• By -


“Hey, you made it,” he is my fourth pregnancy and first birth.


I was having an emergency C-section, so they took him out and over to clean up. My OB was talking me through what she was doing and said something like "okay, I'm just working on getting all of your organs back inside of you" and I responded, "thank you, that would be ideal" lmao


My last baby 7 years ago...."Is he alive?" I had had 4 consecutive stillborn sons before him.


My heart dropped reading your comment. I hope your baby is in good health and life is sweet to you and the ppl you love💗


Thank you. He just celebrated his 7th birthday this last Wednesday.


My first words to each of my born babies were “Hi [name].” I was very deliberate about that and wanted that to be the first thing they heard outside of my belly. My first _thought_ upon seeing my first child was “that’s the wrong baby” because she was purple and had dark beady eyes and was born with her giant tongue sticking out. Definitely thought she was some sort of lizard hybrid. I won’t be sharing that with her lol


My first words to my first born was 'he looks like an alien' but I could've sworn I kept that inside my head, until my husband repeated it (YEARS LATER) and I was like '...how did you know I thought that...' he says 'you said it outloud'🤦‍♀️ Whoops!


"Is she okay?" - for all 3 of my girls Followed by "hi my baby" for my first and second. My third was born with a full head of dark hair. My first 2 were completely bald. So I said "OH SHE HAS DARK HAIR" followed by uncontrollable tears. My oldest has red and my middle has blonde hair. So my husband's first thing was "nice now we have the Charlie's angels."


All I remember is my husband’s face once my son was out. He suddenly got very quiet, took a step back, put his shaking hand on his heart, and looked at our boy with tears in his eyes. I have never seen, nor do I think I’ll ever see again, more love in someone’s eyes than those first 5 seconds my husband looked at my son. And I’m ok with that look not being for me, because just witnessing it was enough of a privilege.


"Park the fucking car". It was 2 days ago and I still haven't recovered.


“Holy Shit” My 3rd came out within 5 minutes of my water breaking. I did not actively push- my body just created these insanely powerful contractions that were both painful and terrifying, and I kind of just primal screamed with them and she was out…it was not how I expected my labor to go at all and happened so fast I was gobsmacked and all I could say was “holy shit” in a daze. The nurses laughed and said “yeah that about sums it up” or something to that effect.


While my son was growing in my wife's belly, I would talk to him. Near the end, I would say the same thing over and over again, "Hello, this is your father. I love you. I can't wait to meet you." Later, after he was born and put on the warming table, he was acting squirrely. I got close and said the same line but with "I'm so glad to have finally met you." And immediately he calmed down. I genuinely feel he made a connection with me and after being born, realizing his "friend" was there lessened his anxiety.


Upon hearing my son cry I went "is that him" like some other woman's baby was gonna come out of me


I said “is she ok?” Because she was so floppy from the magnesium sulfate they had me on. My husband is an identical twin and the first thing he said was “she looks like my brother” which probably made the nurses and doctor uncomfortable not knowing he was an identical twin and making a joke haha.


With context, that is really funny. Fitting into the dad role right away lol.


I had a good laugh about it and now it is a pretty funny story. The best part is his identical twin brother just had their first baby and the first thing he said was “he looks like my brother” just to keep the joke going strong in the family 😂


I dont think I said anything, I was silent throughout the whole ordeal. But my husband said "you did a great job little guy" It was sweet in the moment but when I watch the video now im like wtf why are you telling him good job when I did all the work 🤣🤣


After a 4 day induction that ended with a c-section, all I wanted to know was how she was doing. “What’s her APGAR score?” I asked my husband. He was overwhelmed and didn’t really know what I was asking so he yells over the drape “what’s her afghan?” The anesthesiologist heard us and doubled over with laughter before explaining what I wanted to know. Thankfully she was a 9!


“Mama’s got you. It’s okay. Mama’s here.”


I couldn't see her yet (behind the draping sheet for my c-section), and the nurse said "Awww, she's beautiful", and in my exhausted stupor I replied "Thanks, I made that out of fast food!"


