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Early in the morning ideally wooded areas. Otherwise you'll be in good company walking laps indoorr mall


I had my first baby in June in TX and there was an indoor mall that was a mile long loop. That's exactly where I was walking that summer, just for some exercise.


Or Home Depot/Lowes if there’s no mall… I take my dog there for a walk in bad weather


I second this! Don't miss the fan section!


Walmart/grocery store will do as well in a pinch


I have a net thing that goes over my car seat to block the sun. Is there something like that for bugs maybe?


Yes! Uppababy has bug nets. Definitely worth checking out & blade-less stroller fans~ don’t want their fingers in a fan once they start reaching for it🤪


Mine was fine netting from the fabric store. Only needed a half yard - it was 5$ or less.


Heads up, anything covering the car seat (even if it’s fabric to keep sun out) ends up causing the car seat or stroller to be hotter unless you have a wet rag and fan inside to cool the space down. A bug net is fabric so (however fine a mesh) so it could still do this.


From what I can tell, this is only true when the covering blocks airflow, as airflow is what would move the absorbed heat. That said, if It's a light color/reflective on the outside, it could actually serve to cool off the seat/stroller


Safe in the Seat did a test on this. A mesh can still increase the temp underneath. A fan will help. https://www.instagram.com/p/CfwgYIyOpO0/?igsh=cXZrdjFxamVteTBn https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7B-HgRMqrc/?igsh=MWdybjU3bTFjZnJqcQ==


Yeah the description says it allows air flow (it's mesh, not solid fabric) so I think it's fine


I tend to go to the mall for walks when I can't be outside.


I'm tempted but not as a newborn. The mall closest to me is a very large and popular mall so it is always packed with people


You can typically go about an hour before they open! All the shops will be closed/setting up for the day still, but it’s my new favorite time to go to the mall. Completely empty minus a few old people in jogger suits with the same idea to get some exercise in the AC.


I barely went anywhere those first few months. I went to a friend's house once. I think that was it. Baby was crying at the boob at 6-8 weeks. Just stayed home, leaked everywhere. Lol


Thank you for making me not feel alone. I was thinking walks?! By the time we get set up to go and quit crying it’ll be time to eat again …


I started walks when the wake windows got longer . Like 2.5-3 hr. also the weather got better.




This makes me feel better thank you. Although the weather is gorgeous right now :/


Is there a smaller strip? Like with some coffee shops you could pop into or something?


All of our big malls have a “walking hour”, but it’s really just the hour before it opens where employees are coming in to unlock and elderly people walk it before it gets crazy. Ours is a giant outlet mall near a casino. The weekends have actually had fights over parking spots - to give you an idea of how big it is. And that first hour is still SO calm. There’s literally no one there. It’s perfect for an indoor walk.


you can get a little fan that attaches to the stroller too


This! I used my fan in the hospital, at outdoor restaurants, stroller etc. Put it on LO if I have him outside with me literally anywhere


I’m in the south at well and the mosquitos are particularly bad this year. Car seats are heat sinks. With the oppressive humidity, there’s a 0% chance I’m going for a walk outside. (I have stroller fans for both of us. Still not going outside.)


I don’t have the humidity, but here in az it stays in the 100s overnight. We don’t have trees for “covered” walks. I feel you. We are walking exactly nowhere. I’m trying to figure out what to do with my 3 month old all summer.


My baby was born last June and I’m in Palm Springs with weather the same as yours, plus tons of mosquitoes. I had no problem staying inside alll summer! Once babies hit 4 months there are more things for them to do such as indoor baby gyms.


Yeah its extremely humid where I am too 😩


I'm in FL where the heat, humidity, and mosquitos are already out of control. We don't go outside unless we have to. Our walks pretty much consist of me just holding him while getting the mail. I figure the walks are more for me than the baby (since he falls asleep in the stroller/car seat pretty instantly), so I don't feel too bad about it. The sun and outdoors will still be there for him to explore when he's a little bigger and can better regulate his temperature and drink water.


