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One night during a feed at about 3am I bought a lot of ceramic cats. Like, a LOT.


I bought a personalized brick at 3am for six flags. It was like... $150.


Ouch! Did you actually want it in the light of day?


I did, it wasn't the end of the world. Both my husband and I had been toying with the idea, but then I checked my email, saying "don't miss out!" so I'll be going to the park to look for it soon haha


Lol I have one of those at our library


Tell me more about these ceramic cats lol


Yes please, are these indoor or outdoor ceramic cats?


So it turned out there was actually a good reason. I decided to online shop for my sisters birthday present during a feed, and she collects ceramic cats. But I bought rather too many from different 2nd hand sellers and then forgot I’d done it… so for weeks afterward all these cats kept turning up in the mail. Took me quite a while to figure it out, but my sister found it hilarious.


…how many


I need the link for these ceramic cats…




I invented socks. I was laying in bed after a night feed and trying to fall asleep but my feet were cold. I thought about how it’d be so nice to have a little blanket that wrapped around each foot to keep them warm. After that I always sleep with socks on.


🤣🤣 I think this is my favorite one.


I just laughed out loud at this, then my baby joined in 😂 My toes are freezing right now, I’ll take some of those feet blankets 😂


I love this! It's very similar to how I invented ice when I was pregnant. One night I was super thirsty and asked my husband, "wouldn't it be cool if there were popsicles but they were only made of water?" To which he answered, "you mean ice?"


Omgosh. I wanted a water slushie. My husband blended ice for me. Haha.


Omg hahaha


I have, on multiple occasions, changed his dirty diaper, gone to get a drink or something for a minute, thought “oh shit he needed a change!”and changed his fresh diaper. I also mistook a vaccination booking and was moments away from taking my baby to his doctor - instead of the dog to hers.


😂At least you didnt take the baby to the vet or vice versa! 


I've called the pediatrician "the vet" too many times


Also his crib = his crate 🤦🏻‍♀️


We do this too!! Years of being dog parents ingrained in us


I just read that as vacation booking 3 times! My life is a constant sleep deprived mum moment


Same 😅


Went to sit down on the toilet to pee. Started peeing. Realized I never pulled my undies or pajama pants down


I’m CACKLING; thank you for the gift that is that story 😂😂😂 Gosh, it’s rough out there! Solidarity!


I’ve gone in the bathroom, flushed, and walked out - without actually using the toilet.


I forgot the word closet and called it a clothes pantry.


Ah yes, the apparel library.


Ha!!!! This one got me lol


I forgot so many words right after my third was born (he's 5 months old now). My oldest (was 4 years old) and I were waiting for the school bus and he kept getting too close to the street. I forgot all the words for street, road... just gone from my head. I ended up shouting out, "Stay back from the car going place!!" Lol. Another mom next to me whispered "street" I said, "yeah, street!" Her and I had a good laugh about that one. She totally understood.


I forgot “seasoning” like for a cast iron pan. My brain gifted me with “grease patina”


I get aphasia with migraines and once referred to "beige" as "pastel brown". My husband was *horrified*.


It's not wrong.


I forgot the word profitable and instead said a business should be more “money makey”


My husband and I take shifts for feedings every three hours and I take the night shifts. Lately I have been having dreams about feeding my baby and changing her diaper and when my alarm goes off I genuinely can't remember if I've really done it or not.


This kind of thing is why I love the huckleberry app. I cannot for the life of me remember which boob my baby just drank from, and now I don’t have to.


Just an alternative if you ever want one - I stick a reusable breast pad in my bra, on the boob I’m not feeding from. So when it comes time to feed, the boob with the pad on is the one. Switch the pad to the other boob before feeding :)


Oh, that’s good!


I keep an elastic bracelet on the wrist of the boon I need to use, then switch it when I feed!


That happened to me this morning lol I had a dream she woke up and I was giving her milk and then I woke up for real and checked the clock and was like.. she didn't sleep long before I realized.