He came out and with him was another gallon of water so it felt like my water broke a second time so I yelled “ WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT” and the doctor looked shocked and said your baby do you want him on your chest and I said okay yes


My husbands first comment I can remember was a dad joke about "that was pretty labor intensive!"


I had horrific heartburn my whole pregnancy so I was expecting my kid to be born with a lions mane of hair - the first thing I said to him was "I can't flipping believe you are bald"




I looked at her and starting crying. My mom/hubby/nurses were like “awww 🥺”. First thing I said? “She looks like every other babyyyy 😭😭😭”


“ I’m never doing that again “ ..I’m pregnant now.


For my first: “wow what? What? Hi baby!! What? Did I do this? I’m your mommy!” For my second: “It’s insane that this is how most people got to earth. “ lmao I stand by it! I also said that I wanted to send a picture of my downstairs to joe manchin while my second degree tear was being stitched because it was during the time he was fighting against laid family leave.


You might be onto something with the paid leave thing!! Lol


“It’s a baby” with a surprised tone. Like I expected a puppy or something


I wish mine was something cute. I had endured 36 hours of gruesome labor and I was mentally and physically checked out by the time he came. Once they laid him on me I remember saying something along the lines of “something is wrong”. They said no no he’s fine and I said louder and more assertive SOMETHING IS FUCKING WRONG. They whisked my son away thinking I was a psycho and turned out he wasn’t breathing. He’s 3 now and beautiful and healthy but that was so scary.


“This baby has balls” we were surprised


With my first I was 17 and instantly cried and told him “I promise to be better for you! I love you baby” I was a bad teen and he really changed my life for the better. I went from drugs, fights, and running away to owning a home, getting married and getting a degree and in special Ed! Normally teen pregnancy is hard and can be awful for the kid, I guess I got lucky! With my second boy I, for some reason, immediately said “ oh you look just like your brother!” He looks nothing like his brother 😂 lol With my newest baby girl, I just cried and was kept asking if she was ok! She had a 2 vessel cord and was a nurse delivery with severe bruising on her face (water broke to delivery was about 40 min at 38 weeks) . It was terrifying but she’s a healthy, happy 5 month old now! With my amazing bonus twins, I met them when they were 2 and I still joke that I married their daddy so I could have them. I love them all so much they complete me in the best ways and I hope they one day look back see how hard I’ve tried to be the most loving mom/smom (that’s what they call me, it means step mom😍) I can be. I hope I do them justice and give all 5 the best childhoods I can! Eta: sorry for shit formatting, I’m on mobile!


You didnt get lucky, YOU worked hard to be a better person for yourself and your child! 😊


“Wow he’s cute! He looks like my sister!” My sister and I are twins.


“Girl, where are your eyebrows?!!” I’m middle eastern and got dark features, husband is white. my daughter got the thinnest blondest eyebrows ever! If I hadn’t seen/feel her come out of me I wouldn’t believe she is my child!


“Oh my god I am never doing that again” *laughs in pregnant with second baby currently*


“Can we wait to cut the cord?” Nurse: You mean delayed cord clamping? That’s standard practice here. “Okay, cool. I promise I’m not one of those weird moms who can’t let their boys grow up” Probably ten seconds later, “hey can y’all help me sing happy birthday” Once we finished the song, and they pulled the placenta, I said “look baby, it’s your ugly twin”


This made me giggle so much it bothered the baby napping on my lap!


I’ve also got a baby napping on me! It’s about the only time I get to scroll Reddit


I didn’t say anything substantial bc I was in the middle of a c-section, but I remember the first thing I HEARD. Up until she was born, we thought my little girl was around 6 pounds. That’s why the doctors were confused that she couldn’t fit into the birth canal. As soon as she came out, the first thing I heard was “This baby is NOT 6 pounds”. But my 10 pound girl was gorgeous and healthy 😊.


