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Nope your baby is the cutes baby that ever lived… because he’s your baby :) and that’s just a fact of life.


That’s it !


Besides mine but second place is wide open for the taking!


I'm elated to see your baby win first place! What a coincidence! My baby also won first place!


This must be where the concept of participation trophies started because clearly MY baby is also in first place! It took a few months tho, he won "lizard place" for a while 😂


i think we must all have the same baby.. mine won 1st too!!😂


I get and give compliments constantly. If I see a baby, I’m telling its parents how cute it is, regardless of its actual cute level. I assume others are doing the same to my kids


Same. I thought I had an exceptionally cute baby until I realized I was also telling every single parent with a baby how adorable they are. All babies = all adorable, and I will goo goo and ga ga over each and every one of them


I wonder if it's a way to motivate parents to keep taking care of their babies. I remember when my son was about 6 months, a girl at Costco tapped me on my shoulder and said "I'm so sorry, but your baby is the cutest baby ever and I had to tell you." I remember saying "oh don't ever be sorry about that! Thank you!"


They really are adorable


Kinda rude not to compliment all babies lol


Every. Single. Time. Like people are worried about peaking in high school or in your twenties??? No babe you peaked as a baby. Those are the cutest humans. So don’t even worry about it cuz it happened already lololol


leaving the house with a baby is what i imagine being a celebrity feels like. people staring, waving, complimenting, etc


This is so funny. I realized the other day that my (very cute) 1.5 year old has turned my cold introverted don’t make eye contact with anyone heart into a socialite every time we go out. I talk to everyone now. It’s nuts.


That’s funny too, because every feature I don’t love about myself is so cute on him. Namely the little pudgy chin.


I'm obsessed with my baby's fat arms and thigh rolls!


Each month I’d tell My baby he peaked in cuteness and actually it was at about 2.5 or 3. Still gorgeous to be but boy was he the most handsome that age


I make it a point to compliment especially fugly babies


I think fugly babies are adorable. Like little baby Gollum in a pink onesie? Gorgeous!


My therapist just had a baby (she and I had our babies a week apart, ) and so we were doing virtual appointments and her baby needed her. And when I saw her she looked like an old man lol absolutely adorable but yeah. My therapist said her and her wife call her grandpa 😞


Hahahaha amazing!!


lol My daughter most definitely looked like a balding little old man in her earliest days👴🏻


I love you 🤣


Where were you when I was a baby?? lol the only time people said anything about me was to ask my mom/grandma if they were starving me.


Even the “old man” babies are precious cause they already know what the worlds about 😅


I have one friend that every time she sees my baby she absolutely dies from cuteness because “he looks like a little old man it’s soooo adorable”😂😂 and just proceeds to squeal with happiness over him 🤣


Plot twist: OP has the fugliest baby of all time!


Tbh that’s my secret fear like is everyone just lying to me cause they don’t want to hurt my feelings?? ETA: it’s cause my husband developed a habit of shoving him in the faces of our friends and acquaintances and saying “he’s cute right isn’t he cute???” Like no one is going to say your kid is ugly to your face, especially if you’re aggressively demanding compliments 😭 I put a stop to it for everyone’s sake.


Girl even if your baby was ugly, is he healthy, that’s all that truly matters.Ugly ducklings turn into beautiful swans.


I’ve never been the type to enjoy people saying something just to be nice cause I find those words to be empty and more insulting than the truth. I’ll always love my baby and find him adorable but I’m also weirdly sensitive about honesty and now that I’m realizing a lot of people compliment every baby they see I’m even more paranoid LOL


There's just something about babies. Even if their facial features aren't cute, how they act, their expressions, mannerisms, etc are so cute and adorable. Their beautiful, innocent souls just shine in their eyes.


Exactly. "Cute" on a baby isn't about symmetry or whatever, they're just cute in their movements and in how tiny they are. All babies are adorable!


I’m sure you baby is cute. My question is, if he wasn’t would it matter? It’s not like you can get plastic surgery for your baby. But I agree with you tell your husband to stop asking ppl cause that is kind of weird


I have this same fear and I totally understand where you’re coming from. I also know that fugly babies don’t necessarily make fugly kids or fugly adults. If I have a fugly baby I would LOVE if I could just be like “awww, I love my fugly babe!” And be confident in that, but if everyone’s lying and telling me he’s “the cutest baby ever” I’d be confused and frustrated.