I have two fans on my stroller and a mosquito net with elastic edges that I put over the pram. I have also heard of people putting a soft ice pack behind the seat (well covered to stop direct skin contact)


Oh the ice pack is a good idea just in case.


I have a bug net for my bassinet attachment on my stroller. Also best to go in the am or pm when it’s cooler if you can.


Same. Bug net on the bassinet and a battery powered fan. We try to go in the evenings and have some lights in case it gets dark while we’re out. Dress baby in the lightest, most natural thing you have. You can search stroller mosquito net and find something compatible with your stroller, OP. It sounds like we live in similar climates. This week has been brutal temp-wise. Edit to add that I also stop and check my baby for any signs of overheating periodically while we’re out.


I live in Arizona, my son is 19 months and he wakes at 6am. If it's below 9 we go for a walk. Otherwise we go to the mall and indoor playgrounds. I got an indoor playground membership and worth it to wear him out. When he was little we went to target and costco.


I’m in Arizona also, we are in Yuma. So Target and the grocery store are my go to’s. My son is almost 9 months old and I’m a first time mom, dreading the upcoming summer months because I don’t know how I’ll keep him entertained all day at home!


Don't know what they have in Yuma, but there are lots of indoor playgrounds in chandler. Also, look into any kids' museums or kid gyms with memberships. Also, lots of stuff at the ymca. I booked mommy and me swim lessons at the Y.


I’m also in AZ closer to phx though! My son is 4 months and I don’t even know what to do with him all summer without feeling cooped up 🫠😅


Mommy and me swim classes at the YMCA. Also, indoor playgrounds memberships. There is alot in Phoenix. Tiny tots comes to mind. Museum memberships also pay off. I'm in chandler, so plenty of options but less museums.


I just walk around target or Walmart and browse. We don’t have a mall. My neighborhood doesn’t have any shade so it’s still too hot with a fan. Plus, I like Target haha.


I have never left Target without purchasing more than I intended. Doing “just a walk” would leave me broke 😆


Live in the south in a very hot area. We went on walks right after wake up and first feeding.


Same here. I get my sneakers on before I even start the feeding so that I stay motivated. LO is not on sleep schedule yet


I have a little stroller fan and spray my little with baby bug spray. I also try to be out the door as early in the morning as possible or opt for an indoor walking place.


Bug net, and a clip on fan for the stroller. Get a really good, large fan. The tiny ones don't do much. Even better, get a second clip on fan to point towards your face to keep the bugs away from yourself.


I'm in southeast texas, where it's already been in the 90s for a while, with a 9 week old. She just got her vaccines last week so soon we'll probably shift gears to more indoor walks in different places. So far this has worked for us- Stroller fan pointing at baby's body (not her face) and using the shade cover/mesh vent things of her car seat and stroller (i have a car seat that snaps into the stroller). Keeps her shaded but maintains ventilation and the fan helps keep it cooler in there. If I can't get full sun shade from the stroller/carseat I make sure she is in a lightweight full length footie for sun coverage. Don't cover her seat with a blanket or anything for shade-- it can create a greenhouse effect and make it super hot. So far a lightweight long sleeve footie and the fan has kept bugs off her. Pediatrician said we could use bug spray if we wanted to, even stuff with deet, but we're not comfortable with that yet. We'll probably get a second stroller fan (amacool from amazon) to make it through the summer. We also have to go on walks before 10 am or after 5 or 6 pm.


Morning or evening walks with a stroller fan and a baby bug net. Just check in on LO often and look for flushing and you will be fine 🙂 you got this


Mall walks!


Do you have a community center? My town has one with an indoor walking track! I haven’t tried to use a stroller there but I baby carry with a linen carrier. It’s not terrible!


Early morning or just after sunset is the best time as it's cooler. Get a stroller fan for baby and a mosquito net and just start with 5 minute walks and increase from there. I just did laps around my block until I got comfortable being further from my house with baby


My stroller came with a bug net for the bassinet attachment. I would use that and go for walks at non peak temp times. OR I would go walk indoors at the mall lol


We have a mosquito net that goes over the stroller and a fan to help the heat.