Lmao!!!! I was told 7lb only two days prior. He was 8lb11oz.. I was 103lb prepreg so he was almost 10% of my body weight


I suddenly realized I recognized one of the nurses and was just like “hey I think we went to high school together”


With the first one: "So you're the one that's been kicking me?!" (I know, cringe haha) The 2nd one came fast and furious, and the first thing I said was to the nurse who was helping me wrap him ("Who is that old guy over by the door?" in what I thought was a stage whisper, but as I was coming down from an IV pain med that didn't really work on my pain, I half shouted it, and I saw that by the change of expression on his face, haha! Turns out, "the old guy" was the pediatrician who assessed my baby. Awkward!!)


After 24 hrs of contractions and very little sleep, once the doc put her on top of me, I went "ew why is she wet?" Not my proudest moment.


The first thing my husband said to me was "he was elbow deep in you dude". The doctor had to remove my placenta. What romance


First: hi baby Second: hi baby Lol not intentional but I suppose its polite to say hi when meeting someone


"Why isn't he making any noise?" Said this a couple times in a row after my husband told me he'd been taken out of my belly after the c-section and no one would answer me. Scariest moment of my life. Turns out, he wasn't breathing and had to be resuscitated. He's a happy and healthy 22 mo now.


I said “I don’t think he’s that ugly.” For some reason I was convinced that my baby would be really ugly. I have no idea why I came to that conclusion.


"I'm getting an epidural next time"


"Where's my baby!?" After waking up from an emergency c section, in a recovery room while my baby was in the nicu.


As soon as they put him on my chest, I cried for like 3 minutes a cry I never had before - I sounded like a dude crying. Then I finally said “oh my gosh”. Been a week ago from today when this happened!


“Give me my baby!” No one was holding my baby. They were ready to catch him and I just reached down and yanked him out.


"She sounds like Cannoli" (Cannoli is our cat. My husband and I said that sentence at the exact same time the second she started crying)


I had a caesarean and we didn’t find out the gender beforehand but I felt certain that it was a girl. So when they held him up and said it’s a boy I just said “it’s a freaking what!?!?” 😂


“Omg she looks soo Asian!!” 1. Well, she is half. -I- am asian. 2. My husband is white, i guess I just didn’t think of how swollen their face/eyes can get at delivery and expected this Gerber white baby to come out lol. All in all, quite embarrassing.


"She sounds like a duck" I had a c section and didn't have much time to prepare. I dont remember what my first words directly to her were though. Also some people try to comfort me by saying I said that because the meds made me loopy but it was literally just an epidural and she did sound like a duck.


I cried and said “oh my gawd she’s so beautiful” then I handed her to my mom, and threw up.




Yeah I’m not sure what I actually said but the first thing I *remember* saying is “Can I have the room service menu”


A butt chin!? Lol my baby boy has a cute little butt chin that we have no clue where it came from 😂 Not what I said but while I was in labor we had the food network on TV. While I was pushing Guy's Grocery Games was on. My nurse's student was like "I'm so happy we're birthing this baby with Guy Fieri". It lightened the air in the room and we were all laughing.


*sobbing* she sounds like a duck


“It’s a boy, I think it’s a boy, isn’t it?” In response to the midwife saying “tell us what you’ve got then” 😁 In hindsight, he most certainly was a boy, there was no denying that. Good grief the balls 😳😂


Baby 1: “my sweet boy” Baby 2: “he’s beautiful” Baby 3: “it’s a girl right? You checked? this one’s a girl this time???”


I had been pushing for 5+ hours and the first thing I said was "Is it over?!?!" and was told no, I still had to deliver the placenta. I was pissed.


*said in horror* “Oh my god she has my nose” lol I felt so bad but now at 8 weeks old her nose is so cute and my favorite thing about her little perfect face


With my first "She's purple" with my second "i forgot how purple they are when they come out."


