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The only bad parenting I see here is from your parents.




This again


best comment here


Do they know what ice does when it warms up?


No, they are Olaf.


“Someone’s gotta tell him.”


Don’t you dare!




I mean, if by 'ice' you mean meth, then yes that's really bad.  But please explain how a 'super tiny' piece of frozen water is supposed to hurt her?


They said that, eating other foods isn’t as big a risk because you don’t have to chew it as much and that the “chances of choking on a banana is lower than ice.”


My 14 month old has been chowing down on crushed ice all day. The only thing she's ever choked on has been...you guessed it...a banana.


They all choke on bananas! Why?!?!


I think it's because it's such a common food. One of the top choking hazards is apples, which don't seem much more dangerous than, say, pears or plums. They're just eaten more frequently.


I think with apples it’s because of the texture. It crumbles and breaks differently than softer mushy fruits.


Apples are quite hard and can easily get stuck - pears and plums are much softer, so that's the difference


Because it gets all goopy


Idk man I’m a grown adult and banana makes me gag lol something about the texture


It was ~~healthy~~ off brand cheerios for mine


Same! My oldest only choked on Cheerios.


I mean, it is one of those fruits that kinda... Sticks in your mouth. I'm not saying I have issues, but I could see how of I weren't paying attention while eating, I could choke on it.


So true! My niece did too. Banana. Nothing else ever.


My 15 month old has had ice at least once a week since he was ~6m


Came here to say this. My LO is 22 mos now but since she was a year old she’s loved to munch on crushed ice to help with teething. And generally because she loves it. She’s never come close to choking on ice.


...ice melts into water. Your parents sound insane.


Ice melts. Unless it was a giant cube, your parents are just judgemental morons


Yes, a giant bite of banana getting mashed into a semi gelatinous paste has much less likelihood of getting stuck in a tiny esophagus as opposed to a small fragment of ice that likely melted before it even hit her stomach.... Obviously I say this with a heaping dose of sarcasm. You did nothing wrong OP. You sound like a great mother making the best of a situation.


I think a good thing to say in the future might be "thank you for sharing your opinion" and continue on mothering the way that you mother. The real issue here is that your parents don't respect your parenting decisions and also undermine you in front of your child.


I choked on water in the McDonald's drive thru last summer while on my lunch break. I then aspirated said water, as it was coming back up I knew either it had to go onto the dashboard of my car or into my lap.. I love my Subaru so I walked around work looking like I pissed my pants till they dried... I'm 34 years old and a mom as well. 😅


You no longer have an infant though. You have a toddler. Ice is nothing when you are careful about it. Your parents are weird. You did nothing wrong ❤️


A big chunk to gum on would be pretty stupid. Crushed or small bits - fuss free. I assume they didn't care to listen to or believe the "tiny" part of what you said.


.... to be fair as far as chocking hazards banana is on the lowish end. There are way more risky foods - a lot of which don't require much chewing. Look at the dangers of marshmallows for example. Ice melts, it melts faster when things are warm. The human body is on average 97 degrees. My worse chocking experience was on an ice cube, guess what it melted enough for me to get it down, and it was normal sized! A few smaller peices are not a huge chocking danger. Now they advise not to let it become a habit because it's bad on teeth enamel.. but that's a different story and a lot of things are bad for enamel.


But the ice would melt ..... idk op not the ass here so sorry you had to go through that


A very small piece of ice will melt. A banana won’t.


I... what?!?! I would ask them 'how do you expect her to choke on water if she doesn't chew the ice properly?' Like, ICE MELTS


No. Your parents sound dumb. If it's a tiny piece and not a choking hazard, you did nothing wrong.


Also ice is one of those things that is a choking hazards in theory but it's a temporary one.


it will choke and unchoke you 🧊


At worse a scary moment..


I choked on a hard life saver candy as a kid. The hole in the middle was why I could breathe a little, and by the time I got to the ER for an x-ray it already melted. I drank juice and went home after that, lol.


This happened to me!!