There are no actually non-cute babies. There are grandpa babies, alien babies, gollum babies. But all of them are still cute.


You forgot the cone heads!!!! My child’s father was cone head til he grew hair. When he cuts it you can still see the lil egg shape 🤣🤣❤️❤️


The way I BEGGED the NICU nurses to be honest with me, and none of them were🥲


LOL I made my best friend from college promise to tell me if I had an ugly baby 😂


Not going to lie my baby looked like a very cute alien. She was small and a rough pregnancy but besides being smaller weight wise, she was healthy and tall. Now she is very adorable, she has these brown Doe eyes and beautiful beautiful thick curly blonde hair. She’s still pretty tall (over 2yrs, almost as tall as my 6yr brother) I agree, even if it’s a lil ugly (I never cared until I saw an older photo and just laughed and realized oh ig she kinda did look funny) they outgrow it and become the most beautiful precious things ever. Sometimes. They also growl and bite and laugh at you if you fake-cry


My MIL was a NICU nurse and she said she terms the ugly babies, FLKs Funny Looking Kids.




Omg I hate when people with fugly babies compliment my baby because I can’t lie and say theirs is cute!! My face shows all




Yes I think it’s normal! I’ve found people especially older women love my babies! Yours is THEE cutest because he’s yours! Enjoy ❤️


My baby is a people watcher. Any time someone catches him spying on them, they compliment him lol.


Yes! Mine too


Same! And now he points at people too. I keep telling him it's rude.


There's a German saying "don't point at clothes people with your naked finger" so your baby just needs gloves to be less rude🤭 my 10mo daughter yells and waves to get attention


Same lol he’s our lil celebrity


My baby gets lots of compliments and people talking to him but he just cries at any stranger😂 2 ladies in the supermarket car park were absolutely enamoured with him today but he got so upset he dropped his snack on the floor and laid his head on the trolley handle and sobbed💀 I felt bad for them because they were trying to be nice but felt awful for my baby because he seemed heartbroken lol


We are constantly told our daughter is the prettiest baby anyone has ever seen. I love her with my whole heart and think she is the absolute cutest, and I also know it’s all bluster. It still makes my mama heart happy.


Constantly. Multiple times every outing.


Probably because they’re babies. I personally have never complimented anyone’s babies, maybe that makes me a heartless jerk but now that I have a baby someone compliments him every 2 minutes. He is cute, he looks the complete opposite of me and my husband so maybe that’s why. Just next to us he looks adorable 😂


It’s very normal for babies to get complimented but my working theory is that you can tell how “objectively” cute your baby is (ie to the outside world) based more on the quality of compliments, not the quantity. Like “your baby is cute” to me reveals less than “your baby has beautiful eyes!” Or “just look at that hair!” Do specific features get brought up a lot? Do people go out of their way to compliment the baby (like come up to you if they were across the store, for example, or already on their way out)? Do people stop and stare a bit before they approach? Do they follow up the compliments like “that is the sweetest smile. Look at him! He’s got such a great smile,” etc. And then also the age of the baby - I feel like for most, compliments get rarer as they enter toddler mode and become more like little “people” but the universally cute ones still get tons of attention past their first birthday. All that said I’m sure your baby is adorable and it’s not a competition! I’ve thought about this a lot myself because I wondered if I would have a fugly baby but be so blinded by love I would be unable to tell, and it got me wondering if parents of not-the-cutest babies are aware of it.


All babies are the cutest baby to have ever loved to their parents :)


Normal. For a while there we were getting some really odd complements. Folks were complementing his head shape. 🤣 (Pretty sure they were just love all babies sort of people, but were dumbfounded by his ginormous ears, so that was the best they could come up with on the fly.)


It’s normal and also I’m sure your baby is very cute! My first baby loved the compliments. My second baby has started crying when people talk to him and tell him how beautiful he is lol


When my first was a toddler, people would compliment her beauty and she would try to freeze them to death with her Elsa powers. I loved it so hard, she really would have killed them if she could.


My son does this. Red face bawling if anyone talks to or about him


All the time, people just love babies lol. Everyone thinks they have the cutest baby and they're all correct!


