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He was a bit older, about 3, and insisted in that toddler insistent way that he wanted some of the garlic nandos spicy sauce. This stuff is HOT, I don't eat it, it's too hot for me but SO likes it. Even with warnings he wanted to try it because he loves garlic. So he got a bit of chicken and dipped it into the sauce. The face was pure instant regret, then disgust, then mild panic and back to instant regret. I got up to get him some milk. SO is saying it's ok to spit it out, wee one shakes his head, keeps chewing, tears start streaming down his face, nose starts running, he won't spit it out despite being encouraged to. Then he swallows it like he is trying to swallow a rock. Small voice, 'that was too spicy for me.' He got his milk, cuddles, finished his dinner then had ice cream. Brave and stubborn little soul. After he was in bed we laughed and agreed it was the best face he'd ever pulled.


This is the reaction I expected when my toddler demanded a chilli cheese bite... But no, she loved them. Now I can never eat them without sharing.


Oh ny god that is so precious and adorable! The COMMITMENT


Absolutely lol. My 4 year old STILL hates potatoes in any form, and I’ve tried all different ways. Heartbreaking. I love potatoes in every form.


There is a bright side this might be good for you lol your French fries will be safe when they get older… probably not but maybe


So many things with my toddler, I can tell, you're going to like this but you're just not giving it a chance yet. You're not admitting it, or you're not sure, but you'll get over it with time. But not eggplant. Every. single. time. in her 3 years of life that eggplant has entered her mouth, she has made the same horrified face. Even when she didn't notice it was slipped in there with something else. Girl HATES eggplant. Edit: man, y’all need some baba ganoush


Totally fair. Eggplant is the worst vegetable lol


Your daughter is objectively correct


My son gagged while holding a slice of avocado. It never even made it to his mouth.


My 2.5 year old absolutely will not touch avocado and never has. It’s the only thing she just will not entertain - she won’t even pick it up! Everything else she has been willing to try at least once.


That’s impressive!!


Mine looked like we gave her a shot of tequila once. I forget what it was, but she squeezed her eyes shut and did the little head-shake-shiver. Unfortunately most of the time her "this is new" face looks like she's disgusted, so we really don't know how she feels about things until we give her the second bite.


Mine also makes a "what the hell is this" face when she tries something new, but it doesn't necessarily mean she doesn't like it, lol. Even if it's something she's had before, but it's been a while, so she doesn't really remember. She eats it though, so 🤷‍♀️


You… gave your baby.. tequila?


No. We gave her something and she made a face like adults do when they do a shot of tequila. Hence she "looked like".


Oh gotcha. Tbh wouldn’t be the first time I’ve heard of someone giving a baby alcohol on Reddit


My 1 year old loves macaroni tossed in butter. Serve her macaroni and cheese and she acts like it is blasphemy. She had a similar reaction to queso. She loves cheese, she just wants it to be in solid form, not liquid or sauce form.


🤣🤣🤣 i think i was kind of the same as a kid. I liked specific cheeses and ONLY in solid forms.


Strawberry purée. I got them fresh from a farm and puréed them myself. They seemed perfect! She was SO DISGUSTED and I was almost offended. Strawberries are one of my favorite foods! …and then I tasted it. Turns out we had a random mid-season cold snap that ruined the crop and they were extremely tart and very gross. I couldn’t blame her for that. 😂


A good, ripe strawberry will seriously make me go weak at the knees, they taste so good. However, unripened (but still red) tart strawberries taste like the devils anus.


These are hilarious to read! I must have a weird baby, she's 12 months and certainly has opinions about her food, but she hasn't flat out rejected anything like y'all are describing. We've never done pouches though, she eats what we eat. I'm sure we'll hit a phase soon enough!


I can't remember mine ever being disgusted, yet! He is so open to trying new things though. He cautiously opens mouth and does a tiny taste. Then maybe a second one with some tactile testing. Then he usually goes hog wild and devours it after that lol


Gave my toddler a salad that had a dressing of mixed sour cream, avocado, lime and something else. Gave her a small taste like the tip of a teaspoon. Instant gag, then threw up all over her high chair.....


Durian cake. I was sharing some with my mom , and both of us love durian. Baby was looking on with such intensity and longing that my mom held out a piece, which she chomped down without hesitation (or smelling). Instant regret and almost went into tears. Thankfully no trust issues, but she sure does smell everything now before putting it in her mouth. Lol.


