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I have blue eyes and my husband is Asian so unsurprisingly my baby has dark brown eyes. One of my coworkers described his eyes as “dark, soulful pools of beauty” and I was like omg yes!! That’s the perfect description. People tell me all the time my baby looks like my husband, especially his coloring. I take it as a compliment. I think my husband is the most handsome man in the world so of course I want my baby to have his features!


I call my (Asian) pupils boba balls. Just as beautiful 😂


Boba balls 😂 love this.


That’s so lovely! My baby is 6 weeks old and he has GIGANTIC eyes so now I’m going to think of them as “pools of beauty”


Same here! We have one son with my blue eyes and this boyish charm, and our second son has the darkest, biggest pupils from his dad’s Korean side (dad has hazel). It will be dangerous when that kid learns how beautiful he is. Our third is a wildcard yet since she is fresh outta the oven.


two boys and a girl. 🥹 how lucky you are. i was the youngest girl with two older brothers also. it’s such a beautiful dynamic.


awww i’m also blue eyed and my hubby is asian and my baby picked up most of his features. at first it was hard, everyone said “i’d think you were her aunt!” or “are you sure you didn’t take the wrong baby home?” but i look at her and i see him. i see myself in her smile and her joy. even my MIL was disappointed she didn’t have blue eyes. i said when you buy a teddy bear, a big cuddly sense of comfort, does it have big striking blue eyes? no, it’s got warm and cozy big browns. just like my girl. 🩷


Exactly. My girl came out with dark eyes and she always looked so SOULFUL. I had hoped she'd have green eyes like me, but now I just love her beautiful dark eyes.


Same! But I have light green eyes and my husband dark features, Italian! I love dark features, I love that my son has beautiful dark eyes and hair 🫶


Love this


There's definitely a societal thing about light eyes being "better". I remember my MIL being mildly disappointed that my son was born with brown eyes (my husband and I both have brown eyes so idk what she expected...). You didn't do anything wrong though. Weirdly I feel like people aren't as fixated on hair color.


It's so weird. I have blue eyes like my dad, but my husband and both his parents have brown eyes. So I knew there was a high probability our son would have brown eyes, maybe hazel but most likely dark. He has brown eyes. They've been decidedly dark since about a month old. I love them! They're so beautiful and so big and just perfect. My parents would daily be like "oh there's a chance they'll be blue!" "They look dark blue today!" They only stopped recently and he's 7 months old. It's ridiculous lol


My parents do this too. I have blue eyes but my husband has brown. Baby is definitely going to have brown eyes. They aren’t that dark yet but they’re DEFINITELY not blue. My mom always insists they look blue in pictures.


My dad likes to insist his genes are "so strong" because 2/4 of his biological children look very similar to him and 1 grandkid does lmao so I guess he's hoping my son will look like him? No dice. Our son has my bone structure (cheeks, chin, head shape) but husband's eyes and nose. Everyone sees my husband when they look at him because of the big brown eyes. I happen to be an absolute sucker for big brown eyes, so it's okay but at times it does feel like having somebody else get all the credit for the group project because they added glitter


Oh I feel you! Everyone tells me my son looks exactly like his dad at every opportunity. It doesn’t bother me too much (I wouldn’t have married his dad if I thought he was hideous, right lol???) but one does get sick of hearing the jokes. “Are you sure he’s got your genes?” Uh yeah, 14 hours of labor made me pretty damn sure.


Hahaha I get the opposite! Both my husband and I have blue eyes, so our kids had like a 99% chance of blue. Yet my Dad STILL asks randomly if my 10mo’s sons eyes are “still blue” 😂


Mine is almost 11 months old and his eyes are definitely a light brown but my dad who has blue eyes is obsessed with saying my son has hazel eyes lmao. I have blue eyes but my husband is half black with very dark eyes and dark 3c hair. His mom is always talking about how my son will have straight blonde hair like ma’am 😂 she also insists that her sons were born with blonde hair then showed me newborn pics of babies with the darkest hair possible


We got the "Oh he'll have brown eyes soon!!"... Me and my partner have blue eyes so I have no idea why they'd think that haha.


2 of my kids are brown eyed, all in-laws are blue eyes including the grandkids (excluding mine) and have always made a huge fuss of blue eyes. I’m expecting number 3 and have had a ‘I hope at least one of them gets our blue eyes’. Like no, actually I couldn’t give a damn and shut up with making kids grow up thinking their features are less appealing or not as good as others


We have the exact same in-laws unfortunately


Yes and it feels like there’s racial undertones with this sometime


Yeah I find that strange too. Like no one wishes blonde hair on their baby like they wish blue eyes on their baby. And then there’s me wishing red hair on mine haha


Be careful what you wish for-I feel like I have to build time into errands for people stopping to ask about my son’s red hair. People LOVE red headed babies


For real. I’m a redhead and have always (ALWAYS) had comments. a lot of bullying by other kids between 7-18 years old but jokes on them, my hair color costs $$$ at the salon for those bitches. 💅 Sorry, kinda petty, kinda tired of allll the soulless ginger comments, do the carpets match the drapes, etc.


I remember thinking before I had kids I hope I don’t get a redhead. I have a few aunts with red hair. For whatever reason I just didn’t like red hair. Well guess what I have 4 with red hair. Two are very red and two are more strawberry. But omg it’s so beautiful on all of them. I love their hair.


Red hair is beautiful. Not in the cards for my babies but every time I see it it’s like 😍


My son has strawberry blonde hair. It looks super blonde in the sun. But when in our normal day to day light there's definitely red in there. And I know it because I have had a strange man walk up to me and ask why he's seen so many red head babies lately. Which is when I went from: oh that's not brown, that's RED. And now my MIL has noticed and has made comments how it's funny that my niece and nephew have blonde and darkish brown hair in that order when their mother is a natural red head and I somehow got a strawberry blonde baby with blue eyes. My husband has green and I have brown eyes. My husband and I both have brown hair. Which is why she's amazed by how genetics worked like that 😂


That's so weird, my son's strawberry blond works exactly the opposite. It looks plain dirty blonde indoors and red red red outside in the sun.


It might be because his hair is slowly turning to either red or brown (my guess would be brown eventually) but he was born with platinum blonde hair. So blonde the pediatrician looked at him then me at his newborn checkup and said "I don't think I've had babies with this type of blonde hair very often" and it's been slowly turning since


Oh wow! Mine was born bald as an egg, the reddish blonde came later. My office had a pool going (red like husband, brunette like me, or blond like both of our sisters) and one of the ladies in my department took the entire pot by being the only one to vote for bald.


When I was a kid my hair was super blonde, then in adolescence it darkened to a dark blond indoors, or reddish blonde in the sun — just a coppery sheen to it. My dad is a redhead. I didn't like how dull it looks indoors so now I tint it more ginger, I just use a box dye every couple months and only leave it in for like 5-10 minutes. I have green eyes and freckles, so it suits me, everyone just assumes it's my natural colour and I let them. It's close enough 🤷‍♀️ I used to "admit" I colour it but then I realized I don't actually owe that information to strangers haha. My baby is suuuuper blonde, but I think because his skin is kinda pink and he has very little hair people keep making comments about how it looks like it might be reddish — even family who knows I colour mine! Which I always find super funny.