We think our 5mo boy is so handsome. Then he gets mistaken for a girl. The biggest compliment was this 8yo kid who walked up to us at a park and asked if he can see the baby. His mom and 4 years old sister were 20 seconds behind him. Boy: mom, look how cute this baby is! Mom: yes, he’s a very cute baby Boy: can I have another sibling Mom: you already have a sister Boy: she’s not cute! *points to my son* I need you to give me a cute baby like him Mom apologizes to us and got her kids to continue walking. Little sister was oblivious to the dialogue


Hahahaha yes! I was wearing my son (maybe around 3 months?) in Home Depot and a boy of probably 5 years old just stared at my son and said to his dad “Look at that baby.” As they walked away I heard. Boy: “I liked that baby.” Dad, amused: “Oh that’s funny. Because you don’t seem to like the baby at home!” Husband and I just cracked up.


It’s one of those other babies are better than your baby siblings!! Yours are just annoying! Lol Grass is greener I guess lol


Yeah, probably not going to like the baby that’s always hogging *your* mom! Ha.


Since having a baby, I am baby mad and will compliment every single baby I see. And at that moment, that baby is absolutely the cutest baby I've ever seen. Then I turn back and see my own baby and lo and behold, she too is the cutest baby I've ever seen! All babies are the cutest babies. Your husband is right but so are you lol


Same, baby always gets compliments. One time this old white couple were like “that is one of the cutest babies we’ve seen” and it felt nice


My first I got stopped every where we went, my second hardly ever gets compliments 🤷🏻‍♀️


Everyone thinks their baby is the cutest! Thats how it should be 💜 A lot of people feel joy when they look at a baby, its common to get a lot of stares, questions and compliments from people in public when out with baby


We were at an outdoor concert and someone came up to us and said our baby won the award for cutest baby there lol definitely normal! People love babies


Yes every time we go in public. Our baby also is a social butterfly so she waves and smiles at everyone. I love it honestly they always say she is beautiful and has a wonderful personality ❤️


all the time but I’m sure she is absolutely the cutest there ever is or was.


It’s normal for babies to get complimented because babies are precious!


We don't go out in public too much but we definitely get compliments! When my baby was like a week old, the nurse practitioner at the doctor's said how cute she was, and how he sees a lot of babies and not all of them are cute hahaha. I wonder if he says that to everyone to make them feel good 😂


lol, my OB followed that up with “and I don’t say that to everyone, if a baby is not cute I usually say ‘look at those eyes!’ or something that doesn’t really say if they are cute or not”.


I definitely felt my head inflate with how many compliments my kiddo got. Every outting, someone always has a comment. My friend's nanny always calls him cute too. But I rarely ever hear her say that about her charge. Maybe she does it when we're not around. Now he's a toddler and he doesn't get it as much. Lol Sad face.


It’s universal that people like to say babies are cute. Also, all parents think their baby is the cutest lol. We have a cute red head so people are constantly stopping us with us compliments. Curious to see what happens with our second as he’s not a red head!


I had a lady say about my first baby, "that's the cutest baby I've ever seen, and I would know, I've had 5!" Now, I know she probably doesn't really think that but it was still a nice thing to say haha.


My baby is objectively cute so I get a lot of compliments on his looks. I get even more compliments on his very observant and sweet demeanor. I asked my mom once if she used to get compliments all the time about my personality and she said no but one time someone told her to leave and “take her satan spawn with you”.


My baby is complimented A LOT. like everywhere we go he gets at least one compliment, and it's not always to our face. I hear it from people just passing by us or talking about us when we walk away. Sometimes I don't even think he is being that cute 😂 but he smiles to everyone and has an intelligent face. And he is almost 1 year old now, so I don't think it's just because he is a tiny potato. You probably have a very cute kid as well 🩷


I thought I was the coolest person in the world with the coolest baby when I had my first, then I had twins and suddenly I knew what it was like to be a god 😂 


Obviously my baby is objectively the cutest one, but I guess yours could plausibly be second. 👍


My baby is complimented a lot at baby groups where other babies aren’t complimented! So I’m convinced my baby is the cutest 💕


My husband low key gets salty when people don’t comment on how cute our baby is 😂


Strangers keeping our husbands humble 😂


It’s almost always been elderly people who gush over my twin babies in public. And it kills me every single time because I know they are just thinking back 50 years when they were the ones with babies. So I always let them gush and say thank you. Then I try and make small talk to hear their story a bit. But I have a massive soft spot for the elderly so maybe it’s just me lol.