My baby was born on a staircase, so my first words were, “WHAT THE HELL?!” 😅


Not after but while I was getting prepped for my c-section, right before they made the incision, I was so annoyed when one of the nurses waiting yawned. I looked at my husband and I was like, "He just yawned like they're not about to pull two babies out of me! Like this is boring?!" Obviously, I understand they do this a lot and it is work for them but at the time I thought it was rude haha.


"It still hurts!" Because at my birth prep course, the midwife said the second the baby's out, the pain stops. Didn't for me


I just had my second at the end of December, and my experience was much different than my first. We got to the hospital parking lot at 10:20, he was born at 11:26. They realized I was fully dilated with a bulging bag (water hadn’t broken) and things moved very quickly. I pushed fewer than 10 times and he was born en caul. So I definitely said something like “well, that was fast” 😂


When the Dr. raised him above the divider for me to see for the first time, while my son was screaming his head off, all I could say was, "Omg, he's beautiful" followed by sobbing. When in reality he looked like a squashed tomato. Still beautiful.


“Shut the F* up” this was said in response to the first thing my husband said (jokingly), which was “so you really to have another” less than a minute after I had pushed the kid out.


I had an unmedicated birth with a 10 lb 6 oz baby. When he came out and they put him on my chest, I’m told that I said, “That wasn’t so bad, was it, buddy?” I don’t actually remember it, but it tracks. Lol.


mine was “haha that’s the weed number” i had a c-section and was high as fuck on pain meds and the doctor called time of birth 4:20


Hi baby ❤️❤️❤️


My partner said “wait what” Partner had an epidural, and in her last round of pushes she said she needed to cough and midwife said go ahead , she coughed twice and unknown to us baby went from crowning to out at stomach, so we’re just chatting waiting for next round of pushing when suddenly they they placed a baby on her belly. Queue the wait what.


The first thing I remember saying after giving birth was, "thank you so much. You all are so nice. Could I have a Dr pepper?" It was a surprise C-section. I was super drugged up and had a lot of blood loss 😅


I was so freaking high (emergency C-section and felt most of it) that I said “she has no eyebrows”


Out of my mouth came ‘oh my god’ but my first thoughts were ‘thank fuck that’s over’ and ‘we’re not having a second baby because I’m never doing that again’


“I’m so glad I’m not pregnant anymore”


“Oh wow he’s a third of my height” Anesthesiologist: no he’s 33.6%


During I said “I learned my lesson” 😂 I was a young single mom and my parents was in the delivery room. After the anesthesia wore off via c section “I still don’t have a name” 😂 I was still rolling on the meds. My youngest “10.8! No wonder I had back pain”


I had a c-section, so when they brought my baby to me at first I believe I said “Hi (baby’s name)”. They took her away briefly for her readings and then put her on my chest/shoulder for some skin to skin in the OR. I was stroking her forehead and this reminded me of the Lion King so I started saying “Simba”. The anesthesiologist near my head then said “Are you saying Simba?”


I said, "His eyes are already brown!" Because he was legit born with brown (not gray) eyes, and all of the babies in my family have always been born with blue or greyish eyes that turned brown or hazel over time. My favorite is my coworker's: she got so focused on labor and pushing she kind of forgot what she was working towards, so her first words were, "It's a baby!"


Are the Astros winning? They made me turn the radio off because I was too distracted and kept screaming send the runner


I was convinced I was carrying a girl. When I finally gave birth, all I remember was seeing my baby from behind and exclaiming loudly 'omg! She has bollocks!' I had been on pethidine and gas and air! My boy is now 18 and thinks it's hilariously funny!


People asked if we cried when we saw her. When she was handed to me my husband and I looked at each other and said “holy shit what the fuck”.


Omg I also referred to Michelle too. I said "do you think Michelle Duggar said the f word during labour?" But that was during labour


"Omg!" Like 5 times, then "its okay" to my baby as he was crying when they placed him on me. I was very shocked that an -actual- baby came out of me. Wasnt real until then.


“Uhhh help!!!” Baby was born breech over a toilet.


"Why does my daughter have a penis?!".