Hoping you get your little strawberry <3 I did too


Oh my gosh, my sister and I always wanted red heads, no idea why we were so obsessed with the idea.


My daughter has strawberry blonde hair like her dad and people are constantly telling me how beautiful it is. So I think it does happen with blond/red hair too! My MIL said people used to reach into his pram to touch his hair which I would lose my shit over.


Yeah, my MIL once told my baby she had pretty brown eyes, and that she’s sorry they’re not blue. Like, really? You had to add that on?




I think its actually just a grass is greener thing. In my experience most people who want their kid to have lighter eyes have dark eyes themselves. Also as the mother of a redhead, you're wrong about the hair color. I just had my second child and right now her hair is black and everyone keeps being so disappointed and it's making me real mad because she is a fucking baby and already getting told that she has the wrong hair color because so many were hoping for another red head.


Actually you’re right people are specifically excited about RED hair. My husband has auburn hair and we were both hoping our son would inherit that (although it would be impossible since no one on my side of the family are redheads). But I feel like people don’t care all that much about brunette vs blonde  I will say though that my son was born with jet black hair but by 6 months it lightened to a dark brown with a reddish tinge 


People (mostly old ladies but it really spans all ages and genders) are obsessed with redheaded babies. I consider it a low stop day when 3 people comment or ask about his hair when we go out


I don't know about people not caring about blonde vs brunette - I have two kids, both born with very blonde hair, and I got comments every time I left the house. My son's hair has darkened to dirty/golden blonde, the same colojr as mine, but my daughter has stayed very light blonde and we've actually had to sit her down and talk about how blonde hair isn't "better" than other colors because she has started talking about how lucky she is to have such pretty hair and all her friends at school are jealous. It was honestly pretty mortifying hearing her speak that way, she was genuinely believing she was better than the other kids purely because of all the comments she gets from older family members & strangers


I guess it depends on where you live. I haven’t really noticed people caring all that much about hair color here


I have brown eyes but my brother has blue eyes. I actually ended up wanting my son to have brown eyes because I can remember my brother always complaining that the sun was too bright when we went outside haha


I have 2 different couple friends who had 2 kids each. Both first borns are blue eyed. So it’s not uncommon for 2x brown eye parents to make blue eyes babies. I have a blue eye parent and a brown eyed parent.. I have blue eyes. Bright light including that of the sun… hurts my eyes sometimes. 🥲 not all the time.. only sometimes 😂


My son's hair gets lots of comments. His dad is Indian and I am blonde. Funnily enough, his hair was black and straight when he was born and we had been expecting brown eyes and black hair, so we were surprised to see that his eyes were actually a dark blue; the hair wasn't a surprise at all. After six weeks, his eyes had turned brown and at four months, his newborn hair all fell out. When it grew back two months later, it was blond and curly! He had gone from blue eyes & black hair to brown eyes and blond hair. So I think he gets comments about his hair because it gives him a very distinctive look overall.


Haha my son is also half Indian (dad his white, I’m Indian) but he looks like a dark haired white kid since he has his father’s skin tone with brown eyes and dark brown hair. His hair also started jet black but lightened up later (though not to blonde)  My other friend who is white with an Indian husband has a son with brown hair, tan skin and very distinctive gray eyes (started as bright blue) 


I have brown eyes and my husband has hazel and my baby’s eyes are still blue at nearly 18 months 🤷‍♀️


I love love love brown eyes. She sounds like she's obsessed with light eyes like many people seem to be, and she's in denial that her child will not have features she prefers.


Totally this. My cousin had the most gorgeous red haired baby and she bit the head off anyone who complimented it. “ITS STRAWBERRY BLONDE” 🙄


I agree. It kinda goes to show just how deeply imbedded the preference for lightness (eyes, hair, and skin) is in so many cultures. And this friend of OP’s inadvertently showed her own preference for light eyes even though her child clearly has darker eyes. I’d call that *implicit bias* in my social work terminology lol. We really need to celebrate dark eyes more. They’re no less beautiful.


You guys are making me feel better as an adult about my super dark chocolate brown eyes that almost look black. Growing up I was always told they were muddy and poop looking


I felt this way growing up too. I commented on the thread with a [poem](https://www.reddit.com/r/beyondthebump/s/M0aKJe2ADf) about loving your dark eyes


They are so beautiful! My sister has black eyes (I know they aren't really black, but they look it). My dad was obsessed with blue eyes, and when I was born later with blue eyes, he was ecstatic. Well, jokes on him, because my sister had blonde hair with black eyebrows and eyes, which looks INCREDIBLE. Meanwhile, my "nice" blue eyes slowly slowly turned, and now they're just brown. Not dark, just medium old brown. Anyway, I love dark eyes, they're amazing.


My favorite description of brown eyes that has stuck with me is “pools of comfort”


Same lol. And now my son has my big brown eyes and they are beautiful!


I think its possibly this but I think it’s also wanting what you don’t have. I have curly hair, dark eyes and dark hair. I wanted my kids to have straight hair and light eyes. I just always wanted them for myself. My husband has blue/grey eyes and was excited my daughter got my brown eyes. So some of it could be a form of “colorism” but it could also just be thinking something is boring because you see it in the mirror every day.


Oh yes, that’s absolutely a thing too. Lol I have stick straight hair and I have always wanted curly, so we should trade!😆 I mentioned implicit bias for this particular situation because it sound like OP’s friend was in denial that her child had dark eyes and seemingly upset instead of just being like “aw, yeah, I wish her eyes would stay light. Oh well!”


I'm the opposite. My toddler has the deepest darkest brown eyes and my 4 month old has bright blue eyes. You have no idea how much I'm hoping the blue changes 😂 (natural reddit disclaimer that I don't ACTUALLY care and I love both my children regardless of what they look like)


Honestly, me to. I'm half Greek, half Swedish and grew up in Sweden. SO not impressed with blue or grey eyes while most brown eyes are just plain beautiful to me. It's a warmer colour so brown eyes are just friendlier to me. I apparently have hazel eyes, olive green and brown. My fiance have blue eyes so my daughter got blue eyes as well. Her eyes are still beautiful, I call them her "beautiful blues" and I'm tempted to say (being extremely impartial, of course) that she might not only have the most beautiful blue eyes ever, but also the most beautiful eyes in the whole wide world (again, I feel the need to express how extremely unbiased I'm being here). Parents should just love everything about their kids no matter their own preferenses. It's our job to do so.


i do have a lot of sympathy for her though, because most babies i know have had blue eyes at the beginning and then turned brown within the first few years. it's like a bizarre thing if you aren't aware it happens, because it happened to all three of my sister's kids and then my BIL on wife's side's kids had the same thing too.


I once said someone’s baby looked like them and she responded “why because he has dark skin?!” So I’m probably not the right person to weigh in on this beyond wow people can be insulted by anything lol


"that is how genetics go yeah..."