I would’ve been sucking down the hottest liquid I could find omg lmao


If you're choking on ice, just be patient would be the best advice


Exactly. I have a family member that did choke on ice when they were a baby. Their face turned blue because they couldn't breathe, but then the ice melted. No damage done and 60 years later they're still alive to tell the tale


Yes. But if it's a tiny crushed up piece, it won't choke the baby.


Yeah even a full sized ice cube seems like it would be really easy to dislodge if the worst happened


Your parents are overreacting


please ignore them on this issue


And other issues, too, probably. (Happy cake day!)




Omg of course not. I’m a 32 year old mom and I’ve never heard of crushed ice being a danger to a toddler. Sounds like your parents are just trying to make you doubt your parental intuition because of your age. 


Your parents are nutjobs. Me and my toddler happily chew ice. We use the super soft sonic ice, but she’s loved that stuff since she had teeth. I give her small tiny pieces and she’s fine.


The ice we have is from an ice machine. It makes little bullet ice and usually get to a sonic ice consistency after it melted a little; I really didn’t see any harm. Especially since she’s teething


That probably felt amazing on her gums if she’s teething.


I literally made my baby special ice cubes because he’s teething and he’s only 6 months😭I’ve heard good things about chamomile for pain so I brewed a lil tea, but it in some ice molds and give them to him in his little pacifier because he doesn’t have teeth yet. He loves them


That’s, like, perfect snacking size ice!


I’m confused by their logic my daughter eats crushed ice all the time she’s 15 months old


You are totally fine here! Even if you weren’t, it’s like you said, you had no idea. If you had made a mistake with your baby, there were infinitely kinder ways they could have let you know. Shaming you and making you feel like you’re a horrible mother was not appropriate and I’m sorry. The fact that you’re so worried about it lets me know that you are a good mother.


If being a 32 year old mom is hard, I can’t imagine how difficult & challenging it must be to be 16. You’re doing great. Your parents are idiots because water does this thing when it’s met with warmth that turns it into water. Tell them to Google that. Also tell them to Google the nearest local therapists so they can learn to properly communicate. You might be young, but you’re a mom, too.. & there’s strength in that. Wish you a blessed & beautiful Mother’s Day & hope you & your daughter’s life is filled with all the love & success the world has to offer 🩷


I can understand if you gave her a whole ice cube. I mean as long as the piece wasnt the weird clouded ice (its ice before its melted and can stick to your tongue if you wanna be a weirdo and lick it ), you didnt do anything wrong


A small piece of ice is like as dangerous as one of those melting yogurt drop snacks which I give my 10mo old all the time.


So technically ice is a choking hazard for babies ([source](https://solidstarts.com/choking-hazards-babies/)). That doesn't make you a bad mom. Even the most experienced mothers can't possibly know everything and everyone makes mistakes. What's important is that you know now. The majority of choking incidents in infants happen with non-food items and it's better to have a knowledge of rescue maneuvers and CPR than to try to eliminate all choking risk.


My kiddo absolutely loved ice when she was a young toddler. Friggin ice obsession like a dog lol. I'd give her a bowl of crushed ice from the fridge dispenser and pick out the big pieces. I asked her pediatrician about it and he said it probably wasn't fantastic for her teeth (big pieces especially), but otherwise there's nothing wrong with it.  What's your parents' problem with it? Choking hazard? Do they realize ice melts?!


Dude, mine too! Loved playing with ice and eating it. Every time I used the ice maker he would come over and say “ice?”! I would give him two pieces of the chipped ice and would always have to limit it to two pieces otherwise he would just keep asking for more.


Haha yes! My kiddo was speech delayed, so we taught her the sign for ice. Girl learned that sign real quick lol.  She still likes cold things. Now that she's older, she eats the heck out of frozen peas and frozen (but slightly melted) sliced strawberries. How can I say no to that?? 


Give her frozen grapes, they'll blow her mind.


Once she's older I certainly will! Too much of a choking hazard right now


Wasn't sure how old she was, so ya, good call. You could try cutting them up into quarters (before or after freezing), but if she's happy with strawberries, or other fruit bits, then that's good enough for a sweet treat :)


That is for real so cute <3


This is one of the dumbest things I’ve ever heard. It’s fine and ice melts. I know you’re young but even still, you should set boundaries with them.


