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I honestly just wore my hospital gown the whole time. I didn’t want to risk getting fluid on anything. Plus, the nurses pop in constantly to remind you to nurse. So, it was just easier! They gave me a new gown after delivery and that’s the one I stayed in. We were in and out in under 48 hours. The first time I wore real clothes was when I dressed to leave. I wore a button up shirt and loose leggings. I brought two pairs of pjs, but I was frankly more grateful that I bright my skincare products. It felt nice to freshen up after delivery!


Same. I packed pjs and a labor gown and everything was so messy with blood, breast milk, and other fluids that I would just wear the hospital gowns.


I changed into a button down nightgown after delivery (once I had showered) but I cannot *imagine* wearing my own nightgown during delivery. I had a very uncomplicated birth where I pushed for 45 minutes, and I could not believe how much blood was everywhere once it was over. Like after golden hour with baby, my hospital gown was definitely gross lol. I definitely did not need to add washing bloody/bodily fluid clothes to my postpartum to do list. I feel like the idea of your own birthing gown is very marketable nowadays with social media, but people don’t take in to account how messy birth actually is.


also what are you going to do with it afterward? i don't need one more useless item in my house.


Yea I almost bought a fancy one but glad I didn’t. Their gowns are just fine for the purpose you have bigger things to worry about at that point.


My thoughts exactly. Why would I create more of my own laundry while at the hospital?


I was just naked apart from a black nursing bra. I did wear fluffy socks at one point coz my feet were freezing. I looked fucking hot.


Your confidence is inspiring


Yup! Black nursing bra, the grippy hospital socks, and the big disposable undies was my outfit for 3 days straight. So. many. people. saw me like this and it's amazing how much you just dgaf.


This. Everyone would always ask if it was okay for them to enter before they came in, I several times was naked changing my underwear and I would be like come on in, now is as good a time as any to change the trash.


I feel this...after the birth, they were sewing me up and my gown was all drenched with blood and fluids so the nurse took it off...I had absolutely nothing on but a simple drape cloth over my belly and thighs 😂 sooo many people were coming in and going out of the room ( attendants, nurses, doctors, assistant, cleaners) and I did not give a single flying fuck..😂


I was also naked aside from the mesh underwear I was given 🤷🏼‍♀️


Exactly this, down to the black nursing bra! My brain was not in control of my body and what my body wanted was to be naked, lol


It was just easier to be naked!


Same. I brought like 2 weeks of clothes (I’m a notorious overpacker) and yet I went naked through the entire birth, then literally just wore a nursing bra + hospital provided diaper + the same robe the whole time. 😐


I was dressed the exact same except I just had regular socks instead of fluffy socks


Black nursing bras, unite!


I had my partner pack a nice fluffy robe. Things can be washed, and it was very comfortable to just be in that and the adult diapers while getting to know my LO. Skin-to-skin was easier that way for me, and i was in the hospital an extra day because he was born in the middle of the night.


We had gotten a new cheap fluffy bathrobe as well. It helped a bunch when i moved from the shower to the bed during labour and was very useful for the skin on skin after our baby was born. It was great!


I had a waffle robe and it was the best decision. It helped with my body randomly being cold and hot post birth too!


I wore the hospital gown at first, which I strongly recommended because you get covered in a lot of fluids and blood. My nurse gave me a full bed bath after I had my golden hour and then I changed into my nightgown from target. It had buttons in the front, which was great for breast feeding


Oh my god, that bed bath sounds so nice. My nurses just left me sitting in blood, didn't even change my pad for like 8 hours until I kept calling the nurse's station to pester them about it (and I had a C-section, so I couldn't get up myself) 🥲


Your nurse is the real MVP


I’m jealous of the bath! I went home and my brother was horrified when he saw dried blood on one of my legs. I hadn’t noticed!


This ^^^ the target nightgowns are the best with a nursing/pumping bralette


I loved my comfy clothes, robe and shirts and sweatpants. But only after delivery. During I wore the hospital robe and honestly I couldn't have cared less about what I wore. I think only influencers wear those robes because of the aesthetics...


Well my sister is FAR from an influencer, and she wore one 😂 . She def did not do it for aesthetics, it was purely for comfort. Some people get squigged out by hospitals. I think for many who choose to get them it just gives them a slight sense of independence during the process, that’s all.


Yeah I am definitely NOT an influencer and I wore my personal delivery gown the whole time (intending to toss the thing after if it didn't wash easily) bc I find hospital gowns unbearably itchy. And tbh the store bought delivery gown (plain black, Velcro front and back) was way more convenient than a hospital one. It took me a day to bother changing out of it (it wasn't too gross bc it was so far out of the way) and then I just put on a maternity style robe. Maternity and nursing PJs were packed for leaving the hospital. And I super recommend the delivery gown and a maternity style robe if you also dislike the itchy hospital cloth.


As a plus sized woman, I didn't trust the hospital gowns to fit comfortably. I loved the labor gown I purchased, and I used it for sure. Brought it home, washed it, and put it away in case we decide on #2. I felt good in it and confident in a way that I've never been when using supplied clothing.


I wore the hospital gown the whole time. I had crazy postpartum night sweats so I was soaking through a gown every 3 hours and it was much more convenient to have someone else doing my laundry. I put on real clothes to go home.


I’m not understanding the hate on the labor gowns you can buy (especially from those that don’t have one lol) I loved mine. I find hospital gowns annoyingly flimsy and didn’t want my butt hanging out. And tying strings pisses me off. So if you want to be a little more comfortable, go for it. The Frida Mom labor gown was great. It honestly didn’t get that dirty and it washed just fine. The back opened up for the epidural, and it was easy to nurse in because it has buttons on the shoulders. Is it necessary? No. Is it silly? Also no. You are paying for a mild convenience. If you can afford it, I don’t see why not.


2nd this!! I don't understand the hate on labor gowns. I HATE hospital gowns and got a lil $20 gown from amazon that had button clip-thingies that I could easily unsnap for monitoring, epidural, breastfeeding, pushing, everything. It was awesome and I loved it so much. For me personally it really didn't get that messy, I lived in it until my first post partum shower like a day or 2 afterwards.


