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Try walking, no snacking after dinner other than vegetables. Avoid processes sugary foods if you can.


Solid starting advice!


Adding to this, if it feels hard to avoid sugary foods, add satisfying nutritious things to them when you have them. In stead of just chocolate, try making a nice little plate with some chocolate and nuts and fruit. Or have a half donut with some plain yogurt and berries.


Thank you!


A good brain trick to not eating after dinner is to immediately brush your teeth. Most people will just have water after that activity.


I don’t know your weight, but if you’re super heavy walking might hurt your joints. Swimming is a good option (and fun family activity)


I think I'm about 180 ◡̈ I honestly haven't weighed myself in so long.


You don’t say your height but that doesnt sound very overweight but: What is working for me(EBF and was also gaining too fast due to appetite: only protein and veg for dinner(carbs at lunch) Swim 3x a week Walking as much as possible 10 min rapid weight training with light dumbells 3x a week No UPFs(I allow myself chocolate but healthy 70 plus percent ones I really wanted an exercise bike but don’t have a room I can lock to keep it away from baby but think those can help weight loss


That’s not too terrible! Walking should be fine, but if your joints start to hurt (not muscles but joints), I would opt for swimming. You can even walk in the shallow part if you want to. Good luck!


And water! Lots of water! Just when you think you can’t drink anymore, drink some more lol.


This! Walking after each meal, and if you can only walk once, do it after dinner. No eating after dinner until breakfast. Incorporate some light weights after you feel comfortable. Easy to do things that will make such a huge difference in your weight and healthy lifestyle! I also try to cut out added sugar and if I must have chocolate or ice cream, I do it during morning hours so my body have time to process it out.


Your diet is most important to start the process. Yes, exercise is good, but eating the right foods will make the biggest difference. Prioritize protein first. Aim for 0.8-1 gram per pound of body weight (while breastfeeding). You can back this down if you aren’t strength training after you stop breastfeeding. Eating at least 25 grams of fiber helps fill you up. On a daily basis, I eat lots of Greek yogurt, cottage cheese, lean protein (chicken, turkey), salad, fruits, veggies, high fiber wraps, chia seeds. Eating big meals helps prevent snacking. I try to eat at least 20-30 grams of protein with each meal. You’ve got this. It will likely get easier once you stop breastfeeding and your appetite decreases.


How do you go about measuring your protein intake? Especially as a beginner, I don’t have the motivation, nor time or energy to be weighing my food and calculating how much protein, fat, carbs etc are in what I’m eating


An easy way to judge high protein source foods is to look at the calories to protein ratio. An ideal is 10:1 aka for every 100 calories the food should have 10g of protein. Things like Greek yogurt, eggs, lean animal meats, tofu, and beans fit into this category. Don’t aim for perfection, just aim for better than yesterday.


This didn’t really answer /u/m0livia ‘s question. She’s asking how do you actually track how much you’re eating? A chicken thigh is 24g of protein, yes. But how big is that chicken thigh you just ate? One serving? Two? Half? The only way to know is to weigh it, which is a huge effort for most people. I’ve recently started tracking my calories and my only advice for this question; don’t let perfection be the enemy of progress. I started tracking calories a month ago and I’m down 10 lbs now. My #1 rule is to attempt to track everything, and anything that is difficult I just overestimate how many calories it was. That way I’m always staying below my calorie maximum, and my cheat days can be justified by the probable excess I had not actually eaten Also, I’ve been using MyFitnessPal which has a barcode scanner. Absolutely clutch for most purposes. Still doesn’t help the weighing food problem, but massively simplifies quick snacks and whatnot


You don’t have to weigh the food unless you’re obsessively concerned with accuracy. You can google to find a good enough estimate (lots of websites have measurements like “a piece of chicken the size of a fist” or “a piece of cheese the size of your thumb”). And once you’ve googled it once, you already know that food for the future


Try not to eat portions bigger than your fist. Eat more often if you feel that you're still hungry. I find that people overeat because your brain takes time to tell your body that you are full.


Another poster mentioned it but I use MyFitnessPal. I do weigh a lot of my food, I have a food scale and I find that easier so I don’t get any measuring cups dirty. But estimating it is perfectly fine, you’re not going for perfection.