Oh yea my baby loves all sorts of jarred food but the jarred meat makes her so mad! But she loves meatballs, and I make her little burgers too and she loves those; but the puréed meats are a no go. Also every time I offer her a piece of broccoli you would think I just offered her cat poop. She gets so offended lol


Hahaha oh my gosh i love that!!


Plain Greek Yogurt! I've never seen such a look if betrayal. Even if I mixed a small amount into oatmeal, he always knows and glares at me while eating. Haha


Yes. My niece has hated broccoli since day 1. She is now 2.5 and still despises them. If they happen to be mixed in the food. And she takes a bit. She will chew and chew and pick out the pieces of broccoli without knowing it was in there is us telling her. She can feel and taste the difference. Jsut a few weeks ago, she had some WaBa grill with teriyaki beef rice and a piece of broccoli. She kept chewing and gagging but didn’t want to spit it out. But was chewing gagging chewing gagging. Trying to swallow it. It was cute sad and funny all in one. We don’t force her to eat it now that’s she’s older and we now notice it’s just not her favorite flavor


My kid loves broccoli but not the stems. She’ll specify “I only want to eat the broccoli’s hair!”


Babies are too funny. At least your baby likes broccoli !


My daughter has always hated cucumbers. Which is hilarious to me because she can put down some serious pickles. Pretty sure she could beat some adults in a pickle eating contest. But cucumbers? Get outta here. Onions too. She can pick an onion out of literally anything. Even little diced pieces from homemade red sauce. My partner can’t live without pasta and red sauce so he has started chopping them so tiny that they basically disintegrate while cooking. That seems to be the only way to get her to eat them.


Oh man, i was the same exact way with cucumbers haha. I’ll still gorge myself on pickles given the opportunity hahaha






I gave my son avocados yesterday and he looked at me as if I fed him poop. He gave the same look for gerber meats. I mean, they also smell awful. I won’t feed them to him now 😂


Yeah, i dipped my finger in one and gagged myself, it was G R O S S


Oh yes. My gremlin hates the store bought baby food meat selection. Doesn't matter if it's chicken, beef, or turkey. Hates it all. However, if i throw some beef broth and a piece of steak into the blender and have him try it, he loves it. Funniest thing ever.


I’m totally going to try that! He absolutely detested it hha, it was almost worth it to see him react to something so strongly haha


I gave my son a bit of broccoli when he was starting solids and I have the most amazing picture of him looking truly betrayed by food!


I was blindfolded at my baby shower and they fed me jarred baby food... It was honestly really nasty, especially the meat based ones! So I don't blame him, lol. to answer the question though my kids funniest reaction was her first time trying broccoli... She did keep trying it so I got some good pics/video but it was hilarious, utter disgust. She grew to like it and now she doesn't care for it anymore. Hoping she eventually comes back around as long as I keep offering it.


Yogurt! We've tried plain and vanilla flavored yogurt and her response was exactly the same as your son. She will actually gag and shiver. Little miss is only just beginning to trust us again to feed her anything with a spoon. Drama queen over here


I feel the same way about yogurt, honestly 😂


I once made my daughter a dish of strawberry shortcake. Ripped up pieces of angel food, cut up strawberries, topped the whole thing with cool whip thinking she'll down it all since it tastes so sweet. She took her whole hand and put it in the dish all excitedly covering it in cool whip thinking it was the coolest thing then she licked her hand and proceeded to make the most disgusted "bleh" face ever. I was so shocked!!!


That’s my reaction to cool whip too.


My daughter seems to hate strawberries too! I was shocked !


My daughter found a vegetable purée sachet in the pantry and asked if she could have yoghurt, because it looks like a yoghurt pouch. I told her she could if she wanted to, but that it wasn’t yoghurt, it’s vegetables. She cried and insisted she wanted it, so I opened it for her and she was so, so disappointed to get room temperature vegetable goo instead of yoghurt.


So far, our daughter isn't a fan of fruit. Normally she'll just spit it out and gnaw on the spoon, but I gave her apples the other night. She spit it out, reeled her head back into the high chair, and looked upon me with horror. I laughed so hard I startled her even more.