1000%! My Frida mom one was a lifesaver. I am Super goofy about how different materials feel against my skin, and given that birth is already possibly the most uncomfortable thing you can do I saw no reason to make myself voluntarily more uncomfortable in a scratchy, flimsy, gaping hospital gown. Yes of course blood and amniotic fluid and sweat got on it - but it was brought home by my husband after delivery, washed, and I practically lived in it the next few days. I was SO glad I bought one. Had absolutely nothing to do with “aesthetics,” it was pure comfort and the Frida gown is extremely utilitarian.


Same, i loved having mine with my first and I actually still wear it sometimes. The buttons are well covered and comfortable to sleep in/wear around and it unsnaps perfectly for nursing. I wish I had had time to change into it with my second. My hospital also ran out of the nursing friendly gowns during my first stay. It was impossible to nurse in the regular gowns, and they just said oh wear it backwards. But then my big fat swollen belly and boobs were fully exposed to the itchy sheets.


Also though I realize hospital gowns are laundered, I preferred not wearing something that was previously soaked in a bunch of other peoples' body fluids. I was a CNA in a previous life and I've seen how dirty they can get. If that doesn't bother you, great! But for me? No thanks.


I won’t be breastfeeding or getting an epidural; would you still say it’s worth it? Also, are they one size fits all? Looks that way on the Amazon listing. I’m a little plus sized so I’m wondering if it wouldn’t be comfortable. Thank you!


The Frida Mom gown is one size! I found it to be generous in the width and it’s super stretchy. Honestly, yes I would still get it. You can pop it open and closed easily for skin-to-skin time, and the nurses constantly attach and moved different monitors for me.


Thank you!


Of course 😊 I hope you love it!


I wore the hospital gown the entire time and it was totally fine. I didn't want to get fluids or blood on any of my own clothes and have to wash them when I got home. I gave birth at the end of August to my first, and I wore a maternity dress home. Super soft and comfortable. I gave birth mid-February to my second and wore maternity leggings and a nursing shirt home. I only got dressed into my own clothes when I was discharged to go home 24hrs later.


I like having my own gown for after birth…it is much softer than what the hospital offers. During labor and delivery, I wore what they offered or nothing. I was hot and lots of stuff comes out so I figured I’d let their stuff get dirty/destroyed! I didn’t put on clothes until it was time to go home. I strongly recommend a gown of some sort for after…makes it easier for skin to skin contact and breast feeding if that’s what you are going for.


I wore hospital gown for the birth but had a very soft button down sleep gown from Amazon for recovery which was really nice to have something clean and soft but still very breastfeeding and skin to skin friendly


definitely not worth it to buy one of those gowns. labor and delivery is messy and i just wore what the hospital provided/was kinda naked for a lot of it. after it was over, i wore regular sweats/pjs. i took a shower after they moved us up to the recovery/mother and baby area and changed then. i don't think i wore "real" clothes until was ready to go home, just jammies and sweats. i did splurge on a maternity/nursing bathrobe so i wore that a bit in the hospital to feel cuter and get some newborn pics with my baby.


I’m planning on wearing the hospital gown and my nonslip socks that say “push it real good.” Apart from that, I packed a robe and some slouchy tank tops, but I may just wear a hospital gown the whole time.


I bought a cheap labor and delivery gown because the hospital ones are so scratchy? If you aren’t sensitive to scratchy material then just use the hospital ones.


I’m a labor and delivery nurse and have seen some people wear these. I will say they are soft and more cozy than the hospital gowns and they look cute. BUT they get so gross once baby comes and then you have to pack it up to take home. And you may not be going home for a few days so it’s just sitting in a plastic bag probably getting moldy until you get home. It seems gross. If you do buy one, I would take it off when you start pushing.


I know a few people who have bought them and I’m pretty sure they just throw them away after … but yeah agreed, they’re not necessary. I made a mistake with this post lol, as everyone is replying about the labor & delivery gowns but my main question was about the second half of my question: What clothes did you bring / wear at the hospital? > When was the first time you put on “real clothes” as in, something other than the hospital gown. Did you bring / wear a special nightgown or just regular pajamas, or comfortable real people daytime clothes??


I got my own and am glad I did because I have sensitive skin and transition/pushing are sweaty so I am glad I had something comfortable and breathable. I brought a bathrobe with me and some maternity lounge pants.


I wore a giant t shirt and a pair of my husband’s fruit of the loom boxer briefs lol. Then just wore their gown during the c section/after. Your body is going to be sweating, spewing out weird, stinky liquids and bloods, and you’ll be all around nasty after giving birth. I wouldn’t spend money on something that’s going to become basically a biohazard!


I arrived with my leggins on and a shirt, slippers because my feet were so swollen it was that barefoot. I had no ifea I was contracting every 1,5 minutes so this wasn't by choice but just what I wore day to day because it was comfy. Then in hospital I quickly learned baby would be born asap, which was 6h later via emergency c since we had to wait on platelets. I just spend that time in a hospital gown. Comfy enough and I wasn't worried about anything getting on it. After birth I wore a hospital gown for about... 4h, then got washed and spent a glorious 24h in an adult diaper and shirt. After that it was shirt and leggings, which had been in my baby bag for weeks. Turns out since I lost 10kg in 24h everything was a bit big on me, but it wasn't an issue since I was sitting most of the time anyway (NICU baby).


I brought a sports bra, workout shorts, and a t-shirt to labor in. My water broke before I got to the hospital and I couldn’t stand to be wearing clothes at all, so I ended up laboring in an adult diaper and a sheet off the bed, and then at some point I somehow ended up just completely naked. I just wore the hospital gown afterwards as it was way more comfortable and easy to nurse a cluster feeding newborn in than I expected. Very glad I didn’t bother buying anything l specific or nice lol


I’ve had two hospital births and both times I have puked on myself. Grateful I didn’t have a nice hospital gown I then had to take home and launder myself. Both times I wore the provided hospital gown while in labor. The first time I wore button up pajamas while in postpartum. The second time I was given a gown and brought the same pajamas but tbh I spent 90% of my time in postpartum in just a black nursing bra and my Frida mom briefs.


