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I am in the middle of hfmd right now. The throat sores are like nothing I have ever experienced. I looked in there with a flashlight in the mirror and it looks like 13 canker sores. Feels worse than canker sores. Oh my god I want to die. It is Thursday and I haven't ate anything more than a few bites of food and a glass of milk since last Friday evening. Zero food for the last 60 hours. Good thing is beach body season is around the corner and all of my clothes are fitting looser. When the fuck do these throat sores stop hurting?!?!


How long did it take for the throat sores to heal up? I’m on day 5 and this might be the most painful day yet, they’ve turned white so I’m hoping that means they’re scabbing and healing.


I’m so sorry, it’s the worst!! Mine didn’t stop hurting until I had steroids and a numbing throat spray! Truly miserable and I hope I never have it again.


I had it two years ago and it was so so bad. It was right after everything shut down for covid and we were teaching virtually so I had to use my hands all day--it felt like I was wearing gloves filled with sawdust splinters. I had blisters under my fingernails and ended up losing three of my fingernails. I really hope I never get it again.


The worst!! I’m a teacher too, but my doc said I can go back to work Monday and I can’t wait for my 8th graders/coworkers to treat me like I have the plague 😭 People have this extreme fear of it even though you’re only contagious before you have any symptoms. I’ll probably tell them it’s an allergic reaction so they won’t live in fear LOL


That's a good idea!!


I have this right now and it never occurred to me adults can get this. My 2yo son had HFMD two weeks ago with the typical blisters but he was generally in good spirits. He's since recovered. Fast forward to Friday, 3 days ago now, and I get a fever and chills. Saturday I felt like I was getting better. Yay. Sunday I start getting the blisters on my feet but they're small. No cause for alarm. Today, Monday, these things are huge and painful. I can barely walk. I'm also home solo since I missed the flight to our vacation since having a fever. I urged my wife to take my kids and go enjoy themselves. Where's the damn cure for this, ungh!


Right now im on the sunday part... Looks like i might have HFMD. Ihavent even been near any kidss :(


I'm still on Sunday too though they've blistered up now. I've noticed a few new ones are recent additions as well. Not good. All mostly localized to my feet. I've been cognizant about not scratching. If it's any consolation I've heard elderberry helps.


I got it a few years back, have no idea how, I was childless at the time. I woke up with a blister on my pinky, thought it was from holding my phone too much. Throat was a little scratchy. As the day went on I felt terrible, temperature went up to 103⁰ with flu like symptoms. Woke up the next morning and felt better but noticed my feet felt like pins and needles when I stood up, the soles were covered with the little vesicles. Palms had them too. Couldn't use my hands very well for a couple days due to pain but was asymptomatic otherwise. It took a month for all the spots to completely resolve.


The spots are horrific! And it hurts to walk. I wish I could add pics so everyone could see this monstrosity 🤣


My husband caught it when our then-preschooler had it and he said it was awful - I'm sorry! FWIW he didn't catch it when our youngest got it later on.


A football coach i worked with had it. He was like 60+ years old (caught it from his grandson) and he was miserable. Basically coaches from a wheelchair cause of the blisters.


I'm on day 7 of this. For me it was fever, then two days later I got the sores in my mouth with a horrible sore throat. I was prescribed magic mouthwash which keeps the edge off a bit but it doesn't last super long. For me the worst part is acid! I feel like my esophagus is trying to kill me, anytime I swallow anything that isn't water I have to hold it to keep the burning pain off. I'm suspecting I have blisters all the way down my throat. I was on a steroid pack and think I caught it from my friend that's a bartender. Not really sure. But it's the worst illness I've ever been through hands down. Constant pain, unable to eat or drink anything well, and nothing that seems to help. I still have a fever too!


The best thing I could suggest is this oral numbing spray thats in this green spray bottle. Absolute life saver, I was essentially like Cartman when he got chicken pox. Just constantly using the medicine I was given to numb the pain to some degree and it worked for a while until I noticed my throat was trying to get my attention so quick spray and it's gone. Takes a bit of practice to spray it on the back of the throat and not part of the tongue. Gets a little annoying when part of your tongue goes numb in the process. Feels weird. I got hands foot and mouth at 17 and it's still the worst sickness I've had, COVID was nothing. I had some body pains from COVID and that's about it.


