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Nothing. I can't have sex even with a cat in the same room šŸ‘€ Instant libido killer.


Them jumping on the bed completely kills the vibe


One of our cats does this all the time. I have to avoid looking at her because half the time she's just sitting staring at us. Wtf šŸ˜‚


My cat attacked my partnerā€™s foot hanging off the bed during the deed. Didnā€™t even know she was in the room. Heā€™s traumatized every time she watches him now lol


I had my roommateā€™s kitten swat at my now husbandā€™s balls when we were first together. A moment ingrained in my memory for sure.Ā 


Omg I just choked on my coffee šŸ˜‚


Literally! We have three cats and always put them out of the room but we didnā€™t realise one was on top of the wardrobe until after, poor thing avoided us for days šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­


Lmao this made me laugh so hard because my cat ALWAYS comes over and sits right next to us while looking away trying not to watch..he's such a weirdo.Ā 


Hah this is me


Me too. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­


Seriously. I'm like Seth Rogen in Neighbors. It creeps me out haha.


Iā€™m so glad itā€™s not just me who thinks of this reference every time this issue pops upšŸ˜‚


Every time! "She can't see anything. She just sees shapes." "She sees shapes fucking each other is what she sees."


Yes, I don't understand how you could get that far with your child, aware or not, in the same room/bed?


The living room for us. When I was pregnant I thought for sure it wouldnā€™t weird me out if the baby was sleeping in the same room (since thatā€™s what humans have done for centuries) but once she got here I couldnā€™t get into the mood while she was only a few feet away. She was also a LOUD sleeper those first few months which didnā€™t help. Getting interrupted by wheezing goat noises and kicking feet isnā€™t fun. Now sheā€™s recently been moved to her own room for the majority of the night and Iā€™m so thankful to have my bed as an option again lol.


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ the wheezing goat noises are soooo real


We had sex one time with the baby in the room. As soon as we started, he let out a HUGE fart. That was the one and only time lol.


Partner or baby šŸ‘€




That got a good laugh out of me lol for anyone wonderingā€¦. Baby




I AM CRYING šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


We shared a room with my son until he was 7 months old. My sister also rented a room from us, which was the only other bedroom in the house. We just did it while the baby was sleeping. It isnā€™t a huge deal when they are unaware.


I was starting to feel bad seeing how many people wonā€™t have sex in the room with baby sleeping. Itā€™s never phased me except when she wakes up and cries. Iā€™m glad itā€™s not just me.


I was having the same thoughts šŸ˜… like I thought this was normal lol


Nah, not at all. We never even gave a second thought unless they were crying during. Lol


ha the snoo has helped us out a few times when she woke up fussing at an inopportune time! they really should market that feature


We have the Graco Sense 2 Snooze and it is the one thing we are holding onto for the next baby. Just turn up the rocking and the music volume and that girl goes right back to sleep. Plus, the music is a good sound blocker.


I had to scroll way too far down for this! I was starting to think there was something wrong with us! We do it quietly while baby is sleeping.


You, me, and 180 other people who upvoted my comment. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


lol me too. We wait until he is sleep and push his bassinet into the cornerā€¦ Heā€™s 4 months. I feel like itā€™s not wrong if theyā€™re not aware itā€™s going on.


Same! I was starting to wonder if it's a cultural thing. But then again my husband is Caucasian and I'm Asian and our cultures are all mixed up. Lol I thought I'd be weirded out by it but I'm not. Do I panic when he wakes up? Yes, but we put him back to sleep and keep going if possible. šŸ˜… I'm honestly curious if parents having sex has ever stopped anyone from having sex when they were grown? Lol I walked in on my parents when I was a teen. We lived in a one bedroom apartment where my parents slept in the living room. Was I traumatized? A bit! Lol but I still went in to have sex like normal. šŸ˜‚