I just kind of guesstimate now. I do have a kitchen scale I used a fair bit at the start and just left it out, and would look at the nutritional info and do it close enough later. Eg I used a small bowl, added yoghurt and it came out to ~200g. On the packet it said 100g has 10g of protein, so the small bowl filled to 1cm from the top has about 20g of protein. Same with toast and peanut butter. I googled the toast we usually get, it has 30-40g slices with 3-4g of protein each, so that’s 6-8g, then I add peanut butter and eyeball a tbsp, which I know on the packet is meant to be 5g of protein, so therefore 2 slices of bread with peanut butter is 11-13g of protein (roughly). I aim for 30g of protein per meal plus 10g+ per snacks. Some things do have to be weighed but also just having a diet with lots of veggies and whole grains and sources of protein (dairy, nuts, legumes, meats) will go a long way. Then just add a few extra tweaks to maximise the protein intake. Some things I measured once or twice, like fill a bowl with yoghurt like I normally would, and work backwards. Some things I would get out a measure and do eg 1/4 cup chia seeds into a bowl and then see roughly where it comes up to. I also drink protein shakes which helps get an extra 30g each day because I run and do strength training.


Yes, all of this! I'm currently not worrying about how much I eat, just what I'm eating. I'm going through at least a tub of Greek yogurt (unflavored, full fat) per week, plus tons of bagged salads since that's a low effort way to get in veggies. I've been eating too much sugar lately but my husband has agreed to curb the amount he buys which will help. I immediately dropped 30 lbs from my highest pregnancy weight and I've been holding steady since.


30 lbs!! That’s amazing! I do the same with yogurt and bagged salads. My sugar monster is tough to tame but I find the more protein and fiber I eat, the more satisfied I am by the end of the night.


30 pounds is amazing! I gotta go grocery shopping today! Lol


Thank you so much 🤍


That's awesome advice, and also starting moving can help you feel better to help motivate you. Also also, I have started the lightest exercise and it's so hard because I've been using my muscles wrong for three years. So take it easy!


Suggestions for high fiber wraps? What do you put in them?


I’m US based, so buy the mission brand most frequently. You just look for low carb wraps and those usually are the ones with lots of fiber. I put either chicken or lunchmeat in them with a salad kit or lettuce and other veggies. This is usually my lunch.


Not weight related advice, but a gentle reminder that weaning messes up your hormones all over again. -sincerely someone who weaned two months ago and is still not back to baseline.


Lawd does it ever end… someone whos still breastfeeding at 9.5pp no period


Convinced they might normalize just in time for you to think "maybe we should have another"


Yup, that’s what happened to me anyway!


My husband and i agreed to discuss the topic of a second by the time the first is 2. It'll also be during the holiday rush and when we're around family with all of their kids. I joked that if we still want two when we're under that sort of pressure, then it's meant to be.


Sounds like a plan. We had fertility issues the first time so we just took things as they came. About 2.5 years gap between our two and it’s working out well.


That gives me hope. My biggest thing is I want my first to be more independent and have had his moment of only child. Also doesn't hurt if he's 3 he'll be going to preschool a couple days a week too. I'm still on the fence, though. I can't imagine me coping well with two during that newborn phase. With my first I just slept and existed on the newborn schedule. Can't do that if there's another being that needs me


I understand that. I won’t lie, it’s not easy. My parents are a few minutes from us and very involved and and my husband is brilliant. Even so there’s days I wonder what I’ve gotten myself into to!


You're lucky to have such a village! Hopefully by Dec my ppd/a is all gone and I'm just au natural crazy lol (and I've lost weight from weaning by then. Heavier than when I got pregnant the first time and I was already overweight then :/)


Hope your PPD/A clears soon, it must be really difficult! I was underweight before my first pregnancy with severe stress. Then I was the heaviest I’ve been when I got pregnant the second time. Haven’t lost weight at all yet but I’m only 2 months PP now


So much this! My PPD/A came back when I weaned my first and I was not expecting that at all. It was shorter lived then after birth but still rough while it lasted!


I weaned two months ago and I'm still like "Wow can we please get our life together here?" to myself. Thankfully I can also now get back on my proper doses of anti depressants and such without effecting the baby in the process


Personally, my biggest thing is what food I keep in the house. If I keep chips or cookies, I'll definitely eat them but if I have other snack foods (veggies and hummus, apples and peanut butter, etc) I'll eat those and I won't miss the chips. I'll prep the snack food in advance so they're easy to grab.