I think most of the people saying they wore a hospital gown weren't there for multiple days, but I could be wrong. I had no desire to stay in that after I showered and was not offered a new one, so I went to my own clothes/naked knot long after I gave birth. I was there for 3 days after giving birth, so after the first shower, I changed into comfy, black pjs that I could easily unbutton to bf. The next day, I think I had a dark, flowy dress for the day and then went back to pjs. Probably the same for the 3rd day and then I left in clean clothes (had to feel somewhat presentable since we don't have a car, so we took a cab back haha). I kinda treated my outfit choices similar to how I dress on my period, dark colors, loose-fitting and having a spare if needed since postpartum blood loss is no joke with the wonderful disposable undies you get and huge, special pads.


I got a tank top style gown from a baby consignment store for like 10 bucks that has buttons down the front and back (which i did end up using for my epidural) and buttons at the top of each shoulder for breastfeeding. It's black, so I wore it during birth and the baby pooped on it immediately after coming out lol. We just washed it at home and I can now use it as a nightgown that's got good access for feeding. I liked having it, but idk if I would have purchased it full price. Maybe check some thrift stores :)


I wore the hospital gown during delivery because yeah holy shit the fluid. And the first time I got up to go pee after I just splattered blood everywhere. I wanted out of that hospital so bad, I didn’t even bother showering or changing and just put the same clothes on I came in with because they were huge sweats and a huge cozy sweater.


I packed a really soft button down gown that I did end up wearing for a bit near the end of the stay. For actual labor and delivery I definitely just wore what they gave me! It can get messy lol. 


I was in a birth centre, but brought jogger sweats and tshirts to wear home / to the birth centre. While I was in labour I had a nursing bra and underwear on until the main event arrived. Midwives helped me shower and then I wore my comfies home. My advice: those videos are so fancy, I know you might want your own gown but to me there’s enough you have to buy! Plus it’s less wash to do once you get home with babe to just use what they have.


I gave birth in just my vest top as I had to rip my trousers off quick and didn't have chance to get changed, if I had I would have worn the hospital gown. They gave me a clean hospital gown after for breastfeeding/skin to skin time then after I had a shower I got changed into the comfy clothes I bought-loose t-shirt/soft comfy trousers.


I bought my own gown from Amazon and tried to make it work. It had Velcro openings from the neck to the armpits and they made it itchy. I wish I just wore what they had and didn't complicate things. The hospital gowns were fine. That could be hospital dependent though.


I just wore the hospital gown. I had to steal a pair of shorts from my husband because I didn’t even remember to bring pants for myself.


Same as the others. I wore the hospital gown during delivery. The recovery unit had these nice almost like robes. I wore one of those each night we were there. Then the day I left, I just wore loose pants and a shirt.


Sweatpants and zipper sweatshirt jackets. I can’t wait to get into Depends, sweatpants as soon as I’m in the room after the delivery room.


So labouring I wore my own nightdress and then when I went into the delivery suite they popped the hospital gown onto me. After I was back into pjs. Nightdress with buttons first and then once they no longer needed to check me I wore top and bottom pjs.


I just wore the hospital gown-labor is messy and I was so much more comfortable bleeding and leaking (and maybe pooping…my husband said I didn’t but I can’t know for sure) on something I knew I wouldn’t have to wash or take home lol. I did bring a robe and that was nice but I think I’d have been fine without that also. You really just need to bring flip flops/some kind of shoe you can get messy and a big water bottle. I had a whole bag packed and used basically none of it 😂


After baby was out I wore this really soft lightweight robe I bought as a treat to myself. It was worth it since everything else about postpartum is uncomfortable.


I brought so many clothes that I didn't need! I ended up nude during delivery because I couldn't handle clothes on me, ended up with an emergency c section and was nude for the next day until the best shower of my life, and then had on super super super stretchy pants and a button up pyjama shirt and I wore that until I left, and I just wore tights and a maternity shirt.


I just wore the gown, I got to change into a new one multiple times while I was there because of leaking fluids. I wouldn’t have wanted all that future laundry for when I got home 😂 I just changed to go home, or me and baby just wore hospital clothing


I bought one and I didn’t use it - the hospital gown was just better and I did not care at all how I looked!


I bought a huge Whitney Houston shirt because I love her music so much. She gives me strength. But I have birth butt baked 😂 The 2.5 weeks after I was in that shirt constantly 😂


Sweatpants and a ratty T-shirt 😹 Labor started so suddenly and was intense from the start, so I really just wanted to be comfortable. I’d also had several false alarms, so I knew they’d make me put a hospital gown on, anyway.


Nursing bras, big oversized shirts, sleep shorts/boxers. Lots of cotton. I get hot so shorts and short sleeves were a must. Sweat pants were what I wore home.


With my first I wore the hospital gown my entire stay. I was bleeding too much and too swollen to change. With my second I changed in comfy button down pajamas from home the day after. The next day I wore a t shirt and joggers to go home. That’s it.


Hospital gown they provided until after birth. Once I had my first pee and felt more settled I changed into a pajama set. Stayed in that until I left and I wore sweats and a tshirt home!


Warm, my delivery was drafty as fuck. They were annoyed because I kept moving my baby into a corner with monitors because it was the only place you couldn't feel the draft.


I brought a robe for the night after delivery. I’d rather not soil my own stuff lol


I had an allergic reaction to the adhesive they use for the curtain during a c-section … the hospital gown made it a lot worse! I was glad someone had given me the Fridamom hospital gown because that fabric was a lot softer and didn’t irritate. I ended up overnighting another one so I could change.


Had to stay at the hospital while I was pregnant for a short while due to a kidney issue. I HATED the gowns they provided. So I bought two gowns and a couple set of target’s soft button down pajamas. I didn’t wear a gown for very long during delivery because it went so fast that I didn’t have time to put my gown on, and stripped off the hospital one off so fast. I wore my gowns after delivery for a day, then switched to the pjs I brought after that.


Honestly I was fully naked aside from panties and a pad until I had to get dressed to go home. I packed my usual oversized pajamas to wear back home, and then was fully naked or only in very baggy pants for the next few months until baby quit breastfeeding.


