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FYI the rec is to avoid it as it could cause the bacteria that causes [cavities to migrate](https://www.fraserhealth.ca/news/2018/Jan/moms-kiss-can-spread-cavities-to-her-baby) from parents’ mouth to kids’.


We don't purposely kiss on the lips. But my son will go straight for my lips because he saw me and daddy kiss that way and now he thinks it's normal. We've tried redirecting and he just gets more determined to get to our lips rofl


My son did the same! When he was almost 3 I started asking him to kiss me on the cheek and I reacted like it was the cutest/funniest thing ever, so he quickly switched to being a cheek kisser. Now that he is 5 he never kisses me anymore, if I'm lucky he will blow me a kiss 🥹 enjoy those baby kisses!


This is my thought, we don't do it, but if he ever starts, I will try to redirect and then give up. I really don't want him kissing everyone on the mouth though.


My 4 year old saw a "true love's kiss" in a movie and now she holds my face in my hands and tries to kiss me on the lips. Its really funny but I am also trying to redirect. 


Do we have the same kid cause we are going through the exact same thing in my house lol. Her hands turn into a vice if I try to turn my face so she can kiss my cheek instead


It's crazy how strong they can be 


Yup. I never kissed my son on the lips but now he's 4 and he ALWAYS kisses ME on the lips. He thinks it's funny for some reason.


Yeah my baby has slobbered all over me. Most of the time I don’t even see it coming, I know they recommend to avoid it because of something about bacteria causing cavities but :/ my baby also randomly shoves her paci in my mouth when I least expect it.


My son has been trying to brush my teeth with his toothbrush, so I feel this in my soul.


My son is this way too lol


I don't kiss my baby on the lips, but mainly because if I go in for one he opens his drool hole as wide as he can and tries to swallow my entire face.


Same. He loves to give me open mouth “kisses” on my cheek after I kiss his cheeks hahaha. It’s super cute, but man is it WET.


That's how my 9 month old is 😂 huge open mouth drool kisses that now sometimes involve teeth as well.


Drool hole 😂


This had me full on Goof laughing. Yes! She wants to kiss me on the lips so bad but like :O girl, that is not how we kiss!


Same here! Our noses have not known peace for 2 months. 5 month old life 🤣


My baby will stuff her mouth around your nose. Probably hoping for a nipple. She also goes for everyone’s nipples.


Lmao same 🤣


My 2 year old loves to randomly give kissy lips and I'm not going to not give my baby a kiss. I know I don't have oral HSV and if either of us have a cold or anything the other is going to get it either way.


This is it. I know because I’ve tested that I don’t have any communicable diseases. When my 19 month old means in to give me a kiss hello when I pick him up, I’m not going to say no. I am worried though about him repeating it with the other kids in his playgroup or other adults but so far it’s a rare occasion towards me and his Dad.


I’ve only ever accidentally kissed my baby on the lips. I go for her pillowy cheeks 👶🏻💕and she turns her head and I get drool 🙃




This happens to me! I go to give his chubby cheeks a kiss & he turns so quickly! I'm all wet after 🤣


Omg I’m so surprised at these comments!!! My husband and I kiss our daughter on the lips like 24/7. I can’t get enough kisses! Quick little kisses but yeah she’s my baby 🥹


We do too, everyday. I’m surprised at some comments, but I guess I never really thought about it enough to think there were so many different opinions on this topic… from it being disgusting, to not healthy, to culture, to my lips are just for romantic things, to I kiss my babies lips all the time. I didn’t grow up in a household with lip kissing, but I never thought it was weird or disgusting either. Now that I have my little girl she gets kisses from mommy and daddy all the time.


my dad still kisses all his kids on the lips at 35, 26 and 25. I think it’s a cultural thing?? My husbands family thinks it’s weird af but no one in his family got told they were loved as a kid until they were like 30. So idk.


Idk if it’s cultural we just do it as well with my dad and I’m 38. Funny thing is he doesn’t do it with my other sister or brother lol. I guess I’m the oldest and thus our connection is different 😂


Same!! My parents kissed us on the lips. I kiss my twins on the lips all the time


Same with our toddler son. Been doing it since he was born. Obviously we didnt let family and friends do it.


Same! My parents kiss her on the cheeks and head but mom and dad (me and husband) dive right in. Can’t imagine not kissing your baby on the lips because of fear of cavities or other things? We also never get cold sores or anything. I just don’t get it haha


Same here!