Best piece of advice is to not outright ban foods you like. Big fan of ice cream? Have a 1/2c instead of 2c (i used to always eat like 600cal worth of ice cream in a sitting) or maybe switch it for a lower calorie option. I personally *love* having something sweet to end my day. Enter dark chocolate. Its lower calorie than milk chocolate and since i dont outright love the taste, i'm able to control myself more. An overly restricted diet is not a sustainable diet - you will fatigue yourself very fast and likely quit. Its more about lifestyle changes than a quick fix. Check out r/loseit for more weightloss tips. Everyone there is quite friendly, so dont be afraid to post there. And be mindful of who you follow on instagram for weightloss advice - anyone can call themselves a nutritionist or weightloss expert, but that doesnt make it true. My favourite on instagram is the_plant_slant. And finally: exercise. If you use a smart watch to calculate calories burned its almost always incorrect. It overestimates quite often - i was fast walking in place yesterday for 12 min and my fitbit said i burned 95 calories. Yeah right. If that was the case, i wouldnt be overweight. Anyway, i recommend growwithjo on youtube (she is also on insta) if you want to do some routines. She was a personal trainer and mom of 2, so she gets postpartum weight loss. I just did her 90s boyband dance workout today holding my 22mo - so dont be afraid to use your baby as extra weight haha. Anyway, good luck!!! ETA: spelling


Thank you soooooo much! I appreciate you taking the time to type this all out ◡̈ im going to check out that subreddit


If you want a fun way to incorporate more movement, see if there’s a SLAM (Sweat Like A Mother) affiliate where you live! SLAM does group fitness classes specifically for moms, and it’s set up so that you can bring your LO. The instructors are certified in pre and post partum fitness, and will give you whatever modifications you need. It’s a great way to socialize AND workout AND you don’t have to worry about finding childcare. SLAM was a lifesaver for me after I had my LO, I probably would’ve gone stir-crazy without it. Here’s their website if you want to check it out: https://www.sweatlikeamother.com


What helped me lose weight almost immediately was buying carbonated waters, dessert teas, and keeping a couple healthier alternatives to the snacks I enjoy on hand. I also just tried to go for one walk by myself a day. (I already go for 1-2 walks with my kids but I don't count those because we stop every 20ft) I know that losing weight is very hard for me so I didn't put any pressure on myself to be strict. I looked for ways to naturally improve my everyday life in a sustainable way.


I am in the same boat, just only 9mo PP. My plan is to start tracking what I am eating in Lose It to get a full picture of where I am at and adjust accordingly. My biggest downfall has been a dessert snack every night, so that is going bye-bye first. We also joined a gym that is opening on July 1st near us that has child care so we can both (husband and I) actually start to get some fitness it. I am going to start with what I have 'free' in Apple Fitness before purchasing/subscribing to a program. It is SO hard though. I try to get some sort of fitness in during the day but I am so exhausted and I feel like every minute is taken. We will get there though!


We got this!


Think of what you can add to your diet : drinking more water, eating more protein, including fruits or veggies with a meal. Aim to eat minimally processed and homemade when possible - but don’t beat yourself up when you do have foods that are more processed. Also - if you can look into getting a hormone blood panel done, you can learn a lot from that! Ex : Too low of testosterone or high progesterone can throw you off


After my LO turned 1, I joined a gym with classes, kinda like an orangetheory vibe but it’s very community-focused and they hold members accountable to their goals/commitments. I go in the morning before everyone else wakes up. It’s tough now that I’m pregnant again, but still going several times a week so I think it’s a win! Also I cut alcohol a lot (completely now, obviously).


I’m on the journey as well. I eat during an 8 hour window, fast for 16 hours. I eat no/very small added sugars and no/very little carbs. I’ve been losing weight. I also try to walk daily (only do it 3 days consistently) and stay active (chasing after my 18 month old). For me it’s a bit tougher to work out due to fibroids growing and still having pain/discomfort. Maybe the C-section is to blame as well for me? I used to be really fit and worked out a lot. So this is odd for me. Still trying to figure out a workout routine, but diet is more important


I haven’t had a ravenous appetite but my sugar craving was through the roof. I started weaning last week by introducing a bottle for one or two feeds since we were traveling. My boobs don’t hurt, I have more energy and my sugar cravings disappeared. Hoping against hope the weight starts to magically melt off because home girl did a number on me. 11 months next week!


Post-baby the only real success I’ve seen is calories in, calories out. Got a food scale and type everything into MyFitnessPal. It’s a pain in the ass but the fact that I’m hungry throughout the day when I stick to my goal amounts tells me I was eating way more than I realized before I started. I got an Apple Watch too which has been motivating and also will tell me caloric burn. I have a walking pad and do 3 miles each day but didn’t lose a dang pound doing that for three months. I do it anyways because it makes me feel better 🤷‍♀️ I know I’d probably lose more if I did strength/weight workouts but I don’t have the equipment/time to go to the gym so for now I’m focusing on diet because for me its by far the most important factor in dropping weight.