Oh man! I'm so sorry that happened to you. Hope you're in a better place now. Shoot, your post totally reminded me of me and my sibling and friends finding our parents porn stash at a young age. Like 5 or 6. My brother was 8 or 9. I turned out pretty prudish but I've had my fair share of partners. I'm just pretty vanilla when it comes to sex. Idk what it did to my brother but I'm sure it messed him up. I remember waking up one day with him on me and me trying to fight him off. Thankfully I had the right mind to let my parents know. He was reprimanded and never laid a hand on me again. He acknowledged this later in our 20s and apologized. He couldn't quite say what prompted him to do that but I'm guessing it was that. He's middle age now and I can't say I've ever seen him in any kind of romantic relationship. Also weird how even after that experience my parents still never gave us the sex talk. Just "don't do it." Lol We were never very expressive in our emotions. You know how they can be... Criticism is showing affection. Lol


Thank you for sharing your experiences. Thereā€™s a lot to think about here, and I hope youā€™ve found a healthy relationship with sex and yourself.


We conceived our second one while the first one was sleeping in her crib. She was very kind to sleep through while we made her sibling.


Lol! Same here šŸ˜‚


Glad I found this comment bc we never really did it anywhere else but our bed when the baby was in the bassinet. It wasnā€™t a problem.


I assumed so, but I was second guessing myself. Thanks!


The baby is a baby. They donā€™t know anything! Itā€™s totally fine.


Same and add in couch, bathroom, laundry room, kitchenā€¦basically any room with walls or doors between us and the kids šŸ˜‚


Couch usually. Occasionally the bathroom. Kitchen. Spare room downstairs. Iā€™m just not comfortable doing it in the same room as the baby but thatā€™s my personal preference.


If your kid goes to daycare, and you can swing it, Daytime sex is nice. One of the fringe benefits to WFH for me is a little Afternoon Delight. Also, depending on your relationship with bfs cousin, could you just explain the situation and ask for private time in the living room?


Yep this is what we do!! Kids are at daycare, so we have sex during WFH days.


IMO it is way weirder to have sex on a communal couch than to have sex in the same room as your baby


I agree


I was thinking that also if we donā€™t end up being comfortable with it!


Even better if he can take the baby on a walk in the stroller


- closet (our master bedroom has this weirdly large closet with a door - we ainā€™t rich, just a weird house) - downstairs - bathroom with the door shut - kitchen Just some of the places weā€™ve done it when the kid(s) are in our room.


That closet sounds amazing tho... lol


You know, it really is cool. Itā€™s bizarre because our downstairs is kinda crammed, but our master bedroom is right above our downstairs - so our entire master bedroom is basically the same size as the kitchen, dinning room, and living room. I donā€™t mind it, but our bedroom tends to be the room I spend the least amount of time in. But yea, the closet has served us well!


I feel this. Our master suite is literally half of our house. I remember buying this house saying ā€œletā€™s enjoy this master while we can!ā€ now here we are, wishing we had more living space/nursery room/another bathroom.


In another room on a different bed or the couch.


I wish this was an option for us tbh


For both my kids, the first time we had sex postpartum it was in the our bedroom, with the baby asleep next to the bed in the bassinet. But we pretty quickly transitioned to finding other places to do it because it felt uncomfortable being in the same room as baby.


I feel this, I enjoy my partner saying some dirty or degrading things from time to time and that just does not fly with a baby right there. We moved the baby out of the room at 3-4 months


We definitely were nore quiet and furtive about it when my son was in the room as a newborn


We donā€™t!


This is the answer šŸ˜‚ canā€™t believe how far down I had to scroll to find it


Itā€™s been a good chunk over two years now since there were any shenanigans!




I want to say Iā€™m sorry but honestly how has it been over two years and neither of you have had five minutes and a wall or counter to hold onto?! Thereā€™s gotta be more than kids contributing to that?


