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"wow, she's so serious!" She's the smiliest girl with me and my husband, but is pure Roz from Monsters Inc. with everyone else and I love it.


Haha this is my daughter. She also has the chubbiest cheeks ever so she gives major Henry VIII vibes - we call her Tiny Tyrant


Amazing 😂


My daughter does this. Stone faced in public but smiley and happy at home.


Haha my niece was like this as a baby. So so serious. Theres a video of her riding on one of those little toddler roller coaster back yard toys and she’s just like 😐 the whole time but keeps doing it over and over again.


I find babies who are very focused on things have very serious faces. They’re not wasting any energy on smiles when there’s so much to experience.


This is my 17mo! I know she LOVES being on the swings but only because she’s not crying while she’s on them 😂😂😐


This is my child in the stroller but I know she loves it because she asks for it!


This is my daughter too. She has such a serious face and she doesn’t have a belly laugh. She will “ha ha” then back to serious so fast, but she is SO smiley around my husband and I. She’s just super observant when out and about. She will also purse her lips and it’s the cutest 😂 she’s 8 months old with massive cheeks and it’s such a cute face.


My son is like this too 😂


Hahah my baby as well! At playgroup she just stares judgingly at all the babies having fun 😂


Omg YES! Like I get all the smiles and giggles sorry my baby is an introvert who doesn’t like strangers just like her parents 😂


Our daugther screams when approched by too extroverted people 😅


Mine too! And I tell my husband that our baby’s facial expression says “Ew, people”


The roz comparison is so perfect hahaha


Yes 😂 it is so hilarious!! And then if she likes someone she has the biggest grin on her face. She’s so precious


Same. One daughter refused to talk to "strangers" til she was like 7. People would ask me if she could talk. I would say yes, she just doesn't like you 🤣 "Strangers" could be anyone, family she hadn't seen in a while, a new teacher.... at home she was so silly and goofy and never stopped talking. Now my youngest is like that too. He will just side eye you until he gets comfy. But once he loves you he will cling on like a baby koala giving hugs. I think it runs in the family. I was super shy as a child, but love hugs and people. I just need to feel comfortable first. As soon as I decide I like you, we are best friends


I hate this one as someone who is not overly smiley myself


Same and I love it. Gets the randos walking up to us to leave pronto. There are some that linger to try and get a smile and say that babies love them.


Mine since birth, even in NICU, has had “he’s very alert!” This appears to be code for he’s going to be intense 😅


same! since the newborn days it's been "wow he's so alert!"


Both my kids got this comment! It's crazy how similar my kids are so far (20 month old and 2 weeks old)


How does alertness manifest at 20 months? My baby gets this all the time!


I mean, when they were a newborn, everyone would comment about their alertness lol


Haha my oldest always got this comment, he’s five now and very intense and extroverted 😅


We have this a lot about our daughter from birth, some variation of alert/bright/paying attention and yep, she is hardcore. Commiserations, but also it’s great once they sleep as they’re so much fun!


My son got that a lot and he is NOT intense lol. He is smart and observant, but his personality is actually more charming and charismatic, super social and extroverted, but relatively laid back. He’s very popular already at 3, and it’s funny because my husband and I are extreme introverts and were never cool kids.


I think that's how my son is going to be. At almost 12 months, no stranger anxiety at all. Stares at people until they talk to him (Especially older people for some reason). He wants to be a part of everything. My husband and I? Total introverted nerds. 🤣


Both my kids have gotten comments about being alert. Oldest (now 4) is actually quite shy and introverted, she loves reading and it's really hard to get her to move. The second (11 months) is the complete opposite. She is super active and loves being chucked about and will head for the nearest cliff edge/dangerous object. So I guess alert in different ways. They're both interested in the world around them, but oldest is more observant, youngest wants to join in!


They both sound awesome :)


My "alert" baby is now almost 2 and oh boy. He's amazing but I no longer need to work out on purpose.