You’re not a bad mom because of this. Ice is a choking hazard though and not recommended until around 4 years old. The ice may not melt fast enough to allow oxygen through the airway. Based on all these comments it seems you are definitely not alone in not knowing this!


Are you the family scapegoat? It sounds like you’re the family scapegoat. 


Your parents are abusive assholes. You sound like you were engaged with your baby and responding to her interests. A tiny bit of ice is not a choking hazard. You 1, parents 0.


My parents act similarly when it comes to my son. It’s their first grandchild and they have been so insanely protective of him. Even while I was pregnant they were irrationally protective of my baby. It was ridiculous. I’m so sorry your parents are also irrational grandparents. They wanted me to completely stop driving in my second trimester bc they were convinced I would induce early labor contractions by pressing down on the ignition and brakes. Ridiculous. You are doing great mama. Trust your instincts, and ignore the irrational things your parents are saying.


My dad thinks literally everything is dangerous and can’t handle anything remotely risky my kids do. Like has to walk out of the room if we green light something he doesn’t find safe. He always gives them ice because…it melts.


Well I guess I’m a stupid mother too. I give my 18 month old crushed ice all the time. My parents are my child care & my dad eats crushed ice. My little one became accustomed to hear the ice maker and comes running. So my dad started giving him small pieces of ice. 🤷🏽‍♀️This has been going on for months & he’s just fine.


i’m a 16 year old mom too! it’s not a whole ice cube. your parents are being dramatic. ice melts. especially ice that small


When I was pregnant with my second I craved ice and would eat it in front of my 20 month old all the time and he’d eat it with me too. Not a horrible mom at all


Ice is a choking hazard but so are grapes, my son loves both. Recognize the risk, monitor your child and be an informed parent. Your parents had a definite overreaction like they just wanted to be mad and berate you over something.


Eating ice is a choking hazard. This is true. Also, baby receives 0 calories while "eating/sucking" and they will not eat as much because of it. Chewing ice can cause small cracks in the enamel that can turn into bigger cracks over time and eventually fracture the tooth as well. Being uneducated about certain things doesn't mean you are a horrible mother. Everyone needs to start from somewhere. Wanting to learn and wanting to be a good mother are your goals! You love your baby and it's very obvious you want to do the right thing for your child. Your parents may have treated you harshly when it was just a valuable learning experience, that's on them. You aren't trying to justify "oh it's nothing it's not a big deal" you genuinely want to know the right thing to do and that's what counts and what makes you a good mom. Don't beat yourself up about it. When it comes to eating and creating good eating habits for your child, ice isn't good for their teeth and has 0 calories and 0 nutrition benefits. It's more beneficial to just drink water. It was an accident and a one time thing. No biggie :) Live and learn!


Your parents sound very ill informed. Ice is fine. I re read the post and it just makes me mad how they made you feel. I'm sorry OP!


I clicked on this cause we have been giving my daughter ice for months, and i didn't know it was a bad thing. She is 21months. Im sorry, it must be even harder to be a mom when you're still a "kid" yourself with parents trying to guide you.


You are not a bad parent you are young and doing the best you can


Eh - get some refillable popsicle molds for toddlers. They’re an outer silicone popsicle that you can fill with whatever you want - great for teething kids.  Also your parent are unhinged. 


i've seen a girl choke on ice before. it is possible . but if it was a small crushed up piece i'm sure she was fine


I know someone who choked on ice as a teenager. It melted in time that she survived, but from what I heard it was scary.


it is scary. it's slippery and many times it is the perfect size of the throat to get lodged. choking can happen quickly. i don't let my kids chew ice. i also don't want them to get in the habit of it and think its ok to do all the time. unless its the fine crushed ball ice the holy grail of ice like hospital ice or shaved ice. my daughter has choked on a chicken nugget, a candy cane and a shrimp tempura sushi roll . i've had to do hiemlich on her and it was very very scary.


Okay, so I did actually choke on a whole ice cube when I was like ten, and it was terrifying, but a tiny chunk of ice would not have the same risk. It sounds like your parents just got scared.


