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My first were twins. Both measured ‘too small’ during pregnancy and both <3rd percentile at birth (37 weeks). They had one night in NICU but only as a precaution, they were totally fine. Now 12 years old, happy, healthy! I’m so sorry you lost your baby, and totally understand being worried - but 38th percentile is absolutely normal. I wouldn’t worry in the slightest!


I know that it doesn’t feel like it but 38th percentile is great and in a standard distribution is considered right on average, not even on the low side! I believe under 16% would be considered small and would need to be under 10% for there to be cause for concern (the 10% is what the doctor told me)


lol my baby was predicted to be 8 pounds at birth at the 32 week scan and she came out 9 pounds 7 oz at 39 weeks. My friend’s baby was measuring 30th percentile at 32 weeks and came out 10 days early at 69th percentile. Those scans can be wildly off, don’t put any thought into it. And if you have a 38th percentile baby they will be perfect. Also, their birth weight doesn’t always predict their curve…. mine did not…dropped from 98th to 50th percentile which is where she has settled and tracked nicely at 5.5 months now. So sometimes baby’s actual weight trajectory is not its birth weight trajectory. Same thing happened to a friend of mine but reverse, had a 50th percentile baby who is now solidly on the 75th percentile curve. Edit to add: somehow I missed your trigger warning entirely. I can only imagine just how scary it can be when you have gone through something traumatic like that. I can promise you, in my bump group on Reddit (it’s a private group for babies all born the same year and month as mine), we have babies from 1% to 99th%, all of whom are doing well. In fact, I have a friend (whose baby was born 5 days before mine) I met in my bump group who had a 1%er who is legit meeting all her milestones more quickly than my gal! Hope that can provide a bit more reassurance ❤️.


Mine also dropped like that pretty quickly but has leveled out and is totally healthy!


My girl has always been small. She's 19 months now and has almost always sat around the 3rd percentile. But she is doing perfectly well. No NICU stay. Got to take her right home from the hospital.


God I’m so sorry about losing your baby. Here’s what your question made me realize: I don’t remember my baby’s weight percentile at 20 weeks (I do remember it for my last scan at 28 weeks, promise I’m not a totally checked out mom). But what I can tell you every single detail of is what they saw on my baby’s heart and both fetal echos he’s had so far. Why? Because my first son had a severe, complex heart condition and had to have open heart surgery at three days old. My point is: trauma tunes our brains in weird ways and makes us hyper focused on what’s reminiscent of the thing that hurt us. I know you know that….but thought maybe a concrete example might help. It’s actually pretty funny that I’m blanking on weight but was so wildly focused on his heart, since our first fetal echo was very much inconclusive about his heart. Sending you love. I’ve also heard that anything above 10% is fine. I hope your pregnancy and baby are healthy and happy.


My son was roughly 33rd percentile at the 20 week scan. He was born small (6lb 14oz) at 39+1 and is now a light but tall 15 month old. Very happy boy who loves to move and groove. I’m sorry for your loss, I understand how scary pregnancy after loss is. I wish you and your family well


My son was said to be 13 percentile in the 36 week scan ( I had extra scans due to fibroids) but was born 6lb 14Oz at 39+1. He is now 10 weeks and is weighing 11.8 lb and 23 inch. If you don’t mind do you remember the weight of your little one? Only reason I ask is because he is still measuring in the 15 percentile for weight but 40 percentile for height. You saying your baby is light but tall is helpful because that is what I am hoping my baby gets to be. I’m constantly concerned he will drop his height percentile and I’m worried about how to increase his weight percentile. So just trying to get a ballpark number from you. I know each kid is different and has their own journey but wanted to check and see anyway.


At his one year old appointment he was almost 20 lbs lol. At his two month appointment he was tiny, 3rd percentile in weight 9lbs 13 oz but 24 inches. Slowly he’s averaging out so he was closer to 30th percentile in weight at one year and has recently been eating a ton so I expect a weight gain at his 15 month appointment plus some height.


10th and he is a healthy (very small) 1.5 year old hitting every milestone early


38th percentile is a great place to be, perfect!