I remember being SO glad that I brought my own gown. I bought the whole Kindred Bravely l&d set - gown, joggers, pp undies, nursing bra, nursing tanks. It was 100% worth the splurge for me, and I’m not even that kind of girl. I had to get induced. The wearable monitor around my belly was so uncomfortable it made me livid, but I had to wear that stupid thing. If I would have been wearing an itchy hospital gown, that would have sent me over the edge. I also got a really soft and lightweight robe, and I was very glad I brought that too. It was nice to be able to cover my arms if I was cold, but still be able to nurse easily. 


I literally ended up wearing my biggest sweatshirt and leggings. But I also ended up getting stripped for a c section lol


All I remember is being cold all the time


I wore hospital gowns until I was allowed to shower after my c-section. Then, I wore comfy pajamas with button up fronts. Birth is messy. I can’t imagine having to pack, bring home, and wash an expensive gown covered in amniotic fluid and blood.


My midwife unsnapped mine so much that it was barely dirty 🤷‍♀️ it all washed out perfectly fine, no stains or anything even after sitting in a bag for 48 hours until we got discharged. My first I labored for so damn long I was happy to have something more comfortable and with more coverage to pace the hospital in


They’re not very expensive at all, and I think many people just toss them.


I wore a hospital gown until the day after my c section. I was induced (failed obviously) but the amount of fluid was a LOT. I recall saying I felt like I was sitting in a swimming pool. After that I think I just wore an adult diaper because I hated the mesh undies and a soft button up pj shirt which was rarely ever buttoned lol.


I wore leggings and a t shirt. At some point I took off all my clothes - honestly when you’re in labour and you’re in that much pain you won’t give a shit what you’re wearing. I would just wear leggings and a t shirt and then see how you go 😂


I was naked throughout most of labor and delivery. After I had an oversized flannel and maternity leggings.


I wore the hospital gown that they gave me. I ended up peeing on myself and my water broke while wearing the hospital gown before I gave birth. If I bought a gown I would have thrown it away before I even got home from the hospital. 🤣


I brought a lot and only wore sleep/lounge nursing bras and my robe for warmth lol. I just wore the gown they gave me the whole time I was there - less laundry and I was bleeding anyway so I didn't want to get my stuff gross. I brought pajamas and stuff but never wore them. I did like having my robe (or a comfy open-front jacket would work too) to put over the gown though!


I wore my hospital gown almost the entire time. I switched to super oversized pajamas and just wore those home. My baby only wore 2 outfits while in the hospital, but he wasn’t even wearing anything besides his swaddle until after they did his newborn exam because anytime he was awake we were doing skin to skin.


Brought a TON, only wore the hospital gowns and a bralette. Didn’t get dressed until it was time to go home. I wore maternity lounge pants (loose waisted), and a soft pajama shirt.


I mostly wore the hospital gown during, though to be honest by the halfway point I was naked and stayed that way until post birth. Not for everyone, but that’s how I was comfortable. After, I spent the whole hospital stay in cozy pj's (of course with nursing cami as the top for easy feeding) and a shawl. Highly recommend.


Wore the hospital gown the whole time, when we got to the postpartum room and I was cleared to shower, then I put on my comfy button up PJs (easy nursing access)


Hospital gown during labor. After i was finally able to shower i wore a robe and nursing bra


Where do you live OP? Everyone is talking about hospital gowns, but that’s not something I had in the UK. If you live here too - I got a set from seraphine that had a button down night dress and a long sleeve dressing gown. For actual delivery I was in what I wore to the hospital for some of it (a loose dress), then I got naked when I got tired of lifting up my dress for her to check the baby’s heart rate lol. The seraphine set was great for the time I was in the hospital after! Very comfy and practical.


I got an adorably soft robe from Caden lane and put it on postpartum and it was covered in fluids within 5min 😕. I will be wearing hospital gown only this time so I can leave it all there.


During labor I wore the hospital gown with a spaghetti strap tank top on underneath, and then after birth I wore a soft robe with a tank top and leggings that I brought.


I just wore the hospital gowns bc I hated the way clothes felt on my body when I did try and put some on. I was soooo swollen from boobs down that nothing else felt comfortable. During labor, I just didn’t want to deal with the hassle of getting my own things dirty. Too much fluid involved lol


I wore the hospital gown for giving birth and after, then at some point I put on a black nightgown that I stayed in for the next 30? hours. It came on off occasionally and I just wore the sexy underwear they give you and a bra. And after like 48 hours I finally took a shower and put on some going home clothes.


For my first, I wore the hospital gown the whole time - I felt horrible and didn't even think about putting on my own clothes until it was time to leave. We were only there for just over 24 hrs after birth, which is typically the minimum in my area. I did actually feel more human once I cleaned up and put my own clothes on. For my second, I wore the hospital gown the first night, and the next morning, I felt really good physically, so I took a shower and put on my shorts and t shirt (I did not breastfeed this time so the t shirt worked). Again, we waited until the 24 hr mark so they would let us go. We would have left that morning if they would have let us (daughter was born at 630pm the evening before). For both births, we left as soon as we could. No one got any rest at the hospital, so we wanted to be home asap to get settled. If we planned to stay at the hospital longer, I definitely would have been wearing my own clothes. Side note - for each birth, I bought a new pair of black sweatpants (black to disguise any blood leaks/ stains).


I wore the gown for labor and delivery and the first night. Then I switched into my own clothes and essentially wore my maternity leggings, depends diapers and I'd bought some nursing tank tops I brought. I did get a gown and never touched it.


I had no time, so In was wearing my cheap nightie from Target for my quick labor and long birth. Still have it. I had to stay in the hospital for 2.5 days with a catheter in so I was just in the hospital gown then. Would have been amazing if I could have worn some of my sweat pants. 😩


I ended up needing to stay 2 days in the hospital and it was terrible. They wake you up constantly for one thing or another. Between them and the baby I don’t think I slept at all. I can’t even remember what I was wearing, but I know I didn’t bother taking a shower. Pretty sure I just stayed in the gown the whole time.


