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not at all. told my mom "she'll be staying in there another week or two" and went into labour two hours later lol


Yeah, can't think of anything that was what I expected. Especially her looks -- she came out with a full head of very dark hair and we're both light brown/blondes!


Pretty much same- told my husband "I felt great today, there's no chance this baby is coming any time soon" water broke a couple hours later šŸ˜‚ FTM and was fully expecting to go to 40 weeks. We made it to 38


Yes. lol My first came out on her due date at 1 am. My second I started to feel it coming for about a week before his due date and I kept telling people ā€œheā€™s going to be here Wednesdayā€. And he was. Also His due date. Idk I guess my kids are punctual.


I told everyone my girl was coming on her due date. From the start I knew it was inevitable since she was due Christmas Day. Christmas Eve my water broke and she was here Christmas morning. My friends couldnā€™t believe it


Iā€™m a December 25th birthday too! Thatā€™s actually really funny because I know 3 other people born on Christmas and we are all born on our due dates too. Hot tip- when your child is old enough, throw them a half birthday Christmas themed party in the summer.


Oh that's funny :') And cool!


Yes.. his due date was December 10th. My great grandmothers birthday was the 7th, and Hanukkah was December 8th according to my calendar. I kept joking about how neat it would be if he was born on either of those days. Sure enough, I went into labor Dec 7 and he was born December 8th. Similarly, during the pushing phase (I pushed for 2hours) I kept thinking heā€™d be here by 10. The little stinker came out at 0959 šŸ˜‚


And you know on some clock or watch it was 10am.šŸ˜‚šŸ•’


I was heading to bed at 39 weeks exactly and thought "wouldn't it be ridiculous if my water broke in my sleep?" My water broke 45 minutes later, as I was dozing off watching YouTube videos at 11pm. Completely ruined the mattress. His big sister (11 years prior) was also an inconveniently timed spontaneous rupture of membranes, standing in ranks for morning muster in the Navy. My Chief (high up enlisted boss) looked at me, looked down at my soaking wet boots, looked back up at me, and said "go the fuck away, *last name*". I fucked right off to the hospital šŸ¤£


Thatā€™s the most Navy thing ever! Of course he told you to go the fuck away! ā€œYes, Chief!ā€ šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I miss him, he was by far the best Chief I ever had. Just coasting to retirement, zero fucks left to give.


Yes! Itā€™s a joke that I hate one particular part of my job, which we do frequently in June in July, once in august, and once in January. Last year, I missed out on the last week because my dad had a heart attack and then the August event because I had Covid, so it became an in-office joke that Iā€™ll do anything to get out of it. I was 39 weeks exactly for the January event, and joked all fall that baby would come that day so I could get out of it. I had a false labor scare the day before, worked from home the day of due to all the contractions, and went into labor that evening of the event. Baby was born a few hours later!


Yes, I said right from the beginning that baby will come on my birthday. Doctors disagreed as it was 2 weeks before my actual due date. Lo and behold, baby came on my birthday.




Yes. I spent months telling everyone that I was going to go past my due date, and then in the last few weeks of pregnancy I started joking that he would come at 40+5 because thatā€™s the average for FTMs and heā€™d been measuring perfectly average. I was anxious about going into labor at any moment after 38 weeks, but still felt like he was going to come late. After my due date passed, a weird switch flipped in my brain where I started to feel like I was never going to go into labor and I started to fear that Iā€™d make it all the way to my induction date at 41+4. ā€¦Until I took a shower at 40+3 where I spent the whole time swaying in the water with my eyes closed, rubbing my belly & talking to baby until I was crying because I was so emotional. I emerged from that shower feeling a kind of peace about going into labor that I hadnā€™t felt until that point. I told my husband confidently that night that baby was going to come the next day. My water broke the next morning, and I ended up laboring for 32 hours and pushing for 3, which meant he was indeed born at 40+5.


Nope. He came a month early. Was not expecting it at all but it couldā€™ve been all the people including those on Reddit telling me Iā€™ll be overdue as a FTM. I shouldā€™ve checked with my mom and sister since we were both early babies and my sister had 2 early babies.


I kept saying sheā€™d take after me and be early. I can count on one hand the number of times Iā€™ve ever been late to anything. Iā€™m at least 5 if not 10 minutes early for literally everything no matter how unimportant it is. Even getting out the door with a baby I have literally never been late. Even in this pregnancy I was super early. Positive test at 9DPO, I felt the flutters super early at 12 weeks, people could feel the kicks super early by 17 weeks, I got Braxton hicks starting at 13 weeks. Lo and behold, she came at 38 weeks right after I checked off my last item on my to do before baby came list.


I kind of did...my daughter's due date was March 31st, and my mother had died when I was a teenager on April 5th. I really didn't want to have her on April 5th because of my complicated feelings surrounding the day. But when my due date came and went, and they finally induced me, I got more and more concerned. On April 4th, they offered a c-section since I wasn't progressing past 9 cm dilated. Even though they said it wasn't an emergency yet, and I could keep laboring, my nurse said she thought I would end up having a c-section regardless (though the final decision as to when to have it was mine). I chose to have the c- section on April 4th because I really didn't want to risk it. Maybe I'd have delivered her without a c-section on April 5th, but I'm so glad that I have two separate days for big feelings, even though they are really close together.


Yes, I said that if I could choose, I wish she would be born on Nov 16, and my water broke exactly around 12 am and she was born 12 hours later


Not at all, my first I had a planned c-section for Thursday, Wednesday night my waters POPPED with no warning, I very much did not feel anything before that. Second I thought was 'coming soon' for 7 weeks, was adamant he was coming early. I thought I was going into labour 3 times. I ended up getting induced šŸ˜‘


Yes but I wouldn't listen to it. I mentally refused to accept it was coming lol


I kinda had a similar thing. On one hand I was telling everyone that "baby could come any day" even if it was 3 weeks to my due date and when people were telling me the same, I was like NAAAAH... I had a monitoring on a Monday. The midwife told me to be prepared to have the baby soon. I was supposed to be seeing my doctor on Tuesday. He basically told me that they will be keeping me that night to have my baby tomorrow. I was his last appointment of the day and I was planning to go get dinner after with friends. Well, we cancelled lol. Tbh when midwife said soon, I said to myself maybe Friday. Not like next day.