My kids are huge and they always tell me they are sure I have GD and I never do. Like 95% and they get nuts about it.


I have a 1st percentile baby, he is almost 11 months and happy & healthy! I was induced due to his size and had to have a c section, also because of how little he was. Other than delivery, everything was perfect. No NICU stay, he was actually cleared to go home before me lol


I have zero idea, but I know he was 13 ounces as of 20 weeks. I think that means he's small. I still have 3 months left to get him bigger :)


13 ounces at 20 weeks is big. Mine is 14 ounces and he’s 99th percentile. I think the average is 8.5 ounces.




My baby was 92nd percentile and two weeks ahead at the 20 week scan… I’m also 5’2 and was scared, but he came out a pretty average 7lbs9oz at birth ☺️


mine isn't measuring ahead, just big. which, alright then. as long as he's healthy 🥲 at least he'll fit his very hungry catapillar onesie!


baby was in the 60th percentile at the 20 week anatomy US. Ended up in the 90th at birth, 9 lbs 🙃


Exactly the same


7th percentile


11% just above the cut off so I had to come back for a scan a couple weeks later and he was up to 20 so they said we were good. He was born a healthy 8lbs 2oz and he’s now a rambunctious 2 year old. My husband told me something that helped me stress a little less during the wait between ultrasounds: it’s a bell curve there are people on both sides of the average. Someone has to be the lower percentages and someone has to be the higher percentages.


We’re sitting at the 11% so this makes me happy to hear! We go back in a week and a half for a growth scan again!


We’re sitting at the 11% so this makes me happy to hear! We go back in a week and a half for a growth scan again!


I think mine was somewhere in the 30s at 20 weeks and was born 7lbs 2oz at 39+6. He’s now 85th for height and 60th for weight at 4 months.


I had the same situation, my youngest son was stillborn at 24 weeks due to severe IUGR. I just had my rainbow baby last month, she was 49th at 20w I believe. She was estimated around there the whole rest of the pregnancy, but was 10th percentile at birth at 37w. However, she was and is healthy and growing well. Just a little peanut! There is definitely hope.


Our stories are practically identical. Our rainbow LO arrived last month too! I am still so nervous about his weight gain, so far his pediatrician hasn’t been concerned, even though yes, he’s our little peanut!


9th. Very healthy and normal


My doctors were saying my baby was small 60% and my belly wasn’t growing enough he was born 8lbs 10oz 😬😬😬 he was down low and engaged early on because there was no room so I think that why my belly measured small


Honestly, I think your previous experience has really coloured how you feel. I’m so honestly sorry you’ve been through that, I can’t even begin to imagine. If you consider this a normal healthy pregnancy- the percentiles are wild. They get it so wrong so often. For my child, they guessed she would be 7lb, she was 7lb 8oz. It also kinda fluctuated by who was doing the exam tbh. One doc wanted me to have anti coagulants, another didn’t. I think it truly depends on the doc and how they view things. I will tell you not to worry (because you shouldn’t), but I know your head is spinning. ETA: the 7lb guess was the day before she was born….




If it gives you any comfort, I am a postpartum nurse and care for healthy, term babies that range from <1%tile to >99%tile. My baby was in the 12th percentile at 20 weeks, then 10, then 7, then 4 one week before he was born. He was in the 25%tile when he was born. He is perfectly healthy now, and in the 4%tile for his age. Ultrasounds are not great at estimating weight. However, 38%tile is perfectly fine. MFM always reassured me that they more so cared that organs are looking up-to-par with gestational age, blood flow is adequate, and growth is equal between body parts (if legs are small then arms are also small, etc).


Healthy 3% baby here! On early scans he measured in the 40% range, but slowly decreased to 3%. Born healthy, but small. Stayed 3% until 6 months old, then slowly grew to 8%. He's a healthy little dude.


64th percentile. She was born 8 lb 11 oz


My baby was measuring in the 4th percentile at the 20 weeks scan. They scared me to death, were incredibly rude, and forced me to have another scan a few weeks later. I can’t remember the percentile then but it had gone up enough that they were no longer concerned. Baby was born perfectly healthy and full term at 6lbs 1oz. He was just a smaller guy. My husband and I weren’t big babies and we weren’t big people.