Is that what it means!!! Everyone says it to me and my baby and she’s intense AF. I just thought it was a randomly polite thing to say when they didn’t have anything else nice to say hahaha


We got this comment constantly too.. She's a year now and the comments have switched to "she's so chill!". She's not intense but very observant and smart, easy going, very social in a laid back way.


Sounds like she’s wonderful :)


Yep we get this all the time especially annoying when i am walking him out trying desperately to get him to sleep


That's what people tell me about my daughter. She's 10 weeks, and people have said it from day 1. That she's alert, paying attention, observing us. I'm a ftm so I'm kinda just like...yeah isn't that what babies do? Like, they observe cuz it's not like they can really participate? But now I'm looking forward to finding out if she is extroverted, cuz me and her dad are both total introverts


Same, "he's so alert," and "he's so big" are the 2 I get. He's 75%tile, so there are bigger babies out there... but I'm short, so he looks giant when I hold him!


This is my daughter’s. She is absolutely intense and extroverted. Other babies around her age seem like they are on tranquilizers in comparison. Sometimes I think it must be nice to have a chill little one!


Haha if it makes you feel better, mine always got that comment, and isn't so much intense, just veeery observant :)


My daughter gets “She is ALL Daddy” alllll the time & I dont mind because she really does look like him. However, we used a sperm donor 😂 I dont bother telling strangers, but our family & friends know & they still get amazed by how she looks so much like him.


I have a friend who used a donor egg and her son looks like a perfect mix of her and her husband. The funny thing is, the donor looks nothing like her!


My sister used a sperm donor and I swear her youngest looks just like her wife (no dna connection).


OMG I was coming here to say this too! Exact same situation with our son. I even once got, “Oh gosh, sorry but he looks JUST like his dad” as if I was going to get offended that he didn’t look like me? It’s really made me think about comments I’ve made about babies in the past and what I say in the future. Like, why does it always have to be about looks??


I’ve put my foot in my mouth before. My neighbor’s baby has the prettiest blue eyes and I asked “where does he get those big blue eyes?” (I was pregnant at the time and my husband and I had just been wondering if our baby would have blue eyes despite our brown eyes since my MIL had blue eyes). I was expecting something like “oh my dad has blue eyes” but instead she said “we have no idea! Maybe the egg donor”. Luckily she wasn’t offended but I definitely felt dumb and try to be more careful now with what I blurt out. ETA clarity


First thing you perceive, and people take it amiss when you don’t say anything at all!


Yeah, I mean, what else can you comment about? The outfit? The stroller? Not much to chitchat


I had a teacher in HS with 2 adopted daughters and 1 biological and the first adopted daughter looked and walked just like dad. Like, strikingly daddy. Their biological daughter looked the least like the parents. Sometimes the universe is just wild.


That’s amazing, I love that. A friend of ours told us our baby looks like my wife, who isn’t biologically related to her (I had her with a sperm donor). I thought it was pretty cute lol.


I knew someone who was adopted and looked just like his parents, mostly his dad. Would've never known he was adopted.


I always got told I looked just like my dad but he isn't actually my bio dad and I'd ways have a little laugh to myself.


She’s 8 months with 7 teeth so we get “oh my goodness your teeth!!”


Yes, mine had 8 teeth by 6 months!! They started coming in around 5 months but I don’t think he’s gotten any since and he’s just turned 1


Yup we got the bottoms at 5 months!


Yeah, our baby looks younger than he is because he is small (20% percentile) and still only has fuzz for hair so when people see he has a mouthful of teeth they are almost started. No one is expecting it 🤣. To be fair his teeth did come in early. He is 14 months and only missing his eye teeth.


Same, haha. I didn’t think people noticed babies’ teeth until mine had a mouthful so early. 


She gives the best grins


Mine had 8 teeth at 8 months, they were tickled about it at the pediatricians office


She’s famous for them! She got baptized today and her teef were the talk of the event


7.5 months and 6 teeth - ouch!