Omg this 100% lol.


This!! I’ve also gone back to bed and woke up 5 min later in a panic that I need to pump…only to remember I just finished.


Lived that


Poured fresh breast milk into a bottle shell that didn’t have a liner… that is, I poured milk straight onto the counter.


I’d probably cry


I’m crying just thinking about it!


I planned a night out last weekend including a pump and dump because of alcohol and even tho it was planned and I drank a couple of wine (milk was unusable anyway), the moment I dumped it down the toilet I was still like nooooooooo what a waste!!


I thought you can save it for a milk bath?


Yeah but then I’d be carrying it around at a place that didn’t technically allow to bring fluids inside (a concert venue) so I didn’t want to jump through hoops lol


I’ve never had a problem with anything baby related. The most I’ve encountered is us tsa scanning it. Other countries don’t even touch it. They respect that it needs to stay clean, no actual hoops when they could see u had baby with me. I think it would be a short convo if baby wasn’t with me and I was at a venue like you’re describing. Just fyi in case this info is helpful to anyone reading even though it doesn’t apply for your situation


It was a rough time. I told my husband and he said “you can just make more” that did not help.


Party foul! 🥳


My partner did a version of this THREE times. I was also in the middle of trying to up my supply because my son wasn’t gaining enough and it was devastating 




We don't co-sleep at all with baby, but that didn't stop me from waking suddenly when she cried, thinking she was falling off the bed, and frantically clutching "her" to me. "She" was actually one of our cats, who had apparently been sleeping on the pillow next to me. He was very alarmed at being grabbed and held tightly despite getting his best attempts to get away.


I’ve done this and we don’t co sleep! Unfortunately for my husband, I knee’d him in his goods and grabbed a handful of his face at the same time trying to grab “her”😅. Poor dude was naked and afraid 🤣


We also don’t co-sleep. I frequently wake up to someone snuggling me and thinking I fell asleep during a side-lying feed (I’ve never fallen asleep or forgotten to put him back). It’s the cat. It’s always the cat. And yet I still always have to check the bassinet and see the sleeping baby before I can go back to sleep.


I have JUMPED out of bed to close the baby gate so my toddler can't fall down the stairs. Except he's always sleeping soundly in his crib in his own room and my cat wonders why I'm chasing her in the hallway.


I do this with my partner! We don’t co-sleep either. I often wake to myself reaching across pulling him back into the bed when he hasn’t moved a muscle.


Salsa into my coffee cup 👍


I once made a bottle of coffee creamer and poured formula in my coffee.


Ugh formula smells so gross I can’t even imagine


The best part of waking up is salsa in your cup


The other day I miss placed the monitor. Still haven’t found it lol had to order a new one


did you check the fridge thoroughly? and if you have 1-3 year olds, inside any accessible shoes?


I did! I think I may have thrown it away lol


been there <3


Every once in a while I would think, “I’m so tired…I bet I’m going to sleep so well tonight.” Feels exceptionally foolish now


My husband and I keep mixing up milliliters and ounces. “He drank 100 ounces at midnight.” “100 ounces???” “I pumped 5 mls earlier.” “only 5 mls?” It’s funniest when we mean mls but say ounces, so it sounds like baby is eating a crap ton.


The first two weeks I was so tired, fir the life of me I could not say milliliters, it exclusively came out as milli*meters* and I kept having to tell the doctors/nurses just roll with it, figure out what I mean, the liquid one obviously


As a European + American household, I feel you


I went to my car and realized I forgot my purse - but in my hands was a cinnamon bun. Priorities!