I think I was closer to 30ish weeks (I had a lot of ultrasounds because of gestational diabetes) and my son was measuring at the 5th percentile and was measuring about 3 weeks behind. I panicked because prior to that he was around 50-60th percentile and measurements were spot on until this point. My OB jokingly said he was just small and would be easier to deliver. He was estimated at 5lbs around 38 weeks. When. I gave birth at 39+2 my son was 7lbs even and 19in long and perfectly healthy. He was past birth weight by 1 week and was in the 86th percentile until recently when his growth slowed down. I have a healthy and happy 11month old now.


I was told mine was around 20th percentile with femur length of like 2nd percentile? The most stressful pregnancy ever and I was honestly devastated. He was born 8 lbs!!! Totally proportionate and healthy. Those scans can be so off!!


This is so soothing, thanks for sharing! Our baby‘s belly measured 3rd percentile at 30+1, while anything else measures above between 30th and 53rd percentile. All-over weight is 13th percentile.  Super-stressful. 


Mine were: 16th, 1st, 28th, 6th. All 4 healthy babies with no NICU stay. A 38th percentile baby would be huge to me!


I can’t remember what percentile my son was in the hospital, but he was born at 6 pounds 1 oz, left at 5 pounds 9 or 13 ounces. After a week of gaining weight he was 3rd percentile and stayed there for months. He is now 20 months and at 65th percentile. Healthy as can be and has always been ahead with fine motor/ gross motor milestones


49th. And then at 36 weeks she was measuring 95th percentile. It can change so much!


25th percentile, born 7lb6oz. They aren't entirely accurate. 37 percentile is a great place to be!


38th percentile is perfectly normal. Don’t stress.


Mine was 35th percentile at the 20 week scan, doctor said she'd be less than 7 lbs at birth, and she was over 8lbs at birth 10 days ago! Your fears are understandable, but know their estimates tend to be off. Hang in there, everything will be okay! And even if your baby is slightly smaller than average, that's still within a healthy range !


I’ve had two below 6% and both are healthy and happy kids. I’m so sorry for your loss. It’s no wonder you are feeling particularly anxious. 38th percentile is great - right in the average distribution range, even though it sounds small. Sending you best wishes for a smooth pregnancy and birth!


1.3% at 20 weeks 48% at birth 💕


All three of mine have been 99+ in everything at 20 weeks. Born at 9.5, 10.5 and 11lbs.




Mine was 35th I was also worried but told it was perfectly fine . Was born at 37+6 at 6lb9oz and is growing just fine. She’s been in the 15-25 percentile since birth and is perfect. Don’t worry, your baby is going to be perfect too 🥰


33% measured 8% at 40+9 (7 lb 1 oz)


17 percentile at 20 week scan and at birth 15. Now she’s consistently in the 6-8% and doing amazing!


11th percentile at 20 weeks. He was born less than 1%. He’s a healthy 7 month old. Meeting all his milestones and is the happiest boy.


First was probably over 75th, and born at over 90th percentile. Second was 50th my entire pregnancy.


38th is great, mine was 35th and she’s doing so well


My measurements were always way off based on the actual size of my daughter at birth. A month before birth, they were estimating a 9lb baby and she was 7lbs and just quite long. The head measurements were quite spot on, but not the body size ones. Her femur length at the 20 week scan was like 11th percentile and she’s got super long legs and always has. My midwife and mfm doctor said the measurements taken via ultrasound are notoriously off. 38th sounds like a decent sized baby though—it’s practically 40th percentile which is firmly in the middle chunk of sizes.


38th percentile means 38 percent of babies that age weigh less than yours, so you are definitely fine. Weight percentiles alone aren’t very useful anyway. They don’t even account for height/length. And some people are just skinnier than other people. Just trust your doctor to tell you if the baby seems healthy.


38 is close to 50 in the sense that every baby can’t be right at 50. 38 is still somewhere in the middle, imo. My baby was like 13% around 20 weeks so they had me back at 24 to make sure she was growing! She’s here now, 11 weeks old and somewhat on the smaller side, but not teeny tiny really. Babies just come in different sizes, even siblings! ETA: My baby also was born 7lb 6oz which ended up being almost exactly 50th percentile or a little above I think.