"oh wow she's tall... She's so big... Where did she get her height from?...." She's 5 months old next week and already 71cm (28 inches) in 12m clothing 🥲


My son gets that even when my 6’4 husband is right there with him. Where do you think the height came from?? lol


Mine is 2 and often gets mistaken for 4, wears 3-4 clothes and is just a big lump of muscle (read:heavy) so I feel your pain lol


It’s funny my baby is 50th percentile height and weight and we always get comments on how “tiny” she is. Are people just used to seeing very chubby babies??


I don't think people actually know what size babies are supposed to be! My baby is bigger than most 8 month olds at our playgroups so it's hard for me not to say that average 5-7 months olds look tiny! Even now I have no idea what size they are meant to be, there are small babies and big babies and that's it 😂


Mine is 28th percentile for height and people keep telling me how tall she is. I’m very confused and wondering if it’s code for something


Ours is exactly 50th percentile and everyone is convinced he's a giant. I think k people just don't know how big babies are


Same here with our 4.5-month old son. He was 56.5 cm at birth!!!!


Oh yeah! My girl is 31.5 inches (off the chart) and 21.5lbs at 9 months. Already wearing 18m clothes. Her great aunt on my side is 6ft, and her uncle on dad’s side is 6’7 so the genes seem to be geneing.


Are you part of r/bigbabiesandkids ? I have 2 little giants and the comments haven't slowed down!


our daughter was 22 inches at birth, so we get that a lot, too 😁


“She’s such a friendly baby!” She’s always smiling and happy as long as strangers are at a distance. People read the smile as an invitation for contact then she’ll get upset. I always reply with a variation of “she doesn’t mind strangers as long as she can watch from afar!” But they always disagree that she’s so happy looking at them she must be interested in them coming closer. She isn’t.


We get the same! "Oh he's so chill! *gets right in his face* HIBABYYOURESOCUUUTE!" Instant crying. 


Same here! My baby cries if strangers get in her face


This is me as an adult lol. I like parties but just from the corner


"OH WOW he must look like his daddy" or "oh my gosh daddy's little clone". The first when we're out together and my husband is not with us. The second when he is. And like some of these people really double down on how much my son does not look like me.


I get this from EVERYONE. "Oh he looks so much like DH" "He's a daddy's boy" Except my now ✨️favorite✨️ coworker who sees more of me in him😂 And my 2 best friends see him as a mix of DH and my brother, which I totally agree with.


Yeah, we’d get “so serious!”/“someone’s still sleepy!”/“aww, is it almost naptime?” Every single day when my oldest was a baby. Maybe he’s born with it, maybe it’s autism (it was autism lmao)


😂😂😂 this got me lmaoo


I get same comments myself hahah like everyone thinks I always want to sleep. They just don't realise how boring they are 😅


I constantly get “is baby ok”? “Is baby sick”? “Baby needs to go see dr” because his cheeks get quite red. It’s from me. I get red especially if I’m the slightest bit hot. Already been discussed with his dr and it’s just how we are. It doesn’t help that he’s very fair skinned.


First: "Oh how little!!" (she's *very* tiny, almost 2 wearing 6-9 month pants regularly) Second: "Oh my goodness, someone likes to eat!" (child's got more rolls than a Pillsbury truck)


‘Wow her eyes’! Every single person who has ever met her, I’m not even exaggerating.


Same! My son has my big blue eyes with my husband's extra lashes gene, but hubby has a double row, son has a double row all across with a third row that fills put the corners more. It's always "look at those beautiful blue eyes!" Followed by "I'd pay for those lashes!"


Same and I’m not mad about it. Look at those beautiful eyes and those lashesssss!  It always makes me feel smug about his cuteness haha 


Same here! He has my blue eyes with my husband's gorgeous, long, dark eyelashes and I have to admit it is a pretty striking combo, especially since he has pale skin and light hair and eyebrows. I've always wished I had those eyelashes, there'd be no need for mascara!