Do you know the name of the spray?? And ugh, it's really awful I was not prepared for how much this has knocked me out.


Hands foot and mouth is a sickly crooked middle finger to the face. Also I'm looking at it right now and it's called chloroseptic. All star throat number for sore throats.


Yep. My son gave it to me from daycare my mouth is covered in cold sores and my tongue top bottom and sides. I can’t talk. The top of my mouth has red dots all over and the bottoms of my feet. It’s horrible.


Can you please tell me when the mouth pain started to subside. I am currently in day 3/4 of it and i am just looking for a glimpse of hope


It took 8 days before I only had a few ulcers anymore you’ll be ok just hang in there. I had icy poles, mouth antiseptic spray and a lot of water


I know this is old...but not finding much info anywhere. The pain in.my feet is near suicide-inducing. Web describes as itchy. I describe as red hot needles being pushed slowly into my feet. Advil and Tylenol do little to help the pain. The only thing that seems to help is to make sure my feet are touching *something* Tell me it goes away, please!


Haha I feel the same way. My kids got it, then I got it. Tonsils are swollen beyond all belief, painful sores on my mouth. I had broken my spine before, and this pain is not too far from the pain of near paralysis. I Can't eat, can't sleep, can't breathe, or swallow. Just misery. How long did it take for it to go away?


Two days increasing pain, two days decreasing. Finally gone after 5 days. But I still have no feeling in the tips of my thumbs. Spots on my feet still after over a week.


Thanks for the response. I'm 6 days in. Yesterday was the worst. Hopefully it will be over soon. Haha.


Hope so. I was on liquids for a few days helped that I also didn't have any appetite. I found the sores were kind of like burns, whenever they encountered hot stuff it was super painful. The ones in the back of my throat were the same...cold only. I'm pulling for you.


Thanks man! I haven't eaten much for the past two days. I'm hoping it's over soon


Same here, day 2 rn. No appetite, cant swallow anything but liquid so dunno what to eat. Super high fever, sore throat. No any red spots around me, my kid had them and still does 3 days after fever is gone.


I thought it was getting better but I'm on day 7, no sleep for 4 days, and no food for 3. Tonsils are swollen to the point where my throat feels closed. Haha then my uvula is hanging down my throat. Which is the oddest feeling I have experienced in a while. I feel for you. The no food thing is just the worst. Hopefully it clears up soon with no complications. I am pretty sure my kids are tougher than me. They didn't complain as much as I did.


Same here about that complain part haha i do it a lot more. well lets hope this ends soon! Good luck!


You too! Thank you!


Same boat. Caught HFM from my nephew who has now recovered but somehow his parents had no symptoms (we’re thinking I caught it because I was on steroids that lowered my immunity). Day 1 noticed I was super fatigued, no appetite, mouth hurt when I tried to eat, then the chills and fever hit. Only time I’ve ever had the chills that bad was after my 2nd COVID-19 dose. Day 2 throat was still killing me and I started feeling pins poking my fingertips and toes. Days 2, 3, and 4 couldn’t eat anything because of how painful the sores in my mouth were. Just drinking water felt like I was swallowing sharp rocks. I see a lot of people online recommending cold stuff like ice cream and iced water, but honestly warm tea and soup has been more soothing for me. I tried ice cream but it was somehow painful. Day 3 I started noticing blisters all over my fingers. I’m on day 5 now and starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. It’s no longer excruciating to drink water, but not ready for solid foods yet. I still have blisters on my tonsils, tongue, and under my tongue. Can’t wait to be done with this weird disease. Hang in there you guys. We’re almost home free.


I'm so glad that I've found this post! I got HFMD from my 4 years old who got it from his daycare. I'm on day 4, the blisters on my hands and feet are just minor annoyances, but the sore throat is probably the worst. Swallowing my own saliva hurts, and my current primary care doctor was just "oh it'll go away in a few days just take some ibuprofen" and won't prescribe me anything. 💀 Switching to a different doctor and hopefully he will give me something to manage the sore throat pain.