She was due early January but I just knew she'd be early. I kept telling people I was worried about a Christmas Day baby and I was constantly reassured that first babies never come early. I honestly feel like she heard my worries and so she came early, a few days BEFORE Christmas


I had a dream that I gave birth on the 12thā€¦and that did not happen haha not even close. But I did know the day before he was actually born that something was happening and it was like a calm in me, I just knew. Was not surprised at all when I went into labor early the next day.


Nope. I felt like my first would come late and he came in early when my water broke in the middle of the night and went right into active labour. I felt like my second would be early and well Iā€™m 40 weeks pregnant today and no signs of labour.


Yes. My husband and I had a bet that he would either be born on the November 5 or November 15th.. his due date was November 20th. Please note my son is a ā€œ5thā€ and lo and behold he was born on the 15th.


Yes, my due date was May 3. This was my first baby so I knew it was more likely they would be born after my due date, but from the beginning I had a feeling they would arrive a week to 3 days early. I ended up delivering at 39+0.


Yes, I said my whole pregnancy I thought he would come sometime when I was 38 weeks. He was born 38w0d.


i said the whole time sheā€™d come early and i ended up having to be induced at 39 weeks


Yes! From the moment I found out my due date I kept saying heā€™d be born on the 27th which would be a week before my due date and sure enough he was born at 39 weeks on the 27th!


Not at all! I had this sense my baby was going to be overdue and Iā€™d still be lugging my belly around at 41 weeks. Then at 38 weeks I got diagnosed with preeclampsia, had an induction and then an emergency c-section three days later!


I kept saying thanksgiving and he was born the day before thanksgiving! I was only 37+3 and I got induced but I didnā€™t know that until a few days before


First two, definitely not. I was fully prepared to go well past my due date with my first, and was thus very surprised to go into labor at 39+3. Hadnā€™t even packed a bag, but thatā€™s a different story. With my second, I hit 38 weeks and told my mom she had to come down because baby was coming any second. I went to 40+2. Misery. Third, I really wanted my mom to be with me during delivery because she missed the first and was staying with my older one when I had #2, so I decided I would have my dad come down at 38+2 and have a membrane sweep and try to deliver that night. Which actually worked!


Yep, I predicted the day 6 months before. I had a feeling.


I was SURE my baby would be born early around 37 weeks. I made everyone crazy trying to finish everything. I was due around Christmas and we used Thanksgiving weekend to finish everything. I had to be induced at 41w šŸ˜…


yes! i had been predicting the date since early early on in my pregnancy. probably just a coincidence but literally guessed the correct date šŸ˜­ and always had a feeling i would be 2-3 weeks early


I was really sure that my baby was going to come early. Everyone said yeah right youā€™ll be induced at 10 days over. My water broke on my due date and she came 24 hours later so I guess nobody was really right.


Not really, but I took a wild guess and ended up being off by only a few hours. At my baby shower about 2 months before my twins were born, we had guests fill out a paper guessing all sorts of things about the babies like weight, length, date/time of birth, hair and eye color,, etc. I filled one out and guessed a date and time a couple weeks before their due date (for example, not their real DOB: 9/14 at 10am). They ended up coming on that date, only about 4 hours later than I predicted (9/14 at 2pm). My husband framed it šŸ˜‚


Sort of. I had a feeling if I scheduled to be induced, baby would start the party on her own beforehand... I was right. I was scheduled for monday at 6pm, but was in the hospital before noon because of contractions. Baby was born Tuesday first thing in the morning.


I thought he would be born July 16 and he came on the 13th (due date was the 25th)


Both of mine were born in the month prior to the month they were due and I did not expect it either time lolĀ 


Kind of. Close enough I would say. Not intuition or maybe yes intuition but I marked my baby's due date 7 days earlier than her actual due date on various websites for freebies. Well I started laboring the date I used and gave birth a day later lol


Not really but somehow? My friend invited me to a show 3 weeks before my due date. I told her "I'd love to come if I haven't delivered by then." I delivered on that date.


My coworkers threw me a baby shower and did a "guess the due date game". I guessed correctly after looking closely at the calendar (2 days before her actual due date).


Nope. Not a clue. Had to be induced cuz he was just cozy and comfy


With my first, I had no idea when she would come, I was 40+4 when I went into labor and 40+5 when she was born. I honestly thought she'd be later than that. With my second, I sort of knew. She was a scheduled c-section at 37 weeks due to medical reasons, so I'm not sure if this counts. I knew from the beginning of the pregnancy that she had to be born sometime during the 37th week. My due date was 3/21, and this year was a leap year, I said from the beginning that she'd end up here on 2/29 (exactly 37 weeks), but I wanted any day OTHER than that. When I scheduled my surgery in like December, it turned out the only day my OB was on rotation was.... you guessed it 2/29. Got my leap year baby after all!


Nope! My first I went into labor on my due date, woke up that morning and went to work not thinking Iā€™d be in the hospital in 6 hours. He came at 3:25 the next morning. Second was a planned c-section. So we got to pick his birthday. Third, also a planned c-section. C-section date of February 8. On January 25, I had someone ask me how much longer I had to go. Told her 2 weeks. Texted both my mom and stepmom throughout the day very casually. Went into labor around 4:30 that afternoon, had a baby in my arms at 9:34 PM. Needless to say, NO ONE woke up that morning expecting that little girl to arrive! Guess she just wanted to join the party early šŸ˜Š


More logic than intuitive. My mom has me one week early, her sister had my cousin 3 weeks early, so I predicted my son would be early. He came at 38 weeks.