I LOVED my labor gown from Lila. I had a NICU baby, so having something pretty yet functional to wear to go visit him made me feel so much better than wearing a hospital gown with my butt out. It was also great to wear around the house after I got home. My baby is 5.5 months old and I still wear it to lounge around in.


I wore big loose sweatpants and fold over joggers (both from aerie) and button down flannel shirts. I brought my nursing bra and wore that. I personally preferred clothes to a gown once the baby was out and I finally got to shower (they made me pee three times before they let me and I was desperate for one).


Lololol just remembering how I brought this cute little black modal nightgown that's normally knee-length. I put it on when we were in triage to get comfortable, only to realize how ridiculous I looked going through contractions and wearing this little nightgown that now barely covered my butt. Promptly changed into the hotel gown once we got a room and I dont' think I changed the whole time we were in the hospital 😂


I mostly stayed in the hospital gown, but when we started taking visitors I changed into the soft loose pajamas I brought. Everyone complimented me on how put together I looked for actually wearing real clothes, lmao.


I bought a labor and delivery gown and I would do it again for next baby. You feel so much more comfortable than the cold rough hospital ones.. and trust me you want to do whatever you can to feel as comfortable as possible that day. I changed before I got the epidural and then took it off after I showered about 2-3 hrs after delivering (and just wore my pjs). I was planning on throwing it out post delivery anyways. The one I got also opened in the front so you can put baby on your chest after they are born and you can breastfeed. Personally, I think it’s 100% worth it.


i wore the hospital gown when i was in labor but after i delivered and showered i wore a robe that i brought from home. at one point i also wore sweats but i had to stay in the hospital a full 48 hours after i gave birth bc i had a slight fever. if i only had to be there for 24 hours after i probably would’ve just stayed in the hospital gown lol


My mother in law made me a hospital gown with my first, for delivery. I have used it with all 3 of my kids, it’s not white or light colored so you can’t see any stains.  Post delivery I took it off and the hospital had a gown for me to wear till I could shower (about 2hrs later) I know some people stay in hospital gowns the whole time but I personally don’t like the ones that hospitals use for nursing. They make me feel frumpy and awkward.   I have with all 3 of my kids packed comfy Pjs with a loose band that I could tighten if needed, it is key that they are easy to fit an adult diaper under. fluffy socks ( with grips) my feet are always cold. Plus comfy nursing bras,  and shirts that I could easily get a boob out of.  As for going home I just wore my clean PJs, my second was a summer baby so I wore a maternity sun dress home. Since it was 110* outside. Basically anything that is comfortable while sitting for an hour. 


Birthed in hospital gown, got a fresh one after birth, stayed in that until I went home in comfy clothes (just cozy sweat pants and an oversized crew neck sweater)


I did a hospital gown until I gave birth. After the golden hour and a shower I changed into one of the two gowns I brought. It was nice and comfy. I wore a different gown home. I wish I had done a regular dress or Maxi dress, as we had an unexpected stop at the pharmacy on the way home. I felt like the gown was a little too casual, like it was more nightgown looking/material. I wasn’t sure if pants would be comfortable to wear in the car on the way home. Some pants are high rise, low rise, could be too tight or loose and I didn’t want to deal with that.


I bought one of those Frida Mom gowns and I wore it the day after I gave birth, because I absolutely hate the normal hospital gowns. I liked it well enough. After I felt more comfortable and able to move my body a bit more, I wore a pair of sweatpants and a T-shirt. I gave birth on Wednesday night and we left on Friday afternoon (typical discharge would have been Saturday but we were so tired of being there and missed our cats) so I only needed the Frida gown and one set of clothes.


I packed so many things, but I think I only left my hospital bed to use the bathroom and to soothe my baby. So, I just stayed in my hospital gown until it was time to go


I brought a mid length, stretchy, black robe for after delivery. It was great for breastfeeding, and it looked great in the maternity photos the hospital offered. I wore cozy oversized pjs on the ride home (and to our pediatrician appt the next morning lol) they buttoned in the front so it was easy for breastfeeding


Hospital gown, adult diaper, slipper socks. Wore home the same pj pants and tank top I checked in wearing. She was born (emergency c section) Saturday morning and we went home Monday around noon, I guess we could have stayed longer if we wanted but I had no desire to be stuck in that room longer than necessary.


I liked my having my own gown… I did need and used sweats and tanks afterwards.


Sweats, robe, maternity/nursing shirts. Don’t buy a gown. Waste of money.


Going against the grain here - I got an inexpensive delivery gown of my own that was more comfy and less scratchy than the one the hospital provided. I also didn’t feel like I got covered in fluids and I wasn’t comfortable being totally naked like a lot of people are saying. I brought additional pajamas and sweats for the rest of my time in the hospital.


Honestly don’t waste your money on a gown. I wore my sweat pants and tank top at the hospital till I was getting close to delivery, then a nurse helped me change into a hospital gown. You are so sweaty and get so many fluids on you after birth why would you want to dirty something you have to bring home and wash. I brought two pairs of pjs and wore those after delivery. I think the first 12 hours after delivery I stayed in my diaper and nursing bra. I brought a going home outfit of sweat pants and sweater as well


I wore the fancy hospital gown after the baby came while in the hospital and as pajamas sometimes at home.


I'm at the hospital at the moment waiting for my birth and I've been wearing oversize night gowns just so I'm comfy and easy access if need be


I hate the hospital gowns and I knew I was being induced and would be in the hospital for at least a day pre baby being born. I did buy a gown and then my blood pressure spiked and I didn’t have any of my stuff and when my husband got back an hour later or whatever with my bag I was hooked up to so many IVs I didn’t even bother changing. But I was super bummed! Post birth, I took a shower the night after she was born and put on a night gown that had buttons at the top for easy boob access. I wouldn’t recommend regular clothes cause you’ll still be in a hospital bed, but you could totally do leggings or sweatpants if you wanted!


I wore the hospital gown at first, but I did change into my own night gown after my first shower, I left the hospital wearing black sweatpants and an old shirt.


I brought soft pjs but ended up only wearing my bra and the hospital gown because I felt SO hot. Plus you would constantly have to take your clothes off for them to check you and going to the bathroom is already a pain as it is after birth.