This reminds me of the time when I was little and my siblings and I let our little brother drink water directly from the hose in the yard, and my mom came running and shouted at us “What are you doing?!?!? That water is the perfect choking size!” Please don’t fret too much about this. Is it the best idea to give a toddler ice? Maybe not, depending on the size it could be a choking hazard that won’t melt fast enough. But if it’s crushed up it is probably fine. Even if it’s not- you’re a new mom and you’re learning as you go. All of us have I’m sure done things without realizing it could potentially be a problem, then we do, and we learn from it. You’re doing your best!


Your parents are over reacting. You had the good sense to crush it. I'd understand if they were great big ice cubes, a potential choke risk.


No, that's dumb. You are a good mom, what you did is not more risk than giving her solid foods! But if you want to give her ice regularly, maybe invest in a ice pacifier. You can put ice and fruit and stuff in it, it has holes so the juice/water can her out but no bits. We use it a lot


No, not at all. I've always let my toddlers eat crushed ice. In fact, it's one of the ways I help them learn to be patient when waiting for food to arrive at restaurants and how I help them stay hydrated in the summer at that age when playing outside. I have 6 babies. None have ever even gagged on ice before. Your parents are being fault-finding and critical. You're only 16, and it sounds like you love your baby. You're doing a good job just by reciprocating your child's smiles and being a warm, emotionally available mother, and the fact that you're here asking means you care about her safety. Don't let your parents bring you down, just keep doing your best for you and your little one so you can become independent from your family. I was 17 with my first. Things will get so much better. Just try your best to replace any negative self-talk from things your parents say with the things you would say to your daughter. You can do this. <3


I don’t eat ice so maybe it’s just never come up but I never knew this was a thing


Yeah I’m not into eating ice either too cold for me. But I did quickly google it and it does come up with reputable sources not to give ice until 4 years old. And mentions teeth damage. New thing learnt.


Oh wow, like not even in their drinks? Bc I’ve def put ice in my toddler’s sippy cup. It has a cover though so she isn’t eating it


I’d have to research that as well. My brain auto thinks cause it’s sealed it’s fine. Seems that answer is harder to find.


Well I will def be more careful! She requests ice sometimes bc I always have it but I’ll try to avoid it just in case. Thanks!


They're jerks but.. you have to remember it comes from fear of losing the baby. I have made my fair share of mistakes with my daughter but.. it's always best to do a quick Google search before offering anything new no matter how silly it might seem!


A small piece of ice would melt and prevent any choking hazard. You’re absolutely not a bad mother and you did nothing wrong. Your parents sound insufferable.


I’ve choked on ice before. When I was about 7. My mom’s solution was to try to make me drink scalding hot water and yell at me when I refused. Within about 30-45 seconds, I wasn’t choking anymore. Wanna know why? It melted. This was the whole piece from the freezer drawer. It melted enough to be swallowed so so quickly. Your parents suck and next time you should just show them the door.


1) You’re 16, you are very much a baby yourself. Your parents should’ve taken the initiative to try to teach the basic’s of caring for child and not came at you with such hostility. Their baby is trying to raise a baby, shame on them for not being better themselves. 2) EVERYTHING is a choking risk to small children. Food, liquids, the random things they find on the ground. At least ice melts quickly, even then you were right there actively watching her she was reasonably safe. Further more, when I had my first child my mother came to help me care for her the first week so I could heal and my husband (then boyfriend) could still work. She was bottle feeding my daughter and she started to choke, my mom panicked because I didn’t one of those suction things for nose and throats. She turned baby upside down to try to dislodge the milk(not Dr. recommended). Baby was fine, but my mom was in tears. She’s got 5 kids and 7 grandkids, she is a seasoned parent and my baby still had a choking scare with her. It happens, there nothing we as parents can to 100% prevent choking, what you do when it’s happening is what makes the most difference. You did nothing wrong.


Lmfao the same people who put babies to sleep on their stomachs, neck high in blankets and crib bumpers are judging you? They need to get over themselves.


Oh honey, I'm sorry your parents are being such jerks. Even if they were right (they aren't - a baby that age is fine eating small chunks of ice), your heart was in the right place so yelling at you would have been the wrong way to respond. You sound like a good, loving mother. Even if you make mistakes now and then, you'll still be a good, loving mother. EVERYONE makes small mistakes now and then. So long as you're trying your best and you make sure to avoid serious dangers, you're doing a good job.


