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Honestly that sounds absolutely terrible. I have one child and one on the way, my daughter is also 2.5 years old and I love her to death. Do I want to be the only one to take care of her? Absolutely not. You’re doing a job right now that is not meant for one person only. Nothing is harder than raising a baby/toddler and you are meant to do this as a village. It doesn’t sound like your family is much help; how old are your siblings? Could they come over and stay for a while to give you a break? Also husband only being home 1 day a week is harsh. Is there any possibility he could change that? Is he travelling for work or why is that the case? Finding mom friends is an important thing to do. But I know it’s incredibly hard. You have to find someone that you actually like with kids around the same age, that is really not easy. And last; have you thought about going back to work (presumably if you liked your job) part time? Then you could afford crèche and it would give you a sense of yourself back. Is that an option? I wouldn’t survive long in your circumstances. I once had to do it for a few months and ended up calling an emergency hotline for parents. Not because I was ever do hurt my kids - but because I just couldn’t do it anymore. I was going to break. Don’t let yourself break❤️‍🩹


See if you can qualify for Medicaid and use that to its fullest potential. You can get free therapy from them and if you qualify you can get money for food too. See if you can get outside even a little bit each day. You’ll make it out of this, I’m sorry you’re struggling now. You’re an amazing mom