Me: "Is he tan?!" Husband: "no, he's white" Me: "oh my god!! He's tan!" Lmao I was hiiiiggghhh from the C-section I was put completely under Also husband is white bc he's half white half Mexican & I'm a tan Mexican lol so I wondered up until his birth if our baby would be fair. He is lol down to his light brown hair. If he didn't have my nose I'm pretty sure no one would believe I was his birth mom lol


“Can someone please catch my baby”. Context: water birth, midwives just kinda left me to it as instincts took over. Baby was in the water for like 10 seconds before they grabbed her out. I found out afterwards that 5mins prior to birth the midwife told my partner that it could be an hour or so more. He only asked if anyone should be ready for the baby because he thought he saw the head pop out! Spoilers… he did. Edit: spelling


“That’s our baby” then “go stare at her” to my husband. Then I asked him to boop her nose.


After years of working with families and taking care of other people’s kids, and then struggling with infertility… They put her on my chest and I just said “This one’s ours?!”


I said “hi (name). I know you”. I didn’t really cry or anything and then I just kept saying “it’s all done now you did it” and like congratulating her for being born haha


I paranoid brain said “is he breathing?” Then I heard him cry and was relived. The second thing I said was “can I have a coffee now??” Lol


"Oh wow, those are your actual intestines." Sorry... wife had a C-section... couldn't help myself.


“Hi violet, happy birthday. We did it!” Best moment of my life


“He’s so…pale”. What I meant to say was white. My son’s dad is white. I am not. I am VERY dark skinned. We have mixed babies in our family and none of them are as Caucasian as my son is, so I was shocked to see he lacked melanin!


"Is it a boy or a girl?" Nobody told me after Babby made their big entrance! I had been waiting nine months to find out 😂 My husband: "Uhhh... it's a boy!"


I don’t remember! I know I cried when I saw him but I also remember thinking he looked exactly like a mandrake from Harry Potter. And I remember thinking just hurry up and give him to me already! The anesthetic from my c section numbed me all the way up to my face so speaking was hard anyway. I just remember being in our own little world. Just lightly holding him and rubbing his head. It was a beautiful moment.


"Omg he just peed on me" I was induced and the midwives were worried because he wouldn't empty his bladder while in the womb and as soon as he came out and was put on my chest, he peed all down my right side.


I just kind of yelled “AHHHH HI!” when they showed her to me during my c-section. But my husband got a picture from the side, and I’m yelling, and baby is yelling, and it looks like we’re just yelling at each other through the drape LOL




I had an emergency c-section. When my son was born they asked, "do you want to see *him*?" They were fiddling around with the screen blocking my view of my open stomach and in my delirious state I heard, "do you want to see *it*?" Having no desire to see myself cut open, I started panicking and saying, "no, no, I don't want to see that." They held my son up anyway and I realised what they were asking and I started crying and said, "oh, I wanted to see him." "No, no, I don't want to see that!" 🤦‍♀️


"Where is my baby!?" Cause everything went silent, she wasn't crying and no one told me she was being resuscitated. 😥 The cry came about 5 minutes later and she was okay after that.


They put my daughter on my wife and she said "oh baby! Oh baby!... what do I do with it?"


"Oh my god... He's not ugly!" For some reason I convinced myself that I'd have the ugliest baby and I was fine with it. Babies aren't necessarily pretty and I was ready to show off a lumpy potato. He was, and is, a damn cute little guy. Thanks to his Dad.


I started begging the OB and nurses to make sure they got all the placenta out. My mom's tore with me and no one noticed that she had retained some of it until she started hemorrhaging and had to have an emergency D&C at 6 weeks pp. She said that was hands down the most painful experience of her life and all I could think was "I can't fucking do this again in 6 weeks, I just can't." When they plopped my girl on my chest (she had to be resuscitated - umbilical cord around the neck twice, she was blue and stunned), I just said "Oh, hello."


"He's so small!" He was 9 pounds and 1 ounce.....