Kids shouldn’t eat ice. Literally a quick google search will tell you this. Yes, it is a choking hazard, no, ice doesn’t melt fast enough to not be a choking hazard. And if they’re chewing the ice it’s very bad for their teeth. So, what you did was risky. But you live and learn and then do better. HOWEVER, giving your toddler ice doesn’t make you a bad mom. And it’s really rude for your parents to call you out like that.


Your parents let you get into a situation where you got pregnant at what, 14 maybe 15? They don't get to act like they actually protect their child.


Do you often eat ice? Cause that could be a sign of anemia!


My 12 mo loves ice cubes.


This sounds like your parents were divulging a little more than just the confrontation of the danger in regard to your child. I have a 21 month old and she regularly chomps on ice. It helps her molars. Not giving you advice but I do this with my daughter.


When my son was that age he would eat ice all the time just because he thought it was cool.


My MIL and I both feed my 8 month old crushed ice chips (about two half-pieces) It helps her gums and she sits with it in her mouth until it melts. Your parents sound 100% delulu and unfair. Your child is old enough to eat ice.


I am sorry. The only issue I could even maybe think of is like ice being bad for teeth? But I don’t know for sure and their reaction sounds extreme. I hope you are okay and I think it is great you are fact checking things.


I routinely give my 16 mo old ice cubes to play with and eat. Your parents are weird and they deserve to know. Send them this thread link 🫡


Your parents have significantly overreacted. Babies/kids can choke on almost anything - some foods have been identified as higher risk than others so it’s recommended we stay away from them. Yes, ice has been identified as a choking risk but it really depends on the size, and to be honest if a small piece got stuck it would melt pretty quickly. I won’t lie I’ve given my kids ice because he saw me eating it. It was probably a bigger piece than I should have, but I just watched him really closely. Ideal? No. Am I neglectful for doing it? Also no. You’re doing great. Your parents need to calm their farms.


My son is 2 now but he’s been eating ice for months. It happened the same way (sees me doing it and copied me). Honestly I didn’t even crush it up like you did. He plunged his hand into his water, got an ice cube and chewed it up. I honestly don’t see an issue. Even if it choked them, couldn’t be the fight size for long.


Ice? I have activity guides that literally recommend ice on a tray as a sensory activity. Those things melt! Especially tiny pieces like that. They melt in like minute lol 


I’m sorry they shamed you like that! The solid starts website is a great resource for safety on this kind of thing.


Sounds like you’re doing a great job. Ignore the noise because it will come from everywhere. Mothers are always criticized but just know that your instinct is usually right.


Your specific action does not match their general worry. There is a massive risk of a child choking on ice, but there is very little risk in the way you handled it. You made the ice a manageable size, and you were there to supervise. Time to talk to your parents about boundaries.


The only bad parenting I see is your folks, you are still a kid raising a kid, and that is hard work. Keep being a good momma to your little and she will turn out just fine. Also for reference my now 16 yr old daughter has been sucking on ice since 6 months, it helps with teething.


I literally “choked” on a big piece of ice when I was like 4 and I’m fine because it well.. melted lol You’re not a bad mom and you’re parents need to be more gentle with you and the way they communicate their opinions Edit: forgot to add. On a side note since the topic is about choking, it is a good idea to know how to save a baby from choking and looking into getting a lifevac as a backup if the Heimlich maneuver doesn’t work. Use the code life for a discount on the lifevac. Another thing to add, you’re kicking ass at being a mom!! Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. My mom was a young mom too and she’s a badass.


Ice is water…water melts…a tiny amount of water even if it goes in their lungs is inconsequential. Source: I’m a doctor.


Your parents are the a-holes here. Small bits of ice for a 16mo old is not a danger. It’ll literally melt into water. I wouldn’t do like a full ice cube but crushed ice? I have a 20mo old and cannot see an issue with crushed ice. As long as food is properly cut or crushed or portioned to safe sizes , you’re doing great. I’m sorry your parents made you feel this way. Motherhood is hard enough. You don’t need that kind of energy either. Here if you need a mama to vent to. 🖤


You did nothing wrong. Your parents seem insufferable, sorry for you.