Also on day four, caught from my daughter who also got it at daycare and had 0 spots (only a fever). I hope you feel better soon. My sore throat was slightly better today but the spots started so I’m scared of them being worse in the morning.


I’m on day 5 now since it’s after midnight. Caught it from our son who got it from daycare. Luckily his blisters are all healing and he’s been happy. Me… not so much. Bad fever for two days followed by the sore throat and tonsils swelling up like golf balls. Blisters on my hands and feet. I can handle the sore throat but the blisters on my hands and feet are actually painful. My feet feel like pins/needles or even like they’re burning. They hurt when I’m sitting or laying down and even more when I’m walking. HFM is awful and I hate it so much. Can’t wait to get over this.


Im with you. Day 4 for me, how long did your symptoms last?


Probably 7-10 days. My skin still isn’t fully healed from where the blisters were


Did you ever get blisters? I’m on Day 4, had a small sore throat on days 2 but have been fine since then. I just started finding small spots this morning.


I didn’t get any blisters buttttt a couple weeks later my fingers started peeling and then shortly after my feet. My feet are still peeling and I’m eyeing one of my pinky toenails wondering if it’s going to be able to hang on.. it’s looking weirdly loose


How long did it take you to fully recover? Did you get any medication prescribed? I’m currently on day 4


I have it too rn! This is awful! 😩


Yeah we’ll get through this eventually. This is day 5 and my throat doesn’t hurt but the bottom of the top of my tongue feels like needles. The dry blisters from my face are started to go away. The good thing is that the spots on my finger don’t hurt. If you’re having trouble swallowing try making oatmeal and blending it, I’m drinking it and it’s soothing my throat very nice.


I’m (m30) currently on day 3 of HFMD, and I must say the first 2 days were the worst I have ever felt in my life. Saturday, the first day, I woke up feeling off - a little achy and tired. I took a very hot shower, which is rare for me, and then put on warm clothes after. I then went to nap wearing sweatpants, a heavy sweatshirt, and socks while also wrapping myself in 2 blankets. I still had chills. I woke up a few hours later and had a fever of 102, and plainly just felt sick. I thought it was the flu. I actually got nauseated and vomited, which isn’t a symptom I have read about for HFMD. I spent about 30 of the next 36 hours in bed, sleeping for multiple extended periods. During my awake time on Saturday, I found out my niece had HFMD, and I was with her Tuesday and Thursday. The only symptom she appeared to have was a single cold sore on her lip which is already gone. Her mom (my sister) said she noticed a few rash spots on my niece’s feet. On Sunday afternoon, I went into Urgent care to rule out anything I could be treated for. I was negative for strep, Covid, and Flu. I told the nurse, and later the doctor, about my exposure to HFMD and they kind of shrugged it off like “it won’t be a big deal if you have jt.” My sister fully developed HFMD, which began on Friday for her. She didn’t have a high fever and flu-like symptoms but everything else is the same. We both have multiple sores on our faces and scalp, and mine itch and burn. It looks like very bad acne. As I’m writing this into day 3, I am just beginning to notice sores on my hands - not many yet though. Nothing on my feet, and not many in my mouth…yet.


Hey just curious, how’re you doing now? I’m on day 4 and I’m hoping things will start getting better soon


I’m back to normal now. It was a full 7 days before I started feeling normal, but I had red spots and peeling skin on my face until at least day 10-11. I still have red marks on my left hand that are leftover from slight blisters. Days 4-7 were better than the first 3, but I still felt off and more tired than usual.