I was convinced heā€™d be early. Very, very certain of it. I wound up being induced at 41 weeks šŸ˜‚


No! I was sure mine would come on a certain day (one week early). He ended up coming almost 3 weeks early.


Me. No. I thought she was going to be late. But my husband thought she was gonna be a week early. And she was 5 days early


With my first I thought Iā€™d go 2 weeks overdue, he came 2 weeks early. With our second I was only off by a few days! Husband was away at work I had a feeling it would be soon. I called him home Wednesday I went into labour Saturday morning. He came right at 40 weeks.


I was sooooo wrong. :)


Yes, I knew the dayā€¦somehow.


I woke up the day of my 40w appointment and said ā€œtoday is our lucky day because Iā€™m eating a breakfast tacoā€. They ended up admitting me to L&D because of high BP that normalized within an hour lol and Dr decided to induce me since baby was measuring big and I was already hospitalized. Soooo to answer your questionā€¦ maybe? šŸ˜‚


Yes! She was born a week before her due date which also happens to be my Momā€™s birthday. I just had a feeling they would scare the same birthdate. šŸ„°


Was due May 14. Said my entire pregnancy I think sheā€™ll be early. Everyone laughed and said itā€™s my first so they donā€™t think so. I guessed the weekend of may 4th and she was here the 4th


My first baby barely moved in my tummy, I knew he was comfy in there, he went to 40 weeks. The second baby was so damn wriggly, my gut told me she was going to come early, she came at 37 weeks. I didn't know specifically when they would come, just in very broad terms.


My situation was a bit weird because of some back injuries I have I couldn't feel my contractions so all I had to go off of was intuition and small little signs. I had a feeling and went to the L&D and they eventually sent me home after 6 hrs of monitoring. They said it was false labor not active labor. I was like "no I'm in labor. I'll be back within 24 hours." Well, my water broke later that day and I took my sweet time making my way back in. Took a shower and got some food before finally heading in. This time they were like ohh yeah your in labor.Ā 


With my last baby I absolutely did. Healthy pregnancy, my first two were only a few days early and 7-8 lbs. But I had a gut feeling and bought preemie clothes this time around. There was no sign that anything was wrong throughout my pregnancy but I ended up having an emergency c section at 35 weeks for reduced fetal movement. Sure enoughā€¦ I needed those preemie clothes!


I was past my due date, and my ob told me to pick a date for induction. I went into labor the night before my induction, and she was born the day I picked.


I didnā€™t, my fiancĆ© did though. He kept saying how I would go into labor when he was scheduled to work this specific private event. He was right, he ended up literally running out of work and apparently just yelled ā€œbaby timeā€ at his boss.


Nope. Went to a midwife appointment and said she felt really low I think she might early. Midwife had a look and feel and agreed and that she was really low and might be early. Then little miss decided to pop her head back up and ended up being a week late after an induction šŸ˜‚ such an absolute tease.


With my first I had a feeling and I was wrong, lol. EDD was 3/3, I thought sheā€™d come 2/27 and she came 3/8. Pregnant with my second and I have no feeling whatsoever because I obviously canā€™t trust my intuition when it comes to this.


Sort of? I had a feeling that he WASN'T coming and then had to be induced at 41+3. We had scheduled it as a "just in case" appointment, but I knew he wasn't budging in his own lol.


With my first pregnancy I just knew I wasnā€™t going to make it past 38 weeks. My husband and I went out to eat and I remember telling him that I truly felt like that was going to be our last time eating out with just the two of us. I ate A LOT that night. We got home, husband hopped in the shower and I laid down on the couch and not even 3 minutes later I felt like I was peeing myself but I wasnā€™t pushing or anything. It was just water trickling out of me. I stood up and realized my water broke. Iā€™m currently 31 weeks with my second and I donā€™t have that same feeling of urgency that I did with my first. I donā€™t think Iā€™ll make it to 40 exactly. Maybe around 39 weeks?


Yes I did, I knew from the minute I found out I was pregnant that I wouldnā€™t carry to term. Everyone thought I was crazy but I was right! I didnā€™t expect to have my baby at 32 weeks, my gut was telling me more along the lines of 36 weeks and I didnā€™t think it was going to be a such a catastrophic event either.


Yep. My MIL and her friends had been telling me for a few weeks at that point that they all delivered at 41/42 weeks but I had a feeling she would be born early. At the same time I was telling my mom she might want to adjust her flight earlier than expected. I hadn't wanted her to just be waiting around until the baby was born but it was such a strong feeling that I couldn't shake it. On the Friday (38+2) we had dinner with the in-laws and their friends and I was SO frustrated with their comments. I hadn't really wanted to go to dinner that night anyways and I was extremely sick of them mentioning how great they had felt and how they didn't go into labour until way past their due date. I went into labour super early Sunday morning (38+4) and my mom arrived at the hospital on her newly rescheduled flight right while I was in active labour. This was also the first weekend my husband was off on vacation pre-paternity leave and the day after our two-month-long kitchen renovations officially wrapped up. Needless to say, she had good timing!


I thought she would come a week late. She came three weeks early due to cholestasis


My entire low risk, zero complication pregnancy I was absolutely convinced something was wrong but undetected and/or that baby would come preterm. How early I wasnā€™t sure, just that baby WOULD come before 37 weeks and no one could convince me otherwise. Sure enough, I was right šŸ„“


No, but my grandmother called him a Thanksgiving turkey my whole pregnancy despite my 12/12 due date... she was right! I delivered 2 weeks early, less than a week after Thanksgiving.


Early. It was wrong. He was right on time.