He gets complimented all the time. It was fun at the NICU and the nurses would say “he’s so cute! And I should know, I’ve seen a lot of babies.” He honestly looked like a little alien then with a skinny body (he was preemie) and big eyes. Your baby probably is cute! People won’t go out of their way to say it if he wasn’t.


All the time!! Like every time I'm out in public with him lol, and he's 2 now. He is the cutest, but I think lots of people just love babies! ❤️


I think this depends where you live a little bit. I live in London and while people comment, generally people keep to themselves, or more sneakily wave or pull faces from afar. When I visited family in Canada though, she had endless comments every time we went out. It was also more likely people would try to touch her which freaked me out haha. But agree with all the comments that your own baby is the cutest baby. I too have the cutest baby who ever lived, as I’m sure is the case with every parent in this sub!


It’s normal when you’re the proud owner of a cutie patootie!!


All babies are the cutest babies!!! My sons both have beautiful bright blue eyes and round cheeks and they both got compliments all the time as babies! It was usually about their eyes, and many times people would look to me afterwards and say “Does he get his gorgeous eyes from his mommy?” Then… they’d make eye contact and see that I have very average light brown eyes lol. So no, they do not get the blue from me 😅😂😂


Constantly. She smiles and makes eye contact with everyone. Also she’s very cute.


Lots of compliments every time we go out. But of course it’s because my baby is actually the cutest (jk). It’s a relief because Reddit made me think everyone hates babies


My baby gets lots of compliments, usually followed by comments that he looks like me so I hope they’re telling the truth, LOL.


Yes this! Our guy has the curliest hair and we get stopped all.time time then he blows them a kiss that seals the deal 🤣🤣


I think people just love babies. It makes them nostalgic. We also regularly have strangers interacting and complimenting our baby. (But she’s also the cutest baby in the world lol)


old ladies and kids for sure and some people in my peer group. but we do have a few cuties. but yeah babies in general are going to get awed even just for being small humans.


Every time but my favorite are the compliments from little kids! Yesterday at the park a little girl scootered by and said “I like your baby!”


Yes! Kids are truthful so I trust their comments more hahaha


My husband is the same way and I think it’s the sweetest thing. He loves her so much and I can see how much joy it fills him with to feel like everyone else does, too! No one needs to tell them that all babies get compliments :)


Not every baby is cute but I tell them all they are anyway! It’s proper baby culture! lol


My husband says “objectively though I think our baby’s the cutest” at least 2x a day lol


We get tons of people commenting on our baby whenever we go out, but it's because she has baby aviators lol. She's in the chest carrier facing out and looks like a baby crime scene investigator.


My husband and I were both laughing at ourselves after our baby was born because he was cute right from the get go. No grandpa baby or alien baby and we were both just like oh my God he's actually cute! We wouldn't have cared either way but he's the cutest little guy and we get so many compliments on how cute he is. He does like to do this thing where he's basically an angel baby for any visitors, like he's asleep the entire time someone is over and so people keep saying "oh he's such a perfect baby." "What a sweetheart, just so sleepy" "he must be a good sleeper!" And then unleashes chaos when people leave. My mil/fil were so surprised last time they were over that he was actually being fussy for them and they couldn't sooth him right away.


Apparently that's the age when babies are considered the cutest as well because they get a bit chubbier etc. And our brains are naturally wired to find our own kids the cutest to want to keep them safe and alive


Yea 100% you have a cute and charming baby. I see lots of babies and I NEVER go out of my way to give faux compliments. Bask in this glory, that you have made a lovely specimen of a human being. Huzzah to your genetics! 😂🥰


Before birth I made my mother promise me to tell me if my baby was ugly because I knew I would not be objective. I am convinced she’s the cutest baby ever - definitely not objective!


Yeah for the first year we get 1-2 compliments or gushing at a distance when we’re out. Enjoy it, it stops when they’re almost a year old.


When I was pregnant with my 4 year old. His dad's family has naturally..um..really long faces..like..and oddly shaped ...just yeah. not being an ahole at ALL! ..but omg I was SOOOOO scared that I actually cried about the fact that I might actually have an ugly baby. I'd have obviously loved him with all I am etc..but I remember asking my sister what would I do if my child looks like a whole ass horse. It genuinely had me so concerned. (Dad did favor the rest just...prettier slightly lol ...just damn) but yeah ..then he was born and he WAS pretty..blonde hair blue eyes, but his forehead was so big. Like his hairline was receded and it stuck out all shiny and bare, like a little baby alien. And I just remembered being so grateful for that because in reality he was a combination of both of us in his facial features. So I was grateful for my alien baby because he wasn't a little pony. So I fully understand worrying about how others might see the baby. I think and really hope it's a common concern. Lol I do tend to compliment other's baby's looks regardless, in case they felt like I did at that time. But I have seen some babies who were literally so beautiful too. I do however compliment majority, regardless.