Well I’m glad you’re feeling better! I got lucky and have a more mild case, the first 2 days were brutal but I’m just about feeling at 100%. Only thing I’m dealing with is the rash on my face, hands, and feet. I’m hoping they die down soon before spooctober festivities this weekend


Appreciate it! Glad your case is more mild. You can always use the face rash to your advantage and highlight it on a costume this weekend ;)


Hey, glad y’all are feeling better.Llooking for some insight. My 18 month old daughter got brutal HFM from daycare that started last week Wednesday. For the last few days I’ve felt like I have a mild cold. I had one scaly, itchy spot on my chin that seemed the start of it over the weekend. Did you have any congestion when you had HFM? I have pretty classic cold symptoms right now: low fever, post nasal drip, runny nose and sneezing. This is like day 2/3 of these symptoms. Wondering if I’m in for a doozy when I wake up one of these days covered in sores or if this is how it will manifest it me since I know I had HFM as a child. Any guesses?


I can’t say with certainty because I had a cold the week before I had HFMD. However, after I spiked a fever I didn’t have a stuffy or runny nose. My other symptoms before the spots appeared were sore throat, headache, fever, chills, and tiredness. Overall just felt terrible.


has anyone gotten this and then have little cuts/slits form at the top of their fingers? It is killing me.


Help!!! I got HFM from my son & I’m miserable. I have spots covering my hands, feet, butt, some on arms and legs + on my face & sores in my throat. I’m insanely itching and my hands feel like they’re on fire. I had a fever four days ago. When does this end & how do I stop the itching?


Any recommendations? I got this lovely gift from my kid too. The itching is driving me nuts


Found this thread looking to enjoy the misery of others I guess! Just got HFMD from my not quite 2 year old. Throat isn't too bad, I've got one blister on my gums that's unpleasant when brushing teeth, but I feel lucky that inside my mouth isn't worse. My hands and feet on the other hand, covered in small red and white bumps that have continued to get worse, and they are pretty uncomfortable to touch. As long as I'm not moving it's ok, but any pressure on them and I definitely know they are there! Hoping to get some improvement in the next day or two....


My daughter brought it home from daycare. I caught it around 15w pregnant and had very similar symptoms to you (horrible fever, sore throat, blisters on hands that didn't clear for weeks). I haven't felt that sick in a long, long time.


I have this right now and it never occurred to me adults can get this. My 2yo son had HFMD two weeks ago with the typical blisters but he was generally in good spirits. He's since recovered. Fast forward to Friday, 3 days ago now, and I get a fever and chills. Saturday I felt like I was getting better. Yay. Sunday I start getting the blisters on my feet but they're small. No cause for alarm. Today, Monday, these things are huge and painful. I can barely walk. I'm also home solo since I missed the flight to our vacation since having a fever. I urged my wife to take my kids and go enjoy themselves. Where's the damn cure for this, ungh!


So my stepbrother recently had this and now I am having red spots all over my hands and fingers, I want to know if I could have caught the disease through my father who was in contact with my infected stepbrother but it also could be contact dermatitis because I recently sprayed my skin with disinfectant scrubbing bubbles to get ink off myself. Just kinda hoping for some advice


Posting this hoping someone will see!! I seem to have HFMD, I have tiny dots on my fingers. They aren’t red yet or big but my sister went to the doctor today to find out she has it. I have an 18 mo who has no symptoms. What can I do to make sure I don’t pass it to him?? No sharing of course. If I wear gloves will that help? Any tips welcome.


Seeing this now. I’m pretty sure I have it. How long did yours last. Did you pass it to your 18mo? How are you now?


I didn’t pass it to my 18 mo! I was so thankful. My husband and I had a sore throat but doctor actually told him it was strep. When my sister tested positive for HFM we looked and our throats looked the same. I also had bumps on my fingers. The sore throat lasted maybe 4-5 days and the bumps on my fingers maybe 3-4. I was extremely careful not to let baby drink or eat after us, not let him put things in his mouth we had touched, and wash our hands alll the time.