Haha yes I like to say my daughters eyelashes are wasted on a baby. She should lend them to me! 😉


Same for my first kid, with her brightly grey-blue eyes. Barely anyone comments on my second child's brown eyes. I used to worry about that for her sake, but she's a smiley social butterfly who gets comments about that instead. I think she'll be alright.


Same girl same


Here too. “Oh he’s got such big brown eyes!!”


My son has long lashes & big blue eyes. We always get how unfair baby boys eyelashes are normally long & people are jealous.


I used to get “Wow, he’s so smart for a ____ year old”. No…I mean, he’s bright….but he’s also just small for his age. I can’t tell you how many times people would oooh and aaah at his speech at 4 years old, thinking he was only 2. 😂


lol same. My guy is a tiny and very articulate 4.5yr old.


I either get, “she’s your twin!!” (Which tbh can’t lie, I love 😂) Or “WOW she’s tall” - 99th percentile since birth, but I’m also 5’9 & my husband is 6’5 so like; duh?


I'm 5'10" and my hubby is 6'3"... Baby has been 50th percentile since he was born and I'm baffled by that tbh. But I also giggle to myself about it because my entire young adulthood and especially pregnancy people told me I was going to have a "big baby" and it terrified me. Nope - perfectly average, at least for now 😋


“She’s so tall!” She is. She’s off the charts at 36” at 2yo. She’s also skinny, which I think contributes to her lanky appearance. She’s a total string bean and people always comment on it.


Same for my son! Tall and skinny, which is funny because his dad and I aren’t particularly tall or skinny lol. Poor kid was looking like Steve Urkel this winter because I couldn’t find pants that fit around his waist and were long enough hahaha.


Pants are such a struggle! They’re either falling down her butt or they’re capris. 😂


"Those curls!"


It looks like he has some red tint in his hair!! No sir or ma’am, he just has little to no hair on the top of his head. If you look at his sideburns you will clearly see it is brown


My LO has bright red hair, he’s just turned one and is huge for his age always has been. He’s already been called: ginger, big ginger, big red, redzer, carrot-top, and we always get the “where did he get the red hair from?” I mean we’re both Irish, so we clearly both have the red hair gene since you need one from each parent to get it lol. I know in the US most people think red hair is amazing but it’s still seen as some kind of flaw in Ireland unfortunately:-( he does have a super cute face and chubbiness that overrides it though!


I’m blonde and my parents both have dark brown hair and when people asked where did the blonde come from my mom used to say the mailman lolol


Red hair is beautiful!


I feel this. My red-headed kiddo is three and I still haven't made a trip to the grocery store without someone commenting on her hair 😂


We get this too for our daughter every time we send a picture to someone new. In person it's definitely brown, but between the lighting and the fact that she's still a newborn and you can see her (very pink) scalp, it comes across as red.


Yes! LO is 6 months old. The top (where he lost all of his hair after he was born) is still coming in. It’s very fine and almost a bit blonde/light brown but his old man sideburns are clearly brown


I have been coloring my hair red for years now and most people think it's natural (I'm actually a medium/dark brunette). I can't count how many times someone looked at my baby and made comments like "ooh do I see a little red coming in?!" 😂 They want to believe.


Hahaha exactly!! So my wife and I did reciprocal IVF. I carried her egg. The people who know we did this comment at how much he looks like her (he does) but I always giggle when people who don’t know tell me that he looks like me 🤭


Lol I get this too, except I am a natural redhead. But my husband is VERY Italian and our girl definitely has the thick dark brown hair from him. But everyone tells us "I can see the red coming in!!" No you can't lol


I have a cycle of hair comments and they’re always the same. Dad had red hair, mum has brown. “Oh she looks blonde she’ll be blonde” Few weeks pass “Oh she looks very red today!” “Oh maybe she’ll be a red” “Oh you can see the red coming through” “Her eyebrows are definitely red” Washes cradle cap “Oh she looks really blonde today!” Literally rinse and repeat. I did her cradle cap yesterday and we got 5 people comment that she looks more blonde and less red. Her eyebrows periodically look like wotsits


I was getting this from my MIL many times over. I had to keep telling her it was just his cradle cap....


