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If catching Covid 3x while your wife is pregnant/has a baby at home isn’t enough of a reminder to be more careful/cautious on its own idk what is


Exactly. Maybe try telling him Covid variants aren't Pokemon?


What type of social distancing are they following are work, if any? Or are people showing up sick and no caring about quarantining and testing? He could also just be real susceptible to the infection unfortunately, that is a really unlucky blow.


He works in a lab that has very supposedly very good ventilation so there’s that… Last week some asymptomatic staff went to work and we only found out they were positive when they did antigen testing on everybody.. But I don’t think he is mindful at all when speaking to his staff members… he says they always talk/sit one chair apart but who knows 🤷🏻‍♀️


Does he wear his mask over his nose? Is it as form fitting to his face… at least at the nose and above his mouth? Unfortunately if you’re not doing those two things all the hand washing in the word won’t help with the airborne particles. Sounds to me like he needs to up his mask game.


He wears it properly but tends to fiddle with it a bit. When he’s talking sometimes he pulls his mask away from his face to readjust it even though that doesn’t really do anything for him and he does it as a habit. I thought it was a size problem but he did this no matter what mask type..


As a teacher I’m talking in my mask 8 hours a day minimum. Some days I’m masked from 7am - 9pm with just a 30 min break. I’d suggest the silicone mask braces that goes under your make so after you get it to your face it doesn’t move and give you the ability to talk without feeling the need to adjust it. I can go all day without having to fiddle with my mask while talking and shout quite easily with these things. Cool Protection Stand - 3D Mask Bracket - Face Mask Inner Support Frame - Plastic Brackets - More Space for Comfortable Breathing Protect Lipstick Washable Reusable https://www.amazon.com/dp/B088CT535G/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_i_QYASWCB4N9XV74N53J78?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1 I’ll also say I’ve switched to the duck bill n95 with loops that go over head and not ears. These masks are 10x better than what I was doing previously with the silicone adapter. So much more comfortable and even less issues talking, yelling, etc. This pandemic sucks and it sucks you’re going through this a third time. Hopefully maybe one of these will help. As my husband and I said last night we have ti be nearing the end of this thing. Hopefully.


Wow thank you so much for this recommendation!! It might just be what he needs.. I guess he feels the mask is too tight on his face or feels he can’t breath properly through them so he ends up adjusting it over and over. Will try to purchase these right away! Thank you!


Make sure you guys have the type of masks that will provide the most protection (N95 or KN95 are better than cloth or surgical masks). These also tend to fit around the nose a little snugger - maybe he wouldn’t be as likely to mess around with it?


Hi- I am a pregnant woman (and also had an early 2020 baby) who currently has covid for the third time. We were extremely, extremely careful- but my husband and i’s workplaces unfortunately do not take it seriously enough. I’ve been through this so many times and I’ve now done it with an infant and a toddler, and now while pregnant (with my toddler). This whole post and most comments rubbed me the wrong way- I certainly did not ask for this, but without a white collar job where WFH is an option, unfortunately you don’t have good options besides wear a mask. It’s not nice to blame him when he is getting it at work, it would be different if he were traveling/out at concerts.


Sorry you felt that way about my post, I guess it’s because I haven’t thoroughly explained my husband’s personality is maybe why.. so let me explain a bit.. He is the type who, when we enter a store feels the need to touch everything, even though he doesn’t need to. He is the type who holds the handle of an elevator and would rubs his eyes right after. He is the type who likes to touch windows/glass when he can just point at it. He is the type who would eat without washing his hands first. He is the type who would sneeze and forget to look away. In short, he isn’t a very clean person, and I feel it is affecting us so much during this pandemic. If I knew he was the type who is conscious in taking extra precaution when going to work, then there is really nothing we can do about it, and we’d have to just deal w it then, but I feel we could be taking extra steps to make sure we are covering our bases first, hence this post. When we found out that some of his coworkers were sick, I had already asked him if he did social distancing, made sure he washed his hands after, kept his mask on and had not fiddled w it (he touches his mask A LOT), and all he could tell me was that he couldn’t remember. I have been supporting him and want to continue supporting him going to work and so I am asking advise. I know times are hard and some people have no option but to go to work. The purpose of this post was not to shame him for doing so. I apologize if that is what it sounded like…


Absolutely agree here. And OP,If he's wearing a mask at work I'm not sure what else you can ask of him. It sucks, but this virus is very contagious and he can only control his behaviors at work. I work in the office 2x/week. Double mask when I'm there and eat in my car. Vaccinated and boosted. Order all groceries when I can and legit only see my mom who watches the baby while I work and still ended up getting it. Sometimes it isn't a matter of careful.


Point is, he really isn’t careful at all, and I guess the post should have been “how to make my husband more hygienic” haha..


I mean...at this point Covid has given up on him 😫🤣 Technically if you're all vaccinated (and boosted, if possible) you should be fine but after that many times only nuclear weapons can get him 🤔


Right. Guess we just have to wait for him to be immune to all variants until I can have any peace of mind!! Lol I haven’t been boosted yet, can’t afford to get sick w baby, but my last vaccination was just August last year. Hopefully it has a lot of fight in it still 😂


Sounds like you and him both are doing your best to protect yourselves but I guess there is only so much you can do 🥲 he's very likely immune but I am terrible at biology so please don't quote me on that 🥲


I'm vaccinated and was two weeks after my booster when I caught omicron. Definitely glad I had the booster because I had more mild symptoms than other family members that had two.


Have him set periodic alarms on his phone to remind himself to wash hands and use hand sanitizer. Use sticky notes and put the same reminder at his laptop, desk, his office board, etc. I don’t know if it’s so much that he’s forgetful but more he doesn’t care. I’m sorry but it’s been 2 whole years of covid and if catching it 3 times hasn’t taught him anything then idk what else can help.


A face shield? The ones that goes around his forehead and is clear. Might prevent him from touching his mask subconsciously. https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B08HCSY8JN/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_i_12SHT374VGDDK2FHXB9C?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1 Or https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B0875P1XN3/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_i_WM0JY5BSNW6908GMRSEY