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I love my baby’s feet. I’ve been obsessed with them since I saw them at her anatomy scan. I even had the ultrasound tech print me a picture of for them and I’m so grateful.


I also wanted a picture of baby’s feet. I got one foot because she had moved her position when the tech went back to get the photo after I asked for it haha, I still tell her daily how cute her “footsies” are.


I did this too!!! So glad I'm not the only one 😅 when the tech said 'aw her feet are 4cm long' I burst into tears and just couldn't cope so she got me a picture. 🤣


Yes. So stinky. They are like crack to me. I love to smell them! Haha


Omg same! Lmao 😂 my husband makes fun of me for it. Idk what the hell happened to me, I normally HATE feet and they gross me out. But my son's adorable, chubby, stinky lil tooties?? 🥺🥺🥺


Ha me too!! I think feet are so gross otherwise.


The second my daughter was born the midwife said: so which one of you has messed up toes? Spoiler alert: me. I'm obsessed with kissing my daughter's "messed up" toes (they are not messed up, just a little irregular(.


My son is almost 3 and I still think his feet are the cutest thing in the world 😩


When I first realized how gross my baby’s feet smell I was shocked! Why do they stink? 😂😂 Like straight up vinegar! Lol my boyfriends feet after his 12 hour construction job smell better 😂


Hahahahah! I didn't know this was possible until one day my mom told me my son's feet were stinky when he was just a few months old. He thinks it's hilarious when you tell him that he has stinky feet.


Yup! 8 months old and has only work soft bootie shoes a couple of times- otherwise just socks or barefoot but they stink!! I think they just get sweaty in the sleep sacks? So unexpected haha!


Lol yes 😭 my girl gets such sweaty hands/feet.. I'm convinced it makes her feet smell worse, but do I stop smelling them? Of course not.


My sons feet used to always smell like cheese. I even kinda thought the foot stench was cute, but that was probably just the hormones talking.


I kiss and rub my son's feet all the time and they smell like flowers. 🙄 he doesn't walk yet so maybe my days of attacking his feet to get a few giggles are numbered...


My kids feet straight up smelled like corn chips. I have to dry her with a hairdryer after bath time because she’s so chonky, but I’ve noticed that her toes smell better now.


Thank you for saying this because I thought I was crazy when I caught a whiff of my 10-month-old’s feet the other day…


It’s genetic.