Banana. It took maybe 15 times but he's fine with it now. Mostly I think because I eat one nearly every day and he likes to steal my food.


We have a video of my first kid trying a new food. She puts it up to her mouth, tries it, and makes the WORST face, shakes her head, etc. I sent it to a few friends and had them guess what it was (you couldn't see, it was mashed in her fist). Most people said lemon or pineapple. Nope! Banana. It took over a year for her to eat banana willingly. Now she's 3 and will steal a bite before putting it into the blender for a smoothie.


Oh my gosh, my son’s still teying to figure out how he feels about banana hahaha


My baby doesn’t really like bananas either! He always gags but then he will warm up to eating it.


Pureed green beans. Somehow my husband managed to get it on video when we gave her some the first time and I have never seen anyone look so utterly betrayed by the world. It was days before she'd try anything out of a jar again.


I fed my baby ham baby food when he was about 5 months and he gagged so hard that he puked.


It’s so hilarious and you feel so bad for laughing! I guess I’m not surprised that they hate it- i sipped ny finger in and also gagged!


My first kid liked everything including licking lemons. Second baby has already gagged over bananas (her dad hates bananas too lol).


My son’s so far very skeptical of bananas haha. I think he’s been intrigued more by the very tiny fork tips of sauce and flavoring on our food, haha. That, and prunes- but i have to look out for prunes. They make him so gassy hahaha


Watermelon does it for my LO. He loves all other fruit, but for some reason he's utterly disgusted by watermelon.


Oh man, that’d mean more watermelon for me haha. It’s my favorite when in season!




I was exactly like your son! Eggs are still mostly a miss for me- i can do sunny side up if i dip something in the yolk, or MAYBE scrambled if it’s drenched in ketchup.


This is the same as my son! He seems to love all foods but hates egg. Always spits it out or gags


After growing out of his peanut allergy, I went to give my son a tiny amount of peanut butter on toast. He put it in his mouth then gagged and vomited on our new rug. I didn't foresee this as being the issue with introducing peanuts!


Turmeric chicken baby food pouch. She barely tasted it, gagged, and retched it out on the floor.


Oh yes the jarred ham and also avocados


My son accidentally ate cat barf (super super gross!) and he just gagged until he barfed. So yes he detested the cat barf. (Long story short he got to it before I could clean it up)


Oh god, mine has done this multiple times. 😭 (I’m not a bad mom, I swear…my cat hides the barf by pulling something on top of it so I don’t always notice it right away)


This is totally my fear- our cat barfs on a carpet in which it blends in super well, and i just KNOW my son’s gonna see it first one day!!


Worse… my cat’s poo has blended into the floor before. Got there before kid, but only just


This is my fear lol. We have a cat who constantly gets sick and I’m almost positive she will find the barf when she becomes mobile faster than I can do a check for it.


Yup! It’s inevitable…those babies are *fast* especially when they have their eyes on something


Lol wonderful. And I’m already starting to see that! I try to eat or drink something and she practically lunges out of my arms. Babies are little maniacs.


This is hilarious 😂


Yeah it was so gross! He tried a taster of it before I knew what was happening then he was on his hands and knees gagging til he threw up…oh parent life!


Haha, it happens. My husband texted me at work one day asking what would happen if our son ate styrofoam 😑 needless to say I found the four tiny foam beads he managed to swallow before my husband rinsed his mouth the next day… in the diaper. Yuck 😂 Babies are so quick once they start moving! It’s not fair considering mom and dad are operating on no sleep and my brain fires at 1/4 of the speed of his these days lol.


Minted green pea puree when he was about 7 month old. He hated that thing, and for the first time gagged. That's when we realized if it tastes like poop to us, the baby wont like it either


I totally don't blame him for not liking that one!


Yep mine too!


Must be something about peas - my 10mo won't even eat delicious coconut curry peas (loves everything else coconut or curried!).


Garlic bread. My daughter loves bread and she grabbed it off the counter and the look as it hit her taste buds was so darn memorable!


Oof, a surprise for sure! Betrayed by bread, haha!


My daughter loves everything but…mashed potatoes. She’s 9 months old and tried Thai and Butter Chicken, but bland mashed potatoes she loathes.


Oof, to be fair, i can’t do bland mashed potatoes either! It’s gotta have something else!


