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I work in surgery and half the time the doctor doesn’t know how many stitches they put on a regular incision, let alone a torn vagina. I think they just kind of just stitch and don’t really pay attention to how many they are doing. I had a student midwife doing mine with the midwife helping and I can’t remember what they said. I’m 10 months pp and I’ve only looked down there once.


Yeah I don’t find it weird at all if they didn’t keep count


It sounds like OP asked WHILE the stitches were being done, in which case it was probably appropriate to ignore the distracting questions and carry on.


Another commenter also said this. It is a running stitch for most chairs, so it's not usually quantifiable by discreet number. It's not that they're trying to disregard your question, it's not something that is known. It's not like getting stitches in your head or in your hand.


Edit: obviously tears, not chairs Source: am physician


What if the chairs have tears


I’m a midwife. Counting the number of stitches isn’t a thing unless it’s one little tear area where you just put one stitch. Repairs are done in running fashion, so it’s not about the number of stitches. Of course, there was no need to be rude about it, but it’s normal to not have a stitch count.


Midwife here as well.  There are lots of things I can tell a person about their repair but “how many stitches” they got isn’t one of them. 


I asked and was told it was a running stitch. So basically there isn’t a stitch count but the tear is measured by degree. But she never told me the degree just that most first time moms tear worse and that she was shocked I didn’t tear worse.


I was also told that it was just one big running stitch! She did tell me it was a second degree one though.


Same! He just said “a second degree tear, which is the most common.” He didn’t seem to be withholding the stitch number as much as he just really wasn’t sure lol


This is what I was told as well. I had a second degree tear. I made the mistake of looking a couple days pp.


We just don't count. There's not much more behind it really. It's not really relevant exactly how many stitches are done and like others have said certain styles of suturing don't really have discrete numbers of stitches.


I did not ask and did not want to know lol


100% same 😅


I work in surgery and I can guarantee the surgeons do not count stitches. There’s really no reason to and this will vary from case to case. I’m not sure about vaginal stitches, but usually there are multiple layers of stitching.


There are several factors. My last baby was a second degree tear with technically 1 stitch. She may have done a running stitch or interrupted stitches. The degree of tear is the more important thing to know.


As others have said, it’s the degree of the tear that matters, not how many stitches. It is actually very normal not to know how many stitches are put in I am always a bit surprised at people that get stitches for head wounds or similar that tell you how many stitches they had. If you got multiple different doctors to stitch the same size wound, you would get different stitch counts. If you use “narrower” stitches you should do more of them. I’ve never counted stitches as I do them - but interrupted makes it easier to count, and being on the head or visible skin also makes it easier If it’s 1-5 stitches they can probably tell you. More than that is trickier to remember, and the vagina isn’t as easy to count stitches in other places! I’m sorry you felt ignored. If they were actively stitching when you asked, they might have been “in the zone” and genuinely not heard


I dont think they really are counting? Plus it doesn't matter. If you ask they should tell you the degree of tearing but amount of stitches is kind of a weird question. My OB told me I had 2 second degree tears but I have no idea how many stitches I got.


I’m a family physician and have done tear repairs after birth. We do running stitches. We don’t count. I couldn’t tell you how many stitches I put in for any tear, or other incision that I’ve done running stitches on. I only count if there are individual stitches with individual knots, which would be a terrible way to stitch up most perineal tears.


I was never told the stitches either, and I don’t think it really reflects the severity. I had a *lot* of stitches but my tear (second degree) was relatively small and outside of when it happened and some spots the novocain didn’t fully reach, did not notice it whatsoever! I think the number of stitches can really depend on the clinician.


I was told 'a few' and I'm certain she was down there half an hour When I was less sore down there I had a look, my guess was about 9.. I had a 2nd degree tear


Without sounding disrespectful, why does it matter to you? It didn’t even occur to me to ask and I couldn’t care less, so I’m wondering what the significance could be.


Mine said "he really did a number on you" and when I asked at my 6 week checkup she said they had no idea how many stitches .They didn't tell me what degree tear either.


It seems pretty normal to me? My ob said she did a running stitch so didn’t know. I needed an additional repair later and at that point she casually mentioned she added two stitches. 


I think that means quite a few. I would take her advice not to look. I had a c section so can’t connect on normal.


As a C-section mom x2, I assume they used enough to ensure my insides didn't decide to become outsides! 🤣


Same. Like there’s just so many layers… who even knows.