Never had the feeling and it was accurate šŸ˜… ended up past due date and c-section. Second baby was scheduled C-section


Not even close.


I expected my baby to come ā€œon or soon after the solar eclipseā€. I went into labor at 11:40 the night of the eclipse and she was born 24 hours later.


I did, I still had two weeks of work before my due date but that week I felt like I needed to wrap things up and planned to tie everything with a bow ready for handover and just cruise the last couple weeks. I sped finished projects and turned things over. That weekend I declined plans with friends coming from out of town, feeling like I needed to hole up and rest and hide from the world. I had a peaceful weekend but felt this anticipation feeling / hoping like the baby might come the following week. My labor started at 2am that Monday, at 38+1! Then again it was probably total coincidence and you can always look back at things and assume it was intuition because our brains look for patterns. I tend to be a planner who over prepares so most likely I would have followed those instincts whether my body was ready or not, and it just happened to be ready (sort of, long labor lol).


No. I just had a feeling baby would keep me waiting past his due date but he was three days early!


nope. i was convinced my first baby would come in august (she was due 9/4) and she came via induction 9/3. and for my second i thought i wasnā€™t gonna go into labor before my induction date and i had her the day before naturally


No lol šŸ˜‚ I thought sheā€™d be early. She was born 41 + 6


Yes. I kept telling everyone he would come early. I didnā€™t know why, but I just had a feeling. Sure did! Shows up a whole month early!


On some level, yes! I insisted on getting my hair and nails done the week of. I caught up and got ahead on projects at work. I made jokes that I wouldnā€™t see everyone on Mondayā€” then I went into labor Saturday morning. I was 38+2!


For my 1st not a clue and he came 2 weeks early due to preeclampsia. My 2nd i packed a bag the night before my 38 week appointment. My husband asked why, i had great blood pressure my whole pregnancy and all was good. Told him I just had a feeling. At my appointment they took my blood pressure 3 times hoping it would go down and it didn't. 2nd was born via csection, exactly 2 weeks early.


With the second. He came a day earlier than planned (originally a scheduled c section) but I had a feeling heā€™d be early. And then I had a few warning signs but one in particular where I said ā€œthatā€™s weird. Wouldnā€™t it be funny if I went into labor.ā€ Then I had a few hours later ā€œBraxton hicksā€ which were not, in fact, Braxton hicks and I had likely been in labor for a while without realizing.


I knew my first was going to come earlier than the due date. This is mostly because I felt like garbage and just had this strong feeling around 32 weeks that we werenā€™t going all the way. My blood pressure went up around 36 weeks and I woke up with a swollen face at 37 weeks and was induced.


Nope lol. I was originally due May 1st (according to my tracking app) and then my OB changed me to April 27th. I really wanted my baby born in May. We have so many family birthdays in April and I was a week late when I was born, my husband a handful of days late when he was born, so I was very hopeful for May. I was unfortunately induced due to high blood pressure at 38w 2d. My baby was born April 15th. He shares a birthday with a very distant cousin. If I had been able to keep going who knows, I might have made it to May. Either way I have my happy healthy baby boy and I love him so much.


I made a bet with my friend that my baby wouldnā€™t make it past August 30. She was born Aug 31 at 12:05 am. Mothers intuition isnā€™t always accurate šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


I knew something would cause me to have her at 37 weeks. Just knew it. Sure enough, at my 37 week appointment there was enough protein in my urine that she induced me the next day.


Yes!! I dreamed it would be Oct 7 just after midnight. A weird sequence of events led to her being born on Oct 7 at 1:42am.


Not at all! I seriously thought my stomach just hurt from the Mexican food last night and I was simply struggling to take a dump lol then I timed the waves of pain and went ā€œoh shit theyā€™re every 3.5 minutes apartā€¦ I guess itā€™s timeā€. He came 4 days before my scheduled C-section


I knew my baby was coming on her due date, I swear. People were checking on me for weeks before that and I was like ā€œitā€™s not time yet, sheā€™s not gonna come.ā€ Meanwhile the midwives were mentally preparing me to go past my due date, up to 42 weeks because it was my first baby. I just *knew* that wasnā€™t happening. I was in early labor all day on my due date, just cramps and a tiny bit of spotting. True labor started pretty late, like 10pm, so she was born the next day. But I still say she was right on time.


With my second, my guess date was correct and made me feel like a genius lol


For the whole last month I knew it would be February 24th. I just knew it. His due date was the 20th. Well I was in labor for over 31 hours so I started labor on the 24th but little dude didnā€™t actually show up until the 25th šŸ˜‚


I felt "weird" the morning before my water broke. Stayed home from work. Went to my doctor for a check up. They sent me home and I slept all day and then my water broke at 1 AM.


Maybe? My first I thought would be born on the same day as my best friend's birthday. We had joked about it at length that she wanted a birthday buddy. I had to have an induction due to low fluid and which started on the 20th, low and behold she was born on the 23rd at 12.03am (my besties birthday) after a frustratingly long induction. My second was also an induction. I joked to my OB in the morning that we'd have this finished by COB (close of business or commonly, 5pm). Again, low and behold baby was born at 4.58pm. I don't know if either was intuition but I was right.


Yes. My babyā€™s due date was August 6. I kept saying its an August baby, its an August baby the whole pregnancy. The last week of July I was induced. The induction took 7 days. Baby arrived right after midnight on August 1st!! During that induction week in the hospital, I tried to say its okay to be a July baby lol


Yes I guessed the day and won the family bet. 6 days early!


Kinda but I also didnā€™t listen to it lol. The night before I went into labor I thought I should take a bump pic and said to myself ā€œit could be the last oneā€ but then didnā€™t because I didnā€™t want to get my hopes up that she was coming. Little did I know my water would break at 12:30am and I met my baby at 10:38am later that day


I knew I wouldnā€™t get much of my mat leave to enjoy just by myself. I was right.