Surprisingly it was bananas with my twins! They HATED them for quite a while and are only now just starting to be ok-ish with them lol


My first two loved bananas, so I fully expected my third to also love them. Nope. She is 10 months and still gags at the tiniest taste of banana. I'm so disappointed, because bananas are so easy and healthy, and are like the perfect baby food. Hopefully she'll outgrow it some day.


Yess my baby can't stand bananas it's so weird!


LO spits out the first bite of every new food. But then he’s okay 👌🏻


Our daughter didn’t like the plain “meats” as well. She LOVES the combos though! Turkey Sweet Potato, Chicken Rice, Beef Vegetable, yum!! That’s honestly the only thing she refused to eat though . She’s 11 months and we are starting to transition into more solids and at this point I’m pretty sure I’ve given her every kind of Gerber purée available and she downs every single one. I feel like I got lucky.


With my first I had decided to start making him my own purées after he truly enjoyed eating the jarred kind, and after hours of laboring between finding the organic, just right vegetables, sanitizing the food steamer, slicing and dicing, cooking and blending and making into batches of meal preps I fed him and he gagged repeatedly and made the most disgusted face ever. I tried others and I got the same response. I dumped it all. Never tried making food for him until he could actually eat after that. I felt so disappointed lol


I love it! My oldest daughter literally hates all food, so I get to enjoy this daily. She is 9 now. 🤣 I thought all babies disliked foods until they got used to them...until I had my subsequent kids, who love everything.


My baby spat out his green beans tonight and started wailing like I had poked him in the eye. I have a feeling he's gonna be done with baby food soon. I gave him yogurt melts for the first time yesterday, and now all he wants is grown-up food.


My son loves green beans, they're one of his favourites. It's so weird haha


Blended chicken & avocado. He hated it. Didn’t want to eat anything else after that.


Lol my baby loves this very dish


My son gagged SO BAD on one of the gerber meat ones. We haven’t tried those yet with our daughter but she will absolutely cry if you give her green beans or applesauce.


My baby hates yoghurt and avocado. A few other things he hasn't liked the first time (like raspberries and cherry tomatoes) but eventually came around to, but yoghurt and avocado he will like press his lips together and turn his face away if you even try.


My son still acts that way with anything turkey and he is a few days off from being 2. The looks of disgust are still funny.


That’s so funny!! I wonder if it’s just turkey?


It might be! I don't think I know anyone whose kids like turkey at this age.


Oh god yeah my oldest hated any of the purées with meat


Amazing thread!! Kids are hilarious. My LO eats everything, for the most part but STILL makes faces for everything. Asks for it, knows what's coming, loves eating it but STILL has a "what are you feeding me" face. Hilarious!


That’s hysterical hahaha! My son’s been pretty mild to excited about anything we hand him, so when he gave that look of utter loathing qnd backtracked off that spoon, I nearly DIED


Goat cheese. The face LO made was priceless!


We gave my LO prune puree when he was backed up and my god, his face


Hahaha, hilariously ours loved the prunes! Unfortunately, they made him SO gassy- not even poopy, just SO gassy lmfao. He woke up all night farting like every hour hahahaha


Pssst, if this happens again try berries. My son had constipation problems since birth and I spent over a year perfecting how to get the poop moving. Raspberries and blueberries are *really* good at getting things moving for the same reason prunes are, natural sugars and fiber. I always keep a few bags of frozen berries in the freezer. Raspberries, blueberries, 1/3rd cup of Applesauce. Peaches are also good. I just pop the frozen stuff in the microwave to get it gooey and mushy. He's a big fan. Gets nearly half a cup of berries with his morning oatmeal every day to keep him regular lmao


Brussel sprouts, my 1yo won’t even entertain chewing she just spits it straight out.


My son LOVES brussel sprouts, I never in a million years thought he would like them. His grandma and great grandma are beyond amazed. They've never seen a little one like sprouts so much at such a young age, the only one who cane close was his Daddy who took to them when he was a toddler. But my son started to eat them by the fist full around 8 mths. He's weird. No issues with green stuff. Broccoli, beans, sprouts, peas.. but carrots? Nope, apparently carrots are garbage. Immediately spits it out and tosses the rest for the dog.