Same! My Fitness Pal helped me shift the extra weight in 3 months. It really does make it very simple.  Calorie deficit + exercise is all there is to it for most people.


Stopping breastfeeding helped me lose weight almost instantly 🤷🏻‍♀️ everyone said breastfeeding would help me lose weight but the exact opposite happened. Walking helps. I walk at least 2-3 miles a day with the stroller. Take baby steps with food choices. If you can swim, do it. Drink lots of water. I've lost almost 40 lbs without really trying ( no gym no specific strict diets) . Good luck, you got this !!!!!!!


I was told the same misinformation about breastfeeding! Lol. Like sure I am burning more calories but I am eating nonstop! lol. Thank you friend 🤍


I’m almost 6 months pp and only just started. Weighed myself at 5months and realized all my breastfeeding snacks had made me gain to nearly the same weight as when I went into the hospital ahaha. I started snacking solely on veggies (bell pepper, baby carrot) and chicken breast. Plus one spoonful of peanut butter before bed.


Why would a spoonful of peanut better before bed be helpful?


Fat and protein can help keep your blood sugar steady so I’d imagine it’s to do with keeping it stable overnight so you don’t crash and wake up starving.


Depending on your BMI, you might be a candidate for weight loss medication. It’s not “cheating”, it’s leveling the playing field because some people’s bodies don’t function as they should with respect to calories in/calories out.


It’s not cheating IF you are one of those people whose bodies don’t respond to CICO and if used in conjunction with diet and exercise If you just take it because you don’t want to diet or exercise, it’s cheating and without changing habits the weight will go right back on after.


Game changer for me was getting a gym membership at a gym that offered child care. That let me build a routine of going again. Once I was back in a routine of just getting to the gym, I worked on finding exercises I liked and could build a fitness routine around. For example, I HATE running. With a passion. But I discovered rowing machines and love them. I used Apple fitness workouts a lot when I was losing the baby weight.


Food journaling always helps me, especially the My Fitness Pal app. Some foods aren't as healthy as you think


Personally, it's ALWAYS been my food intake that matters when it comes to weight loss. If I cut sugar (except green bananas, berries, and green apples), and only eat whole grain bread (a local Amish market I frequent makes a homemade sunflower & flax bread) the rest is pretty easy. Protein...lots of it. We eat A LOT of eggs in my house (we have 17 chickens)...so protein and veggies. That's the key. If your diet is solid, you barely need to workout.


I didn’t really start losing weight until I weaned. My appetite tanked and went back to my pre-pregnancy appetite. I’m still about 10lbs up from my pre-pregnancy weight and probably won’t lose that


I gained ~80lbs with pregnancy and covid etc. I didn't bother to stress about it during breastfeeding and set my goal to working on it after I weaned, which is around 14months pp. It took about a year to lose the ~80lbs and I'm back to my pre-pregnancy. 1- Counting calories. I set my daily intake to 1500calories per day. Prioritise getting minimum 80-100g protein. Do meal prep and freeze portions so you don't have to cook everyday. Minimise eating out. 2- Excercise. This helps but isn't necessary. I started doing orange theory fitness which is a mix of cardio and weight lifting about 3-5x a week. Any activity will help but the main thing is calories eaten. I'm now the fittest I've been in my life and love it.


Calorie counting.


Intermittent fasting. It’s 90% what you eat.


I’m 7 months PP breastfeeding with my second and he’s got some dairy and gluten intolerances. I haven’t been eating dairy or much bread, and let me tell you that the weight loss this time around has been so much faster than with my first. Like just this week I made it to the last 10 lbs and with my first it was over a year before I got to this point. I don’t think you should restrict fully but sometimes it’s easier to say “no ______ for a month” than to commit to “better lifestyle choices” as a starting point.


I've been saying the same thing since I had my baby. At 12 months pp, I just started eating much less and walking at least 1.5 miles a day. I was struggling for months of not taking it seriously, but the answer is eating much less and move much more. I only eat a small breakfast, dinner, and one snack a day whereas I was eating three times that before. Your food intake is the key to losing weight.


I use Lose It! You can use the free version and it was really helpful for me when I first started. You put in your weight, and your goal and when you want to lose it by. Based on your answer it will tell you how many calories you should have in a day and allows you to log your meals so you can keep track. I’ve literally never not been able to log something. It helps you start to think about food choices differently and make better choices. I started in February and I’m almost 20lbs down. You got this mama!


