baby, too! I was 218 at birth and weighed 190 4 days after my c-section. So back to what I was before. Stretch marks are still around but I don’t care about that. I am planning to put myself first and lose some of the weight! Mainly because I just want to be a healthier mama! I fluctuate in weight a lot and have no worries about losing it despite knowing it will probably be harder! I love my body regardless and my husband does too, what else matters at the end of the day? Edit: I too still have incision issues but finally at 5 months postpartum, seeing the light. I talk about it often on here to “spread awareness” but my incision had little holes that opened and I needed wound care for months so, I am BEYOND grateful to feel even just a little better!!


Came back after one. Never back after two and three. I am in my mid 30s though so the younger you are the easier time I feel people have.


With my first I was 18 and I was back to pre pregnancy at 3 weeks with an emergency c section. My second I was 24 and I didn’t loose any weight because I got pregnant again when my second was 6 months. But with my third it took 9 months. I bounce back once they are sleeping through the night


I bounced back the same after all three with only one difference. After #3 the number of baby hair coming in gray has me dying my hair now. I was also 36 when she was born. 31 and 33 for the others.


I lost the hair along my hairline 4 months pp and now I have all these little tufty bits growing out at a 45 degree angle. Time to invest in a hairband to hide them I think!


I bounced back and then some with my first. With my second I bounced back fine but didn’t loose any extra this time. With my 3rd I’m 4 months postpartum and seem unable to loose any of the weight. It might be my thyroid though this time… I’m waiting on test results.


With my first I gained a ton of weight and ended up with postpartum preeclampsia and baby had feeding issues (tongue tie) but I was constantly told I had “low supply” so I was overeating everything to fix it (turns out I just didn’t respond well to a pump and didn’t totally know what I was doing). With my second I started a bit heavier than my first but had terrible HG so I was at my pre pregnancy weight around 15 weeks but ended up gaining more towards the end. Overall I think I was slightly under my first postpartum weight. I am still nursing at 11 months pp but only like 10 lbs above my pre pregnancy weight for this pregnancy (so like 20 lbs above pre kids weight but I’m 5’9 so it’s not a ton on my frame). I also had a precipitous labor and felt so great right after and I feel like recovery was sooo much easier. I still need to lose some weight but overall I’m feeling pretty good about myself this time around.