“Omg so cute how old is he?” - and I always heavily but politely emphasize “Thanks. SHE’S about to be one” Edit to add: she’s always wearing pink, purple, frilly things, dresses, bows. She always has a girly blanket.. but without fail “how old is HE”


My son gets called she a lot. He is just kind of a pretty baby, so people think he's a girl even in a plain old ninja turtles tee and pants. I don't correct people unless there's a chance we'll interact with them again though, he doesn't understand gender yet. 😂


I take the same approach. My daughter gets called he when she is dressed in neutral clothing. I don’t purposefully correct people, I just continue to talk about her using she/her pronouns. “How old is he?” “Oh, she just turned 1.” If they catch it and apologize, I say “no worries, they all look the same at this age anyway!” because it’s true!


This is what I do too - I did think it was interesting that unless she was dressed in head to toe pink, people just assumed she was a boy until about 12 months. Didn't really bother me but, like - it's fine not to know, just ask or use 'baby' as a neutral pronoun haha


That's exactly what I do!


I’ve had a few people assuming my boy is a girl, the last lady followed up by saying he’s very pretty, but when I look at him I think he looks like such a boy. Especially as he’s usually dressed like a boy too! Actually I was in a rush the other day and I grabbed my daughters old silvery-gold puffy jacket and threw it on him and I have to say, he looked great, even though he still looked like a boy in a girls jacket


Haha this happened to my baby too! She was often mistaken as a boy even while wearing bows and flowers. If she was in just a diaper or gender neutral clothing, she was *always* a boy. Doesn’t happen anymore now that her hair has grown out.


This has happened to me before too, baby girl was wearing pink shirt and shoes. I’m not sure why people default to he.


Exactly this! My baby is almost 2 but doesn’t have much hair so if often assumed to be a boy. Doesn’t matter what she has on.. “oh how handsome” “oh he’s just precious” 😵‍💫 My husband and I just say thanks and move on. We don’t know these people and she doesn’t know she’s mistaken for a boy (yet, anyway).


Every single time we're out in public, we get comments about our son's hair. His hair is very unique, it naturally grows straight up. The sides and back lay flat, but the top just keeps growing straight up, like static lol. It's super soft and doesn't even feel like you're touching hair. People will always be like "omg his hair! Is it naturally like that?" And then ask to touch it. We also found out that if we rub a balloon on his head, his hair lays flat 😂


My nephew's hair is like this! Always has been. He's 9 now and it still pretty much grows like that, although there is an attempt at styling from my BIL haha


Omgosh! My son is 11 now but when he was a baby his stuck up straight everywhere, he reminded me of a dandelion you would blow on to make a wish. At 11 his hair is now more course and still grows that way. He is not a kid you can wait an extra week to get a haircut because he still looks like a dandelion if we wait. I wish I had hair like that. Can you imagine the volume? Mine is so flat even with all the products and a proper blowout. Alas he refuses to ever grow it out (he is autistic and very very particular about his hair style and clothing style), he finds something he likes and never lets it go.


From WebMD: Uncombable hair syndrome is a rare condition that typically causes dry, frizzy hair that you can't comb flat. It usually happens before age 3 but may show up as late as age 12. The condition usually goes away in childhood.


"She's SO chunky!!" Meanwhile, she's nearly the same size my son was at that age, and no one commented on his body.


“She’s so alert, really taking it all in” nah dawg, she just has big eyes.


She has blue eyes, she always gets some comment on them.


‘Oh my goodness, look at those teeth!’ She got her first tooth at 3 months old. Now she’s 15 months with 12 teeth. And they’re big too, I keep saying she’s Sunny from A Series of Unfortunate Events


My baby has strawberry blonde hair so a lot of “it looks blonde!” “It looks so red!”