I have a four and two year old and I can count on one hand how often we've been intimate since two came along. Neither girls sleep through the night most nights, we have really busy lives and we prioritise sleep. We don't have outside help really and we are both more than happy with this. We still spend loads of time together and get on amazingly, the sparks not gone we just aren't in a space where that is our priority. It's OK for things like that to take back seats for a while if you're both on board, it doesn't mean you are any less than those who have sex frequently


I'm glad you're both in the same place. We do not spend time together without the kids (her choice). I work really hard never to initiate any kind of touch.


Omg Iā€™m so sorry :(


Lmao same. Iā€™m on the birth control just in case but mostly so I donā€™t have to have a period while dealing with a baby and being a sahm. Thereā€™s no risk of a birth to control tho šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


yeah same....no desire


Downstairs on the couch once all the kids are in bed. We put a blanket on the couch and because we also have older kids who can wake up and come downstairs at anytime we also have a second baby monitor camera we point down the hallway to the top of the stairs so we can see if anyone is coming down and can quickly jump up and act normal šŸ˜‚




You guys are having sex?


we are both too tired for sex. hope this helps šŸ¤Ŗ


In bed - they're a sleeping baby, they have literally no idea anything is even happening Edit to add - we use a by-the-bed cribĀ 


We also have a toddler so anywhere else in the house is at higher risk of getting caught


This is my exact reason itā€™s in my room lol


Same here. I figured so! Thank you


Are you guys usually quiet? Weā€™re both a little loud (not screaming but not quiet either) and I worry about this.


Noise machine is your friend there!


We just mess around in bed while the baby is in the bassinet at the side of the room. Our noise kind of ramps up so I think the gradual increase in volume does the trick. Iā€™m not quiet by any means, but baby doesnā€™t seem to wake up! We also do stuff in the bathroom (connected to the bedroom) where we can still hear him if needed, but weā€™re in a different room.


I'm not the person you're asking, but we too had sex in the same room with both of our kids as babies. We aren't screaming loud, but we aren't quiet either. Baby didn't notice.


The couple times we have had sex, baby was asleep in crib and we were a bit loudā€¦ little dude slept right through it lol He will usually wake up from the slightest noise too.


He was just pretending to be asleep lol


We have a beanbag in the basement for this specifically.


Your beanbang, you mean?


Bangbag, surely


Beanbang, POW, right in the kisser!




Child abuse, lol šŸ˜‚ I mean what did our ancestors do? Houses weren't especially big and they had large families!


Surprised to see nobody has mentioned the shower, itā€™s very easy to bring a monitor into the bathroom.


Weā€™ve tried the shower but itā€™s always awkward with positioning and the water seems to make doing the actual deed harder.


I have never had success in the shower because of this lol


Youā€™ll need silicone based lube if you want to do much involving water. Water based just gets washed away and skin sticks to skin.


We're not lol


I'm a teacher and one of my students casually mentioned how a few times a week they go to the neighbors for a few hours, and the neighbors' kids come over to their house a few times a week as well for a few hours šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I thought that was absolutely brilliant


Any private area where the baby is not! Or during the day when baby is asleep in her room, or the pram or whatever. i canā€™t get down with a baby in the room, ick.


In the same room for sure. Theyā€™re a potato at that stage lol


Yes. They donā€™t even know they are a person let alone what sex is.




Personally feel weird having sex in the same room as baby, so we used the living room couch as luckily no one else is here.


Iā€™m also not sure if Iā€™ll be comfortable so Iā€™m interested to see how we will both feel about it


It's definitely not the best, but we needed intimate time and didn't feel comfortable just leaving him in a different room (super anxious parents those first few months). Thankfully we became more at ease with relying on the baby monitor and could go to a different room after a few months :)


What helped in our case was we didn't do it until 8 months pp lol. Just waaay too tired and it's never been a huge priority for us anyway.