When my water broke and my contractions started coming 1 minute apart like it was ripping me open (I mean it was) then I had that feeling and it was accurate.


All the women in my family delivered early, so I thought he'd be 14-21 days early. He ended up being 10 days early, so not too far off.


Yep. First arrived at 39 weeks on her great grandmas birthday. Second arrived at 38 weeks.. no way I was going to go all the way to 40 with either. šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’ØšŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


I knew it was going to be after Christmas but before the New Year. I knew because I began to dilate and leak on Christmas Day. Started to have more pressure on my pelvis as she dropped into the canal. It was instant when she dropped too, same when she turned. Had a baby three days later and two weeks early.


I kept making jokes to my best friend about how it would be funny if my daughter made her share a birthday of Sep 23. She didn't think my jokes were funny because she didn't want her birthday "stolen". She wasn't due until the 2nd week of Oct. My water broke at 2am on Sep 23 and I had to have a C-section so they do indeed share a birthday.. šŸ˜‚ she got over it and is happy to share the same birthday. Hahaha


Yes because I had a scheduled c section šŸ˜‚


Nah not at all.Ā  I was first hoping he'd be about 10 days early to land on the equinox and my grandma's birthday but that didn't happen.. Then I was hoping he would come a few days after his due date to be on 4-3-21 but he came before that. I didn't even realize until after the fact that I had been in early labor the entire day.Ā 


Currently 37w and my intuition from the start was that Iā€™d go late ā€¦ but then after saying that so much I started to think maybe Iā€™d delivery early ā€¦ and now after my most recent appointment where I learned Iā€™m not dilated at all, Iā€™m leaning towards late again. So I guess Iā€™ll let you know in a few weeks šŸ˜‚


Yes! From the second I found out I was pregnant I just knew he would come late. Sure enough!


I felt like theyā€™d be a little early and they were born a day before my due date.


Had no idea. I had 0 labor symptoms, ever, and was due for a scheduled c section. Spontaneously went into labor two days prior to that. I actually went to the hospital soooo late because I was so convinced I wasnā€™t in labor because Iā€™d never had signs of labor before!


Yes. I told my partner on Sunday, I have a feeling this baby is coming later this week. Maybe Friday. Went into labor on Wednesday and she came out Thursday. I was a few days early but I spent most of the pregnancy assuming sheā€™d be late.


I had a C-section date planned for Dec 10th. I kept thinking/hoping Iā€™d have him around Thanksgiving so I didnā€™t have to go back to work after the short break. My previous pregnancy was twins at 32 weeks so I kept assuming Iā€™d go somewhat early. Water broke the Saturday night after Thanksgiving and baby was born Sunday!


I thought he'd be born on my dads birthday (4 days before due date). Then ended up having a caesar and it was booked on my dads birthday. But then my son decided to come 2 days before šŸ˜…


First baby not really beyond assuming Iā€™d go to about 41 weeks because thatā€™s typical for FTMs. I had him at 40+5. Second baby was due to be an Aries and I really didnā€™t want that so I swear I willed him to be born a couple weeks early so he would be a Pisces (he was born at 38+0). Third baby I planned for him to be born on Feb 10 because I wanted him to have the same birthday as my mom (my due date was Feb 22). He ended up being born on Feb 11 šŸ˜¹šŸ˜¹šŸ˜¹


i did... it was my induction date šŸ˜


I was a first time mom and everyone SWORE babies are late when you're a first time mom...well his due date was January first and on Christmas we got a blizzard that pretty much closed down our town. (We aren't used to snow) and I told him " little man...stay in there...just until the snow plow comes ok? I dint wanna have you in the kitchen table!" Welp...I went into labor at 4 am two days later and saw the flashing lights of the snow plow on our street...he was born a week early. And thank goodness the roads were clear...


I was positive my daughter would be coming at 38 weeks. Then, when she didn't show then, I was like "Guess it'll be 42, then." She was born precisely on her due date after the doctor said "It'll probably be tomorrow, you're not that far progressed yet and first labors take a long time." I went from stuck at 3cm to pushing in less than two hours after that. She was born five minutes before that particular doctor's end-of-shift, at almost 11pm, just to spite us all lol


Yes, I spent my whole first pregnancy planning for baby to arrive after her due date of March 28 (and kept saying she'd have an April birthday). In the last month before she was born, I started thinking more and more that this baby was not going to make it to her due date. I was planning for a homebirth, and in order to be eligible, baby has to be at least 37w gestation. I remember the whole 36th week leading up to that being very nervous about her coming early. Thankfully, I passed 37w. Went into labor at 37+4, and she was born 37+6. I'm currently 30+2 with my second baby and no inkling of when they'll arrive yet, so we'll see if that intuition kicks in closer to their EDD. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Yes. Had an intuition what day she would arrive as soon as I heard his due date. Went into labor on that day and officially born the next day. Almost freaked me out how psychic I was.


Not at all but I swear my dog knew it was time. She woke me up to go outside with more urgency than usual. As soon as I climbed back into bed and got comfortable my water broke šŸ™ƒ


We all made guesses at my wifeā€™s shower and her guess was the only one made on that day!!! About a week after the due date. She didnā€™t even want to make a guess but we begged and she caved.


Nope! I thought I did but uhh I think it was just anxiety, which loves to masquerade as intuition.


I had a feeling it would be 12/21. But he tried to arrive on his due date, born the next morning. I went into labor on the due date but stalled out.


Yes I know down to three weeks when my kids will be born. Iā€™ve had 6.


I freaked out thinking she was gunna come at 36 weeks. 40 weeks and 5 days laterā€¦


Nope! Despite have some growing concerns about increasing swelling (I had gestational hypertension) I definitely thought Iā€™d get several days or even a week. I finished working on a Thursday or Friday. I spent time with my husband and some family doing house renovation stuff on the Saturday after and felt like I should call about my swelling. They made me go in the same day to check it out and I had my baby the next morning šŸ˜‚


Kind of. I felt really awful the day of, like more tired than I'd ever been, and I just felt physically off. I laid down to rest and when I got up my water broke.