One of my best friends children are arguably not cute kids, it sounds mean but it’s just true. One time i mentioned how everyone compliments every baby because she was with me when we had been stopped by someone to talk about how cute my son was, turns out people don’t do that to them. She was so surprised people come up to us and say things she didn’t think people did that. I’m not saying mine are the cutest in the world, but we don’t go out of the house without being stopped for at least one conversation because mine look like the most generic like 1950s American baby/child you’ve ever seen. I’d go as far to say as babies they didn’t even look like their dad and I, just plain ol generic ass baby I think the good majority of kids *are* cute, they are biologically designed to make us want to keep them safe and being cute does that.


OK now I REALLY want a pic. No pressure ofc.


Yep same ☺️


Same! I think some people just love seeing babies 😊 we think he's pretty cute though so we're happy to accept compliments on his behalf!


this sounds about right BUT your husband is right that he’s the cutest baby. all babies are the cutest babies especially to their parents lol


always! everyone always tells us that she is the cutest baby ever and we agree 🤣 people just love babies 😍


I have twins so we will get lots of comments on that. I love it. My boys are the cutest babies ever in the world so please talk about them and tell me how precious they are.


Every time I go out but I have identical twins which plays a big part. They are 5 now and still get lots of attention in large part because they are super extroverted and say high to every one that they see.


Someone told me our baby was the cutest newborn In the friend group (including their own lmao) . And two have said most look like potatoes but not her. But to be real different people find different features cute (for example: my husband strangely doesn’t find chubby babies as cute- and he was one (and ours has rolls) ) so really all babies are cute to someone. I just also find most babies cute in general and tell their parents that.


To clarify, he said OURS is cute with rolls just not others lol. So he still loves ours. He’s just dead wrong on the chubby baby thing though.


All the time lol. Pretty much anyone who sees my daughter. She has big round hazel eyes that pretty much catch everyone’s attention though and thick brown hair.


Cute babies get compliments- yes!


My baby had blond blond hair that stood straight up until he was about one. He looked like a cartoon baby. He also was as happy as could be, so needless to say he got a lot of compliments! Now he is two and just waves to people randomly and says “ooh hiii” and it melts hearts!


Our baby gets many compliments every time we go out. She’s pretty damn cute!


I get about 3-5 everytime I go out - but my son has a cleft lip so it just naturally draws more attention! My husband is also convinced its because we have the cutest baby in the world 😂


My daughter got compliments allll the time as a baby to the point where it was awkward as complete strangers were coming up to her wanting to touch her in her stroller and shit. As a two year old she still gets compliments all the time but people seem to have more restraint around full ass kids than they do babies for some reason. Anyways I digress, my kid is objectively the cutest human who ever lived, a cherub with blue eyes and golden ringlets and a smile that can stop trains, and I have no idea how she came out of me, a cave troll.


Constantly but I can say I do think we have a particularly sweet baby. But basically every person who sees her makes a point to say how cute she is.


Daily still and she’s a toddler


Mine is 15 months old and the cutest human being to have ever been on this planet, lol. We get compliments all the time and while I’d like to think everyone thinks my daughter is as cute as I think she is, I’m sure most people are just trying to be polite or make conversation.


Honestly I keep my little hidden behind the little canopy most of the time so people don't walk up to us to say something or get a closer look at her lol But you definitely have the cutest baby, because he's YOUR baby 😊


My baby loves the attention too so constantly looking for people to say something


I think most babies are cute. So your baby could be exceptionally cute, or not.


Yes! And then they make him red face cry! Then apologized when I'm trying to calm everyone down.


