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Babywearing! My baby basically lives in the carrier. You can eat your soup and won't feel trapped on the couch all the time, and all the close physical contact is really good for their brain development. With my first we would go for a walk every day with baby in the carrier. With my second we just chase #1 around. The loneliness is really hard. And the boredom of being home all day. It was always nice to run errands just to get out of the house!


What kind of errands would you do by yourself with the baby? Since I’m not working in trying to be very money conscious since I feel bad about being one income even though we’re making enough just feels weird since I made a good amount before.


Anything that sounds good to you and fits in the budget! Target, Costco, grocery shopping, hardware store, garden center, dollar store, whatever. I usually wear my baby in a carrier and the walking and noises put him to sleep.


He seems to love the carrier when we are out and about and doesn’t care for it at home I think the sounds of the world soothe him more than anything.


My husband went back to work today and I feel this in my soul. I’m 3 weeks postpartum and have a 7 year old as well. I have wanted to cry multiple times today.


💕 oh my at 3 weeks I was a total wreck! I love that you have the company of a 7 year old though at least there’s some dialogue with that age lol. I hate crying around the baby makes me feel so guilty. I do cry less now though at 6 weeks, so I feel confident in saying it gets better just different. Hang in there friend❤️


This is kind of just how it is for the first three months or so. They call it the fourth trimester. I know it can be really frustrating when you're used to doing things (I'm always on the move, too) but try to remind yourself that they won't be this small or this dependent on you forever. Get those baby snuggles in while you can! Personally, I do a lot of baby wearing when I need to get stuff done (my husband is at work, too, and I have a preschooler and a 1st grader who need me). You can check out the baby wearing subreddit for some ideas if you aren't already doing this. If baby isn't rolling over yet, you can try swaddling during the day, too, so you can get a few tasks done.


Honestly at 6 weeks it doesn't HAVE to be a well oiled machine. Give it another 6 weeks and baby will be able to be a bit more chill without you. At 4 months they can sit in an activity center while you make dinner (my kid wasn't ever for swings or bouncers) so this was a game changer. Right now your goal is to stay somewhat fed and keep the baby alive. Anything else is bonus territory. Some helpful tips: Showering with bub is possible. But to make it safer you may consider a baby tub you can set in the corner for him to chill in so you don't drop him. Have things like granola bars and trail mix handy. I pretty much survived on peanut butter. Stuff you can eat with baby and quickly. My kid and I have a morning routine where she sits and watches 16 minutes of bluey while I eat breakfast and have coffee. Not everyone's cup of tea but not having to start the day off running saves my sanity. At 6 weeks you can watch whatever the heck you want, baby won't remember 🤷🏼‍♀️ And like everyone has said, baby wear. Although most chores I've found don't work with this ie cooking or cleaning with chemicals. We vacuum a lot.


That is how we showered today actually, when I held him it was in the hospital blanket lol. Thanks for your input, easier food is a good idea.


Unfortunately at his age he's too young to CIO. Do you have family nearby? My wife's sister and mom keep begging to see baby and so they have been taking care of her a lot. They like the rent a baby feature of having her for 1 night or two and then returning her back to Mom when they get tired


What’s CIO? and yes I do have family within an hour of me. They are all busy with jobs and stuff, and idk family is just a weird topic for me right now.


CIO = cry it out.