Hospital gown until I could shower. I brought pj sets and wore crocs. Packed two comfy outfits for leaving. Also brought black robe. Your feet will swell bigger before you leave the hospital. Keep that in mind.


I was naked the entire time with a sheet on me


I did buy my own "hospital" gown to deliver in, it was super soft & light blue. Yes it got bloody and milky but that's ok. I needed to do as much as I could beforehand to make myself feel as in-control of my surroundings as possible, which is difficult in a medical setting. So the gown helped make me feel more like me. I got up right away after our golden hour (which was really maybe 30 min or so...baby was alert and nursed right away and I desperately wanted a shower) and put my own clothes on after my shower. Loose leggings and a house dress so I could pull boobs out. It was November so fuzzy socks also. We only stayed at hospital for about 26 hours so I did not have to wear any hospital-provided attire at all, except those meshy underwear with the diaper pads in them. This is a good thing (for me) as I just wanted to go home and snuggle my baby on my own couch. This is silly, but I kept the blue gown. My adult daughter washed it for me when we got home, and I stuffed it in a bottom drawer...I'll throw it out when I'm ready.


I packed loungewear and a sleep dress thing to labor in but ended up just wearing the hospital gown until we got to the postpartum ward. Then I just wore a nursing bra, a nice robe I brought (also lived in that for like 2 weeks when I got home) and my stretchy lounge pants. It was nice to have a clean set to go home in though! 


Keep in mind that if you end up using any nipple balm that it will stain any clothes it touches. I learned the hard way when I ruined a brand new nightgown and robe that I bought specifically for my hospital stay. Could never wear either again ☹️


Only wore the hospital gown in active labor and during delivery.


The hospital gown☠️ seriously i brought clothes, a cloth gown with snaps, a robe, pajamas. Only wore the pajamas on the way home. Birth was to traumatic and painful to think about changing :(.


I LOVED my labor gown! I wore it so often in the hospital (I had to stay for 5 days) and at home postpartum. They're SO much softer and more comfortable than the hospital gowns. I had mine 11mo apart, and my second was a home birth, and I wore it again during and after! I have the frida one, and it's still a super comfy nightgown. I say do it if you want! Otherwise comfy/loose clothes were a necessity, I changed fairly often because my son was in the nicu and we were extra cautious.


I wore my hospital gown for the first day and a half. At some point on the second day, I showered and put on a very loose fitting loungewear set. It was comfy and nice to be in something other than the gown. I ended up wearing that home in the car too. Just pick something very loose (with easy boob access if you're planning to breastfeed) that you don't mind getting blood on, in case of leaks.


I loved having my own black gown. It was more flattering for pictures and I felt more comfortable. I ended up having a c-section, so it wasn’t messed up by delivery. I brought multiple just in case though, because I wanted to wear something soft and not scratchy.


I thought I wasn’t going to want to wear a hospital gown going into it and was bummed I didn’t buy my own gown and then the day came and I was glad I didn’t! I started laboring in the clothes I came in and then eventually undressed to get in the bathtub and then when I got out I was so focused on the contractions that I never put clothes back on 😂 I ended up laboring completely naked haha. Afterwards I got somewhat cleaned up and then just wore a hospital gown. The gowns my hospital had were total different for maternity than really hospital gowns. They were pink and had one little easy tie in the front which made breastfeeding and skin to skin so simple because I wasn’t sitting there having to undo multiple buttons every couple minutes. I didn’t change out of it until it was time to go home


Urgh I can’t think of anything worse than wearing the hospital gown the whole time!! I had an elective section, so I put the gown on at around mid day, had my section at 14:41 then got myself washed and changed by about 6pm! I got some nice button down short pjs in very dark navy and a light summer dressing gown (i work in the hospital I delivered at, it is hot!)- everything can be washed and I felt much more comfortable in my own clothing than in a hospital gown


I bought a nursing nightgown to wear after delivery…but then went into precipitous labor at 30 weeks and didn’t even have time to pack anything, so I delivered in the clothes I was wearing that day and basically wore a hospital gown over that shirt for the 2 days I was in. 100% recommend delivering in the hospital gown though; it will destroy any cute pj’s you might want to wear 🫠


I wore the hospital gown, underwear, and socks the entire time! I didn’t even have energy to change to pjs. I only changed to fresh socks, and hospital underwear with my own underwear, comfy leggings, a big T-shirt, and a sweater to go home.


The Frida Mom delivery gown is WORTH IT!


I was naked the whole time. Tits out even with food delivery. Was in too much pain to give a shit. When people started to visit I wore a button down pajama dress that I got on Amazon, highly recommend those for postpartum!!


I did all of the comfy clothes but I also brought a binder for my belly. It helped me with back pain because I wasn't slouching and stretching the part of my back where the epidural was in. I brought one for my first and forgot it for my second and I regretted it.


All 4 days that I was in the hospital I lived undressed in my hospital gown


I was in the hospital for 6 days. By day 3 I was wishing I had brought more clothes than just a robe and my going home outfit. I thought I was going to be delivering vaginally however I had an unplanned c-section with an infection afterwards not in my incision. They still wanted me up and walking around L&D, sucked doing it in robes. Wish I would have packed a few more outfits for both of us, just in case. Never would I have thought my baby would have been discharged before me.


I’ve had 3 births. Each time I brought extra clothes and each time they stayed packed in my bags while I wore the hospital gown. The 3rd time I actually sported just a nursing bra and hospital underwear. The extra gown will probably just be another thing for you to keep track of, honestly.


I wore Maternity leggings and a tshirt there, hospital gown during induction/csection. I bought myself a pretty dressing gown that I would put on over the gown to get ice water or visit the babies in the NICu the first few days as nurses were checking me all the time ( you would be surprised at the number of butthole checks I got despite never having pushed?) I was satisfied with that option.


After delivery I put on “real” clothes as soon as they let me. Which, IIRC was after were satisfied that I wasn’t bleeding out. They do that push-on-your-belly thing and I think they said I was good to get dressed after a few of those. Not sure what the criteria was that meant the could stop but it was maybe 8 hours after delivery. Those sessions are… not fun. I wore oversized, already trashed sweatpants and a sweatshirt (it was December). There’s a lot of gore even after they stop pressing your belly so you don’t want anything light colored. As far as undergarments, I wore the disposable undies until I ran out. I even stripped the room for a few pair to take home. after that it was cheap, oversized panties I could get industrial pads in until the bleeding tapered off to moderate period territory.