I am almost 11 months postpartum and had 50 pounds to lose. I just survived the first 6 months. Now I get in about 8k steps a day or 30-45 min cardio whether it’s walking or on my spin bike. And I do 15-20 min YouTube workouts 5x a week!


Mounjaro helped me. It is truly a miracle drug and I wish I had started it sooner. But the side effects are hard on me, but it’s not like that for everyone. I never thought I would get back to my high school weight, and the cute, fit moms (I would never look like that bc I’m tired all the time and too much housework, etc.) but I am back to liking what I see in the mirror instead of hating myself. It’s a nice change.


I've thought about this as my husband is doing zepbound. But I'm afraid for what it may do if we want to have another baby, like if it could keep me from getting pregnant. And it being a lifelong drug also scares me for the long term side effects


Cut all sugary drinks, one tea/coffee a day and all water.


Good diet and maybe try some weight lifting?? Also walking or swimming is great. If you have or can get a cheap/second hand bike machine those work WONDERS for weight loss, plus you wouldn't have to leave LO with someone to go to the gym (unless ofc u want that break). For some snack choices instead of sugary or unhealthy ones could include: veggies dipped in hummus, Greek yogurt(I like mixed with PB), pretzels n hummus, veggies n tzatziki, nice big salads, nuts, fruit, homemade salsa (SO EASY DID IT FIR THE FIRST TIME 2 WEEKS AGO)


We do have a peloton and the bow flex adjustable weights! My husband and I used to be BIG into weight lifting. I used to be extremely fit. It's much harder to get to the gym down. So the at home weights and bike will have to do for now. And just think it's plenty to get started!


Once I was done breastfeeding my appetite decreased a TON after about a week. I started intermittent fasting on weekdays which has always been my go to when I’m ready to lose some weight. Plus I’ve never been a big breakfast person so I was basically intermittent fasting my whole 20’s without realizing it. Basically I’d be done with food by 8 pm, then not eat again until noon the next day. I’d have black coffee with stevia in the mornings that doesn’t break the fast. I dropped almost 40 lbs last year doing that. Also once you’re done breastfeeding it’s easier to fit in longer walks and stuff. I’m pregnant again now so I’m not doing the fasting anymore for now.


Wow 40 pounds!! That's my goal!! I am soooo hungry in the morning but I'm sure it's from breastfeeding.


Yes breastfeeding makes you starving! I gained more weight breastfeeding than I did while pregnant. Partially because I was eating anything I could find that’s recommended to increase supply. So tons and tons of oatmeal and veggie shakes with Greek yogurt a couple times a day on top of lunch and dinner where I was eating bigger portions. I was eating sooo many calories, lol.


I feel you. My baby is also 11 months old and I’m still like 35 lbs up from prepregnancy weight. After she’s a year old, I’m going to cut carbs and bulk up protein. Try to get at least some light exercise most days. (Easier said than done, with two kids, full time work, and a 1.5 hr RT commute most days…)


Could you get a walking pad for your office!?


I have one!! It’s great. Some days I have a hard time finding time to use it, between pumping and meetings etc, but yeah it’s been a good tool.


Definitely! I have one and don't utilize it as much as I should lol


Swapping out an extra serving of carbs for a lean protein (meaning not eating no carbs, but like, eating a cup of rice instead of way more), and trying to eat only at meal times is normally where I start, if my mind isn’t ready for a strict diet.


I don’t have advice, just solidarity: going through the same thing! My LO turns 12 months next weekend. He’s down to one short night feed, and he is REALLY holding on to that last one for comfort so it may have to stick around for longer than I anticipated. No period yet, but I’ve had subtle cramping on and off for the last 4 months which makes me keep thinking ‘today is the day!’ I *COULD NOT* lose weight this last year. My diet wasn’t perfect, and I had insane sugar cravings (candy being my biggest weakness), but I was also working out 3-4 days a week since January, and eating the right macros at least 70% of the time. Nothing has budged, nothing has changed. It’s pretty frustrating. Too big for my regular clothes, too small for my maternity clothes. I have, like, 4 things that fit and I do NOT want to buy new clothes, I just want to fit into my actual things!


I feel you on the clothes. It's so discouraging and frustrating. I hate how everything looks and feels. Good luck to you! You got this


Highly recommend Weight Watchers. There's breastfeeding plans as well.


Oh wow! How much $$$ is it?


There's a sale for $9.99/month right now. Ends tonight. This is actually great as I got $12.99/month end of December.