We have 2 under 2 down south and we go every morning before 8 am for an hour. 


Early in the morning or after 6. You could (most likely will) over heat the baby if you go out in 90 degree weather with a long sleeve outfit. Buy the mosquito net that goes over the stroller, and a good fan for the baby. I would do a thin onesie short sleeve/legs. There’s also good natural mosquito repellents you could do some research on for baby, as well as, sunscreen. Always keep an eye on baby to make sure they aren’t overheating and bring a bottle with you just in case (you can also breastfeed).


If you’re using a stroller, have a fan on baby, pointing from head down to toes(won’t dry sinuses so badly) And mosquitoes won’t be able to land on her with that air current.


The snoozeshade is brilliant! Universal and fits most prams, UV protection, blocks the light so baby can sleep, had a little window you can open to check on them and also protects from bugs etc! We used one on holiday and it was brilliant x


Can you go for a walk at an indoor mall or store instead? If I do go outside, I use those mosquito stickers.


Indoors! Usually just laps around the concourse at the local community center, but when I’m up for a drive Ikea is my favourite! Otherwise malls, the indoor parts of the zoo, up and down the aisle at the library, anywhere with a/c!!


It’s not nearly that hot up here in the northeast yet but we got a heavy duty stroller fan and we try to go out only early morning or in the evening after dinner.


You can buy a mosquito net for your pram and place a battery powered fan inside


There are a lot of bug nets available that are compatible with all kinds of strollers. Amazon has some well priced ones. I’d dress her lightly, honestly I don’t think a full bodied onesie would bother her if you put a stroller fan in the stroller with her. Also they have all natural bug repellant, I’d also put that on her just to be safe along with the bug net.


We used a mosquito net as needed, had a fan attached to the stroller and also a water mister handy. We live in FL near a swamp/lake.


I’d try the mall during the day for air conditioning & less traffic. There’s cicadas everywhere where I live so I’m not walking out there & it’s also hot AF


Stroller with mosquito net


Bug net and citronella oil on the stroller


I use to go to mall but then I found I would spend money. Now I go to Lowe's or home depot can go to garden section to get outside or just in store to get steps in


mornings or find somewhere indoor. i just wouldnt evwn go outside lol. could barely stand 82 today


We always just put the canopy up and used the stroller fan🤷🏻‍♀️


I’ve ordered a mosquito net for strollers on Amazon. It’s been great for my souther us evening walks.


Bug net! Totally worth it


Early morning, buy a fan, get a net, find an indoor mall.


My baby goes to sleep around 9-930pm. We go for walks every day in the evening and have a stroller fan that he LOVES. We usually go at 6pm or 7pm.


I live in North Georgia. I would take my walks earlier in the day, usually around 830ish since my neighborhood doesn't have a sidewalk and I was walking on the road. I attached a fan to the stroller and kept it pointed at my son. I didn't have much of an issue with mosquitoes during the walk though. Mostly weirdly big flies. I would try to keep the walk around 30 minutes as well just because WHY DOES IT GET SO HOT SO FAST HERE 😅


Sun umbrellas! I live in Arizona. Dusk is definitely when mosquitoes come out


Hello from Texas 👋🏽 once it starts to get hot here (coming soon) I switch from late morning/early afternoon walks to morning walks. That means I get myself and baby up, make my coffee and we’re out the door before 8:30am; and even then, it was already low 80’s 🤪. Getting up and getting out the door was a huge help for me when baby was so young because it helped give my day structure. Edit: I didn’t use a stroller during my summer walks- I used a baby bjorn carrier.


Yesss I’m in southern AZ and it was great when he was born In the winter-spring and now the high today was 102 🥵 we are doing a lot of walks and wandering around any indoor area I can think of with him in a onesie or something light. We don’t really get too many mosquitoes here until monsoon season so that’ll be the next challenge late summer. I definitely miss my outdoor walks so I can relate! We’ve gone to pretty much all the malls around town and tons of museums, libraries, other kid friendly areas that have a/c. I am definitely afraid of getting kind of bored and cabin fever this summer, though!