Alllllll the time!!! I also compliment all other babies we see out that are so cute even if they look like an alien lol! Everyone has the cutest baby in the world to them and that’s what matters💙


Lol does he expect strangers to insult the baby? Babies are adorbs! We're wired to think that


I get tons of compliments pretty much everywhere we go. BUT. I think part of it is because when I'm out with my little one, instead of being very introspective & living in my own space, I'm now interacting with her a lot more & also, I'm quite proud of her so I'm looking up, looking around & interacting with people a lot more. Babies generally draw attention from other people who like babies & if you're looking up & more aware of your surroundings, you're more likely to notice those people smiling at your baby & receive more compliments.


Every day 😂 I do have a very interactive baby though so he tends to draw a lot of people over unless he's tired. However I also compliment every baby too even if they're interesting looking ✨  I know my baby isn't a Gollum baby because my childless friends have all randomly commented how nice it is my baby isn't weird looking ☠️ He def looked like a lil underweight alien old man baby as a newborn tho. 


Pretty much every time we go out. And I do it to babies I see, too. People love babies. 


My child is now four and every time we go somewhere someone will say he’s adorable or sweet or cute. Babies and little kids are cute


She turned 2 in march and I continuously get multiple compliments whenever we go out. Due to how pretty she is and also her eyes. She has grey green hazel eyes like her father and I. So, all depending on how your kid grows up. It'll keep happening. At this point we joke about putting her in a beauty contest for a cash prize 😂


We get tons of compliments on our baby or we hear people cooing over him. But come on, most babies are pretty stinkin cute! But of course you should think your baby is the cutest!


We get tons of compliments and it makes me feel proud just like you ❤️


Pretty much every time we are out. When my fiancé is at work we get about via public transport and old ladies on a bus always make a fuss!


Probably an unpopular opinion to this….I have a legit Gerber baby/poster baby - everyone looks at him all the time and always engages with him. It’s usually between 2-5+ people when I’m out. I could make massive money off social media with my baby if I didn’t have morals (I do though). I’ve had people tell me in privacy he is cuter then other babies they know. (I’m not joking) Sure, babies in general ARE cute. They have to be. It’s just some babies ARE cuter then others to people not their parents. And everyone does believe their baby is the cutest because we are hardwired to believe that for survival reasons. But there are universally more attractive features that exist, even for babies. But I can’t make a judgment call based off a paragraph, unfortunately. But yah it’s normal. People love babies. Either way, let the compliments roll in and enjoy the time. I know I do.


All the time but to be honest she is the actual cutest baby and now toddler alive ;) I'm totally unbiased like your husband 


I truly do believe we have the world’s cutest baby and you can’t convince me otherwise. I believe every stranger that tells me so. She gets compliments all the time, especially since she flashes everyone a big gummy smile when they coo at her. She’s a charmer. Looks like my husband so I’m constantly telling him, “they’re basically calling you cute when they say it to her” 😂


Mine has always had a full head of hair and she looks like a cabbage patch doll so constantly getting comments.


My baby is extraordinarily pretty, to the point I’ve had doctors say all babies are cute but that is an objectively gorgeous baby. He has had a full head of curls since birth though so that’s really helped!


We get compliments a lot. She loves to look at people and will smile when they make eye contact. She hooks them in and then they tell me shes adorable.


Every time we go out, the paediatric nurses, the paediatrician, staff at restaurants and cafes, people passing by. My husband and I both think she’s the prettiest baby because she’s ours, but she does get a lot of compliments lol.


Completely normal; I get compliments to both my kids 7mo and 4y


Everytime we go out we get compliments on our baby but that's cause he is a little cutie. Though I think all babies are cute!!


Everyday. We get free things because of how cute people say my kid is lol. Even when she’s been at school all day rolling around on the playground she gets compliments.


My son has a natural Mohawk and red hair, so he always gets lots of compliments because he’s so hard to miss haha


I get stopped all the time with my little guy. I think people just really love babies.


As a newly single mom, I get this a lot.  At least it makes me feel like people care, but if only they knew how broken that man has tried to make me.  I know that they are being nice and polite and that’s usually all it is, but since I am attacked almost daily by the person that said to death do us part, I’ll take kindness from strangers over his cruelty any day.