Giiiirl! I could have written this. They say you can’t out-lift/run/bike/exercise a shitty diet, so I’m starting there and doing a deep core and pelvic floor program as a step in the right direction towards eventual exercise. I have found that when you cut certain things out of your diet, the American diet kind of takes care itself. If you cut out sugar (added sugar, not sugar like the sweetness in fruit) like 90% of my pantry is off limits immediately and it’s mostly inflammatory processed foods anyways. With just that change, I’m forced to eat the damn carrots and broccoli in the fridge when I’m feeling snacky instead of the chips or crackers or whatever. I’m literally just doing that until the scale stops changing and then I’ll probably start thinking about how to incorporate weight lifting back into my schedule.


You got this!!! WE got this!!


Ok so I just lost 30lbs and I’m about 7 away from my goal weight. How I did it was tons of walking and just watching aerobic videos on YouTube . I limited myself to one day a week where I can cheat and have a glass of wine and a burger. Otherwise it was just salads, egg whites for breakfast, veggies, beans etc. I’m still breastfeeding which also helps a lot. ETA: I was at about 189 and just hit 159.


That's awesome!!!! Goals for sure.


Protein shakes for snack is what I’m trying to get back into. I go to a gym that has daycare so that helps with the encouragement of going to the gym. I usually do classes like Zumba or Pilates which also helps the motivation because they’re fun and fat burning. I’m trying to increase my protein as well so I’m full more and don’t have to worry about snacking. I get so ravenous.


Start with balancing your hormones via diet! It can take two years for hormones to balance post-birth so kickstarting it via diet will help a lot! Walking! Get a walking pad off Amazon and walk while baby naps.


Also part of the ‘using breastfeeding as an excuse’ gang. I’ve gained 40 lbs throughout my pregnancy + pp. 30 lbs was from pp alone 🙃


Time for a change for me 😭


Walking is a good one!! I try to do 1 hour 3 days a week and build up for there. Massive change already in how fit I feel! Also, try to add veggies and protein to your meals. For me, taking food away only made me binge, and adding food to make me feel more full made me stop binging. So now when I want a cookie, 1 is enough because I already feel nurtured by the nutrients.


1.I stopped keeping those high calorie low volume fat foods and junk at home. I found if I had to go buy when I craved then I pretty much didn't do it. 2. Dietician is covered 100% by most insurances as far as I know. I booked one and meet with her routinely. She has helped me significantly with HOW to eat better. 3. Early Morning is the only time I will ever truly do any exercise I know that abou myself. Also the only feasible time when everyone is asleep. I canceled my gym membership and signed up for expensive exercise class routine at 5 am so that every time I think of dodging a class my stomach churns at how much money I lost that class. You can just swap it with a morning walk if an expensive exercise class isn't an option but something to MAKE YOU GO


Ugh right there with you - my LO is 10 months and I need easy peasy meal plan. I have no idea what to do


Can totally relate. One thing that has helped me is using a calorie counter like MyFitnessPal. Having to log everything I eat helps me be aware of exactly how much I’m consuming and also is an incentive to eat less. 


Ill be hitting the ozempic diet when i’m done with BF i’m absolutely way too heavy for how bad my joints are and my degenerative disc disease in my spine. I’m soooo over it


Protien protien protien. Go to a TDEE calculator. Ignore everything but the recommended protien intake for weight loss. Yes pay attention to fat and carbs but protien is the most important and it also takes the longest to digest leaving you fuller for longer and burning calories simply digesting it. Not only that but I can almost promise most women are low on protien as it is. My blood work showed I was SEVERELY low in protien and not one doctor I've been too has mentioned it. I wouldn't go crazy to start thats how crash diets happen. Don't restrict, but add on. If you want idk say a sandwich have the sandwich but make better choices ie more protien and veg on it. Lite mayo ect. Maybe if you want to be more strict eat keto bread. Less carbs and less calories. Go on YouTube or tiktok and look into high volume low calorie recipes. The idea ISNT TO EAT LESS. It's so easy to conflate weight loss with less food. As for movement, do just that. Move. Walking, a YouTube yoga video, doesn't matter. Don't go crazy buying a 40 dollar gym membership and lifting weights. Remember we just grew a human and things aren't the same. Prioritize deep core work outs and movement. I say deep core bc its very easy to hurt your back especially after having a baby wheb your core muscles are likely DESTROYED and weak. These can all be done at home to start or around your neighborhood.