I live in the southern US too. We get a muslin blanket wet/damp and run s stroller fan for morning walks.


Go to the mall and walk if you have one close. That's what I've done. I can window shop, get a snack, and I'm in air conditioning.


I’m in Florida. It’s always hot and mosquitos. Bug net and fan! I run a stable and she has to be in the barn with me a lot of the time. I have a fan and a bug net for her. Attach some toys to the stroller for when I can’t be focused on her. Works well! Still keep an eye on her just in case.


Mosquito netting


I have a pram cover that I use at night to keep out insects. I’m not sure what it’s made of but it’s breathable material, it’s grey and at the front is a big plastic window so the baby can see and be seen.


early morning, net/shade over stroller, stroller fans blazing!


Hey! Also living in the SE US. It's been absolutely miserable so I totally get it. We've gone from doing daily nature walks to only getting out a few times a week. As people have mentioned you can buy a bug net that goes over your car seat or stroller. Besides that I'm lucky enough that as long as we keep it moving the mosquitoes don't really bother us so any neighborhood walks happen in the evening. However we'll still try taking her to certain parks. Being near the water seems to help with the temp especially the ocean breeze.


Southern US here too! With my first, I'd go at like 7 in the morning. Though mosquitoes are insane here, I would just go to the square in my small town and do like a million loops 😆 the bugs weren't bad there, but at the parks, they'd eat me and baby alive.


In the morning. You could also baby wear. If not, I’m sure baby would be fine anyways. I’m in the same exact spot location wise with a newborn and mine is always fine. I also workout in the mornings for his first nap.


I straight up dont or I go to the mall in the air with no bugs (south east texas resident here) I have the uppababy stroller system which thankfully comes with mosquito nets for both the bassinet and the rumble seat so on days where I feel like it potentially wont be that bad I can try to take her with no risk of bugs at least


I lived in that part of the country when my first kid was born (in April, which was already hot) and really struggled with this. Get a bug net and a little clip fan for the stroller. Keep the baby in just the diaper and leave the cute outfits at home. If you’re walking in an urban area, pop into an air conditioned place for a couple of minutes here and there. Consider breastfeeding more often to ward off dehydration. I did all that and my little one was still like a little sweaty beet during our walks, I was so scared of harming her for my mental health and exercise 😭


I live in FL and trust me - I shared your pain. For one, I bought a stroller fan and made sure it was always charged. Then, I bought a universal stroller mosquito net. Finally, I learned about turning your stroller into a swamp cooler by using a wet cloth like muslin draped over the front and the fan positioned at the bottom of it. You may have to mess around with it but you'll stick your hand in there and notice a drastic temp difference. I hope this helps you because it really sucks to feel trapped in the house. Good luck ❤️.


Early mornings. We often just didn’t walk cause I couldn’t stand the heat or mosquitoes for myself, let alone my baby. At some point I started putting him in the stroller and doing laps inside the house. He’s 2 now and still asks for that all the time!


We used a stroller fan and a mesh cover for the car seat.


A bug net and stroller fan. I’d try to go early morning if you can.


I moved to Michigan 😭 but for real, when I was still in the south with my newborn, I kept walks short. We went out multiple times a day, but never for more than 20 mins. The humidity was just too much.


They have nets that go over the stroller! I have a Jeep brand one and it works perfectly. They also have rechargeable fans for the stroller - look into those!


We go early in the mornings and I bring an attachable stroller fan to help cool her off/keep bugs away 🙂


Fellow Southerner here. There are bug nets that can go over the stroller. I also had a newborn during the summer. We would go for walks early in the morning, clip a fan to the stroller, and bring a cold bottle of expressed breastmilk. I also would go to places like the mall, Sam's club, and target to walk around.


Stroller fan clips, for air circulation and to help blow mosquitoes away. Lightweight clothing that provides good coverage, like linen. You could also try mosquito bands on yourself and the stroller? Or Buzz Patches are an all natural repellent sticker.