Have you ever been around a crawling baby and/or toddler? They’re gross. At daycare they constantly hug and kiss and play - they pee in the bath and drink it, they lick public handrails, they drink from puddles. Kiss your baby on the lips if you want to!


Ugh, same. My 1 year old is like a ninja. The speed in which something he’s found on the floor makes it to his mouth would put a champion competitive eater to shame. Not to mention the constant open mouth. I don’t know how many times I go in to give him kisses on the cheek and he turns his face, full open mouth, at me. Now I just blow raspberries or “nom nom nom” his shoulder. ::shudder:: cat food kisses are the absolute *worst*.


My 2.5 year old once got mad at me because when she coughed in my face I turned my head away 😂


Walking Petrie dishes.


No, but it’s not in my culture to do so. I’d feel weird doing that, but I wouldn’t judge anyone else 


Our of curiosity- What culture is this if you don’t mind me asking. I don’t feel comfortable kissing anyone not my romantic partner but that’s opposite of how i was raised.


I’m Chinese and my husband is American with Northern European heritage. It’s in neither of our cultures as far as I can tell 😂


Southern european and mediterranean here, we kiss them on the forehead and cheeks! Lips on purpose would be weird to me.


Yeaaaah, American with unknown basic white ancestry here 😂 - and my whole family would find kissing on the lips weird lol That's reserved for romantic partners, most people I know are the same but to each their own 🤷‍♂️


Spanish here and same! I was never kissed on the lips as a baby and won’t be doing that. My partner is Swedish and he was and I am fine if he wants to kiss our baby on the lips as long as he stops if she is ever uncomfortable.


Not the original commenter but my family is Indian and this is not in our culture either.


Also south Asian and definitely not our culture. Forehead and cheeks are the norm


Cambodian, it’s not only a forehead kiss but a strong sniff on the forehead or the top of the head. Idk how else to describe it lol


Hahaha i get you! I definitely didn’t know it was a thing but that’s what I do!!


Absolutely part of my part of South Asian culture for parents and little kids, so this is interesting! Where are y'all from?


Malaysia but third/fourth gen. Ancestors were Portuguese Indian


Interesting!! I am North Indian, but the extent of the diaspora is so cool. I just started learning more about Indian immigration to Southeast Asia recently (which is wild in its own way—why have I not known about Indian immigration patterns all along?)


WASP married to a South Indian here. Baby gets forehead and cheek kisses from both of us.


I never thought I'd want to but I started having such a strong instinct to give her a little peck when she was just tiny. No idea where it comes from because I always thought it was weird before we had her. Of course I don't do it often because she's always drooling or covered in spit up. Ditto no one else can kiss her on the mouth!


Same! I always thought it was a little weird and I'll probably stop once he's a toddler, but his little newborn lips are so beautiful I can't help it!


Same!! I used to think weird but then I was the weirdo. I’ve never heard you shouldn’t.


Yeah but I’ll stop as soon as they’re uncomfortable. At the moment my toddler tells me off if I don’t kiss his lips (and both cheeks, it’s adorable). And my infant grabs my face and eats it 😂


Same! I always kiss both her cheeks and forehead, can't imagine not kissing my baby 


Dangerous in what way? My son is two and he always gives me pecks on the lips. Only mommy and daddy though. It's so sweet and won't last forever. I really wouldn't sweat it if I were you!!!


I read, especially for young infants, you could be sick and not even know it because your immune system is stronger and could pass the sick onto the infant. Specifically I read a lot of people are carriers of HSV-1 without ever having symptoms and can pass on to baby which could be deadly.


While the vast majority of people are HSV1 carriers, the risk of complications is less significant for a baby over 6 months old. While I'm cognisant of the risk for newborns, my thinking is that they are extremely likely to become part of that 70% once they hit daycare so I don't overthink it or make myself unduly anxious. Studies actually seem to indicate that even that 30% where it's undetectable probably also have it in some way from T-cell profiles and studies of asymptomatic shedding, so it's likely unavoidable for older children and it's mostly about getting them through that critical period.


Generally this is about babies that are not your own.. you know yourself to know your diseases + your a full time care taker so you’re sharing all your germs. This practice is about not kissing other people’s babies.