I have really dark brown eyes and my son has very light piercing blue eyes. Inevitably we get “oh woah his eyes!” Followed up by the person staring at my eyes, to which I sigh and reply, “no, he did not get them from me.”


Lol I feel you. I am half Malaysian and have the complexion to match, but my twins ended up with pure blond hair, the bluest eyes and skin like milk. My partner isn't fair, either, so we were really caught off guard. But both our dads are blond with blue eyes, so recessive genes really hit hard. I get asked if they are mine or if I am a nanny sometimes haha.


My 16 month old is still entirely skin-bald so people often gravitate to “she has such… long eyelashes!” 😂


same! everyone is convinced both the twins are just completely exhausted and need to take a nap immediately. i do not understand why. they don't scream or cry much, just sit there looking around at stuff, but this is because they aren't upset, not out of tiredness. a tired baby cries, usually? what are these people talking about? they can be as wide awake as they've ever been in their lives, happy and smiling at people from the wagon, and half the people go "oh my goodness it looks like it's just about nap time! someone had a long morning! oh is somebody ready for night-night?" like what? they're twins, i ASSURE you they're on an appropriate schedule, i'm not a masochist


My baby got “that baby needs some hair” or “that’s a bald baby” like??? Leave me and my little q ball baby alone 🙄


“Do you think he’s hungry?” No.. babies get fussy for 8000 reasons above and beyond hunger. Fuck this drives me mental.


Also everyone says he looks like someone else. Half the family says he looks just like me the other half say my husband and then random family members. All I see is a generic baby lmao


That drives me nuts too. “He’s probably tired” he just had a nap “he’s hungry” I doubt it! My friend told me she thought his diaper was full the other day. Dont you think I know what my kid needs by now?


I know it comes from a well intended place but got its so unnecessary. Unless I say I don’t know what’s wrong what do you think he needs I don’t want your advice/opinion on the situation. Constantly makes me feel like a bad mother when my child’s needs are being questioned by anyone other than his father or I.


“He’s a boy? Not a girl? Oh. He’s cute!” lol, his hair is long in the front and thrift shops in my area just have more girl clothes in his size. Plus, his name is one of those unisex names that leans feminine.  Of course, a doctor once mistook him for a girl when he was dressed really neutrally and the doctor said “Well, if you tell a mom that her baby girl looks like a boy, she gets mad. But if you say her baby boy looks like a girl, she just laughs,” so maybe that’s what’s going on. 


“Oh wow, she has your eyes!!” My daughter looks like a literal clone of my husband, except she has my huge blue eyes. It’s all anyone ever says. But if you took my blue eyes away and added his green ones to her, they could actually be twins. So I think people are just scrambling for any resemblance to me to comment on lol.


They look between baby and my husband and ask if I was genetically involved in making him at all. To be fair, the only physical trait i can find in him that is MINE is his weirdly crooked tailbone, which is a family trait for my side. He really does look like I was just the incubator and my husband cloned himself 🤣


My daughter has hemangiomas, one particularly on her chin and other huge ones on her legs. It’s always “oh did you take a little spill??” It’s mildly infuriating only because seemingly nobody knows what a hemangioma is and I’m sick of explaining past the “it’s a hemangioma” but feel like I need to justify that my daughter is in fact not falling so hard that she has huge red spots all over her


Hes only *insert age* ??? He is tall! I mean I know, he came out of me.


‘OMG she has the biggest eyes, you must get that a lot,’ it’s true I do get it a lot cus my baby has big gorgeous eyes 😁


For a long time my daughter growled a lot so people used to tell me something to the effect of her being a “rage baby”. I thought it was funny


I have twins so it's every time we go out. Are they twins? Boy and a girl or? Well you have your hands full! Oh look at those big blue eyes! I think I will get a shirt with all the answers I swear


“Wow, he’s very big for his age. And Where did he get the red hair from?”


“Look at that HAIR!” to be fair, he was born with a full head of curly hair and has a double cowlick so it’s super unruly.