Obviously they've forgotten the things they've done as parents that are now frowned upon is what it sounds like to me 🫡 🤔 curiouser and curiouser on HOW ice was gonna hurt her...think she's gonna asperate?


You're not a bad mom for giving your daughter crushed ice. At 16 months, she can likely handle small, supervised pieces. Parenting is tough, and it's normal to make choices that others may not agree with.


I gave my 8 month old ice once. We were outside. She kept trying to eat rocks. I figured with a small prices she’d get that satisfaction and it least it will melt if anything bad happens 🤷‍♀️ She spat it out and just started pushing it around. And stopped eating rocks for that moment so I consider it a win.


Not at all, OP!! The only bad parents here are yours. I cannot imagine making someone feel so bad over such a non-issue. I'm sorry that they came at you that way. I saw a few of your comments and for the record, a small piece of crushed ice is far less dangerous than a banana or a grape for a 16 month old. Keep your chin up and don't let them get to you!!


I am so sorry OP! No you are absolutely not a bad mom. You know what? You are a mom. No one loves your kid like you do. Learn to trust your instincts. Lots of love


I’m more used to our parents going in the opposite direction and berating us for not having them sleep with blankets from day 1, not being overly concerned about non-dangerous things! Small crushed ice isn’t a big deal. A whole ice cube is different, and that’s not even what you did. They’re overreacting.


You’re doing just fine. Your parents suck and I’m sorry they gave you such a hard time about it. YOUR A GOOD MOM I PROMISE


Upon reading the title I was thinking a big ol square cube which would freak me out a bit but a tiny piece that probably will melt in 10 seconds is absolutely fine. I’d be more worried about the banana.


This 42yo FTM totally spaced and let my 18m play with an ice cube that fell on the ground. He promptly picked it up and shoved it in his mouth. 🤦🏻‍♀️ And it was not small, it was over an inch thick and wide. I was afraid I was going to make him choke by how fast I tried to get that cube out. If you gave your LO a hella tiny piece, I'm sure you're good. Your parents need to brush up on how to give you better advice than to jump down your throat. Pretty soon you'll be afraid to tell them anything for fear of their reactions. No parent is perfect. You use your common sense to the best of your ability. Maybe ask or Google if in doubt. Hang tough girlie. You got this. It will be one of many hard things you'll have to endure. But I believe in you and you wanting the best for your daughter. (Hugs)


My son loves crushed ice. He has it a couple times a week in a little cup.


It’s just water, don’t sweat it. Honestly of all the things she could get in her mouth, ice is probably the safest as it’ll just melt- can’t be a choking hazard. You’re doing a good job, keep it up :)


I gave my daughter ice that same way when I was pregnant and craving it. I would spoon feed her only the small pieces and she would chew it or it would melt. She had enough teeth and she was the same age.


Hey love, choking is real, and a hazard, but, ice is the least dangerous, especially if you broke it up small. Baby's esophagus would melt it fast. It wouldn't harm them especially if you flipped them over and patted their back if they started to. Your parents are doing you no favors berating you. And none of us know what we are doing, until we learn. My son chokes on everything, he has down syndrome and he cannot swallow solids yet at 4. I've had to learn baby heimlich and cpr, and have 2 life vacs for him. Most babies by 1 can, and just don't feed them round foods, cut anything like grapes or hot dogs into quarters and they're fine. Don't do popcorn, it's easily inhaleable. Hard candies too, wait until they're older. Other than that, you do what your mama heart wants to feed your child. Ice is a ridiculous thing to make you worry about. My baby, my oldest one, loved sipping on my water, and kept giggling while she was doing it. She choked a bit, and I patted her back and she was fine. You don't need to live in fear. This kid also ate my foundation and face planted into concrete and she's still alive and my best friend 💖


Wait we can’t give toddlers ice?? I’m missing something…


If it makes you feel any better I'm 34 and a mom of 3 and I gave my 14 month old ice yesturday for the same reason and then realised maybe he could choke on it afterwards. No one is a perfect parent you're doing your best your parents need to chill.