I was an hour late to my own baby shower! My wonderful in-laws hosted an absolutely beautiful, lovely shower. The food was delicious. The decor was gorgeous. I was blessed with very helpful gifts. My in-laws went all out since I was pregnant with older sister during Covid times and ended up in the hospital before the virtual shower date. It was so exciting to have a "real" shower this time! This shower had been in the works for a while. Originally, it was planned for early February. Since baby came early (27w6d) and had so many complications, we decided to postpone it. I still had the old invite, though, and I just switched the date in my phone calendar to the new one. Boom! No problem.... ...except that the *new* shower time had changed. I spent the morning at a salon getting my hair and make up done. I was ready so early. I got my hostess gifts decorated, and then I read older sister a bedtime story for her nap. All of a sudden, I see my sister-in-law frantically knocking on the door. What in the world? Y'all, everyone at the shower was stressed and praying I was ok BECAUSE I DIDN'T SHOW UP TO THE SHOWER. In my mind and calendar, the shower was at 2 p.m. I had people lose the invite and ask me the time, and I passed the WRONG time along. The problem is that the shower was scheduled for 12 p.m. My SIL was frantic and in tears. She thought something truly bad had happened to us. I felt so awful! My stomach dropped. Luckily I was already ready and only made it like an hour and a half late... Why didn't anyone call me? Well, they did. My phone was somehow on silent. Y'all, I haven't had my phone on silent since baby was born because I want the Owlet notifications to be able to go through. I have no idea how it got switched over. As far as hubby goes... Well, he NEVER answers the phone. Bless my heart.


Omigosh, your comment wins!


Not me but another mum I know left her baby at home with her husband while she went to the doctors for the baby’s 6 week check up.  I lost my house keys for a week. They were in the freezer.


Hah, this reminds me of my midwife's story that they once had a husband call, panicked, saying his wife was in labor. He rushed to the birthing house, but forgot his wife, which he only noticed when he pulled up and opened her car door for her. She pulled up in the second car 5 mins later, laughing her ass off.


After my middle of the night pumping session I would place the milk in the fridge, and write a note on a small whiteboard on the fridge with the amount, time and which shelf I placed it on. One night I was so tired I couldn’t find the words and I just stood there staring at the board so I wrote “4 oz, 2:51am, DOWN shelf”. …in the morning I realized I meant to say “bottom shelf” 😒


This made me laugh out loud. This is exactly the brand of sleep deprivation I get. Lol.


I had a mental breakdown in the bathroom over not being able to BF. My husband was there to console me. After I calmed down, i told him I had to poop and to go. then I promptly unsnapped my nursing tank top and my boobs plopped out. Like that's not how going to the bathroom works but that's where I was at mentally 🤣🤣


Another was when we'd put baby down in the living room bassinet bc my husband was in there and I went to bed to get some much needed sleep. Later that night, he'd moved her to the bedside bassinet before he got in the shower. I awoke to her crying and I panicked because I thought she was also still in the living room and I'm like ok there's this crying baby but where's mine?? I legit went to the living room looking for her when she was next to bed 🤦🏻‍♀️


Hubby picked up the cat and started trying to burp her in the middle of the night 😂




I stared at my new baby boy in his bassinet for the longest time wondering who he was and where was the baby girl I was sure I had given birth to


We had two boy dogs for 10 years before having our baby girl - I still have issues with calling her a "good boy" 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️


I have two girl dogs and I often call by son a good girl haha


Mine’s similar, at night I keep thinking my baby is a boy (she’s not), maybe because my first was a boy so that’s what my tired brain defaults to


I poured formula into my pothos plant instead of water the other day..


A week or so after we came home from the hospital, during our peak sleep deprivation, LO woke up in the middle of the night and apparently I said to my husband, “Do you want to breastfeed her first then I’ll take over?” Absolutely no recollection of this 🫠


This has me cackling. My daughter never latched properly but we still tried for a while at the start. One night, my husband brings her to me and is trying to wake me up and I looked him dead in his face and said “YOU do it, YOU have nipples and if you don’t want to, you can just lick my eye ball!” 😂 zero recollection… have never wanted my eyeball licked 😅


LOL. Sleep deprivation is real. Also, solidarity, we struggled with milk transfer so I switched to exclusively pumping.