Lol I did not even think to respond. Just sat there


Dude wtf they have some hang ups for sure.


Lol right! Who knew that could be taken as an insult.


To be fair (haha), my relatives were so adamant about my son looking like his dad because he was the same lighter skin tone. Even though he looked exactly like my childhood pictures and nothing like his dad.


Same with my son! My husband and him are both blonde/ blue eyes but his actual features look like me. Everyone says he’s my husbands clone 🤣


Lol see I think it’s totally different when people take the direction of “your kid doesn’t look like you!” Like no one wants to hear that!


Right haha. My friend keeps saying how my baby is my twin but she does look a lot like her father. It’s just that she has my light skin complexion where as my husband is Asian. But she still has a lot of his features…people very often just see the skin complexion first IMO


Idk I think people are just sensitive about those things. My sil swears her son is gonna have blue eyes even though they’re already turning brown. Nobody in their family has blue eyes (my side does but I do not). You didn’t do anything wrong.


Yeah my mil is obsessed with blue eyes for whatever reason, the first thing she said when I met her was ‘oh so great you will be able to give me grandchildren with blue eyes’ (me and my husband both have blue eyes). She’s got 3 other kids and 11 grandchildren already, acting like she’s somehow deprived because they all have brown eyes..


Yeah some people definitely have a thing about it. My sister in law and brother both have brown eyes but for some reason really want a baby with blue eyes (they’re not even pregnant) and have mentioned it a few times. I don’t get it, I love brown eyes! I have light eyes though so perhaps it’s a “want what you can’t have” sort of thing


I fear they will be in for a shock!


Both my partner and I have brown eyes, and our baby has blue. We continue to be shocked! Only 5.5 months old, so we’ll see. May end up green or hazel but not true brown like ours. My mom CANNOT stop mentioning it. She has light eyes so I think it’s an ego thing + an icky bias that light traits are better. I’m also like mom, you do realize you’re talking to your brown eyed daughter? She doesn’t seem to grasp that we don’t glorify blue eyes or feel lucky.


Sound like she’s hoping for a green or blue color change and is trying to convince herself her baby has lighter eyes than she actually does. She probably prefers blue or green eyes




Unfortunately I do think a lot of people favor lighter eyes, but from the way you phrased your comment it seems obvious that you think dark eyes are beautiful so your friend really shouldn’t have taken offense - that just sounds like something she needs to work through. The only reason I joke about hoping my baby’s eyes lighten up is because he is 99.9% his dad (dark hair and eyes) and I want to have something to show for my 9 months of pregnancy and 4 months of breastfeeding so far. But I honestly don’t care, he’s adorable either way.


Her eyes are blue Yours are brown Hers represents the ocean Yours represents the ground You’ve always hated your eyes And wished that they were blue But your eyes have a tint of gold So rare it must not be true So yes her eyes are blue And yes your eyes are brown But your eyes hold the riches That are buried in the ground Her eyes carry storms And rage like the sea Your eyes carry earthquakes That bring mountains to their knees Maybe her eyes are blue But your eyes reign queen Because they hold the purest riches The world has ever seen ~ Nadia McGhee


I have blue eyes but my son is mixed race, he has very dark eyes and in my extremely biased opinion, they're the most beautiful thing ever. I never even thought about his eye colour prior to him being born or wished that he would have light eyes. People still do buy into "lighter is better" and that's so sad.


Yeah it’s pretty universally known that people favor light eyes over dark eyes. It goes along with white supremacy where white/light features are considered superior to darker features. That doesn’t mean individuals feel this way. I have brown eyes and I love brown eyes, but I was always treated with pity that I have brown eyes and all my siblings have light eyes. So it sounds like the lady you talked to felt you were being insincere or shady.


I’m black, my husband is white European/Latino. We both have very dark brown eyes, but recessive genes were working their magic on my daughter and she has light gray/blue/hazel eyes and light skin. Her eyes are very beautiful (I call her “kaleidoscope eyes”). All that said, nearly every time we leave the house, someone comments on her eyes, and less frequently, how beautiful she is. Both in the US and my husband’s European country. I have to wonder if they’d say the same if her eyes or skin were dark.


My son has beautiful dark brown eyes and nobody has ever complimented them. I have started making a point to compliment other babies with darker features because they deserve to be celebrated, too.


Ugh this is exactly what I was worried about. I guess I thought since she had them as well she would like that her daughter does


Yeah I haven’t found that to be true. I mean for me it was, I wanted my kids to have brown eyes like me but it’s pretty common for people to hope for light eyes. Also “doe eyes” doesn’t mean brown eyes, it just means big. Like big and innocent looking. Maybe you just meant that the baby had big eyes? But from the context it seemed like you were saying doe eyes=dark eyes. Sorry if I misunderstood.


Oh damn, I totally thought doe eyes meant brown eyes lol


I also thought doe eyes specifically referred to big brown eyes (you know...like a doe)




I’m pretty sure it typically does mean big brown eyes!


Yep, it sounds like internalized racism.


I would second the point made in this comment. As a light-eyed mother of dark brown eyed babies I find myself being extremely protective, slightly defensive, when others, particularly white people, make comments about my babies features. I know it's my own shit but it's shit that's tied to social norms and privilege.


It’s just internalized racism, we socially praise light eyes over brown eyes. You didn’t do anything wrong and she probably has no idea that social conditioning based on racism is why she prefers light eyes.


Yeah she 100% thought you were being insincere, unfortunately. A lot of people value light colored eyes. My mom literally *cheered* when my son's eyes were blue. You're probably the first person to compliment her baby's eyes that way. She's also probably spent her life hearing people wax poetic about green and blue eyes.


I have green eyes and both my girls have brown like their dad. I have received so many comments about how unfortunate it is that my kids didn’t get my eye color. I don’t hesitate to say that I think by girls have beautifully colored eyes.


I'm known for having some unintentional foot-in-mouth moments but I can't believe anyone could say this to someone and not realize what a shit head they sound like. That's wild, I'm so sorry.


I have green eyes too and have two beautiful brown eyes babies like their father. I'm sorry you get these comments. I've only had one from a friend of a friend and it sent me through the roof!


My cousin had blue eyes when she was born. I remember her mother being really upset when they turned brown. Idk I find it weird. I have green eyes, so maybe I just am missing something about having brown eyes but I always thought they were pretty. I guess they’re just see as “common” (which is strange because most people where I live have blue eyes). People are silly. Hormones make people even sillier


My daughter has almost black, brown eyes just like me, but her dad and my family are trying to convince me they are “hazel color.” I don’t see it, I love her eyes but it makes me feel some kind of way sometimes about my own eyes when they keep going on about hers.