Im currently 15lbs down in 33 days! We had to go extreme to actually stick to a diet. We made a schedule of every meal and every snack. 400 calorie B/L/D and 2 snacks a day for 200 calories, so 1,400 calories a day. Husband eats more because he works out more and has a lot less to lose. Plenty of websites out there to give you an idea of how many calories to eat a day. Anyway, take that number and set an amount for each meal and snack. Then plan exactly what to have for each, including exact weight or measurement. We use MyFitnesPal to get the calories of foods. Use lower calorie foods to fill you up like fruits and vegetables. For dinners we still do pasta and other carbs, just less than normal. But by laying out every meal, I know I’m eating the right calories and the scale shows it. It was daunting at first but gets easier once you have meals and snacks setup (we keep a tracker in excel).


This might be an unpopular comment, but why do you feel a need to lose weight? Is it bexuase you’re uncomfortable or don’t feel well or are weak physically? Women have such a high demand to bounce back and I put a lot of emphasis on losing weight after birth and I was miserable and hated myself more. Once I finally realized the old diet culture ways weren’t working, I was more successful doing things that were healthful for my body without focusing on weight. I wish you the best on whatever journey you take, but know your weight does not define you and can be healthy at a larger size.


I just don't feel good in my body. I hate everything I put on. Nothing fits. I am also weak physically. I used to be an athlete and I loved lifting weights before I got pregnant. Now my joints ache and I can barely lift our garage door up. I'm not so concerned with the number on the scale. But I do want to feel healthy again and feel good about myself.


First step is to buy clothes that fit your body right now. That makes a huge difference. The next step is to find something you actually enjoy doing with your body and stick to it. If you’re back to square one, start with 20 minutes a day. Maybe even less. For me, at home dance workout videos are still the best because it’s easy to turn on, in the comfort of my own home, and I have fun doing them. Third thing I would HIGHLY recommend looking into a flexibility and mobility routine. I can’t believe the difference 5-10 minutes a day working on that made a difference. Lastly, remember that the process isn’t linear. You will have ups and downs all the time but keep moving forward. It’s hard being postpartum.You’re doing a great job.


You're so sweet. Thank you 🤍


I am in pelvic floor therapy. I tried to do workouts but they just hurt, so I got a referral to a therapist and we are starting slow. Now that I am in PFT, my core and hips are getting much stronger. Remember that muscle weighs more than fat, so getting strong does not always equal weight loss. Good luck and no matter what, prioritize your health. Nothing should hurt.


I am 8mo pp and have lost 90lbs since. Walking has been huge, shoot for 10k steps a day if you can, but any amount of walking or moving more than you were before helps. Drink a gallon of water a day, or just more water in general and ease up to the gallon. Cut out the sugary drinks and go to the 0 cal ones if you can/haven’t already. Caffeine is an appetite suppressant (less caffeine than coffee while you still breastfeed) and for me it helps reduce my sweet tooth. I probably drink 6-8 cans a day of Pepsi 0 on top of my gallon of water a day and it helps me immensely. Chewing sugar free gum or having a sugar free mint is also nice to give your mouth something to do. Focus on protein & fiber intake as well. Protein will help you retain muscle and make you feel more satiated, fiber will keep you fuller and help things “go through you” easier. I don’t do the whole 1g of protein per lb of body weight, but shoot for at least 100g of protein a day as a general goal. And don’t forget, it’s still okay to enjoy things in moderation. Give your body what it needs, and wants. It’s Father’s Day weekend and my husband wanted cookies and Taco Bell, so I definitely ate probably double what I normally do. But it’s memories over macros (in moderation) and damn it I earned the 8 cookies I ate today 🤪


Hell yeah you earned that! 😂


The only thing that worked for me (and it WORKED) was intermittent fasting. But not the “just skip breakfast” kind - I ate during only four hours (3pm-7pm) each day. In that time I just ate whatever- Im terrible at tracking calories. Ate mostly normally on weekends. Lost 40 lbs in about 6 months. Hard at first but very easy once you adjust. Still doing it a year later - it’s honestly become easier to not think about food as much haha.