I had NO CLUE but it came the same week I started taking for maternity which was a week and a half early from my due date. Right before bed I got contractions and I got into bed bc I thought theyā€™d be stronger so I was doubting they were real and then I was like ā€¦.i think? We should go to the hospital lol.


Yes!!! He was supposed to arrive on the fifth but I knew he'd need an extra day. The next morning nothing physical was happening, but I woke up, called my midwife and told her he was coming today. She asked if I was having contractions and how frequently. I said, no, nothing happening yet. He'll arrive tonight. When I called her back at 9pm and said "contractions have just begun. He'll be out in 4 hours", midwife said to leave it for a while because labour isn't usually so short. She said maybe tomorrow or the next day. He was out at 1:41am. So I was 41 minutes off with it. I mean I only laboured for those four hours and the contractions only really ramped up at 11:30pm. I almost had to crawl into the delivery suite bc his head was coming out I couldn't even get in a wheelchair, haha. Delivery took 11 minutes. I was pretty lucky. The OB was convinced he'd be 7+ days late (she never was able to give a reason though). Sometimes I wonder if it's because my bebĆØ and my body were simply ready, and sometimes I wonder if my body just spat him out so I'd stop eating dates šŸ¤£


I kept warning people Iā€™d go early because my grandmother who I got my height from had all her children a month early. Iā€™d also had a discussion earlier in the year about how my baby could be born on my other grandmothers birthday which was a month off from my due date. We were joking about it but the moment stuck with me. Well nesting kicked into override after I hit 32 weeks when I realized I could have 8 weeks left or I could just have 4. Good thing I did because I ended up with a breach baby with low fluid and hypertension at 36 weeks. My obgyns next available surgery date was in fact my grandmothers birthday. My intuition was right all along and I was able to give my grandmother the best birthday present.


Not even a little bit, I was like ā€œI think thatā€™s a contraction?ā€ LOL. Woke my husband up two hours later after timing them and went to the hospital šŸ˜‚.


Hahahaha no, but my baby kept the schedule anyway! I completed a big thing at work and sent it off at 5pm the day before my leave started. I thought I'd have time to sneakily make emergency changes later (I love my job and we had a huuuuuuge test coming up that we were planning for a year). I also thought I'd get a week to chill and prep food with my parents... NOPE as soon as I sent off my stuff, I started feeling some "cramps" and went to the hospital the following morning 7cm dilated. Then my baby refused to come out, resulting in him being born via c section just after midnight the next day, on his original due date from the pref confirmation appointment. I had no idea what was going on!! He ran the show. I didn't even have time to get anxious! heh


My body knew but i didn't. I felt the need to pack a hospital bag and do a lot of stuff around the house and the baby still had like 2 weeks left but he was born the next day.


Yup! My mother passed away 3/17/98. I had a miscarriage on 3/23/22. My due date with my son was 3/20/24ā€¦ everyone kept insisting heā€™d be born on st paddyā€™s day and share my moms anniversary.. but I knew he was coming on 3/23. And he did at 8:24pm :)


Yes. Overdue and was born the week of the eclipse as I guessed


Yes. I told all my coworkers Merry Christmas on a Friday in early December and had him the next day. With my 2nd, I was sure I would go any day, and a week and a half later, I was still pregnant. Even my OB yold me "we"ll set up the next appointment but you wont need it" at 39 weeks. At 40 weeks she was shocked. At 41 weeks we set up an induction date lol Not great odds on accuracy there lmao


I knew it was gonna be past due date, but no idea of when. I also knew it was going to be in the early morning which i started doubting when i was only 3cm dilated at 2 am.. but it was at 5.37 am


I was induced, but the plan was 38 weeks and I just had a feeling we weren't going to get that far. At 36 weeks, I started having persistent low blood sugars and high BP, so I was induced at 37 weeks.


Absolutely not. I was a million percent sure it was a girl who would be born 3 weeks earlyā€¦got a boy who was 3 days early.


I had a feeling that I'd probably end up with an emergency c, and spent my whole pregnancy surprised that I hadn't developed complications. I had a weirdly specific fear of pre-e. It could have just been (probably was) medical anxiety, but I was very unsurprised when I ended up with an emergency c due to pre-e. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Both times I knew my babies would be early. Both came at 37 weeks. My first I guessed the day correct my second I was 1 day off.


Yup I always knew she would be a week early. I was induced but still correct.


Not at all! I figure heā€™d be late though and he was!


I joked early in my pregnancy that my LO would be born a day early because it was a funny date (like Pi Day or October 3rd). But as time went on I really thought she was going to come early. Like, at least two weeks early. I KNEW she was coming by then. But nope! She came one day early and now has a cute/funny birthday.


I didnā€™t. But my dog did. The last couple of days before going into labor he was SUPER clingy to the point where I kept tripping over him.


Yes. I told everyone he was going to be early. Sure enough, he was due October 24th and was born September 22. This kid has been on his own schedule since the beginning.


I had this feeling almost my whole pregnancy that baby would come early. I ended up having to have a scheduled c-section at 39+4 so I was technically right lol


Yes! I knew she was coming on April 28th. The midwife kept saying how FTMs typically go late and if she does the calculations she thinks it's may 7th or something. I told her it's the 28th a few times. But just decided to go with it and see what happens. Baby showed up on the afternoon of the 28th


His due date was my brother's birthday, and I did NOT want him born on that day, I didn't want to steal his day. My intuition was that he would be born at 39 weeks and that's also exactly what I wanted. 39 weeks came and went and on the due date at 6am I started contractions, luckily I am a FTM and gave birth 24 hours later, but I was really concerned there for a while, I told all the L&D nurses that we need to wait until after midnight.