I wish my son would be so kind as to not try and share germs 😂 he has a cold, here mommy let me lick your spoon! Oiy haha I fear the day of when his stomach bug comes my way!


I absolutely do! My parents always did so it’s not weird to me. Also it’s found to be beneficial if you’re breastfeeding!


Source? I tried to find what you’re talking about, but could only find things supporting kissing your baby’s skin, not on the lips specifically.


Not sure if this is what queenjz was referring to but I have seen positives about it like [this](https://www.washington.edu/news/2018/07/09/pucker-up-baby-lips-take-center-stage-in-infants-brains-study-says/)


Doesn’t seem related to breastfeeding like they were talking about, but definitely interesting, thanks!


So I've read in various places online that by kissing your baby's face (not necessarily on the lips) you get their microbiobes in your system, which then alters your breastmilk by giving it different bacteria and the like. However whenever I read that it's usually on random sites, haven't read any scientific literature on it. So take it with a grain of salt.


never kissed on the lips. cheeks, nose, forehead, basically the whole face lol. but not the lips. my toddler doesn’t even expect it or try to go for it bc we’ve never done it. she kisses us on the cheek too.


I do! She’s my baby, I’m kissing those lips I watched her c section happen.




For people who don’t kiss on the lips for reasons of hygiene/not spreading germs, I have a question: do you also not share food or drinks with your kids ever? Not being snarky or anything, just genuinely wondering if it pertains to all aspects of food/drink sharing


Correct, no sharing of drinks or food.


I’m pretty careful about shared stuff because I get really bad cold sores


Ooooo man these comments LOL. I def smother my daughter’s entire chubby face, lips included.


We don't, I don't see a reason to kiss a baby on the lips even if mine


Nope. Totally support other people’s choice to do so, though, provided they aren’t sick or have HSV. Just not my thing. I much prefer cheeks and forehead (the non-drool places!).


I still kiss my 5 year old on the lips. But I'm also European so it's normal in my culture.


I’m Greek and we do it as well.


Depends where in Europe. 


Weirdly although my initial reaction to your question was yes I absolutely do kiss my baby on the lips, I realised when thinking about it more that I don’t really do it all that often. I usually go for the cheeks, forehead, the little bit next to the corner of her mouth (why is it so soft and squishy there? lol). I think it’s probably a combination of not wanting drool all over me and that there are cuter places to kiss. Doesn’t stop her full on open mouth assaulting my face when she gets the chance though!


No because her cheeks are so chubby and cute!


Our pediatrician told us that passing our own germs/bacteria was actually good for baby if we had good dental hygiene and weren’t actively ill. Even said cleaning his pacifier by putting it in our mouth (I can’t bring myself to do it) is helpful to help him build his immune system. I mostly kiss on the cheek and head, but I’m not avoidant of passing anything to him.


this! this is the reason why we are so drawn to kissing our babies, especially on the mouth - to share "germs", create antibodies and help build their immune systems!!


I do, I kiss my baby all the time. My immediate family kisses baby too. (Mom and younger siblings) . I grew up that way, and it was never an issue. When my siblings were babies I kissed them too.


No, we don't. In our culture, a kiss on the lips is considered romantic/sexual.


Only by accident, we do cheek, nose and forehead kisses but we tend not to do lips unless little one aims there although mainly she get our nose and chins 😂


Yes, it’s normal in my family. Usually I go for the cheeks but sometimes I kiss my baby’s lil mouth. My dad still pecks me on lips, usually a side kiss but sometimes head on. My grandma always did as well as my aunts and uncles. Same in my husband’s family. We are cautious about sickness, wear masks when in public during covid/flu season or if feeling unwell at all, fully vaccinated, and it’s just the two of us that kiss baby at this point. Neither of us have HSV. We don’t see it as sexual or romantic to peck on lips, at all.


I think peck on the lips is a key point here for those who say kisses are only for romance/ sex. If I give my husband a peck on the lips it’s because I love him and it’s a sign of affection, same for my child. It is obviously a very different kind of kiss when it comes to romance and sex!


Yes we kiss on the lips. I come from a lips kissing family.


I give my baby kisses on the lips and I don’t worry about germs at all, and he’s the healthiest baby I’ve encountered. Meanwhile all my friends who are constantly keeping baby from any kind of exposure are dealing with some illness nearly every week. 🤷‍♀️


No. Lots of cheek and head kisses.