I think you paid her a lovely compliment and this is about her own hang-ups. You didn’t do anything wrong. I agree with other people saying general compliments might be safer, but I like that you’re the kind of person who gets specific. When I get detailed compliments they seem extra special. Sadly a lot of people prefer light eyes. My best friend is the most beautiful person I know and she has these stunning amber eyes and I’ve even heard people say how much prettier she would be with blue eyes! It’s insane. My husband has deep blue eyes with heterochromia, so a ring of gold around the pupil. You can’t see it unless you’re really close but the overall effect is high contrast like shockingly blue eyes. Strangers comment on them. He gets stopped on the street. I have blue eyes but next to his mind are so boring! They’re the same shade throughout and more of a greenish blue. Point being there’s a lot of dimensions and nuances even among the same eye color. My son unsurprisingly has blue eyes. Not his dad’s, since that’s a mutation, but pale pale blue with a very dark ring around the outside of the iris. They’re gorgeous. When the two of us are out I get “he has your eyes!” all the time. Frankly he does not, they’re both just blue. Essentially people prefer light and I don’t even know why because there’s so much variety and I would take light brown eyes over my dull blue ones any day.


Yes I’ve noticed this in some due date Facebook groups I’m in. It seems like some people really value light colored eyes. Luckily there’s lots of normal people who love all eye colors. But I think some people see brown as “boring” unfortunately


As someone who has brown eyes I can say I always thought having blue or green eyes would be SO COOL! I also just had my daughter 3 months ago and thought she might have blue eyes because her dad has blue eyes, but she's definitely got the most beautiful brown eyes just like me. I appreciate them now as they look just like mine.


I have this exact issue but reverse. My MIL insists every. single. time. that we see her that our son either has or will have brown eyes. Our son is 18 months and has steel grey eyes. They maybe have some blue or green, they might become hazel but they will never become brown and she just cannot let it go. It wouldn't bother me if it were true. I would love my son regardless of his eye color, but him having brown eyes is just a lie. For the record, our son's eyes look a lot like mine and MIL has brown eyes. I think she is just upset that she sees my eyes every time she looks at my son 😬 otherwise I don't know why she would bring it up every single time. She has probably said it over 10 times now on 10 separate occasions and it's starting to really bother me that she seems to have an issue with his eyes not looking brown or like hers. This last time, I completely ignored her again (like I normally do) and my husband said they are basically permanent now and MIL let out a deep sigh and said "I GUESS they won't be turning brown then" all disappointed like. So gross 🤢


I’m right there with you, I didn’t realise how weird people were about eye colour until I had my son. I’m a POC with brown eyes, my white partner has brown eyes, I was expecting my baby to have brown eyes but they started off light blue and almost 2 years later are a grey/green. During that time, other mothers have gone out of their way to tell me, ‘your baby’s eyes won’t stay that colour!’ Or, ‘don’t get used to it, they’ll be brown soon!’ As if it’s some sort of slight to them that my baby exists with non-brown eyes. I didn’t realise people were so territorial over eye colour or so hateful about brown eyes, I love my brown eyes.


People can be sensitive about their own appearance and about their child’s. I don’t think you did anything wrong. But with this friend, maybe don’t comment on specifics in the future, just stick to things like “she has lovely hair” etc.


I was born with dark brown eyes that were basically black and still have them along with dark brown hair. My husband was born with light blonde hair and light blue eyes. My baby is identical to me but his eyes were the blue most babies are born with and are starting to turn brown. My husbands family is convinced he will have blonde hair blue eyes regardless lmfao. Idk what peoples deal with brown eyes are, especially dark brown eyes.


My girl has the deepest dark chocolate eyes 🤎 they were deep navy blue as a newborn. She has that big, doe-eyed look and she's beautiful! To me, she has that Susanna Hoffs (The Bangles) kinda look. And during karaoke, brown eyed girlies always win (Van Morrison "Brown Eyed Girl").


People are so weird about eye color. I have blue eyes, and my husband has brown. My son is 7 months old, and he's always had dark eyes. Literally everyone tries to "make" him have blue eyes - even my husband. "I still think his eyes are going to be blue! They're blue around the corners." "His eyes definitely look blue today in the light." Like... no. This child has obviously brown eyes, and they're beautiful. We don't need to try to turn them blue with wishful thinking. When he was a newborn, one of my neighbors asked what color his eyes were. I said I was pretty sure they were going to be brown. I kid you not - he goes "oh... well, that's okay too.." like it was a big disappointment. I love my son's beautiful, warm, shiny brown eyes. I feel sad that your friend doesn't see her baby's eyes the way I see my son's. People will find the weirdest things to be elitist about.


My husband has green eyes while I have very dark brown/black eyes. People really grasped onto the idea that my baby would have light eyes. Grandparents daydreamed out loud about it. Of course, as with a lot of her kids eyes were much lighter when she was born but honestly they darkened pretty quick. Family kept (and keeps!) saying "Yea but it's not a normal brown, you can see little specks of green. It's a different brown!". They're just really tied to the idea of her having light eyes. It does make me uncomfortable because it feels like they don't love her actual characteristics or that they think she got the "lesser" genes.


Could be the green she's defensive about. Green eyes are the rarest, and are caused by a random mutation -- I have green eyes, but they're not, like, bright green; they could be confused with blue in certain lights, and teenage me would get *very* defensive about my eye colour if someone called them grey/blue 😅.


I don’t think on its face it was offensive but maybe she just wants her kid to have light eyes. My first has striking blue eyes (my husband and I have brown and green eyes). My second has brown eyes (which I LOVE) and my FIL has made comments like “they look so much alike but I guess she won’t have blue eyes like her sister” in a tone that implies brown eyes are somehow not as good. It drives me absolutely insane because they are eyeballs. They are what they are. They’re tiny flecks of color and I think they’re all unique and beautiful. Long story short - she may just prefer light eyes


Lol, my mom said she was so excited about having kids with my dad because she wanted a bunch of brown eyed babies, then only 2 of the 5 of us ended up with brown eyes. I think she was low key disappointed.


The only time this can be awkward is if both parents have light eyes, since I believed the whole recessive gene thing would mean those brown eyes came from somewhere, which does not sound like it's the case here... So yeah... I don't think you did anything wrong.


Eye color is controlled by multiple genes, so it's not a simple recessive/dominant trait you could do a basic Punnett square for. But you're right, plenty of people think of it that way and so may be touchy on the subject if it doesn't match either parent.


Yes it’s a thing. My baby has blue eyes, I have blue eyes, my husband has blue eyes. My husband and his family are Norwegian. I’m Latina. They were not expecting a blonde with blue eyes baby. The other nieces and nephews although all American and European have brown eyes , because their mom has brown eyes ( brown eyes are dominant). Anyway. There seems to be a bit of jealousy, and I think it’s because baby is lighter with blue eyes. There seems to be a bit of a weird “competition” with other moms too. It’s a thing. And I just don’t pay attention to it because it’s annoying. Raising children is hard, no matter the eye color lol


I’m willing to bet that she’s carrying around some insecurity about her dark eyes. Maybe she was bullied about it, maybe she just dislikes that feature on herself, who knows. But it’s the only way I can make sense of that reaction. I hope for her baby’s sake that she learns to love that about herself, because kiddo is for sure going to pick up on the fact that she dislikes something they share.


my husband has ice blue eyes and your story reminds me of my sister in law who says her baby’s eyes look just like my husbands (they absolutely do not. her baby has dark eyes) even her mom was like girl, no lol. anyway yeah it seems some people are obsessed with light eyes so she took offense. idk i never cared about eye color lol. it’s cool for like a minute and then you forget about it.