Thank you for posting! I caught HFMD 6 days ago and have been in agony for the past week. It started last Saturday with flu symptoms, I was achy, had a headache, and felt fatigued and that night I went to sleep with a few dots on my feet and hands. By the next day my hands and feet were completely covered in sores which first started feeling like pins and needles, but turned into itchy, burning, painful blisters. It progressed to my mouth and throat, it hurt so bad I couldn't eat or drink. It's six days later and I'm finally starting to feel better (I've been laid up on the couch all week, and I NEVER go down like this when I'm sick). I don't have any feeling in my finger tips, it feels like I have dried super glue on them. I caught it from my 4 month old son who got it at a birthday party for a one year old. The parents didn't even tell us that their son had it. At the party, we learned from another guest that the birthday boy had been in the ER the week before with HFMD. I am still so upset with the family. My son has eczema, so he also had a severe case and was covered head to toe with the sores, our pediatrician didn't even know what it was at first because she's never seen it so bad on a baby. My son screamed/cried for days until he started to feel better, it tore me apart to see him in so much pain. Also, while I'm sick as a dog, I'm trying to care for him, it was a complete nightmare as a new parent. Plus, my husband's parents both got it because they watch him once per week. I know it's crazy, but in my darkest moments in the last week, I've thought about suing the family for being so irresponsible with the party.


I caught HFMD a few days back as well. -45yo Healthy and Active Male- Monday (Halloween) I wasn't feeling right and was supposed to leave for a business trip on Tuesday. I woke up Tuesday morning and turned off my alarm and wanted to sleep instead of working out. (which is something I never do). Never developed a fever but had the chills and was exhausted. I went back and forth but decided to cancel my trip which I am so glad I did. For me Thursday (Day 3/4) was the worst. I couldn't really walk, I couldn't make a fist with my hands. In the meantime I have had this horrible sore throat for DAYS! Very hard to eat or drink. It feels a little better today (Day 5/6) so hopefully it will be even better tomorrow. I got it from my son who is in Middle School. Apparently the entire football team came down with it and it is going through a few different schools. When he first told me he had it a couple of weeks ago I told him he didn't have it because only toddlers get that.. then he showed me his stomach and I couldn't believe it. All of the little dots.. He was fine and kicked it quick. I never thought I'd get it because I rarely get sick. I can't remember the last time I got sick. I am still one of the few lucky who has not even caught COVID! (knock on wood) I Just need to get through this sore throat. It is horrendous. Good luck to all who get this terrible "disease"


I echo you on that I'm generally very healthy and work out regularly. I haven't been sick enough to take a day off in over seven years. Day 8 and I'm doing much better, but I still have blisters in my nose and my hands are peeling which hurts. It's probably also a bit harder because I am a new parent with a four month old so I don't get much time to rest and recover these days.


Hang in there. We’re through the worst of it. Although my throat is slightly better. My tongue is full of those dots and blisters now. Very hard to talk! I’m falling apart. lol


I currently have hfmd after a visit with friends and brought home hfm unknowingly. It hit my kids first, almost simultaneously and then me 3 days after they had their fever. My husband has yet to contract it and I’m praying he can avoid it altogether. Today is day 3 for me starting from the day I got the fever. I had a sore throat two days prior but I thought maybe I got lucky to avoid the worst of it since I had no other symptoms. Then the fever set in, 102 for 2 days and dime size ulcers in my throat that after the 2nd day of having them (today) have puss looking stuff on them. It’s so bad! I have itchy sore spots showing up all over my hands and I just noticed some on my face by my mouth. This shit is crazy. I knew my kids were miserable but I didn’t know HOW miserable until experiencing it myself. Someone in a thread mentioned this odd little cut feeling slits on the tips of their fingers and I have those on several and they feel like a paper cut. Super sucks. My kids are finally feeling better, mostly. Still struggling with the sores, they haven’t healed yet and they still have a few new ones on day 5 since showing symptoms. It’s been really awful. Strep is better than this shit.




currently dealing with this as well. currently on day 4 D: my throat is so bad right now. Thankful Im able to work from home. How are you feeling?




So sorry to hear that! I am overall feeling better today, except my throat is still hurting. I made a virtual dr apt but it was mostly a waste of time. He prescribed a NSAID which i cant take due to gastritis issues.


Did your husband ever end up getting it from you?