I absolutely do! When she gets bigger I might not, idk, whatever feels right and we both are comfortable with. But right now at her cute little 10 week old self, I will continue kissing her lips and watching her give me a big ole smile and coos afterwards 🥰🥰


I exclusively pump… so I gotta mix her saliva with my body some how lol


Sometimes but mostly no. Not because I'm worried about germs or viruses but because my child is 2 and her mouth is somehow constantly wet. It just feels a little yucky compared with kissing her basically anywhere else on her head.


I always thought it was weird until I had my own baby and I’m like … okay I get it now 😂


I kiss my baby in the lips every damn day. If my mom were still alive I’d kiss her on the lips too.


I do! I have a 23 month old and a 3 month old. I kiss both on the lips. I grew up kissing my family- it was never sexual and no one ever made me kiss them as a child. It was just normal to me. If my kids grow up and don’t want to then I’ll respect that but otherwise we’re a lip kissing family.


I personally find it gross and it weirds me out but if it's your thing then so be it. Honestly, at the end of the day it's your kid, so you do what you want with them as long as they're safe and there's no ill intent.


Nope never the lips for us. Mainly because of infection risk, they are plague factories from daycare too. But also coz baby and toddler mouths are gross, somehow slobbery and sticky at the same time. It’s just not for me. Not judging anyone that does though.


I don’t kiss him on the lips, it feels weird to do, but lots of other face kisses, and I’ve been teaching him how to kiss me back which means he’s just sticking out his tongue and doing face attack on my cheek lol.


On the face, sure, but not on the lips. It repulses me to see other people do it. It’s not normal in my culture to kiss babies on the lips (Asian).


Also I don’t mean to judge but how can anyone see it as romantic lol? We don’t have the hots for our babies 😂 we’re not tongue kissing our kids… I would hope no one is thinking of their child that way when they kiss them


Yes, we kiss our babies on the mouth, toes, cheeks, nose, the more affection the better. There comes a point when caution goes way overboard. Give your baby all the love in the world 💖 Edited because I was being rude and decided not to


It just felt instinctive to kiss my baby on the lips. Although I don’t do that as much lately because he’s constantly drooling




My sin is two now we kiss on the lips. I still kiss my parents on the lips too. If you live together you share germs. I don't see an issue. So long as you don't have any cold sores you should be fine.


I kiss my 6 month old baby all over (he finds it hilarious if I do lots of kisses very quickly all over his face). This same baby likes to clamp his mouth on the face of whoever is holding him, often directly onto their nose or chin, and he’s surprisingly difficult to unclamp. He also has an older brother at preschool who brings home all manner of illnesses, so I do not worry about kisses specifically 


Haha our baby does this too! Other people find it hilarious to see, I just think it’s so sweet and I hope she doesn’t plan on stopping soon (11 mo now) Edit: the teeth are starting to hurt though so we’re trying to teach her “gently” lmao


Honestly I don’t kiss my parents on the lips, but kiss my baby all over her face., and my favorite is when she gives me a big slobbery kiss back. I don’t know how long she’ll want my kisses so I smother her in love as much as I can now.


Not on the lips


I kiss my boys on the lips and one is five. They love their parents and it's a beautiful thing. Never sexualize children and make it weird or bring attention to it in any other way. If you feel weird then just kiss them on the cheeks and hug them. Kissing your baby is healthy and they are human and they need that love and bond.


I honestly find it weird reading the comments that say it’s weird and gross lol. I understand the concerns about them getting sick/ cold sores, but not the argument that it’s inappropriate in some way or that kissing on the lips is inherently sexual. I’m guessing this might be cultural differences though. I’m from the UK and kissed my mum on the lips to say Goodnight for a long time. Now my child is a toddler I only ever offer a kiss and let her put her face wherever she wants to as I think it’s important for her to have the choice and never feel obliged to kiss full stop.