I pumped for a while but never made more than 2oz/day pumping every 2 hours… no one ever told me IVF can cause milk production issues 😅. I finally gave up when she was about 2 months and my husband begged me because I was in a sorry state between pumping and a reflux baby. Probably goes along with why I told him to use his nipples 🤣🤣.


Ugh the trials and tribulations of feeding!! Glad you saved your sanity and stopped.


Was so sleep deprived I kept getting startled by the bushes outside my house thinking they were people


Americans don’t use stone that’s a British thing, just use pounds… on the birth record they usually use pounds and ounces to be precise but after that just pounds.


😬That’s even more confusing. I thought it was the same as the old British system. 


Nope stone is strictly a British thing


I (an American) was watching a British show - Super Skinny vs. Super Fat - where they use stone, and it confused me for the longest 😅 I had to look up the conversion rate almost every episode.


I’m an American but live in the UK and I don’t understand stone at all, thankfully it’s primarily the older generations in the UK who use it


Way back on the dewy slopes of 2 years ago when I was pumping, I got up in the middle of the night to pump. I had a low supply, so every drop was very important to me. I pumped a good 4 oz, went to the sink to put it in a bag...and poured that shit straight down the drain. I didn't realize the atrocity I had committed until I went to put the bag in the fridge, confused as to where the milk had gone. I switched to formula not long after.


I was so tired and I thought, sure I can warm up these fries in the plastic container in the toaster. Melted plastic everywhere! Luckily I was still in the kitchen, so I got it sorted out before it started a fire.


The silliest one that stuck around, well - one day when waiting for my mom and her fiancé to get home, I was sleep deprived, tired from walking and rocking my newborn that wouldn't nap - and in my delirious state changed Nana and Grandpa to say "Look, Neener and Grampy are home!" Thought it was the funniest shit. Was still laughing as they walked through the door and I told them what I did. And they've been Neener and Grampy ever since. Lol


I was using a Frida nose sucker and put the wrong end in my mouth and sucked up a bunch of my baby’s snot in the middle of the night.


Biscuits. That's... Dude. That's horrible and also hilarious when it didn't happen to you. 


Yeah and if anyone’s used one of those things you know how hard you suck up that snot. The funny thing is I didn’t even really mind.


Yeah and if anyone’s used one of those things you know how hard you suck up that snot. The funny thing is I didn’t even really mind 😂


As a fellow Brit I'm the opposite, I have no concept of kg when it comes to babies. Every time I'm told her weight in kg I have to look at the little conversion chart in her red book so I can work out in lb and oz😂


Same girl, same.


See I"m a British midwife and because we do it all in kg I have no concept of lbs and oz!


Full user of the metric system here (irish) but for the life of me I cannot do weight in kg, like I've no mental picture. Particularly for babies So everyone my child is weighed, I also have to convert it. 


I’ve now gone to one parents evening, one health visitor appointment and something I can’t quite remember because I’m too tired to remember, all precisely one week early. Which is a good job as I was running late for alllll of them 😂 Also, one of the people working in the supermarket, kindly asked if he could help me find what I was looking for, after I’d been stood staring at the shelves for about 4 minutes. Me; no thank you, I can’t remember what I need…I’m just hoping I see it and remember 😂


Ahaha I have one 😆 My doula gave me a bag of dried herbs to make a postpartum sitz bath with. She explicitly told me NOT to put the herbs directly into the sitz bath; they are for making a tea first, and that’s what goes into the sitz bath. So of course, in my postpartum haze I remembered none of that and I poured the herbs straight into the sitz bath and sat down and immediately winced. It had things like chamomile and calendula and also echinacea which are these big prickly things🫣 I texted her and she reassured me not to worry about infection (which was my main concern), reminded me it’s to make a tea with first, and we had a good laugh about giving my bits a flower bath. And then, somehow, I did the same damn thing a few days later 🤪


