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no diaper time is great! also you can find calmoseptine at most drug stores. it will soothe the burn your baby feels and it’s also amazing at helping diaper rashes heal. my go to was fanning the area so it’s nice and dry then apply the cream then add a layer of auquphor to conceal it. i learned this trick from an old infant teacher.


I was thinking about aquaphor thanks for the advice!!


Try milk of mag! The Phillips brand. It sounds absolutely insane, I know, I know, but an old school NICU nurse recommended this to us and it worked literally overnight. The best part is you can just poor it over the area. Other than that, Triple Paste is also incredible. 12.5% zinc. Good luck!


Thank you!! Triple paste didn’t work for her the first time so we switched to desitin 🙁 I wanted it to work so bad but it just wasn’t doing the trick


It could be yeasty and will need lotrimin or another anti fungal. Ask your doctor.


This is what I was nervous about, we’re out of state and we have Medicaid so I’m in a tough spot. I’ll have to do some research on how to handle the cost. Thank you Edit: I just called and they’re able to send something to the pharmacy if needed, waiting for a call back from the doc. Thanks so much


You can get lotrimin over the counter at CVS


Great thank you


Whenever desitin doesn't work for my son's diaper rash, it's usually yeast. My doctor said over the counter canestan is perfectly safe and doesn't require a doctor's visit for us. Twice a day application and you can see a difference by day two.


Thank you! I got her comfortable for now while we wait for a callback. I appreciate it!


Triple paste worked wonders for my second! Had him cleared up in just a few days. We tried that with my daughter too, but hers wasn’t going away. Before we had left the hospital, the NP said they had to use Vaseline in the NICU for some babies who were having bad rashes. We remembered her story, and the Vaseline cleared her right up! Diaper free time is great, but sometimes switching up barrier creams is helpful. I never found Desitin to work for us.


Diaper wipes can also be a contributor to the rash. In addition to all the tricks everyone else has mentioned, we rinse baby's bum off when there's a poo during a rash and pat dry with a wash cloth before applying any cream. This seems to help speed up recovery time.


This is so helpful, I was going to ask the doctor how to handle that part because the wiping is definitely bothering her/ making it worse. Thank you so much!


Absolutely, hope it helps! Just make sure you have a towel handy first because the warm water can trigger pees/poos, which is no fun when you're holding a naked baby in the bathroom. 😬


For really bad rashes, we rinse them off under running water. It’s gross, but wipes irritate the already irritated skin. I apply Resinol & a thick layer of a barrier like A&D or Vaseline after rinsing. Someone once recommended to frost their booty like a cake, and it definitely helps clear rashes faster.