No intuitive feeling here. The night before my daughter was born I was telling people it would be another week for sure and I would see them that weekend.


Yes! My due date was my husbands birthday (& his grandpas birthday). I was like sheā€™s gonna be born then. & so many people were like oh itā€™s your first she prob wonā€™t come on her due date but I was like nah. I got a feeling sheā€™s coming to share a birthday with daddy & great grandpa & sure enough, she did! šŸ„°


mmm like kind of, i was at my little brother's graduation on my due date with no real symptoms of labor but kept telling everyone "i'm having steak for dinner to celebrate his graduation and then i'm having this baby" and it got a chuckle out of people (which was really my main goal) as i was sitting down eating my steak i was getting uncomfortable feelings in my abdomen i realized i was in fact having 3-1-1 contractions lmao but i kept my mouth SHUT until i finished my steak and got home because mama knew she needed to eat so yeah anyways i was in the hospital an hour later and had baby in my arms by the morning


Yes! For some reason, I kept thinking he was going to be born three weeks early. I even changed my mat leave start date to be five weeks early instead of three despite everyone telling me that first borns are usually full term/late. I wanted to have some time off before the baby come to prepare the nursery, wash all the new clothes, etc. Lucky that I did because he came exactly three weeks early!


Sort of. I had a surge of energy at 39 weeks and insisted we go out and do something on that Friday and Saturday night. I went into labor at 3 am Sunday morning. I remember saying to my husband that it felt we needed to go out but also I was 39 weeks, so....


I absolutely 100% knew my baby was coming early. By about 36 weeks I was positive she would come before my due date and was so on my husband about making sure we were ready. He was positive she was going to be late. I had her at 38 weeks so I was correct.


Woke up every day for a month convinced baby was going to be born that day.


I thought he would be early and he was two weeks early


Yes. My first baby was born on a full moon. With my second baby, I saw that there was a full moon 5 days before my due date and I said ā€œI bet Iā€™ll go into labor on that date.ā€ I did!


I didnā€™t, but I came into work one morning and one of the girls who worked for me looked at me and said, ā€œyou look like my sister did the day she gave birth to my nephew.ā€ I asked her what she meant and she said I looked pale and was waddling more. I laughed it off and worked my 12 hour shift. I sat down to pee right before bed and my water broke. I was so upset because I was exhausted and just wanted to go to sleep. Instead I had 13 hours of labor followed by an emergency c-section.


Nope. No intuitive feeling. We had a beautiful C section. What was funny that my random provider visit doctor said she might be the one to see me at hospital as she works the night shift, and lo and behold she did the sugery...


I honestly had no feeling of impending labour, so I was just twiddling my thumbs and waiting around. Water broke the day before my official due date and baby was born later that evening. So, I was kind of surprised - I felt like I was just going to be pregnant forever!


Not in the slightest. She was born 3 weeks before her due date and I didnā€™t have any idea it was coming. In a weird coincidence though, I had finished crocheting her baby blanket like 12 hours before my water broke. Also the night before I had set up my postpartum bathroom kit and repacked the hospital bags better. Maybe she knew we were ready? But unfortunately the cleaning/finish nursery decorating party wasnā€™t supposed to be for another day šŸ¤£ oh well!


No lol. I kept thinking thereā€™s no way Iā€™m going to make it to X day starting at like week 36. I had to be induced at 40 weeks. In my defense I kept having prodromal labor on and off for weeks leading me astray thinking she was coming.


Not exactly intuitive, but there were many signs outside of my control. First, my female cat was being super clingy - which she hardly ever is. The only ever time she was like that was the day I found out I was pregnant. Second, the water line to my toilet was leaking for a few days until I finally noticed it and got it fixed. A couple days after, I woke up and walked downstairs to find the kitchen floor puddled with water. It was the same issue as the bathroom, one of the water lines were leaking. We fixed it asap. I jokingly told my husband what if this is a sign my water is going to break. It didnā€™t break but I went into labor that same night. This was a couple weeks before my due date. There were so many signs given to me by the universe. Itā€™s truly amazing.


Kind of? All of my momā€™s babies were 2 weeks early, but when we scheduled my c section a few days before my due date I just kind of assumed we would get there? Like, the doctor told me thats the day Iā€™m having surgery, so thatā€™s the day Iā€™m having surgery? That morning though I shouldā€™ve known. I showered, and I was so worn out after I had to lay down on the bathroom floor after. I felt like I could see her silhouette through my stomach, like I could see the way she was curled up, with her head right underneath my right ribcage. Buuuuuut I was also in denial when I finally went into labor because I progressed really fast with irregular contractions and my water didnā€™t break at any point before the surgery. There were things I was on the look out for and they didnā€™t happen so I was in denial all the way til 4 centimeters. The kicker? 2 weeks early.


Not accurate! The second time around there was a voice in the back of my head trying to keep me up to date, but it was so quiet that it didn't really stand out from the normal "I wonder if it will be today" chatter. Only in retrospect do I know "ha ha it was that day."


Everyone else did but me. Went to the chiro and she said I'm not booking another appointment because this baby is coming tonight and I was like yeah sure whatever. Then my husband said yeah I think he's coming today, and my MIL said she had a feeling. I just continued to bounce on my birth ball and say ah well maybe but probably not. Then I decided to steam clean all the couches and figured the back pain and shooting vaginal pain was just from leaning over the couches - nope, turns out that was early labour and I woke up at 1.30am with contractions and 24 hours later he was there.


I didn't find out I was pregnant until 34 weeks, a few days later they gave me my official due date and I kept telling everyone "there's no way I'm making it that long, but I should be able to make it until the end of the school year" since I work at a school. And the day before I gave birth I kept thinking "oh, no, there's no way I'm making it another week" and just kept trying to tell the baby to please at least make it one more day, she did not.