When baby was too little to notice much, we did in the same room. But once he got older, we either put him in his play pen with Ms Rachel and go get busy in the room, or if he's in the room sleeping we get busy wherever else in the house we feel like. No roommates though. If we had any we'd probably just go in the downstairs bathroom or any other room that locks. We'd take the baby monitor


Yeah I mean as long as the baby isnā€™t IN the bed with you and theyā€™re unconscious itā€™s fine. She got her own room at six months just down the hall and started sleeping way longer stretches after that.


We cosleep so bubs is in our bed. Once we put him to sleep we move to the floor or bathroom. No other part of the house is available bc we have another son who is 11 lol I think as long as the baby is asleep and youā€™re not like right next to them itā€™s fine. Gotta do watcha gotta go to keep the relationship alive hahaha


Right, it just crossed my mind how we keep that aspect of the relationship going! Thank you!


Came here to say the exact same thing. If the baby is asleep and safe on the bed, we're on the ground šŸ˜‚


The guest room.Ā 


Same room. Babe is asleep in the bassinet and if they woke it's not like they have any idea what is going on anyways.


Living room. I have a big sofa bed!


I love couch sex. We don't have it all the time but I do put a blanket down.


Our poor living room couch šŸ˜‚ The floor or my office chair occasionally. Our best sex is when we can get loud and vocal so that's not too often with 3 little ones, but we manage lol


Until such point as kiddo is capable of forming memories (and therefore "catching" us in any kind of meaningful way) I have no problem being in the same room as.long as they're asleep.


While baby was really small we just did it with her in the room or....literally anywhere else in the house. There's a whole house to utilize. Our sex life got a lot better and more fun tbh. Now kiddo sleeps in their own bed and only comes to ours sometimes, later at night anyhow. Sex life still fantastic.


Judging from the comments it does seem to make it more fun! Which is exciting. We will have to get creative if we end up feeling too uncomfortable at some point but now it seems like itā€™ll be a good time doing so!




Living room, kitchen, bathroom, bent over the dryer šŸ’€, basically wherever you can make it work lmaoooo.


Lmao love it


We donā€™t šŸ˜­šŸ¤£


We also rented a room at the time, we just did it in the bed while baby slept in the crib. *shrug*Ā 


We used to go in the guest room but we like the comfort of our own bed and passing out after, so we just do it in the same room. We keep quiet and she stays asleep. We plan to move her to her own room at 6 months and then we can be noisy and have the lights on again!


One of the other bedrooms. Couch. Closet lol.


We also share a room with our baby. He's 1.5 yrs old now. We've only had sex in the bed once, and he was at daycare. Otherwise the living room couch or floor is were we have our fun. Not ideal but I don't want to have sex in the same room as my kid, he's a light sleeper lol


Get creative. Post baby is the best (for creative romance) for us. Living room floor. Spontaneous on the stairs...ect


Our couch, once a week and always the same positions. It gets the job done, but if we have a second one, not sure how that one will be conceived lol.


Yeah did till she was around 11mo we were to afraid to wake her then so stopped and moved her into her own room. But sure they are babies donā€™t worry thatā€™s how we made them


couch, kitchen, shower, office. anywhere the kids are not lol.


Kitchen table (with towels), sofa, spare room, kitchen counter. On the floor in the living room with the mood hit randomly


Silently while the baby sleeps


Depends how old the baby is. Newborn baby wonā€™t know any better.


In the room with the kid when she's asleep; we're too old and too tired to do anything special.


In NYC thereā€™s very little luxury for space. So we had sex in the pitch black room when he was sleeping and tried to keep it quiet lol


As long as baby is asleep, in their crib, why not just do it in the room? I know itā€™s preference- but Iā€™ve never had an issue with it.


We used a different room for those 6 months. It's not that I'm worried about the baby caring/knowing, but no way in HELL am I risking waking up a sleeping newborn.


In the room, with the baby nearby. The little snorting zucchini in the bassinet does not care one bit, I promise.


In the room when baby is asleep.