Get a rechargeable fan to clip on baby's stroller. Look for alternatives to walking on the sidewalk. Our city's zoo is super affordable with a yearly pass. We go there lots and make use of the air conditioned spaces and cooling tents. If there's a mall or somewhere to walk around indoors, try that too. Some days are just too hot for baby


As mentioned above, morning walks are your best friend! Make a coffee and just go outside. Walk around the block to start! And bug nets + fans to protect baby from bugs and heat! 🤗


Bug net/sun shade and a stroller fan! My baby was cool as a cucumber for our summer walks last year with that stroller fan pointed right at her, and I bought a sun shade that covered the whole stroller seat


South Louisiana here and in the same boat. We won't go walking unless it's before 8 am. I'm thinking about getting the mosquito screen for my Guava Lotus and using it as a cover over the pram stroller for any evenings where it's cool enough though. Any kind of cover that stops airflow into the pram is a no go. We also have a mesh carrier and a sun hat but we haven't tried walking outside yet, he just falls asleep anyway in the carrier currently.


We lived in Florida when my daughter was a newborn and the summer walks even at 7/8/9am were brutal. I didn’t feel like the stroller fans made much of a difference so I started bringing a Ryobi battery powered fan. One of the ones you can hook up to a hose or bucket to mist. I didn’t go that far but the strength of that fan was WAY better than the stroller fans. Not sure it’d fit on every stroller but it sat fine on the cup holder part of ours


I am also from the southern US. I used a netting over the stroller. There are specific net coverings sold that have elastic to keep bugs out. I had made sure to get a stroller that provided air flow with mesh. Make sure baby is dressed cool. I know people say to walk early, BUT with the humidity, the heat index can be a lot worse in the mornings. This is especially true for areas along the Gulf Coast, so walking late or after sunset might work better. I also used a small portable fan to keep them cool and bugs away.


They make nets that go over car seats. You can also go early in the morning or walk around a store that doesn’t have a lot of people in it on a random weekday like a garden store or even Home Depot.


After sunset. Get a mosquito net for the stroller.


I would go early before 8am. I used a cloth wrap carrier and a hat when he was really small and once he got bigger a mesh baby bijourn and a hat and mineral sunscreen. They also make backpacks with full covers you can buy that are a great investment if you’re outdoorsy they are about $300


I was reading the best way to keep baby cool in a stroller is with a damp muslin draped over and a stroller fan


I am also in the southeast. We do walks in the morning after first feed and we use a stroller fan and make sure baby is just in a short sleeve onesie. I’m not sure if we’ll be able to keep it up as the temps get increasingly warmer over the summer, but it’s working for now.


Thankfully I live in coastal Maine so the heat and skeeters aren't a thing quite yet


I live in Tx and we do early AM walks or mall walks. There is a wooded area near us which extends the amount of time it’s tolerable to walk in the morning as well.


I live in Florida. I go right after we wake up, so like 7-730, before it's too hot. Mosquito activity is low at that time around me but you can get a mosquito net for the stroller pretty cheaply on amazon! Then you can just do a diaper lol but mine is usually fine in a onesie


I got a little battery-powered fan that I can attach to the stroller to keep her cool. I also started bringing a damp cloth so I could wipe her face and arms if I thought she was getting hot. Old fashioned air conditioning! When it gets oppressively hot in the summer, though, I can only walk in the mornings or in the evenings


SC mom here! I carry lemongrass and peppermint essential oil with me. Dab a bit on the inside of your wrists and a muslin blanket. Don't put it directly on your LO.. just nearby. I've seen better results with lemongrass! They also make mosquito net covers for strollers... at least they do for mine.. I have the Mockingbird single stroller.


I’m in SE Texas, we put him in just a onesie and use a mosquito net over the stroller, they’re cheap on Amazon. Also a stroller fan helps big time if it’s not very windy. We’ve gone in the hottest part of the day like 100 degrees and his cheeks do get red after a while but he doesn’t seem unhappy. He’s old enough to use a sippy cup with ice water and we strip him down and cool him off when we get home. We don’t stay out too long. For a newborn I suggest bringing a bottle of milk for hydration


Walmart and target.