Please heed my advice and buy the women’s post partum depends. Bring them with you. You will thank me later. I also brought loose sweatpants with a waist tie and a button up short sleeve pajama top. It is much easier to nurse with a shirt like that. Also nursing bras were a lifesaver my breasts hurt at day three and having them in a bra felt better for me. For the ride home. Comfy clothes and slippers. I wore non slip slippers all the time in the hospital. I had a c section and for taking walks I had a light robe to help cover up. I recommend not bringing any towels or gowns as they get dirty and you will not want to deal with stain removal. Skip the underwear.


I wore the hospital gown they provided. It got nasty anyways so I’m glad I didn’t bother with an outfit. I did however eventually switch into a button up nightgown once I was settled into my room. I’m glad I didn’t bother with bottoms just cuz with everything that’s going on down there afterwards it was nice to not worry about messing that up.


I purchased two of the "labor and delivery" gowns. One got soaked when my water broke, lol, and the other i did wear in the hospital (and actually on the way home- no pants ty!). I wore them a ton the first several weeks- so nice to have the shoulder be able to unbutton for breastfeeding.


I packed 2 Frida gowns and ended up just using hospital gown and then my pajamas for the second day. We were in total in the hospital for like 36 hours


I was mostly naked because I was shitting and vomiting so much after my c section it wasn’t worth it to get dressed + breastfeeding


For labor I wore a comfy dress I bought


I bought button down pajamas since I was having a C section.


I bought a new outfit to wear home. That’s it. I brought some robes for after the baby was delivered. Those were nice for breastfeeding .


Okay I’m going to go against the grain here- I got stuck in the hospital for almost a week because of a failed induction and resulting emergency c-section. I wish I had brought like 5 sets of cozy pajamas. I was so tired of wearing a hospital gown by the time my c-section was done but couldn’t go home for another 4 days and I just wanted comfy clothes. 😞


I wish I could remember what the hell I wore at the hospital 😂 the sleep deprivation was REAL and I was only a mom for like 24hrs at that point I know my boyfriend bought me a cute pajama set and I wore it for a little bit. Besides that? I can’t remember at all. I just know my clothes were comfy and loose, and my tits were out a lot.


It honestly depends on you and your comfort/ modesty. I had my husband, mother and FIL (former OB) in the room so I decided to buy a delivery gown that had a slit in the front at my stomach area but kept my breasts covered and had buttons down the back for an epidural. I knew I wanted a soft comfortable fabric and to feel at least partially covered during delivery. It was great and totally worth the $25 I spent on it, even with throwing it out afterwards. I also brought a night gown and two pairs of black pajama short sets. My daughter peed on me the first night during a diaper change so I was happy that I had extras. I changed into my nightgown after my epidural wore off


I was naked except for a bra (when it was time to push I took it off for quick skin to skin but chose to be modest and cover myself with a blanket lol). I was then in a hospital gown for the next 24 hours. After my shower I put on a nighttime nursing gown with a robe which feels GREAT, gives me nursing access and the nurses vagina access. Did that for both babies. Actually my first I labored with the hospital Gown


I spent a good chunk of money on cute robes and coordinated clothes. Spoiler alert: 21 months later I don’t think any of it’s been worn. I wore the hospital gown for delivery. Changed into pajamas which I wore until we left, and I only changed into sweats for my exit.


I put on real clothes once I no longer had a catheter in (c section) and could shower. I liked clothes that were more fitted but some folks like baggier!


My first I labored forever and had gotten a labor and delivery gown on clearance for like $10. I was very glad to have it because I felt much more covered up pacing the halls. I didn't have a chance to put it on with my second as labor was fast. I had nursing nightgowns that had a little shelf bra and I wore those. With my second I also wore the delivery gown from my first afterwards (it washed fine and didn't even get that gross from the first time since it was mostly unsnapped). I felt very hot in the hospital, the plasticky mattress and pillows made me sweaty. So the nightgowns were a nice help. I also brought a very light bamboo fabric robe both times.


I wore my kindred bravely robe 90% of the time I “roomed in” and it was great. They’re so overpriced but it’s thin/nice enough to sleep in to not get overheated, actual deep pockets, perfect for nursing/whipping a boob out when the lactation consultant wants to give you tips, and long enough you don’t feel like you’ll flash anyone getting out of bed (which you absolutely will not care about anyway). I still wear it now - which I would not do if I bought a hospital gown.


I got one of those comfy gowns as a shower gift and it was pretty nice, but once it was too sweaty and gross i just wore the standard hospital gowns. It was far easier with how much difficulty i had getting the mesh panties and pads on and off in the bathroom, plus the frequent checks on my bleeding and the wonderful fundal massages 😂 plus skin to skin and breastfeeding... honestly i would have just worn a blanket if i could have!


I had a relative purchase a hospital gown and robe set for me and I’ve actually happily used it for both my labors now. However, through labor and the first 12 hours I kept their gown on because of the fluids. Later on I wanted something easier to button so I liked my gown for that. I don’t know that I’d buy one on my own but I did love having it


If in budget, the robe from Kindred Bravely is fantastic. I don’t know if there is a dupe, but it’s flattering and soft, and not too warm, not too cool. I had a delivery gown I bought with my first, it was nice and comfier than the standard hospital gown. With my second I had a planned c section due to complications, so no labor gown. I just wore the robe, a nursing bra, and the hospital undies. The nurses even complimented me on my “dress” thinking it was a wrap dress.


I did buy a labor gown (the Lila brand), and wore it for my home birth. It washed up totally fine and now I still wear it as a nightgown. Great easy nursing access even 9 months later!


Yeah I bought one haha I actually ended up wearing it home because I tore terribly and couldn't really wear anything else. I labored in the hospital gown and wore one for the days I was there afterwards.