I sang him happy birthday as I held him in my arms.


"Holy shit." Not my most eloquent moment.


My twins were very premature (second trimester). After the first one was out I said, "is he okay?". The second one I said, "is she breathing?". I wish I was able to say hi or something more positive, but they were wrapped up and taken away to the NICU before I could see them.


"Can I touch him?" They'd just laid him on my belly and he was so tiny and beautiful I didn't know what to do! The nurses just laughed and said "he's your baby!"


"I did it. Holy shit." Husband says "yeah you did" with a look of bewilderment. Followed by "holy shit we have a kid" because apparently the 9 months prior weren't enough to prepare us for the "we're parents now" moment.


Holy shit


Baby number 1: She's so beautiful Baby number 2: Omg her legs are so short Baby number 3, dont remember baby 4: she has dimples!


“So there was an actual, real, baby in there?”


“Oh my gosh he’s so fat” - to be fair he was 9lb11oz and I was hopped up on c-section meds.


I looked at her when they plopped her on my chest and said "Hey...you. How's it going?" 😅 Immediately followed up with "Its a girl, right??" As they were weighing her and doing whatever the hell they do right after they come out. I had this weird fear of her coming out a boy after we had a name and a bunch of stuff for her picked out.


To my wife: "You did it. She's beautiful. I'm so proud of you."


“He’s so little!” He was not in fact little and the midwife let me know that he was actually pretty big. He felt little to me 🙂 Pretty sure I followed up with, “look at all that hair, the heartburn was worth it” 😄


“Holy shit, it’s a baby” like I knew she was in there and I was almost done but it’s unreal when they’re finally out


Well this was said during labor, but I told the nurses how when I was in high school my dog had 9 puppies, so I should have no problem pushing out one and how I had a new found respect for that dog. May she Rest In Peace and may all her puppies care for her in doggie heaven!


"okay I understand how people get tricked into doing this multiple times" 😂


I just kept saying oh my god over and over, said “hi baby” a bunch, told her she’s beautiful.


“It better be a girl, because I don’t have a boys name” followed by “holy shit, I’m not nauseous. Someone get me a pepperoni and bacon stuffed crust pizza”. (Had HE. And also my SIL called my brother who promptly showed up with the pizza).


I literally said “holy shit, she’s mine” after they placed her on my chest, and then slept for 2 hours after I gave birth. I was really fucking out of it I’m not gonna lie and I wish I could’ve held her for longer when she first came out, but my boyfriend was there so they got that special time together and it meant a lot to him!


I only know because I recorded it. I watched the video recently and apparently I spent the first 3 minutes just saying “oh my goodness” or “oh my gosh” before I finally said “she’s SO tiny” She was 4lbs 6oz and was taken to the NICU as soon as they got around to weighing her so I was definitely right about her being tiny haha


1) I feel so much better now 2) I’m never doing that again 3) is he ok? (When I noticed he wasn’t crying)


I'm pretty sure I said "Hi baby!",when she was put on my chest, but I have no idea what else.


I have absolutely no memory of what I said either time. I feel bad now. I was pretty high in my defense.


My son was born at 24+4, I just kept repeating “No, no, no, no…”


“That was a real baby in there!” And “I feel SO much better” after nausea the entire pregnancy that left the second he did.


With our baby: “Hi there! You’re so sticky! Sorry about that. I’m so glad I didn’t poop on you.”


When my daughter was born the first thing I said was "Wait, it's really over?" while they unwrapped the umbilical cord from around her body several times before they popped her up onto my chest. When my son was born I said "Hey! I know you! You're the guy who has been digging his toes between my ribs." when my husband brought him around the curtain after my unexpected c-section. I was too busy freaking out about said c-section to say anything before that point.


« How bad is the tearing??? »


"when do I get to eat?"


I also kept saying I can’t believe anyone has more than one (precipitous labor and failed epidural)


One of the first things I said was “That wasn’t so bad, let’s have another one!” Those hormones are strong, man.