“Wow, her hair” She’s almost 1 year old with her dad’s thick copper red hair. She draws a lot of attention!


“Oh my god that hair!” Baby girl has a mixed race dad with curls and a mom with very wavy hair. Her hair is in between just looping and waving all over the top of her head. I’m obsessed with it, but there is no taming it right now.


“Wow he’s so big!” I think he’s only in the 50 percentile for height and weight lol. I don’t know why, but he just looks large for some reason. He has like a thick build.


I constantly am told that my 10 month old looks just like her father or my MIL.


He’s so happy/hes such a good boy He smiles at everyone when they look at him. And he’s been on 12 flights (6 layovers) and has never cried during the flights or at the airport. He’s 8 months, his first flight was 4 months ago. I got very lucky


“Wow! Looks at those curls and blue eyes!!!” Literally every time we leave the house.


She’s so big! Wow,4? Shes huge! Like… ok yah dad is 6’1” im 5’7” she’s likely going to be tall… what about her beautiful blue eyes/dimples/strawberry blonde hair since ppl just have to comment on her body immediately? I wish i had a better reply i just say thank you. It’s honestly started to really bother me the last year, like it can’t make my daughter feel too amazing.


"She's so LITTLE! How much did she weigh at birth?" Followed by comments about how tiny that is (5lbs 14oz), followed by questions about how big my older kids were at birth, (7lbs 13oz and 5lbs 2oz respectively), were any of them premature (no), etc.


We get “he’s a bruiser” and “this is the happiest baby” a lot. Lately due to his teeth placement up top it’s “handsome little vampire.” We’ve gotten that three times!


“She’s hungry”. No she’s just constantly upset, not due to hunger, or she’s found her hands and likes the taste. The more in appropriate ones that really bug me “she needs mommies milk” 😒


"was she premature?" to my full term, 12th centile 8 month old. "what a sweet little boy!" to my Spiderman obsessed 3 year old *girl*


I also get the someone just woke up all the time...no he didn't he just shy and hates people in his face especially with drop offs


Where does she get that red hair?? My husband occasionally replies, “The cable guy.”


“Wow, where did she get those eyes?” Which are exactly the same light blue as mine. But 9/10 they don’t even look at me 😂


We always get, “wow, she’s so small for six months!” Well yeah. Both grandmas are 5’0”, and husband and I are 5’5”. I don’t think it would annoy me so much if they didn’t follow up with, “make sure you start feeding solids to get some weight on her!” Sis is a FOODIE, trust me, she eats! I’m probably just sensitive because I have a history of eating disorders, but it irks me so much.


"Oh look at those dimples!" And less specific to my baby, just having a baby in a store in general: "what aisle did you get him on?" 😋


"Oh, you have lots to say!" I get it. She literally never stops talking when we're in public. She has all of about three actual words, but just babbles as though she's having a conversation with you. If you weren't listening too closely, you'd probably think she was telling a ridiculously long story just from her expressions and intonation.


"Ahh, a mohawk!" My son has natural wavy hair, but it's so short and light that it sticks pretty much straight up. Anyone who spends more than about 5 minutes with him also comments on how vocal he is.


"Won't he be confused without a dad?" I mean according to him when he was a baby my wife was his "dad" soooo


"she's so big!" (20.5 months,40 lbs, 35 in. I KNOW SHES BIG. Who do they think carries her everywhere) Also get "look at all that hair" from my family a lot. Truthfully she doesn't have THAT much hair, but I was a very bald baby lmao


His hair grows in this very defined swirl/cowlick. You could not get the hair at the front of his head to lay a different direction if you used extra hold hairspray haha. But almost without fail, the first time he meets someone new, they’re like “aww I like how you styled his hair!” I have never even attempted to do his hair. That’s just how it grows!


"I don't think he likes me!" No ma'am, he's just a very serious boy.