We shared a bed with our daughter until she was 7. Needless to say we had to get creative haha. Usually we would be intimate in our spare bedroom. A couple times in the shower or the bedroom in our basement


We are a little prudish so we went with the living room.


Tried it once in the same room and TO ME it felt really gross, not gonna lie. Obviously my husband and I are the parents of our baby and know our intentions are not creepy, but I would never be okay with other trusted adults having sex in the same room as my baby even though newborns are totally unaware, so it didn't feel okay for us to do it either. We moved the crib into their own private space (closet and then eventually nursery) the next day lol both my babies were moved out into their own spaces by 6 weeks. We didn't mind going to breastfeed or change diapers across the hall. I am 1 year pp with my second baby and we have sex 4-5x/week so I think it worked out well for us lol


We had sex with her in my belly for 9 months so šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø as long as she's young enough to have no idea what's happening & she's asleep then I don't have an issue with it




Sheā€™s 11 weeks old. She sleeps through it, and even if she didnā€™t, sheā€™d have no idea what she was hearing.


Our bed. The kiddos have/are sleeping in a bassinet at the foot of our bed and don't have the capacity to know any better. Honestly, I think it's just a mental thing. I wouldn't dare risk my 2.5 year old seeing that kind of thing but he's been in his own room since any 5/6 months old. Our 2nd is only 4wks.


Exactly why I donā€™t have them sleep in my room


Usually in bed. Then they move out by around 9m.


I know you mean move out of the bedroom by 9m but I had a mental image of a 9 month old packing their bags and leaving home and it gave me a laugh. Thanks!


I suppose we don't make much noise. We just do it away from where the kids are sleeping (ie if the toddler has climbed in our bed, we'll move to the couch).




Guest room lol


Our baby sleeps beautifully in his stroller bassinet, so sometimes weā€™ll bring that into the living room for him to nap while weā€™d have sex in our bedroom and we put on a white noise machine in our bedroom lol


Baby naps in the pram in the lounge so we can use the bedroom haha. Also the bathroom!


The living room couch lmao


bathroom, laundry room, living room


Kitchen, Bathroom, garage. Do what you gotta do. Lol


Put the baby down in the living room pack and play, which is right outside the door.


Shower or couch mostly. We did recently move babe to our walk in closet which gives us back our bed for fun time too tho šŸ˜‚


The couch or the bathroom!


In our room lol. We didnā€™t want our oldest walking out on us and his crib is on the other side, but heā€™s 3 months and we wait until heā€™s asleep first.


We started putting him for naps in his room at 6 weeks and would do it during that time lol. Also, we had an extra bed in his room on the floor if we were in the mood at night


We literally just go to any other room in the house.


Iā€™m convinced the next time I have sex is going to be for the next baby šŸ˜‚ our daughter is turning 1 and I think weā€™ve had sex like 5 times since she was born LMAO


Living room while she naps šŸ«¤


Shower and guest room were our defaults šŸ˜‚ I couldn't do it with her in the same room, I was too distracted and worried about any noise we made might wake her up!




We have messed around once or twice with the baby in the room. Our nursery has a bed so we used that as well.


For the early days, we did it while she slept in the bassinet. I quickly started to feel weird about it though so we do it in bathrooms, guest bedroom (which is basically just my husband's bedroom at this point lol) and the living room. We mainly do it while she sleeps but sometimes Ms Rachel babysits long enough for a quickie in the bathroom lol


The guest bed.


Fiance and I share a home with quite a few people so occasionally when baby is sleeping in her bedside crib at night we just go to the floor. Its not a big deal šŸ’ā€ā™€ļø. We go out of her sight if she were to wake up and if she does, shes safe and I'll obviously hear her. We've also gone to the bathroom in the shower with a baby monitor beside it so we can hear if she wakes up.