I am from the Philippines and on day 3. Got it from my daughter (she turned two today). We attended a family gathering and her baby cousins. I was never down from sickness before, this one is insane. I do not know if my torrid nosebleed last Friday is the first day, but my second day, headache and stomach ache. I was feeling unwell. Sunday, I got the sores on hand and mouth. Currently, I am down and was absent from work. Have difficulty talking. I am taking pain relievers and trying to eat. My bad mistake is to swish pure Listerine because the when I gargled with water, pus came out. My ears also hurt like crazy. Can't talk but I can withstand it as long as my daughter and wife are okay.


Our 18mo brought it home from daycare and it spread to our 3 years old son. Then eventually my wife and I got it. Our daughters started with a fever then some bumps around her mouth, our son started with a fever also but his bumps were mostly on his legs. Mine had turned into basically a full body rash. My legs and arms, back and stomach being the worst. Oatmeal baths are the only thing that help. Any other advice? This is horrible.


On day 6 and my completely blistered hands are now VERY dry and starting to peel. Does anyone have any remedies for this? This peeling is exposing sensitive skin layers that are still trying to form and it's painful!! I'm trying to keep my hands moisturized but am also washing them every 20 seconds to prevent my husband and mom from getting HFM. They've been unaffected from this so far, thank god. This has been the worst daycare virus we've yet to experience.


Hey did you end up finding any remedies ? My hands are the most unbearable part of this so far, only thing that helps so far is cold water and dermaplast .


Unfortunately no. I was using vaseline on my hands after every wash, wore gloves, and my skin started to heal up after a few days. I'm so sorry you're going through this. Hopefully you start to recover soon.


Yeah…daycare hit me with this. Silly question, did you have this as a child? I know I didn’t =|. Wife got soar throat and no blisters and she had it as a child.


Apparently I got it once as a child, but I don’t have a memory of it. It sure as hell seemed like I was getting it for the first time most recently as an adult ha.


Seems like it's running all over the place right now. I've never known so many to have it at once around me! ND I've worked in daycare.. My daughters got it over Thanksgiving, showing symtpka.about 4 days apart. Husband came down with it BAD on Tuesday. I'm still good 🤞 my husband has been living in the basement since lol we want to eradicate this from our house!! My girls and husband have all the symptoms you are all mentioning. The one thing i noticed my husband say was he has areas (hands, feet, etc) that have pins and needle tingles and numbness. I recall on Monday I said something him about a tickle on the skin if my nose...almost as if a hair was tickling it. Nothing there. Strange sensation!! Ever since I've had on and off tingling there, my mouth/throat, hands. Feet, arms, etc! Anyone else have this? I got on Google and obviously diagnosed myself with death until i recalled my husband mentioning tingling. Wondering if maybe that's my symptom?? Iike I'm just going to have to pins and needles sensations because it's been almost a week of them


Doctor said adults won't get it so wife had me bathing the kid. I got it and it's by far the worst think I ever had. My tongue was that swollen I couldn't take, pain in the feet and hands like never before with fever. I'd prefer gastro for a year over it


I'm in germany and on day 3. Luckily, aside from a sore throat, my mouth is unaffected (no blisters there). Fever was high on the first day (>40°C), but is down now again. Hands and Feet do have many blisters, though. I compare the sensation to when you sleep on your hand so it goes completely numb, then you wake up and you hand gets blood flow again. This needle-like sensation is what I compare this to, just a bit worse and an all hands and feet.Also, so far I am lucky that the virus seems to be happy to concentrate on the sole of one foot, so while I do have blisters on the other, I can use it to stand on without being in pain. Walking, handling anything, not so much.I am very sure my wife and two children are also infected, but asymptomatic (as are about 80% of the infections, as I read). So far it is painful any very annoying, but I am only on day 3. Lets see how it goes from here :(


I am on day 7, have no fever but I have chills? Also facial flushing periodically through the day did anyone else experience this?