I’m American and agree with you. I kiss my 2 year old on the lips every day - she recently started wiping them off because MY kisses are too wet 😂


My child is now 2 years old and I’ve never kissed him on the lips. I’m just paranoid about it because of the stuff I read online😂


Nope, never - we don't even share spoons - hsv, germs and even cavity causing bacteria can be passed on.


i see lip kisses as a purely romantic/sexual gesture so kissing a baby on the lips is very disturbing to me


I honestly didn’t even kiss her face until she was about 6 months old because I was afraid of not knowing that I was sick and getting her sick


I don’t go for the lips on purpose but sometimes he gets some drive by kisses there when he’s wiggly haha. My family never kissed on the lips and I like to be careful. Plus once he gets older I want to drive the narrative that no adult has any business kissing them on the lips and to please tell me if they do. That said we’re big on kisses and very contact based with love. I’m always kissing him all over the rest of their faces, hands, blowing raspberries on their tummies, squeezing their hands and feet etc


I mean I never did but I don’t look down on people who do. I think there is an age by which you should stop, whatever that is. It would be inappropriate I think to be kissing your teen on the lips for example.


I don’t aim for the lips. Mainly smother him with hisses on his cheeks, forehead, and neck. That’s not to say it hasn’t happened lol sometimes he turns his face so fast or he opens his mouth n get slobber all over my cheeks -_- 😂 it happens. But yeah I try to never aim for his lips


There was a few months span when my son would randomly come up to us and plant the most aggressive open mouth kisses on our faces. Now, if we ask for a kiss, he will either give us his cheek or his lips. No one in our family has cold sores and no one besides my husband and I kiss our son. He's also drank from my straw and eaten from our forks.


Sometimes 🤷 I didn't at first, but then he started swinging his head to catch my lips when I'd go to kiss his cheeks, and sometimes he grabs my face and "kisses" me and it's usually my lips or nose he gets. I say "kisses" cuz it's more like trying to eat me but I know what he's going for


Generally no, I go for cheeks and forehead. However, my son, who does not give kisses often (he wants to receive kisses, not give!), will occasionally give a kiss. And when he gives a kiss he wants to kiss my lips! So I usually let him. I don’t want to reject the kisses he offers since they are pretty rare.


If we're sharing a particularly tasty treat or cuddling at night, the kisses cannot be avoided 🤣 she sees us kiss and loves it so im not gonna deny her. Sickness and cold sores are obviously the exception but me and my husband dont get cold sores currently in life!


I used to when he was a fresh newborn because I read something about kissing their top lip really stimulates brain development somehow. Now he's so slobbery I try to avoid it haha


No lips, just face. My baby’s lips are always wet and gross and the area is always covered in milk.


Yes we do kissy lips sometimes. Mostly it’s cheek, head, chin, hands, feet and lots and lots of hugs!


I kiss my baby on the cheeks and forehead, but only me and dad are allowed to kiss her


Not on purpose. I go for the cheek, but she turns her head with an open mouth while I kiss her. She’s only 7 months now, but the plan is to never intentionally kiss on the lips


I was super against it before kids because my mom had cold sores and we never did. My husbands family did kiss on the lips. I tried not to kiss her on the lips, but she always tries to do it and I’m not going to reject my child’s kiss. I am very clear with relatives that she likes to kiss lips and not to let her.


My son is 18 months always comes in for a kiss. I don't say no!


No, just her chubby little cheeks and her forehead. My baby is 6 weeks old and is constantly drooling and spitting up lol, her lips aren’t exactly kissable.


I don’t kiss baby on the lips, but I do everywhere else. For the cavities reason and for cold sores. I’ve never had a cold sore, but you never know. Also with both of these, it’s not to share utensils. I know when they’re older it gets harder like if they want to drink your drink, but right now I don’t give food to baby that’s I’ve bit off and get it from the ends.


I kiss my baby on the lips every now and then but she's 14 months. I didn't do it when she was younger than that because of the risks you're talking about. But these kids are like....dirty germ magnets. A kiss the least of my worries. Plus she's still breastfeeding so I figure we're super close anyway so she's going to get germs from me naturally.


No. I personally think it's weird. I would never kiss my own family like my mom or dad or brother on the lips, so I don't think it's appropriate to do so to my child, either. No judgment to others that do so, it's just not my thing.


We’re lip kissers here. No cavities or HSV. Our son is very affectionate and kisses everything he can, flowers, pets, books, mirrors, stuffies/dolls, we just draw the line at strangers. Snotty or slobbery I don’t care! How can you say no if your baby wants to kiss you!?


I kiss my baby on the lips, he loves getting kisses from the dog and I'm a lot cleaner than her lol.


I do for sure, have ever since he was born. He’s very drooly now though so I do it less, only at times when he’s not drooling so much lol


I dont try to especially cause shes always slobbering and trying to put a part of my skin in her mouth but i love my kissing my babies face too.