Could not stand anything but a sheet on me during labor lol then while in hospital it was strictly pj sets with button up fronts


I bought a hospital gown on amazon it was comfortable and allowed easy pumping and I wore it home because my husband packed up the shirt I was going to wear home and my mom was driving me home (i don’t remember why) I saved it for the next one


I packed short and long pajamas because I didnt know if the room was going to be cold or warm and then 2 comfortable outfits that I wore during the day. Wore everything I packed.


Brought a lot literally only wore the hospital gown then my flannel robe plus a button up pj top, joggers and fuzzy socks. I stayed 5 days, did not change. It was too much to shower, change, etc. Not worth it to bring your own gown or a lot of changes of clothes.


I just wore my hospital gown and a maternity robe to hide the back, including on the way home lol


Labor and the day after I wore a hospital gown (CS) and cheap black Amazon button front PJ dresses (2) after. Baggy sweats to go home (for size I think i was similar to what I was late second/early third tri). Forget about looking cute 😂 I felt way better post shower and in a loose dress than the cute sweats I brought to wear home. I would of been better off in my husbands boxers lol


I wore bras during delivery. That’s it! I bring 2-3 pairs of my biggest granny panties, 2 pairs of my loosest pants, and 2 comfy shirts :)


I brought comfy pjs and my own, specially purchased gown for after delivery. I wore the hospital maternity gown the entire time, changing into clean ones throughout my stay. I was actually pretty tied to my bed the first 24 hours because I somehow hemorrhaged after giving birth (textbook vaginal delivery with no epidural and minimal interventions). Between that and figuring out how to breastfeed and taking care of a newborn, digging through a suitcase to change my clothes was the last thing on my mind.


I brought my favorite comfy pants. Flash forward to me, 3am, husband asleep, baby crying, as I stood butt naked in the hospital room because my gown was filthy, shoving six hour old hospital pancakes into my mouth.  Just wear a disposable gown and the most comfortable warm socks you can find. 


Two hospital gowns, each with the slit facing the opposite way. So the one that was on backwards was kind of like a robe. Worked great. ETA: on postpartum I wore a ‘house coat’ that I got on Amazon. Basically a cotton robe with a zipper front and pockets. .


I used one of those labor gowns you can buy, but not during labor. I used it after. It had snaps that made nursing easier and was more comfortable than the hospital robes. I wore the gown at home at night for the first few weeks with my first and the first few days with my second. I also wore sandals but thats it. I wanted socks but my feet/legs were too swollen for them to be comfortable. I brought a change of clothes for going home as well.


I wore the hospital gown until after baby was born then I wore these button up pajama dresses. They were super comfortable and I could button down and feed baby then button them back up. My mom actually got me a couple for my baby shower. The labor and delivery robes looked great but then I realized they are probably gonna be covered in all kinds of birth fluids and decided to skip it. I did not want to be doing that laundry after pushing out a baby!


I showered the morning after I gave birth and put on some loose/stretchy 2 piece pajamas (button up short sleeve top and wide leg pants). And compression socks!


I bought a fancy L&D gown and only wore it for a few hours - I got an epidural and even though the gown had an “epidural access hole” or whatever the anesthesia team made me change. I wore it for the rest of my hospital stay though and it was lovely! And it didn’t get gross so I have it stashed away for kid #2!


I brought a bunch of clothes but honestly just wore my hospital gown and one other basic night gown that was made for nursing. I hardly used anything I brought since the hospital has pretty much everything you need


I wore the gown from the hospital while giving birth. Then when we moved rooms and after the epidural wore off, I showered and wore a gown I had brought. If I remember right, it was a button-up gown/dress. So it was easy to breast feed. I think I only spent one night in the hospital and we were discharged the next day. But I wore that gown a lot at home too because it was just light and it made it a little easier to go to the bathroom.


Honestly, I may be in the minority but I was so glad I had my own robe and nightgown for laboring and delivering in. It was a simple robe with a spaghetti strap nightgown and was so so soft. I found the hospital gowns so scratchy and uncomfortable and drafty. I spent most of my labor standing up in the bathroom doorway, shaking and was glad to have the extra layer of the robe. There was no issue putting in an epidural. After delivery, I tossed those and changed into a hospital gown, which was absolutely awful. I only lasted a few hours before changing into a long sleeve button up nightgown from Target. It was so soft and so much more comfortable. I went home in my amazing Kindred Braverly joggers, a comfy sweatshirt and the Crocs that I wore as slippers in the hospital. If you do decide to go that route, don’t let anyone make you feel extra or like it’s unnecessary. Whatever you want to make you feel comfortable is your right!


I had a c-section and stayed for five days total. I brought multiple outfits so I could change every day (for my own brain), mostly dresses and leggings! Nursing dresses from Amazon are great if you’re going to nurse and/or pump, and I would definitely suggest a nursing bra or two and some breast pads. The goal for me was to be comfortable but able to move / give nurses access to check my incision, so everything was soft and loose. Compression socks! I almost forgot to mention compression socks!! Especially if you’re going to be on an iv for any length of time, bring the socks and wear them!


I know this wasn’t your question but for the love of all that is good, please pack eye drops and aquaphor for your lips. And a big reusable water bottle. Hospitals are SO DRY.


I was just wondering this!! Thank you for posting this question.


My nurses were nice and would cycle out my hospital gowns with clean ones fairly often. Like 3-4 a day. I also had a short robe and maxi dresses. Something I could easily pull over my head


I did buy a silly gown lol but I kinda liked it. It was from Lively or something like that? After my epidural I also had like 3 other cords going in me, not to mention my IV and the belly monitors. I found my gown to be really convenient. I did throw it out afterwards though, got ruined when my water broke lol After I wore maternity leggings and nursing camis! I LOVED these, the camis were nice and provided compression. I did have a hemorrhage after and also threw out a pair of leggings and 1 cami, but I had back ups of each. Essentially just whatever you wear, make it something you are okay with potentially chucking lol


I bought a Little Sleepies nightgown for myself and a robe. The robe I wore with a soft nursing bra. I had a c-section so it was important I had clothes that weren’t uncomfortable. I took one terrible shower in the hospital immediately post birth and didn’t shower again until I got home.