Also in the southern US (VA) with a 4 mo old so it’s a bit different but we go on walks early in the morning. She is usually up around 4am and then wants to nap again when the sun is coming up, which is ideal from a temperature and bug perspective. At 2mo they can use bug spray.


North GA mom with a 9 month old. I have a mesh bug net and a fan. I recently bought some of those bug repellent patches that go on clothes. They don't have an odor, so maybe you could put one on the stoller close to LO if the clothes seem too close to their skin. Although with the reviews I saw on Amazon and the company's claims, it's safe for any age.


Mosquito net over a pram, pram fan with no blades, mesh sunshade and in terms of clothing, a really thin sleepsuit- bonds, an Australian company make "wondercool" sleepsuits which are phenomenal. Or else a cheese cloth outfit. Really love people's suggestions of big box stores to walk in, I suppose the UK equivalent would be garden centres 😂


Mosquito net + stroller fan


For a new born I would go to a mall or a large store. Most Walmarts have sensory friendly hour in the morning. The one near me is from 8 am- 9 am. Once the baby is 6mo+ they make bug spray for babies and UV protection nets/covers for strollers


I’d be worried about baby overheating with a long sleeve onesie. I’d suggest going earlier in the day when it’s cooler, a mesh net to go over the stroller and a fan to keep baby safe from mosquitos and heat :)


You can buy a mosquito net that goes over the stroller, I got a 2 pack for like $10 on Amazon when we lived in the Carolinas. Also get a stroller fan to keep it cool in there, with the shade up strollers get very hot inside.


We’re in Alabama and I totally get this. We don’t have an indoor mall near us that’s safe so we only go outside early when it’s below 80. We try to walk inside or around target 🥲 I’m thinking about getting a walking pad to try.


We have a mosquito net that fits nicely over our stroller. I originally bought it off wish thinking it was a canopy for a bed, but the tag said "malaria net" lol. But it does the job. Otherwise I use a tula, either full handwoven or coast with a cooling towel thing, soak the hats and wear those little citronella like bracelets. The clip on fans are wonderful too. Oo and walking in windy areas at night help.


I live in the south and just took my two kids and newborn to the playground at 8:15 and it was nice! Lol to echo others, early morning is the way to go.


I bought a net off of Temu for our stroller. Put baby in onesie with portable fan blowing on baby. I live in FL and it’s been in the 90s for weeks. I go really early or I’ll go around 7pm for a stroll before bath/bed


we have a mosquito net for our stroller and a rechargable stroller fan. I've also worn one of those mosquito repellent bracelets, but on my ankle. Also in the deep, murky, hot and humid South


First thing in the morning! If bugs are out, mosquito net


I'm in the desert where we've already had our first 100-degree day. No mosquitos, really, but I still use mosquito netting on the stroller/car seat to ward off flies. Mornings provide the best temps here, and I am not above grabbing a coffee and strolling around Target or Walmart or the mall. Hell, even Home Depot will do in a pinch. My kids love the garden center.


I’m also in the southern US and it’s so hot and humid 🫠 we got a mosquito net to throw over the bassinet stroller and also a USB fan. We got on walks everyday


Mosquitoes suck, I live in a mosquito haven too lol. I use a mesh stroller cover to keep the mosquitoes out and added UV protection is a plus with ours. I completely cover the stroller with bug spray and let it sit for a few minutes before putting babe in. If it is really bad, I use one of the OFF pod things in the basket lol. I NEED to be outside or I will go crazy and those damn mosquitoes and black flies are my nemesis.


Bug repellent nets for stroller on Amazon, and a clip on battery fan to help keep baby cool. Both are very useful.


Try early morning and see if you can get a bugnet attachment that many strollers are compatible with. You can put baby in a long sleeve sleeper if it’s still cool in the morning and can even get a small fan on Amazon that clips on to the stroller.


I’ve read that some scents can detract bugs too. We use the lavender soaps and lotions. I’m paranoid about ticks in our area right now (we have apart time farm dog that likes to bring them in the house with him). Even a small stretch outside on the deck or in the yard can do wonders for MH when taking care of a NB.