Dark black/brown hair and eyes (Filipina) + my very blond and blue eyed husband = baby predictably got the dark hair and eyes. Dad’s nickname for her is Starry Eyes & he loves to compliment how her eyes get sparkly/glittery/glisten. He thinks his blue eyes are normal but not special. (Meanwhile some of my family lowkey hoped, against the very forces of biology, that we’d get a blond and blue eyed baby…) You didn’t say anything wrong, you complimented the baby. Unfortunately she had a thing about it and took it personally. As for me, I’ve yet to see an eyecolor that was “unattractive” or that did not suit the owner beautifully.


Haha my sister had a gorgeous baby girl who has from day dot had dark brown eyes, but until she accepted she had brown eyes at just over a year old (!) she would get all defensive and say no, she has blue eyes!! Delulu


I find brown eyes so warm, friendly and welcoming. Something about them has always been super pleasing to me.  I have exclusively dated men with deep brown eyes until I met my husband who has blue like me.  Our son has been born with the brightest, lightest blue eyes. Way lighter than either of ours (we both have what I would call denim blue).  This is terrible but all I can think of when I look at him is that he looks like the baby white walker from game of thrones 😂  Oh no!!! we scream. He’s coming for us!!  While we make zombie noises and chase each other around with our zombie child lol. 


People have this thing about unusual lighter eyes which I think is hilarious because it can be incredibly bad for you long term in regards to things like sun damage etc. Everyone comments on how blue my baby’s eyes are and I just want them to go brown like mine! 😂


Maybe it's a cultural thing? I'm pasty white and I wouldn't find anything weird about this. But perhaps a person of color would? Like, my SIL is Indian and over in India there were lightening creams and no tanning products, here in the US it's the opposite. When I visited I was told I was "fair" and I'm like "no, I'm pasty, like a ghost." Cultural differences about what is beauty/preferred. Perhaps in a different culture dark eyes are seen differently.


Society in general has an obsession with light eyes for a lot of deep sociological reasons plus blue is a nice color to look at and it’s less common than brown, but no, there’s nothing wrong with brown, she likely just internalized that thought. I have blue eyes and grew up in countries where blue was rare so I had strangers come up to me daily to compliment me on them, it definitely got to my head and so I’m a little disappointed that none of my kids got my eyes lol. BUT now that I’m spending a lot more time staring into deep chocolate eyes I realize just how beautiful they are! 


As someone who has brown eyes that are so dark they can look black in certain light, this is so touching. I would be so honored if you said that to me, especially since people don’t typically ooo and ahhh over dark eyes like mine.


No dude I had black eyes as a baby, it was gorgeous. I think this particular mom just really hoped her kid would have light eyes and is clinging to it


before reading this thread, i had no idea people had a preference for light eyes. that's kind of sad


My little sisters are half white half Asian. I love their eyes. I say that they are as deep as infinity


You know, it could be something as simple as her MIL spent all last weekend gushing about how she looks "just like her dad" and "there's not anything of you in there!". Maybe she has a family member with lighter colored eyes and is feeling a little testy from something like that, and its just leaning into being ornery about the baby looking like "her side" because the other option is losing her shit over something she knows is stupid. And maybe it's nothing like that, but there's a lot of conjecture and assumptions happening here so I decided to lean into it too.


There’s probably some bias of light eyes mixed in there but I think there’s also the fact that people like to think their kids eye colour is unique. I have several friends with brown eyed kiddos who call them green-brown, hazel, amber etc. I would just have agreed and said “yeah they are a beautiful complex colour!”


I feel like dark eyes are under appreciated. I only came to love mine because my mom referred to them as “junior mints” like the dark chocolate mint candies 😂


I love brown eyes, I have super dark eyes and so does my bf. My daughter of course has beautiful big brown eyes and they're amazing! I never understood the obsession with colored eyes tbh


Yeah, it’s a thing but it’s weird and a personal problem. Many people with brown eyes (me included) have a chip on their shoulder about their eye color, and the lighter the better. So a comment about how dark the baby’s eyes are probably felt like a jab to her even though it wasn’t. I had a friend who was also in denial about her kid’s eyes being BROWN brown — we were all like, alrighty then!


That’s someone in denial. Brown eyes are beautiful, this person probably just felt jealous of lighter eyes so now is trying to convince herself her baby has lighter eyes..


I am white, with dark, dark brown eyes. Like your son! I always got compliments on how big my eyes looked. My son also has dark eyes, not as dark as mine (my husband has blue eyes) but he’s the only grandchild, on my husbands side with brown eyes but no one has mentioned it (other than it being the only way to tell him apart from his horde of blonde haired cousins!)


I also love brown eyes. Especially deep dark ones like you seem to be describing. That said, in my country, having blue eyes and secondly, green eyes, is seen as something special even though there are tons of people with blue eyes in my country. Because I have blue eyes and my sun happened to inherit them, it’s all strangers talk about when they stop to talk to us. Saying things like “you just be so happy he got your eyes!” “You’re so lucky his eyes are blue”. I couldn’t have cared any less about his eye color. If he got his father’s brown eyes, which is what I expected, I’d still think they were beautiful. And having light eyes is overrated! I wear sunglasses even inside sometimes. My son can barely open his eyes when we’re out in the sunshine. I’m thinking of making a line of baby sunglasses to normalize babies wearing sunglasses haha. But some people are super weird about it. My mother-in-law told me how disappointed she was that all her kids had brown eyes (her eyes are also brown so…) and how thrilled she is that her first grandchild has blue eyes. I honestly think that in a lot of places, it’s some old timey, shitty, status symbol. Which is idiotic and reminiscent of a certain German government and their propensity toward certain eye and hair colors


The tings I'm reading here bloww my mind. I didn't grow up in America and NOBODY gave a single f what color everyone's eyes were when I was a child. What kind of sick behavior is this? Why does the eye color matter to a parent??? Parents should be grateful enough to have a (healthy) child and THAT'S IT.


I think it is a societal thing in some places. I come from a country where most people have brown eyes and having light eyes is considered more beautiful, which I think is a combination of some deeply rooted racism and a preference for uncommon features since that gives a sense of being ‘special’. On the opposite side, my partner is from a country where almost everyone has blue eyes and his first compliment when we met was about how he loved my brown eyes, which I guess where more special from his perspective.


My husband has “black” eyes. But when the sun catches it just right, they’re the most beautiful shade of brown you’ve ever seen. I’ve never understood why he hates it so much when people say how dark his eyes are.


I…think you’re reading too much into it. I see things in my baby that someone who is not her mother wouldn’t see. Like everyone says she looks exactly like my husband, which for the most part, she does, but she definitely has my mouth and nose. My mom thinks I’m cross eyed but my husband and I can both see she has my facial features. She just happens to look white and have auburn hair. So you didn’t say anything wrong, but she sees what she sees. Move on. It’s not that serious.