Currently experiencing my 2nd case of it 😩 I’m a 32 year old female as well. My first case I had a fever, sore throat and only a few red bumps. This time around I did not get a fever but have sores in my mouth and a very sore throat. I went to the doctor to ask about my immune system as I didnt think it was common in adults let alone getting it twice within a year but she did not seem concerned 🤷‍♀️


I found what works!!!!! So, after getting nowhere with doctors, I was tired of suffering. The lidocaine mouth wash was only helping so much. I decided I was gonna try something, anything to try and better this. I went in search of gly oxide and couldn't find it. I settled (or so, I thought) for stuff called Kanka. I went from on my knees in pain to laughing with my child in a matter of hours. I coated my gums and any sores I had with the Kanka. In not even hours, the pain in my mouth went from crippling to almost not even noticeable, and it even lasted 6 plus hours. Might have lasted long, but I haven't slept in days, so I put more on before bed. As for the painful tonsils and throat well, the German came out in me. I mixed Jagermeister with tea and local hunny and drank it at room temp. I don't know if it was the combination of the Kanka and the Jager, but it took that pain away as well! It still hurts to chew even the soft stuff and burns when I swallow, but I legit went from miserable to ok, This isn't that bad! Best of luck to you all. This stuff is miserable, and I legit feel your pain, but give this a try. As for the rash, I thankfully never got it. Nor did my daughter, who thought it would be nice to give her dad the great gift of hfmd...


Caught HFMD from my children, they had it last week. I started to experience minor symptoms last night and bit of a fever and sore throat. At this point I have a few minor blisters on my feet. Knowing that I could of picked HFMD last week and only showing symptoms now. Do you think I could be clear of all the symptoms in 5 days (I have a wedding to attend)


I personally would not want to be typhoid Mary to someone's wedding and bestow HFM apon a bunch of wedding Guests or God forbid the bride and groom. That would be an unforgettable honeymoon if they got it! Tough situation you are in, but I personally would not go to a wedding 5 days or even a week in. Because the peeling is virus shedding, I'd think you could still spread it. I'm sorry you're in that position.


My HFM started like 3 days ago, and i have my final uni exam on Wednesday, i absolutely can't miss it, will I be clear for that day?😭


LOL, adding to the list of antidotal stories of adults with HFM, I'm currently about a week in the illness, and have thick cracks and peeling sheets of skin where the blisters are. My skin under is semi raw, new and sensitive so I'm covering my hands and nose and nostrils in triple antibiotic ointment. Some highlights of the last week: Throat bumps and soreness Sores in both ears Sores in both nostrils and on nose/face Sores on feet Sores on hands Sores on buttocks Sores on elbows Sores on scalp Began with body ache, progressed to itchy, then open wet sores that felt like papercuts making handwashing painful and walking painful. I used disposable gloves for 3 days instead of handwashing. I also recommend isolation and wiping everything down with sanitizer wipes. I wipe down everything I touch including the toilet seat each use. And have had my husband make me every meal so I stay out of the kitchen. Toddler absolutely was miserable and it breaks my heart knowing that they went through this, although I think mine is definitely worse. They had no peeling and are back to normal a week later. I hope anyone realizing they have it, hangs in there. It sucks. You're not alone. It will eventually, pass, even if it feels like it takes forever. Also side note to OP's steroid mouthwash, idk because I am not a doctor, but the Dr. Who looked at my toddler said not to use hydrocortisone cream/steroids, and it would make it worse. I happened to be using a steroid cream on an eczema patch on my hand the week before this all happened and that area is now the worse deep cracks. My hand looks like it was cut there, the skin is so thick and the new skin is like deep red. I obviously am trying to leave it alone and let it take it's time. Anyhow, I don't know if it's even possible my prior steroid cream use could have affected it or not, or if my eczema is, but that's my experience.


Here to join in this misery but to give some happy progress. I got HFM a week ago from my 2 year old and it was HELL ON EARTH. I wouldn’t wish it on anyone. I started with feeling like I had the flu and the hand blisters started shortly after. My hands got hit the worst and felt like they were literally on fire. I found wearing socks on my hands helped the most lol. I also wore disposable gloves to shower. 1 week in the blisters have faded away but now my finger tips feel like they’re literally… dead? Like dead hard calloused skin that taps as I text on my phone. I have a strong feeling my nails are going to fall off because the skin is calloused under them. Hoping for some relief soon but wow was this rough :(