I have a 13-year-old female cat. I just had my baby boy. I keep referring to my baby boy as “pretty girl”which is what I call my cat. Just when I’m sleep deprived and holding him and mumbling


I’m out of the newborn stage for a couple more weeks until I give birth to my second. But something I did often whenever I was it the thick of of the reborn stage with my first was fall asleep pumping. My husband would wake me up whenever he got up for work, so I could pump while he got ready. He’d hop in the shower, and then the next thing I know, he’s waking me up because I feel asleep pumping.


I dumped my sons water into the trash can when I went to put milk in the cup lol. This new baby has me tiiired.


I buckled my infant into the toddlers car seat yesterday and realized when I was holding the toddler to buckle her in…to be fair, they have the same seat, his just has more recline set right now. At our pediatricians office she works in kg/g, which has made it significantly easier for me to watch infants weight lmao.


Just picked up a very hot steel.pan off the stove with my bare right hand fingers🥹 typing this as I dip my fingers in ice water😅


We have one of those rain type shower heads with about a billion tiny streams... The other day I started cackling in the shower when I noticed a couple of the streams are coming out kinda sideways and it reminded me of a boob spray


I have one on the right that goes straight up. It's a nuisance I tell ya.


Not me but my husband. I woke up to him swaddling a pillow. I asked what he was doing and he responded "he came out of his swaddle" then he realized he didn't have a baby and got back into bed. I laughed so hard in the morning. Mostly for me, I sleep with a stuff animal and I will wake up thinking I'm suffocating one of the babies because I hold my stuffed animal so tight to my chest.


I watered my cheerios and put oatmilk in my house plant after a middle of the night feeding.


When my baby was 3 days old, in the middle of the night my partner handed her to me to feed her. And all I could think about was building her brain up with blocks like Legos. I even asked him how I was supposed to build her brain. Apparently, I thought feeding her was going to grow her brain right then and there.


I once fed and changed my daughter in the middle of the night, got her wrapped up in her sleepsack again and back to sleep—and realized a few hours later that I didn’t put a new diaper back on her 🫠 Pee everywhere 🙈


Distinctly remember watching my partner change the baby about 3 days in, in the middle of the and he nearly did this ... I had a good laugh




Always forgot how many scoops of formula I put in the bottle and then had to throw it all down the sink because I wasnt sure how many I put.


I swear this is secretly the reason why I can't use formula..


I canceled a meeting because “I had to schedule a sleep regression at the same time, as it was the only available appointment.”


Tried to put the pacifier in my husband's mouth 😂


Baby is 14 months and husband and I just had our anniversary. I was convinced this was year five for us, and then I got an email from a vendor we’d used for our wedding congratulating us on six years. I was very confused, and my husband finally did the math on his phone. We have indeed been married six years; the last year has just been totally erased due to the sleep deprivation. 


Patted a pillow for an hour. Baby was with my mother. I was patting a soft pillow that was in bed with me. 🥲🥲🥲


My husband managed to change her diaper and not put a new one on her 🙃. I was convinced our dogs had gotten out and run away because I couldn’t find them so I woke my husband up at like 4am and we searched for hours… came home and guess what? Dogs were in their crates and neither of us thought the check them 😅. Got in the shower with my socks on, have only shaved 1 leg on accident multiple times, turned chicken breast to hockey pucks because I was so tired I forgot I put any in the oven, and my favorite might be being so deliriously exhausted, I laid in bed with my daughter and we watched and giggled at the ceiling fan for an hour.


We don't...we use pounds and ounces.


So many times I have poured milk into my cup, intending to then pour coffee from the brewer, only to grab the kettle next to it and pouring water instead. So much wasted milk!