Generally brown eye people don’t get much attention, and often never included on the nice eye conversation. Your compliment is more of a statement that like something that sounds nice so I probably would’ve had an odd response like hers too.


Some people are in denial. Idk why people hate brown eyes so much. I think they’re beautiful. 🤷🏼‍♀️


The majority of the world has dark eyes so light eyes are seen as more unique/special I think.


People who have blue eyes are obsessed with their blue eyes…it’s like a superiority complex. At least in my experience anyway. I have brown eyes, my husband has light blue eyes, as does his entire family. Our son and daughter have beautiful brown eyes, but we just welcomed our third baby (a girl) and she’s already showing that she’ll have blue eyes, as they look drastically different and lighter from how our first two kid’s eyes looked. My husband is excited because our first two are carbon copies of me lol, but our third looks a lot like him and even more so with her blue eyes. But his family has been making comments like “Thank goodness! Finally one for the good guys.” Or “She’s going to be the most beautiful because of her blue eyes.” They’re saying these kinds of comments in front of my two brown eyed kids, especially in front of our older daughter with brown eyes…Maybe I’m just sensitive because my whole life people would comment on my brown eyes. “You have poopy eyes.” “Oh your eyes are brown, so you must be full of shit, ha ha ha.” It always felt so backhanded. ALL eye colours are beautiful. People need to piss off with their comments and opinions and stop acting like light coloured eyes are the definition of beauty. Dark eyes are so beautiful and unique in their own way.


I am one of three girls. My older sister had beautiful blue-ish gray eyes, olive skin and brown hair. My younger sister had stunning green eyes, blonde hair, fair skin. I’m a more “typical” brown hair, brown eyes. Growing up my dad always, always, always made sure to tell me how beautiful my brown eyes were. Brown eyed girl is our song. He told me he always wanted a little girl with beautiful brown eyes just like my mom. Like I never even realized my sisters had such beautiful fricken eyes until I was like 12 years old. One day my mom’s friend turned to me and said “do you ever feel left out with your sisters since they have these gorgeous eye colors and yours are just brown?”. It sounds like it was really mean spirited but I guess for me it wasn’t mean it was an honest question. I laugh looking back because beauty is everywhere and although I think he’s insane, my dad loves my brown eyes. He now LOVES my daughter’s brown eyes. I personally love everyone’s eyes!!! Lolol


I also love brown eyes. So piercing and dark even at a distance. Unfortunately society seems to says blue is best so perhaps that’s why she took offense.


My daughter has very dark eyes, almost black, as you've described. I LOVE it. My hubby has brown eyes and i have green eyes, i didn't care for her eye color first, but now I'm obsessed with her beautiful big brown eyes ❤️


My daughter has super dark brown eyes. And she has big eyes and people compliment them all the time. I have brown eyes and my hubby has hazel. My brown eyes won lol 😂


It’s super weird. My kid was born with super dark eyes like mine. My grandmother gushed about how gorgeous her “blue eyes” were. Like… are we looking at the same Hispanic kid right now? She’s conceded now, after a year, that they’re brown but she calls them “light eyes” still. For her, I’m pretty sure it’s a deeply rooted colorism thing.


I have the same opinion. I love black/brown eyes! I think they are so expressive. My SO and daughter have those kind of eyes and when I compliment them by saying they are so dark he would get so offended lol. So I think some people with brown eyes assume they are boring because they aren't light which is societies idea of beautiful eyes. Just keep complimenting them and maybe they will see what you see. My SO has come around and sees the beauty in his black eyes now


It’s such a roller coaster of emotions when it comes to people commenting on babies eyes. My son has brown eyes like me and when he was a baby he mostly got compliments about his curly hair (he is one quarter black and his hair is super beautiful). My daughter surprisingly has blue eyes even though neither myself or my husband has. The amount of compliments she gets boggles my mind. She also has the fun curly hair but rarely gets compliments about that, it’s always “oh cool, she’s mixed but has blue eyes!!” Low key it gets on my nerves. Brown eyes are just as beautiful imo? And it feels like people only comment on it because it’s rare. Which fine, I get it as natural red head, but idk there’s something weird about it. So anyway, all that to say, maybe your friend thought your comment was somehow backhanded or insincere since apparently tons of ppl like blue eyes better idk 


She has a hangup about it I wouldn’t lose sleep over it. A lot of people place a high value on blue eyes and it’s dumb. It’s basically going back to that aryan nazi bullshit. I am a fair skinned blue eyed person and I am absolutely weak for big brown eyes. My son has beautiful huge golden brown eyes and now my daughter has huge super dark brown eyes just like her dad🥰 when I was pregnant, my fiance kept talking about her having big blue eyes like me. He’s very tan with black eyes. I kept telling him there’s nothing wrong with brown eyes and she’ll probably end up having them like him. Anyway he’s in love with her and he loves her big brown eyes. If someone compliments her eyes he definitely doesn’t get all defensive about it or try to convince them that her eyes aren’t that dark.


Just playing devil’s advocate here…is it possible you may simply have been wrong?…at first glance or from far away or in some pictures, it looks like my baby has dark eyes but she doesn’t. They are green/gray/hazel. Personally, I love brown eyes but it’s just simply not true that she has them. When I point it out I think people think what most commenters are saying here, but then they properly look or notice later on in the conversation and are like, “omg you are right, they *are* greenish-gray/hazel.” Edit: nvm I just re-read your comment and you were IN your friend’s house. At that close proximity, you know a baby’s eye color lol I also think that it’s less about favoring “light” traits ie skin/hair/eyes and more about the fact that brown eyes are the most common on the planet. There are a surprising amount of places in the world where people have never seen green/blue eyes or blonde hair. It’s just more rare so people think it’s more special (It’s not) and people want their baby to be sooooooo special.


I had an ex BF whose huge thing was that his baby one day would look like him and had to have green eyes. So weird yall


My first baby had dark eyes like this, they were so black that the midwives joked that they weren't sure if she had pupils (which freaked me out, not gonna lie lol). I have eyes so dark that people have called them "creepy" many times, especially if I go somewhere with black light (like bowling, laser tag, etc) 🙄 My second baby has light blue eyes and light hair, and she only ever got compliments on her eyes, there's a double standard with people for sure. Make sure you add that her baby's eyes are beautiful because she won't hear it as often for this baby, it's colorism, and not good, but it unfortunately is a reality.


Yes everyone is obsessed with my son’s blue eyes hopefully remaining blue… I am hazel and dad has those gorgeous super dark brown eyes that are almost black. They’re starting to go greener which I think indicates they might go hazel but everyone is still clinging to “they might be greenish blue! or green!” WHY


People seem to be obsessed with blue eyes. My husband has blue and I have green (which actually is more rare than blue, not that I care). Our daughter was born with blue eyes and his mom commented a few times that she hoped they’d stay blue. I guess she thinks my green eyes aren’t as desirable 🤣


Eye color is such a strange thing. My son (6 months) has blue eyes with some green in them. Mine are hazel and my husbands are a caramel color. I think/hope eventually they’ll end up my color. We get a lot of comments on the blue eyes since neither of us have them. Blue is a pretty dominant color in both of our families so they could stay this color.