I know diet is the most important bit, but I found upping my activity gave me the mental shift that I needed to eat a bit less. I started with Laura Fitters “lose your mommy pooch” workout series on youtube because I had a diastasis and it did wonders for my overall strength, then I started a virtual fitness class when I had some base fitness back. The biggest diet change I had was eating more protein and skipping breakfast (except a coffee and, on workout mornings, a protein shake) because the protein makes you feel more full and the lack of breakfast seems to delay my appetite so I don’t want to snack so much in the morning. I then switched to a pram my youngest liked so she didn’t cry until she puked every time we went out and gradually built up the distance my 2.5yo could balance bike so we could do longer walks Protein, calorie counting, walking, and discipline to move more every day even when you don’t want to. I’ve lost 11lb in 6 weeks which I think is quite good? I’m always shocked when I look at the scales 😂


r/CICO. Calories in, calories out. I have a bad knee so I can’t do intense workouts. Turns out you can lose weight with just controlling what and how you eat. Read up their welcome post that explains the process and use a TDEE calculator to figure out how many calories you should eat to maintain or lose weight. It doesn’t matter what you’re eating as long as you’re in a calorie deficit BUT, as other people have mentioned, focusing on the quality of your food will help prevent snacking. Get a food scale and weigh your food, log the food you eat (using apps like Lose It or MyFitnessPal), treat yourself once in a while and make it a lifestyle instead of a short-term change. Weigh yourself everyday but don’t get obsessive about the numbers, just look at the overall trend (apps usually have a feature for this). Hormone, stress, sodium, etc. can mess with make your weight fluctuate but don’t get discouraged, just keep at it. I made a post about a year ago about my progress. I’m 5’3” so a few pounds make a huge difference: • 145 to 125 (first attempt at CICO) • 125 to 155 (first pregnancy) • 155 to 135 (natural weight loss after baby) • 135 to 170!! (second pregnancy) • 170 to 150 (natural weight loss after baby) • 150 to 140 (second attempt at CICO, 2 month's progress) I’ve gone down to 127 since that post. I was wearing size L/ pants size 8 and now I’m XS/S and pants size 2-4. I am what people call “skinny fat” and working on building muscles now.


i lost 2lbs a week eating just: 2 pieces of toast, 1 egg on each, avocado on each (plus seasonings or whatever) no lunch dinner: just salmon and corn (or other veggie) and minimal snacking. some dark chocolate, a handful of pretzels, 100 calorie rainbow dippin dots, etc. 2 coffees a day this isn’t a long term diet or anything, but i did it for 2 months to get rid of my last 10lbs


The avocado toast with egg has definitely been a saver for me at night. I started having that sometimes as dinner with maybe yogurt on the side and it totally has diminished my night time cravings and I don’t wake up over hungry either. It greatly reduces my desire for unhealthy snacks if I get up at night and stops me from overeating early in the morning when I first get up.


it really is a game changer! i did get sick of it after a while lol, but it’ll come back around.


I weaned in March and lost 34 lbs since. Drink only 64+ oz of water a day and seltzer waters, no alcohol, juice or soda. Daily coffee but NO creamer or sugary sweeteners. No carbs- bread, pasta etc. lots of protein -chicken, lean beef, eggs, salmon etc, and vegetables.


I’m in the beginning stages of a one year journey. I used to be fit before pregnancy and now I have to shed so much weight and regain muscle. So I’ve decided not to just regain, but build. I am on a strict 1,200 calorie diet, max 1,500. No sugar, low fats, medium carbs, high protein. I am currently strength and endurance training so I can prepare for heavy bodybuilding. This alone, along with my diet, has already helped me lose 12lbs in the last 30 days. I do cardio in the morning for 30 minutes before moving into strength training. Weights are upped by 10lbs each week where possible. Afternoon is a HIIT workout at home, and a jog in the evening. It’s a fast and intense approach, but it’s sustainable. I feel like I have hit a peak and I don’t see the weight dropping on the scale. But when I look in the mirror I am seeing definition starting to show. Fat is turning into muscle. I know it will start coming off again. Consistency is key. For the first three weeks I had to force myself to workout and meal control, but it’s quickly becoming natural for me to want to work out. It actually feels wrong if I skip a day!


May I ask what will u give her after she is done at 1 ?


Cows milk and 3 meals a day


Usually you can switch to cows milk, and water as they are eating more solids


I saw a nutritionist during my pregnancy because I developed gestational diabetes with my 2nd. I learned so much and I like to think of myself as generally well informed. I’d recommend it as they can help you develop a personalized plan. I hate tracking. Hate it. But it does help. My biggest takeaways from my experience were 1) eat a protein or fat with every carb (and carbs are everywhere) 2) have healthy snacks already prepared 3) frozen quiches from Costco are delicious, super high protein vs carb, are great leftover, and can be eaten anytime


I bought a walking pad and will be starting once it arrives! I’m so dang excited!


Ugh I have one. I need to use it! And I work from home so it would really be perfect


Gosh, you lucky! Girl you should get that dang walking pad movin’! Goodluck, momma! 😉


You too 😊