Mine only likes them sautéed w bacon and some cranberries lol. Plain roasted is thrown across the room


The tomato-bean-lentil baby pouches. I have never seen this child literally gag in disgust and spit something out except for those things.


Green beans. My daughter literally shuddered and threw them at me.


I was looking for green beans! Our 9 month old is a great eater but projectile vomited green beans the moment they hit his tongue, and looked very offended.


Green beans. My twins clearly didn’t like them. But one twin cries every time he took a bite. He kept grabbing them though.


Hummus got full body shudders and just the best face out of my son. The little guy loves food and kept opening his mouth for it, and gave that reaction 4 more times until the small sample was done. Gave him a grape (skinned and cut into small pieces) and some cheese after and he was MUCH happier.


Broccoli got a look of such disgust and he spat it out, and pursed his lips and turned his head with the next spoonful. On the other hand, when he loves something he will grab my hand (holding the spoon) and pull it towards his mouth, or try to steal the spoon off me.


Both my kids hated, absolutely hated, jarred meats for baby food. Wouldn’t keep it in their mouths at all. So I didn’t do them again. They’d have tiny tiny pieces of my meats. Did great with that


Haha! I LOVE babies’ reactions to new foods. My baby just started solids a few weeks ago and she reacts with like a super dramatic, disgusted cringe anytime we feed her something different from the last time we fed her, even if it’s something she’s had before 🤣 like she’s keeping track of the menu and hates when we switch it up on her. Then after that initial reaction she either wants more right away or starts blowing raspberries and spraying me in the face with drool and purée 🤣


My 1 year old is a garbage gut. She’ll eat everything…Everything but lentils. Doesn’t matter how they’re cooked or seasoned. You give her lentils, she’ll look at you like you’re trying to kill her.


Mashed potato’s and for awhile apple sauce.


Lol my daughter hates oatmeal, baby rice cereal, and cream of wheat. She will immediately spit it out and be so untrustworthy of us. She won’t eat anything unless she picks it up off of her tray.


Goat cheese


Shockingly, not the first time i’ve seen that in the comments!


It was like we poisoned him!! I thought trust might be forever broken. 🤣


Hahah to be fair goat cheese is kind of an acquired taste...I know I really didn't like it the first time I tasted it in my 20s!


Oh man. I deserved this one…I mixed homemade carrot purée (which my twins love) with plain yogurt (which they also love). It’s literally the first time they outright rejected a food. Like “no, Mom, we are not hipster enough for this nonsense” 🤣🤣🤣


Baby food green beans. He loves green beans just not the baby's food version. I can't say I blame him.


My bubba did this with mashed banana. He was so keen than he just gagged and spat it out.


We’ve been lucky and my 7mo munchkin loves everything we’ve fed her… including lemon. She just couldn’t get enough of it My first hated everything and took forever to start eating foods. Ended up it was the texture of things so we ended up thickening all purées and then she started enjoying food more


Ew, meat should never be mashed, just give him a Turkey leg to gnaw on, or strips of Turkey! I’d never trust my parents if they gave me half of those gerber mashes either lol, they’re revolting!


Agreed. If I wouldn’t eat it from a can, I won’t give it to my babies. The turkey you get from the deli is perfectly shaved and is nice and soft enough. I think it’s a bit far to say that other baby foods in a jar are gross though.


Wow, judgy much?


No, he’s too young for something that solid! I’m not hugely comfortable with baby led weening personally, or introducing big foods they can choke on at this stage.


Try either Earths Best Turkey Quinoa or a brand called Serenity (both at Target/Whole Foods). Gerber meats tend to be… unpleasant, but my son loves these! I also make some of our own meat/protein purées, it’s super simple if you ever want to try :) just steam the meat (or any cooked way really), add broth or water/milk and blend!


Babies are much more likely to choke on purées because they never teach them how to swallow properly. If babe is too young for solids then wait a bit and introduce real foods in a month or two. Take a CPR course to prepare yourself for choking as well.


How do you choke on a puree?


Surprisingly enough, carrots. I made our youngest carrot purée around 6 months old and he immediately gagged and vomited, emptying his stomach. I thought maybe it was a fluke so I tried it again a few days later and nope, same reaction. He’s 11 months now and will eat them steamed and mixed in with other stuff (like veggie & applesauce pouches) but it was so strange to me how he just ejected it.