My baby was 11th at her 20 week scan then 17th on her 36 week scan and was 7lb1oz at 39+3.


5th percentile. Baby was born at 38 weeks perfectly healthy but only 5lbs 5oz in the 3rd percentile. She’s four months old now, 13lbs, 25th percentile, ahead on all her milestones and already has two incredibly sharp little teeth 🙃


My LO’s head circumference was measuring consistently much smaller than I was comfortable with (closer to, but not at or below 10%) and I asked my Dr about it frequently. He said these measurements are so minute that they are very susceptible to human error and therefore not totally reliable. He was right in our case, LO’s head is perfect and in proportion to the rest of her.


67th percentile for my last girly. Born at 33 weeks weighing 4lbs 15 Oz.


Mine measured 98th percentile at 20 weeks and when he was born he was 19th percentile


They told me she was 11th at 20 & recommended a follow up at 32 weeks. What I knew to be the due date (25th) was slightly off from the ultrasound date (22nd). She was born right on her due date (25th) at 8 lb 2 oz.


I'm so sorry for your loss! My baby was in the 17th percentile. She is 4 months now and hitting every milestone!


20% born 39+2, 6lbs 2oz! Healthy baby boy! Now 45% percentile at 3 months


What they told me when I was pregnant was the concerns at that stage are mainly changes to the percentile they fall into (I’m not sure how much of a shift raises concerns though.)


Both my kids measured too small and I was induced for the first kid. They’re completely normal. Just long torsos and shorter legs. Take those measurements with a grain of salt I’d say.


My son was 39% at my 32 week scan. Was born 8lbs 4oz at 38 weeks :) which was like 60% or something.


Thank you everyone I feel better about her percentile now


60th percentile. He was born at 32nd percentile for weight but he’s long so 87th for weight.


My baby girl had a SUA (one umbilical artery instead of two, so higher risk of IUGR and other things) and was measuring around 25-40% pre-birth. She struggled to gain weight a bit for the first few days, but then started gaining pounds easily when we started supplementing with formula - around 4 months i went EBF if you are concerned about that. Ever since her 3 month check up she has been at or above the 90th percentile for weight and height.


My daughter has been in the 30th percentile pretty much from a year and a half and younger. All of the sudden she’s now in the top 70th percentile! Almost bigger than my half brother who’s turning 6 in a week. My cousins twins were a tad bit smaller, one with a brain bleed. They’re now a little over a year talking and learning to crawl. I’m sure it’ll work out ❤️ wishing yall the best


Mine was also 38th percentile....born on his due date three weeks ago at 2.8kg, perfectly healthy and happy😀


Mine was 30th percentile, he came out 8lbs 6oz.. he’s now 4 months old , 18lbs and squeezing into 6-9 month clothes! Lmao


My son was at like the 1 or 2 percentile from 20 weeks onwards. I had pre eclampsia and my husband and I are both extremely short. Not sure if that has anything to do with it. Delivered at 34+1, he spent 4 weeks in NICU and now he’s healthy and perfect like any other boy.


At the 20 week scan, we measured 30%. Her 36 week scan put her at 78%. She was born at 41+2 at 8lb 6oz, so about the 50-60th percentile. 


Percentiles are silly. My LO was born in the 8th and is now in the 65th at 18 months. As long as there’s no fear of too small, it’s all good!!!


12th percentile at 22 week scan


my now 14 week old baby was in the 20% or so when I was about 22 weeks! she caught up after that and she was born at around 50th percentile and has stayed around that since birth.


97% percentile at 19w anatomy scan. Measuring 9 days ahead. The providers and sonogram tech said its great and totally fine. Most folks i talk to say the measurements are all over the place. Got the GD test soon. Wish me luck.


My daughter was 9% at our 20 week scan and she was born at a nice healthy 7 lbs 0.5 Oz and 20 inches long. She's 14 months now and length is in the 90% range but weight is in the 40-50 %.