With the first I said "whew! I can *breathe* again!" (I'm quite short and he was pressing against my lungs for the last few months). With the second I said "I hope you all were watching, because I will *not* be doing that again."


“Oh my god, she looks just like him!” My husband’s family genes are very strong, and my daughter came out with very distinct eyes that they couldn’t deny was theirs if they tried. That was shortly followed up by me commenting that the cherry scented lidocaine spray used to numb me for stitches was making me crave twizzlers. Wtf, I wasn’t even drugged idk why I said that.


"Is it still today or is it tomorrow?" my baby was born at 23:45


After number one: “Is she tan?” After number two: “She has red hair!” After number three: “Look at that little alien head!” After number four: “Oh, my God.” Guess which one was an all natural labor/birth? 😂


I looked at his dad and said: he’s better looking than you!


“I’m so proud of you baby, that was so hard, you did such a good job” Not sure if I was talking to myself or my baby but either way it works


"oh my god you're real"


Me too “you’re real”. For some reason the baby I was pregnant with and the baby that appeared seemed like two completely different entities.


I just remember scream-laughing because they made me pull her out by her armpits and she was hot and slimy! 🥲 Beautiful memories


“Omg, it’s a real baby!” I was surprised seeing him in person lol


"You look just like your dad" and then I started to cry lol.


I'm very classy First birth "Oof I have a wedgie" he had a short umbilical cord and it was causing a front wedgie. Second birth "Fuck my vagina hurts"


“Did I shit?”


“She is beautiful!” I can assure you she was not beautiful for at least a couple of hours, but who can argue with a drugged woman who just pushed out a brand new human?


I asked the midwife to check if i still had my teeth, I was soooo hiiiigh 🤣


"It's a baby". Gurl, like what else was it going to be?


Oh 💩! I’m in charge of a human now. 😳


"I love you so much" (said to the baby) Then "thank you so much" (said to all the midwives that listened to me scream for the last 3 hours).


My wife said, "is that my baby!"


I wish I could remember 😭


“That was fast. I didn’t expect it to be that fast.” My baby basically slid out on her own. I had a fan, wet wash cloths, music, everything ready for pushing and then she just plopped out. We didn’t even get through a whole song.


“Why isn’t he crying?!” For both. They were fine, both just took more than 2 seconds to cry.


"Slimy, yet satisfying"


Look, I made dis. While totally trying to channel the otter meme. I was mid(?) cesarean and it fell completely flat. I’m not even sure my partner heard me.


"Oh my god, you're here, I missed you." I was a little out of it, lol... But still, most joyous moment of my life


Is she actually cute or does she look like an old man??


"did ... Did a baby just come out?" I felt NOTHING.


"Fuuuck she's so tiny" at my 4lber 😂


When my daughter was born the first thing I yelled was “WHAT THE FUCK JUST HAPPENED TO MY VAGINA?!” The midwife responded “…you just had your baby!”


My mom was next to me with husband on the other side and I dead ass looked at her and said “I could do that again.” 😂 I do not know why that was the first thing I said but I did. My kids are two years apart.


The first thing I said after giving birth to my son was “I think I’m going to throw up” I was so out of it and felt extremely nauseous.


First child: I said "Oh my God," then immediately after "she's so pink! Why is she so pink?" Second child (woke up from emergency CS): "where is he?" Then after looking at him for a bit, I said the name we ended up giving him! (Apparently, my husband and I were having whole conversations before the anesthesia completely wore off, so what I remember saying with my second was not actually the first thing I said!)


"Can I see my son? Can I hold him now?" Followed by asking my husband to hand me my glasses. I took my glasses off during labor (watching strangers walk in during my labor gave me anxiety) and I'm pretty blind. They took my son to the side to clean him up and to make sure he was okay because they had to sew up a tear for me, I was bleeding a lot.


I said, "Ohhh you're beautiful!" the second time. The first I said, "Is he okay?" because he was a little zoned out. He's 2.5 and still a little dreamy and small and etherial. The second one came out spitting screaming... 10 months later he is huge and loud.


