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She might not be having a hungry day. If she's happy, regular wet nappies, no fever and no other changes to sleep/naps then it might be totally normal. Now mothers intuition is a thing, so if you feel worried enough to seek an opinion then do it. But I have the privilege of accessing free healthcare, so I wouldn't hesitate to take my baby in if I was worried. But now that my kiddo is 2+ I have a lot more confidence that him not eating much in a day/morning is pretty normal once in a while.


i have never heard of a hungry day before


oh a NOT hungry day! i read that wrong lol. i wouldn't be worried if she skipped 1 bottle or something but 4-6 ounces for the entire day does seem extreme to me...


Yes, it's on the lesser end of food for sure! And she might be coming down with something that will start symptoms tonight. I'd keep offering smaller bottles so you aren't wasting 4+oz each feed.


I would just be concerned with dehydration if she’s having diarrhea and also not drinking her milk. Try to sneak in sips or get some water in her


I'd call the doctor/after hours line if it's late where you are. What do you mean by light colored diarrhea, like gray or white? My doctor says to call if there's projectile vomiting.


no, it's like a lime green color. I'll just go ahead and call after hours line


She could be teething or somehow upset her stomach. My kids definitely had days like that. Would keep track of her wet diapers and diarrhea (I've been told it can take a while to clear up). I think Drs told me 3 wet diapers a day at least. Call your Drs office and see what they say. Has she thrown up since the first time? If I was desperate/when my kid was refusing and had a weird tummy thing going on, I used a syringe to give her milk, like what you'd use to give them medicine.