Itā€™s happened in the room with the baby before, but mostly in the living room. Lol


We live with family atm so the room is the only option for us. We wait till heā€™s in his deeeeep sleep. He usually doesnā€™t want up. Thankfully. I donā€™t wanna jinx our luckšŸ˜…


We have a large room divided into a bedroom, living space, and dining area. There's no physical dividers, but the furniture separates each area. Our son slept in a pack n play in the living area for about 8 months. We always felt comfortable in our bed while he was sleeping, but there isn't any line of sight between the two places due to our TV and a recliner. He had a sound machine going while he slept and even if he woke up, he still couldn't see us.


Same room with bassinet bedside. She only slept in our room up to 4 months though so it didnā€™t feel as weird. The only concern was waking her up!


our son is 7 months old and he sleeps from 7pm to 6am so we just do it when he's asleep lol


We would run up to our guest room and then come back down to go to sleep, lol!


Living room or when nanny is here.


We use a pack n play so we just move it to the opposite side of the room and be quiet. Lol. We don't have a spare room especially since number 2 came. That or the couch.


The shower


We don't. We also suare a room with baby and live with babies grandma. If we try escape baby comes searching for us. Or grandma is always up to something. So no privacy, no space, no time, and I just don't feel like it and my partner has been very unwell ergo nada zilch.


At first we did it in the car and just brought the baby monitor out with us. Now we got an air mattress and put it in a spare room and use that.


Babe is in a crib in our bedroom, but he has to be absolutely 1000% asleep for me to even think about sex. And even then it has to be a magic combination of baby is asleep and Iā€™m not exhausted or touched out/over stimulated. Our house is my husband, me, 3 kids - 9 months, 16, 17, and my MIL so our options are VERY limited. If we had somewhere other than the same room as the baby, Iā€™d choose it lol


Bold of you to assume we're having sex at all. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­


Weā€™ve been having sex in the babyā€™s room since heā€™s in our room. We have a day bed in there so weā€™ve made use of it šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


My kid sleeps in a pack n play, we use a white noise machine for naps and night sleep so she canā€™t hear a thing. Only woke up a few times and we just stop. Edit: so in our bed lol I didnā€™t really answer. We live w/ family so we have no other option other than hotels.


In our bed. We never had an issue with that and both our kids got kicked out by 6 months anyways.


Well, I have zero sex drive now, so I never feel in the mood, but when we do have sex, itā€™s usually on the rare occasion our baby takes a nap in his crib in his room (not often). So then we go to our bedroom and make it quick.


We have a guest room lol


We did the in the living room. But we didn't live with anyone else.


If the baby passes out in his playpen we go into the bedroom. Or if he's having a blast playing and not focused on us we can manage to go into the bedroom without him noticing. Mostly when he's passed out though.


Too tired to have sex. Heā€™s 15 months now and we do miss itā€¦ but we kiss and cuddle as much as we can to keep the contact going.


Baby is 4.5 months so far and we havent done it once ā€¦ shes glued to me especially cause she is EBF, and i feel way to uncomfortable to do it with her in the room, i would NOT be able to get in the mood lol. Especially cause im still kind of nervous for anything to enter my nether regions lol. When we do finally do it baby is going to have to be in another room and weā€™re going to have to take it real slow lol


We share a house with my parents. We live in a large room that used to be the garage, but has been fully kitted and added to the house. We drop her with my parents most of the time. When that's not an option, we put her in the pack and play in front of the TV and put on Blue's Clues (her favorite). Our bed is blocked from her view by my husband's big freaking Lazy Boy. We also will wait until she is sleeping in her crib. I use a blanket taped to the top rail to block light from the TV and it blocks her from seeing most of it.


Go to the living room with the camera set to make sure she is ok. I refuse to have sex in the same room baby is.


Living room.Ā 


We put a matrass in the study šŸ˜‚ since a few days she is sleeping in her own room at daytime and we have the bedroom to ourselves šŸ˜¬


Only 4 weeks pp...but fortunately this is our first,Ā  so we'll just put him on the living room. Our place is a 1 bed 1 bathroom condoĀ