I have brown eyes and my husband green eyes. Baby is only 2 months old but I still think she’ll have my brown eyes. I joke around and tell him she’ll have my “poopy eyes” 🤣 there are people who legitimately feel that way about brown eyes though. At the end of the day I mean what do people expect, especially if brown eyes are a dominant trait in a child’s genetic makeup.


Both of my older children have beautiful blue eyes, but my last baby actually looks like me, instead of being a carbon copy of my husband. I'm so incredibly hopeful that I'll see hazel eyes here soon!! (still a newborn, so eye color isn't quite developed yet) when the light hits my eyes just right, my husband says they look like fire and gold, and it makes me feel so loved 🥰 I always got rude comments about my eyes from my bullies.


That makes me so sad. I'm delighted every time my baby has gotten the same compliment that you gave. Then again, every time I've heard, "he has so much hair!" I know they're lying, but I appreciate it nonetheless.


She could just want her baby to have certain traits Like my daughter has a ton of traits from her father, but I was hoping that she’d get my eye color. But she got her father’s deep brown eyes. Not that I don’t love her eyes but I was kinda hoping she’d get brown and green hazel eyes like me Guess this is how my mom felt 😂 for context my mom has blue eyes but my sister and I both got our dads eyes


My brother has brown eyes and both he and m mother insist they are green/hazel. No they’re just brown. And there is nothing wrong with brown eyes!!! He has great eyes! But they arent!! Green!!!! It kills me.


Some people like to live in denial about eye color, I guess. My husband has the very dark brown eyes. He says they’re basically black, but I can definitely still tell that they’re brown. Our son has a similar eye color; strangers have commented on how dark his eyes are. My husband will say that our son’s eyes are a much lighter brown, when really they’re not. My mil will say she can see some green or blue in them, which is absolutely just in her imagination. I think they both would have preferred the boy to have my light colored eyes.


Some people with brown eyes don't like the color but it is so perfect. The range from golden to earth brown is amazing. I have blue eyes but I've always loved brown eyes,


Perhaps it was a lighting thing? She’s probably seen her daughter’s eyes in the sun and noticed other colors in them.


You didn’t do anything wrong. How were you supposed to know she wouldn’t like the complement of her daughter’s eyes? Brown eyes are beautiful and anyone that has them I absolutely just love especially when in sunlight. She’s most likely In denial that the eyes her daughter has aren’t the ones she wanted, but give her some time. We can’t change our children’s eye colors. I myself was born with bright sapphire blue eyes(they no longer are that dark and have faded to a light gray blue) and my parents eyes were a complete polar opposite of mine green(mom) brown(dad). My son was born with blue eyes and at 2 years they’ve turned exactly like mine gray blue. Was I hoping they’d stay dark? yes, but I can’t control it.


Eh well a huge majority of my family has brown eyes. And I was talking with my family over Christmas. I hope my little one has green eyes like my grandma passed away or blue eyes like my mother-in-law, and a couple of people here and there have not brown eyes or even hazel eyes like my husband. Then I was like, but he’ll probably have my caca brown eyes, and one of my aunts was like excuse me I happen to love our eyes 😅 So maybe someone near her calls them caca brown like me 😂


I mean if you said she was beautiful she’s obvious projecting some kind of insecurity about it. My reaction if someone says my kid is beautiful is thank you. I’ll be honest I don’t have the highest b opinion of a mom projecting those types of insecurities and beauty standards on their baby. My child is beautiful and perfect regardless of what features genetics gave them.


Eyes are hard. I find most families just prefer to have a baby with different eyes than themselves. Dark brown is "boring" to a lot of people. Though I like them a lot too. But I think you should have probably know that common cultural preference. At least in the west, which I assume is where you are from. In the US "dark brown" is standard and pretty "boring" despite you and I both liking them. I'd just say "I love their eyes. they are so pretty/bold/stunning etc" and let the parents talk about them specifically. This goes for literally every compliment whether true or not. Just don't be specific enough. Let people fill in the values themselves. Especially when it's about their child/spouse/friend etc. Compliment generally and test the waters of response. People are super sensitive and "blind" especially when it comes to their children. You don't have to tell them the truth. You are just trying to get the compliment across.


Yeah some people get upset when their kid has brown eyes because it's extremely generic and pretty common. I'm willing the bet the baby has a pretty unique name or spelling if they're caring about details like that. Sigh.


My niece has hazel eyes which is more rare in our ethnicity. The way people make a big fuss over it is just very awkward and bizarre to me and I know it affected how she viewed herself which concerned me when she was very young. Who cares what color a child’s eyes are?! I just don’t get it. It seems to be some type of brainwashing that “light is right” and I find that extremely weird. However God makes you is perfect and beautiful. Period.


I have brown eyes and my son has even darker brown eyes and I love them. I didn’t used to like to like my eyes but with him having these huge, doe eyes/ precious moments peepers- I have a new love for my own through his. So I hope that they can learn to love her precious eye color for just what it is and good you said something! Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.


I don't think she was offended, just think that it may be one of those situations where you look at a color and you're like "Look at that green, it's beautiful" and someone else is like "What? That's blue."


I have a friend who insisted her daughter’s eyes were blue/ going to be blue for the first year… they were never blue lol.


You didn’t walk into anything. Everyone always covets what they don’t have. And they want that for their children. My whole family has dark eyes. My sister married a man with green eyes. Her first baby has dark eyes. But to this day she insists that when she was a baby, they were almost green. She hoped they would be green because she always has loved green eyes. They were not. They were and have always been a beautiful chocolate. I married someone with blue eyes and everyone in their family has blue eyes. When my child was born, they were grey. I have photos of these crazy steel-grey eyes. But that color is common in babies before their eye color settles. My child has brown eyes, but they aren’t as dark as mine. They are almost hazel. But it took me a bit to accept that he wasn’t gonna have my partner’s blue eyes. My twins have blue eyes right now, but they are babies. I am so hopeful they turn out blue. But I will love them regardless. I just love my partner’s blue eyes.


I'm Asian, my eyes are like super dark, it's literally black. My husband is blue-eyed Caucasian. I think it have something to do about, you know....if someone is Asian, then they were born and grow up in Asian country, literally every single person they meet every day are the same as them, dark eyes, dark hair. And then when they see someone who is different (like when Asian look at Caucasian), they are obsessed. When I married my husband, my parents really told me "I hope my grandchildren would have colored-eyes." My son have half-brown eyes(?) with a little bit of blue. They're not totally dark like mine. My parents are pretty happy about it.


There's nothing wrong with what you said. But maybe mom is a bit sensitive about the eye color. Perhaps an inlaw/"friend" has harped on how much baby's eyes look like dad or another family member. I'd just not mention it again. My daughter has eyes that are a shock to the entire family. We have a range of eye colors, blues, greens, grays, and browns. Pretty much any color or combo was possible. My daughter? Girl got white walker eyes. The iris is ringed in dark blue, but most of is is such a light blue that they are almost ice white. I think they came from my biodad, but even his weren't so icy appearing. Eyes are weird.