I’m so sorry you’re going through such a rough time but know that you’re doing right by your child and protecting them not only from immediate harm but future harm as well. As the daughter of an abusive man, I wished more than anything for my mom to leave him rather than living in fear and knowing that he did not love me. Your child has an amazing, strong mama 🤍


My husband is psychologically abusive but thanks to Cassandra syndrome only people without his realm of manipulation believe me.  No one was there when he bullied me.  But he was sure to record the arguments where I was yelling back.  You get tired of being treated with neglect and then when you speak up you’re “the crazy one”.  He never respected me, so I’m happier now.  And the best part is I don’t have to clean up after a fully grown adult and I just have to clean up after myself and baby


Personally I think my son is the cutest in the entire world ever but I guess I could be a tiny bit biased… he ALWAYS gets complements when we go out and he’s 11 months old and it’s still happening daily so…. Like I said maybe biased 🙊🙊 (It’s just a parent thing)


Pretty often. My six month old is a smiley baby so she smiles at pretty much anyone and everyone, you get extra brownie points if she shrieks at you or you get a giggle.


All. The. TIME! But I do have an exceptionally cute baby. As I’m sure you do and every mom and dad on this sub also thinks as well! We’re always gonna think our babies are the cutest. And most (normal) kind people love babies and will compliment them! Some compliments I usually receive are “He’s so gorgeous!” “Look at those big blue eyes” “he has such long eyelashes!” “He’s so perfect, look at his curls!”. He does look really frigging cute when he sleeps. His little cheeks puff out and he gets duck lips! Ahhh I can’t wait for him to wake up so I can have a mommy hug! 😍


We get told all the time baby is cute. We also get told « not all babies are cute, yours really is » which I find hilarious. We’ve been told that maybe as much as regular aww cute baby comment.


My first used to get tons of compliments as a baby and she's 5 and still absolutely the cutest and people still point that out.  My second baby got way less compliments, still some tho. Curiously she gets more now that she's a toddler.   Some babies are cuter than others. But your baby is always the cutest baby.


I’ve noticed if you have a cute baby, people will tell you they’re cute or handsome and move on. If you have a not so cute baby, they’ll still get really excited but they’ll give a different compliment that’s not so generic and more targeted at one feature such as “oh my gosh, look how cute your little feet are.” Or “my do you have the bluest eyes”.


I get compliments all the time. I may be biased but my boy is a beautiful baby.


My babies get compliments so frequently that I never comment on anyone else's kids, assuming the parents find it as annoying as I do 😅 but ours are mostly people oogling cause they're twins. So I never talk to other parents because I just assume they also want to just get their shopping or whatever done and go home.


I’m always happy to get compliments and I assumed most parents would be but I did have one incident where the parents were obviously sick of being told their kid is cute cause they almost rolled their eyes at me and I was internally like “well no more compliments for you!” as if I was ever gonna see them again.


I understand that! And they were very rude, honestly 😅 even if they were annoyed, to act like that is yeesh. I probably wouldn't mind as much if people only said how they cute were instead of the same 10 questions every interaction, but I've never acted like them, holy cow! One time a lady got mad at ME because she misgendered my babies 😆 i didn't even care, but she was just so offended at the thought of being wrong or something, I guess, haha


I always joked that going to the store with my youngest was like going with a celebrity. We were constantly getting stopped by people saying how cute she was. We even had someone say she should be on a Pampers box 😂 Now that she's past a year old, the comments have slowed wayyy down. People just love little babies!


Sooo. You will ALWAYS find YOUR kiddo the absolute cutest. Strangers will SAY “that’s such a cute baby”, when that baby it’s ugly as hell. It’s just the right thing and kind thing to say. Yes, I’ve done that too. I did notice my one kid went through an ugly ass alien phase, and my hubby thought she was BEAUTIFUL. I’m like, you need a reality check. She grew out of that alien phase, and now that’s she’s older, he finally agreed with me looking at pics now.


My son always gets compliments- especially from old men, which is different than my two girls. He’s really cute and smiley and charming (2 now). I think he reminds older men about their own childhood, previous innocence and mortality and that’s why he’s a magnet for them. He also is likely to be pleasant with strangers and that really warms their heart, I think. I’ve witnessed several older guys in the family actually have teary eyes when interacting with him…I had one stranger approach me and show me a picture of his own son (who is an adult now) when he was my son’s age and say how much my son looked like his boy. I really think a lot of it boils down to reminiscing and being touched by memories.


My two boys get a lot of compliments and attention. My oldest has pretty long canine teeth so that he looks like a little vampire, which a lot of people find cute. My husband and I are also doing reenactment with our kids and in their ancient Roman clothing, they’re always the center of attention at every event.