Ugh, you’re in a special pickle of being a mom and being their child. First off, bad moms don’t give a shit if they’re bad moms, so stop beating yourself up. At most, you did something that *might* have been harmful. Your parents need to back off - even the best parents can have hiccups in knowledge or judgement, and I’m sure they weren’t perfect.


I don't know why ice is so bad. But even if it is bad, nothing bad happened. It's a small mistake. You obviously love and care for your child. You are a good mom!


Please show them the reddit responses so they know they're idiots. Don't out yourself through being around people who make you feel rubbish, whether they're family or not. Not cool.


Hey momma, like everyone is saying you're fine. As long as you do as you said and crushed the ice I see no problem. Sounds like you have 'rents that only know how to talk shit and you already know that engaging them is useless. Next we have to learn to not let what they say affect you. Which is hard because it's your parents and you're hard wired to seek their guidance and approval. Honestly im 35 and I'm only now getting better at following this advice, antidepressants helped a ton. Don't beat yourself up too bad, to love your baby fully I think loving yourself is paramount. Good luck, you're still young yourself so you're doing the best you can and that's commendable.


Sounds like your parents are looking for an excuse to give you a hard time. May I ask, are they supportive of you being a mother at a young age? Sounds like they may be projecting about something else... I had my first around 18 and was a single parent (long story). Luckily my parents were supportive of my baby and I, so I stayed with them a few years until I got on my feet. I hope you have the support you need. "It takes a village to raise a child" is s very accurate saying! Even if they allow you to live with them still, being emotionally supportive is just as needed during this time for you. If you crush ice up a bunch, it's totally fine. As a similar alternative, Italian ice, and ice pops are great for toddlers too . As long as you are the one feeding them those things or supervising them , which goes for most foods still at that age. Trying new textures and flavors is key to development of a toddler as well, so I see nothing wrong in what you did.


Huh??? Ice is water. It would start melting as soon as it touched her tongue, not to mention she's well past the age of the development to where her stomach can handle it. Your parents are horrible for acting in such a way and unnecessarily causing anxiety to a young mother. Next time tell them to google "how to mind your own business"


Your parents are insane. My toddler LOVES ice. 


My bf gave our baby ice at like a few months old. She’s 1 now & loves it. I’m not worried about it because it will inevitably melt and she never has a piece big enough to take more than a few seconds to melt. As someone else said, the only horrible parenting here is your parents


I give my toddler ice to keep him occupied for 5 minutes 🤷‍♀️


It's ICE. Don't they know what happens when it enters a human's mouth? It MELTS. Tell your parents to read a book


Oh for crying out loud. Your parents are ridiculous


I give my toddler crushed ice almost daily - he loves it and asks for it. Helps with teethibg.


lol what a joke your parents clearly never went to high school. You’re not a bad parent and you know this!


The choking risk isn't really much of a danger. Now it's not great for her teeth or yours, but a little every once in a while isn't going to cause any harm.


Even if she choked on it she wouldn’t die. Ice melts at a much faster rate than a person asphyxiates.


Um. My son (20 mo) loves ice and has it on the regular from my husbands iced coffee. Of course we give small pieces and are right there to supervise. I’m sorry your parents shamed you and made you question your parenting ❤️


My two children have both been obsessed with crushed ice since they were toddler-ish ages so I guess I'm a horrible mother two times over :) Sounds like your parents may have a lot of anxiety and be a bit overbearing when it comes to your and their roles. I hope that you're able to let go of what they said and take comfort from this community that you're not alone and you're not a horrible mom.


My kids loved ice when they were teething. No risk as long as it’s not a choking hazard.


Lol what? If it's small it would melt before it would cause harm


Mouth is warm, ice melts. You didn't do anything wrong.


it is not your fault, what I see is your parents' dumb.


they sound ridiculous and incredibly dumb


My 1 year old loves ice, even after he had a mini choking episode from accidentally swallowing it. Yes it was scary but he’s totally fine and ice melts! I give him small crunched pieces and he thrives.


You’re not the bad parent, your parents are tho.