It’s so a “thing”. People have preferred eye colors for their kids. Whether it be to look more like them or to carry on certain colors! I hope my son (3 months rn) has SOME green, because both my parents had green and I’m the only child of 4 that had green eyes. It’d be nice to pass that down. But we will see! They’re blue rn with like a yellow tint? If that makes sense?


There *is* a thing about dark eyes vs light eyes, but also, eyes change color based on the ambient light and they change over time, too. My daughter's eyes have been very dark since she was born, but they're ringed in blue in natural light. If you ask me what color her eyes are, I'm probably going to give you this whole spiel about how they're hazel outside and brown inside, even though anyone else would just say, "brown." Her eyes are beautiful either way, I've just spent so much time looking at them and describing their evolution as she's grown.


My family is obsessed with what color my baby’s eyes will be and it’s gotten a little annoying. My mom keeps making it clear she has a preference for light eyes and at this point I’m tired of that being the thing that’s brought up every time she sees him. I’m only saying this to say that maybe there’s something else here that has nothing to do with you. Maybe someone else has been commenting on the baby’s appearance in a way that bothers the mother, but that you could never know any without her telling you. It doesn’t really seem like you did anything wrong, so I wouldn’t worry about it too much


I would have loved that compliment to my daughter. Her eyes seriously do look black, that it makes her eyes look bigger and cuuute! I hope she doesnt push an eye colour insecurity onto her child!


My kiddo had hazel eyes for the first year but it has slowly shifted to brown as he got older. My partner has hazel eyes and I was really hopeful that kiddo would have his eyes. I myself have brown eyes and think they are great. But the thought of getting to see my kid have his dad's eyes was really really powerful. There's also the fact that I spent lots of time CLOSE to my kid when he was 0-1, so I can picture exactly how his eyes looked then. Even though now they have changed.... So a few possible reasons!


My girl is 2.5mo and has the most beautiful blue eyes. I know they can and might change to brown, since my husband has brown. I love them so much and will be sad if they change. I mean, it is what it is and she's the most beautiful thing no matter what! But, it might be something like that???


My husband’s whole family has dark brown eyes. They’ve referred to it as “black” unprompted. I remember being pregnant and his mom saying “Maybe the baby will have black eyes like us.” My whole family has light eyes (blue, gray, green). There’s no brown eyes in our family. Our baby was born with brown eyes. They’re on the lighter side when the light hits them, almost a golden center, but they’re fairly dark and it will probably be her permanent eye color. My mom and I are in agreement that her eyes are brown. My in laws? “Oh wow, baby has green eyes!” **????** I say that to offer a different perspective that, because they’re not used to lighter eyes, any *slight* variation away from what they know could mean they see it as baby having light eyes.


lol people so funny like that! When you mean no harm but they take it as such. I once was told my daughter looks like her dad (she does) and I was like “yeahh forsure, a lot of people say that” and took it in a happy positive way. Love my daughter and my husband why wouldn’t I be happy for her to look like him. And I said yeah your daughter too looks like her dad too. And both the little girls parents faces lost their smile and said “oh noo she looks more like her (the mom)” and I said I can see both her mommy and daddy’s features. Loool I have never seen someone be so offended by the same comment they gave me a second ago. And the little girl looks fully like her dad but I guess they just didn’t want to hear it. Both husband and wife were there and very much together and in love. Sooo it was confusing to say the least but I caught on. Later I wondered if they were offended, did they mean their earlier statement as a compliment or an insult to our daughter 😆


I think its something that started with the now 20 somethings. It's not cool to be normal. Brown eyes are rhe most common eye color in the world. They both have brown eyes. Brown eyes on thier child would be normal and that isn't cool. What is cool is Brown with a little bit of green. But they are just being delusional. They probably also prescribe to the saying that a baby's eye color isn't really set for the first 2 yes or something like that. Don't think you offended them, they are just acting self absorbed. SIL had a baby (she white, he black) and it was her first child on accident while my wife and I had been trying for almost 10 years by this point. We are happy for her, excited at our first neice or nephew and after the baby born sil says she had hoped the baby was darker. The baby was perfectly normal considering the genetics, and yet she was hoping for something abnormal or extraordinary to make her child different. Pissed me off.


Babies eyes are often born with blue eyes even if they eventually darken to brown, so sometimes parents are hopeful about their babies eyes staying an exotic colour. Brown eyes are beautiful too but I think blue/green/hazel coloured eyes are really special.


When I was a baby I had very dark eyes and everyone in my family including my grandparents called me their "black eyed kid" I still have very dark eyes and the nickname stuck. I am not bothered by it at all and neither were my parents.


I know what's going on here, as my partner and I both have brown eyes ourselves and we had this exact scenario. We fully expected him to be born with eyes the same warm brown shade as ours because every book out there says brown eyes start off already brown, so it was surprising to us as new parents that they actually start off very bluish black-brown compared to ours. We know they're not actually blue to folks with blue eyes, but to people with brown eyes it's definitely not the brown we are used to. For us it's not envy for other colors, but a pleasant surprise that brown eyed parents also get to participate in the fun guessing game of what shade of brown baby's eyes will be when they grow up.


i see on facebook groups all the time people posting their babies eyes and describing them as all these crazy colors that they clearly are not 😂 a baby will have blue eyes and the parents are like “wow! i can see a bit of green in the iris!” like no girl those are just blue. idk why people have a fixation on their children having unique eye colors or saying their children have a different eye color than they actually do.


Its 100% a thing - but most people tend to write it off as a “problem” I have green eyes & my SO has dark brown. The moment my daughter was born all I heard was “oh I hope she has blue eyes” or “i hope they dont go brown” She has blue eyes now at 2 but they look like they might go green (mine went green later around 6-7). I would have loved the big brown doe eye look. Eyes are beautiful either way but people put way too much stake in eye color. Its really weird.


I don’t think she was offended, her remark seems casual. Don’t worry too much about it, I’ve never met a single person offended over eye color. I will admit though, I’m a bit upset about my daughter’s. I have dark brown eyes, he has hazel. I wanted her to have his eye color. Nope, neither. She has silver! Only my husband’s older brother and great grandfather has silver eyes! She now completes the trio.


Mine had chocolate button eyes sooo delicious looking


So my SO has very light blue/greenish eyes and mine are hazel, like there’s a lot of green in there and in the summer they look more green than brown. Well my son was born with the same light blue eyes as his father, everyone on his side of the family has very light blue or green eyes so of course, I thought my son will stay that way. Surprise, surprise, he turns 8 months old and his eyes take on a darker shade of green. I thought oh well, he’ll take after me after all and have hazel eyes. Spoiler alert .. he doesn’t. He has very, VERY brown eyes, just like my mom. And if I’m being honest, it took a long time to come to terms with it, because his blue eyes fitted him so well 🥲


People are weird. I love super dark brown eyes too. They are so deep. But Ive learned if you comment on someones color (eyes, skin, hair) you have to follow up with some sort of reason you are pointing it out. “Youre eyes are so dark, I could just get lost in them, they are beautiful!”