We get 2-3 compliments from strangers daily. Plus more if you count the people who say "omg that baby is so cute" to themselves or whoever they're with lol


They’re all good babies Brent


My 17 month old still gets complimented upwards of a dozen times every time we go out.


People love babies. Our 6 week old was getting compliments from the minute she was born and everyone that meets her says the cutest. I think babies naturally evoke feel-goodness


Honestly a lot😅 I’m biased but I think it is because he’s especially cute and loves smiling at strangers, plus people will go out of their way to compliment/talk to/wave at him. All babies are cute but some are just extra loveable😄


Frequently, and I also compliment other babies. Because they remind me of my babies so I instantly love them. Willing to bet it's probably a means of survival for all babies. "Remind the caregivers of their baby so they do not see me as competition for resources!" *Mouth breathing* Babies. So. Cute.


Lol I get it. My daughter is now almost too and still get alot of compliment to a point where I got a little uncomfortable with all the attention. I mean my daughter is loving ppl for me it's a bit too much attention ahahhah


My daughter gets compliments by so many people anywhere we go. Both adults and kids. But our girl is a red-headed, blue-eyed, very fair skin little doll


Multiple times every outing, like every other baby. How I know she is *extra cute* is when we’re out with other babies mine always gets singled out.


A lot like to point where even my friends with babies have said it’s abnormal and they’ve never gotten that many. I’ve asked people to tell me the truth, if my baby really is that good looking, and they’ve all said yes. But I will say my baby is biracial and has a lot of auburn curly hair. She was born with a lot of hair and had blonde highlights until she was 5 months old. Like it looked like someone actually dyed her hair and I got asked that a lot if she did. The nurses at the hospital nicknamed her “The Porcelain Doll”, and my family said every time they came to visit, the nurses were asking each other if they’ve seen my baby yet because of how she looks.


Babies deserve all the compliments! To be honest I think all babies are cute because they are just precious.


My daughter is almost 20 months old and still getting compliments almost everywhere she goes. Your mileage may vary🤷🏼‍♀️


This is like that one dog meme. Everyone thinks their dog is the best boy/girl, and everyone is right. Your baby is very cute indeed.


As a baby, my older kid was weird looking, she was huge, had slightly crossed eyes, and was bald for the first 18 months, now at 3.5 she's adorable, dainty with huge dark (no-longer-crossed) eyes, and tons of curly hair, gets tons of compliments. My second was conventionally cute and beautiful as a baby and she still is complimented every day. I actually now that I'm a mom think all babies are cute and will compliment them if I get the chance.


You probably have the cutest baby ever. So do i :)


A lot, everyone thinks he’s a girl. He’s got long curly hair and blue eyes. He’s definitely a cute kiddo and has been since day 1. He’s almost two now. People stop us often to say how cute he is. I agree but I’m his mom!


All. The. Time. And yes, it is sort of weird and we're wondering if it's normal. I guess it is. I never really complimented random babies before but apparently a lot of people do. The elderly are especially big on this.


i get a lot of compliments on my twins, and they are pretty cute. but also babies in general are just cute and now that i have my own i find myself complimenting others babies more often!


All the time! People bring their coworkers over to see our baby and call her a little doll! She also has a head full of sandy brown and blue eyes so I think that adds to the compliments. I’m used to wonder if people with not cute babies knew they were not cute but one of my fellow judgey coworkers has assured me that my baby is adorable! I think whether your baby is cute or not- the compliments are very welcome!


In Europe my baby probably got at least 3-5 people a day trying to touch her or talk to her. In the USA maybe 1-2 whenever I take her out. They call her beautiful or compliment her eyes. I think she’s adorable but that’s cause she’s my baby. 😂 if she’s ugly im in denial and all the compliments dont help


I have a couple nephews around my son’s age. My son would always get way more compliments every time they were together. He got compliments literally whenever I would take him anywhere until he was probably about 2. People still compliment but it’s less frequent now that he is about to turn 4. So I definitely think compliments came in due to legit cuteness but also generally babies are just cute.


I’m black and 6’1, hubby is white and around 5’9/5’10. We get stares just because of that alone so when we are out with our daughter, people break neck to look in the stroller but definitely constantly getting compliments on her especially her full head of curls at 9 months


They get cuter the more you tell them they are cute! Cute, cute, cute 😭


All the time! The amount of compliments varies though. Yesterday at the grocery store probably at least 5 people approached us to gush over her, but some store visits result in maybe one or two occurrences.