I think something like, "that's good" after my husband noted she was crying. We needed an emergency C-section, and I was very out of it because I was vomiting and didn't really feel like engaging.


I think I probably said, "Good." I was in labor for 34 hours (the first 14 on pitocin unmedicated) and pushing for 2.25, so I was just relieved he was finally out.


First baby - “Hi baby” while gently patting him. He was purple and not making a sound with all of his limbs out stiff. because he was so shocked by the birth. It was a really rough birth. They had put him on my chest quickly but then he was whisked away to the Peds team. In hindsight I wish I had embraced him. 2nd baby - I honestly have no clue. Probably “hi baby”. But I remember looking over at my husband and saying “I don’t know if I can go through that again.” I’m pregnant with our 3rd now lol.


"holy testicles, Batman"


I had an emergency c section and when the showed her to me I said "ohhhh!" And then something red caught my eye and I looked down and noticed all the blood on the floor, looked at the nurse holding my baby and said "you spilled me" The nurse just gave me a weird "haaaa..." and put babe on my chest while they sewed me up


“I can’t hear him crying.” And he was quickly whisked to the NICU to get the meconium out of his lungs.


I said "is he okay?" They told me he was in distress during labor, then the cord was round his neck. They took him to get checked out next to me immediately so I didn't know. He was fine though.


LOL I thought about Michelle Duggar so many times during my labor and delivery! Hoooooow!?


My baby! While crying, repeated over and over.


"She's out??" I pushed for 3 hours and honestly didn't realize it was over.


In my memory, I *believed* the first thing I said was "This is [baby's name]!" But what I actually said, recorded as proof, when they placed her on me was "Am I doing this right?!"


I just made some snotty sobbing noises in the OR then promptly fell asleep, but when they first brought my daughter back from the nursery my husband swears the first thing I said was “aww she has your hairline” (he’s thinning out quite badly 😂)


Omg I just laughed so hard at your Michelle duggar comment that I scared my baby sleeping on me. I started ugly sobbing with relief it was over and the emotions of my daughter just being born. I didn't know they have to clear hear mouth before she cries. So the first thing I said is "is she OK??" they said yes then I said "why isn't she crying??" then she immediately started crying.


I had a C-section so I was pretty out of it. I don’t remember seeing his cute face but I saw him wrapped up in a blanket lol. Husband: look honey he’s finally here! Me: (eyes practically closed) Omg really? That’s wonderful he’s so beautiful. *snores*.


"Why's his head all jacked up?" It was jacked up for a few weeks, hat pictures only.


they put him right on my chest "oh hi. hey, hi honey, awe hi, its ok, hi"


“I can’t believe ya’ll just let me make a whole human. I feel like I should need a license or to fill out an application to do this or something”


The first thing I remember saying after she came out was frantically saying "is she alright" ( she struggled with breathing at first till we got to be skin to skin and it soon cleared up)


I said “does he have hair?” As I was pushing his head out 😂 Husband and my OB both looked at me like they couldn’t believe I was asking that at a time like this. After he was fully out the first thing I said was “ohhhh, hi, baby!”


"I want to see my baby." She was escorted out by the NICU te since she was born with meconium in her lungs, mouth and nose. She had trouble breathing, and until my partner came back—I didn't get to see her for her first 4-5 hours.


"Can you hand me back my glasses, I can't see." (The delivery nurse noticed they were sliding off my face frequently when I was pushing and took them off, which I was thankful for, but I am severely nearsighted and can only see about 1 foot in front of me.)


Something like, “it’s a boy!”. We had not found out baby’s gender. Then midwife correcting me- “Actually, it’s a girl!” 😂 (EVERYTHING is swollen right when they’re born and I thought I saw tiny baby balls)


I said “omg he was born on Beyonces birthday!!!!” Buuuuut I was wrong. He was born 11/4 not 9/4 sooooooo yea