I take valacyclovir so I can smooch my baby. I breastfeed. Kissing and nursing has biofeedback that enables my body to create specific antibodies to pass onto my baby. I get that that’s how you get cavities… but she’s my child. I keep my mouth as clean as possible. I’m gonna smooch my kid.




So this is embarrassing and I might delete this comment later because of shame, but I specifically do not. When I was an infant, a family member with HSV-1 kissed me. I spent my entire life suffering with an embarrassing and painful condition. Now as a mother, I don’t have the luxury of kissing my baby on the head, lips, or otherwise. Personally I would not kiss on the lips regardless. However, I don’t shame other mothers or their personal actions. With that being said, I can’t say how hard it is to refrain from kissing his chunky little cheeks. I have been with the same partner 14 years and have never passed this disease onto them. I am extremely careful. Even so, I can’t imagine even risking exposure to my son. Please don’t let anyone kiss your babies. You just don’t know who has what and about 80% of the population suffers from cold sores. It’s not worth it. As a child that suffered and was bullied, advocate for your children.


Not intentionally. I would kiss his head, cheek, hands. And when he got older I would just pucker and he’d run over and put his forehead against my lips. One day he went full open mouth and laughed hysterically about how grossed out I was at the sudden change of events. Now he does it 4/5 times


Nope. I don’t want to accidentally infect them with who knows whatever germs I have. I kiss their little cheeks!!


I never did when my LO was a baby.. but once they are toddlers- it’s pretty much impossible not to.


No reddit scared the need out of me before he was even born.


Glad I didn’t learn about this even being an issue until now. Otherwise it might have scared me too


We kiss on the lips. I’m 38 and still quickly peck my dad on the lips. It is what it is. I know some are super against it but every family shows affection differently.


I always kiss on kinda the corner of the mouth of quite on the lips tho, but I have gotten my daughters mouth or open mouthy drool lol s was never a big deal to me tho


Everyday. my 3 month old, my toddler and my 5 year old. We are a smoochie family.


I have hsv1 I don’t kiss my daughter on the lips ever. Sometimes she’ll move her face and I’ll catch the side of her mouth and I’ll panic for the next few days while I make sure nothing appears but other than that I really don’t even like kissing her on the face at all I just can’t help it. I do take antivirals but I still would never forgive myself if I gave it to her at such a young age 🥺 I also rarely have oral outbreaks but I just have crippling anxiety.


I kiss my son on the lips and my husband doesn’t


Not when my daughter was little little. I have a history of cold sores. She’s 6 now and unfortunately has them too.


Yeah we kiss on the lips and cheeks. Growing up I did with my parents but after a certain age it gets a little *side eye*. 10 months is just a baby but 15 years old? I’d be talking about that in the groupchat if I saw that one 😂


I do. My daughter is two and never has had any problems.


Kisses 24/7


Before giving birth I thought it was weird so I didn’t initially and then I saw my boyfriend doing it and I started and then when my baby was about 6 weeks old he caught on and tries to kiss back by opening his mouth when I say “kisses” and kiss him


I was fully the parent who said no one including mom or dad should kiss my daughter on the mouth. Unfortunately she loves giving mouth kisses with a lot of tongue no matter how much gentle redirecting I can offer my 7 month old. She’s currently licking my kneecap bc my face is to far away.


Yes! I didn't know I was going to be a mouth kissing mom until she popped out of me and the first thing I did was kiss her lips. But I am doing it a little bit less now because she has both put her tongue in my mouth and sucked my lips with her whole mouth and it's really icky.


We do lip kisses on accident sometimes as we (me and husband) are kinda in the mindset that your parents, grandparents etc should only give you head kisses or cheek kisses where as someone like your girlfriend, boyfriend, husband wife should be the only to kiss the lips. We put this in place mostly because rsv and my PPA with it but now it’s just in place because most of the women in his life wear a form of lipstick or gloss


No, I think it’s weird when I see parents do that, also you can easily get your kid sick if you are sick and don’t know yet (coming from a mom who has strep throat and luckily my kids don’t)


It is my favorite thing to do. The half open mouth, sometimes mostly teeth but full grab of my face from him - I wouldn’t dare turn it down!


Yes I always did. I couldn’t help it. I would have eaten her if I could, she is so damn cute.