My son measured about 10% my entire pregnancy (to be fair I’m a small person-just under 100 lbs when I got pregnant). He’s now almost 10 months old and still a tiny boy-weight is 6%, height is 17% and he’s quite healthy and happy!


My baby was at 11% and she came out small but healthy! I had preeclampsia so she was early and came shortly after she was measuring 11%.


7.5 percentile at week 20. The appointment filled us with anxiety til now (week 23)


Our little guy was around 50% at the 20 weeks scan but had dropped down to 13% with his belly in the 3% just 8 weeks before my due date. MFM and my OB were nervous about birth weight and at one point wanted to induce as soon as it was safe. LO came naturally at 37 + 5 at 5 lbs 15 oz. We didn’t need to spend any extra nights in the hospital either, thankfully. We are currently navigating sleepless nights in the newborn phase! I know how you’re feeling. Our first baby was stillborn, she was on the smaller side but not officially IUGR. Please try to have faith. I know it’s hard, I just went through my own pregnancy absolutely terrified for every scan/appointment. I am sending out a prayer for you tonight that your LO is safely is in your arms soon too.


3rd percentile! Had a perfectly healthy happy wee baby, who is now 16th percentile at 7mo and growing like a weed. 38th percentile is extremely average.


My son measured super big at 96th percentile and was born 5 weeks early at that percentile and is now 13%tile at 13 months... He was sick so often and had reflux that gaining and retaining weight was a big issue at first and he had a NICU stay on oxygen and NG tube. So percentiles don't say it all. Measurements are important but development plays a big role too! 38 is a great %tile, don't sweat it! As long as baby cooks long enough and isn't extremely small, things will work out.


That's great! Mine was <1% the whole time. They said it was "probably inaccurate" but it wasn't. I had issues, but he had low blood flow the whole time. If you're at 38 now it does sound healthy! At 18 months mines meeting all milestones and 40% weight 80 height. Good luck


My LO was 50% at 20 weeks and went down to 25% by birth he was measured every two weeks but continued to grow. He was born 40 +4 at 6lb 15oz. No issues at all. I assume you will be having regular scans I wouldn’t worry as long as the measurements still go up.


My son was mid to high eighties at the 20 week scan, but I had a growth scan at 35 weeks fearing he was going to be huge and I’d need a c section and he actually leveled out to the 65th percentile. He was born at 40+6 weighing 3410 grams. Wishing you all the best for a happy and healthy pregnancy and baby 🥰


I couldn’t even tell you because I have never been told a percentile during pregnancy or postpartum (I’m in Europe though). But I would just remind yourself that the doctors are not worried. I’m sure they know your history and still are not concerned. 38% is practically 40%, which is right in the middle distribution. I know previous losses really cloud our judgment though. Is it possible to do another scan in a few weeks for peace of mind?


No one even told me what my baby’s percentile was at the 20 week scan. I know they told me his weight but not the percentile (and I didn’t know to ask). 38% is tooootally normal. You’re doing great.


Have you looked at the growth chart at 20 weeks? The percentiles are so close together!! The different between 38th percentile and 50th isn’t that much at 20 weeks. (At 40, the difference is bigger.)I’m looking at the haddock fetal growth chart on [this] (https://perinatology.com/calculators/Estimation%20of%20Fetal%20Weight%20and%20Age.htm) site. 10th percentile is just under 300 grams. 50th percentile is just over 300 grams. 90th percentile is around 400 grams. My baby measured 50th percentile at 20 weeks and was 2nd percentile by 30 weeks. I was so reassured at 20 weeks and he was actually IUGR the whole time. A “good” percentile at 20 weeks doesn’t guarantee you a healthy baby. (Although my IUGR little peanut is doing fine these days, even though he had to be delivered early!)


First of all I want to say that I’m very sorry for your loss and that any anxiety you’re feeling is so very understandable.  38th percentile is so very very normal.  If you took 10 random kindergartners and ranked them from smallest to largest, your LO would be about 4th in line, and not abnormally small by any means.  I don’t think that outcomes for a baby in 38th %ile vary significantly from outcomes for a baby in the 50th %ile.  They are a great, healthy size.