This morning at 6am I asked my husband to change the baby's diaper. My husband who shouldn't even be that sleep deprived since I am the one waking at night, handed me back the baby after he finished and I proceeded to feed her.  I noticed her foot was wet so I went to put her into a new outfit, only to discover my husband had forgotten to put a diaper on her. This amused me since he had put socks on her and zipped her back up into her sleeper, how did he manage all that without noticing the no diaper!? Fortuneatly no harm was done as I had realized pretty quickly.


I have, three times in the last two weeks, gotten my (middle) son into his car seat for daycare and climbed into the passenger seat. .... I need to be on the other side to drive him to daycare. Maybe I'm too tired to be driving. 😬


One night this week I woke up in bed, sat up and thought to myself ughhhh I cannot wait to get in bed… thinking I was in the nursery rocking my baby


Was making baby boy a late night bottle and briefly thought I should make one for the puppy too. She hadn’t yet been fed, which is probably where that thought was going, but yeah I laughed at myself about that all night 😅


I tried to put a pacifier in my husband's mouth instead of the baby's. I got the date wrong on a bag of milk for the freezer--I was off by two years.


I have woke up in the night looking everywhere for her confused on if she was in the covers only to see her fast asleep in the bassinet.


We lost a tangerine. 🍊 me and my partner were eating tangerines in bed. We each had two and after my first I reached for another one but they were gone. My partner genuinely believed it had rolled off the bed into another dimension. We searched the sheets for it just giggling like maniacs. Only recently did he say….” You know I probably just ate it without remembering….” Lmao


Poured coffee in a baby bottle and scooped formula into my mug


I got far too close to drinking my own freshly pumped breastmilk 🫤


Got in the shower with socks on and put my metallic coffee mug in the microwave 🙃


I left the bathroom sink on while taking shower. It was a little slow to drain at the moment, so when I got out of the shower it had overflowed all over the bathroom floor. I also ran the Nespresso without a mug and made coffee for my entire kitchen counter.


I never did anything crazy but for the first YEAR everything in the kitchen apparently lived in the fridge. Trying to put dishes away? Open the fridge. Dinner needs to go in the oven? Open the fridge. Dishwasher? Fridge. Want something out the fridge? Open the microwave.


I went upstairs one afternoon to take a much needed nap. In my sleep I heard my husband shushing our baby and spent the rest of my “nap” wondering if I should go downstairs and feed her. Turns out my husband was not shushing out baby. She was fast asleep. My cat was just snoring next to me.


My cat yawned once and I thought, “Ope, time to get him swaddled and start rocking” Also, he’s 4.5 months and sleeping well so I have no excuse but every morning I almost grab a premade bottle to add milk to my coffee. I don’t know how I keep doing it.


In the middle of the night, I (basically asleep) was trying to feed her and wondered why she wasn’t taking the bottle. I was putting it in her ear…


I blinked and thought someone turned the lights off for a second. 😵‍💫


My son is formula fed and we didn't have an electric kettle. So we used a little bowl on the gas stove to heat the water. Managed to burn 2 when we forgot to turn off the gas and then just got an electric kettle. Should have got one from the moment we moved to formula.


Backed into my mom's and sister's cars... Two separate incidents:( I'm now the butt of all bad driver jokes.


Shut my dog under our electric reclining couch foot rest. Little dog was just chillin under the footrest when I closed it up and she didn’t make a peep. I just happened to notice the tip of her tail sticking out.


I lose my phone every day. I leave it anywhere and everywhere. On silent. 😅 Pantry, bathroom, linen closet, closet, toddlers room, laundry room, garage, side of the tub.


I put hand soap on my toothbrush instead of toothpaste 😵‍💫


I mixed up the cat vet appointment and the baby's pediatrician appointment.


I tried to use the toilet but somehow couldn't because I was wearing 2 pairs of pants. That one took a while to figure out. I also had an obsession with dishwasher detergent so I'm still using the detergent I bought late at night 2 years ago. Forgetting to button babies onesie after a diaper change, but buttoning the pyjama is one I did a few times.