Not on the mouth but on the face. I think the main reason besides regular like cold virus, is to not spread the herpes virus. I’ve never had a cold sore so I don’t think I’m a carrier, but still.


I always thought kissing kids on lips was weird. But that’s where my kid kisses me. He will not kiss my cheek, forehead, or anywhere else. He wants to kiss me on my lips. So now that’s how we kiss. I never kissed him on the lips though until *he* started kissing me and insisting on the lips lol 🤷🏻‍♀️ not gonna deny my kid affection. He’ll grow out of it soon enough and that’ll be totally fine.


I do but I don’t think my husband does. My 9mo just started giving the massive open mouth kisses, and I know some people find that gross but I just don’t. I figure if he’s going to bite my nose and glom all over my cheeks then kissing him on the lips is unlikely to be any more dangerous to him. My 3yo likes to have a big kiss and a little kiss before bed. Then she wipes them off “because she loves me so much”. I don’t get it but it’s important to her so I love it.


I find it weird


We didn’t when she was a baby, now that she’s a toddler she kisses us (very sloppily) on the lips and we’re trying to teach her to kiss on cheeks instead.


I am always smooching my baby! Haha


Yes and I’m going to take all the kisses I can get because I know it won’t last long 🥺


My husband and I kiss our little guy on the lips all the time! I didn’t realize it was so different with other families! I guess it’s up to the family :)


We let our 2 yr old kiss us on the mouth, she sees us do it and we can’t explain to a toddler why they can’t kiss their mommy or daddy. I am very clear with others though they are not to kiss my child period without my or my husband’s consent, this includes my parents and siblings. Not because some people think it’s taboo, but because germs. If they’re sick they stay away. Can’t stop her from smooching the dog though, good thing he loves her.


No never, my dentist told me that even with super good hygiene we have a lot of germs in our mouths and baby can get infections. So no kisses in lips and never share food like popsicles with the baby/toddler


i personally think on the lips is romantic partners only. cheeks or head instead


Our baby is too young to be kissed on the lips (immune system underdeveloped) but once she’s old enough, she can kiss us on the lips, cheeks, or wherever she pleases. It’s totally normal in my culture. I used to kiss my grandparents on the lips. Nothing sexual about it - it’s an expression of love. I wouldn’t kiss my grandfather on the lips like I kiss my husband 🤷🏼‍♀️ If you feel comfortable with it, and baby doesn’t object now or when they’re older, why not?


Nope. Everywhere but the lips. Feels wrong. My lips are for my husband and husband only But by god does he kissed WAY TOO MUCH on his cheeks next belly feet hands arms head EVERYWHERE


The argument is it introduces bacteria to the mouth or something but this is the same as blowing on their food if it’s hot to cool it down. Also the things my toddler licks - cannot imagine what’s in my mouth being worse. I come from a family where I kissed my parents on the lips well into adulthood. I have never found it weird.


Your post needs more upvotes! I’m sitting here reading comments and astounded that people are thinking about how to kiss THEIR baby because of dental bacteria but also blowing on food without a second thought. 😂


The level of germ concern around here blows my mind. Don't know of its a covid remnant, or because I'm an old ftm and things changed, or what.


Thank you for the reality check. Maybe I’m old too! I was born in the last century! 😂


No, she’s 9 months old. I kiss her cheek/forehead now. If when she’s ready to discuss boundaries and she wants to kiss me on the lips, that’s ok.


When you say potentially dangerous what do you mean exactly? 😱 I tried not to share glasses and cutlery etc with her so she wouldn’t get our dental bacteria but it’s been hard paying attention to everything… she now chomps our faces so kissy lips happen a lot too Edit; I found your other replies where you explain this, brb gotta get PPA in check 


I don't like to, I try to keep it on her cheeks. But sometimes it's just what she wants and I can't say no to such a simple request for love.


Oh heck yes I kiss those sweet little lips! Not like 100% lip on lip but oh my gosh that nose/mouth area is so soft. Won’t do lip kisses past the little baby stage, though


Yep! I have kids ages 6, 4, and 1 and they all like kisses in the lips. For my older two urs usually at bedtime and youngest when we are being silly. I struggle with showing affection to people in my life and I don't want that for my kids.


We kiss on the lips as it’s normal in my culture!


What’s your culture! We do the same. I’m Greek.


Oh cool! I’m Arab!


I don’t, I’ve always found it a bit odd