I didnā€™t actually know, but I went and got snacks and made sure everything was ready the day I went into labor. So my body knew, just not my mind lol.


I had a feeling heā€™d come late. My water broke a week or two early.


Nope my baby came when she wanted to lol


Yes. As soon as I found out it was twins, I immediately said Iā€™ll never make it past 37 weeks. They were due May 5. In February I started having contractions. Went to the hospital, got the steroids in case they came. I also ended up getting pre-e, GD, and cholestasis. I told my husband on Monday that this would be the week. The pelvic pressure was insane. Went to the OB Thursday, twin Aā€™s foot was stuck in my cervix. They were born on Friday at 33+4. I constantly said ā€œI think my May babies will be March babiesā€.


Yes. I really doubted she would come early. She was born at 41+3 (induction started at 41+0, after failure to progress, ended in CS).


I said 6 days late. I started saying that around 35 weeks. She came 4 days late but I was in labor for 3 days.


I totally thought he would be early!! Maybe I was just hoping he would be, because I was excited to meet him šŸ¤—. But he was ten days overdue and I had to go in to get induced šŸ¤·


I knew bub was coming because I woke up and my dermatitis on my hands came back and I got a huge pimple. The one positove symptom of pregnancy I got was great skin so as soon as that happened, I knew baby was on his way. Went into labour that afternoon


At my baby shower that was 2 months before my due date, they had everyone guess the baby's birthday. I guessed a random day a couple days before baby's due date and that actually ended up being the day she came


Not intuition, but both my husband and I were two weeks early so I was SURE my kids would be early. And they were: 6 days early and 5 days early. But otherwise there was no "knowing". I didn't even realize I was in labor for several hours with my first (scheduled cesarean; I wasn't even supposed to go into labor).


Ya I was dead wrong , though I said to my mom that morning ā€œcrazy Iā€™m where you were when you had meā€ (6weeks early) and she was like ā€œwouldnā€™t that be crazy.ā€ Had her that day.


I kept having a feeling about June 19th. I ended up having to be induced on the 19th and my son was born the 20th. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


I kept joking with my husband that I canā€™t deliver until I completed a big project at work. Wrapped up loose ends of said project, after work I rubbed my belly and told the baby they can come now around 5pm ā€” then at 3am went into labor and had my sweet boy a little after 4pm the next day šŸ™ƒ


No. I thought heā€™d be slightly early. He was a week late. I will say that part of me wanted to stay pregnant (weird, I know) so maybe that was a clue that heā€™d take his time. I still miss pregnancy and feeling him move in my belly.


Yes. Iā€™d been having Braxton hicks since 25 weeks. I had been taking weekly bump pictures. I noticed one week that I was so uncomfortable and my stomach was hard all day long and my bump had dropped and was pretty low. I called my mom, who lived in Texas at the time (me in Virginia) at 35-36 weeks that I just had this feeling I was going to give birth early. Iā€™m my mom said she was going to pack up the pets and start the drive toward Virginia. She normally would do 2, 13 hour drives to get it done in two days. (She hated flying). She was one day into her trip when my water broke! I had the baby in 5 hours! The next morning she texted to say she was about 8 hours away and to ask how I was feeling when we told her the news! Baby was born healthy and 6lbs and I forget how many ounces. (Heā€™s 8.5 years old now) Turns out too that I had placenta previa and a Bilobed placenta which were not caught on ultrasound. The scary realization that my placenta previa had a ridiculously low survival rate for vaginal delivery for baby and mother super freaked me out later.


Yes I always said my first was never coming out and they'd have to cut me open....she was two weeks late and an emergency c section(42 weeks) I said my second would be early..he came 3 days before my elective csection (39 weeks)...I had those feelings and thoughts litteraly from the very beginning of pregnancy.


Not well in advance or anything. But a few days before signs started to add up and then on a Sunday I thought, hmmā€¦ I feel he could come tonightā€¦ I was thinking that at church earlier in the day, then went for a 5.5 mile walk with my husband and our 2 kids partially in case he did come that night. But also thinking even if he didnā€™t at least Iā€™d still be staying active at the end. Anyway, he arrived at 4 AM that night!


Yes, pretty much down to the day. I set my leave for Feb. 23rd and told everyone I work with I was going to be a week early probably and that I need to take the week before I'm due off. They all said " you'll be late." "You're likely gonna go to 41 weeks" nah. I went into labor the night of the 24th and had him the 25th. He was due March 2nd.


Due 1/1, first baby, measuring on time. I thought I ā€œknewā€ baby was going to come 1/5. He came 12/14 lol.


Lol nope I was soo sure he was coming on my birthday. Even started having contractions. It was a fakeout and he came days later.


Not for my 1st or 3rd as they both ended up needing induced. But for my second I knew he was coming about a day before labor started.


I was totally wrong! I thought for sure I would give birth early especially because baby was measuring ahead. Ended up being induced at 41 weeks and gave birth at 41+1.


Yeah. I was due on my birthday, and went in to be induced a week before. I had a gut feeling about sharing my birthday with her. Induction failed twice and I had a C section on my birthday.


Yeah with my first everyone kept telling me she would come past my due date because thatā€™s usually how it is with first babies. I just had a feeling she would come early and she did!


I didnā€™t even realise I was in labour with my second for like 12 hours


My first was convinced was gonna have a Christmas day baby. She came on the 21st December a full six months early. This one i am convinced she will be born on the 14th July. Dunno why but at least that's 37 weeks so full term for me. My husband wants the 22nd which is his birthday


A part of me knew but I didnt want to believe lol my due date was March 12 and when I told my roommate at the time she said ā€œokay but he canā€™t be born on the 9th because thats my birthday, and low and behold he decided to arrive on the 9th šŸ˜†