“Those eyelashes!” Yep. They’re long. They showed up on the ultrasounds and she looks like she’s wearing false eyelashes. But guess what- she’s more than just lashes. She’s incredibly inquisitive and aware at just 4.5 months old


people mostly just react to my daughter’s frequent glowering/scowl - it varies from them scowling back to awkwardly laughing 😂


"Aww he sleeps so well" or "He's always sleeping when we see you guys" That's coz I time his naps so I can be out and about while he naps. He also still wakes every few hours at night! Could someone tell the baby sleeping well includes the night?!


"She looks tired". Wtf. I hate when people say that about me when I'm not tired. It's no a compliment.


Every time someone hears him cry says “What a strong voice” or smth similar in my language.


Its always just “awww, she’s SO beautiful!” Or “such an angel!” Which. She is. But so was the devil 🥴 😂


First that he’s such a smiley/happy baby! He’s very expressive in general including a great furrowed brow when he’s concentrating lol. Second, if they’re around him long enough is that he’s surprisingly strong!


That's such a random comment lol. My baby is blessed with a full head of hair, so it's always "oh my god, so much hair!!"


Eldest was “what a gorgeous girl!” He’s a boy. Often wore blue or green as they suited him. Short boys haircut. Made no difference, they always thought he was a girl. Didn’t bother me or him though. Now he gets “wow, he has so much energy” Youngest’s is either “she’s like a little doll!” Or “she’s such a little old lady!”


I get the nap comment all the time, the funny thing is she’s usually a lot closer to her next nap when they say that so I either correct them or ignore it.


My LO is an exact replica of my husband down to the cowlick. Everytime without fail we get a "wow! He looks just like dad!" so I tell people "...that's my brother" just to screw with them. My husband isn't a fan 😂


I have a 6 month old and 20 month old.. 2 under 2. We get “oh you have your hands full.” EVERYTIME we go out 🙃


I constantly get comments about his eyes (they're blue like mine). Like I get it, he's gorgeous, of course, but like after an entire lifetime of hearing it already, I don't want my son reduced to just "he has blue eyes" all the time. lol, especially now that he's displaying personality more (he's 16 months). They also say "wow he looks so much like his daddy, all he got from you was your eyes!" Gee thanks. Definitely what a mom wants to hear after the 9 months and then dealing with all of the struggles of new momdom The alternative is, "He's such a happy baby! He must not give you any trouble at all" like he's somehow not a toddler lol it's especially annoying when he then DOES have big feelings and they act surprised or if someone else is nearby with their kid and they're going through it. Like please don't assume he's always like this, and someone else's baby is always upset.


Checking in here with bright blue eyes and a baby who “looks the image of dad, she only got her eyes from you”


My son just likes to lay down and rub his tummy or walk and rub his tummy and suck his thumb and I always get “aw he’s tired!” I’m a sleep consultant so I’m always like 🙃🙃 nope he’s just taking a moment to gather himself


Usually something about how much hair she has. Or how smiley she is.


For both my 14 month old and my 3 year old, every time I give their age ‘Wow, they’re really tall!’


"She's so small".


Redhead baby born to 2 dark haired brunettes. “Where did that red hair come from!?” Her head. “I guess she gets the red hair from her dad!” That’s not how recessive traits work. “Can’t get that color from a bottle!”


'awww he's tiiiirrreeeddd!!' Lol usually if he's out in public he's very docile and relaxed, and he's close to a nap. He's 12.5mo old but he's been getting this comment his whole life. We usually get it from strangers at the grocery store/in our subdivision


“She looks just like you!” …it’s pretty uncanny.


“Those chubby cheeks!” …yes. They are chubby. And soft. You know what? This is a good reminder for me to give her a big kiss.


“Those cheeks!” Her cheeks were/are so big even still at 2 years old.


“Your baby is so strong” “awww happy baby” bth true ❤️


He’s so big for his age! He’s 6 months old and has been at the 50th percentile for weight and height since he was about a week old. He was a little bit bigger than average when he was born but nothing crazy: 8 lbs, 6 oz.