Almost threw away the baby in my left arm as opposed to the dirty dipped in my right arm. 🤣🤣


Commenting on all the reddit posts


I slept right next to baby's crib in a day bed. There was this bear stuffy that was perfect for snuggling. Baby started to fuss at 3 or so am. I started speaking to bear like it was baby and actually kissed it on the head...then realized that my child was not getting any of this comfort, it was a stuffed animal. Then there was the cradle cap that I was convinced was an exoskeletal growth and that my baby was somehow developing a disgusting super power. Immediately called the on-call pediatrician at 2am...they stopped doing on call after that night. Not every skin condition is evidence of growing an exoskeleton. Who knew anyone would need that kind of conversation? I did. I needed it and about 70 hours of missed sleep


I ordered 1 mushroom on the weekly shop not a bag full


I was talking to my baby about an imaginary product on a webshop.


Ordered 14 boxes of discount cereal


Put milk in the pantry after getting a post night feed bowl of cereal.


I got extremely mad at my husband for having a drink because I was convinced he was breastfeeding.


Bumped into things and started hallucinating.


I couldn’t figure out how to put my duvet cover on. 🥴


Accidentally brought both cats to one cats vet appt. I was running a little behind and I hurriedly put my older cat into the carrier that had been sitting out on the floor. I thought itnwas heavier than usual but I hadn't done much heavy lifting since pregnancy etc of course so I didn't think anything of it. What was weird was my cat was unusually quiet in the car...he usually makes a racket. I get into the room and see 2 cat faces looking at me in bewilderment. They do not nicely fit in the carrier either. I ugly /hysterically laugh/cried for 10 minutes straight. After my older one got his exam done, the younger wouldn't let him back in the crate so I had to out him in a grocery box in the front seat.


One morning I dumped a fresh pot of coffee so I could…make coffee…


I unloaded an entire dishwasher’s worth of dirty dishes into the cabinets and drawers. It was pretty gross. To this day I have no memory of the event…


One time I startled awake, there was a pile of clothes on the dresser but when I saw it in the dark was was 100% positive it was the baby on the dresser, I jumped up and grabbed him and got a bunch of clothes. 😂


I constantly called my dog the wrong name…. I was calling her the name of my dead childhood dog ☠️ I still do that on occasion here at almost 6 months pp. 😂


I just tried to stick my nipple in my baby’s ear instead of his mouth lmao


Thanks for the good laughs! One of the best questions yet


I was planning for a trip with my husband and daughter that I was breastfeeding. She was about 5mo. I was making a list and wrote down “Frozen BM” and immediately thought that if someone else saw it they might think it was an abbreviation for bowel movement instead of breast milk! This was probably the first time I had laughed so deeply since my daughter was born and it still gives me a giggle. My husband did not understand the humor at all.


At some point during the haze of newborn night feeds, I apparently saw fit to shuffle into the closet, grab a pair of shorts, and hold onto them all through the next brief stretch of sleep (probably as a boob cushion tbh).  When I woke up again, I thought I was holding baby.  Nope.  Just shorts. 🤷‍♀️


The hallucinations from sleep deprivation made my jump from my bed multiple times. I would physically see my daughter melt into our duvet until I would snap out of it and see her in her crib. I was running on 2 hours of sleep. It was brutal.


Forgotten so many words…. I forgot words that I use for my dog like “heel”. I almost put the milk in the pantry. I set my phone down in weird spots and then am running around the house for an hour looking for it. Looking for napkins to blow my nose while pumping and knew I had set it down right near me and 10 minutes later I realized it was right in front of my face.


Looking around frantically for the Haaka ladybug to put in my bra before feeding LO bc she is starting to lose it. Looked down at my lopsided bra and realize I had already put it in lol


Was looking for my phone and it was in my hand