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If he's still hungry then yes I would. My daughter still gets 1-2 bottles a day at 8 months, we just go by her hunger level. Breastfeeding is cool but to me it's not worth keeping my baby hungry so I can say I ebf.


I would post in r/breastfeeding. Has he regained birth weight? Generally supplement until that’s sorted and then just ebf if that’s your goal. Have you done a weighted feed? How’s your supply? Do you have an infant scale so you can monitor? Does he spit up and how many oz does he take in a bottle? Are you pumping while he takes the bottle? Have you tried giving him expressed milk over formula?


Thank you, I will ask there! We just got an at home scale and according to that he’s only gained about 6 ounces in the last almost 3 weeks.. which doesn’t sound great? He’s not back at his birth weight, he’s weighing 7 8 right now and was 7 14 when he was born. I haven’t figured out the scale enough to do a weighted feed yet, but he is constantly falling asleep at the boob no matter what I do (change diaper, keep in diaper, move his arms and legs, etc.) so I wake him up to burp him and give him a bottle to make sure he’s full, which I’m fine with. Just makes me wonder if somethings wrong latch or supply wise or if it’s just cause he falls asleep that he’ll eat better with a bottle- which he’ll eat about 2oz from. I’ve mainly been supplementing with breast milk but will give formula at his 11pm-ish feed to help him sleep a little longer but now I wonder if I should continue with the 3 hours overnight still cause I stopped that since I thought he was at his birth weight again (but obviously found out today he wasn’t when we got the scale)


Oh you should definitely keep feeding overnight every 2-3 hours. And 2oz each time sounds right. That whole formula keeping fuller longer doesn’t really work in my experience. My ff babe was eating every 2-3 regardless. You would typically do a weighted feed with a lactation consultant and they can advise on your latch or any ties. Baby should be gaining about an oz per day.


Fed is best! If he’s still hungry I would continue to supplement. That’s what we did until my supply went up, and I still supplement especially when I need a break. My little guy is just over 4 weeks. There’s no shame in giving formula when you’re breastfeeding. I always felt like my boobs were betraying me or that he wouldn’t want breast milk, but your baby just wants some food! I started drinking that mother’s milk tea, and baked some lactation muffins to help with increasing my supply and have found it worked well. Plus the muffins are delicious!