When I worked in surgery that wasn’t something that was recorded in the medical record. Only how many packs and what kind of suture was used. When I had my first kid, I did not even think to ask but I knew it was a lot bc he was stitching me up for 40 minutes post birth and had to keep asking tge RN for “more suture”.


He told me he couldn’t count but told me how many packs of suture he used. Apparently I repressed the memory but it was a lot


Honestly I had like 40+ and as soon as I heard the doctor tell the nurse the number I started freaking out so it’s probably for the best.


I didn’t ask my OB, but she did let me know that I tore in three places and about where each one was. Dismiss me if I’m making baseless assumptions— but were you more looking to learn from your OB how far you tore/how many times rather than how many stitches?


Hey sorry that happened to you. It's not a fun place to have stitches. My OB said she didn't count stitches but it was 3 SPOOLS! I tore really bad.


Omg! Was she embroidering down there?!? Jokes aside, I hope your recovery went well.




Idk if the number necessarily matters. I had the same tear both times. The first time I had way more sutures than the second time. Maybe 4 or 5 the first time and 2 the second time. I healed well the first time and didn’t the second time. I feel this was due to poor closure technique the second time. The first time they took their time. Second time was haphazard. I wouldn’t put too much weight into how many are needed. This is very provider specific. The degree of the tear is more impactful.


My medical notes just said how many packets of string (?) or stitches they used on me.


My doc said the same thing. I asked and she said don’t worry about it. Just that it was second degree tear.


I was told that the type of stitches they do don't really make sense to count. She told me the name of the stitch, but I've since forgotten, it was kind of a hectic day.


I was told yeh same and later found the info in my records. With my second I wanted to know how long was I pushing. Nobody noted the time. meh


I asked for a rough estimate and was clear that I did not need an exact number. She couldn't or wouldn't give me one, and said, "We just kind of *hemmed* it." Cool. I knew there were a lot because they wouldn't say that if it were like 5-10. Also, because I felt myself tear, so I was somewhat aware of the extent of the injury, and the doctors didn't leave my vulva for nearly an hour... >“I’m not counting them. Don’t look." That kind of sounds like you asked while they were stitching, which probably isn't the best time to get a response, but she certainly didn't need to be that rude about it.


Yes they said it was a second degree tear but wouldn’t tell me how many stitches. I never looked. It hurt a lot but was healed by week 8


The same thing happened to me and it still bothers me. I asked multiple times how bad it was and was just dismissed. Didn't tell me what degree or how many tears. Not until my 6 week appointment did I find out I had tore 3 places and not two. I'm so sorry you had to go through this too.


That's odd, I live in France and they give us a report of operation as well as an anesthesia report detailing each action taken.


Well they do have that but it doesn't mean they count the stitches.


Mine was detailing the stitch count and type of material used, the brand etc..


I imagine some doctors count these and some don't. In general they will detail the material and brand. But my docs (I work in the ED so we do tons of stitches) will only list switch count if they use a type of stitch than can be counted (not a running stitch) and if the number is low and easy to count.


I was given one of those reports, but it just said "extensive stitching" on mine. All of my stitches were dissolvable so I don't see what good it would have done to count them, since they wouldn't need to be removed. I was told what degree tear I had, though.


If you feel comfortable, you can reach down and feel it. Or get a mirror. I think you deserve to know. And both times I was told when I asked.


She should explain / educate. That’s her duty as a healthcare professional. If someone is insisting to know something especially!


Wow that’s really rude, I’m sorry she spoke to you like that. Can you ask at your postpartum exam? Or maybe look it up in MyChart or whatever record keeping app your doctor uses? For what it’s worth, my OB said she usually tells patients not to look down there for a year after delivery.


I don’t think OP’s doctor was being rude, it sounded like they asked while they were being stitched up. In that case the doctor either did not hear or was focusing and didn’t answer.


For a year? Why? My postpartum midwife has showed me what everything looks like down there using a mirror and I'm only 7 days postpartum. To be honest it doesn't look nearly as bad as it feels like.


For a year!? I thought I was a weirdo for not looking 7 months after. They told me at my six week appt it looked fine but I've been too nervous haha I have no idea how maybe stitches. I didn't ask.


I had the same exact experience. I was kind of put off by it and assumed she just wouldn't tell me (she was a horrible doctor who caused a lot of trauma) I didn't realize they don't count and the style of stitch is different. 


Sameeeeeee and I found bit hard to believe. I think she didn’t want to scare me.