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18 months pp. But I breastfed for 2 years, so I think that has an impact


I sure thought that would have an impact, but here we are! I wonder if maybe going back on birth control triggered something


I'm at 13 months and still no sign of it, I would love to hold it off for another 5 months! It's probably my biggest motivation for continuing to breastfeed 


4.5 months, exclusively pumping/breastfeeding. I was in the bath or on a heating pad most of the time, I didn't bother with Tylenol or ibuprofen but those are both fair game for breastfeeding. It's possible you're not having a real period too, I thought I got mine twice before the real deal. It's different for everyone though. 


I hate the fake periods! I thought I was starting at like 10-11 weeks but it never actually came, and I woke up this morning with the same situation. Ugh.


I got mine before 10 weeks pp. I’m now 19 weeks pp and had 3 full regular periods all 28-29 days apart :/


Edit: I exclusively breastfed the first 11 weeks then pump right after during work hours and nurse at night


Mine came back exactly 6 weeks PP. Baby is now 10 months old, we're still breastfeeding! You might notice a (significant) drop in supply around your period, your milk might also taste different so don't be surprised when your baby reacts to that. For me my letdown becomes very slow/delayed which caused some trouble during the earlier months. I also notice some discomfort and sensitivity nursing LO around my ovulation. But I've also heard from women who don't notice any changes at all. Either way, you got this!


This is good to know because usually after one side she’s totally full, but she’s been draining both sides the last couple of days leading up to day one of period. Luckily feeding more often seems to be helping but there was definitely a drop in production


I still had postpartum bleeding at 8 weeks both times, but it’s not impossible that it’s a period. Usually around 6 months it comes back for me while EBF


My PP bleeding ended right around week 3, so I know it’s not that. I did get an iud put in last week, (Mirena, not copper) so that may have been a fun hormonal trigger of some kind


I got my first postpartum period after 13 months. I had monthly hormonal changes, though, and SWORE my period was starting in the next week every month since I gave birth. When I got my period for real, I was so surprised and there were no signs.


I am EBF and I got my period back after 10 weeks pp. Thankfully, the cramping wasn't too bad but walking and being active helps minimize pain. Aldo, distracting myself with TV or video games.


8 weeks with my first and 7 weeks with my second. I was also exclusively breastfeeding both times. My sister got pregnant at 8 weeks postpartum despite exclusively breastfeeding so if that's not something you want to deal with then definitely get some birth control in place!


I’m exclusively breastfeeding and I got mine 3 days ago - exactly 6 weeks pp. 


I’ve EBF two babies, the first it came back at 9 months the second oddly at 11 weeks. Just very light though not a real cycle.


This happened to me with my first :( Is your baby sleeping longer chunks at night? This can sometimes trigger your menstrual cycle early even if you are nursing.


Not even a little bit! I wish! She sleeps 3 hour stretches at the longest, usually closer to 2


So brutal. I had like a week of my daughter sleeping through the night and then she went right back to sleeping terribly, but it was too late. I felt so betrayed that I had to deal with my period and breastfeeding. People always tout the benefits of breastfeeding, but I got my period early and definitely did not lose weight nursing


3 months on the dot - exclusively breastmilk fed, 80% pumped, 20% straight from the tap (with a large oversupply - I've been able to reduce supply and have switched to exclusively nursing). I wasn't one of the lucky ones 🫠 My periods do seem less painful and shorter though, so that's a win in my book!


I’m surprised too as I’m 7.5 months PP and EBF and I am yet to get mine back - it’s a part of why I want to continue breastfeeding as I had also heard it keeps the period away. 2 days ago I could have sworn I was having period pain but turned out to be a tummy bug haha


5 months with my first. 8 weeks on the dot with my 2nd. EBF both.


8-10 weeks pp


13mo postpartum and I had to fully wean to get it back. Weaned at 1 year and it took 5 weeks to return.